Nu-Male the RPG

First off indie devs have finally stopped jacking off shitty 8 bit graphics to try and make something low poly.

Second, lol they disabled the like and dislike ratio, they're just as big nu males as the main character.

Third, what is this? Looks like a crappy RPG with fancy aesthetic setpieces on it and how was it off my radar for this long?

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck is that song???


I don't even know, the girl says she's sleeping once I think, but I can't decipher what he's saying.

Also making a webm soon for those who don't want to watch youtube.

but can you fight evil goobergater in this non toxic male fantasy?

Oh no those darn Gooby Goobers, I sure hope you can bash those trans misogynistic shitlords. :^)

Mods do me a service and like edit my OP to include this in like a mirror or something.

oh, so it's only being used as a buzzword.
at least it's not a deconstructivist experiment

Is that Chris-Chan at 0:28?


stop this faggotry

Anyway the game art is crap, the gameplay is absent and i can't tell what this game is at all, so yeah it's 100% another feminist nu male game flop - scam.

Well you sure are playing as the postmodern man :^)

It may well be.

I was actually meant to praise it a bit for going low poly because it's more work then the atari 2600 most indies seem to use for their artsy meme games.

No, retard. Well done low poli is cool, this is clearly not the issue here.
The problem here is the whole package, the Nu-male protag and the hipster music and theme.
They changed from pixels to low-poli but you watch that shit and you get the same feeling of trying to be fake-retro and making something that appeals to artsy people who don't really care about video game that some indie games have.

Could there be a game worse than Undertale? Maybe.

Has there ever been a more disgusting looking character since Lester the Unlikely?

sage because the trailer is almost two years old and could be some form of ironic shilling.

So numale devs advanced to 5th gen now… Probably we will have to wait another 10 years for anything resembling 6th. So indie-numale-check-your-privilage-dindu-nuffin-battlefield-we-wuz-there-one in 2046?

No and I understand the shilling part, that flew by my head which is why I want some mod to edit the OP to add the webm, I know they can do it I've seen them do things like that before.



was 4 U

i actually like the song because its so fucking funny

Someone posted a list of 100 games that'll be at some new sony event and it was at the bottom of the list.

I put it in the OP that I'm amazed it took this long to find this thing, I don't share your sentiments on the song, I can't even decipher what she's saying to the point first time I brushed it off as japanese or something.

Oh yeah it confirmed a release date!

Much like (((undertale))) and various of meme games, the music instead of being nostailga garbage it will be rated for its slightly above average experimental music which you can find it on your local garage blasting out shitty music or going to bandcamp and soundcloud, now accessible to the drones making destructoid articles muttering stupid shit like "this is like a rhythm game but its not at all but its an rpg but RMEEMBER KILLER 7 AND ERATHBOUND" alltogether"

Oh I mad now.

"Earthbound for grown ups"
I thought the reason hipsters liked it was that it was a "mature" game for "mature" gamers such as themselves.
I wish I didn't like Mother 3 for actually being good


Also if you want to hurt yourself, there's a demo available

There is violence in my eyes

I just recently started playing through Killer7 again. If you scrape the bottom of the barrel to the point of getting splinters embedded under your fingernails, then sure, it's "hipster". But I guess distinctive style means hipster nowadays.
Fucking retards, the lot of them.

No thank you I'm good.


They might as well have called it Millennial Hipster Simulator 2017.

None of these things seem like they should be put together.

It's like Burch crying about violence in video games but actively VAing characters like Tiny Tina.

Earthbound might not be a hipster game, but hipsters love Earthbound. Even if they've never played it.

Oh and last thing to add, check out the developers behind this game. 2 musicians, 1 artist for 2d assets, 1 programmer that creates 3d assets and 1 level designer.
one of them graduated in 2012, closing the maximum amount of time to create this game to almost more than 4 years, but the first trailer was announced mid 2015


They look miserable, as if they realize they're making shit.

I've had enough for today

Seems to be a running theme with the hipster indie crowd, pretending to be huge fans of games they've never played.


Total cuck

I'm pretty sure the entire cast shown in the trailer shown characters that look like the lot of them.
I'm not sure what's more funny, the ugly hipster characters or that they're self imposed ugly hipster characters

I played the demo they have on their site.
Plainly put someone played Costume Quest and thought

You play as white guy and your party is black guy and girl because its progressive to do the same played-out shit Hollywood does when they want to maximize audiences for terrible movies.
I mean really I'm just 100% positive they played Costume Quest and said

Costume Quest was good, great even, but in practically every way that YIIK is not like Costume Quest does not appeal to me.

The game has visible encounters and in games with it such as Tales of Symphonia I did not know that got a steam release until just now, $6.79 currently it eliminates the surprise that random encounters give or the suspense and surprise delivered by the semi-random encounters of Costume Quest.

It has puzzle elements but they don't really present any challenge.
I have to assume they want an exceptionally dumb audience.

They clearly want to appeal to shit-sucking libtarded hipster millennials and so literally called their rink-a-dink RPG "postmodern".
Don't feel like explaining how retarded postmodernism is.

I didn't like the writing and perhaps worst of all the music didn't seem very good.

If it ever actually releases I don't imagine it gaining much more attention than Breath of Death VII or anything.

holy shit the guy 2nd from the right

Same shit different day - -That or I'm just too old.

Three of my favorite games defiled in one shot.
That's a new low.

mmmm how salty

I'm fucking tired of that word.

I'm ready to end it.

I'll one day make my river city ransom rpg beat'em up about an orc conquering americanada town.

I just need motivation.

I'm looking at this over and over and over again, trying hard to wake up from this nightmarish world.

I'll have to start doing crappy videogame developing course if that worked so well with those hipser sissy faggots who fill the market with so many "retro" games.

I never played Earthbound, never came into my country and I don't see how great it is supposed to be.

And dropped. Call me when we finally get a game that lets us massacre an endless wave of hipsters That isn't Watch Dogs 2.

Stop. Please.

What thread?
I'm scared

Hope you're ready

Fair enough. In retrospect, it was a pretty iffy game that stood out because it was weird and quirky at the time.

It's charm really doesn't carry forward in a world where Ar Tolenco, Xenogears/Xenosaga, Persona 2, Digital Devil, etc. exist but it's odd sense of humor still tickles some.

If you're interested, there's always emulation.
Remember one thing.
So if you're going to emulate all three, look for the new Translations of Mother , Mother 2 and Mother 3.




It's time to start over.

The question is, will it sell?

No, tumblr doesn't buy games

this is sick

I just… don't know what reaction picture should use.

Holy shit this is fucking sad

Why doesn't the developer understand that what he's doing is the equivalent of some fat LARPer running onto a football field in full plate armor in the middle of a professional game? It's like someone tried to make a game after having a friend explain to them what video games are like, and knowing the San Fran SJW crowd, that's probably exactly what happened.

So he's from Holla Forums?

There's nothing wrong with making video games when you haven't gotten a complete understanding on how they work fundamentally or conceptually, especially if you're making something that's just outright new, but this is more like someone trying to make a video game when they've never played games before other than what the scene they're aspiring to become a big name within is interested in. The fact that the game describes itself as a postmodern RPG should tell you a lot. Postmodernism helped only to fuck over the quality of art in general and pushed the idea of absolute subjectivity, which just turns people into snarky smartasses. It's also clear that if they can't make a 2D platformer featuring only deathpits and basic enemies, it's a RPG with simple 1+1 stat calculations and little in the way of roleplaying.

Visually this game is low poly but overall even I, who's only made a few shitty spites before, can tell that this just doesn't look good or immediately eye-catching on its own, and even worse when you compare it to every other indie hipster-pandering game that for some reason has a pathological fear of primary colors. Nobody wants to play as a hipster, and none of the designs look interesting at all. A lot of the animations look like the devs were learning the basics as they worked on this game. My ears are pretty shit but the vocals in the trailer song are harder to make out than Metal Gear Rising's when the game first released, and that had a lot of different and loud sounds going on that also masked the lyrics a bit. The singer's also rather grating on the ears, so hopefully most of the soundtrack is instrumental.

I don't know what else to say, but I don't even want to try out a demo unless there's some stupidly hilarious shit like with Anonymous Agony or Uncommon Time, and both of those were fucking RPG Maker games. If we're going to see more shit like this, I'd rather hipsters stick with stuff like pic related, which lacks stylization and limbs thicker than 1 pixel.

Why the fuck haven't you shits nuked San Francisco already

Ugh. Looks like it is one of those things that pretends to be a game, but is really a movie that spends the entire time trying become popular. Looks like running and quirky scene the while way through.

I know, right? Everyone knows it's "set up us the bomb," not "set us up."

Can't we just drone these guys?


The part with the crying pyramid and the screaming chick getting sucked into the void at the end looks alright in kind of an abstract horror way but all the rest just looks bland and shitty.

More like low power stance

there's another trailer where that chicks face is used for a jumpscare
not linking more trailers and not making webms, just trust me it happens and it looks shit

That's not how you play fucking DDR, and that fucking song it just grates on my nerves it's not even the kind of song where the more you listen to it the more you like it. The artstyle is just godawful, and only one moment in the whole fucking trailer was entertaining to look at, the protagonist is a faggot who looks like he's just started on the road of no return, and fucking granny problem glasses of varying degrees everywhere.

God damn, all you stupid fucks asking for low polly indie games here you fucking go. I fucking warned you about this, me and other Anons arned you
but you didn't fucking listen

At least they might learn that low poly is easier than pixel art and they'll stop raping it for a while

I imagine it'll go over well with game "journalists" at least.

So, an horror game about hypsters trying to figure out how videogames they never played worked? also it would be some sort of clever comentary about sexism in videogames or some shit?

This looks horrible and why would I want to play as a fucking normal hipster? Hipsters don't look good at the best of times, they aren't sympathetic losers that you get to guide to greatness, and they are generally scum.

Was that Chairman Pao at the end of the webm?

You should see some of the commercials that they play nowadays. They make me nostalgic for the car sales commercials that this parodies.

Tell me Holla Forums, whats the perfect look for a non-numale, non-faggot, RWDS real man?

Video games, I'm indie dev.

Best thing I've seen this year as a critique on the hipster crowd and the perception of post-modernism as art, laden with highlighting the hypocrisy of being upset about consumerism and capitalism while simultaneously having a character who goes to (and presumably buys from) a record shop that only sells popular genres.
Wait, were they serous?

They made the 3d models watchable at least. Why is the 2d art so horrible and faggified?

I just noticed, if you take away the facial hair, you could easily turn that hipster in plaid into a girl, or a dyke at least.

Isn't a trailer supposed to tell you about the game? All I got from that is that some hipster managed to make a game that looks like a washed out Pokemon without the excuse that it's on a 240p handheld.
The puzzle sections look OK, and that last clip actually had something interesting about it. Aside from that the whole trailer is a load of nothing. It's like a movie trailer where the protagonist sits down to have a cup of coffee for 2 minutes, and then it fades to black.
At least Undertale's trailer shows you information about it.

It looks like his face was drawn first, then they just slapped a bear on and called it a day. So it actually does look like a manish women wearing a fake beard.




Fuckin' kill me. They're going to ruin low poly. Well, Inafune ruined low poly. I guess this'll be the nail in the coffin.

Doesn't matter, it gets funded by libshits. If that fails, their Jewish overlords will bail them out.

I like the graphics, and that is all the good things I have to say about this game.

To be quite honest, you losers should be laughing at yourselves. If these limp-wristed faggot hipsters can make video games, what is stopping YOU?

College deadlines for and a better paying job, how about you?

Helping a family business while hunting for a job as an avionics technician.

Also learning Zbrush in my spare time.

Terrible motivation and a lack of coherent ideas.
Also, no artists.

we need that memeteor


Very nice, checked.

i'm too busy teaching college students how to make video games

What disgusts me most is there's no consistency in art style, they just threw a bunch of themes, many which clash with each other, as a result it's one of the ugliest looking trailers I've ever seen. The game just looks like it's trying so hard to be different that it lacks any solid identity of its own, unlike a game such as Earthbound which has a solid identity and consistent theme despite being radically different from any other game.

The funny thing is that I recall there being threads in various sites in which people try to make characters look more badass or manly by giving them facial hair, and most of the results were good. In this case, the beard makes the character look more effeminate.

College for welding

That's why it calls itself a postmodern game.

hello dsp

Did you forget the rest of your post or something?

Comments say its called The Machine And The Crow

I like playing video games, not making them.

If you have to label it as post modern then you're defeating the point of post-modernism (unless of course the idea of games labeling what type of art they were was an established thing, but it isn't). Frog Fractions works so well as a post-modern game because you assume it to be a boring educational game. Spec Ops worked as a post-modern game (to an extent) because it was marketed as a standard military shooter. MGS2 worked as a post-modern game because people expected it to be just like the first one but better.

And to anyone confused by me labeling those as post-modern, post-modernism isn't just lolrandumb shit and it seems that the vast majority of people really have no idea what it is. It isn't the same as abstract art at all; it can be abstract certainly, but that's like saying oil paintings are the same thing as self-portraits because you can make a self-portrait with oil paint.

Post-modern art is simply art meant to be judged in a greater context than the work itself, the reason its so infamous is that an example of this would be someone putting a really shitty painting in an amazing art gallery and the absurdity of it relative to everything else is the value of the art. Since this is the easiest way to interpret the concept, all the hipster retards run with it and 99% of post-modern art ends up being this. But something I've never seen someone describe of post-modern that really does exemplify its values would be a lot of what Sam Hyde does. He isn't really that funny because of what he says, but because of what he says in the context of the audience he's presenting to, like doing a parody of Ted talks while presenting at a Ted talk. It wouldn't have been nearly as funny if he did that anywhere else.

thanks OP

I'm learning C#, Unity, and Blender right now.

im pretty sure the fucking retard on the right thinks he's being a TOTAL contrarian by unbuttoning only the bottom button, which is exactly the opposite of what you're meant to do

Learn C++ nigga

First they take Earthbound and now this? Culture war when? Gas the flannels now.



It was a struggle to watch that full trailer for 2 minutes. This looks like garbage. I hope its developers enjoy having a post-profit game to go with this post-modern RPG.


Hiya Kojima

Whats the game anyway, adventure? platformer?


it's a post modern experience
you'd probably not understand it anyway

Go back to lainchan

You know that's probably the anwser I'd get from the devs, the same way that bunch of numales attacked the journalist when he asked what exactly was no man sky

holy shit user

A rare FtM tranny

my bad replied to the wrong user

not miserable. they're trying to look all somber and cool. its a standard "everyone look at the camera and look serious and thoughtful, because we're just THAT cool" group photo that you can probably find for every popular band ever they're doing it in too. game development is just serious business to them. they have a message, a real deep, thought provoking message to put out, and day after day they push back against the inequities of society to get it to you

except the lone chick of the group, of course, she's too concerned with trying to nonchalantly show off her curves and look hot

So that's what looks so wrong with nu males but I couldnt figure out, they're traps with beards now I understand

I can't tell if they're poking fun at or appealing to them

don't insult traps like that

I'm guessing you don't know who DSP is. Don't worry, just e-celeb trash, just carry on with your day.

It's an abstract and existential horror game about how shitty and meaningless these peoples' lives are but they're too fucking stupid to realize that's the reason why they're making it.

The main character is literally a Token Hipster

Is this a parody? Because it literally feels like a pardoy.
How can these people have such a profound lack of self awareness? Its fucking impressive

This flavour of indie dev is pure cancer

What if that's what they want you to think and it really is a postmodern game that properly uses the definition of postmodernism?
It probably isn't but that certainly would be quite a surprise.

Either way, its best to ignore it for now. If it's legit then it's trash, and if its goal is to appear to pander to and be made by SJW/cucks/numales then we want them to fall for it so don't give them the idea that this is a possibility.

I thought that post was worth a screencap

Thanks, I'm happy that at least someone else out there will understand this. I just get really annoyed when people shit on terrible art because its post-modern. 99% of videogames are absolute dogshit but that doesn't mean that videogames are an inherently bad medium, it just means that most people are terrible at utilizing it. This is really true with any medium it just happens to be more of a problem with post-modernism and videogames than it is with something like classical art or writing.

And I'm not referring to 99% of X ever made, I mean 99% of what is deemed culturally significant, critically praised, or just popular. Some fag's shitty tumblr post isn't really seen as much of a mark against the medium of writing as 50 Shades of Grey.

they used unity, didn't they?

Postmodernism the cancer of art.

Correction. As points out:

What sheltered hipsters think is postmodernism is art cancer.

Oh shit man, now i see it.

Christ what a shit singer.

God damn my ears. I couldn't even pay attention to the video with that shrill fucking noise all over the place.

post modern is just a label put on art that is pretentious. Either the art is good or its not, what use is judging art on a greater context of the work itself? Most are just scared of criticizing it. probably cause it'll hurt their feelings but standards of objectivity need to be met. If art cant be judged on its own merits and the context of its surroundings change then is the art is nullified? Art isn't milk, it doesn't have an expiration date. Either something is art or its not, post modern is autism

This is just 3d Homestuck.




This was inevitable once Unity was released.
>tfw your low poly Evola fan fic game will never be finished

actually bretty gud


I don't have a mountain of daddy's cash to burn through to work for years with no pay (other than burning the aforementioned mountain) on a "game" that will only make a net loss.

I feel like this reaching into John Flint levels of "quality"

It'll fail

check digit

Had to do it, sorry.



You sure this isn't a parody?

Oh look, I'm still here. That means, you are pic realated.

Pick one and go back to >>>/9gag/

I want to fuck that brown on the left.

That's probably a tranny user


Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the good side of post-modernism. Completely oblivious idiots making subconcious self-parodies.
The only problem with enjoying the world like this is how they actually got a budget to make this shit.

I wonder if his dick is cute.

you have peculiar taste

Why is it almost every Japanese indie game looks amazing but pretty much no Western ones look worth playing in the slightest?

I'm neither an artist nor an autist.

Nu males use beards because their faces are effeminate. They consume too much estrogen.

Because you have a gambling problem.



Now tell me, which one looks more fun?

what the fuck is this shit?!

Been a while since I've seen a file this old.


Thank God. Maybe now my beloved pixel art is saved from their clutches.

fuck off NIGGER

that's not the point, ya dingus
Cultists are a callback to Heretic and Hexen.
Rednecks are a callback to Redneck Rampage.
Quake in fear.
Meet your Doom.
It's so cheesy and obvious, how are you this daft?


They don't look like people who could be in charge of anything.
They look like regular slavs instead (I can tell, I am one).

Central Igor Agency

smh tbh famalam

Video games aren't always meant for fun. This one looks like it was made specifically to bore you to death.

Professional C++ developer here. Don't. Don't listen to that guy. Use whatever gets your game done. You don't need to use C++ unless you have a real demand for performance or low level control over your physics, rendering, or compilation. C# is fine for most games you might want to make. C++ is technically better, but it also takes more time, more skill to not fuck up, and much more experience to use efficiently. If you watch /agdg/ or the agdg thread, it's obvious that it's perfectly fine to use whatever gets your game done (to a limit. Using Ruby or Python for any 3D game would be a mistake). The biggest problem facing indie game devs is burn out, after all.


That looks like… fun. Hope it's free.

Where's the gameplay?

the nose knows

I want to give it credit but there's barely any gameplay, it all goes by too fast to sort of take in, the music choice was horrible, the name sure needs work, and the main character isnt who I'd want to play as.

I came here just to say this music is the most obnoxious thing I've heard today



But it's POST-MODERN, user. It has ironic gameplay

oh lord, everything about this is painful

why are stormniggers the absolutely most easily triggered paper skinned pansies on the entire fullchan? for the love of god youre such a little bitch

there's no such thing as non-toxic masculinity or feminity. The concept of othering genders is inherently oppressive, SJWs only invented the term toxic masculinity to prioritize what they see as an exceptional issue in most urgent need of correction. Thus in an ideal, not dishonest SJW game followed to the ideology's logical conclusion, there'd be only grey aliens

I love you too sugar tits.

What the fuck is with the pronunciation, did they get a jap to sing this

There was a final fantasy spin off that did this art style better.

when will lolbergtarian plebbit gaymergoys realise that "muh PR" will never work and nobody cares about gaymergoy in 2016 except plebbitors?

I thought the liberals would jump on it first, but you're acceptable.

Because the sad truth is that they get even more triggered than the most hardcore leftist.

Thanks, That's what I thought the situation was. I'll stick with C# for now and once I get comfortable with it I can always study C++ when/if I want more control.


Carl the Cuck and AIDs Skrillex expansion pack when ???

Can't be faggier than this.

read: jewish crap


She was super nice and pretty and would help me a lot with my art.

Why these faggots don't shave these disgusting beards? holy shit.




I'm sure I saw this posted in a GG thread months ago


did she died?

No, probably wish she had though.

I hope they move onto 1D graphics only.

As in they get the fuck out and never make anything because 1D graphics are pretty my un-perceivable.

Holy shit, is rape about to ensue? The scared look on her face almost makes it kind of hot for me. Also tragic, but then I realize she's most likely a leftist who put herself in that situation to show how peaceful those people are.

Really? Who declared this?

Can I finally continue making pixel art without feeling guilty?

Rape is such a harsh word, we prefer "taharrush". It's a just a game bro.

it's because they're insecure about how they actually look.

I've met a bunch of fuckers in college who have HUGE ASS BEARDS, but they also drape themselves in shit they think is cool to appear manly, instead of just wearing what's comfortable.

There's this dude in my college who wears a black trenchcoat everywhere, and he's a good guy and all, but still, you get my point. The bad ones don't wear what they think is cool, but instead they seek to be accepted, which is where the "ironic" hipster shit comes in.

The difference between Trenchcoat Beard Guy and Fake Glasses Nu-Male is that Trenchcoat is amiable and accepting (and also tries to live up to his definition of manliness instead of looking for acceptance), while Nu-Males generally are heavily opinionated and rude as fuck.

And i've met my fair share of both of those types.




From what I gathered, this could have been pretty good. I was thinking this was some tongue-in-cheek dungeon crawler poking fun while masquerading as the genuine article. Then I saw the developers.

At least the game in my mind based off that trailer (and ignoring the in-game text) will still be a masterpiece.

Why is the rifle bleeding bullets?


All stereotypes are real, ya dingleberry.
Nigger nig.
Slavs slav.
Chinks chink.
Spiks spik.
M16 jams

I wonder which group gets shat on more in public.

Fighting back works.

It triggers the tryhard hivemind so it can't be that bad.

Look mom I said it again.

A-user kun, you're so above it all and so right
Let's play trash none-games made my sonichu tier self inserts, that'll show those anonymous posters! Gooba Goys btfo


You haven't even played the game.
People are just upset about themes.

…Are you functionally retarded?

When you see what looks like an ass hole, and it's pumping out shit, do you then go and give the shit a try just to be sure it's not candy?

You will release 5 shovelware games on the appstore trying to make dem big bucks and always failing because you're competing with people ready to put in a lot effort for little money. You will then go bankrupt, tired of making games or both, after having unleashed a hefty dose of cancer upon the world. Both Gamasutra and the appstore are chock full of you geniuses for all to see.


It's essentially a LOL thread where some guy posts that one comic, then 50 replies of people shocked and trying to be on the right side of things.

Give me a break, if it pisses off Holla Forums this much, it's probably doing its job.

Keep being contrary to piss off those gobbledy gookers.

Extremely related.

I'll pirate it.

Oh it's because you don't get cringe threads.
People aren't fitting in user, they're not "faking shock" for approval. It's because we enjoy hating things and enjoy seeing things we dislike. Why do you think people watch cringe compilations by themselves? I know it's hard with your condition, but people who aren't walking contrarian froo-froo laa-laa faggots enjoy doing this stuff. You double nigger.

Yeah but that shit is old, you have to get your cringe fresh.

it's not really about enjoying it, it's more about talking about it for me.

Agreed, agreed. I hate when it's the exact same comics.

Me too - but I also like seeing if I can feel anything anymore.

I doubt it.

Probably can't even tell anyone apart based on how they form their posts.

:^) Someone is sore

This entire thread is just me

You're gay

The kid is NOT CRYING!

He did it. He rused the world.

I think your projecting your own insecurities onto other people.
It's like something straight out of elementary school.
"If you don't like X, then you're a double nigger!"

Oh god no! Not a double nigger! user pls!

You're a triple nigger.




Shit's getting real yo

oh, that ACTUALLY explains everything


you make it sound like a big circlejerk

Of course it is, but it's our circlejerk

That's already a thing.

didn't the entire gamergate started due to Zoe Quinn's text game?

we got 1D covered there alright

I see them all the time at wal-mart. I thought the shitshow for those had already come and gone. Internet shit like that has been normalized anyway. We had FNAF toys in the claw machine at my workplace for a few months.


You dun good man.

The level design looks really boring.

Bitch needs to move away from the mic when she breathes in.


If they want to be manly they should lift, i just don't understand how a huge and smelly beard is manly.

the song would be alright if the singer wasn't so obnoxious.
This whole thing is surrealism at it's worst. There's no sublimity it's just throwing random shit for the sake of it. Absolutely disgusting.
The biggest fucking mistake they could have made

What kind of funhouse do you work in that has claw machines, and do you have vacancies?

It looks pretty. Shame the MC is a disgusting hipster and post modernism is a cancer on society.

This looks like so much wasted potential by the hands of the director/producer that it hurts me so deeply inside. It looks like a bunch of incoherent lobbed together shite that was either "cool" or "retro" like pouring a bunch of wine and molten chocolate onto some fucking chilli beans. I genuinely want to beat these people over the head with their keyboards.

I blame Uni/College gamedev courses for producing such awful and sloppy people who think they have what it takes to lead a game's development.

Actually that's pretty clever. I like it.

If I find kilts comfortable, I still should not wear them in public in most situations.

I just noticed it ACTUALLY SAYS A POST MODERN RPG at the end. I didnt make it past the first half the first time I watched it

And apparently is a cheap, uncreative turn based rpg (1:33). They're just gonna make the most basic rpg put hp, pp, level ups and all that shit to get the nostalgiabux, put a 2deep4u story and release it. It's like they're trying to get the undertale audience, except that at least undertale was creative on pretty much every aspect of the game. It was shit, but credit when due, at least it wasnt a fucking jrpg

The protagonist fights throwing vinyls. Pic related

Sounds almost as retarded as the various Final fantasy II/II and that chrono trigger retranslation


I almost like it

take out the shitty memes and the diversity social justice shit and change the sprites for not nu-male shit and it would probably be a game worth 10 dollars

working on it
was learning Godot engine and realized I needed to set up a whole lot of infrastructure shit for it like a personal cloud server to sync my work between my computers and shit
I'm just now getting back to learning how to use it

meant to say What really bothers me is how much my brother looks like this douchebag


Millenial dumbasses are retards no matter who they're getting offended for.

This looks like a parody of itself.
Stale memes, weird mumbling soundtrack, Goony california dreg looking MC, MUH EARTHBOUND, POSTMODERN.
It's like they're screaming at you to ASK ME WHAT IT MEANS

This is on the level of the fake 'art' fims people put into other forms of media if they ever need a background prop for someone to feel cultured, this does not seem like a real product to me.


gud gawd

>Yeah man, keep holding the mouse but just like reach for the water bottle too, you know put you hand on it. Leave it ambiguous whether or not you are picking it up or putting it down, it will give people something to think about. Trust me it will make you look like you have baggage that you are complicated, cultured, and intelligent because you can multi task while you work.
>Are you sure? That sounds kinda weird.
>Yeah man, I am a professional photographer after all. I know what I am doing.
>Uh, okay. Is this good?
>Perfect man, hold still.

fug, I had an idea for a game with this artstyle and now I will never make it
it was going to be megaman legends after a DMT trip not some shitty walking simulator """RPG""" and it wasn't even really going to be lowpoly just lowres gotta respect Terry's holy aspect ratio

Nobody should be allowed to say that with anything bordering on sincerity.

I think the hipsters skipped a generation. Is Dreamcast what's hot with the hipsters now, because if so then thank god i already own half the library before they fuck up the prices.

It has to be satire. I can't believe it's anything but satire, it's too much.
Is this what they call Poe's law?


However, since lefties have zero introspection, I believe it's real.

It's because they are lazy.

On one side you have work, effort and sacrifice.

On the other you have …. not shaving more than you already do.

They chose the path of least resistance, and it shows.



if only, instead we get hipsters and ancient memes

Oh shit, is Igor Deluxe Igor's actuall twin?

thats kinda hot

I don't really have a problem with this

this is fucking awful. do they not realize how much of a pathetic stereotype this is?

They're going to use it to show how inauthentic the white male character is, compared to the vibrant minority caste.

They sell FNAF underwear at Hot Topic.

The world is fucking over, buddy.

No one is getting "triggered"

They actually made two other trailers. This is the third one.

Sorry but I don't know how to make webms/mp4s

My god, it looks even worse than the trailer OP posted, now it looks like HASHTAG FIRE EMBLEM as rendered by RPG Maker, and it's much more choppy looking than any PS1 game ever was

You can even play a demo version of this game.
I hope that when this game, finally gets released, some brave user will stream it. I still remember the magical time that the Uncommon Time stream was.

Also from their web page
Key Features

Expected release date: Summer 2016

Expected release platforms: STEAM, PS4, PSVita, and Wii U.

this song is a crime


This fucking music, on god. It's like someone decided to make the most offensive sound ever then increase the intensity every five seconds. Actually gave me a headache listening to it.