Are there any games/visualnovels where you play as a pornographer...

Are there any games/visualnovels where you play as a pornographer? Soni Comi is the closest there is and its far too clean.

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Just become a camwhore

I think there's an amateur porn production tag on vndb, not sure any of the results have been translated though.

I'm going to assume this isn't stealth shilling for HunieCam.

From the makers of HuniePop, here is HunieCam Studiosplay as an up and coming manager and build up your stable of cam whores.

Trash art style

And OP's garbage isn't?


I wish they used western art like in X-Men or batman cartoons

And I wish it was more stylized western rather than the pseudo-realistic style comics like to stick to.

And not like Adventure Time Steven Universe stylized, actually sexy stylized


They should have kept the style from the first game.

isn't there a Pochaco game coming out

dunno, but now that you mention her.


oh shit, I remember reading a "review" (opinion piece) about this game written by a camwhore and it was the most cringe worthy thing i've read in a while.


Hows the game OP?


Played it a while ago. It's fine, but there's literally no nudity or shown sexual content and its all gameplay is pretty non-specific to pornography.

Dammit,I thought I was over her.

Comfy. Not super filthy, but if you like cute 2d girls I think you'll have a pretty good time.


Wait a fucking second, what is that?


Just your average puffy vulva. :^)



uh-oh, somebody don't know about chinbotsu

When your art style is outdone by Kim Kardashians Hollywood Phone Game, its over.


Related is a thing, you know.

Speaking of Soni Comi, I'm very disappointed at just how little fan content had come out of the 10th anniversary.


I'm probably the only one who has his dick turned into solid diamond by that artstyle

It's a rather unappreciated fetish.

pretty sure you're just fucked in the head

I normally try my best to see the merits of art, whether east or west, but holy fucking shit, is that absolutely atrocious.

Because Sonico's main appeal is her tits.

You mean you have shit taste.

I just like things that are small and cute. Strictly 2D, of course.

They are pretty great.

And here I was thinking that I was finally free from my boner after those doujins to draw a little bit. Time to go back to the doujin site.

>I just like things that are small and cute. Strictly 2D, of course.
You, my good sir, are a man of fine taste.


Thanks. Maybe you'll find some "inspiration" for your art.

Seeing as all Pornographers are Jewish, what games are there where the protag or villain is a money grubbing kike

I'm going to make porn for free just to spite you.

these tbh

Does anyone just hot chicks anymore?


Hey Mark

Recette isn't really much of a jew. She's a poorfag working to pay off her father's debts.



Tear is though. She throws her out on the street to live in a cardboard box if she can't repay in time.

What the actual fuck.

Post her face.

I love how Ed is so obsessed with chickens he bought a fucking one of kind magazine just to look at them as babies.

Technically not the protag though. Also from what I remember fairies are all servants to humans because humans were absolutely wrecking their shit and it's the only way they could survive. Tear wouldn't be able to protect Recette from the collectors if she wanted to.


But she is the villain. :^)


I can understand if you like hebe because of unfulfilled highschool relationship but toddlercon is just straight up evil.

It's not real user. It's as evil as murdering fictional characters.

Hello Nick Bates

It's not evil, it's just terminal shit taste.

Like unironically thinking the male body could ever realistically be more sexy than tits and ass.

Would fucking bully/10


From the very depths, I summon those in fur!
To shit up this thread and complicate more.
From a diaper-chan to a cringey cur!
Leave this place a scorched 404.




wait what am I supposed to do again?


I think you're just a faggot who can't keep his/her/it's hands off of children


I get that you guys don't like it, but come on.

There's AV King by ELF.


Thats some great fucking art
Is there a complete fan translation of this, it looks very interesting.
you're not forced to gangbang her right?
thats a choice, right?

It's a simulator. You can do whatever you want, but if she hates it you'll get shit review and no money to improve your production.

Thats fucking stupid
But being free to do what I want is fucking great
It fucking hurts
can I get her pregnant?

Just admit it, you still use Malawarechan.

This and the sequels


Highly recommended. They're not very good for fapping but they are absolutely hilarious

80% of the faggots on this shitty board crosspost nowadays.
Holla Forums as it was is fucking dead.
I'm sure most if not all the cuckchan rapefugees do exactly that.
I'm fairly certain Mark does it

why am I still here?

No need to project, user. I've been Holla Forums-exclusive since 5 guys. Some of my favorite boards have slowed down, but Holla Forums will live on.

if only everyone followed our excample

It seems like you just don't get it

Shindoll pls go

I do, you faggot.

You sure do

its funny because many retards on chans turned gay because of a troll.


you trump idiots really are stupid.

this better be bait

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

it's got more to do with stuff that's shown up in the previews, but okay.

I mean, heavy tank lists are even deader than they were before now, even with the little we've heard.


play dota 2 and acquire some cosmetics

exchange those for the knife

at least that way you will avoid playing csgo

This is bullshit. They get paid very well.

average girls ignore average looking men.

They just don't support emulators. So in the event of issues or incompatibility they aren't in a position to help you out or whatever since it's not a officially supported platform. CMNN has said this countless times. And if you're the user who was concerned about emulators a couple of threads ago there's nothing at all to worry about. CMNN has used emulators on streams. I've used various emulators since launch.

Dammit bui, is /furry/ not enough for your homosexuality?

I still see all of these

and how old and used up was it?

What the shit happened?

I didn't even know I needed this until today. user unexpectedly delivers.

I prefer linen in really hot weather, desu.

Doesn't cling like cotton does.

remember the joke


Anyone know a BBS where I can pirate Summer Games for my Commodore 64?

Well, for one, it's not really being censored, the devs aren't being required to remove content, they are choosing to.

And, second, the reasoning is relevant, because you are trying to equate it to FFVII, which is a totally different situation.

Why are you struggling so much to grasp this?

Dark souls 2 had the best story in tne series

It was a lot simpler and better executed then Gwyn's twisted boogaloo

I disagree. Axiom Verge and Ori aren't even the standouts of the genre.

Are posts all over the site board replying to the wrong people or am I just that drunk?

There's a bot pulling posts/conversations from elsewhere and posting them at random here.

Bui is spamming a shitton of boards with a bot
Its why furry jumped to the third place and now erp,

Be sure to report them

Dawn of Sorrow is horrible compared to Aria. And Aria lacks a lot of what made SotN good. Really the Castlevania series just got more and more watered down the longer IGA was in charge. But most people don't notice since they got into the series in the middle of it. So the game that played first is always their base line of what a good Castlevania is.

Got mine last year and I'm still loving it. Does anybody know how to change the increments that the volume changes in when you use the wheel? Mine goes up in fours and I can't stand it. I want to change it to one or two if possible.



Neither was Sega

All bots
Check what they are replying to

Dettankarmen's even worse.

thanks for reminding me

Why live?

That's not how you summon a demon. Watch my memancy.

This thread is made up of pedophiles from Holla Forums who somehow think they are in anyway better than black people, when they are actually worse.