How the fuck did Jews manage to stay a seperate "Other" in european socities?

They were exiled counless times. They were forcefull converted. They were forced to change their name into the local language (that's why a lot of jews have German names).
They didn't even have their own language for the longest time.

Compare that to countless examples of complete Assimilation:

To my knowledge they evidently solved the problem of crypto-muslims, because I never heard anything about them much long after that, but Jews continued to be a problem.

(that was fun btw, I am sure you can find countless other examples of cultures being assimilated, I haven't even gone into the balkan yet)

The Jews almost seem supernatural in their ability to be resistant to all forms of conversion and assimilation.
What do they have that other cultures don't?

Other urls found in this thread:'_version_of_events

Cults don't assimilate. Judaism is a cult.

Jews are both an ethnic and a religion with rigid customs.

They also despise race mixing and take that shit much more seriously than whites.

But we rooted out so many other cults. Cathars, Arianists and other weird christian cults that only history fans now know today.

But we managed to make Sicily christan and european again, after it was muslim arab for so long.


nice try, kike
they changed their names voluntarily to better hide and subvert the host society
they still do it today

IIRC Germany and Austria-Hungary forced them to do it in an attempt to assimilate them.

1) kikes did not outbreed for centuries prior to their interbreeding with liberal whites in Jew York City after the wars

2) have you seek a full blooded kike? Nobody wants to fuck that.

Seriously though read Dr Kevin McDonald's excellently cited series on the kikes and their ethnology.

Talmudist kikes are a combination of the Pharisees(the kikes of the old Hebrew race), Turkish traders(mudkikes), Roman expats(kikes of Rome), and the daughters of European nobility who were so desperate for cash they sold their daughters to non-christians(so white kikes who aren't good with money). So you outbreed an already shitty portion of a population with other shitty populations, then let it stew and inbreed in urban areas for centuries and is it any surprise you get shit?

An eternal hatred in their hearts for all that is good and beautiful and an infinite amount of ability to say "no" to God's will.
They quite literally killed their own Messiah because he didn't offer them salvation of the terms they wanted.

of = on

They did, but know they racemix far more, while in the US whites essentially don't racemix at all unless they were liberals mixing with kikes.

The like to count spics as "white whenever they feel like it. So a spic gangbanger pugging another one with a .38 becomes a 'hate crime' and two spics having a brace of tiny tacos is "interracial".

The jews paid the christians to spare them.

Honestly, for all its worth, christians have never massacred jews to the point of extermination.

Judaism is a continuum of genetics, culture and religion. Meaning you can't fully separate one part from the others. Their entire existence is built around isolation and xenophobia. It has to be, because otherwise they would have been wiped out by one of the countless superior cultures around them very early on.

neither have you, abdul
too busy doing business and undermining white societies with them
Sicily was probably a haven for the (((tax collectors))) before the Christians got it back
just like Spain

Tbh, romans still manage to have the most jew massacres under their names.

Well in a few places, and there was the eradication of the jews from many cities in the Holy Roman Empire in 1096 during the people's crusade.

True, though I wonder if it has to do with the fact it's the germans themselves, and not the religion.

Naw not really, just the two major ones during the rebellions, they weren't really exterminated in their diaspora ghettos they were forming even then. Fun fact the walled ghettos in Eastern Europe were created by kikes to keep the populace out so they wouldn't murder them in their sleep, not keep the kikes in like they sometimes claim today.

Well it wasn't really the Germans who did it, the Peoples Crusade was populated mostly by lower class Frenchmen and presaged the First Crusade with very little success as it had almost no warriors. They did purge about 60,000 kikes and 100,000 mudslimes however by killing the civilian populations they encountered on the way to the Levant and during their incursion into mudslime lands. They cast many kikes in the old Greek and Roman lands into the sea to drown, but they lost after they were met by a professional army rather than just garrison forces and the army dissolved.

Do you even realise just how inbred jews are? Being insular is a nature of their character.

< white men can't dance
What kind of dance, kike?
< muh dik dance
And what of the jig, and square dancing?
< oy vey

They have zero self-awareness, no conscience, no shame as you can see on this board every day constantly and openly gaslighting the goys, rubbing their faces in the shit,and still they expect the dumb goy to continue believing this kike-hijacked forum is legit.

The onlynon-jews at this point still believing Holla Forums is legit have to be the lowest strain sub-60 IQ drones on Earth.
However it's just as likely every single cunt promoting ZOG on here still, 2 years on from the election that saw Kushners Chabad Lubavitchers win is simply another JIDF kike tag-team playing the cartoon nazi.

Honestly if you're genuinely not jewish and still post here as though the jews aren't rubbing your faces in shit every day, then you're literally retarded beyond any point of saving ever.


Jews are white, they were never an "other", just successful at making and managing people's finances.

Because they don't play a numbers game. It's not that jews never mixed, they did mix, but those jews that were open to be assimilated were assimilated. Meaning, eventually their jewish contribution to the blood became a single drop in their descendants.

kikes are not white.

There's genetics-based proof:
< kikes can't dance white dances.
< kikes can dance nigger dances.

Spotted the kike.


Dubs cobfirm, welcome to the race my semite brother. At last I truly see.

Yids, muslims, and gypsies live in their own communities. Europeans want nothing to do with them.

Jewish supremacy is a thing.

you wanna know? but you wont believe it anyway :D
its satanism and the spiritual side of satanism that grants powers far beyond your thoughts and ways of thinking.

makes you think right? whats the holy opposite of the 'jew' (they are just satanists)

Not really, the nobility was happy to have their court jews and the church consented to their privileges and monopolies - hell, the popes (who were sometimes jews themselves) even invited and maintained the jewish communities in Italy.

For them to get even expelled in western countries, it was due to the population incessantly forcing their rulers to do so in most cases (and even then they only complained if they were indebted and the jews didn't bribe them enough). Jews were targets of marauding armies and european peasants though…

Judea was a rich and densely populated regions - the Romans nearly eliminated Judea, due to the kikes fanatism - destroyed their temple, sacked their cities, enslaved their people and killed millions of jews… Judaism would probably have been eradicated by the Germanic conquerors of Rome wasn't for the christian conversion and "let's pray the jew stop being so sinful" mentality…

even then, they only complied if they were indebted and the jews didn't bribe them enough*

Antisemitism. They need it, they love it, they fabricate it when supply runs out, they foment and instigate it when fabricating it doesn't suffice.

Christcucks forced all Europeans to convert, but allowed their sacred jews to maintain a separate religion, which prevented assimilation.

N-no. It can't be … can it?

You can't make make a group assimilate if they don't want to. It's as simple as that.

What about the Muslims Spain send to Latin America? They forcefully converted them and since Latin America didn't have any muslims, it seemed to have work.

You need to read my thread, nigga.

They frequently had the backing of powerful elites who protected jews and collaborated with them against the host society However, jews aren't really against race-mixing. Jews have always been a mongrel tribe, not a particular race like the Germans or Japanese.

In fact, interbreeding with the elites of the host society has long been a jewish tactic for attaining power, crypsis, and influence. Look at who the Trump kids married: all kikes. Jews specifically seek out good genes in Whites (such as beauty and brains) and breed with them to produce "superior" jews. It's a form of gene theft, and they've been at it for centuries.

It's not possible for a jew to race-mix, as the children off White-Jew marriages have jewish blood, and are therefore jews. There is no such thing as a "half jew."

If the jews had just stayed in their ghettos, they wouldn't have been as big a problem. Intermarriage and gene theft are not weaknesses of the jew, they're their most powerful weapons.

Cucktianity stopped us from offing the Jewish problem. A white man needs wisdom and knowledge. Realize, religion is all this to subvert us - marriage, wars, money it's all something you need, they say. I say nein, we are already given what we need which is our nature and genes. Together, our hope is to gene test for the Jewish problem and eradicate them swiftly. Hilariously enough, the Jew tried to genocide the Arab from their lands through chemical means only to find that it would themselves (the Jews) as well. Hilarious.

The days of cuckery are numbered

The cathars did nothing wrong.

The synagogue of Satan. The power of the darklord is greater than local foodstuffs, fashions, music etc. That and, they probably aren't human.

A hardwired desire to wreck the host nation's economy and culture, not to mention slaughtering the native population's children and drinking their blood. The have no lasting ties to any place or any non-Talmudic customs, nor do they desire to form any. They're genuine evil in a way no other subspecies of human could ever be.

There's no assimilating that. The "best" that could be hoped for is something which had the appearance of assimilation, but in actuality just planted the seeds of evil in the host culture.

You mean besides being disgusting proto-commies and anti-natalist faggots who sound like the kikes and libtards do today?

If only they hand killed every child of a Cathar that might have solved some of our problem. Liberals should not be saved and coerced into adaptive behavior once again, they are dying due to their 0.9 birthrate while white "conservatives are the only population any industrial nation that can maintain an above replacement birthrate, even shitskins are sterilized by bread and circuses after two generations in Europe.

We must breed a white race free from weakness and filled with indefatigable hatred.

Thanks for the tip but everyone knows a godless man is a dead man. If that wasn't the case, the jews would be encouraging christianity, not attempting to destroy and subvert it.

Not really, its highly dependent on the nobles in question. Often the kikes were left completely out of any political system, don't tar everybody with the same brush because a bunch of French and English in the 17th century got lazy and failed to recognize that the kikes doing banking didn't paint a bullseye on their heads as much as they thought it would and they could leverage it into political control through time even if they incapable of fighting themselves.

As for the church, usury was just pain illegal to inflict on christians, the kikes were allowed to conduct usury among themselves but of course being kikes they did so to everybody which would eventually raise the ire of the populace. Similarly nobles would often take the kikes money then simply kick them out afterwards having never paid them anything, when they should have simply killed them on the spot and took their money or quested why noseberg kept having money to lone out despite not working while the debts of their lower class patrons mounted.

Understand that few in antiquity or the middle ages had access to enough anecdotal data do see the patterns we think of as obvious, they had only personal experience to work off off.

How? There they weren't organized nor did they "conquer" the Roman Empire as a cohesive unit. They had no motivation or ability to orchestrate such a program as the Roman Empire broke into a number of successor states. Nor were pagan germanics particularly vindictive in their prosectution of other races and tribes they were in conflict with, nor the Romans for that matter. The holohoax didn't real afterall, stop imposing your views upon those living in the past without any rationale for why they would hold those positions besides, "muh paganism" as if there were any kind of uniform philosophy or value set which conforms to your own.

No they didn't you dipshit. The Romans didn't even sack the cities, they had few cities were they were even a majority due to the spread of the Greek, Phonetian, and Persian diaspora throughout the Levant how the the Romans sack something the Jews don't have? Moreover they scattered the Jews not destroyed them. There certainly is zero evidence for "millions" of dead Jews. The Romans just broke their political base and their ability to form a cohesive nationalist movement by forcing many to migrate out of Judea to neighboring provinces. Most simply sank into the local populations and disappeared, the remainder became that extant kikes we know deal with and the attributes we now recognize appear to have developed fully in that time.

Look at the fucking haplogroup studies, read MacDonald's ethnology of the kikes. If you just make up bullshit about your enemy you won't recognize him for what he his and be about to root him out.

It's because their DNA is so fucking toxic and pernicious at the trait level.
Kike DNA doesn't blend. It's like blending cyanide into a soup, or shitting into a beer. Kike DNA is fucking poison, once you understand that, you understand everything.

Because they believe they're the chosen people and superior to goyim. How fucking ignorant can you be not to know this?

Jews always project.

"Supremacist" means believing one deserves to be supreme - not actually meriting the supremacy. Jews believe they deserve to be supreme, as the 'chosen'.

Jews own the media and have institutional privilege for themselves: and they accuse whites of having it.

Feudal economies revolved around agricultural goods due over time - the jews offered quick cash, which is what lured nobles unto them - they would lend to lords and get the right to exploit the peasants afterwards and so on… It's a shitty explanation but true and, to deny the practice of usury, but allow your people to be preyed upon by jewish usurers is just plain retarded - and kikes had other "privileges", like the european slave trade and other monopolies given to them by people like "Charlemagne"…

Maybe the answer is simpler: nobody wants to marry the jews? They are not worthy material for other nations to assimilate unlike the Vikings or the Greeks.

also how lords didn't need to treat their peasants well, since they could not ask for an influx of cash momentarily from them for the betterment of the estate, only to repay the peasants by performing less garnishing of the wages. it kept the peasants more productive because the peasants never perceived themselves as having contributed nor the lord needing to be gracious because of the times the peasants came to help. instead, the Jew was the 'helper'.

Good point. A tiny percentage of she-jews are moderately attractive for a few years if you don't look too closely, but most of them are utterly repulsive. Then you throw in their disgusting behavior and it's a wonder that there are any mixed kikes at all.

Where should I go? Back to cuckchan?

We all know Kushner basically bought this board. What are the fucking alternatives to fullchan?

Right, so we should go back to worshipping Jupiter then so we can finish the job?

And yet hilariously many famous jewish women are coalburners so they aren't smart enough not to fall for their own propaganda

They mutilate their children to make them stand out. They force all their offspring to go through a hazing ceremony where they memorize what it means to be a Jew.

Do you know how strong Nordic nationalism would be nationally if Nordic children had their left ear cut off and were brainwashed until the age of 13 to hate all outsiders and think of them as subhuman cattle?

None that aren’t honeypots. Halfchan is cucked, Holla Forums is bought, anywhere else has good discussion but doesn’t have the appeal that this place had back during the exodus.

Jews are gay. Nothing they do is impressive or worthy of awe like the faggot OP is showing. What's with all these new entry level "OMG DID U KNOW THE JEWS ARE X GOOD AT FUCKING YOU?" threads popping up? Ban these cretins.

An aggressive form of Psychosis

You should read 200 Years Together by Solzhenitsyn, I think it was finally translated to English this year.
It's about history of Jews in Russia (also their involvement in the 1917 revolution).
In the Russian Empire, Jews would segregate themselves from Russian society (even if they didn't have to, unlike in Western Europe where they were put in ghettos) and would elect kahals to represent them and their interests.
They would get expelled many times for their usury and general jewing but then Russia would conquer the lands they expelled the Jews to.
Jews were allowed to keep their religion and managed to get even better rights and treatment than Russian peasants.
They tried to assimilate them by forcing them into military service (they didn't have to before 19th century!) but the Jewish communities made deals to sent their poorest while the rich Jews paid to avoid it.
They tried to assimilate them by giving them land and lifestock and forcing them do 'real labor' instead of selling alcohol or lending money, but their results were underwhelming, theyd rather pay non-Jews to do it for them because "manual labor is for goyim".

I thought about half the chapters were still missing. Did they finish it then?

There's an active effort made by the head-kikes. I imagine some have actually assimilated, not too long ago there was a huge scare that they were going to assimilate in Australia and basically the rabbis ended up forcing them to segregate themselves to silly extents. It worked though.

Retake Constantinople 2020

Thank you for this valuable contribution to the thread. Have an upvote.

Parasites do what they do best. They go latent while they keep sucking your blood and lay eggs in you.
You won't notice until you start shitting 5 meter long dead tapeworm

rabbis need to keep jewing the jews, and they can't do that if jews dont exist/assimilate

I think it has something to do with how women are the ones who pass down the judaism. Only people born to jewish women can be considered a full and legitimate jew.

That's rich coming from a kike worshipper who literally had his apostles redistribute his followers' wealth according to their whims.

it's not racemixing they despise- it's culture mixing. Moses married a Midianite(black). You can marry if/only if you convert. Also reason why judaism is matrilinear with religion. You are only considered Jewish if your mother is Jewish. They know men will fuck anything and convert for pussy. While the mother will raise the children as jews. Hence the verses about "Do not be unequally yoked"

Old testament was full of racemixing, but only after the jews would kill all men and women that were no longer virgins. Then they'd take the virgins that are impressionable and easy to control/convert.

Fucking kek thats a perfect annalogy


Because Jews are taught to think of themselves as a people apart. Their religious education indoctrinates them into their ethnic identity at a young age. And most of their religious myths lionize diaspora Jews who did something good for their interests while under the rule of another. Think about the story of Esther.

Look at how these Jews, who've taken over The Atlantic magazine, talk about the European goyim. They only care about what's good for them.


They also don't mind race mixing so long as it is with highly intelligent and socially successful individuals. They absorb business owners and intellectuals into their cult/culture by making them convert when marrying a Jew. A goy with a manipulative Jewish spouse will also start being protective of Jews. Alex Jones is a good example of this.

Yes, kikes have a higher outer marriage rate but paradoxically their population is increasing.

religion duh
its why they kicked out when it didnt involve a kids body covered in stab wounds and no blood found

The core breeding stock are the Orthodox who have many kids. Status and therefore reproductive success in the orthodox communities revolves around adept with interpretation of Jewish law: Rabbis have the most children. The Jewish people are strongly bred for facility with sophistic bullshit. Those who don't do so well in the rarefied air of Orthodoxy become reform or secular. But they're still strongly selected for the ability to rationalize in their favor.

It doesn't matter if secular Jews don't breed above replacement. The Orthodox more than pick up the slack, and shed their excess Jews into the gentile society they inhabit. Where they use wordplay and every fallacy the Greeks ever identified to fuck us over.

Both of these work as barriers between "us" and "them"

Harder to cross this barrier than those two mentioned before. Basically they isolated themselves even further.

When you allow for your daughters and sons to just marry within your religion and when that religion is closely related to your culture and sense of identity of group of people then they won't have contact with outside world.

Only recently did jews allow for marrying outside pure jewish lines (and only with implication that other person would convert to judaism).

They are basically certain that they won't be wiped out now, so they allowed for selective breeding to start and spreading of the genes.

Basically you can read pages upon pages of what you would call "child saints" that were brutally murdered and their blood used in ritual sacrifices for Lucifer.
The best example of this was William of Norwich.
Wikipedia page as blatantly propaganda filled as usual, but gives a brief summary.'_version_of_events

Basically there was a person within jewish community that outed their dirty secret and said that Jews would go around every year and kill a child, drain their blood and use it in a ritual "in order to get back to Israel".

Of course, everyone looked at this as fucking wacky, but it came out as true. And their tactic (even though a little bit contributed with devil magic) is pretty smart. They basically created so much shit in every country they were in so that all countries said "ok, let's get rid of them" and they joined together under Rothschild to get the jews Israel back.

If you are referring to Jesus, he actually wasn't jewish. Not that that minor detail stopped the kikes from using his name as the hammer and anvil during the first wave of cuckening propaganda that lead to the christcucks of today.

Because they think they're the best and nothing can change that.

That's why they celebrate Hanukkah, it's completely fictitious but it's just another story about how they rather killed people (haahhhahaha) than assimilate.
Of course there was no "Hebrew" hammer because jews are the weakest most cowardly race and if there was a "battle" then it was mercenaries or something similar.

Also, jews are jews to jews no matter what.
An atheist jew is a jew to them as much as a "christian" jew is a jew to them.
jews == jews.

they might fight one another, but no fight between kikes is ever intrinsically beneficial to whitey.

Nice try, jude.

That's exactly what he's doing and crying out in pain as he strikes you.

Not true… Christianity is a Semitic religion bred from the same area and peoples of Judea, only some followed Christ and others did not. Christianity is a Jewish by nature.

They hide in the church until it's safe to come out again. Same deity after all.

==''READ A GODDAMN BOO>>11092013


here's my kevin macdonald source >>>/zundel/1245

damn it jewvascript

of all the e-celebs whose opinions of Trump and current politics I wish I didn't know, he's pretty high up on the list

The Talmud. Next question, Pleb.

Extremely Ironic For all the self-awareness Holla Forums does has. One would think that'd be an unacceptable awnser.

St. Simon of Trent IMHO

You forget that "Jews, gentleman, are Asiatics." As Franklin had it. Vikings and Normans are the same, all the European races are derived from the same stock. Greek and norse. Jews are foreign. They tried to breed and blend in, but you can still tell.

Huh? Since when did my thread became un-anchored again?
I remember that it was and I just closed the tab.

Jews cannot be bred out, if your mother is a Jew then you are a Jew. They also self segregate and ursuriously gain massive amounts of wealth so getting rid of them would be a monetary hassle.

That's bullshit. jew-White/whatever unions always produce kike children. The kike spouse forcing their victim-spouse to convert is only a way of insulting them.

This is again bullshit. There's no kike out there born from a White mother who doesn't consider himself/herself a kike. Look at Tim Wise.

lolwut? Men are more assertive than women and would not, in general, betray their heritage for pussy, which you can get anywhere.


Jews aren't bothered by mixing because they're already mongrels. That's why a "half-Jew" is such a murky concept and basically anyone with visible Jewish ancestry is instantly a Jew, them nose genes are strong.

That they were kicked out isn't the thing you should be focused on, the issue is they were let in to begin with. Hello cuckstianity.

Causing antisemitism is jewish survival strategy. It effectively prevents assimilation and dilution.

Reported for being too stupid and paid to post here.

Why is he wrong?

He's not.

I am finding christianity harder and harder to swallow the more I learn about the world, jews and "magic". People never want to talk about it here in detail and all that happens is you get accused of D&C.

t. Genuinely confused goy

For starters, don't call yourself that. As for cuckstianity, know that it's anti ethnic identity & self loathing at its core(born a sinner/hate yourself), making Whites sheep to be sheared and slaughtered. A common retort is what about Poland/Eastern Europe?! Those are bad cuckstians, when you look at cuckstianity, the current Pope that's for the shitskin invasion and genocide of Whites is the one following true cuckstianity.

that was a good read, OP. succinct and well read.
Some believe they are not of this Earth; thus, there will never be assimilation. they are biological enemies to the various Earthly species/subspecies.
The part of the video regarding forced assimilation while in captivity by the Babylonians seems critical to your original question. Of importance also is "The Curse of the Maccabees". The Jew (whatever it is) was never meant to mix with the Aryan; a time honored maxim being dishonored today; the crux of global problems begins here. i.e. mixing and assimilation where both are physically improbable/impossible


I really recommend the book "Separation and Its Discontents" by Kevin MacDonald.
He really goes in depth on many types of strategies pursued by populations in order to
maximize their success. Here's a short excerpt:

Given the importance of biological descent for understanding human
interests and the flexibility provided by domain general mechanisms to
achieve those interests, we may ask how one might in general develop a
biologically adaptive ethnic group given the evolutionarily novel
environment of large states with hundreds of millions of people and with a
myriad of genetic fault lines. Designing adaptive strategies is nothing new.

Among other things, the Old Testament provides a clearly articulated
strategy for surviving and prospering economically while maintaining
genetic integrity of the ingroup and for specializing in particular economic
niches. There are other examples, including the Spartans (MacDonald 1988,
1994/2002), and several Christian groups that have emulated aspects of Old
Testament practices (e.g., Puritans, Mormons, Anabaptists) (Miele 2000;
MacDonald 1994/2002; Wilson 2002). Another common pattern reflecting
perceptions of rational self-interest has been for ethnic groups to pursue
strategies of assimilation with closely related groups in order to increase
their strength in a multi-ethnic environment such as those typical of the
post-colonial era. For example, when Gabon became an independent nation,
the Fang “sensed that, in a political conflict, their clan and dialect divisions
were a disadvantage, and they set about recreating their former unity. A
prominent part of the Fang revival was played by a legend of common
origin and migration, which rested on genuine genealogies but also
contained new elements, of dubious historical accuracy” (Horowitz 1985,

Heh, this is exactly how Canadien French settlers had their name stolen by fucking leafs (Canaanites).


its worse than that, though. it actively made an exception for "god's chosen," allowing them to live. its not like christcuckery ever had any problem flaying sandniggers/muslims. it had a specific exception which encouraged jewry to flourish. its disgusting

christcuckery is jewish garbage. even the jewish garbage (OT) is jewish garbage. your bible translates at least three different terms into "god," acting like they're the same thing when they're not. read the translators note to the 1946(?) american standard version. they're honest about it, but it gets cut from all the other editions

DD said some new genetic evidence has come out which seems to support the khazar hypothesis

Considering it goes against all current genetic analyses, archaeologically determined migration patterns and common sense, it would have to be solid evidence. A lot of kikes push the Khazar theory because they think it'll take the heat off them, the whole idea was basically fabricated whole cloth.

If you are 'getting pussy anywhere' you have qualified as a race mixer there dude…FTFY>>11131908

and for europeans to "develop some policies for these poor muslim youths in their neighborhoods."

I got ya policy right here…Netanyahu wants semites, he can have the arabs and the jews, take them all Nutty.