What are some games that let me kill all the humans?
What are some games that let me kill all the humans?
Other urls found in this thread:
In Tokyo Jungle, the humans are already gone.
but in the Story Mode, you can keep them from coming back
Destroy All Humans
DEFCON: Everybody Dies
Shadow President, start by nuking small countries, then aid them to regain support and nuke everyone out of orbit.
space station 13, if you're emagged or malf or slaved to a malf AI
plague inc. evolved
Destroy All Humans Thread?
Or Destroy All Feels Thread?
Alien Hominid
SMT4 Apocalypse you directly kill every last hope and soul on the planet to keep them from from ever worshiping a shit god. Dagda was right.
Hotline Miami
Thread needs more anal probing and ayys
Dagda did nothing wrong.
Alien vs Predator 2010.
Yes, I masturbate to this.
Free flash games, Pandemic and Pandemic 2.
real life
Pandemic always makes me feel depressed.
Modded doom.
I remember seeing a box full of that game, brand new, in a second hand store, in mexico
Shit tier writing.
So this is the exact spirit of lawfagging except you tell yourself it's not because of the nihilism angle ?
came here to post this tbh
Tasty Planet lets you consume humans and eventually the cosmos once you reach space.
age of wonders?
I never said I wasn't a lawfag. :^)
How do I make the First Person mod work for Hatred if it's on steam and I pirated it? I didn't find it anywhere else. Also there's a Hitler mod now.