City Builders

Hey guys, what are some good modern city/civilization building games?
I'm not talking about anything that requires opponents, mind you. Just a good city sim.

So far, at least for me, its hard to beat SimCity 4.
Speaking of…you guys ever try anything neat with SimCity 4? Or any other city builder games?
Right now i'm trying to see if I can build a region in which only a few cities supply all the electric, water, and trash collection. As you get further into this map things should get cleaner and better.

Other urls found in this thread: Modpack 2013

Gridshit is superior. You're making a city, not a fucking faggot garden.

You did that yourself, user?Can you share it? I like to fuck with already made cities.

That should look pretty cool when it's done, OP. I prefer to fuck around with the terrain editor brick-by-brick.

Ah so that's why none of the squares line up.


The map? no I got it from simtropolis

Holla Forums doesn't seem to like .bmps so I can't give you the config file

part of the problem though…is that on the outer areas i'm letting polution and shit go rampant.

Still…this city has no power plants, no garbage collection, no water pumps/towers or anything like that.

It would be nice if I could find a way to offload industry to some other areas completely…but that doesn't seem entirely possible.

Maybe with trains?

Can't you just rename the extension to .swf and have the user downloading it change it back to .bmps?

Shit. Can you upload it somewhere else? Maybe imgur accepts .bmp. Dunno why Holla Forums doesn't but consider .swf wasn't a thing until much later here.

save it as a png, png is lossless so he can just convert it back

Oh, also, it is possible to concentrate in something specifically in a city and still be successful? As in, if I don't want industries but just commercial zones and residence and leave industrialization to other city so they can trade between each other. Could it work?


On windows 7. can't just change file type by changing the extension. Which is weak as fuck.

imgur link.

You could.
The problem is that the game seems to be geared towards wanting every city to have every desire dealt with internally.
However, if you don't give that much of a shit about mayor rating you CAN do almost whatever the fuck you want.
I think the most important thing is that you try to maintain a positive cash flow.

Oh look..its the post about how much a game sucks without giving examples of "better" games.

Cities Skylines.
Why would you even bother with anything else?

I've lost in city builders. In Sim City games actually.
You let the mayor rating get too fucking low or you go too far into debt (in the older games).

Ok…but how good as a simulator is skylines?

If you want a city builder with challenge in its scenarios, then try something else. Cities Skylines is an excellent sandbox city builder, and with mods you can make some really neat shit. FPS does suffer once the city reaches a certain complexity though.

Traffic was ass but apparently mods fixed it.

I want cuckchan to leave.

As good as it's gonna get.
Certainly better than Gaycity 4

Banished is fantastic, and it actually pretty hardcore and challenging.

Like a clockwork. CS doesn't run on my toaster anyway. And you can lose in simcity if you grow too fast and you're not careful.

I was playing some of it but it seems very small.
As in..i'm not building cities i'm building villages outright.

You know what…I'm going to go fuck with it some more.
The problem I have with it and other things like it though is that it really really really wants you to micromanage far more than any big-city builder.


Anyway, I've been having fun with 4 lately, finally managed to get a city to the point of getting a space elevator without being crushed by debt.

Saying Banished again, only because you mentioned your toaster. The game is the most optimized thing I've ever seen. It's only 250MB,

Well I have a plan and I need to make it OVER to those middle four squares.

the shit on the left side is basically failure. I tried to expand too far too fast and I couldn't get the dynamics of transferring power and water across cities.

You're part of the reason why this industry is so shit.

yes you can, but you need to enable extensions first.

seriously though…what are some good city builders?
Even the crazy ones.

I remember this one called "Afterlife" that was made by LucasArts and it was a city builder with heaven and hell.

What ever happened to those crazy little concepts for things?

It's not loading :(

It's the exact same with the movie industry, although not yet as refined. They know a formula that works and use it every time. With it they can appeal to a wider audience and people who like creativity are screwed.

If you can find it its called "Lost Atalyntis"
or something like that.

That formula that works has been used throughout almost all of history. It is called the heroes journey, and almost every single story has used it. It appeals to a large number of people because it is easy to understand, and is adaptable to almost any story. Hollywood uses it a lot because it is easy, and they know it will work. I*n a world where it costs billions to make a movie, they can't afford to take risks. If you were a director, and had the choice between spending 100 billion on a movie that might not even break even, or one that would rake in billions more, you'd choose the one where you'd make billions more. And for why it is creatively bankrupt, I challenge you to think of one plot or setting that has not been done by Hollywood. Not to mention you'd have to sell this new idea to the public. So, even if your movie is god-tier, you may not even make your money back because the public can't be bothered to take a risk. So in summary, if you take a risk and fail, billions will be lost, even if you make a good movie.

Sorry for bothering you again, mate, but don't you have this one on .png or it doesn't matter?

Someone needs to go back to math class

I can actually almost make an exception for the prior two DLCs, but natural disasters really should have been put in a free patch.

Never mind, user. Time to make some comfy city.

I don't know what you mean by "modern", but there is the city builder "Children of the Nile" which is in 3D.

I have it on my GOG account, I'll upload it to if anyone wants it.

I think it is what the game accepts.
Please talk to this man.
he seems to have got it to work.

Wait a second, how did your middle circle become one big region?
Mine is 4 separate ones

There's a separate picture that can be made to define city sizes. IIRC, 1 red pixel will represent a small city size, 2x2 green pixels will represent a medium city, and 4x4 blue will represent large.

My fascination with Anno 2070 is disgusting.
I just love it so much.

All the plate spinning and everything is just so appealing.

I give few fucks about the RTS but I'm glad it's there because it lets me build nukes so I can glass my own cities when I feel like it.
Just thinking about it makes me want to play again.
2205 was such a let down.

I always loved that housing/building design, they look comfy as fuck. Modern wood paneling and rounded designs with classical window and structure

It'll be uploaded to in a hour and half.

Thanks user.

Use this guide
Or watch the embed.

Check the IDs. I made it, fam.

SimCity 2011 is shit; don't even bother with it. It's the dictionary definition of "casualization".

Cities XL probably won't run on your computer beyond a city somewhere between "small" and "medium", so the map size is irrelevant; the forced social-classes thing is also kinda awkward.

Cities Skylines is Open TTD with a SimCity skin on it, not really a city builder. Curved roads are nice, but I personally think the everything-snaps-to-roads system actually makes it MORE restrictive than a grid.

Meanwhile, SC4 still has an active modding community and continues to be relevant THIRTEEN YEARS after release. I'm sticking with this until something comes along that is actually better, instead of "different".

In any case, I prefer natural terrain. Flat land makes for flat (boring) cities; that's the first rule to making SimCity not look like shit. Back when I played more often, I would use USGS data to create the greyscale bitmaps based on properly-scaled real-world terrain. There's probably still some tutorials floating around the internet with how to do this. It's not easy, but it's worth it.

The DLC is shit but Cities Skylines' main problem is its traffic system is about as broken as SimCity 4's.

Actually, you're both right. You can change an extension, but in order to actually change the file type you need to convert it.

I don't know if that's common or not for other operating systems. Just an observation.

Why the hell can't I get a text post through in this thread?

That's a really cool intersection… in the middle of literally nowhere…

Fuck this. Let's try posting in chunks.
I want to go full road and rail autism and try Cities in Motion. Which one is better - first game or sequel?

Looks rad. Keep us posted, user.

We need more futuristic city sims in general.

Have you tried Transport Tycoon or Open TTD? That's about fifty shades of autism more than either of the CiM games.

Pretty sure there's a mod for SC4 that turns everything into essentially SimMars. I haven't looked into it much, but I heard they were making one about… fuck, must have been six or more years ago. I've been out of the loop too long; dropping NEET status will do that for you.

For some reason I can't post exactly one chunk of my reply. It goes to "Posting 100%" and gets stuck there until I reload a page. Weird.

Yeah, I've tried TTD, but that's not really what I'm looking for. I'm more into building interchanges and railroads rather than large-scale networks. CiM looks like it's what I want, but I don't know which of the two is better.

A great mod, shame it's just cosmetic. I'd really like to see a proper futuristic city sim with crazy tech applied to urban design.



Are there any city/empire building games that take place/use mesoamerican/south american stuff?

I know there's some RTS/Strategy titles, especially older ones, but they don't seem to place that much of a focus on actual geography and urban planning and stuff, unless i'm wrong

Just learn graphic design if you want to make your cities look like the prince logo.

how is that game by the way? I once pirated it but deleted it before trying because I was busy with other shit.


They did, just not as well as the Egyptians.

You might have a point, mexicans can't even figure out in which side of the taco does the filling and salsa goes.

I love it.
When I play city sims I usually look for something where I can get as autistic as possible with it.

The level of customization is absolutely amazing. If you want to see what you can do with the game if you're autistic enough look for Strictoaster on youtube, it's honestly amazing.


They absolutely did, all of it is pre conequest, in fact, the two sites in the second and third picture were already in ruins by the time the Aztecs came to power, let alone by the time europeans arrived.

The Aztec captial was the 5th largest city in the world at the time the spainish arrived with some of the most impressive hydrogenating feats on the planet. It was built on a lake alongside other core cities that all had interconnected causeways, dykes, and aqueducts, and the aztecs didn't use metal tools or have beats of burden, so they managed to do it all without either. It was all also devolped in under 200 years since it was only founded in the 1300's.

Literally every first hand conquistador account has them remaking that despite the brutality of their religious practices the cities were mind boggingly magnificent.

So yes, easily comparable if not superior to what the Egyptians did. To compare them to the ergyptians further, the pyramid in the second image is actually larger then the great pyramid of giza, the photo is merely showing a small part of it. 90% of it is buried. It's the largest pyramid on the planet as well as the largest single monument on the planet, pic related.

Forgot to link to the wiki page,

Also, might as well link to the pages for the Aztec captial and Teotihaucan, which was the third pic in

Apparently it plays more like a traffic logistics simulator than a city builder

what he said. Managing traffic and roads takes up 90% of your time in game when your city gets bigger. Wotrth a pirate tho.

Though on that point, what would be the difference between it and a real city builder?

They didn’t.
Aww, you think that Columbus was the first time caucasians went to the Americas. Cute.

Its alright but those building pack break the fucking game for me each time.
Those traffic mods are fucking need though.

Also one huge thing that bothers me is that smaller houses house about 6 families, makes no since. Also a mod for that but still.

I also really like SimCity 3000, being simpler than 4 is way more comfy to play when you just want to fuck around. Except when you have fucking space junk falling in your city, like pic related.

I don't even know what you are trying to imply.

That the Scandinavians built them? Are you seriously that retarded? Putting aside the fact we can trace the artechtrueal and cultural development from other native sources the same way you can trace the development of cultures and architecture in the fertile crescent cultures over time or European ones, The Norse settlements in north America didn't occur till around 1000ad, Teotihaucan was built in 100BC, and the Cholula pyramid started in 3bc

There's literally over a millennium timegap between when they started construction and when the Norse arrived, and when the Norse did make small settlements, those are over 5000 fucking kilometers away from where these are. It's litterally the same distance from Rome to Dehli.

It's a completely absurd conspiracy theory on your part with zero evidence to support it. It's in fact so utterly retarded I can;t even believe somebody would shitpost about it, you are just honestly deluded.

I would love to see you try to present even a shred of evidence for that.

whoops, meant to reply to

Lemmie put this in perspective a bit more: Both of those sites were already long abandoned and in ruins by the time the first north american Norse settlements happened in 1000ad. Even if you were to imply that historians somehow fucked up all the date estimations, the Choula pyramid was buried under a gigantic amount of soil. There's litterally scientific dating evidence that can show you how old it is.

How do I send a police car to an specific location in SimCity 4? I forgot.

Clearly these are remnants of cities destroyed in the Finno-Korean Hyper War.

Ah, of course, how could I forget.

Giza mass autism array gets me every time


Disasters tab.

Like clockwork. Though the filenames aren't in ALLCAPS as they should be.


who else hype for urban empire?

We ferguson all over again

I want to get back into SimCity 4 but the USB drive that I kept my mods on has been corrupted and I have lost the mods that I previously had. Has anyone got a guide to new mods for the game? A lot has changed since I last played it a few years ago. For example is CAM worth installing over SPAM? Or am I better off getting Skylines?

Skylines is shit, little more than a traffic simulator and a bad one at that.
Browse around Simtropolis. NAM is a must as always and has lots of new stuff. If you want new buildings (good) modders have graciously abandoned the practice of relying on the 'resource packs' of other autists who try to assert intellectual property rights and generally package everything into a single file. They turn out some really swanky stuff too.

It's still shit then? I completely wrote it off when they sold day/night cycles as DLC.

I've wasted 200 hours on the game and I still can't figure out what increase demand for various things. It seems completely based on how much traffic is moving around and how quickly your factories can export, which effectively turns the game into a conveyor belt simulator. You'll spend more time figuring out how to get a constant stream of trucks in and out of the train depot than actually making a city.

I had to uninstall NAM because it was too damn complicated. It had a lot of useful stuff, but it was really complicated to use.

I generally ignored all the autistic puzzle pieces. Last I was playing (2 years ago) they had various network extensions that worked like the vanilla pieces. The install was modular so you could choose how assbergers you wanted to be.

The problem is, everything was cramped in the menu and it made it harder to navigate to find a single piece of road that wasn't a puzzle.

Have some spaghetti junction

This is a decent game, but it's got problems and when I look for fixes I mostly find a bunch of retards telling people who ask about mods to fuck off and 'play the game how it's meant to be played.'
I'm tired of having starvation problems because a family will hoard the food and not leave anything for new families even when they're sufficiently close to the marketplace, I'm tired of people starving to death when all the marketplaces and storage units close to them are filled with food, and I have no clue how this happens when when a house runs out of firewood, people will just keep going to their neighbors. When they're starving, why can't they just eat their neighbors food?

I hear about people fake-demolishing houses to get people to get their shit from other houses, but why the fuck can't this just be fixed instead? Anyone know of any mods that overhaul this crap so starvation works more like freezing?

Well, that just throws all sorts of experimentation out the window and doesn't even sound as interesting as Transport Tycoon. A shame since the building tools are pretty decent.

Traffic management is a pretty important part of city planning, user; especially with agent-based simulation. Look at Dallas, then don't do what Dallas does.

The problem to me isn't so much the traffic management as the sense it has a hard coded scenario in mind. This is why I like things like Tropico where you can mold the purpose of a city more directly.

The game is biased towards roundabouts, which are shit for heavy traffic, but intersections won't do right turns on red or protected turns and you can't designate extra turning or exit lanes by default.
No merging lanes for on ramps for highways.
No merging lanes in general.
Bus simulation NEVER keeps up with demand and routing is automatic so you can't do it manually. Literal thousands of people standing at a single station waiting to cram onto a bus 30 at a time.
Trains are a clusterfuck. They magically pop into existence at a station, depart, and promptly collide with another train that was inbound.
People seem to hate using the subways.
Vehicles don't move aside for emergency vehicles
Can't designate HOV lanes
Lots are bound to the streets, so fuck any upgrading that isn't part of the vanilla one-click system.

It's a traffic management sim that is inferior in every way to modded SC4 save for curved roads.

3,000 was essentially a prettier 2,000. Not a WHOLE lot of things changed in how it played from what I can recall.

I'm about to start on 3000 again myself. I also like that it doesn't run as poorly as 4. Were there ever any texture packs for it? 3000 stuff is hard to find these days.

All those public transport logic issues still happen? I haven't launched the game in about six months

I don't know about the texture packs. I seem to vaguely remember that it had some built-in stuff that allowed you to change building styles. But that may have been in 2000.
Its been a long long time since those days.

So I wanted to do an intersection here to connect cities but I can. God damn it.

Simcity 3000 had a Building Architect Tool, but it ran separately from the game and is evidently really hard to find. Building sets other people made are still available though. Someone in the share thread might have it if you're interested.

Yeah, you can change styles at the beginning of city creation.

I'll hunt around some more, remember having difficulty last time I checked on most of the community sites.

Steadily getting there. What are the benefits of the cargo ports? Should I add them only to the industrial cities or all of them?

I want civ 3 and simcity4 to be combined.

Add in Empire Earth and you've got a game


I think most of my preconceptions about Dallas comes from the coincidence of taking a yearly trip down there during the start of Cowboys season.

And what are those preconceptions?

The highways are always gridlocked. They layer exits over exits that lead to services roads and it's still not enough.

I also want to flesh out the events & technology research in the game.

I want to be combined with Civ 3 &Sim City 4 w/ Europa Universalis &HOI3:BlackICE. Black Ice gives you units to research such as the SS,and Rail Way guns.

It was fun playing Japan and using Licenced SS units in Korea.

I don't like how casual the technology research is done for Civilization series.
It would be nice to research technology such as battlecruisers,and different Bows &arrow technologies.

Nigga what the fuck are you doing?

The vikings landed in Canada and Greenland though, not Mexico.

He's talking about the Solutreans, not the Vikings. Still mildly crackpottish but not full retard.

3000 is extremely comfy, and it has the added benefit of being able to run on a toaster, compared to SC4 where a large-size city tile completely filled in can lag on even good machines (mostly because it can only run on one core and literally all new CPUs sacrifice individual core power in favor of more cores). I've always liked the simplistic visual aesthetic, and of course the music was unquestionably the best in the franchise.

I really enjoyed Caesar 3 as a kid, one of my favorite games, still have the manual and cd. Is there a modern version of this game? Perhaps one where the citizens of my city have a slightly better chance of not running off into the wilds because they took a wrong turn?

Always relevant.

I'm kinda biased since 3000 was my first SC but I never really got into 2000.

Doing this was way trickier than it needed to be in Simcity 4.

The trick is managing both the block size and the density. Not many people know that you can force certain block sizes by holding ctrl when zoning. Since density is largely a function of traffic, it helps if you put the mansions in areas that aren't in the middle of the city. I prefer the outskirts, when possible, usually alongside water or in hilly areas.

There's an excellent mod for Banished you should try if you're comfortable with the base game. It's called Colonial Charter.

3x3 low density residential zones always turn into mansions after you have enough education and wealth on the area, that's how I did that little neighborhood in my third pic here

You what? He's the one building his entire arguement around a conspiracy theory.

If he was suggesting that the soulutrean hypothesis is correct, and they they interbred with natives and those interbred descendants went on to spread down into central mexico and that gave rise to the olmecs and later the other central american civilizations, that'd be one thing (which still has essentially zero evidence to support it), but he's not claiming that, he's claiming that all native archelogical sites were built by europeans entirely.

Anyone who has done any sort of regular travel for work feels your pain.

Also, Texans drive like fucking idiots. Like they're trying to go back to the future but end up in the same bumper game no matter what era they visit.

Where can I easily steal SC3000?

just use rutacker for old games like this

Life is Feudal: Forest Village

Looks a lot like Banished, but still in early acces.

It came out on GoG a while ago, probably someone on a share thread has it.

I'm surprised it's not abandonware by now.

But I wouldn't know; I still have my original disk.

I love this game but unfortunately it runs like complete ass on my modern PC and I can only get 20 FPS max. It pisses me off to no end, I love it and there's no other city builder like it.

The hell does FPS matter in a city building game?

Anyway, it's probably just your CPU bottlenecking. You might be able to add a command to the game's shortcut line to force it to run on one core. I also read that they released an "enhanced edition" in 2008; have you tried that to see if it's been better optimized?

This is why roads were so fucky, back then. Otherwise, you're just going uphill against nature. Still the same way, today, and personally, I'd rather have more Bostons than New York Cities.

Does anyone have those old guide pictures and modpacks for SC4? I remember the modpack had a Jap and Western version


Whats the last two images from? That really doesn't look like SC4 or skylines.

pretty sure they're all sc4 with mods

I second this

I want to know what mods are those please

no idea

I'd play Cities Skylines but I have to download that mod that lets you use 1 cell wide roads and download at least 6 million extra buildings one by one if I want to make a european style dense city that doesn't follow a grid

I second Colonial Charter. Vanilla Banished really lacks content, but CC adds a fuckton of both width and depth to the game. Loads of new housing types, longer production chains, tons of new resources, crops etc. and refining buildings.

The game runs choppy as fuck to the point where it's almost unplayable.

I've tried limiting it to one core and trying to play the enhanced edition, but I still get horrible performance. I think I'll just have to run it on an older PC.

No idea about the modpacks though.

Thank, seeing "Oldshoes" helped me find the pack anyway. Fair warning though, it's almost 4 years old. Modpack 2013

I remember one time in Sim City 4 and I turned all the taxes to 0.0% and all of my poor residential areas just suddenly turned into mansions.

I haven't managed to pull that off again but it was hilarious.

There's just something about SC that seems off and it looks like shit. SC4 is still way better

That reminds me of one of the biggest things I dislike about SimCity in general, and that's the "value creep" and "density creep". The game is hardcoded to attempt to eventually transform everything into the highest density and highest wealth level possible. If left to its own devices, everything will be skyscrapers and mansions. I attribute this to Will Wright being a fan of utopias in general.

In any case, it's unrealistic and so you have to find obtuse ways to control it by historical designation, plot sizes, or using things that lower land value like shirking on services or zoning near pollution. I'd pay money if someone developed a mod that allowed for a "box select" historical designation. Zone a giant residential area, wait for it to fill in with shacks and trailers, and then pause and historically designate the whole thing in one swoop, before it has a chance to turn into medium wealth or fucktons of duplexes because muh density.

One of these days I'll get around to making a proper tutorial on making cities look good, focused on the macro scale. With like… pretty pictures and shit so people take it seriously.

Does CC dump all the content on you at once? If so, how's the learning curve?

anyone else seeing this?

It does and the learning curve is a bit steeper than vanilla. But the start of the game is the same so if you're familiar with the vanilla game, you shouldn't have massive problems getting a handle on CC. The biggest hurdle is probably learning which resources/products the various icons mean, but there is an ingame index for all of them.

Just looks like a regular four-pointed star to me ✦

I remember in Sim City 2000 the only time I ever "lost" was when I was bored and just started covering the entire terrain with train tracks. Then I put it on African Swallow speed and like a minute later there was a violent revolution and I was booted from office.

i want to play simcity 4 so bad but i want to play it whit plugin packs and such, any surviving plugin pack that remains?

You got any of these general visual guides for Cities Skylines?
Like I've played the game for maybe 6 hours and I'm at a point where I'd like to know all the little details in order to optimize the city.

Oh, mastering Cities: Skylines is pretty easy.

Step 1: Download Open TTD.
Step 2: Master Open TTD.
Step 3: Do the exact same thing in Cities Skylines.

Wanna start a server?

People still play simcity 4?

user, I want to ask. Gay sex?

i dont get it


It's still better than anything else.

Fallout 4 you can build a city,

If your definition of "city" is african slum then yes, you can.

I don't, sorry, those were from 2013 or so. I think the principles from those pictures can be adopted in C:S without many problems though.

any plugin packs that i can get? i dont want to browse the entire simtropolis just to find plugins that dont work

If it doesn't look like it grew organically, it's shit. Pre-planned cities are ugly as fuck.

I downloaded everything (and years ago) all a little at a time, custom tailored for the needs of this particular region and my own preferences (lots of ploppable things like the farm and industry stuff, flora/fauna ploppables and rocks and paths and things). Most everything you can get will work (or you'll read it in the comments) and independently if you only get stuff that doesn't require dependencies. If I had to guess, I would say most plugin packs would probably be released by a single developer or collection of a few and contain only their stuff as a promo. Since most people want to build shiny skyscraper forests, most of the plugins will likely be tailored to that sort of thing. I just browsed in the categories I was partial to, mostly when I already had something in mind for what I wanted. Then again, that was back when I was a NEET and had lots of free time to browse Simtropolis for hours every day.

We’ve proven it, dipshit.

There’s no evidence of that.
Yep. And there’s PLENTY of evidence of that.

Holy fuck, did we ever find a liberal here. I bet you think that all the races are the same, too.

You’re a faggot.

Such as?

I assume the video you linked, and i'll watch it, but it looks like a """"History"""" Channel ancient aliens tier conspiracy theory documentary. Also, contrary to your shitpost, i'm actually open to a conspiracy theories being correct provided I see ample evidence that supports it, but at that point I won't call it a conspiracy theory. I'lll just call it a theory.

If it changes my mind or brings up good points, i'll post again, but I have low expectations. Also, for what it's worth, I actually think the Soultrean hypotysis DOES have valid evidence, but as I said in the post you quote, you are claiming that all major mesoamerican and I'd assume south american metropoltian sites are actually from a distinct solutrean population that didn't interbreed, which is absoulely absurd and IS without evidence.

Also, another reason why your theory is stupid is that the soultrean hypothesis would be that they migrated to north america around 20,000 years ago.The more commonly accepted theory of the americas being settled has it that proto-asians crossed over 16,000 years ago.

There's literally no important distinction between the commonly accepted theory and what you are saying as far as race goes, because a soultrean originated american population would still be considered native american, since they would have been on the american landmass even longer.

You think you are trying to prove that white people or europeans built the sites instead of those dirty stiken indies, but in reality all you are arguing is that native americans descended from proto-europeans instead of proto-asians, or there was a seperate "native american" population from the asian origin one that was eurpeaon originated, and the aztecs/mayans/incans/whoeever descedened from that group instead.

So fucking what?

Freezeezy Peak

played games?

If they were actually worth playing, they wouldn't have decimal points in the name.


Osiris new dawn.

Can you guys recommend me a good city builder? I have tried one of the first SimCity games, idk if it was the first or second one, but I haven't played the new ones at all.

I do own Cities XL, which I am not a big fan of. I still played it for 80 hours, but after a while all cities start to look the same, and trying something creative is usually very expensive. People always say that Cities: Skylines is very good, but I haven't tried it yet.

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

What? It was designed as a tutorial? That was the hot property of that era, much like press f to pay respect is atm.

i tried downloading them individually but sometimes the plugins wont load (i tried whit a geothermal power plant and it never lodaded) also there is the issue that some plugins requires other plugins that requires other plugins to work, it's a pain
make a .rar of your plugins and call it a pluging pack

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

I'd let him impregnate my anus, if you catch my drift

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

I got banned too and I literally didnu nuffin.

bui here

please erp with me as klonoa with stinky paws and i'll stop :3

my discord is Bui#3468
you must have a cute klonoa avatar or i won't add you~

i prolly need to get further in story for more people but everywhere i go i just die

im an orc or half orc or something for the roleplaying

Not that guy, but I'd start out with oldshoe's pack here.
Alternatively, there is a praetorian modpack, but the torrent link for that is long dead. I don't know why, but SC4 modmakers absolutely abhor modpacks, so those are the only two I've ever heard of.

Because you want your city to have farms that look like real farms?

It's your usual "muh mod copyright" bullshit.

My deafult layout. Areas of 18 x 8, so streets are 20 x 10 or 21 x 10 or 22 x 10. The 20,21,22 depending on street width. The 4 lane and 6 lane streets are 2 tiles bigger than the 2 lane street.

18 x 8 fits all the basic needs buildings, 1 park and metro station.

I suppose I could do something similar, which would be looking up all the mods I use that I consider essential, and pointing out the links to them. I'll consider it if I have some spare time.

Anyway, there could be lots of reasons why something you downloaded doesn't work. It could be corrupted, extracted incorrectly, put into the wrong folder, require a different version of SC4, or require a dependency. The thing about dependencies is that usually they're visual: the dependency is an asset (such as a prop on the building) that is not included in the building download, itself. However, this will manifest as the building appearing as a brown-paper-wrapped box, which is what the game defaults to when it can't properly load a building's appearance. If the power plant you downloaded doesn't appear in the game at all, it may be a different problem than a missing dependency. I'd have to check it out to be sure.

my hero, those autistic simtropolis modders were taking down all the pluging packs in a witch hunt of greed.

To note is the fact that Europeans literally did not exist 20,000 years ago. Any cultural definition you might apply to whatever group was the first to cross the Bering Strait land bridge is erroneous and irrelevant.

go back to reddit
no one wants a shitty unity game that needs 3GB ram to display a flat plane with some trees on it.
enjoy paying for the DAY NIGHT DLC retard

how fucking depressing is it that no one has made a city builder that looks as good as (and plays) like sc4 a game from fucking 2003

It probably won't ever happen. EA dissolved Maxis and even if they make more city builders, they won't be like the groundbreaking SimCity2000 (of which 3000 and 4 were essentially upgrades of). Other game producers can't/won't make one like it, either, because they have to be "original". Imagine if Coca-Cola stopped producing its namesake soda (say, to focus on other sodas it owns). If any other company produced a soda that tasted exactly like coke (which, in an age of modern chemistry, is possible), they'd scream infringement of intellectual property of that flavor, and win in court. Oh sure, other companies can and do make sodas that are KINDA like coke, but you would literally never be able to taste coca-cola, ever again.

With SimCity, our only hope is for a group of dedicated fans to reverse-engineer the game code and make a new version on a modern engine. However, because places like Simtropolis are becoming hives of groupthink, greed, and paranoia, and the entire indie game market is focused on "LOOK HOW UNIQUE MY GAME IS", that seems unlikely.

first openttd
then openrct2
and one day

we can dream

I need mod recommendations for a comfy Sim City 4 winter sit down.

My shitty PSX SimCity2000 came with a mode where you could have a car actually drive around the city you created, in a psuedo-3D where everything had generic and really shitty boxy models. IIRC you couldn't control where the car actually WENT, but it was extremely interesting. So far as I know, no other game or version has anything like that.


There needs to be an opensc2000 or opensc3000 before that can happen. (the original simcity had its source code released officially) Simcity 4 is WAY to complex to be reversed engineered easily.

What still needs to be reverse-engineered? What IS a city builder but a simulation that runs under the surface with graphics on top? With the NAM being as powerful as it is, I'm sure the modders who made it understand the traffic simulation perfectly, and that's the hardest thing to get right in a city builder, it seems. Things like residential/commercial/industrial demand are rather simple number interactions, and because of the CAM, I'm fairly sure that's been cracked, too. All that remains is the graphics on top, and with so many modders making buildings from scratch, that's easily solvable.

I think the only obstacle to this sort of thing happening is the refusal of the community to work together, and the threat of EA bringing down the hammer if anyone makes a standalone copy of it instead of just "mods" that still require the base game. I don't even think SC2000 has been released as abandonware yet, so it might be a century before EA loosens their grip.

For PC, there's Simcopter and Streets of Simcity; which you can open your Simcity saves. Simcopter even does the bonus of looking at your city stats and queues up disasters based on those.

SC2000 became abandonware back in 2009 but its source code was never released and EA is selling the game again through GOG.

I still think that fans would probably make open source remakes of SC2000 and SC3000 first because they would be much easier to make and would be a good starting point.

As for EA taking the project down, they could just make an engine replacement that still requires data from the original SimCity 4 like what OpenTDD originally did before becoming a full remake.

I don't know what's stopping them, then. Open TTD is practically SC2000 with a different simulation engine. It's no less complex.

guise, lot's of games are on sale, is there any city builder you would recommend?

I still dabble in civ, simulators, and city-building games… have for years.. but I always quit once i reach the advanced stages because the game engines seem to get bogged-down doing the calculations… even with a current processor…

We're talking about a "living" world sim going from individual scale to planetary scale @ 1 day resolution with all the systems associated with city-building and sim games being rendered. It seems like it would be currently impossible unless you actually ran the fucking thing in real time only and on dedicated server in your house. Wouldn't you need a completely new game engine (or possibly specialized hardware) - fully optimized for the task - to even attempt to run the scale of calculations that such a game would require and to play it at a "normal" reasonable speed like we would expect? It seems like this would only work as an MMO, with each player handling calculations for one city. Kinda defeats the purpose if you want to play God…

We're really good at polygons and textures and lighting and other visual gimmicks in scenes but such a project would be going in an entirely new direction as far as the gaming industry is concerned.

This is likely due to those ancient game engines being able to only use one core. Modern processors sacrifice the power of individual cores for having lots and lots of cores, so those older games will actually run better on older computers.

That being said, it could work like a better version of the regions in SC4. When exiting the city screen to the "civilization" screen, all activity in the city is paused, leaving it represented as only a list of variables (power/water consumption, population, industrial production, how much money it makes per year, etc), and this affects how it impacts the other cities. Because Civ games are TBS, though, there would have to be some kind of limit on how much you can modify each city per "turn", so you couldn't cheese the game by sitting in the city screen for hours and hours making the village into a metropolis and then go back to Civ mode and have a powerhouse city by turn 2.

I suppose what could be done is that you can't actually build in the city during your turn, you can only designate spaces to be built on, and choose what to build there. Then, when you end your turn in Civ mode, it runs an extremely simple process whereby all changes are successfully made all at once, depending of course on how many "turns" it takes to build those things. In effect, time never passes for the city while you work on it, only in between turns. It would have to grossly simplify the city builder's requirements, though. For example, in SimCity you can't just zone some random residential area and expect houses. They have to be built on a road and have power, there has to be positive demand, and in case of higher wealth levels there are other things like water, desirability (stuff like pollution and access to civic services and water) etc.. A zone may sit empty for a very long time if these conditions are not met. In order to ensure you're not getting cheated too much at the end of each turn in this combined City/Civ game and lower processing requirements, this would have to be much simpler. Maybe it only checks a few basic things like whether there is a road and there is power (think as simple as SimCity Classic) and immediately puts those changes through at the end of the turn.

So, suppose you go into the city screen of your capital during your turn, zone a bunch of industrial areas, and designate an area for a military base. Nothing happens. You then exit the city screen, move some units around on the Civ map, and end your turn. The city then runs a very simple check to make sure those new industrial zones have power and road access, and builds factories on them all at once, and then adjusts the city's numbers (it now has less power, but more production). At the current rate of production, the military base will take four turns, so when you go back into the city screen at your next turn, you will see new factories in those industrial zones, and the base partially built (and with a little tooltip that says it needs three more turns to fully construct).

This way, the game only has to run a large number of calculations regarding what's happening in cities in between turns (as all Civ games do) and not in real-time.

Right, that's the point of what I was saying in the post you responded to, and why his point/implication is that "superior europeans" built those cities rather then "the filthy natives", is stupid