VR Ban When?

https ://archive.is/j07Ki

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old article, but
never fails to make me fuck

I advice to call the VR police in those events


Here's the thing for me. It IS sexual harassment, it is NOT sexual assault.

This is honestly a problem that should be looked at further because it's going to suck for anyone who wants to just play a Goddamn video game without having to put up with chucklefucks like that guy and have no way of defending themselves aside from quitting the game and removing the helmet.

Yeah I know people are going to say she should get a thicker skin (and I honestly agree with that) but I think it's pretty plausible to believe that other player would have decided to just keep following this woman around, getting in the way. It's going to really suck dealing with other players in VR who decide to get up in your face and block your view of (in this case) get way too 'touchy' with anyone in a female avatar.

But because this lady has to start yelling about SEXUAL ASSAULT (because using the harshest possible word for something is always better than using the word that is most appropriate and accurate), that means we won't end up with a reasonable solution to this kind of problem. We're going to get evidence-unnecessary 'ban the other player because they raped me' buttons in games.

There's only one way to fix this.
24/7 PVP.

Please gas yourself

The femishits are still delusional I see.

It only bothers you, if you allow it to. However, just kicking and permabanning is bit different than actually filing for sexual harassment on a game. I would like to see someone get charged for shits and giggles, personally, but I don't want the catalyst to be a feminist.

Yeah, I'm that petty.

it was real in my mind

do you know what sexual harassment means?

best idea

yeah, she could've smashed his brains out like in those child porn harem animes. friendly fire in VR games should be fun, but they'll probably go with neutering the game instead

At first I thought you had to be full of shit, but no. You're 100% correct.



as silly as the power pose thing is, honestly this could be the best solution to this sort of thing. It only impacts the player who is being sensitive.

I beg your pardon?

That sounds hot as fuck. I can't wait to be a virtual molester.

Yeah, you're right. This is a problem that deserves our attention. let's start proposing solutions. Here's mine: CLOSE YA EYES NIGGA HAHAHAHAHAHA!

She has brother problems user, leave it.

He just loves his oniichan so much.

He just loves his oniichan so much.

Thank you for trying.


We had this thread already, faggot, nobody carea

That's not sexual harassment, this is sexual harassment :^)

women were a mistake

eh, at least it matches IRL for feminists now

Briannna Wu is a successful and well known video game developer, I don't see why you would want to insult her

Yeah, no, nobody was raping that even once, let alone twice.

How does that even work ? Is this about some gimmicky bodysuit feedback or is she just completely making things up ?

The second one. Also

"The mind makes it real…" - Morpheus

So it's a Mute function. Something we've had for a very long time now.
Only it's also visual and proximity-based. I guess that's neat but hardly something to be that proud about.

There are always dicks online that elect to have fun by annoying other people. Just mute the freaks and enjoy the game. Failing that, leave and go to another server. And if they are in every server, leave and go play another game. Once the population drops dramatically, either the game rightly dies or the devs do something about it.

Basically someone moved their fingers over her avatar, so she interprets that as she was violated, OH NO. Literally 0 agency, 0 sensation, no feedback, if she hadn't seen it she wouldn't have even known it happened. And she's attributing that as rape.


It's like those kids who get trolled and start screaming but never actually think to leave the game.

Also reacting to these guys is probably giving them the stimulation/satisfaction that they want. Trying to stop sexual harassment is impossible when it has existed throughout the years, and is virtually hardcoded into those with a lack of empathy.

I've found that blatantly ignoring those tards makes them more upset than any comeback you throw their away. Not even disdain, just plain looking the other way and pretending they don't exist.
They are usually just attention whores anyway, if you don't give them what they crave, they give up and go bother someone else.

Even better is when you have someone else to play with, the bigger the group the better.
Whenever those idiots see a large amount of people having fun, they start foaming when they are ignored and can't ruin it for everyone else.

And yet the publisher caved and cow tow'd the game to them, and now they've modified the game. The problem is while you can ignore them, devs still think that their complaints are valid and change shit to appease them and legitimize their bullshit.

Well that's not a good argument, though. It depends on your playerbase entirely.
If 80% of their players are whiny man babys, letting stuff like that go unabated means losing your clients.
They have to appeal to whoever is the majority if they want to keep gaining money.

It's like a biker going to a regular bar and starting shit for fun. Sure, the customers could grow a thicker skin and the bartender could tell them so. But they can also leave and then the bartender sells drinks to a single biker instead of all the people he had before.

It's not about "the right userbase", it's about what playerbase you want to pander to.
Although in this case, that's kinda retarded, I seriously doubt there are many people like that cunt.

That's about right man. Same goes in real life as well I think. These people are only behind a computer screen, if anything that encourages their behaviour because of the anonymity and immunity to any physical retribution that they receive.

Daily reminder to report unintelligent clickbait threada like this


Hi Brianna John

That's why they have bouncers/admins to ban these guys/kick them out. That's what used to happen, it's not like people have changed so much that they need an entirely new system excluding sjws here

Honestly, I can't wait for an Illusion VR multiplayer game :^D

Your daddy didn't teach you right


You like that huh?

Please kill yourself

Brianna Wu pls go

Soon hopefully, shitty gimmicks need to be banned.

I'm not her and I feel sorry for her that there are so many people who hate her for no reason

Ugh. Stop literally raping x'ir, you neckbeard mysogenerd.

She let him do it and either had a machine equipped or was masturbating. She is now trying to bury it before anyone calls her a whore or a slut.


Typical cunts.

By your retarded logic, teabagging in Halo should be considered sexual harassment.

Nigga it's archery with no player models.

I never thought the Mega Man Battle network style of gameplay could be made into such pure shite.

In that case, someone shooting at my character in a game is attempted murder, but it is NOT murder.

The last generation of people should be sent back to the factory and have their organs recycled.
Cucked, weak faggot.

this is pathetic.

females and faggots shouldn't be allowed near computers of any sort.


You mean Mr Flynt?

It's not sexual anything if he's not poking your live hole or mashing your tits toots.

Yep, that's why so many of them are gold diggers.

What a moron, jesus, the lack of self awareness is astonishing. Shocked that her 5 year old girl is hearing bad language and threats on a run and gun MMO.

Goes full bitch mode then breaks into tears when it backfires. Tries to get others to report them, then full-on bitch mode and back again.

Why does she stay? She even knows they're winding her up, she says it herself then just thinks she can whine her way to them leaving rather than just going herself.

It's an odd thing to see someone who's yet to divorce their ego from their virtual presence.

Ya know, as someone who got raped as a kid, shit like this makes me furious.

I don't have a reaction image appropriate for how great this is.

The fucking boyfriend is hilarious, his death threats are the least threatening thing I've ever heard. He sounds like he can barely get off the couch never-mind garrote a family of cunts.

Boys can't be raped


I haven't gotten there yet, just got to
What gets me curious though is the youtuber that uploaded it. Is he trolling or is he actually a cuck who thinks this is evidence of "the terrible nature of online harassment" and not just some dumb cunt falling for low level bait and showing that women probably should be banned from gaming for all our sakes?

Hard to tell if he's serious or not when he makes comments like

Does that mean brianna got a conscience when he transitioned?

Okay, I just got to the BF.
Not exactly a Liam Neeson delivery.

No, because you cant be a man and turn into a woman :^)

I suppose it's both, for us it's a prime example of someone who needs to not be on the internet and not to let her barely out of the chute kids on games like this like any sane person would.

But then to some dumb fuck it's an example of OMG RAPE CULTURE etc as these guys listlessly pour scorn on her while she fake cries.

Everybody wins.

It's funny how much one's lens can tint an event I suppose.

My bullshit senses are tingling , that sounds like a made up nickname.

you wont stop it

Stop what?

i want to buy into the vr meme just so i can do this kind of shit

VR becoming the main source of entertainment, and that source being controlled by people you think are dumb.

that bitch is a 10 footer

I was virtually holocausted over 6 million times, it was real in my mind

Won't happen. People are too lazy to strap shit to their face, 3DTV and Movies failed because people don't even want to deal with a little pair of glasses. VR will only be a main source of entertainment for a very niche crowd and it will end up remembered as a gimmick. Mind you I'll probably get in to VR at some point, but I'm not a normalfag by any measure.

"Which is why they should hire specialists, like me, to advise them."

"Which is why they should hire specialists, like me, to advise them."

filling out captcha causes a double post now?

John Flynt isn't a woman his a dude who pretends to be a woman, he doesn't even put any effort into it you could easily find a more convincing drag queens.

also because if you used glasses you had to either shell out more cash for ones made with people who need glasses in mind and that still work for people who don't wear them or stack them and the garbage viewing angles ruining anything other than perfect alignment

no idea if that's the cause but i had double posts happen in the past few days

Those are some freakishly long fingers for someone that small

handfags are as bad as footfags

I'm neither, they just freak me out look how small her head is

She got the crystal treatment
I dont see anything weird or wrong with her hands

You're a perfect example of why men and women should have segregated communities. Overly sensitive pomps and majority women can't handle basic bullshit and we shouldn't have to accommodate whiny children who end up ruining communities and games with ridiculous rules to accommodate their bullshit.

I wasn't familiar with QuiVR at all, so I went and looked it up. The first thing that I noticed is that, like most modern VR games, you are rooted in one spot, with the option to teleport to certain pre-designated spots.

Right away this blows a hole in the story. How could the author be chased or more closer to? As far as I can see in some videos, you can't have more than one player on one spot. Some maps appear to have multiple players stationed in one area but… Yet again, you cannot move towards them or chase them.

Furthermore.. The characters are floating hands and helmets. There is no virtual chest or crotch to grab, and even if there was.. You can't actually move close enough to put your hand on another non-existent player body.


You're right, that name never existed online outside of some link to [email protected]/* */ which leads to nothing but spam email lists. Checking Steam itself for that name gets 0 results (until 2 days after the medium shit was posted when people changed their name to it). There is nothing cached on Steam regarding BigBro442 or anyone that'd be on their friends list. It's obvious the lying attention whore had 0 idea how Steam nor games work and have just lied about it. There is no BigBro442 and during the weekend where the alleged incident took place only 9-20 people were playing the quivr demo, those are fucking dead game numbers, you'll have trouble find people for multiplayer games when there are a few hundred playing nevertheless 20.

Then there's BigBro442 who has enough money and commitment to VR and games to buy a HTC Vive or Oculus Rift but has zero posts or anything else tying them to it online? Give me a fucking break, even a normalfag autist that doesn't post anywhere but buys VR leaves some trail even if it's on Steam.


You're right, that name never existed online outside of some link to [email protected]/* */ which leads to nothing but spam email lists. Checking Steam itself for that name gets 0 results (until 2 days after the medium shit was posted when people changed their name to it). There is nothing cached on Steam regarding BigBro442 or anyone that'd be on their friends list. It's obvious the lying attention whore had 0 idea how Steam nor games work and have just lied about it. There is no BigBro442 and during the weekend where the alleged incident took place only 9-20 people were playing the quivr demo, those are fucking dead game numbers, you'll have trouble find people for multiplayer games when there are a few hundred playing nevertheless 20.

Then there's BigBro442 who has enough money and commitment to VR and games to buy a HTC Vive or Oculus Rift but has zero posts or anything else tying them to it online? Give me a fucking break, even a normalfag autist that doesn't post anywhere but buys VR leaves some trail even if it's on Steam.


The game doesn't have character models.
There literally are no chests or crotches to touch.

I don't think it's illegal, though. Sure it's sexual harassment, but if it's actually impeding on your rights such as your right to work or right to vote, then it is of a legal matter. People aren't entitled to play video games, it's a choice and you live with the consequences. I would think devs would introduce some Black Mirror-tier system if VR ever takes off.

But he isn't using reddit spacing. Do you know what reddit spacing is, user?

Explain it to me if I'm wrong

Reddit spaces every sentence or two, because reddit is fucking retarded. This user simply split his post into paragraphs.

Sentences that are separated instead of paragraphs is reddit spacing, eg:

>You're right, that name never existed online outside of some link to [email protected]/* */ which leads to nothing but spam email lists.

is right. There's a difference between formatting your posts and breaking it into paragraphs so it isn't an eyesore, and then there's unnecessary breaks.


You missed the part where hipsters are incapable of having fun, because their ego is put first and foremost.

myg0t still exist?


It was real in my mind

Brotherly incest is fucking creepy as shit.

I've always thought it was kinda cute in a weird way, two brothers loving each other that much.

In a purely technical sense, yeah, she was being harassed sexually, but considering that this isn't the matrix she could have just taken off the helmet or used the "make other players invisible when near you" button in the options menu.
The tools are already there, bitch is obviously too menu illiterate to use them.

That's only half the job of the bouncers, the other half is to keep the undesirables out of the bar in the first place.

It's not reddit spacing when you're introducing a totally different idea.
It's the same logic that dictates that there be a line between each different reply unless you're just integrating someone's post into yours.
Learn your shit, nigger.

There was an user in a 4am thread several months ago who was asking for advice on the topic. It was something like:

I don't know if there was a followup on that, as I normally avoid 4am threads.

It's an intimacy thing, ultimately.

It's not sexual harassment, it's virtual harassment. It's a pale mockery of actual harassment. Anyone who claims to be a harasser through VR should be ashamed of themselves, and actual accomplished harassers would be spinning in their graves.
If someone isn't physically AND mentally scarred for life, you didn't do your job of harassment properly and should fucking hang yourself.

But that's gay.

The saddest part about it is that even when they know they are fabricating stuff like that they still feel self-righteous.

yeah that seems to add up.


Picture a disembodied low-poly hand making jack-off motions a couple feet away.

That's what we're dealing with here.



nope better scream and make a scene

No fuck it. You make this site shit.

that IS literally rape though.

Well that's irrelevant, what's important is that she felt it was real and that is very damaging both physically and mentally

Hands aren't even modeled in the game.

nice numbers

I'm happy this didn't work out for her.

Not just that, stggs is uploading new content.

Fucking kek.

weve already come that far in virtual reality?
why the hell arent i fucking hatsune miku RIGHT NOW?

It's not exclusive to VR. Sexual assault happened in GTA, and will happen in any other online game.

The simple solution is to simply ban online multiplayer completely.