Since gaming headphones are shit, is it recommended to pair normal headphones with a detachable mic...

Since gaming headphones are shit, is it recommended to pair normal headphones with a detachable mic? Will this cause problems for me? I don't want to deal with a shit ton of cables.

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Only reasonable option.

Poorfags need not apply.

into the trash it goes.


Fucking don't

As somebody who has an amazing voice and a yeti absolutely fucking destroyed it, do not get a yeti

If you need to have a mic on a set of headphones, get a ModMic uni-directional and learn to set it up properly

Or if you got bucks and don't want to spring for an XLR mic setup get an MXL USB.008 which is basically their top end 32mm diaphragm they use in their $2000 mics without all the noise canceling hardware and stuck it into a $100 USB mic with no filters/blowover etc so you have to configure that yourself in post

OP just get good headphones and a Zalman clip on mic for 10 bucks and you're golden for any communication. don't listen to these useless audiophile faggots. anything more expensive or high-tier than that is just meaningless dickwaving if all you do is use VOIP.

arent modmics overpriced as fuck? $40 is half the price of a decent gaming headset, and I'm sure that the mics on those don't cost $40

Modmics are great if you have a noisy room, if you have a super quiet room do what said and just get a Zalman clip on, they're fantastic but they're omnidirectional

Fuck off cuck.

Audio Technica ATH-M50x
Antlion Modmic 4.0

This is all you need.

You're getting there.


Uncomfortable as shit, getting HD 598 instead (sacrificing bass, but headphones are useless if they are too uncomfortable to wear)

I have glasses btw

Most user serviceable headphones around, pleb.

As somebody who uses a surround sound soundcard I learned to hate over ear headphones and switched to earbuds

Monoprice sells $10 earbuds with massive 14mm drivers in them that why they don't sound like gold have easily the best positional acuity I've ever heard

People who use the mic in any online game will most likely be an attention whoring cancer, just use the text chat. It allows for easier communication as its not reliant and mic quality or other players' volume levels.

As for headphones, get a Sony MDR-7502 or 7506

As a retard?


I have a pair of Shure SRH840s but use Visang R02s instead because they're just more comfortable.

You're missing the point
hardware level surround sound is a gimmick, a waste of money. This isn't even a matter of muh placebo, its a matter of the fact software level surround sound is identical in every single way.


You don't play fast paced games with your friends while in TS?

one sentence is not enough for a paragraph fuckface. especially when you continue the same subject over two sentence that are separated by a line break.

I got some good quality headphones and a mic for my desk with hardware mic monitoring for cheaper than one of the overpriced piece of shit gaming headsets. So I'd definitely recommend it.

This is some sort of Neutral Milk Hotel of /g/. Plus $5 dollar mic will sound terrible even for vidya. Just get your autistic ass to the store and find the one that sounds best because a lot of headphone manufacturers focus on gimmicks and amplification of some frequencies and ruins that sound that the sound/music creator wanted you to hear.

Headsets are perfectly fine.

I have this exact same setup and it works wonders.


No. Headsets are not "perfectly fine". It's not perfectly fine to pay twice the price for the same quality and shitty gimmicks.

Headsets are dime store headphones sold with brands and nothing more

Hope you got headphones on

I've got the on now.
Well it sure seems to be a gimmick since I seem to have no issues positioning that noise in the video.

Thanks for the tip-off

Who is peaple?

I used a 3D soundcard

That's why you can hear them behind you

I never understood how this worked even real life noises too.


Your ears are designed to detect micro variances in sound in front, to your side and behind you based on how sound echoes off your ears and ear drums and how pressure passes over them

3d Soundcards just do the same modulation with 2 speakers instead of playing speakers behind you etc

It's called binaural audio

I'm sorry but I don't own "3D" soundcard.

isnt the source engine notorious for surround sound?

although actual realistic surround sound is actually really weird in some situations where it seems almost not even realistic because of how real it is

And I need to sleep. Can't even understand sentences.

Source engine has its own variant, its not the best but it is better than nothing

Sadly binaural audio requires specialized equipment or a shitload of CPU time to pull off accurately otherwise it has distortion and slightly mudied like if you enable Sources 3D sound system


3D/Surround sound cards

Are you happy?

I have been using 20$ logitech for over 10 years. You are all faggots.

Uncanny valley probably applies to more than just human likeness.

I'm wearing apple earplugs that you get for free and I can position it perfectly

My integrated soundcard has virtual surround. How about that.

That's because you're listening to the video I made with a 3d/surround sound sound card

If its a realtek its sloppy but works, if it's a sound blaster and its actual hardware be prepared for people to call you a hacker

i just use some wireless philips headphone which was about 50 bucks originally but priced down to 15 due to the shop renovating.
no noise from wireless, and provides a full day's worth of good sounding music.
as for mic, i just use one of those clip-on thingies.
i think you should just look at price-performance, and get one under 100 bucks, since normal people often don't even hear the difference, and you'll just get accustomed to the quality of sound anyhow.

Make sure to set your equalizer up like this because all headphones by design dampen these frequencies vs household speakers with individual low/mid/high speakers

31hz 8db
62hz 6db
125hz 3db
250hz 1db
500hz 0db
1Khz 0db
2Khz 1db
4Khz 4db
8Khz 7db
16Khz 8db

Old trick my dad taught me who was a radio DJ for years

Are you me? I have the same fucking setup too.

Nigger, that's the Powerful preset on sound card drivers.

Don't even know how to do that with the general output. i am a massive pleb on that, and if i even go listen to just the music, i use vlc's equalizer to up the higher frequencies and slightly lower the 250-500 frequency bands. the latter just sounds like it craps all over the music, regardless of quality of headphone (tried this with friend who has a high end bose, and effect was much the same).



Go to your sound card driver menu and change the equalizer preset to Powerful and don't change equalizers on any software.

His dad was a soundcard

oh damn, that actually makes quite a difference. thanks man

That's called the Disco Smile.
Headphones don't dampen those frequencies, so much as ones recommended in these threads are flat for the sake of accuracy.
Many moons ago, Yahama released a pair of speakers that sounded like tinny garbage. I forget the model and I'm too lazy to look it up while posting from my phone. Anyhow, these speakers sounded like shit, but rapidly became popular with record producers and audio engineers, because if you could make a decent mix on the garbage speakers, it generally correlated to a great (by the standards of the time) radio mix.
As it turned out, the speakers heavily dampened the bass and treble, and left the mid frequencies untouched, and so resulting mix tended to the opposite. Somebody got the idea to build speakers that enhanced those frequencies intentionally, and that's when the split began between flat speakers/headphones for accurately reproducing the source material and speakers/headphones for casual listening.

Sage for off topic

what do?

I wonder (((who))) could be behind your post?
A fool and his money are soon parted.

I refuse to believe someone could be this stupid.

I use a Hey You! Pikachu! Mic sticky tacked to a pair of headphones, it works pretty good.
Nobody's complained about my Mic Quality yet. So I can wholly recommended it.

found the source(?) btw

kill yourself

I've always wanted this:
with a nice SchiitStack and the clip on mic in the OP.

But even though 90%+ of my music is FLAC, I really don't see great audio being worth over $500. I used that money for a 1070 and a 1440p 144 hz monitor.

that's a fucking killer microphone, but for Acting or actual voicework other than Radio or Podcasting its kind of limited but it sounds fantastic

You know those where going for sun $200 on Amazon for a while?

I have that combo, SchiitStack Uber and X2's To me it was worth the money, just for the comfort alone on those cans, never had a more comfortable headset


Beyerdynamic DT770 for me, Creative Aurvana Live for my sister. We simply call by phone, it's free because we pretend to our carrier that we are married.

what can you guys tell me about these, are they worth it?

Waste of money.

Get the Creative Aurvana Live that I posted, the first version not the second. It's quite a bit cheaper too.
If you don't mind paying a little more try to get a Sony MDR-ZX700.

Here's mine. I don't know shit about audio so I just took recommendations from forums.

i found a pair of mdr-7506's in a house of a family friend I was cleaning out since she was moving. I don't know anything about headphones, but they looked nice so I kept them. i also got some wicked bongos

What soundcard do i get to make these things sound amazing? I really cant tell there difference between these and cheapo earbuds at the moment.

post bongos
this the shit i'm looking for?


those are pretty wicked


I was looking to replace my Nu-Sony (fucking broken plastic garbage) headphones, but realized my on-board Sound Card is utter shit. Any recommendations? I have no god damn clue, I just know I don't want to spend too much money on one.


any recommendations for a headset+microphone for poorfags? something less than $150 preferably.


Thanks user. Is the quality on the Zalman decent or should I just go get some sort of studio mic to mount on my desk?

I have the XTY, it gets the job done without me sounding inaudible. Idk about the Zalman, I would assume it's slightly better.
If you really care about your voice sounding perfect, get a studio mic

Zalman is more than fine for yakking in game.


Look into some cheap DAC's.

They're fine if you don't mind them breaking every month and having to replace them.

No matter what happens, OP. Always know that audiophiles are morons and deserve to be gassed like Mark for refusing to share his cake like the greedy Jew he is.

By the way, OP. You can use your phone as a gaming mic. It works way better than you'd think plus using a phone while gaming allows you to access some other things they can help you tremendously.

Yea like adjusting the setting on your wireless dildo

People who bitch about Blues microphones and just as annoying as audiophiles who use cable risers and buy thousands of dollars worth of equipment, like tube amps, to get a slightly better sound quality.

That's kinky as fuck

Blue makes a number of outstanding mics, and the Snowball is better than one should expect for a 50-60 dollar condenser, but nobody should be recording themselves with a large diaphragm condenser for the sake of voice chat in the first place, unless they're in a treated room.

w e w
Good shilling though, hope you're paid well for that.

Good one user

Pretty good image.


It's a good feel.

Sure thing, buddy.

There's your first problem mate

top kek poorfags

I meant the other one initially, but if you are willing to put down the money, that is a GREAT headphone with absolutely stellar build quality.