Stop what you're doing

Stop what you're doing.

Now's the time to take an hour out of your day to play a video game.

It can be any game. It could be one that you're still trying to work through, or it could be a game that you have, but haven't tried yet.

Stop browsing this site for just one hour, and come back and share your experience.

Please do it. It'll be good for you. I promise.

Thank you.

Fuck off I played vidya for 6 hours straight and my eyes are burning

Suggest videogames I can play one-handed then. I've played several hours of Wizardry 6 which fits the bill, but that requires more attention than I'm able to muster right now.

So, are you planning to start this thread on a daily a basis? Not that I'm complaining if it helps get people talking about vidya, but still.

Still not playing anything right now; did reformat some USB drives though, so they're no longer hampered by a pesky 4 GB max filesize limitation, meaning I can take bigger games over there to install on a PS2 drive, and not even have to worry about compressing.

Played Dawn of War on my CRT, at 800x600

I never thought 3D assets could look good with scanlines. I was wrong. It adds a delicious sharpness to the image I find higher resolutions lack.

i played videogames all day, and i play videogames everyday, i have nothing else to do with my life or my time.

no friends
no gf
no job
not interested in education anymore

Okay. I'll be back in an hour.

Welcome back, by the way.

It's almost midnight in my time zone, you dumb nigger. I already played vidya today.

Just spent the past few hours fucking around in the new Pokemon. I've had this horribly fun realization about triple battles, but triple battles don't exist in Sun/Moon so I can't test my theory. 3 Oricorios in a triple battle, using Swords Dance. Since each one follows the other's Swords Dance with a free Swords Dance all 3 should have +6 attack by the end of the first turn. Alternatively if they all did Revelation Dance at the same time you'd get 9 attacks out of 3 pokemon in a single turn
I'd go play more vidya but it's really late, and I need some sleep.

I played Under Night In-Birth: exe Late again today. I tried going online with Orie and won 2 matches, despite the bad connection.

I already played loads of vidya recently, like Shadow Warrior 2013. Its good but combat is no Red Steel 2 and the warehouse level was fucking shitty.

I played killer 7 again. Ayama blackbird was a cute mid level boss, but she wasn't very fun concept wise. All was just wait for her to finish her loop around the track to take that one to two shots at her. Hopefully the rest of the stage with be fun.

I played Sonic Adventure 2 Battle on PC. I've beaten it multiple times, and I just played through the hero side again until I decided that was enough.
The gap between sonic stages after the forest level where you escape the island is unbearable, and only playing it now once again do I realize how long this gap truly feels. You have a knuckles stage, then a tails stage, then a knuckles stage again, then a tails racing stage, and then a tails stage, and then you get to play as Sonic again. Granted, Sonic got two of his stages in a row and a boss fight, but its the early game, and one of those stages takes less than two minutes if you know how to play right. The next few stages are knuckles' worst stage, tails' worst stage, and sonic's worst stage coupled with some boss fights. Then Final Rush comes along as the second best sonic stage in the game, but after everything experienced, its more of a breath of fresh air rather than a stage to actually be enjoyed.
When this game first came out for the dreamcast, I remember reading about it in a gaming magazine, and I remember them reviewing it and giving it an absurdly low score. I also remember getting it on the dreamcast and playing it, blind to whatever they saw wrong with it and thinking it was the best 3d sonic game ever. But having played it multiple times over the years, and this recent playthrough of only the hero side, do I truly find that this game isn't actually enjoyable in any sense. Maybe if every stage was a sonic stage. Maybe'.

There's my experience in the last hour. Was it good enough for you?

Let's fuck.

Still playing Monster Eugenics Simulator 2016, Pokemon, and finally bred me a perfect dragon I actually probably bred more, but I gave them away because I couldn't properly tell if they were perfect.

Does Shenron sound like a stupid name for a female dragon? If so, here I go for another 3 days

Ayy, I spent most of last week playing pokeymans, I think I might be shit at it though since my team's getting carried by a dunsparce and a vespiquen.

Fuck you OP, I just tore myself from Civ 4 because I need to go to sleep.

Nah, My entire team was carried by my overlevelled owl starter until right before the end, so at least you have two main sweepers

I'm okay with this if this trend keeps going.

ROB's been gone for a while. If nothing else, It's a nice dose of a long lost source of comfy kind of like Alice returning to half/b/

Also, I haven't played this game in years, nor did I ever play with any expansions. I'm facerolling with the Persians now, what's another straightforward civ I can use to wade into the game?

It's been an hour.

Share your experience.

Should I play AC0, DS1, or Nocturne

I don't want to make the wrong decision, I better think it over while continuing to post for a while.

I've been replaying through my NES games recently, I spent the last hour playing Bubble Bobble with my little bro. It was nice.

No fighting, no yelling, and he's up later than he should be - but it was okay, because we were just having fun with vidya. Sometimes it's good for people to just shut the fuck up and play some video games.

Thanks, ROB.

I prefer Civ III myself, and Persia is my favorite civ there because it does not get any more straightforward than iron working > immortal spam > murder everyone on the same continent

I tried making a song with a gameboy tracker, and it sounded like every other chiptune song in existence.
why is chiptune music so fucking inbred with autistic scandinavian kids and britbong manchildren?

ROB is a fucker.

Played some dark souls 2 sotfs coop with a friend earlier today.
It was pretty___fun_

Been thinking about getting a 3ds for monster hunter, is it worth?

I played Existential Crisis.
It was pretty end my suffering.

as for an actual vidya experience, I emulated part of a runthrough of the old NES shooter 1943. the game kicked my ass hard, so I got over it and abused RetroArch's slowdown feature and used savestates for the start/ending of every level.
Would recommend for SHMUP masochists.

I made another 300k $ in 30 minutes of work, and then proceeded to hire/fire more children for my private army in preparation towards an oncoming war where I only stand to gain from toppling a neighboring despot. I can kick out the local refugees and claim any who stay behind in my city are lazy do-nothings that just want to bitch and moan for free stuff, while those that leave to the now-liberated home get all sorts of promises about rebuilding their ancestral homeland.

I want to cut a deal with the tyrant though since we have similar goals of crushing an utterly suicidal religion that tends to use fearmongering in an effort to not only destabilize nations but to further damage the world itself. I just wish said tyrant would stop answering that problem with "everybody who isn't of our PUREST BLOOD shall be exterminated or subjugated (and then exterminated)". It would make convincing others of this common ground to join in. But noooo, they did mean things and have to pay… Yeah, nevermind our own goverments and their shitty histories, or the fact we face a mutual enemy of much more dire consequences, they'd rather they and theirs die by holy fire or eternal damnation than consider the possibility the enemy isn't "literally Hitler".

I saw a return thread, but I hadn't seen any after that other than these threads.

If you're getting it for MonHun get a n3DS, it's a massive improvement. MH4U is great, but takes a little bit of effort to get into. 3U is good and Generations is decent, but the tutorials aren't very friendly so you might not get into them.
Look through any list of recommended 3DS games to see if there's anything else you're interested in. MH4U alone is worth getting a 3DS for, but 3DS games are pretty cheap used. You might as well look into whatever else the system has to offer. There's also piracy, try and get one that doesn't have the latest update if you can

Videogames are bad for your health.

Thanks, I honestly prefer the no/minimal tutorial some games have. wether they are intended or not.

This is what it's all about.

I played some Titanfall 2 on my PS4 with some friends.

I also played a bit of Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition on my Xbone. I might play some Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth on my Vita later.

Why? What reason would you but it?

I wanted to play Halo 5 with my friend, there were a few games I wanted to try out, and fuck upgrading to Windows 10 I barely use my Windows 7 partition as it is, my daily driver is Debian Linux.

I don't regret getting it. I got a good deal on it back in September; Halo 5+MCC Xbone S for 250 burgers, and it came with Forza Horizon 3 for free.

To put it into perspective, here's my (physical) Xbone library.

I've settled on AC0.

Holy shit. All of those games are horrible fucking shit.


Where did all the A or even AA devs go that made shit like Cooking Mama or GTA Chinatown Wars?

weak bait

Hand of Fate. It's pretty good. I can play a short 10 minute session or a long hour. Thankfully works with the gamepad I have. Experienced my first crash to desktop with it tonight but otherwise seems to be solid. Unabashedly and unapolegetically a single player game. Hope the sequel will be good.

There, now we gon fug or what.

You're not being the person R.O.B. knew you could be.

I guess I could pick Warband back up. I'm at that stage where I'm just endlessly trying to fight off enemy lords looting my towns, and it gets frustrating.

Only weak people would see that as weak bait. Those are either cash grabs or rehashes.
Seriously. Fucking kill yourself.

Fuck you R.O.B, your rent is due. It has been for a long time. Pay up motherfucker.

I went and played KHII. I'm in the middle of a Lv. 1 run; I decided to do some grinding and got myself the quick run ability from messing around in Wisdom form.


Gears of War 4 I played through the campaign in local co-op.
Halo 5 came with the system.
Sunset Overdrive was $5 and I thought it was worth trying for that much.

But I have a doctor's appointment in an hour and am not even dressed yet.

My fullscreen thrusting brother from another mother.

Just played an hour of Dragon's Crown on my new Vita, not that op had to bully me into it.

This game is pretty good but I'm worried I'm not a big enough fan of the chaotic brawler type of gameplay to really get into it.

Dragon Quest Builders on the other hand, really appeals to my inner autist, and I've dumped 14 hours onto it already.

Fire Emblem If: Conquest is pretty fun so far, but the story could really use some work. The setup is a neat idea (feudal western kingdom next to a feudal japanese one) but the way they handle the two sides is pretty shit. Garon is a terrible villain so far.

Try it sometime, OP. You might like it.


I played Shadow Warrior 2 with my brother.
Pretty fun, especially hunting the rabbits.
Enemies started a bit bullet spongy, but they go down pretty easy now.
I also progressed a bit in Age of Wonder 3. Got my Elven Musketeers gunning down shit left and right. Can't wait to get the "Elven Flame Tank" and burn trees left and right.

I jacked off and read Holla Forums instead. Good night.

The only games I could force myself to play for at least an hour apiece are from /hgg/ for some time now. It looks like I'm burned out lately.

Which ones?
I've been playing SimBro a lot, and I wish I didn't find it until it had twice the content it has now.

How's Builders? I just got a pstv so I'm looking for games to download

Strive for Power and modded Free Cities mostly.

Played Fistful of frags for an hour.
Its fun, its free.

Xanadu Next on PC can be played with one hand and doesn't require you to think too much.

your collection goes from super normal faggot to some sort of weeb very quickly. Physical copy of ori? why?

Played a bunch of dragon quest earlier. Getting pretty offended by this guy however.



Why not?

Yeah, okay.

I choose Nuclear Throne, but a copy that was salvaged by a cyka blyat that simply wanted to mod the game to be playable. I will be using a personal mod that makes the cops spawn every 10 seconds for this task.

I will report back 360 waves of IDPD from now.

Alright, I'll see if anons are on Planetside, or I might play some Pokemon Moonman

okay you faggot meme robot
one hour

I think I'm gonna go watch geimu centa cee ecksu instead of actually playing anything

I've been playing FFXIV with a few friends and we've gotten a few reaction images out of it.

Picture related.

Pretty comfy game.

I've been playing Monster World IV lately. Fun game, pretty easy, but well crafted. Reminds me a lot of Shantae, especially how Asha likes to shake her cute little booty when opening treasure chests and crawling in and out of pipes. What is it with cute arabian girls in parachute pants shaking their butts in games and why for the love of god isn't there more of it?

I consistently get walled around 3-3, but only because of the sheer amount of cops that spawn in the presence of a boss. I made it to 6-1 once, and but that was an incredibly long and painful run. I'll have that chair someday.

I've been playing for hours

I ran out of episodes to watch long ago.