The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

The US Senate just established a new law titled "Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today" that obliges the USA government to force countries that signed Terezin Declaration to give property back to the Jews.

the use of the Washington Conference Principles on Nazi-Confiscated Art and the Terezin Declaration in settling claims involving publicly and privately held movable property;

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Im sure this is 9999D chess if trump signs it

When do all those who elected him begin to start winning, let alone get to a point where they're "sick of winning".

Meanwhile everyone's dancing on the streets of Tel Aviv over Trump getting the nod

why are they trying to make everyone hate them faster lol

if trumpf supports the jews then the jews must be good! You just gotta have faith my man

How are they going to go about (((giving that property back)))? It's been over 70 years, every one of those properties have probably gone through dozens of hands and families at this point.

Im sure this is 9999D chess if trump signs it

Oy vey delete this

obfuscation is the name of the game, user

Two (1) IDs make the exact same post

Among the few things for which I am grateful, one is that I am young enough to reasonably expect to live to see the day the last survivor passes.
It shall be the kvetch heard 'round the world.


Oy, caramba.

They had best think twice about that strategy, because it could easily be argued that antinatalism would be the preferable course of action, sparing their offspring from a miserable existence, much like Hotwheels did in an interview.

Welp, at least I'll be able to upload my brain to the net and finally be united with my 2D waifu…


Free Masons and Illuminati are owned by (((them))). Shabbos goyim are the bottom feeders or used as cover at the mid or top levels while they rule over these retarded groups.


Kikes find a way.

Heirless property
Literally a bill to enable looting on an unprecedented scale done with US government's hands.


Kike mods will hand wave it away im sure

are you sure this thread is allowed on Kushner/pol/?

Huh, still you got to admit he is beinng a shabos goy lately.

And St. Petersberg just got snackbarred with a homemade bomb at a market. Happy New Year.

It's always the same list of traitors.

These are not traitors. They are enemy combatants.

So the Israeli congress passed a law demanding other countries give their property up to kikes. Sounds like communism, I mean Judaism.

Senate, whatever. They are all kikes and all vote unanimously when its kike related.

In a political scenario like the US government, and without any accountability, corruption is inevitable.

He'll never admit it.
Protip: Most of the people who accuse others of being 'shills' are, themselves, shills.

So the Bolshevik Jews owe many Russians gold, diamonds and other tangible forms of wealth that they stole from the richest Russians after the (((Russian))) revolution. Does this law cover that?

Of course not.
The kikes who stole it have named heirs 30 generations ahead.

It covers anyone that signed the declaration. Anyone that signed it is technically obligated to return the property yada yada and this law would probably be used to enforce sanctions against anyone not making good on their (((agreement))).

The jews are looking for ways to seize new assets.

Really don't wanna get banned huh?

Here a link to what the jews and their shabbos goyim are plotting.

This decleration started with the Czechs. It mainly deals with Jewish artifiacts and Keep Kvetching about the holocaust to white guilt all europeans.

I Doubt the jews are going to push too hard on this, i could be wrong, but it would push the countries east of germany more out of Nato's control and into russian influence if the skypes start demanding billions dollars in compensation because somebody bought something from a nazi during the war.

interesting how germany never dares ask for compensation for the millions of germans expelled or their property, or the mass looting by the soviets at the end of the war.

Still something to worry about and keep an eye on.

Go D&C somewhere else.

How the fuck is gibs for holocaust "survivors" even a tenable position? Even if you were to accept the good goy position that the holocaust really did happen, what the fuck did these people even do that merits compensation nearly a century after the event?
At best they sat around in a camp and died. They didn't fight for their freedom outside of a few Hollywood anecdotes. They didn't directly contribute to the allied war effort in any significant way. They just sat there virtually passive while nations spilled their blood to save their sorry asses, but for some reason they deserve a reward for it? I mean fuck just think about all the trillions poured into these thieves' and charlatans' pockets and compare it to the compensation that went to actual WWII veterans, you know the ones that willingly fought, killed, and died so that they could live. And not so much as a hint of gratitude ever comes out of these "survivors." Never a "Thank you for risking your life and limb, losing friends, committing mass murder and atrocities on a biblical scale, and wading through hell and back on your hands and knees all to save my worthless hide while I sat on my fat ass and watched from afar." It's always "Oy vey, you owe me for my pain and suffering goyim." How the fuck did they manage to convince so many people that these despicable leeches were ever worth an ounce of pity? That sitting around with their thumbs up their asses waiting to die was somehow a commendable action worthy of praise?
And all of that was assuming the (((Official Story))) was really true. I challenge the good goy to figure this one out since I certainly cant see it and it sure as shit isn't just Germany shelling out for this racket; why the hell should the people who gave their lives to save them from extinction be reimbursing them as well?

Users and con-artists tend to regard their victims with contempt.
It's a mechanism by which they ease their cognitive dissonance; it's easier to steal from/abuse someone if you first convince yourself that you hate them.
It's also a trait common in psychopaths.
Keep both of these in mind if you ever notice this behavior coming from someone for whom you're doing a kindness/charity: turn around, run, and don't look back.

t. someone who's been there

It's easy to understand how and why the Jews adopted the hoax and why they treat all others with such disdain. What I can't understand is how can those those caught fueling it justify their actions?
The jew uses guilt, but most of the people who buy into it either had nothing to do with their situation, or actively became part of the sacrifice to get them out of it.
The jew shows nothing more than contempt for the goy but not only do they just keep giving, they actively demand others sacrifice to their abusers as well.
The jew expects the world to fall at their feet and these people worship them as a sacred calf; how dare those evil nazis threaten their pseudo-sovereignty.
They are treated as nobility and have done absolutely nothing to deserve it; in fact they have only done things which would derive scorn had nearly any other populations performed them out of context.

I'm convinced that all of this has been a result of the reverence of victimhood as a false-virtue. It's the same way that rape accusers are automatically believed, their word is taken as truth until otherwise proven otherwise at least at some subconscious level for many. It doesn't matter if the accusation is known to be false, the accusation itself stains the person in someway and people never look at them the same way again. It's simply because the allegation came from someone whom was instantly granted a sanctified status upon uttering it: they were a victim. Same shit with modern day identity politics and the oppression olympics. Victims are the anointed ones in society and those who have suffered the most are held as the most sacred.
But I'm honestly not sure which one came first. Did the Jew create such a society? or did they simply take advantage of it and took it to the ridiculous extreme? Reading Victorian era literature though has me suspecting that the elements for it were already in place and the jews only capitalized on them, but even then they may have set up the societal framework for it to take effect. At the very least it can be seen by the various Jewish think-tanks near the time of WWII that they were definitely more than just dabbling in the realm of social engineering.

What are you talking about, a week ago the romans sacked jerusalem, the holocaust was yesterday. :^)

Quality post, and I'd like to give it a proper response, but I'll need some time to think on it.


I guess we know what you are then.

CNN and Goldman Sachs

Are you retarded or just trying to make us look bad?

they dont

Wasn't Voltaire the D man?


Wow, shills filling the whole thread, even fucking up with shit like
KYS shills, save us the bullets.

I was merely trying to get him madder
It's not hard to remember the name of Discards in spanish

>She was raised by her mother and her maternal grandparents.[1][2] Her maternal grandfather, biochemist David E. Green, was (((Jewish)))
Imagine that…

When Trump signs this bill can/will anyone here actually justify/support it?

Bumping to trigger kikes

Their father the Devil has given them the power and control over the Earth that he had offered to Jesus Christ but had refused. That tends to make anyone, especially the Jews all the more scornful and disdainful for their victims, who somehow manage without selling their souls as they did.

Watch this be yet another way they'll steal away ancient European lands and homes.

He made millions with fake invoices. Making fake deeds to homes in Germany the ebil nazis stole from him shouldn't be much more difficult.

Im sure this is 9999D chess if trump signs it

They're already trying that, user. It's called epigenetics, and a bunch of kangz a while back were trying to say they inherited the trauma of slavery and that's why they needed reparations.

So the (((US))) is going to take land that supposedly had a yid on it 70+ years ago and give it back to said yids family.
How in all the cluster fuck that is the burger government will this ever be done

I can'not put into words how angry I am right now hahahahaa.

You think it will end there? I can see it now:
"World oldest jew turns 316, recalls deb ebil nazis. World responds by stealing from others and giving to him."

It's an empty gesture, almost nobody who spent any time in a camp is still alive, and the court cases regarding any ownership will take decades.

It's just the senate shouting to everybody about how good-goy they are.


oy vey. i was victim! Rain the shekels on me my goy!

>So the (((US))) is going to take land that supposedly had a yid on it 70+ years ago and give it back to said yids family.
You're incorrect.
The land, property, assets or money just doesn't need to have a named heir.
Normally in such cases it becomes a state property up for SALE.
This act allows the ZOG to come in and start yelliung
And they seize it or face consequence from the (((US Government)))

Just needs to not have*

Wow, are they FUCKING serious?

Spoken like a stupid kike. People think that you're evil because you're hypocritical cretins who frequently exploit domestic citizens while enforcing laws that benefit your tribe.

it's like they can't help themsleves, liek they can not stop doing stealing

Checking those truthful digits, they cannot help themselves.

I wish I could dance like that though.

user ever generation new 'Holocaust survivors' are born. We'll have them until at least 2197 at this rate.

Jews are not traitors, theyre 5th column, the foreigners succesfully subvertimg white countries.

Former Israeli ambasador to Poland, (((Szewach Weiss))) came up with a brand new way to milk hollocauster cinematic universe, and said that
That allows for exponential victim count

Most jews would have committed suicide before transhumanism became a thing. Most of them would probably also delete themselves.

Pretty certain AI is white supremacist and anti-jew.

> have you forgotten (((history))) goyim?


It can't be "restitution" if there are no rightful heirs to reclaim their shit you sleazy kikes!

Sorry to break your bubble, but there are already whole studies about how the trauma of surviving masturbation machines and jumping off the oven carts gets passed to "subsequent generations of survivors". There will be third-generation "survivors" outliving you, user.


Nope. It's supposed to be given to "jewish organizations" that will supposedly know what to do with it you bet they will. The said yid does not need to have any family.

user, the point is for there not to be any court cases anymore. A self-styled holohoax "survivor" is to be automatically believed like a "raped" woman and given all the gibs he demands. Anything less is antisemitism.

Jerusalem is capital.
Countries returning property and land owned by force to Israel?

Shut up with your hatefacts, anti-semitic bigot!
And don't you ever dare to look up article 19 of the london charter, don't do it goy.

It was never fucking theirs.
The bill allows you to come in, and grab it for free becuause


We already paid the cost with the blood of our young soldiers lives for saving them. Thank you, come again.

And these are the people that the conservatards on Holla Forums believe act in the interests of white people.

Seriously, they should be paying the families of our soldiers survivors. We're the ones who put our asses on the line for them.

With the government shut down how are the gibs supposed to get to the poor yids? Think of the 30 million.


Go back to crying about sliding muh threads then. Predictable, never happy, so disrespectful.


Aww trying to hide kike activities again. So cute, it's like the light of truth scares you to the core or something.


Why do you insist on protecting the kikes from their kikery being exposed? How much is it worth to you?

Im sure this is 9999D chess if trump signs it


what are these kikes sliding?


making up shit words and banning the goy. youz are not fooling us, neocon-chan

bush-jr:"daddy, what is a necon"?
bush-sr:"you want the public version or the truth"
bush-jr:"the truth"

case closed. you are all jewish-cocksucking mongrels.

/thread & ban this, asshole (((mods)))

So where are the 40 acres and a mule the kikes owe the niggers?

A thread isn't dead as long as there's still importance or interest in the thread. What pray tell is wrong with bumping kikery exposure? Why is it ok to fill the board up with e-celeb bullshit, but not show the kike acting like the civilization destroying rat it is?

Well look at how many slide threads appeared since this was last bumped. Testing.