White living conditions redefined - LA Times

White living conditions redefined: Living in a parking lot amid Santa Barbara's wealth is a kind of middle-class homelessness

>“You know,” said Phil, “there’s a huge Hispanic population that does all the damn work around here. Every restaurant you go into, you can watch them slaving away. And they’re taking care of people’s gardens and everything else, and they wind up with eight or 10 people living in a one-bedroom place.”

Hotpocket Edit: Fixed up the low energy OP

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kike free first post

Why don't these retards move to Arizona or someplace where they can afford to live comfortably? I don't understand why they insist on staying in California. Don't reward a state like this with tax revenue from your paycheck.

They're retarded boomers with weak minds. Phil manages to rub two brain cells together and notices the endless tsunami of beaners has wrecked his wages and eaten up affordable housing:

Too late now dumbass, you had best de-camp to somewhere where tear-down shacks aren't going for a million shekels.

There's the solution right in front of their whiney ass faces. They've got gov't gibs that would likely modestly support them somewhere in a small, low cost of living area. But no, they want to live in a fucking RV doing the Wal-Mart parking lot lifestyle in Santa Barbara . Fuck them and their crying.

All these kike slides.

I don't think this counts as a slide. First of all, literally nothing is happening, as it's Christmas (example, Norway's F35's are being eavesdropped, surprise? no).

Basically, 2017 sucked, 2016 sucked, 2015 sucked, 2014 sucked, 2013 sucked, and so on. When are the good times gonna roll?


I thought libshits loved the idea of "tiny homes"?

How is an RV anything other than a "tiny home" you can drive?

Shit OP. Why the fuck don't you newfags copy and paste the entire article here so we can read it? At least put some fucking paragraphs in the OP. I hope you get banned faggot

“I was always into December and making the house wonderfully warm and beautiful,” said Kathy, whose holiday celebration is somewhat more austere these days. “I’ve got some little lights on the ceiling of the RV, and I got out my mom’s old snow globe, with a music box on it.”
Kathy is 65 and her longtime companion and RV-mate Phil is 74. Like so many others, they live on the edge in California, where high housing prices have pushed thousands of people to un-imagined extremes. Living in a vehicle is obviously better than living in a tent or a box — it’s a kind of middle-class homelessness. But in affluent Santa Barbara and elsewhere, the ever-present convoys are another sign of growing income inequality and one of the state’s most vexing problems — even working people can barely afford to live in many parts of California.

“You know,” said Phil, “there’s a huge Hispanic population that does all the damn work around here. Every restaurant you go into, you can watch them slaving away. And they’re taking care of people’s gardens and everything else, and they wind up with eight or 10 people living in a one-bedroom place.”


Cassie Roach, the program coordinator, said 40% of the clients are employed, 35% are seniors are 30% are disabled. Six families live in vehicles with at least one minor, and only 25% off the clients have RVs, so the others are sleeping in smaller quarters. In downtown Santa Barbara on Monday night, two white-haired men prepared for another night of slumber in the back of their station wagon, one of the men already stretched out in the cramped space.
Los Angeles, by the way, has a far greater and increasing number of people living in vehicles – more than 8,000 by the latest estimate. And city and county officials have been trying, so they say, for at least 18 months to develop a safe parking program modeled after Santa Barbara’s, or another one in San Diego. So what’s the problem?


chances are he still will vote democrat.

Democrats bitch about the cost of living in San fran or the bay area. They want to live in san fran because of it's identity,but they're upset that people don't want to level half of the city to build commie blocks.

living in a camper isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. It isn't great, but it is cheap living. If you are making money then you can save it up for something better. The worst thing was the bathroom conditions, very cramped and you had to empty your shit tank. Otherwise, it wasn't bad.

Someone get the fucking gas. Fuck this stupid boomer mentality.
Same thing with boomers who watch niggerball and argue about which sports nigger is better than the other sports niggers.

Thank you for the information but It is not point of this thread.

I would think that there are homeless in Cali that also live on boats, there quite a few abandoned boats taken by the homeless on the intercoastal waterway.

Will Cuckoldfornia ever recover?

pick one

My moms boyfriend goes and lives in an RV on the bank of the canals for three months out of the year during water foul season, he also has a paid off house in southern California. Its not that uncomfortable. Plus you could move the fuck out and go somewhere cheaper where the rent is more affordable. These weak fucks can still get free land in some states granted they build a 1000 ft home on it in 5 years time. Wyoming is one such state.

That's the fucking problem. Good luck finding someone in this state who thinks that there might be a connection between the increasing cost of living, higher taxes, ect. and the liberals having a stranglehold on the state government. And even if try to point it out they'll just say some shit about how awful the bible belt is and keep on sucking left wing cock with renewed determination. I love the Californian land but the people have to be removed. Maybe to Mexico, they probably won't even know the difference.

i used to live in austin, a city i have heard libtards describe as "like west berlin before the wall fell"… as in "a liberal oasis in a desert of toxic conservatism" but that paradigm isnt natural - austin has a HUGE commiefornia expat problem - people who cant cut it in san francisco moving there because of "cost of living" and "muh progressive city", but these fucks are the ones driving up real estate costs and fueling the liberal idiocy that goes on in austin - its just another example of undesirable immigrants fucking up an otherwise cool place… frankly i would prefer it if they stayed in their containment zone but whatever… i was born and raised in texas, but i was driven from austin by californians who, having fucked up their own state, now seek to fuck up other peoples states… fuck them they made that bed, they can fuckin lie in it

the boomer gen is too fucking stupid to live.

About two weeks ago I was near there in Thousand Oaks. I heard my name called and it was this girl I knew from grade school, seems she's a whore to a black pimp and a drug addict. She started asking for money and I thought why not start showing my power-level because wtf and she literally just couldn't even and walked away and stopped asking for money.

It really affected me for a couple of days because I knew her well but she went onto her own thing in high-school and hadn't seen her since, out of just altruism I was going to give her some money knowing it'd probably go to her nigger pimp. See image of me in green and her in red.

that kid was destined to burn the coal…

It's because overnight (safe) parking program is approved in the local level

90's or early 20's? Damn that's a shame. Destined to become a whore or not considering what it looks like you came from that does sadden me. Mom and I talk about this all the time, white families here fucking suck. I have family out there too and seeing shit like this reminds me how far we've fallen.

Sadly, even a lot of our old safe havens are being ruined, places outside of the quad cities have these goodgoy boxes for 300k +, except no one out there can afford it. It's the old real-estate pump and dump. I honestly hope that different parts of the union decide to leave, considering the state of the military I often wonder if the army would really help fight or if a lot of the white soldiers would say fuck it and fight for their home state.

Just thought I would toss this out there, anyone worth anything, and I'm assuming most of you are lol, should GTFO of commiefornia and most of the costal states for one big reason, food and in the case of commiefornia water. Shit happens, you're screwed. We've all seen maps of the balkanization of the USA, can you guess what one little detail you never hear about? Food! Most of the nations food still comes from the midwest, and they've been fucked over by things like NAFTA and are sick and tired of the nations shit. If, hell more like when we all do split off and go our seperate ways, you really think they'll share? Oh, and considering most good midwestern stock is fiercly proud of their German and Nordic roots, they'll happily kill any piece of shit that tries to steal. They ran the mormons out of Illonois for similar shit.

Hey Texas bro, hope the Alamo isn't ruined. For gods sake fight! Love Texas, don't want to see it go blue. All else fails and you do have to flee your homestate check out AR, slick willie country still has good spots, last time I checked anyway. I'm this user by the way.

im actually in san antonio now - this was the first christmas in decades when they DIDNT put up a tree in front of the alamo… instead they put it a few blocks away in travis park (where they recently tore down confederate monuments)
i have been planning on leaving tx for a while now - the mexicans are just out of control - i've been eyeing colorado or maybe kentucky or tennessee… I'll look into arkansas, thanks!

They're trying user.

I'm CO as we speak, unless you can go to someplace in the western slope don't even bother, they've fucked up Denver just like Seattle. Believe it or not Washington state used to be awesome, no more. The natives are leaving CO, too fucking expensive and they're sick and tired of the shit people.
CO is already like Tacoma, people steal in broad daylight and no one does shit despite the better homes having security cameras.
If you can stomach the cold check out the countryside in Maine, Michigan or my favorite, Alaska.

Sadly, we're just postponing the inevitable, we're damn near out of places to flee too, sooner or later, shit will start……

That's where the parents need to step in and teach their kids the real history just like niggers in the inner city teach their kids nigger fairy tales of how they wuz kangz n sheeit.
Sadly, like I said earlier most white families in the states suck. That boomer living in the RV? I'd be asking where the kids are? Who or what fucked them that bad to where she's alone for the holidays? I'm taking care of my mom, she raised me now it's my turn to look after her. Not naive enough to think i'd find anything here that loyal.

Have to give the hispanics credit, reason why so many of em do so well? Their families do more for eachother. As annoying as it is to see them all crawl over the border they stick together like people here used to. We chose selfishness and greed over family when people from the midwest left their roots and went out to california, then it all kicked into high gear when no fault divorce and 2nd wave feminism came into the picture.

Pardon the derail, as far as the Alamo goes that makes my blood boil. Just an idea, start forming your own secret societies. I'm not a fan of the "aryan" alt right, fuck that we're Americans first and foremost and whatever else 2nd. I'm more of a fan of the old school KKK, seeing old pics of the klan on horseback or at parades in DC just strikes a chord with me. Considering so many churches now vote along racial lines now would be a perfect time to either help give the Klan a helping hand (And give em some damn class again!) or make a new one.
Either way, the cause of preserving places like the Alamo and our American heritage would get a huge shot in the arm.

good for you colorado user - i am also taking care of my mother who has health issues… i left texas for many years (for good, i had hoped) but returned to take care of mom - its the only thing keeping me in tx at this point…
but to return to the point of thread
when i left the first time i headed straight out west. i lived in LA, san fran for a couple of years each and seattle for a couple of months (mighty fuck did i ever hate that place…)
there are based, redpilled people in LA and SF but most of the people out there live in their own make believe world - which i suppose is easy to do when you're rich… which brings up another issue - if you're from somewhere in "flyover" country chances are you dont run into kikes on a daily basis, so you may not fully understand how bad they can make things, but LA is FUCKING POZZED… just like new york, LA is absolutely ((their))) town, and that, lads, is the one and only reason for the problems people on the west coast face today

This has been the norm in Bongland for decades. Minimum wage earners don't earn enough to not go into debt.

fucking retards i swear.

*in california

This is 2nd or 3rd wave exodus from Faggotfornia. The first one was from Berkeley up to Portland/Seattle. The second was to Utah so faggots could have clean white children to rape and murder. The third to Austin. Leftists and faggots are parasites and any people who lack the will to stop them dead deserve the plague they allow.

Never forget what kikes and niggers stole from you.

it's fine with boomers as long as they can live their boomer life unbothered by MS-13 in their gated community

when shit hits the fan they blame trump, millenials and whatever other garbage they can come up with

They just do the jobs that us white people don't want to!

If White people had a country of our own, this would not be happening.

Next one is in Tennessee, mainly Nashville. It hurts

This is the extent of their brainwashing.
They can be bottom of the barrel, and yet society still says they are better than you if you don't follow their multicultural ways.

Sad story user,
But I grew up in the Bay Area, and your school photo has 5 more niggers than any of mine.
I have a few drag addicted former classmates, living out of cars, hooked on heroin,
But they aren't co-dependent with niggers

Its not like the wave of asians is going to stop itself and this whole country is going to look like pic related if they arent.

You think that's bad?
I'd like to know what kind of piece of shit HOA lawn measuring busybody let this happen.

No fucks given then. So I feel sorry for the redpilled man in San Francisco? No. It's your fault for living in pozzland and if you have a mobile "home" you have even less of an excuse to stay.

Utah is going downhill FAST. I have family there (non Mormon) and basically every city is expected to expand by a factor of 2 in less than 5 years. I feel sorry for the poor deluded, naive white families whose Mormon ancestors settled the land, but another part of me definitely blames them and their faggot expansionist church for participating in their destruction. They were cowards and went back on their doctrine of no shitskins allowed. They made their bed…maybe we all have.

Nice LARP. That picture is from an elementary school in Florida back in the early 90s.

given who lives in that neighborhood, im surprised the chinks havent died in an unfortunate (((car accident))) - on the other hand, chinks have a surprising amount of pull is SF…


Fuck off back to halfchan kid

Nashville sold their soul to the kikes years ago, user. The veneer is finally coming off now, and the plan has been accelerated, but they didn't call it "LA without the tan" for nothing. It does hurt, though, as does the faggotry that they've brought to Lexington KY and the muslims and niggers that they've imported everywhere around here.

Hipster faggots think the quirky life of living in a shoebox on wheels is some virtuous act of turbo "greenness" but retirees and elderly have taken to living in RVs and vans so they can camp on rent-free land owned by the Bureau of Land Management or Native American reserves that charge $500 for a year-long stay. Retirees got fucking stiffed because social security doesn't pay out and pensions were bled dry years ago, so you end up with people who retire and only get a few hundred dollars to live off of, on top of needing to pay for medical care and medication.

As someone who lives in a country where there is no longer any affordable housing at all, I can assuredly state that this is not a solution because the problem will chase you.

First the metropolitan areas become impossibly expensive, so the poor downsize until they are living in single rented rooms (who are the undercut by migrants who will share a single rented room, or in some cases live in tents). Then the wealthy downsize from houses to small apartments. These wealthy ship their families to smaller towns and rural locations where they can still afford a home. This forces property prices up outside of metropolitan areas and the process starts anew.

If your population is growing then the end game is the scenario in OP happening everywhere. You can’t outrun it forever. Granted in a large country like America it will take longer but it will eventually happen.

You know, I'd be a lot angrier if that didn't happen to Bay Area faggots. That being said, it's only a matter of time before it happens to people who don't deserve it. This must stop here.

Housing prices are a result of NIMBY boomers that keep ridiculously expensive cities like LA largely low rise and jewish as well as chinese speculation.

fake and gay

Fuck you, we're full. The only thing worse than local methheads are the Southern cunts that move here and make it worse for us.

Didn't a shitload of Somalians move to Maine for the gibs?

wow this is some great future we have. I wish I could send this article back in time. Working people have to live in parking lots. thanks to the jews endlessly pushing multiculturalism and lax immigration laws, there is no affordable housing in huge parts of the country. its getting like this even outside of commiefornia. if you have a state tax, chances are its hard to live in your state. paying up to 40% of your check to government bullshit is too fucking much.

You didn't need to. You just had to look at the demographics 20 years ago and realise that there was NO WAY any Western country could meet its pensions and welfare commitments for an ageing population expecting a continual rise in provision.
Unfortunately, the bankers preferred to get new debt slaves than keep/tail off the welfare ponzi going, so you get ponzi collapse and immivasion.

middle class homelessness ?

He didn’t even say he was from Thousand Oaks. He said he ran into her there. From the photo she obviously just needed some white dick. This is all his fault.

The answer to artificially maintained perpetual population growth is not to transform cities into upscale shantytowns of minuscule apartments. How large would these urban hellscapes have to grow before you considered them too much? Infinite growth is a meme, high-density population is not only a health issue but it also has a limit and what do you suppose will happen when that limit is met?

Without weaponised immigration justified by the ponzi scheme of perpetual economic growth we would be living in a reality where the death of the boomers is about to generate a surplus of property and thusly easier homeownership for all of us. More space, not less. Property is the foundation of family, it should have never been transformed into another investment mechanism.

We shouldn’t double down but rather we should reform. If we are to taste victory and prosperity for our people we must repatriate immigrant groups and provide affordable homes for young families.

I understood that, my point was this level of income has been the norm for the majority in my country. They will squeeze you burgers the same as they have squeezed us bongs. You think because you have guns it will stop the creeping judaism. Self sufficiency is this only weapon we have against this virus. Starve it, and expose it.

I really wish we could serve as a more utilised warning; Britain is the prototype end game, a fate that awaits the entire west. It’s hell.

I'd say Hong Kong is, but idk if whites can be pushed that far. Pic related.>>11088437

pic of caged home in HK

Damn, I'm moving to Utah from Texas tomorrow to escape the beans.


Will you become a mormon though?

If you don't live in SLC mormons will probably shun you if you don't join.

Lol I'll be in the SLC area, lived there a few years ago and found that Mormons make great neighbors. They're too meek to force their beliefs on you, but they work hard, pay taxes, and take care of their shit so your property values steadily rise. Plus you can always find one to help you move a couch if need be.

Link that to lolbergs/ancaps and if they give you any guff, call them a race traitor and leave it at that.

Why don't you all move into the same state? If there's enough of you, it could be enough to vote yourselves in charge of at least a county, or more. Loving County in Texas only has 112 inhabitants. Obviously it would be best to find one in a state that gives the highest amount of autonomy to the county.

That's part of the reason I chose Utah. Small, overwhelmingly white population. Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana will be the last bastions of white America. Add in stunning beauty, abundant natural resources, and endless opportunities for outdoor recreation and it's paradise.

Texas is fucked, abandon ship.

Problem is about 60% of the people there will be federal agents designed to undermine and maybe even frame us for shit we didnt do. They infiltrated the KKK until they were voting for who the grand wizard was, they had enough people on the council that made the vote, to pick it themselves.
NWF is the most viable "move to" space Ive heard of, it has real leaders and logic behind it, from the types of people who had experience in Rhodesia etc. and know you cant survive landlocked, without deep water ports.

the idea isn't to do anything revolutionary, user – there's not enough Holla Forumsacks here for that. Just to build a solid home base where one can properly raise a family without the state fucking him in the ass. I'm not an american, but where I come from, the local governing body (a city council or such) decides over local development. So, were the city council full of ourguys, they could, for example, decide to only give building permits to handpicked candidates, denying the others with "sorry but the development plan for CURRENT YEAR has no more room for your proposed LGBT museum". None of which would be illegal as far as I know, so FBI would have jack shit on you.

It's not much, but it seems hell of a lot more than the current situation, where many anons live surrounded by libshits, having to hide their power levels of face lynching and having no influence over local politics whatsoever.


How does that prove he was lying?

Thats why I included the part about how even if youre law abiding they might frame you. Just look at Ruby Ridge. Do you want your wife to be shot through the face by a sniper while she holds your baby, because some federal agent pressured you to saw off some shotguns for him after you moved into the hills to get away from kikes encroaching on rights? I doubt it.

Awww, I guess immigration isn't so bad after all since Santiago is suffering. Award-winning caliber story, Los Angeles Times.

t. sucker

this is an effective tactic, as this article demonstrates;


He cropped out the school info just to obfuscate the origin of the image.

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.

we may never meet face to face on this plane of existence user, but I give you the highest of autistic fives with this laugh

Look who it is, white meetups shill is the "fix pol" spammer.

thats already the standard situation for big city euro dwellers

sure, you can save shekels while you live like in prison but those shekels buy you nothing of worth really

with some investment luck it'd take a wage slaving normie 30 years of slavery to buy a studio in central london for example

There truly does not exist a high-trust society other than a white society.

Either they're gay or their docility must be genetic; any other group of men in such a living situation would've become extremely violent.

ITT: domesticated jewburban anons can't understand the holy righteousness of living out of an RV

He wrote, "About two weeks ago I was near there in Thousand Oaks… See image of me in green and her in red".

He claimed that picture is from his elementary school in Thousand Oaks. That picture is from a school in Florida. He highlighted himself and the girl while LARPing.

It seems that bad things only happen to faggot cucks

Except in our generation, all those kinds of people live with 3-4+ other burnouts and their DOGS in an old VW their parents bought for them, calling sed parents every other week to wire them money so they can afford the next festival (while picking over grocery outlet for organic food and going across the street to PILOT for their next bag of american spirit rollies), and they have fuck all for morals and have no concept of ODAL (home/inheritance)

They're TRUSTIFARIANS who would sooner sell your future out for the next nang festival in the desert than actually build something worth passing on.

Fuck RV People; had to get my dad out of a park because he was freezing to death taking in the winter, only coming into town to get his scripts to tranq himself out at night inbetween spending his days cleaning shit out of toilets for his pedophile park owner and huddling over a 150 watt space heater

There is no future on this road, we really need a Christmas tier fucking miracle to stop this, and soon.

This. In fact due to the type of residents who live there, I'm not angry at all and "victims" is this last word I'd use to describe them. But it's best to avoid HOAs to begin with. This situation was a result of complete and utter incompetence on the HOA's part and there's nothing more to be said.

Fixed income + adjustable rate mortgage = how fucking retarded do you have to be?

It's a boomer thing.

Never underestimate the financial illiteracy (or just straight-up stupidity) of ordinary people, lad. I recall an acquaintance telling me about how he took out a loan to by a 3-thousand dollar television (he was making minimum wage at the time). Similarly, I know of plenty of other people working min-wage who've taken out massive loans to buy cars they really can't afford.

A case of the ol' increasing payment for a depreciating asset.

I spend half the year living out of an RV, simply because I want to. I have a perfectly good home.

You faggots don't know what you're missing. I drive through deserts, mountains, forests, meet all kinds of neat people, and for weeks at a time.

Also driving a six-wheeled GMC motorhome makes you the fucking captain of the open road. There is no greater feeling of power.


Where do I start?

That's why the NSDAP banned this predatory lending in similar situations.

I recommend bargain-hunting for RV. The best ones are 5th wheels, but you'll need an appropriately-sized truck to haul it. Why is this better? Because the size of car you can pull behind an RV is diminutive. Possibly the best thing you can take with you is one of those iconic retarded jeeps. It's not a bad way to go, it's just a PITA. Basically, it's like oh wow, how elegant, all in one, then you need the fucking car, and now you have to deal with a hitch anyway. That said, you might get an old model A (the kind with a motor in it, of the iconic size) for a song.

The main reason not to convert a bus: cops assume you have drugs onboard. And you probably do, tbh, if you live in a converted bus.

Sheeit, didn't even think of that one, thanks fam. I'm leaning more toward the bus because of the idea of it being a custom job, also it sounds cheaper. Do you know where I would get good deals on used 5th wheel RV's?

Goy of the year.

A fucking expensive television too. I didn't even know what to say when I heard it.

Shit like pay-day loans deserves a mention too.

Honestly, I'm of the belief that (((they))) deliberately encourage economic illiteracy and financial naiveté for these reasons. If you went through the same sort of public-school conditioning as I did you'll probably recall how excruciatingly boring maths was made to be (at least for most people that is). Similarly, whenever economics is presented in pop-culture it's nearly always portrayed as being exceptionally dry and boring. Think of the whole "economic jargon and technical language as the epitome of all things stupendously boring" trope. That might sound oddly specific, but I'm sure you've encountered it in film or television. They repulse ordinary people from developing an adequate understanding of this stuff, in order to exploit their ignorance.

If I wasn't such a bad-goy and miserly shekel-collector myself I would probably have the same piss poor understanding of this stuff as most people.

> (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they)))
> (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they)))
> (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they)))
> (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they)))
> (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they))) (((they)))


Are you even trying, Ezra? What are you doing.

A pathetic attempt of a thread derailment.

Holy fuck you are retarded. There are not jobs in cheap areas, there's a reason why they are cheap areas, because no one wants to fucking live there.

So the choice is live where there are jobs and you can't afford to buy a house or live where there aren't any jobs and starve.

Here's what I did, user. Straight out of high school, I had this plan all laid out perfectly. I got a job, bought a used, late-70s RV for $1300 (going rate is around $2-3000 now), rented a parking space for around $40/mo, until I had enough money to buy a parcel of virgin land near town, and from that point on, I put my monetary focus into infrastructure. I bought solar panels, deep cycle batteries, a diesel-electric generator to replace the shitty one onboard the RV, and some water purification, as I lived near a lake.

For winter, I reinsulated the interior of the camper with pink foam (Owens-Corning Foamular I think), and lined one side of the foam in Mylar from emergency blankets I bought in bulk. Combined with a little pellet stove (and the proper installation, pretty important), that shit was downright /comfy/ in the coldest months of Upper Peninsula, Michigan weather.

Now, while I still have that original plot of land, I have built a cabin on it for a little up-north bugout shelter/retreat, and I have an actual house to live in, a couple hundred miles away, near a bigger city..

An important thing to note is that most of your expenditures will be on fuel, even if you're not driving the RV around all the time. Obviously you will want a car or motorcycle for any daily commuting you do. On top of that, you will also have a generator, and don't tell me you don't need one, and that you can subsist only on solar energy. We are simply not there yet. One day, though.

Happy trails, pard.

this. so is the story of san francisco.

You have much to learn. Your journey is just beginning. Have a look at "composting toilets".

Effectively, you really just don't need to do a conversion. You just need a bed, a few items, and the right lifestyle changes.


What holiday could Kathy & the journalist,be referring to?

If you don't mind my asking, what did you say to her that revealed your power level?

That's very similar to the plan I have been laying out for myself. I'm only in my early twenties and have good credit so I think I should be fine unless shit hits the fan too early and I'm not able to escape Upper Mexico (CA).
This place is like hell. My family seems like the only white people in this area that aren't drugged out or retards that love immigration because of all the cheap e. coli flavored tamales from street sellers.

this place is so fucking weird with small rich white neighborhoods surrounded by seas of brown

The first thing migrant chinks do when they start settling in an area is import in triads or start up their own muscle. It's a mentality so well ingrained, it's literally on the back of their passports telling them "Do not despair even if you're in mortal danger in a foreign country, for you have the largest country behind you".

Historically wise, this did work out for the chinks living overseas. More than once in the SEA region, when the racial riot (culling) of chinks began, China sent the offending countries messages saying "Rein in your people, or my boots land on your shores". In Africa, it's an unspoken rule to never kill chinks or you might find a chink battleship group parked outside your shores like in Yemen.

These dumb-fucks are pushing 70, have owned businesses and are crying because they can't live on the coast even though they have a modest fixed income. Not my problem they want to live in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

The way it should be tbh

very true
when i first moved to SF, it was impressed upon me that my white ass could wonder around drunk at 3 am in chinatown - they will tolerate that… and my freinds and i could make damn fools of ourselves while gorging on dim sum before going out for the night - thats fine…
but under no circumstances fuck with their women (without paying first), try to rip them off, or start beef with any chinese dudes - people "disappear" in chinatown all the time… SFPD knows how it is - the reason they started hiring chinese cops in the 50's and 60's was so they could have some sort of meaningful presence in chinatown
say what you will about chinks, pajeets, wetbacks, and kikes - but never forget they are well organized, racially insular, and purpose driven…
it pains me to have to admit it but us white people could learn (relearn?) a thing or two from these people…

my 61 yo uncle was just fired from his SIX FIGURE job for basically attempting to blackmail his boss into giving him a raise… this actually surprised none of us in the family, because my uncle is a malicious cunt and deeply stupid when it comes to dealing with people - but now he's "borrowing" money from us (we all know we'll never see a dime of that money back) it looks like he might have to sell his house… 4 years away from a comfy fat pension… so yeah i have to wonder about the decisions that lead these people to the wal-mart parking lot…

Congratulations Phil, you've discovered why the working class can't afford to live in California.

Not in slc, outside of the city yes Mormons will fuck over those without a temple recommend. My advice, get to know your mormon neibors and be the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Source: non mormon who's gone through LDS charities, usually the people in a ward just assume you're a less active mormon, etc.


Mormons act like Jews. Beware of that cult. They are hard working and can be decent people but for all the wrong reasons.

Never forget the Mountain Meadow Massacre.

No one would be missed if LA sunk into the Ocean

Great work user

You are just hurting the cause with your lies

Ah family boomer stories. I've got a close relative who fairly inherited about $500,000 in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, cash and two very livable homes on a few acres of land.

Blew through it in one year flat and is living on about $700 per month in Social Security. Doesn't have penny to his name. Truly pathetic.

Whites need to start taking over mobile homes in good areas of CA. Mobile home enclaves could be built rather cheap, especially once you get enough people in on the HOA and run that shit.

Just… how?

LA county recently made it legal to be able to live in your car. It sounds like a lot of people want to take advantage of that.

Honestly, living in an RV is probably not as bad as it sounds if you're on your own. You pretty much have a house on wheels with everything you'll need, power, food storage, a bed, a bathroom.etc

If I had the money I could see myself buying a brand-new bus-sized RV and just hitting the road

see? sending us their best and brightest! checkmate racists.

They just liquidated everything and spent the cash on stupid shit like vacations, gambling and useless consumer goods they saw advertised on the electric jew. Plus they gave some to their kids who are equally worthless. What pisses me off the most is occasionally having to listen their kvetching about how destitute they are.

Yep and the local Maine 'charities' are bringing rapefugees in hand over fist, and have been for years.
>An estimated 600 Iraqi immigrants have moved to Maine since 2008 [this is a 2014 article], including 573 refugees settled here by Catholic Charities Maine since 2010. About 200 families are scattered across some of Maine’s largest communities, namely Portland, Westbrook, Augusta, Bangor, Saco and Biddeford. The largest Iraqi community is in Portland, which has several Iraqi-owned businesses, including three grocery stores, a bakery, a restaurant and Khald Mazal’s auto shop.

But yeah, as says, it's all the southerners' fault.

Say we get a group of White men to organize. Now what?


Don't worry those rich fuckers know how to remove small problems like this. Never worry about (((them)))

What do you suppose his power level is these days?

There is vast, vast, vast amounts of land in California. However only bears and monarch butterflies are allowed to live there.

Friends, this is what a kike post looks like:

Consider famous examples of kikes "leading" "KKK" -type organizations.

Ask yourself, "why show pictures?" Answer: to create a false sense of authenticity.

Of course, real White men don't whore with imagery.

So, do you notice how you can instinctively catch them? It is simply because they act like total faggots.