
Fuck, i spend entire day yesterday playing CIV5 and raising mongol empire, nuked rome and ridiculed him at diplomacy meetings. Why this game is so damn addicting.

Is new CIV6 good?
CIV5 is worse than CIV4 (didn't played it)?
Are there actually good mods?

Other urls found in this thread:

civ 6 is unplayable right now due to how awful the AI is, aside from that it's great if you liked 5, wait for it to be patched

How horrifying

Go home user You are drunk

Yes Civ 5 is worse than Civ 4, You should switch to 4 as soon as possible as it is the pinnacle of the series and Civ 5 changed a lot of things and made it worse.

This is a really good analysis of Civ 5 with BNW and why it pales in comparison to Civ 4:

This, pretty much.

One thing I will say about Civ 6, I hated the way the leaders and map looked, but it grew on me pretty quickly, looks a lot better in game and in motion and not at all like the cell phone game it seemed to be.

You should also give GalCiv a shot. It's Civ in space with aliens and you design your own spaceships to use as units for warfare and colonisation.

Problem is, Civs 4 was engaging for city and army management. 1UPT fucked that entirely. It broke the interesting parts of the game instead of improving them.

I'm a casual and I love Civ VI

they really simplified it for people new to the RTS genre

didn't even need a tutorial

Play Civ4 if you're after historical dickmeasuring 4X; make sure to delve into the wonderfully autismal ocean of Civ4:BtS modding.
If you like Civ as a franchise, play Civ2 and Alpha Centauri as well. If you like the genre then play the Endless Franchise. If you like historical dickmeasuring pick up Grand Strategy games or something.

Either way Civ5 blows and Civ6 managed to learn nothing from its mistakes while haphazardly copying mechanics from games like Warlock and Endless Legend.

Civ 6 > Civ 4 > Civ 5

Civ 4 is pretty good and an amazing game with very interesting mechanics. It was also built to fix a lot of problems with 3 and it shows.
Civ 5 was a bad attempt at shaking the formula. They did some things right but a lot of it was terrible. Not necessarily a bad game, but compared to 4, it just wasn't good enough.

Cv 6 is to Civ 5 what Civ 4 was to 3. It fixes a lot of the problems it had, adds some new mechanics and is overall improved. A pretty solid game already but… We are still missing content, so expect expansions.

I really miss the corporations of 4 and I have no idea why there wasn't even an attemp at them in 5.
I hope they add them in 6 with the option of making your own like the religions. Those Executives were my 21st century priests, converting every city to their brand religion.

Not aware of what mechanics it copied from Warlock, and that's a new one, but please stop saying it copied Endless Legend.

Yes, cities have districts now just like in EL.
But each district has a different purpose, it can be upgraded with buildings and the more you build, the more expensive (in terms of production) they become, so they end up being a tool to specialize a city, not just a way to gather more resources from the map.
It's so different from EL, I have no idea why people keep comparing both.

Civ VI has better mechanics and its much better designed overall than Civ V
It just need more content

What's your secret?

Call to Power > Civ2

I heard its better than Civ V with the brave new world expansion pack

The leaders are pretty ugly tbh. I wish the women looked less old. We prbably will never see another babe like Theodora

How is Civ6? It's worth it? Does the AI cheat like a motherfucker or they finally made something better? The warmonger bullshit is still up?

And here I was thinking Holla Forums was past getting cucked

OK. Depends on you. Yes. Yes.

It's neat, has some new mechanics and better balancing than 5. Probably still gonna have a lot more content coming later but at least it has practically everything 5 has from vanilla.

Yeah, it's still there but in logical ways. As in, you conquer shit, you get called a warmonger. You start wars without declaring them first, even more of a warmonger, you capture cities and don't give them back after the war? Warmonger.
You can trade the legitimacy of owning a city you conquered to remove that penalty at least and the AI seems to follow some basic logic to it's decisions, despite a lot of people complaining.

You settle near them or try to overtake their religion,they will get mad, but if you cooperate and fulfill their agendas you can make some fine bros.

Theodora has a nice MILF-vibe going for her, but Isabella is the best girl, followed by Dido.

Seems interesting.I'll probably wait until all the DLC are out and so the fixes before trying it. Thanks

Bullshit. I don't know how's on prince and lower but on emp the relations breakdown looks like:
-3 covet your land
-9000+ warmongering
and that's from playing defensively tall, no secret wars or anything

I think that you're missing a DD-tier contender

Everybody knows you are stockpiling nukes and drop them at a rate of three Hiroshimas per turn you warmonger.

Never had that much problem with warmongering yet, my next two games will be full pacifist first and then "ahah time for nukes" second to see the difference.

That was the only women in Civ5, every other bitch was just a sow waiting to be put in a chorral for pigs to satisfy their lust with.
And they fucking replaced her with some pompous fuck. Legit the first time I ever wanted more female characters. GIVE ME MY FUCKING CATHERINE BACK.

Barbarossa did nothing wrong, he's a good boy.

You take/remove one town and forget about it. Plus I seem to gather a bunch of warmonger from just being in defensive wars. I mean, it's hardly my fault that I spawned between the Aztecs, Romans and Nips or that they think how charging my r6 artillery is a good idea.

Don't worry user, they're just saving the waifufaggotry for muh dlc. Besides do you really want her with a tumblr nose and a A-cup?

Districts in Warlock 2 are tied to specific buildings that each serve a specific function and allow you to specialize each city.

what could be uncle's Adolf ability and agenda in CIV VI?
I think his ability could be:

Yea, no.

Please, someone tell me there are mods that replace every leader with their loli counterpart, I didn't even knew I needed this in my life!

Warlock 2 has no Districts, it has buildings that are placed one per grid. Their placement on the actual grid is the novelty because their exact implementation as a soft tech tree was already present in Lords of Magic anyway.
You don't upgrade your districts with special buildings (you rather replace them with better ones) and their main use is to unlock the production of certain units in that city and provide you a resource secondly.
It's a different system, I wish people stopped being so lazy when comparing things…

No, yea.

Not an argument, explain

Linked farms provide additional habitat and possibly culture

Additional great person generation? Receive a random era appropriate breakthrough on expending a GP? Also probably bonus specialist yields.

Just give it an additional bonus vs heavy cavalry and a higher natural flanking modifier. Maybe a +1 mov.

It's buggy as fuck, slow as fuck, the AI is barely on the level of Civ5 right after launch (Forward settling lol). It can't upgrade units, it can't even pop goody huts.

It fixed zero of the issues Civ5 still has, namely UPT, diplomacy, an AI that relies purely on cheats to be a challenge, turn times and some others I can't think of right now.

I honestly don't know WHAT part of the community they asked for input, because it sure as shit wasn't Civ Fanatics.

The game doesn't even have a fucking build queue now. Let that sink in for a second.

You named the only things that were not fixed, everything else was

What was "fixed" in your opinion? Because I don't see any of the glaring flaws from Civ5 being fixed.

what about agenda?
i think:
but what would he dislike?

Religion/high faith production? Extra double penalty on Communism, Merchant Republic and Judaism.
It would also make sense if he approved of high food production and respected a strong military. A boner for England would not be inappropriate.

Friendly reminder that you can remove minor cities now


So was Civ 5 when it released.

Civ 5 is much slower, even after all the expansions it got.

So you're just trolling. I played Civ 5 right after launch just like I did with this one. The AI is miles better and makes a lot more sense diplomatically, the rest is standard fare just like Civ 5 was.

Then how come I've seen it do precisely those 2 things? Could be you're lying on the internet? Nah…

It fixed the retarded infinite city sprawl while not crippling your research, something that broke civ 5 in 2 different ways both at launch and after the latest expansion.
It fixed the social policies by making them an actual tech tree instead of smaller trees that were unbalanced as fuck.
It re-added the governments and policies as well and did it better than what we got in a later expansion of Civ5, making them more dynamic so you can change them as needed.
It includes support units now so Siege isn't all about spamming catapults and escorts help a lot more.

Support Units and Merging Armies.
Is miles better than Civ 5 even after all the expansions. Agendas and Envoys alone make it much better.
That's all CIV AI's, are you sure you even play these games?

I like the material/rendering quality of the leaders but hate how their stupid faces with giant noses.

Envoys are shit and you already had better balanced agendas in SMAC.

Talk about trolling. I recently killed close to three dozen Spaniard cavalry units because he couldn't move around a mountain. He also didn't make any other unit types. At all.


Don't forget:

I'm sure the game has some bad flaws that still need to be ironed out, but it does a lot of neat things that make city building and planning much better than any other civ.

Yeah sure because buying EVERY SINGLE CITY STATE was so great right?

the core gameplay is much better designed, so it will be much easier to improve later with mods and expansions

Not an argument.

The game becomes slower the further you advance because hammer generation can't keep up with hammer requirements.

This is flat out wrong for the reasons I already mentioned. Can't upgrade units, can't pop goody huts. People in Emperor difficulty have reported seeing AIs with no armies at all even late in the game. Factually worse than Civ5.

Great anecdote there. I've seen the AI move away from huts it clearly could see. Now what?

Purple science. Replacing a shit system that didn't work with a copy of one that works most of the time isn't exactly a fix.

Mostly meaningless busiwork if you really want to min/max and switch policies as appropriate.

Right, thanks to the AI sieges are now easily done with 3 or 4 ranged units. Oh wait, that's exactly how it was/is in Civ5!

First off you seem genuinely upset about having a civilized discussion, maybe r/civ6 would be more up to your taste.

Let's marginalize the fleet even more
So, don't go back to Civ4 but make up some pretentious shit like amenity and habitation?
You already had a freshwater/irrigation bonus
No, civs can be easily reskinned for muh dlc. That hardly deserves a praise.

You know what? filtered :^)

Wrong. There are certain districts that are clearly better than others, or flat out required later on like the production district, to make building shit not take 20 turns. Also things like the religious district that's a base requirement to even use the special religion buildings.

Like what? Give you +2 Science when next to a jungle? Wew.

The first and most important thing for placement is still access to fresh water and luxes. Everything else is still an afterthought.

Does everyone seem to run into the problem of running too low on amenities after the 2nd district so the third one is an obligated entertainment one?

wasn't hitler a christian? i don't think he would dislike religious civs
i think he would dislike civs with negative amenities in their cities or that are over crowded (above housing limit)

Are you settling with at least one luxury per city?
I usually only need entertainment districts after the 10th or so city and thats if i didn't take any fat enemy capitals the AI seems to always have a better start with luxuries than me

I didnt play civ 6 yet but checkem

Envoys are an excelent system since geting them isn't as easy as spamming gold to a faction. They are a nice form of competition between factions since Suzerany is pretty good but the other smaller bonus are still usefull and the whole thing is such a massive improvement over Civ 5 you gotta be retarded to think that was better.

That had less leaders as well and they were not inspired by history as much as Civ6 leaders who are literally history. Those were much easier to make clearly distinc from each other and have weirder and more interesting propaganda then making several more leaders based on real people.

Which game are you playing? Because that was also pretty much the AI in Civ5 at launch but with spearmen or trebuchets.

Neither was yours. Comparing the state of Civ5 after several patches and expansions to a newly released iteraction makes no sense. It's not an excuse to the devs but it's still a stupid comparison.
However go ahead and list what bugs you found since this miffles you so much.

Building MORE districts makes them more expensive, you'll see the buildings for each district don't suffer that problem.

You did not prove anything, I did, that's what.

That handles your social policies, governments, happiness buildings and relics\arts\artifacts\tourism.
If you're going for military or science victories, you barely need to invest on it, just enough to keep your people happy, while if you're going to win by tourism or diplomacy, you barely need science.
And considering you have districts for culture and districts for science and you have to specialize, yes it fucking changes and fixes shit. Now I don't need to research chathedrals and theaters if I just want to nuke people and trading science with people doesn't give them an advantage on their way to win by tourism.

I can look forward in time, see there's a monument I will build or a need for 3 workers for a newly found city or even that I'm gonna pop settlers\spies and adjust the policies for that the next time I get one. Then when I'm done, the next time I get a new policy or if I pay enough money, I can put them back to something else since I don't need those bonus anymore.
This is a lot more flexible and I dare say even more dynamic and interesting than CIV4 civics that mostly resulted in picking the latest one in all branches except for Slavery.

Rams and Siege Towers do not benefit ranged units in any way whatsoever. What exactly went through that pipe wind you call a head when you wrote that?

except is melee units since ranged units still do shit damage to walls

True, i nuked nazinga and his nigger tribe the instant he declared war on me with his army of 8 spearchuckers

You are just trying to play it in your favor here, there is no such a thing as a flexible policy system in "better" civs and clearly this is a game about min-maxing so it fits perfectly

muh doom stacks

i usually have about 3 -4 cities? do i really need to grab the whole continent?

i am seeing bonuses to cities within 6 tiles, it's odd because the usual city distancing i consider is about 10 - 15 tiles taking border expansion into account, maybe you are supposed to stick cities together this time

I'll be glad when the shills move on to the next AAA turd scam.

Probably hasn't even played the game yet

By including more cities able to interact with them? Boy you sure are dumb.

Amenity is precisely happiness, you get it from buildings and luxury resources and the more people you have, the more of it you need. How is this pretentious?
How is "habitation" pretentious?

You only need that district if you plan on buildings lots of buildings there, units are fast as fuck to make anyway. And even then, only districts take ages to make, the rest of their buildings isn't.
The Merchant District is more important than the Religious district since it expands your trade routes and increases the money you make, which lets you buy lots of shit later on

Like Military Districts that need to be conquered before you can take the city and can be further specialized to produce infantry or cavalry but not both. Like Merchant districts that increase the amount of trade routes you can have. Like religious districts that house relics and artifacts.

Somebody never built an Aqueduct… Why don't you finish a game before you talk anymore?

At the very least you can expect a game to adhere to the standards set by the latest version of the last game, not make the same fucking mistakes again. I know this is CURRENTYEAR INDUSTRY and all but have our standards really sunk this low?

I never even mentioned these support units. Early game you can fuck over any AI on pretty much any difficulty with 4 archers and a warrior for actually capturing the city. No rams or catapults or ANYTHING needed. Hence, exactly like in Civ5.

It's a new civ game. You've got good things and you've got bad thing; you've also got faggots crying havok and jidf doing the damage control.
Maybe some mods/expansions will improve it, maybe it'll drown in dlc kikery.

C'est la vie.

His policies were cold to restrictive towards the church and I don't actually blame him considering the jew elements pope and his politics. Himmler and Goebbels had their own fairly hostile attitudes, basically both had their own new religions in mind.
Also Judaism.

I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole. It's either bait or just sheer retardation.

Obviously 6 because the AI is miles better :^)

I hope they're paying you well for this prattling because if they're not you're gonna feel like a massive tool once the new game shine wears off in a couple of days

You missed my point. Increasing the amount of trade routes is nothing "special". I suppose the extra hurdle in the form of a military district counts somewhat.

how delusional can you get

Whatever the turd is, they'll be making threads here.

Well… why not?

Cities don't grow as much as in civ5, its rare to get a city pop over 20 unless its nothing but farms arround it, so stacking cities closer together is not so bad, its even a good strategy with some civs like germany (hanza gets bonus from commercial district) because you can get big bonuses from adjacency

The worst thing isn't actually the game itself. It's Firaxis patch and support policy. Don't expect more than a token hotfix the next couple of weeks and maybe a bigger patch once the first DLC hits.

Nobody puts bugs on purpose on their product, user.
And I did notice you didn't said a single bug you found…

Early game sees cities having no walls, only their own health, and they can't even attack other units. Of course you can easily take those towns as they are at their weakest. Once towns get walls, archers barely do anything and support units help a lot more.
The AI being military retarded I've seen myself and I hope they patch it later, but still pretty much what I remenber from Civ5 at laungh as well.

If I shitposted or baited you, I'm sure you'd touch it.

Compared to the tile improvements you had in 4 and 5? That were the most advanced you could place in maps, second only to useless forts? And were still just resource boosts?

Try Obongo or whatever the Africa nation has. Some user posted some pictures from his game with cities going over 80 people as long as he made residential districts everywhere.

Wasn't the perfect aryan family a catholic one? I think it was on those posters on the streets at the time

Ironic shitposting already? just start dropping smug anime grills too

Managing 10 cities would be a chore, i got fed up trying to manage about 6 in the end phase of my last game, honestly i am more of an RTS guy, waging war is my thing

Oh, but thats an exception since their special district gives a ton of food and housing

I'm arguing on a Holla Forumsietnamese pigfarmer's memeboard about a Hitler mod for a historical strategy that puts Teddy Roosevelt and Trajan in a coalition vs Peter the Great and Cleopatra. And Catherine de Medici is a legitimate French leader.

You tell me.

Bet you a rare pepe you'll change your tune in a week.

How about the infinite gold exploit? I've also had several maps generate wrong, not creating continents on a Continents map for example. The shitty button for shooting units with city walls that only works half the time. Great Admirals spawning in a two tile lake instead of in the ocean.


Why do people do this? He has taste in vidya and isn't prone to post-purchase justification, is it just holding onto hope after the fact?

Citizen management is also fucking retarded now. Just saying.

I don't believe a single high tier nazi had any love for the Catholic church. Closer to outright hate in some cases.
Maybe Neo-protestant since it was sub-servant to the state or an SS death cult.

Smug is out of fashion :^)

It's mostly the animation, I like how expressive and emotive they are compared to the stiffness of Civ 5's leaders, who other than a few exceptions like Harold Bluetooth, had little in the way of personality as a result.

It's pretty much an evolution of the Civ 4 leaders, moving them outside of that tiny box and giving them the whole screen to do their silly little animations when you do diplomacy with them, honestly how things should've been with Civ5 instead of the background porn.

still the women could stand to be sexier

I cannot accurately explain what I dislike about Civ 6 but the entire game seems to be based around quashing your fun and not letting you have anything truly strong. A communist game design, for lack of better words.

I wish there was a mod where you could trade women like a resource, the salt would be delicious


you keep using that word…

Shouldn't you use the word "fascist" instead?
Or maybe you shouldn't shitpost with words that don't mean what you think they mean?
Go ahead and call "Denouncing" a micro-agression aswell, you faggot.

So you don't like it then. That's what it means when you can't have fun with something but can't point any objective reason for it.
That's your problem though, not like you have to like every videogame ever, and not like that concerns anyone else after all.


Half of anime CIV mods look like this.

There are no big differences between cities in the game and most things you do in the city are flat boosts that don't depend on the terrain. I do not feel that district placement, outside of where the encampment goes, matters much - or as much as it should - as long as you throw them close to each other because it's just another small flat boost out of a dozen. Districts having scaling cost with technology ticks me off a lot and feels forced. I dislike the way the game uses flat boosts in general since they don't amplify each other like percentage boosts do, but instead make each decision feel like it matters less. Most wonders or great people feel inconsequential instead of impactful. This is what made me call the game design communist. But that wasn't an appropriate choice of words, sorry.
Most of these criticisms aren't even objective.

You're right, I'm just somewhat disappointed because the game didn't live up to my expectations, but if you have fun playing it then don't let me stop you. But it's not for me.

You are playing the game wrong.

I usually try to get my cities near a river (this comes from Civ4 because gold and food at the start are always good) but after that, I try to keep a city near mountains for production and make my troops there. Easily defendable, hard to conquer and very productive.
Then a few cities near the ocean and\or river for gold and focus exclusively on gold with them. These sustain the rest of my empire.
After that, find some map features for culture or science and make cities dedicated to that there. They are gonna have problems with production but I just funnel gold there and buy shit instead.

And considering you have to carefully pick the districts you need and want in Civ6, out of all Civ's it's the one with the most different cities.

Those flat boosts apply to the base value that's later modified by the percentage boosts user. If you have +300% modifier of gold, a flat boost of 5 is actually 15.

Your fault for having expectations that high.

To be quite honest with you, I'd much prefer an incredibly more complex game, where goods are produced in small cities, transported by trade routes to large cities and transformed in usefull things there to be used, after being transported as well.
Instead of mines giving you a flat amount of Iron and that allows you to make a certain amount of Swordsman, instead a village with an Iron Mine produces a certain amount every turn, it's transported to a city with a Smithy and that produces Swords every turn.
Then you say you want an army with 15 Swordsman, and they grab the produced swords, waiting for new ones if they aren't enough and assemble somewhere.

Basically, I want Knights and Merchants at the scale of Civ.
But we don't have that, the world is cruel and bitter and we must be happy that at least there's Cathe-

Every time I look at steam score to see how the normalfags are receiving civ 6 it's lower. Down to 79%, civ 5 is 96%. Civ 6 felt very similar to 5 for me, wonder why they are shitting on it more?

Call to Power had futuristic feminist troops called Plasmatica. Also retarded mechanics that allowed unlimited abuse like for example spamming injections with lawyers.

because around when youll hit renaissance the computer turns start taking forever

every time you idiots use that argument it almost becomes more retarded

you mean a shitty bandaid fix?

Time to start a new game with what i learned here and hope i don't fuck up this time

I have to disagree with Civ6 having the most different cities in the series. Civ4 had national wonders that greatly specialized cities and bonus resources. General terrain and which improvements to place were more important to the city, because improvements/base terrain had more impact and you had improvement choice. Civ 6 has districts instead, but beyond that you have flatland (where you put farms), hills (where you put mines) and useless terrain (where you put nothing)

Well, those games did have all kinds of weird shit. Including but not limiting to the nano hippie missile, the jew, that slaver, the nautilus tank, the regular occurrence of archers going up against abrams tanks…
They also came with most of the tools used to make them just too bad the modding scene never really took off

You forgot the mobile fusion powerplant.

what about it is shitty
you complain about stacks this directly fucks up stacks
china even gets collateral damage on its special unit

I forgot, it was called Leviathan.

its shitty specifically because its a bandaid fix. no thanks, id rather employ strategy

In all fairness it's been a couple of years since I last played either game but yeah, things got fairly crazy once you reached the modern age. I liked their focus on terrorists and other specialist units though.


You could have stopped this

you sure showed me :^)

lurk more and get better shit faggot. i obviously cant stop you from coming here. but atleast wait and get some danker may mays before you post.
youre posting facebook tier shit on par with ragefaces.

you must think youre pretty hot shit

you're not even trying anymore, are you?

so its bad cuz you dont like it
good for you

he pretty much said my memes were weak, what am i supposed to answer ? did you wait all this time just to pick this comment and have a comeback?

well i got some rare pepes, wanna trade?


joining in on the fun are we?

My point is, Alpha Centauri demonstrated that you don't have to go full retard with futuristic units and technologies. I couldn't stomach Call to Power for that reason alone.


I'm going to sound like a hipster, but I think Civ 1 was the pinnacle of the series. It had real zones of control that couldn't be ignored and healed through. Terrain, choke-points, and hilltop forts were highly valuable. The pointless late game mop-up slog since Civ 2 was mostly gone (have you ever had a tactically interesting game after airpower?). You couldn't just turtle and Jew your way to victory by culture. Navy and patrolling coastline was important.
None of the modern assortment of half-assed features dumped on top of the game made it better, it's artificial depth.


Fair enough. And in case you haven't tried it Pandora shares your taste in sci-fi.


Make Civilization Great Again

I'm developing a competitor to Civilization, with the intention to improve on the gameplay design, visual design, performance and AI. And maybe some Holla Forums-tier politics later on. I know you want RWDS units (and so do I).

Get hyped & ask me anything.

You're making the 4x of your dreams and it's a shittier CiV.

Was being called a faggot a part of your plan?

which language/engine?


I can't wait till CivOne is finished.

Don't fall on the trick of making a straight up rip of civ5
cool tho

You had one job user

will i be able to play it on android, that'd be cool, an OCD simulator on the go

This is Internet. It's always part of the plan.

Custom engine, developed from scratch. The whole project is ~76k lines of C++. Developed natively, brought to the Web with (((Emscripten))).

The only real similarity with Civ 5 is hex tiles. The gameplay will branch off somewhere from Civ 1 into a completely new direction.

You've come to associate browser games with bad stuff, but think of it like a normal game that just happens to run in a browser (because technology now allows it).

This will allow new players to start playing literally within seconds of receiving a link. Maximum virality.

Yes. The game is lightweight enough to work well on mobile devices. Internal prototype of touch controls exists already.

How about you aping off their counters? Seriously man, at least try and develop an art style of your own. Even if you make a solid game with distinct mechanics people will call you out on this and it's only going to get harder to change with time and more content

Why do you think it's a problem if people call me out on this? It's not like I'm hiding it.

Monochrome icon glyphs for units worked well enough in Civ 5, so I adopted similar style (but just the icon, no unit models). It's high contrast, and easily readable on the map. There is no point in being "different" just for the sake of being different.

what the hell is that

Hey, as long as it works for you.

You're really trying too hard.

oh thats nice

aww did i hurt your feefees

Delivering directly on the Web has a lot of advantages, such as automatic support for all kinds of user platforms (including 6 gorillion versions of linux distros), no need for Steam or other similar pile of crap for distribution, new users can try the game immediately, etc.

This looks pretty cool man, hope it works out.

Civ 5 complete it's fine, it';s only civ 5 vanilla that's shit

Not that civ 4 vanilla was any better

Looks like inflation man's early work

76k wtf, learn to reuse dude

Is it just me or does civ 6 run like absolute ass after a while



in late game ~300 turns in I was getting crashes and couldn't proceed

The Civilization 6 AI fucking cheats. I'm not even being dramatic here. I'm not going on a hyperbole. It literally cheats.

I just played a game and ragequit less than 50 turns in. Why? Because one of the AIs apparently managed to spawn over 20 warriors and overrun my capital in that time. That was on Warlord difficulty. I want you to understand better, so here goes. In those less than 50 turns, the AI opponent did these things:

1. Founded his first city. (1 turn minimum)
2. Built a settler (5-10 turns) and founded a second city. (about 15 tiles away, so another 10 turns)
3. Built Holy Districts for both cities. (10 turns each)
4. Built several scouts and established relations with 2/3 of the city-states on my continent. (5 turns per scout)
5. Built 20 fucking warriors (5-10 turns each).

Even with the right civics, there is no fucking way he should have had all that shit. That is fucking impossible.

The AI in Civilization 6 fucking cheats. Do not buy that game. Don't even pirate it. Don't waste your time on this piece of garbage.

I was buttflustered about this too, just a few hours ago, i managed to track the very first AI Settler and at least on emperor difficulty they upon founding their first city they own 1 extra settler and 5 warrior units.

Their output of their cities is also off the charts, in one game we were still in the Classic era, and playing at 50% speed, Rome sent my way like 30 cavalry units, and i somehow managed to hold them off using 10 hoplites and about 5 archers, because the AI is retarded, after like 30 turns he finally offered peace and did compensate me for my troubles with the small fortune of 1000 gold and 140 gold per turn.

Then immediately after, Spain who only had one city the entire game because i cucked it out of their extra settler and also blocked their only path to the rest of the continent, sent like 7 Conquistador my way and they steamrolled over all my shit.

Why Rome had so much fucking money or Spain pretty much got a time portal can only be explained with cheats. I am not mad the game is harder, but that this level of cheating is just stupid.


Hasn't the AI always cheated in Civ? or is it just more bullshit now?

Civ 3 is the only civ game I've played

It always cheated, but never this bad. The way it cheated was more to put it in-line with what a player character would have. This, on the other hand, is fucking redonkulous. There is no fucking way to deal with it. You just start a game and hope you don't spawn next to an aggressive AI who'll decide to spawn 50 units out of thin air and butt rape you.

5s AI cheated just as bad on highest difficulties

We're talking about warlord here. It's only two steps above the easiest setting.

You've peaked my interest, keep working on it faggot.

No thanks.


Call to Power is prophetic though

Do I have the game for you.

Depends on the lens you view the world with
Sounds like communism to me.

I only can see it on Greece, but there is just 2 greeces and the only difference is one of their traits.

Spartan greece gets culture from winning battles and instead Graco's greece gets culture from building cultural districts close to each other i think, that is pretty much the only difference

i'm sure you can find good quality nep mods for Civ V

I also like SMAC's wonders, webm related.

Oh. That's almost cheating.


Yes. Yes they have. It was always a flat% increase for everything with the unfortunate side effect of also buffing barbarians since their tech level is tied to the average tech level of the world. And the Deity tier AI will outpace you early to mid game.

Pick one

Well, this just fucking happened to me. I'm gonna guess the "spawn 20 units instantly and buttrape the player" thing was a bug as well.

What a fucking mess.

I wish later games took a queue from Call to Power and allowed you to move into futuristic technologies instead of just… Not.

Meaning what, you being a scrub? Build some defences motherfucker; identify and plug natural chokepoints. Go archery asap. Harass.
The AI always built a fuckton of units and it cheated it's ass off even in colonization. And trust me, if you can't handle him bogging down his own assault with the current one-unit-per-tile and muh cities that can shoot back - you'd kill yourself over rushing stacks of doom in any of the previous civ games.


In it's current build, yes it's buggy as fuck, I personally stopped playing it and probably won't pick it up until the inevitable 3 expansion packs come out. But you aren't doing very well if you're only getting stirrups by 1000 ad. Civ 6 is mind numbingly easy compared to the previous civ's because of how bad the AI is, even with their BS.

Wait, you whining about bugs or getting your ass handed down to you by warlord tier AI? The same shitty AI that also happens to be barely able to upgrade his troops?
Sure it's buggy but it's also piss easy.

Anyone have a Dl for civ beyond earth, i know its shit, but i still want to play around with it

with the rising tide DLC

You have to be more subtle dude. No one is going to bite this obvious bait.


u wot? pretty sure civ 5 ai cheats on the harder difficulties too.

I preferred 4 until BNW. Late game just turns into a mess in 4. And getting rid of death stacks was a good thing. The only thing I kinda miss are corporations and I think global happiness isn't that great. At-least it punishes rapid expansion.

Are there any good mods that turn V or IV into other existing games, like Advance Wars or Ghiren's Greed?

Man, you should check out the list of Great People they came up with. It's fucking retarded.

Hannibal Barca Sun Tzu Æthelfæld El Cid Genghis Khan Gustavus Adolphus Jeanne d'Arc Napoleon Bonaparte Simon Bolivar Georgy Zhukov
True, some retarded shit but it's hardly all bad


You. I like you.

You didn't remove the kebab it's the future you chose, next time have some inquisitors ready

A literal wall? Play as the chinks or spam forts.

Personally I blame the jews.

Read nigga, read.

Lazy bums the lot of them.

You are.

Sheer talent.

You talking to me, bub?

Look at art and science. You can tell they were desperate to find nogs and women throughout history.

And then there's the hipster meme aspect. Having Carl Sagan because "LOL I FUCKING LUV SCIENCE xD"

"ADA LOVELACE LE FIRST PROGRAMMER GUYS - Clearly that makes her a Great Engineer!"

Desperate for modern shit in general, I mean just look at the quotes. I'm just saying that I expected a lot worse from a game in which just about every leader has a tumblr nose.

Honestly in all seriousness I kinda expected that I missed something.

In other news, did they add (((climate change))) back in? Prolly not, but it was a great features in earlier civs, made it feel better.

But honestly though I wish they would've fucking made playing different civs feel actually different. Or allow there to be very different playstyles. The government feature that was added was pretty good, although I would like something beyond bonuses.
A good exmaple is Crusader Kings 2, with expansions. CK2's level of gov customization is like halfway there, but I mean like having different tech trees, maybe the mechanics of the game changes, etc.

Links to civ 6 ? I couldn't find any

Dumb goi we don't pirate here


thanks i'll make sure to buy it if I enjoy it !!!! :)

so you believe studies financed by china are enough to probe climate change as a hoax

i suppose you believe in the polls where hillary is totally overwhelming

No I don't not believe in climate change, I just don't believe it's caused by people. Climate change science is so fucking unscientific, they see that the temperature is rising and immediately jump to "its da carbun" even though there have been much drastic changes over the past 4 billion years. (Same user here, phone posting)

Have you even played alpha centauri? Hey faggot. do you want us knee deep in mindworms?

Same routine as CiV. Wait for the mods and custom map scripts.
But CK2 is shallow as fuck and the governments there are dependent on clandestine activities to prevent the game from severely reaming you. More personality to the civs would be nice.


Is there any way to optimize Civ VI so it doesn't take hours to process each turn? Even on a small map with the default number of players it's absolutely infuriating. and I'm not running it on a potato either

You are using quick movement/combat, right?

No which is why I didn't bother finishing a game. Too lazy to dig up the in game manual (forget what it's called, too tired) but check out the entry for the USA, I haven't looked at others but I'm sure it's marxist shit. Also, played civ 4 to death, want to try civ 5 again but global happiness is shit and hampering my enjoyment on top of an already lackluster game. I suppose there's no total overhauls that remove global happiness? Tried Civ nights, it's shit.

Tried the CBP? It doesn't remove it, but it's far less restrictive. It's also the only mod that makes Civ 5 playable in my opinion.

that's why I always play on the lowest difficulty setting although they still cheat during that time

But the AI is so stupid that they are going to march to your capital or cities and run away because their life fell to red. Only applicable when you have walls.

don't like to give myself stress if the AI cheats anyways. Besides, I play the game's worth even though I just pirated it.

All in all, the greeks are the powerful faction I believe with the extra wildcard slot. In this game, there's another greek faction dominating another continent.

I forgot about the community patch, I'll check it out, thanks.

Everyone has their own opinion. My opinion is that Civ VI is terrible.

I played and loved every Civ game since the original. I know many people prefer 4 over 5, but I liked most of the changes. I never liked doomstacks of armies, playing with hexagons instead of squares really opens up the map, and after the BNW and G&K expansions it really got legs. I did enjoy Civ 4, but I liked the changes.

The changes from Civ 5 to 6 make no sense to me. Workers can now only build 3 improvements. They are also the only units which can repair looted tiles, so you have to keep one in reserve all the time. You get less options when creating a game. For example, you can't decide how many city-states are on a map (you could in civ 5). This means the map is littered with cities you have to take over or destroy right out of the gate. It's great if that's your thing, but i appreciated the devs recognizing some people (like myself) like open maps with few city-states.

It goes on and on… and it all seems to serve only to simplify the experience. I am convinced they want to port it to tablets at some point. Then all these changes would make sense.

I would recommend Civ 6 only if you think Civ 5 is too complicated.

It is pretty obvious humans CAN change the enviroment. We do it all the time.
So why is it so hard to believe we can influence the climate?

It doesn't take much to start an avalanche.

I like Doge

I'm just saying the majority of it probably isn't caused by people. I'll only believe it if you prove FOR A FACT that correlation between pollution and climate change is actually causation.
Just showing me "pollution out put" and "global temperature" together on a graph does NOT prove causation. Otherwise you could say that spending on nasa causes suicides.

There is no way on this earth you have played a "strategy game" where building and investing to counter your enemy is a bad idea. Unless your extent of wargaming is Risk, you cannot possibly be this willfully wrong.

SELECT * FROM configurations WHERE identifier = 'base_url';

wtf I hate America now. I'm starting a new game whe I get home after work, and I'll be sure to nuke the shit out of Washington and his smug face if he dares to show again on my map again.

I installed Civ V on Saturday, and since that, my sleep schedule got completely fucked. Damn this shit is addicting.


But not in a good way.

The real story is that I was suzerian of like 7 different city states, and I think even though they still had axemen or something he was spending too much money on his army expenses or some stupid shit (because he was fighting on like 6 fronts)
But it's retarded because I could've easily been raped and he gave up the opputunity.

You can change how many citystates come with each map size in the .xmls, and the same about how many uses workers get. It also helps if you get that mod that gives your melee units a flat chance to capture a slave when destroying.

You simply meme'd too hard for him to handle

There are other considerations, such as the properties of the compounds that 'pollution' is made of.
In the end, though, the cause isn't as important as the effects, namely that things are going to get much less pleasant in parts of the world if the change in temperature doesn't calm down.

As for the game itself, did they bring back shit like corruption as it was in 3?

It's not as bad as I expected, but still really dumb.
>Grace Hopper is a Great Admiral

Some of the choices (Ada Lovelace, Hypatia) wouldn't be terrible if they were on a much bigger list, but as it is they're crowding out more important figures for the sake of inclusion.

This user is correct. I even watched Al Gore's shitty documentary on climate change several years ago, and his literally only argument was
Then he talked about the issue of similar climate spikes happening numerous times in the past, when the world was pre-industrial, and literally went

You have to go back.

I can't believe I'm posting xkcd here but for you (((climate change))) types, scroll the fuck down.
No this does not mean the (((bankers))) won't try to monetize it, they'll monetize it while the rest of us die from it.

That's just another "correlation proves causation XDDDDDDDDDDD" argument

Holy fuck this exactly coincides with what this user says:

I did that and reduced the frequency of autosave (which was set to each turn for some reason) and it's a little better. Still maddening :/

Man, I have zero fucking clue how to run an economy in pandora.
Also, is it just me or are you largely fucked if you don't start in a fertile grassy area?

RTW is better than both.

The AI cheats like mad. Not just the typical difficulty giving AI cheats but they spawn units when they shouldn't be able to. Despite this, the AI is stupid as fuck and easy to beat (even in deity where they get boosts to combat) because they fail to upgrade their armies up to the current era (I had a game against china where they had slingers when they were in the modern era) and they suck at combat. Get a back line of archers guarded by anything fortified and they won't be able to do shit.

Barbarians are the same and can spawn 5 horsemen and 3 horse archers out of their ass and rush you if they feel like it about 25 turns in. The game basically forces you to go for domination or war to an extent since military units are much faster to build relative to everything else and if your military is low everyone hates you.

The whole diplomacy is shit and stupid, too many reasons to dislike everyone and too few reasons to like them.

Reminds me of that jewtube video where someone called Veritasium debunks climate change through "13 Misconceptions About Global Warming". It's as if he's saying we're responsible for the climate change because of 'humuns uhmit carben'

People have already looked into the AI logic. There seem to be some VERY obvious oversights in there, like the AI not applying escort logic to settlers.

A Firaxis game that's unoptimized buggy shit which uses its PC release to iron out the kinks for a future mobile version. BIG FUCKING SURPRISE.

Wildlife there is too much for me.

What about rapidly progressing ocean acidification? What makes you think that it's a hoax too?

To be honest, I don't think ocean acidification and what he says in the video is a hoax. I just find it interesting that on 8ch, people don't believe in the causation between climate change and pollution. My apologies if what I said was confusing.

Looks like Civ6 loves to phone home, too. Big fucking surprise.