Canadian PM Justin Trudeau made his own game to promote tech education

Link to the game is in the lower tweet. Truly, a game of quality befitting Trudeau and the CURRENT YEAR.

Other urls found in this thread:

How the hell is Canada not up in flames. This guy is making games rather than running the country, does that not concern anyone?

If we kill terrorists in this game, do they win?

Any leafs here to inform us about the current political climate in canada?

Yes, videogames

It was for a while back in the summer. He literally let people lose thier homes so he could import black firefighters from africa to virtue signal harder. They went on strike after like a day.

For those who don't know, is another one of those worthless charity setups where they put on one or two events a year, take a bunch of photos of grade schoolers standing near computers and ipads, and then they have nothing to show for it. They're the kind of faggots pushing the "gamified" education system where minecraft is forced into the curriculum for no fucking reason, but they insist it's a great "tool"

Kids don't want to learn coding because coding is boring and they have no practical use for it. They'll use math every day, but they aren't going to sit down and compile some code for fun.

Those comments are pretty good.

Trudeau is truly on another level guise.


The future of Canada


NOT this shit AGAIN.
It doesn't work. It's like using minecraft for teaching.

10/10 GOTY


Can't blame him for lack of trying

Shit man, this game actually is really deep if you look at it from that way. As a player, you try to keep out Black immigrants, but the shitty government doesn't work and more and more of them keep popping up.

Could this…could this be a silent cry for help from Trudeau? Does he secretly want to end it all but Soros won't let him?


This game almost crashed my browser

It's too cold for flames.

except that's literally proven to work

In the same way Titantfall 2 is literally proven to be GOTY ?

you got a source on dat?

If you win, you lose.

Except that it's a retarded idea that would ruin everything and turn children's entire lives in the schools that they fucking hate and want to get away from.

You can't win, the black bulls balls never stop coming. Eventually they take over the field and the game crashes.

The only winning move is not to play.

So when do we invade Canada?

Never. Trump is a man of peace, and wants to prove himself better than your regular politicians by not playing into that military-industrial complex crap.

At least he won't intervene into any "revolutions", like any other neocon.

Liberals have a majority therefor they can do anything they want without opposition. Case and point bill c16.
sage b/c videogames

I don't know but if you want to do it, you'd better do it soon.

You do know that Putin can invade Canada and bypass Alaska whenever he likes. We can just let the Rooskies pass by Alaska to do the work for us.

Have you ever considered doing it yourself?

Is this game a metaphor for Canadian immigration policy?

Too busy killing druggies and liberals. Regards from hotwheelsland.

Mandatory whenever Trudeau is mentioned, regardless of board

Yeah. He's basically making a joke out of his country, at this rate.

Don't weasel your nose into other countries' business. This is Trumpolitics 101.

That looks like an abortion of a programming language. I get that they want to make it simple, but the sentence structure is all wrong for most programming languages.

They're supplemental at best. We have students program a game in a course I help teach, but all the low level details are handled for them, like the event loop or a basic main(). We end up with students that can "code", but can't start a project to save their lives. I wish we'd go back to having them write a program for image encoding/decoding that's a simple A-B-C thing, then go onto a more complicated event loop program.

That faggot should kill himself and join that dictator he loves so fucking much.

Tammy laying down the hard smacks on Trucuck.

To be fair, here:

There are some games that are excellent teaching tools for things like resource management, teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, etc, basically anything but fact memorization and higher-level math. Hell, there's even some games about coding itself, I know a few that spring to mind right away.

Minecraft is a terrible example unless you're doing redstone autism, much better would be Portal 2 (if only for teamwork), Factorium, Organ Trail, some of the older CRPGs, Desktop Dungeons, etc.

Remember that almost every western country offered their help for free but that got turned down for african firefighters who needed to be trained and once they got their training, went on strike for not being paid enough.

At least Canada is investing in its education system. I'll give Trump credit for wanting to invest in public education and infrastructure again (30 years too late is better than never) although lowering taxes to pay for it seems sketchy.

Public education is a scam

Any webms about the game?

play it yourself fgt

And reported for being a common core shill.

PR shit is the most he can do, good bet that he didn't code anything unless by coding you mean he nodded or typed a few lines that was given to him. The guy is an empty headed empty suit, he does NOT speak for all syrup fuckers when he sucked Castro's rigor mortis dick. Fuck Justine Castro.

Its obviously a PR thing. I dont mind the guy but I dont approve of how he handled the fire in Alberta this summer, should have been handled better.


and gold reserve and pronouns law and 50 000 rapefugees.
what else


most of us know the world won't end when someone gets voted in. maybe next time the conservatives can put up someone who doesn't dump millions into advertising programs that don't exist

Trudeau is truly the leader Canada deserves.

It would bother me but I am not Canadian.

It looks like programing a Lego Mindstorm.
At least we know he haven't wasted shit tone of time learning to program for cheap PR stunt that doesn't work.


that's says more about CBC than trudeau

No, it tells us about your reading comprehension problem since you're injecting what you see to what actually is in the headline.

The fire continued long after the article and there were even articles praising Trudeau for being a genius political chessmaster for "standing up to Putin" by refusing help to fight a fire that was declared under control only after TWO ENTIRE MONTHS of continuous burning.


I genuinely think Trudeau might suffer from brain damage. How could anyone vote for him after seeing him speak even once?

he could take mexicans or us then. I bet even mexicans would be better than stick fighters

There was plenty of speculation that he might have intentionally kept help away from the area because the province was among one of the highest in conservative voters.

The same its always been just red instead of blue, nothing we do matters. Trump becoming president elect and killing the TPP will be more impact then anything our government does. He is a PR machine in appealing to the minorities and ignorant dipshits.

If I wasn't a skillless retard I'd move to America ASAP

Unless the whole of the education system is overhauled and made to promote critical thinking and logic and all that good foundations of a proper education, gamified learning will never be anything other than a cruel skinnerbox method to hold student attention for a few minutes at a time.

Common core alone is so disastrous for learning that all the team building and resource management lessons in the world won't make a difference when they are being taught 2+2=22

Education in general is a scam.

the alternative was a man who put the country through seven years of deficits, removed federal protection of fresh water sources and spent his time making propaganda instead of running a country

I find that most dogs are incredibly conservative politically.

And now you have someone that has managed on his first day to turn a surplus into a deficit on top of selling every single bit of gold Canada has to pay for it, which still isn't enough to cover the deficit, someone that paved the way for negative interest rates, has made it a goal to remove first-past-the-post in his first term to ensure that it is harder to throw him out and that is a walking propaganda poster. As bad as the alternative sounds, it still isn't anywhere near the level of a fucking disaster that Trudeau is.

Please use his correct last name and call it NuCanada, Old Canada still exist.

I wonder when anyone in the media will decide to pick up the story about his true parentage.

That's probably because he followed a tutorial that gave a starting game (basketball) and showed you changes to make in order to turn it into a slightly different hockey game.

America, please annex us already.
t. Canada.

Fuck off CTR.

Canada has always been liberal country, to the point that of our three major political parties, the further right Conservative Party of Canada, is centre-right at most and usually quite leftist. The Conservatives were in power for the last 10 or so years (we have elections when motions of confidence fail or every 5 years, there's no set schedule) and their government was plagued by scandals and corruption over the last few years. People were fucking sick of them, so it's no wonder the Liberals won the election.

The New Democratic Party made remarkable strides under the leadership of Jack Layton because he quite literally gave his life for the cause, and Thomas Mulcair threw it away because he doesn't feel very strongly about much of anything. He fucked up so poorly his party is going to replace him in 2017.

I live in a moderately-sized city, and while we have lots of brown immigrants, the city's history is German and white. There are a lot of European churches, cultural organizations, that sort of thing. There are a lot of feminists and liberals since people are seriously bluepilled, but it's not a complete mess since we're separated from Africa and the Middle East by an ocean.

Fort McMurray was a fucking disgrace which went surreptitiously unreported by the liberal media. 300 nigger firefighters who didn't know how to use water to suppress fire and who refused to work when they arrived.

Was there any official reasoning for using fucking south africa's help while rejecting the other countries who offered first?

Bonus points from minority and "RUSSIA = BAD" groups

Alright, that part I did not hear about. Good lord.

More liberal than anything, though it could be because of how people got sick of Harper handling Canada by the end. Even then though it's not politics really plays a major role in society, nobody cares about that, at least in the city I'm at.

You know why.

why is that place full of niggers and other retards?

Can any Canuck explain to a rock dweller what the story behind Harper was and why people were willing to elect literally anybody besides him once the time came. Because it seems like that zeal to get him out of there is fucking you guys over right about now.

Harper was also selling the country to China and everyone got sick of it

imagine having a generic fucking name and your surname literally being one 'y' short of "babycock" and also being a cucknadian

sage for not videogames

The wish is the father of the thought user.

Didn't help the US, won't help you.

Once Trump has finished his wall to keep the mexicans out, you guys should definitely ask him to build another one in the north to keep the snow mexicans out.

I prefer the term mapleniggers


Economy became the worst its ever been, he's been running the country for who knows how long and people wanted change, he wanted to invest in wars when Canada generally had no interest in that, he was pushing for the TPP, people got sick of it. I guess it would be like the polar opposite on why people wanted Obama out of office, he seemed anti-American like Harper seemed anti-Canadian. It's a matter of picking your poison, would you try the same shit or mix it up a bit and hope it does less damage or even heals you?


If you kill your enemy, they stop producing milk in bags.

Have not seen that one, top edit.


Thread reminder, Canada has been a Communist Liberal country since 1948. Any party or Political discussion around the NDP, Liberals, or Conservative parties is a joke and if you come into any discussions with these people who agrue about or against call them a fucking kike and spit in their communist face. Canada needs a whole new Party that represents the Old White Europeans that came here, and has absolutely NOTHING to do with any of the three major parties that exist. Sure, Trump could "Annex" us, but that is fucking lazy and real Old Code White Canadians are not fucking lazy. We have to fix our own problems. Rant over.

Wasn't it a cuckservative that cancelled the Avro Arrow?

Heil trips of truth checked.

Trips of the Reich fucking confirmed.

Stormfags everyone.


What happened to stormweenies

Call them what you want, amount to the same cancer.

We should make a parody of this, as a bullet hell game. Have player be hockey stick avoiding pucks, and have a complex story finding out that trudeau is behind a giant puck conspiracy, and have upgrades and stuff like Tyrian.

Trudeau sold one of the few physical sources of wealth we actually had and now Canada could easily be bought by some bored billionaire. I mean, I have to wonder how the mining companies way up north feel when the libcucks pretty much just give away all our hard-earned resources.

tl;dr Canada needs gold nuggies and a holocaust

Maybe Notch could buy and Make Canada Great Again.


You mean the fag that wanted to buy 4chin to make it a safespace for freespeech while removing "hatespeech"?

>>>Holla Forums



Also let it be known that if I ever Like Just Make Game™ and the government tries to claim my work as a "Canadian achievement" like how they suck off Ubicuck, that I'll wait until they bring me on stage for whatever award it is and call Trudeau a fucking traitorous rat on national TV.


Oh yeah, we are still winning by the way.
Where is your TRUMP card? Oh wait.



S-source on pic? Reverse image search shows me pics of Garfield and Taz.

Not an argument. Show me the definition of Communism and explain how it applies to Canada, oh wait, you can't, because you're an impotent meme spouting pissant.


Paseli on pixiv

Yes and then they fucking send in South African firbeaters who refuse to do the job anyways
Don't tell me Trudeau wasn't involved

okay I will bite. What's wrong with being a nazi?

Well sure it's a bit of a hyperbole, doesn't change the fact that it's "Democratic Socialism"

Them and SJWs are literally two sides of the same coin. They blame societies problems on certain racial groups instead of realising they are because of the system and those within the system who wield power and influence working against them and humanity at large.

Stormfront hasn't been relevant for fucking ages and even then it was pretty damn insignificant back then. The fact that "muh swarmfront" managed to retain control of the board despite the fact that half/pol/ was simply Holla Forums with politics for the majority of its lifespan shows that either Stormfront is everywhere and has a much larger population than most boards on halfchan or that it is simply a community that latched onto Holla Forums because there aren't that many sites you can discuss politics without heavy censorship. That screencap is really the only proof I have ever seen shown of them somehow controlling Holla Forums, even though anyone can go there and can see what they are up to, since the only thing you really need an account for is for posting. I mean, if we are to go by what you are suggesting, then that means Stormfront has been controlling Holla Forums boards on multiple sites (and this is ignoring halfchan/fullchan) without ever having taken a moderating position on a single one of them.

Forgot to add that not only have they controlled Holla Forums boards on multiple sites without any moderator positions but through sheer magic they have done so for at least four years, based on the date of the screencap.

I didn't claim they controlled Holla Forums, just using it to mock the aut-right/neo-nazis/neo-fascists.

There's a reason that the jews who ratted out their fellow jews got sent to the camps too.

How is that mocking though? Did you even bother reading it?

troudou when?

lol >implying

Why don't we just blanda up with russia into the United States of Arctica

even by your own comparison SJWs and fascists are nothing alike, you fail at everything >>>Holla Forums

also I notice that the root of all leftist thinking is
not anything with values, loyalty, etc. It's all about muh cash muh stuff and muh dick

I'm sure many people who fall in the far-right camp would agree with more of the provisos in the left column than the right, reallly.

View it in the same light as them screeching "JIDF".

Would you care to explain in more detail? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

Money undermines values, loyalty, etc. Capitalism puts individual self interest and the bettering of society at large at odds with one another. Planned obsolescence is a good example of this. It would be in societies interests for goods to be constructed to the highest quality, to save time and resources, however it is not in the interests of capitalists as it would result in high market saturation. As such they intentionally hold back technology to ensure they can continue to sell goods. This wastes resources, causes pollution, and creates fake economic activity that does not benefit anyone but themselves.

I can agree to some extent with people who tack nationalistic elements onto communism or socialism. There is nothing inherently wrong with it, and it would fall away to some extent if socialism or communism ever advanced sufficiently, but people who dismiss socialism or communism entirely and whine about Jews need to be gulaged.

I'm calling you a fag, and stop trying to explain the evils of capitalism to someone who's already against it.
You leftyfucks don't know jack shit about National Socialism do you?

National Socialism is still Socialism

as an Irish man, I can't vouch for my race, but I personally know I can't think ahead far enough or come up with the convoluted schemes (((they))) do. I'm patient and hard-working, but that's about it. Capitalism is pretty cool but when it innevitably trends toward the cheaters winning there's obviously something wrong.

Canada please stop, your just embarrassing yourself at this point.

National Socialists did not practise socialism. They had no intention to grant workers the means of production. They took control of some larger industries, purged socialist and communist elements from Germany and squashed trade unions.

If you're anti-capitalist fair enough.

canada =/= trudeau

t. didn't vote libcuck


They know everything about any kind of cancer the book of Marx spawned and how to justify the death of millions of people while simultaneously declare that "real communism was never tried™".

You're right, they practiced national socialism which is a form of socialism where private property was allowed.
Isn't the end-all be-all of social programs niggerfaggot.

And I feel sorry that you have to put up with this shit. It's probably worse that libcucks have a majority of your government, and hopefully not the populace.

In Trudeau's defence it's perfectly understandable to be upset when your father dies
But someone who is Catsro's Son should of never been allowed to take office to start with

You think Pierre Trudeau was there when Castro was pounding his wife?

It has been tried, but it hasn't been achieved. In most cases communist revolutions only overtook poor countries/regions where the conditions workers were in were deplorable. These poor countries then simultaneously had to try and deal with internal problems and pressure from imperialist/capitalist forces trying to squash their revolution.

Capitalism itself was established in a revolution against Feudalism, violence is the only way to bring about major changes in an economic system. Because those in power who benefit from the system being overthrown will resist all attempts to overthrow the system.

If private property exists then it's Socialism in name only.
There's a distinction between private property (capital and means of production) and personal property (your precious iPhone).

He was probably holding Castro's hand the whole time



A lot of us at the very least can see where liberalism is going well beyond common sense/sanity to appeal to the international community, but when even celebrating Canada Day/Canadian culture is turning into a no-no it's generally accepted that we don't publicly vocalize out political standing. It's especially dicey when the libcucks have an itchy trigger finger to call you the r-word if you oppose mass-immigration/refugee worship, though we haven't had nearly as many issues that the EU has had with it, and most of the immigrants have integrated well.

That still doesn't acknowledge the fact that we have NO JOBS and China is buying all out primary sources of income.

So all of this to say: my ideology is shit and can't be achieved, a dream that will remain a dream like world peace and all the other utopia shit.
I'll repeat this every day, every night; commies are a bunch of sophists fucks and Marx was a big fat mess.

You mean Trudeau used daddy and the tax payers of Canadia money to pay people to make.
Trudeau has literally no skills.

no, trudeau dragged and dropped some blocks onto a screen. That's all he did, that's the extent of his """coding"""


Suicide simulator? If you kill yourself you win.

1/10 for making me reply

that's bullshit in every way imaginable

Should've done it like the US and stopped backing up the cucknadian money with gold and only give it the value assigned by people, then keep the gold and become 2x as rich


A real hero

An real hero

Spoken like a true suicide bomber.

opinion discarded, you lack understanding of the very fundamentals of class and social conditions
you can't sell a bitter medicine to idiots and in the case of "definitely baiting" shitposters like you, it's not worth it.

We can only hope he goes that way

No I'm saying it will eventually be achieved when capitalism advances to the point that it becomes clear to the general population that their interests and the interests of wealthy capitalists are in direct competition.

It's plain to see already, people are wary of automation, it's going to destroy jobs that require unskilled/monotonous labour, and under capitalism you are forced to work and generate profit for a capitalist in order to live. In a society not structured around keeping the rich rich and the poor begging for scraps it would simply be welcomed for eliminating tedious jobs that aren't needed.

I see a whole lot of anger but no arguments.

Commies don't get to nod an argument considering default and internal inconsistencies based on entirely moral convictions.

Fresh OC from a Canuck coming through. On the day of the rope Trudeau will hang; Vidya Ackbar.
My PC has 16 gigabytes of ram and is top of the line. I am glad to know Trudeau is head of optimization at our nations pride, Ubisoft.

kill yourself

What exactly are you trying to say? You seem to have some argument you're hinting at and mocking me and expecting me to guess what it is instead of stating it.

Why are you trying to talk about this stuff to people who never read and will never read economy or philosophy?

They are so deep in ideology they are a lost cause, they are in mode of feels>reels you can never change them with facts and theory they only way to approach them is to approach their feelings.

for shame my friend

Is this what passes as good Holla Forums OC these days?

Why are the books so big?
Why is the guy growing boobs after closing the door?

That is absolutely the case, but I wouldn't hope to have a trot
any given counterargument to rampant materialism. It's not in the nature.

Name one scenario in which the motive for a socialist state is not emotional.
Hard mode: One that isn't entirely hypothetical.

coincidence ???



I'm not a fan of Trudeau, but let's be fair here.

Holla Forums has never made OC. All they've ever done is take Holla Forums OC and change the names around.


not helping your case lad

pure ideology

See ?
replies filled with ignorance and emotional insecurity with out trying to open an honest discussion.

Pity those who will never know the joys of dialectical theory.

yeah sweet meme dude im sure your pals at /r/socialism will be happy to post it in their facebook feeds just drop a Stirnir now and your golden
now, can you fuck off with your off-topic bullshit? This is the video games board


And? If you think I'm going to defend rampant Capitalism you are fucking wrong

Nice words by a bunch of faggots that made such an image while simultaneously not knowing the differences between fascism and national socialism, traditionalism and futurism,revolution and reaction. Even for a bunch of sophists you still need a fucking dictionary.

This bullshit again. The meme failed to catch on breh, time to move on.

this is what it looks like on my system

top lel

Is it the same difference between a Doughnut and a Doughnut with sprinkles?

The same difference between starving to death while comrade Stalin and the party members eat like kings.

Reminder that Holla Forums got stomped hard by Holla Forums in a debate and they are still obscenely butthurt about it. They were exposed as a bunch of twats that treat political ideologies like SJWs treat made up genders to feel like special snowflakes.

Do people seriously think the horseshoe theory means "both sides are the same"?

Do people not know what a fucking horseshoe looks like?




Force-feed the fucker Tim Hortons until he likes it.

Kek, really showed them eh?

Brilliant vision for your country, Trudeau. Better allegory than Gone Home.

this is why Holla Forums gets wrecked by reality


Someone in the /agdg/ thread made a replica of this game.

They are pucks. The name comes from when you try to put them in your mouth and say fuck at the same time.

Okay, we know Trudeau is a cuck but come on

I believe this as fact now.

The government in alberta is cucked but the people arent. I read in the paper the other day a guy got arrested for pulling out some rope, tying a noose, handing it to some muslim ladies and saying "this is for you" and then singing O canada.
Theres that and people shouting "Lock her up" outside the government building.

it spawns two for every one that goes past you.

So the code throws you two pucks when you miss a shot. The more shots you miss, the more pucks there are - the more pucks there are, the easier it is to miss a shot. In order to play the game, you have to see how many pucks you can score before slipping into madness. Although, you must miss the first shot. Otherwise it's easier than a middle-aged fugly woman at a bar at 3:00 AM.



Wew! Eerily possible.




Set every sound to cheering.

I dare you.


So, is this thing supposed to be a browser crashing bomb? Because it does that shit pretty reliably.



Damn I feel bad for you guys. Not having a single fucking meme except Spooks and that one is SHIT. I mean it's also disgusting too, but after a year or two it is also very depressing to see such a lack of talent.

This game is clearly about the black and muslim invasion of cucknadia. You can stop a few at the start but it gets to a point where you are overrun.

The guy is Castro's son, his father, our past prime minister was a literal cuck, we can't care anymore.

>he actually didn't say "Why haven't you made a game yet Holla Forums?"
What the fuck is going on here?

pol and leftypol be fighten again


Well you're making Current Year Man sound less dangerous than he is. Trudeau sold ALL of Canada's gold reserves last year. He basically fucked your entire country over for a quick buck.

Hhahahaha holy shit

What if you use your iPhone to make money?

Please leave, reddit. Not everything is a meme.

This game is still better than Battleborn.

If I could go the next 20 years without ever seeing the word 'meme', I'd be just fine.




Go talk to China they fucking love gold. Hell they have a gold reserve, pork reserve, and bitcoin reserve.



Holla Forums



GAME (Checked)

Doesn't have the comedic buildup into madness of Trudeau's game.

No, it doesn't. That's why it's called human nature.

In other things, I took the game, patched the bug and actually made it get difficult the longer you play.


Not a single one of those links leads to a thread discussing anything close to a raid.

Get out.