What are the best action-oriented games with procedurally generated dungeon crawling?

What are the best action-oriented games with procedurally generated dungeon crawling?

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everytime I hear that word, I feel like ripping my fingernails out.

Does "games" really trigger you that much?

Well, I was going to mention the tremendous variety of roguelikes but I honestly don't know of any good, action-focused procedural dungeon crawlers.

Me too, the word "what" triggers me so much.

What's the difference between "procedural" and "(pseudo)random"?
Some titles suggest consistency, for which BB then is only a semi-viable example, since every chalice dungeon can be re-rolled (unless you like to clog up your grave stone slots) and comes with an expiration date.

God these dungeons sucked. Think about it, with the development resources spent on these we could have had an entirely new area added to the base game.

But in terms of bragging rights, in later stages they contained some of the hardest, most bullshit bosses in the entire souls series.

People whining about DaS1, 2, and 3 bosses being bullshit but having never experienced the one hit wonky hitboxes of some of the optional bosses in the later cursed dungeons are in for one hell of a fucking wake up call once they'll go back and face them years from now.

I love them. Then again, I also think playing Bloodborne is its own reward, so I might be somewhat biased.

They're pretty damn bad.
The only good thing i can say about them is that grinding them on 8 separate characters while listening to podcasts and music was pretty comfy but i could say that about basically any game that has grinding involved.


Shadow Warrior 2 is probably the only action-oriented game with procedurally generated maps that isn't shit that I can think of.

But that game is dogshit

Necropolis comes to to mind but I wouldn't use the word "best" to describe it in any way, shape, or form.

Pre-episode 4 Phantasy Star Online 2.
Probably Vindictus too but I haven't played it in years.

Fuck OP, just give me dungeon crawlers.
Already got Wiz 8 which doesn't seem to work on win7 ;-; and Grimrock, both 1 & 2.

It was meh on launch but it's pretty solid as of the latest patch.

You want old-school (Wizardry-style) or nippon (Shin Megami Tensei-style)?
Stranger of Sword City (old-school style) came out this year and it's pretty decent.

There aren't many, but Daggerfall with 100 long blade skills feels pretty action-y. Also, there are a lot of indie zelda 1-like procedurally generated dungeon crawler games such as the binding of isaac. Those are your only choice.

The whole game is shit.

Diablo 1 & 2?

pso2 is not action oriented any more than .hack games

I haven't played any .hack games, but pso2 sits somewhere between DMC and Musou games, that's pretty action-oriented in my book.

does Holla Forums like spelunky?
is spelunkey action oriented?

Isn't this what Deep Down is supposed to be?

Vindictus is not randomly generated dungeons.

Check this one out. It's simple but quirky. I pirated a copy of the beta to try it and it's kinda neat. Nothing too fascinating but it does the trick.

Procedural and Random differ in that Procedural has a few more rules added to it that rule out combinations or "craft" parts of the map first.

A Procedural map might force it so that there's always 2 types of a particular room and every entrance to it has at least 1 trap.

A Random map will have any amount of anything, only caring that there's a way to go up and down at least.

But that means that PSO did procedural levels years before it became a mainstream term.

post yfw games are art.

Reminder that Eldritch was made by SJW cucks

I think they were originally meant to be a fully realised area close to or under Old Yharnam. I'd really liked to have seen the Tombs as hand crafted levels with Yharnam waiting at the end for you rather than what we got.

They do kind of scratch the itch for a boss rush mode and playing bosses in cursed and defiled chalices is a lot more exciting than playing them vanilla. Too bad DLC bosses don't appear in the chalices.

Ah yes of course, it fails the Holla Forums checklist of what to play.

Just pirate it you dumb nigger

Seraph is breddy fun, but if we're talking the best I'd say I don't know. I want to say Invisible Inc but that's not "action" oriented.


spelunky doesn't count

if its a fun game, why give a fuck? I would play a game from hittler were i kill jews if its well made and fun.

Delver is supposed to be good even though its a first person minecraft clone. It just turns it into a roguelike.

The Division surprisingly put in a sort of roguelike where you enter procedural generated sewers/subway tunnels to do random missions, but its like Diablo 3 level complexity, with set pieces just randomized with other set pieces in map layout.

Too bad they can't balance the fucking thing right.

I agree, "best" is so subjective

Diablo 2

yakuza dead souls has a procedurally generated dungeon but the gameplay isn't exactly good so ehhh
