Why is Holla Forums so casual?

I thought Holla Forums didn't like kikery

Holla Forums has always been casual.

Holla Forums is a board for video games. Dota 2 and Overwatch are video games.

sage negated

Reddit flooded here en masse over the past half year

Fixed that for you

It's too bad Mark killed 8/vg/ or these shitstains would have a containment board.

Why is this a problem?



It was nowhere near this bad until about half a year ago

We all know what you like, even your ID does. If you're triggered by it filter/hide them though if you need to do that you should probably find a safespace on tumblr or somewhere where people are told what they should like.

Newfag detected. Holla Forums has been an unbearable shithole on the quality level of reddit/neogaf since december 2014

I don't see the problem, why is it bad if people talk about certain videogames?

Summer 2015 was really bad, this one was even worse.
Especially after Hiroshima banned all those faggots during E3 and banned certain regions.


Lurk more.

No, user, you're the newfag that spouts the 'Holla Forums was never good xDDDDD' meme

The board was good for roughly 2 and a half months from september 2014, and then it became 8gag.


>on an anonymous bavarian finger wrestling imageboard

2015 was still decent, but I agree
Winter holidays really fucked it up, especially with all the Witcher 3 shilling.

I did, now let's say there's two threads, one about Overwatch and another about Rainbow Six: Siege. Taking a look at Holla Forums, the Overwatch thread seems to be a problem. What exactly is the problem, and what should be done against it?

Your board owner is a 2010 halfchan newfag who embraces the line of thought that Holla Forums should be Holla Forums with videogames.


You stop posting

Overcuck's community is overrun with SJWs now, giving it its own general is basically making the same mistake that was made when Undermeme generals were still allowed. You're giving tumblr their own little corner to share and they won't stay contained, this is how cuckchan was compromised.

I bet you're from Holla Forums and think it's good that people get banned for "wrongthink"


Kek, CTR is still this mad that Hillary lost.

Just hide the threads? I don't like the neptunia games, but I don't make threads complaining about them or go into their thread and shit it up. It's not like this place is fast compared to 4/v/ when everyone shitposted there so what does it matter to you?

Are you that one faggot that always brings up the existence of Rainbow Six: Siege threads every time somebody complains about shit games?



Unfortately, that doesn't seem to be a solution to the current problem. There is a problem at hand, and we need to throroughly discuss it so we can ensure the future safety and well-being of this board.

Are we talking about the in-game community as a whole or the Holla Forums community that plays it? Based on my experiences, there isn't anything SJW-like discussed in the generals, nor are the majority of Overwatch players SJWs. There's probably a contingent of fans on Tumblrs who draw nasty yaoi OW fanart, though I'm not sure if that warrants a complete quarantine.

Usually I mentioned Payday 2 (for some reason you rarely get on shit on for 'supporting Oyveyshill' anymore, as if everyone quit bothering), though I've been recently playing a lot of Siege, so that's that/

Hiding it doesn't make the cancer go away?
Its not so much the games, but the community.


DotA normalfags and Overrwatch normalfags+waifufag autists spill over to other threads shitting there with their le epic troll skillz. It would've been fine if blatant shitposting was better moderated but it's not, if anything I haven't seen a better moderation than in Overwatch thread where mods consistently deleted both shitposts and waifutrash which made me wonder why can't they fucking do it somewhere else (too)…

What do you think they're doing while waiting for matchmaker to find a game or taking a break from one? Other than fapping I mean.

They do
There was even that attention whoring faggot on the cancer that is the waifufag generals.

Nobody is thankful that you make an entire meta thread for this, you aren't doing anyone a service

Overwatch cancer wont touch this, you aren't talking to them but the entirety of Holla Forums, which is like standing in middle of a road screaming your hobo delusion.

When did I ever imply that?

Why would I ever want to talk with them?
More than half of those fuckers don't even belong here.

That's the thing, isn't it? Assuming that Overwatch posters are just a bunch of casuals who only play OW and never anything truly hardcore and only post in their own general, where does the fear come from that they might shit up other threads?
It's already hard enough to determine who is or isn't an Overwatch poster on an anonymous imageboard

So shit posters are attracted to shit threads? Meaning that as long as I make good threads about video games, I won't have to deal with Overwatch waifufags?

Even if you brought the complaints to the Overmeme general, you'd get banned for supposed shitposting

We have a DOTA 2/ASSFAGGOTS general right now

Which is why we have much less users. Makes perfect sense.

People left just as they got in

Again, I'm not seeing the problem, because you're only providing me random images with no context and assertions of the status quo as if you're talking about some kind of 'ideal' Holla Forums where certain things shouldn't and should be which are not made entirely clear.

How new are you again?

and meta threads whining about threads that actually talk about video games isn't bad?

>>>/meta/ throw your tantrum here if you like to dictate who should post what

I'd rather delve to the core of the issue rather than let anything be unquestioned.
The problem seems to be that there's a certain videogame being discussed on a videogame board where discussion of the subject matter alone (amongst other things) is allegedly enough to drive the intangible idea of board quality down, and the solution to this problem seems to be _, whatever that means.
I only see problems and no answers, so I ask you, is Overwatch only different from other generals because the game is 'casual', and what should be done about it?

Can we just skip this thread?
I've seen it unfold two billion times.

Repeat until 404.
Meanwhile all the people you hate are still talking about the games you hate and nothing changes, ever.

these niggers need to get off my board.

NEETs need something to fill up their time.

No? They are not. Cripplegirls vn has more interactivity than either of those things.