Achievements should just be "he beat the game on hard"

Achievements should just be "he beat the game on hard"
Instead we have "he beat the game without jumping"
"he talked twice to the guy in act 2"
What the fuck is this?

Beating modern games on hard is hardly (teehee) an achievement.

Achievements shouldn't exist.

They used to be like that, but the end result was that "hard" became the new "normal," and every sp campaign became a prettied-up space invaders ripoff.


Yes congratulations there was a thing that used to be funny and you've thoroughly ran it so hard into the ground its "arrow in the knee" tier. Good job reddit.

I feel like achievements that just reward the player for things they would have done anyway as part of the game are kind of uncreative and unrewarding. Giving the player an incentive to apply their knowledge and skill at the game in an unorthodox way is much more fitting for the general structure of achievements and a much more interesting challenge. Still, achievements that are obviously just there to herd you towards some easter egg or technological quirk that the developers wanted you to see are probably the worst, since they rarely require much skill.

What? I wish achievements were like that.

Instead it's just "beat part 1 on easy", "beat part 2 on easy", "find this item that your supposed to get to advance the game anyway"

dead rising 1 had some challenging achievements.

Achievements shouldn't even exist. The game should provide enough opportunities for you to set your own goals and see if you can achieve them. You should do difficult shit in games because it's fun, not because you feel obliged to fulfill some arbitrary goal set by someone who couldn't give less of a shit


Well giving achievements for walking 10 steps is disgusting, but games also have achivements for doing hard to accomplish tasks, it's just that they get drown in the amount of no effort ones. That is the problem and the reason achivements are seen as cancer.



Every Naughty Dog game ever.

Achievements should be personal, or things like demos and speedruns.

Try beating it in point five a presses.

Those pointless and inane achievements are there to fill up the achievement quota and to make you feel good about yourself for accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Achievements are a result of social media conditioning. A system of showing off, and just as importantly, proving what you've accomplished. The entire concept, like most things grown from social media, is pure narcissistic cancer. But there's no putting the genie back in the bottle now.

Remembering an ocelot unit suicide counted as a kill for me.

nigger then what are score boards? of course it is showing off, most videogames have always been about who has a longer E-Penis


Ever heard of "grade inflation"? You can say the same happened with achievements. Still, I see them as silly in the first place. Just as the means for easy bragging. And as a developers' trick for voluntary datamining.

That's not a real thing.

Achievements that restrict or change the gameplay are usually pretty fun though. One of the most fun achievements I got was pic related. Problem is that there's really no reward for achievements so there's really no point in getting them. Something like Binding of Isaac's challenges instead would be a pretty fun alternative because completing them gives you decent items you can find in later runs.


Achievements should be removed from every game.

What are you talking about user? What's Trap Quest?

user knows what I'm talking about.

Gen 7 was a mistake.

It gives them accurate statistical data about their games. Would you deny that?

It wouldn't matter with Cheat Codes. Rarely do devs do the fun stuff like have them unlock Santa costumes or make the cars fly or something. Whens the last time we got a game like San Andreas in terms of the shit you could do?

Valve actually tried to give rewards based on completion of achievements on TF2, but it seems it's never talked about or even remembered.

There is no such thing as "half an A press", a release is not "half an A press", a release is a release and an A press is an A press.

T.J. Henry Yoshi did nothing wrong

Back when they wern't as shit the Alien Swarm hat actually felt pretty cool to have before they started adding every other game on Steam to also do that. It made it lose that fun factor of owning one because virtually any game would give you shit for buying it instead of making you actually play the game to get the achievement so people knew you were good enough to get it. But now that the game is shit it doesn't matter

T.J. """""""Henry"""""""" Yoshi did everything wrong you cuntfaggot.

I can kind of admire when a dev makes an achievement something retarded that no one is meant to get. The Stanley Parable has several like that, and I find it hilarious that anyone took the time to do them.

Other than that, I feel like the only good achievements are ones that let you know when you can stop doing something. Like >collected all the weapons in the game

Doing shit like
Is just fucking moronic. It's disguising obnoxious bullshit as some kind of challenge or gameplay investment.. Like they're saying "Look! Our game isn't 3 hours long! It will take you at least a month to get all them cheevos, dawg!"

People like completing things and bragging. Achievements do both of these, besides most of them are pretty easy/fun to do pic not related

They already have had systems for that long before achievement systems.

It's a matter of scale. There's nothing wrong with having friends either. But it's dysfunctional to have hundreds of virtual friends scattered around the world who you follow like a stalker and broadcast yourself to. Likewise, the high score on your local arcade cabinet was fine. Only a few people in rivalry with you even cared. Expanding that exponentially to a worldwide show and tell encompassing all titles has not been beneficial to anyone except the company running the service it's attached to. That's the way I see it, anyway.

Wow that was hard

I happen to like single-match/event achievements too, like "win a match without dying" or "during a match, have the entire enemy team on their respawn timer," the sort of stuff that without some form of confirmation would get dismissed as mere bullshit.

Basically, make you have to actually achieve something to get an achievement.

Developers hardly ever develop cheat codes anymore because the number of cheevo whores drastically outpaces the number of people who would use them.

Are you retarded, or just unable to put two and two together?

As shitty as it is, Mankind Divided didn't do this. In one level, I knocked everyone out and stuffed them all in a corner, and apparently that caused the physics to bug out and the bodies propelled against one another violently, killing about 15 people in the process. Still got the achievement for pacifism when I beat the game.

I don't, actually. And I honestly don't wanna know.

How is coding cheat codes and coding achievements mutually exclusive?

ratchet and clank had it right with skill points you would collect for difficult feats or random acts, or even tied to easter eggs. the amount you completed would then unlock 'cheats', skins or things like big head mode.

By budgetary and manpower limitations.

Those achievements are there for developer feedback. They show how many players do certain things through the platform's reporting mechanism in the guise of "Yay, you did this story thing"

I wanna fuck that little girl

I think that currently achievements make some gamers feel left out. Therefore, I suggest the only achievement be a participation award.

Achievement Unlocked: You played the game!

>>>Holla Forums

And while we're at it, some gamers feel left out by games being too difficult. Since we want them to feel as badass as people who actually know what they're doing, I propose we make games that play themselves while the player just holds the controller. We'll even have the game unlock achievements for the player aswell!

Says the guy that is an unbearable faggot and creates content based upon what the highest donor tells him to create.


That might prevent otherly-abled individuals from participating. To rectify that I suggest we leave the controllers out entirely.

Achievements are an easy way of data mining. Devs use them to figure out how much of the game gets played by how many users, for example.
This doesn't require more than a fraction of the achievements, and would make it too obvious if that's all that was there, so you get a bunch of dumb shit to fill them out.
'Cheevos" were never for the user's sake.

I get what you're saying and to me it's basically "people are lazy", and all I'm saying is people should stop being lazy.

thanks steam

What a great idea. Although that still leaves the issue of starting the game. Maybe we could have it so the game starts whenever the person is in the room?


achievements are only to know if faggots finished the game.

the good achievements are from 2005 360 launch and some PS3 games like from insominac's resistence fall of man/ratchet and clank, they put good achievement bonus unlocks before sony though of putting trophies on the PS3. Again, games from 2005 like condemned criminal origins give you the old fashioned unlocks for achievements and it's well implenemented in the game.The system can be used for good, but I hate how it's on everything now. Like Half-Life 2, valve updated it in… a game that is supposed to be about immersion and realism, yet ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED appeared in the corner in a shitty UI style informing you that you opened a supply crate (csgo hehe) which brakes you out of the immersion a bit. the game worked fine for 6 YEARS without achievements, why would I need them now? imagine updating Doom 20 years after release to fix something no one cares about, and then you fuck it up.

The system is called "gamification" (which is ironic), it was originally intended as a system in corporate environments (offices etc) to increase worker porductivity, target culture is another word. People will work towards arbitrary goals even when there's absoulutely no benefit to them, manipulation basically. It's a cancer that's spread into many parts of society, examples: offices as mentioned, the real work place (factory etc)[having to meet arbitrary numbers instead of helping each other out and getting the whole job done by the end of the day, "management"], games[not just gamerscore, but the FPS online XP grind system for example], diverscity numbers, welfare office in the UK(jobseekers) actually has a minimum number per month they have to kick off/sign off for employment isn't that messed up?, balh balh tootired

Even for a single player game that is played offline? Do tell me how would that work.


Fuck sakes everytime
As I was saying

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I can't really imagine a worse taste than you, OP, what the honest fuck?
Achievements should be earned by going your way to do something odd or something you wouldn't do. What the fuck is the point for rewarding the player for getting to a checkpoint? At most you can put one for completing the game. We need more rewards for shit like pulling Mario infinite 1-UP trick or those like in

They still do but nobody cares because its just 1 weapon which can still randomly drop.

achievements should be as simple as
"you beat the game" and
"you beat the game pretty good"

n o t h i n g m o r e

Just like a retard would do, I suppose.

What I hate the most are grinding achievements with stupid counts, like kill 1000000 enemies or use the self fellatio skill 15 times in 3 minutes. So many games have these sort of achievements for different weapons, game modes, all that shit.

Like, devs literally have access to a tool that generates achievements if you give it a list of weapons and modes.

you mean like a game that changed the industry?
or a game that helped someone's handicapp'd problems?
or beating a game under 30 minutes?
you know what happens when people get a bit obsess with that?

Achievements that aren't achievements killed achievements. Part of the approval process should have been to consider if a player would proudly share the proposed achievement with his bros.

It's surveillance. Achievements like "Start the game" and "Finish Act 3" are of great help to devs and company marketers alike. Why would they need to spy on you 24/7 if they can just give you a checklist of things to do? They later use such data to further dumb down your favourite games, so that any casual boy and girl can get that dopamine rush and preorder the next sequel.

you're confusing achievements with autism

Any achievement for playing a stealth/predator game in non-lethal ghost is an actually good thing. It verifies you actually completed the challenge, and gives an incentive for casuals to play such a game in the best way.

get in line