Nice English, retard

Nice English, retard.


shit thread

Found the offended third worlder.


Well I'm going to dump all my bootleg merchandise stuff in this thread Cause ome of it has great engrish, and really this stuff goes hand in hand.

I love how happy this kid looks on the box.

These really do fill me with joy.

It's like they are deliberately trying to make it stupid

aw yeah.

I do love the fact that some of the bootleg merchandise from the us has terrible english on it as well.

Does he respond to the codephrase Iron Cock?

This and one more. Hopefully someone else has some good broken english stuff.


last one thats the stuff I've got for now. May come back later to thread if I can the link to this one fan fiction site with a bunch of terrible engrish.


I'd shit my pants if I saw the top right pikachu at night

Ninja Turtles vs. Bart is great, so is Homer as Astroboy. How does this shit even get made in the first place?

The amusing duck seems familiar.

They clearly don't know how the letter u works.

i bet your shitty elephant doesn't even lay eggs faggot


ever wondered what happened to the Pooh after the fateful baseball tournament? well this