Is it good?

Is it good?

I have never heard a single good thing about this game on Holla Forums, yet anons can't stop playing it.

everyone who plays it says it's terrible.

After 900 hours I wish I spent that time in my backlog.

No it's not good. It's the allure of grinding for rewards that trap you. Then it can take 3 or more hours for one part of FOUR to that new prime warframe you want. Do the math, it sucks.

You will not feel any satisfaction once you get your item. It's just relief that the grind is over…for that particular item. There's a lot more to go. Don't bother

Gameplay is okay if you can stand the grind and have a group of friends to play with.
Ignore the lore. Enjoy Tenno ass.

Here for the porn.

Why are t-shirts over bio-skinsuits so erotic…

A whole lot of wasted potential and shitty devs.

Was fun for a while when you could go really fast, but they nerfed that.

Post moar

You can look at the porn without playing. You never noticed the warframe butts anyways since you're most likely constantly running and jumping around mobs.

Gameplay gets old fast when you're constantly doing the same thing hoping you get the right item at the end.

It's essentially borderlands instances with 3 other players on a randomly generated tileset that spawns mobs of enemies at you that you can likely 1shot until they just become bullet sponges.

Rhino is my huzbando

Does the pope shit in his hat?


It was good but then the devs killed it, then they killed it again and again and even now they continue to brutally stab it's corpse just to be sure. Do NOT get into the game, the devs are incompetent shits who can't design and just fill the game with more grind to try and get around the fact they ruined the game and can't fix it. It may seem fun but it is not worth the hassle and dissapointment it will bring you.

Sadly don't have so many more Nyx.

Warbros #1 always and forever.

I liked it up until the second dream update raped all the good bits out of the lore for the tenno.
I want to play as fucking eldritch space ninjas, not Shinji.
I'll never stop being mad until someone fixes this shit.

The War Within update makes Shinji get out of the robot.

It would be a decent update if DE actually paid attention to the base game mechanics first and foremost instead of stacking more useless shit on top of it with every update.

Don't be silly goy. You can't ask the devs to deviate from their vision of shitty kids using remote control robots that you can buy cosmetics for right now such as the incredible green eye set or unique wavy hair 05 style availible for only 8000 plat if you purchase now!

At least they are going to "fix" focus soon(tm). I wonder what monstrosity they will spit out instead.

But Shinji is still fucking there, and as long as that creepy kid in the Liset's basement is still there, the deal is off, and I'm not giving that shit any of my disk space.
They already packed the rest of the galaxy with character, why do they need the tenno to be characters on top of that?

No. It was never good. It had some promise before it launched on Steam, then the devs overhauled literally every single system in the game at least twice to maximize freemium jewing efficiency. Oh, and they got bought out by a Chinese chicken manufacturer along the way, so that didn't help.

The Second Dream quest killed my interest in Warframe. Like its bad enough that the tenno, the so called "Good guys" are basically warmongers who want to fuck over both the corpus and grineer so that they are never gonna stop warring with each other, but now you are gonna fucking tell me they are child soldiers in cyborg bodies and The Lotus is basically Sundowner but pretends not to be fucking evil? Fuck right off.


only good thing that came from this game was the art design and the porn that came with it. And there's not even that much porn.

What do you think Warframe boobs feel like?


I'd be more inclined to agree if they had treated it more as YOU being the operator, rather than having yet ANOTHER proxy in the basement. It'd have been interesting if they instead opted to use a first person perspective for the operator, keeping in theme with the silent protag cliche they had going, with a sort of batman-esque armory in the basement of the liset instead.

Every user who continues to play it, myself included, are battered housewives. Mush like WoW players, many of us just won't leave because there is some small part of the game we used to love still there, and there is always some potential on the horizon, but it will never get any better.

DE are utterly incompetent devs who have no idea how to fix their game and only continue to break it further. The only good thing about it are the sexy space ninja suits and DE eventually managed to fuck up that lore too
Shame, I actually liked it a lot back it the day.

who the fuck are you.

Latex bags of sand.

Those actually feel really good, I know what I'm gonna imagine tonight.

I know

You'll obsess over it for some time. Then after you have got a substantial number of frames weapons and cosmetics that you want, it'll become a good timewaster.
Holla Forums hates it tho, as per usual

There are threads about this game regularly, stop spouting bullshit

Holla Forums hates it for good reason, the devs have done almost everything in there power to make the game more grindy, and less fun. Like I said in There is still some part of us that has fun while playing, and hopes it will get better, but it won't. DE are terrible devs who silence criticism and are owned by chinese jews.

I used to be in Warbros; it had potential, but it's not good nor will it ever be good. The devs are incompetent jews run by a Chinese producer. All they want is to monetize the fuck out of you.

Aside from the past thread about the war within, there hasn't been many others. I'm not complaining, it's ok to have sparce threads if the game has been lukewarm. Also, have you been to said threads? There's a siseable portion of posters who take their time to brag about having 1000+ hours in the game, possibly still playing it, and still call it shit. I'm not even sure if that's a joke, a meme, or if said people are legit retarded. Think of the last games that you played that took you 100 hours to beat. Not many of those, right? Now how many of those games you played time and time again, say, 9 or 10 times. Just so that you could come on Holla Forums to say how much you dislike it.
Its ok to say you got bored of it, or that the changes have put you off. But don't call the game shit after playing over and over again like
You'd be just embarassing yourself

It has pretty unique thing going on for it - devs deliberately seek out and remove/replace gameplay features and mechanics that majority of players find enjoyable.
It's fucking amazing, I went from rabid fanboy to bitter hater in 2 months. I hate that piece of shit so much.

it's shit but it has a formula to it that makes it hard to quit for retards. So, as a money maker, and as a game developer, it's objectively good.

No, is repetitive as fuck, I stopped playing long ago and for what I can see in some videos (I recommend RevXDev so you can also dislike Warframe's developer), the game has gotten worse.

The only good thing about it is the porn, and you don't need to play it for that.

Not sure about your question, but for the new people, Warbros was a chan-based clan, at first DE had them as their pet clan, then Warbros got proactive and did what they were supposed to do in a "beta" (like this game claims to be), turns out DE staff hates when you tell them how many exploits, glitches and bugs their game has, so they decided to exploit their authority on forums, banned the clan leader and kept trying to favor some other clan, they even went as far as to change the rules mid event after Warbros got on top (as usual), turns out the clan still won.

At the time I left I heard the clan was only a shell of its former self, multiple times someone from Crescent Moon has tried to infiltrate and take control of it at the behest of DE.

I completely forgot, what's focus? wasn't it the thing you did to waste energy on melee attacks? I was still pissed at how the energy system worked, specially when those disrupting enemies became more prominent.

Warframe is one of those games that I could only recommend conditionally, despite having over 1500 hours in it.

The game is mechanically solid, and conceptually solid, there's excellent visual elements to the game, but DE manage to make every major patch to the game Monkey's Paw Simulator, as well as almost all interactions with they themselves. You can have X,


Y will happen. Y is generally not fun or a good thing.

The community is vocal and dedicated to stopping them from making huge mistakes, but they often make them anyway (see: scott and steve make butthurt kneejerk decisions and the game explodes in fury.)

Since the beginning Warframe has had, conceptually, quite a lot of ideas stapeled on top of it. Ideas which have never really been fully elaborated upon or even revised.

This is because DE is ultimately a company staffed with artists, or "dreamers" or whatever you want to call them. They get an idea into their heads, they sketch it out, and then they cram it into the game without heed for repercussions (Orokin Vaults, Archwing, Focus, Trials, Transferrence) and because they're constantly brainstorming new ideas, they're pursuing those instead of fleshing out what they've done previously.

However, as many cuts as Warframe is bleeding from, DE (or maybe just Rebecca) is at least intelligent enough to know that it needs bandages here and there, which prevents the game (on the whole) from being truly painful, but it would be extremely difficult to recommend it as-is unless you know what you're in for. If you're ready, prepared for it, and that's what you want, go for it.

DE's actually refined the new player experience over time (from a complete information void to some tutorials and quests and now Junctions which will lead you from planet to planet throughout the starmap) I assume because they know where money comes from.

Unfortunately, a third person grindan slashan shootan game with RPG elements has an irresistible gravitational pull for me, so I'll probably never actually escape.

Thank you for reminding me that they destroyed stealth.

They never truly had stealth to begin with. No, fuck your frame that goes invisible for three decades with a SILENCED GRENADE LAUNCHER,

Nigger how dare you get mad because I called your favorite game bad. I can criticize a game no matter how much I've played it. In fact it means my opinion is based on much more experience than others who drop in and out of it; that's how experience works nigger.

I barely talk about the game. I don't give it the time of day anymore, but when I do talk about it after a thread pops up I always give my reasons. It's based on experience. 900 hours before I decided that the game will never get better, will always stay in perpetual beta, DE will continually destroy what interesting lore is left, will continue to keep getting grindy, no fresh, interesting mechanics will be introduced, warframes will continue to be nerfed with no buffs for the ones who need them, and the devs will constantly keep introducing microtransactions into every facet of the game.

It's an addiction as well. That's what the grind does and is how DE keeps player retention. Just because someone keeps putting hours into a game does not mean they are enjoying it but rather that they're hoping that it will get better. And it never will. I haven't touched the game in months even though I have 1k plat on it. There are better ways to spend your time now than playing the same repetitive missions and getting addicted to the RNG again.

So stop embarrassing yourself before saying the first scrambled thoughts that pop in your head and pulling the "Holla Forums haets evrrything" meme.

You nigger.

New player here with only 65 hours put into it and I'm still liking it. I know sooner or later the grind will actually hit me and I'll start getting burnt out. The only painful moments I had were some archwing missions (especially the rush mission on Phobos) or finding out the hard way what nightmare/alert missions I can't handle.

I'd probably like it way more if I had friends to play it with as I mostly try to solo everything since I can never stay on long enough to play with other people. The few times I did try playing with others they pretty much rushed through the mission doing the bare minimum, but it was a fissure mission so that's expected.

Warbros #1 DE can go fuck themselves.

Playing with friends isn't that much more fun. You end up just doing the mission on autopilot while occasionally talking about other stuff.

Archwing missions suck. But if you want mastery you gotta do them.

but you got spy missions those fucking missions where your loud as all hell except for a room
but regrettably those were some of most enjoyable moments where i aimed for raw speed when farming for ivara

#1 and fuck DE is all I have to say about it

If you have a serious case of autism and shit taste in video games, yes.

Otherwise no, it seems fun with the first couple of hours. But you eventually realize it's just a grinding simulator that's designed to take your time and your shekels. Seriously, the game is designed around grinding and not allowing you to stick with your favorite playstyles. And the developers keep resetting your progress on the planets. If you want something to come to every now and then when you can't be fucked playing an actual game, go ahead. But it still feels like a huge waste of time that I'm bewildered by people being tricked by this.
The game is never going to get better.

futurama knew whats wrong with sweden

The core gameplay is good and the visuals are top notch.

Though it has paid content, it's all cosmetic or pay-to-skip-building and you can get everything for free if you can play the market and don't waste your plat.

However, the devs have no idea what they want the game to be and waste time with shit like cinematic quests instead of focusing on expanding the gameplay. They add mechanics that don't have any place and then immediately drop support for them to work on the next shiny new thing. For example, they released a fairly important system, Focus, around this time last year. They haven't touched Focus since. An entire YEAR they left the important big new thing to rot, and now that they've added the next part it isn't even merged in - it's a separate system entirely.

Unfortunately, there's nothing at the end of the road. Play it if it interests you, enjoy yourself, and leave when it gets boring. Don't spend a cent on this game, though. If you find yourself getting sucked in, run away or you'll end up like pic related and it'll take years for you to finally be done with it.

Let me restate that, the visuals in some places are top notch. The facial rigging is garbage, though "they're working on it".

the glitches were the only thing that made the game worthwhile for me

Nigger you're retarded as fuck I'm one of those people that has over 1k hours on the game and even I know it's shit but just like said there's still part of it that's fun and it's fun with friends/clan but it isn't going to get better because of what was already stated about DE no matter how much you love the game you have to look at it objectively the devs are shit with a good game with alot of potential wasted almost every new big update. I hate the community of the game as well because they're just as bad as the devs when it comes to taking criticism because of the good (grindy as fuck) F2P formula you're not allowed to say shit about the game because it's free that means that you can't criticize it.DE doesn't deserve the fame the game got they're just retards that got lucky with a concept of a game and rolled with it.

Oh yeah and you can see how unprofessional DE is or at least the one at the head of the show DESteve from this video skip to 42:00 even back then about 2 years ago Steve still gets flustered over criticism on his game and takes it personally when you shouldn't act like that when you consider alot of the points DERebecca brings up are true ones today like how mods are just a crutch (Riven mods are an example of this instead of buffing old weapons just add RNG mods that is gambling on top of grinding) and skill doesn't really matter much and it's true if you have all the essential mods/frames in the game you can blast through most of the content that isn't autistic hour long missions to level 100+ mobs.

I like your dubs but take a fucking breather.

Focus is the skill tree system associated with your basement dweller.

People are (rightfully) mad that DE fucked with stealth since the primary way people grinded Focus was with massive stealth multipliers. Since only a small percentage of affinity gets converted into Focus.

The change btw was making it so that enemies are more aware of their friend's corpses. Which would be fine and dandy if the game actually had smart enemy A.I. and a strong stealth component. Instead we get closets and corners full of assholes clumped together making it impossible to kill one without alerting the others anymore. Or even killing them all at once without ruining the multiplier.


So twelve hours to grind a character or whatever?
And that's a long time?
What happened to this shithole

it's more like 12 hours per part, and then 74 for the actual frame.

okay that's pretty fucked then

Thanks, but who are you again? I'm discussing why the game is shit and posted a video show why it and the devs are shit. Considering the user I replied to in my first post doesn't like the game being bashed even with the person having experience and time spent with the game to do so. Alot of the time in these threads all of the shit that the devs have done goes unnoticed or no one comments on it like we're all just ignoring it, and even if you know about it fucking open the eyes to other anons that may not know about it.Or is this just a case of I don't want to read one wholeeeee paragraph?

Then there's the Chroma situation, where you have to go through an entire questline just to get the blueprint, then get the individual pieces of the blueprint, and each piece takes another blueprint piece, each from a different frame, each taking 12 hours to build, meaning it would take 24 hours just to get all the pieces together in addition to the 72 to build it, meaning it'd take at least 96 hours to build, and that's assuming you're awake the moment those pieces finish building, with everything ready from the get go.

Holy shit, I never knew about that. How do you fuck up so badly.

That's not even mentioning the Dark Split-Sword it's still relatively new though. If you don't know–
tl;dr DE promises a cool unique melee weapon that allows you to switch between two-handed stance and dual sword stance gets dumbed down to "oh the weapon actually works like this, you can either choose to equip a two-handed or dual sword stance mod before you go into a mission"

Build times should not be confused with the actual time it takes to grind.

Miss you guys, if you're still out there.

I just finished my Saryn Prime. What am I in for, Holla Forums?

Molt+Spore combos that nuke maps if you build for range and strength, and pop them with a Torid/Pox/Mutalist Cernos etc.

Hello Mr.Everyone!
I like the game, unlike you Mr.Everyone.

No. It isn't even worth the bandwidth.
The game, at first, feels really god damn good.
The gameplay in the beginning is one that is unique, fun, and responsive.
The HUD is great and is one of the better UIs I've seen. I love how they treat the UI as some sort of AR, and they don't slack on the optimization for PC players. Can easily get 60 fps pretty much max settings on a wide range of computers from self-testing. (I have a toaster, a labtop, and the proper gaming computer I'm typing with right now.)
However, right before you get into mission two, you're subject to Warframe's various problems. Immediately, you see god damn ceilings everywhere, and it becomes quickly evident that the game is P2W. They changed the map UI, and while some might find it 'better', I see it as the opposite. It's clunky and confusing, and anyone who played the game before a few months have lost their progress except for MAYBE a few points.
The entire game after the first five minutes is meant to sucker you in and cash up. The grind the game forces you to do for even the simplest of the materials, is god damn ridiculous.

I still need to finish that bitch. Nekros too.

I'm just happy I finally have Valkyr Prime.

I've played way too much of this game and never spent a godamn dime.

It's essentially an MMO, really fun to play with a friend or two, but kinda sucks alone.

I put in about 300 hours with my buddy before DE got involved again and fucked everything up. I'm not the biggest FPS guy but I knew there were flaws in the 2014 Warframe.

I don't regret my time playing it but I think the game really could've been something special. The Japanese lore was very well done in regards to the Tenno and the base construction, I'm a history buff so actually learning stuff meant alot to me in a game where I thought it'd just be a shoot/loot fest.

I think it's still worth at least 100 hours of playtime, just enough to get your first Tenno. I loved Mag since the get-go so getting Mag Prime was a pretty great accomplishment for me.

The #1 takeaway is that the fanart porn is fantastic.

Can this just become a spoiler thread?

You don't want that

The grineer queens lure your stupid ass out of hiding by using Teshin, who helped you before in The Second Dream and Natah. As it turns out the Dax are unable to oppose the queens so they forced him to lure you out. You find their base on an asteroid and retardedly decide to pursue despite losing radio contact with The Lotus. The elder of the two queens doesn't stop calling her sibling worm and generally has her head up her own ass the entire time. She tries to do a thing with a stick and basically drills through your warframe's face, but it's actually the operator's face, and then you (not your frame) go on an acid trip up a mountain and into a cave where Teshin appears and says some bullshit and then you control your operator and learn how to use their abilities which in the context of the quest is pretty neat but serves no practical use in the main game. After like 40 minutes of this bullshit and getting wrecked by orokinworms in the caves you finally break through and you end up back in your frame with the queens with your new found ability to literally exit your frame and appear in the field with your neat but useless abilities from the cavemountain. The queens then decide to use their guards to fight you, who are invincible against your frame while they carry their melee weapons for whatever reason, so you have to swooce right by them in operator mode before going back to your frame, suffering disorientation, and then bludgeoning the fuck out of them with whatever melee weapon you had at the time. after you fight too many of these guards to hate the new system you finally get the climactic choice of the questline; kill the queen or let teshin kill her. regardless, she gets wrecked, you go back to the mountain in person, find teshin, he gives you the queen's stick which had a red drank on it that you can drink for supposed immortality or destroy if you're a moralfag. Regardless of your choice the quest ends the same way and you ultimately feel like you accomplished nothing but unlocking the ability to partake in the new sorties that everyone's been getting nothing but endo from.

That shit was so erotic I transcended pleasure itself. Ty for helping me reach the form of user Prime.

I found it funny they actually had to nerf the 2k endo drop rate. Adding forma to the table was retarded though.

And is there anyone who actually uses their operator regularly? They keep adding tools to the toolbox when you're a hammer surrounded by nails.

They're useless unless you're removing resistances from sentients, fighting the Kuva guards who rarely appear in certain grineer missions, and that's about it. You do mediocre damage and you only have 100 hp as the operator, and if you die you get sent back to your frame with a debuff preventing you from using your operator, and all of your energy gets sucked from you. So it's only worth using for split second moments to debuff sentients, stalker, and the kuva. That's it.

it may also have some niche uses for that teleport/dash ability used in conjuction with bulletjumping, I have found that you refresh your bullet jump after a dash.

I actually didn't know they could debuff sentients/ stalker. Thanks.

Oh, and Kuva Siphons have been switched to being alerts rather than rare spawns. So the guards aren't even a problem on high level Grineer missions anymore.

So kuva is now impossible to get unless there's an alert a la nitain extract?

I'm having more fun finding more ways to glitch my happy ass outside of the map. It's never been easier.

I wanna fuck every frame

No, wherever Kuva Fortress is adjacent planets will have 2 to 3 nodes with Kuva Siphon alerts. In my experience they refresh about as quickly as they are completed.

I cycled my Paris Riven mod twice today using them, and I could have done it more if needed.

What about the ones that would be strictly monogamous?

Take the operator out
I can work with just the frame and only the frame

Don't the frames have some level of self-awareness?
What if the frame itself wants to be monogamous?

Fuck it anyway?
Either that or it's time to buckle down and choose the frame I love the most

Which frame would lot of degenerates marry?

Nezha, obviously.



None, because I don't think there's any church outside of Sweden and California that would let me marry a fucking Warframe.


Still not too bad for an occasional fuck around game, making OP weapons and murdering everything horribly is pretty satisfying.

I am so fucking tired of this place. And now I have to explain how I have no love for WF, and have never played it, lest I be called a shill or some shit. I am just so very fucking tired of you people. What is so difficult about talking about videogames? Why post when you either haven't played it, or can't articulate why a game is shit without using the most arbitrary subjective reasoning?

I hate this place.



Is it weird I find these cute? Not sexual, but cute.

its shit

That's because they are cute.

bost borno

I just uninstalled the other day after the fuckfest that was The War Within.

It's really not worth it user, the developers are absolute cunts and are slow as hell to do anything, and lately they have a hard on for their garbage tier PVP and MOON LACROSSE.

You DO know Nezha is a dude right?

you are on Holla Forums, you think that's gonna stop anyone?

I am aware of that. It's just the fact that he posts it along with girl frames that's suspicious
also he's a shota to boot

So, Ash's Bladestorm was revamped.
You select targets now (15 energy per target) so it's no longer just "press 4, watch a slideshow of shit dying horrible deaths".
Aparently, they seem to be fixing up some of the older Warframes.

Do you guys think there's a chance they'll finnaly fix Limbo?
I like his aesthetics (Stradavar + Akvasto + Destreza for that extra Edgy Atheist look) but that frame is only good for solo.
On all multiplayer games, I feel like a piece of shit to my team whenever I use ANY of my abilities. And everything he does, other frames do well. It's like Oberon, but you actually CRIPPLE your team rather than being just useless.

Also, Riven Mods need to be fixed. They were a nice idea to get people to use less popular weapons, but that won't happen with Mastery Rank 15 mods dropping left and right.

They tried adding dispositions to Rivens in a vain attempt to balance them. For example, a Riven mod for the Dera will provide more bonuses than a Riven for the Tonkor.
However this just feels like a band-aid on a bullet wound.
If they really wanted to make less-used weapons more viable they should have just buffed them outright. Then they could just make Riven mods be truly random and work for any primary.

I also don't see the purpose of making Rivens cost more Kuva per cycle. They already found in the first iteration that excessive cycling makes the price absurd. Shouldn't they have learned that putting an escalating cost on something RNG-based like that is fucked? It'd be like sitting down at a slot machine that charges you more for each consecutive pull. It's like, what's going to help the longevity of your game more? The feeling of finally getting a decent roll on a Riven or beating your fucking head against a wall that just keeps getting bigger and bigger?

Steve just doesn't know what he wants to do. He didn't expect the game to get this big.

I want to ride on Rhino's cock

Not to speak of how retarded some of the requirements are.

It's not P2W. It's pay to not grind your ass off for some meaningless bullshit.

Christ this game is bad.

Dunno. Never played it.

Could be worse. My friend had the 20 kills while wall latching, while undetected. We ended up going to the Void where he'd stay stealthed as Loki, and I'd stealth as Ivara and kite everything to him with Noise Arrow.

Whereas I lucked out and my first one was just for scanning a Simaris target without using abilities/ traps and while wearing a hobbled key.

For yours though, the best I could recommend is a stack of pizzas and a frame like Excalibur or Mag that can destroy the map with enough range and strength.
Watch though, it'll be for a shitty weapon you probably haven't even heard of.

also pay to unlock inventory slots else enjoy having two frames and 10 weapons only :^)

best girl tbh

To this day, I have no fucking idea what warframe is even about.

Literally MGS PW in space. Except you play as a foot soldier and not Snek.

At least, the cartoon of it was fun…

Yes and no.

Lore got ruined. Forgot about that. Do not pay attention to the lore, it is horrible and stupid, you are basically children now instead of cool badass robots built off of the image of ancient badass heroes.

Personally, I'd have to say Nyx myself, I think.
My favorite frame is Loki, though. I'm just not gay. Loki was my first frame, and it is also the most "tactical" frame.

I do not play fast. I play cover-to-cover, careful aiming, and bugging out at the first hint of trouble with a barrage of explosives behind me.

It's fun until it's not fun. The moment you ask yourself "Why am I playing this?", it's time to quit. The core gameplay is fun, but they decided to pursue meaningless bullshit instead of adding actual content.

They ruined the lore so you just feel retarded playing it.


I love to murder


warbros #1 fam

I remember that guy, isn't he the clan leader.

Not an option, Rhino is not the type who'd work well with a power bottom.
Either let him ram you or no fugging

I loved playing as invisibility build Ash with a Dragon Nikana and Dread. Literally 70% of my play time was with that build. Volt was also fun because I painted him yellow with red lightning as made him as fast as possible.

Sorry, but the grind just got too boring.

Not sure if want.

Saryn all the way. Fell in love the second I played her **close to level 30*.



Nice webm.
This was on par with the "I get payed to be excited" line.
I tuned in for the cringe and, oh my, it delivered! I had to fast forward through the Kojima dick-sucking part. I couldn't handle it.

What do you think is Rhino's favourite position?

The gameplay is also rather different.

This game would be fine if a lot of the janky movement controls were cleaned up and the end game loot grind wasn't so god damn randomized

Some of the most RNG based shit I've ever seen creates a game of endless grinding

You shouldnt have you missed Kojimbo professing his love for "jeff".

Kojima looked so cool back then


I would defend the relic system if rad sharing actually guaranteed the part you want, as hoping for a specific part on rotation B and C was really annoying, but it doesn't; making it a direct downgrade in every way.
You might be happy to know that they did bring back endless void farming, but you're still subject to the whims of the alerts, and need a shit-ton of spare relics (which isn't a huge problem usually). Excavation fissures are particularly good since each rotation there is only 200 cryotic.
Furthermore, endless fissures give stacking buffs (affinity, credits, resource drops) and upgraded relics, so that's nice.
Despite that I absolutely agree though. There was no reason to change from the key to the relic system.

Like, I get that they probably wanted more variety for that content, but that could have been easily done that without changing a system that worked.
How about this:

Removing Draco was an odd choice, but since then everyone just moved on to Akaad, Pluto I think.

I can't imagine he'd like anything else other than bending his partner over and fucking them silly

Hobbled doesn't really hurt your bullet jumping that much. I've done that exact requirement before and while it's basically a slowmo mad dash from point to point unflipping everything that tries to be flipped. Not actually that hard in and of itself, though.

It was supposed to deal with the fact that primes were rapidly overcrowding the drop tables of void keys, leading to primes being rotated out of a specific void key and into the prime vault.

The problem: They "unvaulted" things while simultaneously releasing a pack that would give you prime accessories, the primes that were vaulted, and a bit of plat.

It immediately made them a FUCKLOAD of cash, thus preventing them from ever doing what they intended and releasing enough relics to make sure nothing was ever vaulted again. People also bought the full package for the specific accessories that they wanted even if they had all the primes within the pack instead of demanding a separate accessories pack and voting with their wallet by abstaining.

Which is why that this december when they unvault Ember Prime and Frost Prime there are only three options: the Ember pack, the Frost pack, or the pack with both of them. Nothing for the accessories.

So the new system's purpose is now to prevent "stored grind," in that you will never have the new relics for new primes, which will make you more likely to either

a) Buy the Prime Access at some level, which is what they want
b) Buy the parts you want but are not successful in farming because they're now behind 2 layers of RNG (key acquisition+running the key itself) thus injecting plat into the economy, which is also what they want.

I don't care what you think of Warframe eceleb #12923857 but they're on point in this video.

Akkad, Eris
Berehynia with a dedicated group
Stofler Lua for keys+exp
Helene or Io for quick keys

Unfortunately like any time they modify something they blow up something else, like executing Cerberus as a good place to farm Oxium instead making people crawl around on the ground like peasants in Baal.

Warframe is a skinner's box and I feel legitimate sadness for the sad fucks still playing it. The only thing it had going for it was art direction and even that only really shines in the concept phase, before the jews have had their hands on it.

Listen to someone that stubbornly put two thousand hours into the game before finally admitting it: warframe is shit and will only get worse with time. I'm 100% sure you can find whatever you like or are interested in in a different game in a better form.

I see I gave them too much credit.

Much of this I already figured, but failed to specify. "No reason" should have named gameplay specifically. I do think the issue of having too many prime parts in rotation could have an elegant solution that doesn't involve removing them or the relic system.
Of course they would never do such a thing. Which I ultimately can't blame them for doing anything to benefit themselves, but I do have disdain for them and their practices nonetheless.
I will quit eventually. Probably sooner rather than later. I will stay as long as my friend does, and he's getting sick of their shit too.

Thanks for the correction.

Showed back up again recently since I forgot why I left. It won't be long before I end up taking another break from it, but I haven't forgotten.

The fucking obstacle course and trying to get better times on it with the other anons was more fun than anything else in the game. Although I guess I'm still doing the same thing in the Xon general, to an extent.

dont her covered eyes just make you wanna fuck her mouth?