Neo Luddism

What do you think of him?
10. By “feelings of inferiority” we mean not only inferiority feelings in the strict sense but a whole spectrum of related traits; low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, depressive tendencies, defeatism, guilt, self-hatred,
etc. We argue that modern leftists tend to have some such feelings (possibly more or less repressed) and that these feelings are decisive in determining the direction of modern leftism.

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he was a kike lover, he LITERALLY dated a kike in college and thinks blowing up white people was a good thing. Fuck that traitor

Wtf are you talking about, retard?

Yeah, there are more effective ways of influencing the world order than sending pipe bombs through the mail. lel

Like what? Shitposting? Ted, unlike Holla Forums, actually did something. Like McVeigh.

This is you right now

Like formulating ideas for one's people to rally around, like shifting the current narrative away from it's extreme polarization, like not giving said narrative free ammo for calling the "other side" "domestic terrorists"

I did not believe Ted back then reading it but after the studies came out years later proving him right I just don't know anymore. The studies btw

Right-wingers have higher self esteem than leftists

Individuals with low self-esteem are more likely to be leftist. Neale Mirror Mirror OBHDP.pdf

And Trump is married to one and has his kids married to them. Your point?

Sup agent Joe

Making influential connections. /pol is merely a conduit for connections that otherwise would not be made. The pen is mightier than the sword.

He gave a very good description of the psychology of leftism, but pretty much everything else was retarded. Technology is the difference between humans and animals, and humans and niggers.

And continuing from this

Some more thought might have been put into the OP's post regarding him making the topic "Neo-Luddism" or "Ted Kaczynski", but considering your first response to a poster was "I bet you're a faggot who doesn't blow up Gov't buildings", I think it's safe to guess where your intentions lay

Because physical wounds heal..

Yeah, because, other than Holla Forums, there are so many influential rightwing thinkers and media outlets in the public sphere- Like Lauren "Burn the Coal" Southern and (((Ben Shapiro))).

Trump is the biggest kike lover, if he ever turned neocon on us it'd be the dark reagan years all over again

they are both kikes

And Timothy McVeigh, and Ted Kaczynski, and Dylan Roof, and Anders Breivik, you're right, they're just pouring from the woodwork

Breivik is the biggest tool of them all

Violent maniacs and sellouts aren't influential thinkers.


That's exactly my point, in response to the OP, sure, people like this may have believed in or upheld values and ideals that we might've found admirable, that doesn't change the fact that on the surface they are, and that which they'll be remembered for is, terrorists who only fueled more divisiveness and paranoia

that word again. I call 'em freedom fighters.

the digits, inspect them

naw, for reals tho, you glow in the dark

Not just connections but the exchange of information and ideas. The future of warfare itself will be all about information awareness and manipulation. By doing so you can gain access to more physical resources by proxy without firing a single shot. Identifying upstream sources of what influences culture and trends to inject subtle influence is paramount to Holla Forums's success. Because even with all the mainstream propaganda resources and saturation methods, they'll all be rendered worthless if Holla Forums taps into the deeper source of what shapes belief itself.

Bear in mind, (((they're))) aiming for the same thing and have vast big data pools to analyze, but ultimately lack the vision to creatively apply it just yet. The next 5-10 years will be crucial as that gap will close.

Technology wouldn't be a problem if it was organically generated and distributed. Instead, it's concentrated in the hands of a few and used exclusively for nefarious purposes like war and controlling the populace. In theory: tech is ok. In reality: it's out of control. Sometimes you just gotta uproot the dying tree/excise the cancer/etc.
Not that I'm sold on violence and accelerationism though.

that doesn't change the fact that on the surface they are, and that which they'll be remembered for is, terrorists who only fueled more divisiveness and paranoia

So I suppose we should just be good goyim and stop supporting Hitler too?


Having a leftist political ideology is “significantly associated” with criminal behavior

Leftists are more likely than Right-wingers to exhibit behaviors linked to psychoticism

Really faggot? Because it's twenty years later and you're talking about them. Nice projection with the 'aliens' aka your two dads.


who's talking about them? not me, faggot.

I don't know about that but i think you all should read pic related tbh famalam

/pol has more of one thing that no other board, or site, or CIA thinktank has. that thing is imagination.

you zionists lost on 9/11/01, and you dont even know it.

a war is won before it's ever fought.

His dismantling of leftists is about as good as it gets.

We shitposted a man into the white house, faggot.


I wonder if the CIA develops special catch phrases that ought to provoke people on the left and esp. right that sound like a condensed version of the retard cattle spectrum of the left mixed with a "healthy" dose of tranny hormone deficiant aggression alongside a catwoman admixture?
I wonder how that looks, a bunch of semi smart progressive well educated lardish pieces of shit stuffed into a room to work out this shit, must be the pinnacle of human existance.