Not even work 15$
And people still pay for games
Other urls found in this thread:
I mean 1 boss, and one filler boss.
Why didn't you /scurv/ it?
worth**** Fuck I am tired.
Oh I did, but I mean, come on.
If the DLC for Dark Souls 3 ends up being worse the Dark Souls 2 DLC. I will have no idea what dimension I am in anymore.
Bulletstorm had only 2 boss fights and people still paid 60 bucks for it.
Checked. People pay for DLC because they're stupid.
but bulletstorm is a good game unlike dark souls
Remember, you're here for memes.
I just thought, I dont even fucking know.
At this point it really is apparent I am going to have to stick to old games.
is this deep down
I mean if you say so captain.
You might want to sit down for this, user, Eleum Loyce was better than this DLC. The only good part of this DLC was the final phase of the second boss, the other two phases were nothing, and the other boss is fucking terrible. What idiot thought that fighting regular wolves and a single guy followed by a giant pretty regular wolf would make for an engaging fight. Aava and the Ivory King were more interesting than this shit.
It's the spiritual successor.
But bulletstorm was at least an actual a fun game.
Agreed, I am calming down with some snes
People play 60 bucks for shit games, what's your point?
Let alone more gameplay
I'de just like to point out how retarded Holla Forums has become. Keep in mind it's been like this for a long time now but more than likely to many faggots browse this place to fix it. I'm sure as hell there are degenerates here who bought this DLC because I've seen faggots post their :steam: pre-order purchases of the game.
It boggles my mind how so many anons can so easily and correctly call bullshit on this sort of stuff and yet there are still retards who browse this very same board who are baffled when shit like this happens. Seriously there are faggots in this exact board who unironically pre-ordered Fallout 4. Let that sink in so you can understand why this industry is going to shit. While I generally try and not to shitpost or rant to often, I gotta say I find it hard not to sympathize with faggots who do nothing but shitpost and bring down post quality. If you pirated the game congrats. But I know there are people reading this who bought this pile of mediocrity and will defend it to their last breath while they do nothing but meme in the pvp. Even worse they'll say nothing and just continue to accept that what they're doing is justified or doesn't matter in some weird twisted logic.
Frozen in development.
Well yeah, your hobby is as popular as movies and music now, I guess time for you to be geeks over something else.
Too bad masses recognized how great videogames in general and Souls in particular are, with BB and DS3 being pinnacle of the franchise.
This will get plenty of replies.
user if you have any balls you'd exceed (1) and explain why you think you're right when you're clearly wrong. At the very least be entertaining.
We arrived at a point where Holla Forums tear itself apart from the inside because there is nothing left outside of it worth unanimously hating.
There are numales and SJWs in there right now, being full part of Holla Forums.
Holla Forums now hates at souls because it became so overwhelmingly popular and trendy. DS3 dlc is more or less the same content-wise as the Artorias one.
By your model it's more of the same which is shit. You're not even making an attempt.
I don't think you understand how souls-fans react to a souls game. It's never been a reaction of joy or love it's always hate, all they express is hate even if they love it. And that's not even a Holla Forums reaction, that's how it's more-or-less done throughout souls-fans.
Every time.
You know how there are about 20 megaman games? I want there to be 20 souls games.
And there will.
It's almost like nothing has come close to quality since DS1. If you want to argue BB as coming close you can but I don't feel like paying $200 to prove you wrong.
Patrician view user! Have an upvote!
Wow I really am entertained by how retarded you are.
Now I know you're baiting, Artorias had 4 fantastic bosses, a large interesting area that wasn't just snow and a castle (I'd go to fucking Irithyll if I wanted that), more interesting enemies, more interesting spells and so on. The DSIII DLC needed more enemies like Voldo, not the stupid flies, wolves, and generic swordsmen. We already have enough aggressive dogs in the main game.
Yeah, I didn't pay for it. I also give money to devs who fucking deserve it.
Also, Fuck dragon quest after 3. this shit is tedious and boring as fuck.
I haven't made a comment on the quality of any of the DS games or BB. What the fuck are you on about you memetard?
If you're going to assume all souls fans jump to the conclusion to hate the franchise without reason I'm going to call bullshit on that. My post mentioned how the hate for the franchise past DS1 is justified because of the steep drop in quality.
If there's nothing good, why would you bother to pirate it at all?
Name four.
I never said they hated it, I said they react with hate. Subtle difference, you spaztastic faggot.
ur mom
ur mom
ur mom
ur gf daughter
Pixel, Nigoro, RWS, Playtonic.
There's no difference. If you hate something then you react with hate. If you're wrong on that hate or are to confused to understand what you feel that doesn't not make it hate. Quit making shit up.
There are no developers who deserve it. Maybe after the election some studios free of Jewish corruption will form but until then there's nothing
You are autistic.
It's almost like you don't read your own posts.
Yeah, they express hate but feel love. You are powerful retarded. Enjoy being that.
Keep posting so I can laugh at you.
And they say Holla Forums hasn't overstepped it's boundaries.
idk user
I mean, I wouldn't pay 60$ for even high quality italian bread
But i'd take wonderbread any day if it's free yknow? You stupid fucking twat.
How is that AAA dick up your ass ?
You are all fags and deserve this
I'll probably get the goty edition on the next summer sale, pay about half, feel that I got my money's worth and even have fun with the game.
You deserve to be hanged
Is it worth playing? Did they fix they re-balance at all?
I don't think its right to compare something that had the Old Chaos to what is essentially Painted World 2
No. I am going to fucking bed for a week.
I already thought DaSII's dlc was pretty good, but after going through this I think it might have actually been a masterpiece, a fluke that we may never see again
Are there magnet links or some lead you can give me?
Don't know where to go shit since Kickass was taken down
They reworked poise, making it most effective on the heavier weapons and armors in the game, as an example of this, you can basically spam r1 with zwei like you're the giantdad you always wanted to be. The DLC added a bunch of weapons with more flashy and fun movesets, some of which will probably end up being viable in pvp. That's really it. The DLC area is tolerable, if short. This is most likely From's big PVP update, while the other ones will probably be more lore-story focused.
temperatures too high
I am playing a souls game for the first time, dark souls 1
artorias DLC only has 4 bosses and like 3 areas
the chimera was pretty cool
artorias is REALLY cool
manus is eh
that fucking dragon I dont even know why im fighting, also gough said he fucking grounded it but it keeps flying around to spit fire at the ground, good job gough.
as far as areas and other enemies
forest is lame, forest enemies are lame
the town area is cool and the spellcasters are tough as shit.
the underground section is just tomb of the giants again, but humanity phantoms are neat.
why is sif so goddamn useless?
so you may be looking at artorias with rose tinted goggles, while it did have 5 bosses (if you count chained prisoner) it only had 2 good bosses, while it did have 5 new enemies it only had 2 good ones, while it had 5 areas it only had 2 good ones ect.
i preordered fallout 4
None of the new weapons even seem that great. 6/10 you're capable of better.
No, artorias was better. The bosses were hard but fair and focused on being fun to fight rather than difficult.
From never adds content with patches, and there's only 1 DLC left for them to release.
Is Dark Souls 3 even worth playing? I like the first one quite a bit, not so much the second.
It's shit.
But yeah, it's good enough for one playthrough I guess
I had some interest in the DLC for DS2 because they actually had interesting ideas and level designs.
I have zero interest in this.
If all you've played is DS1, the other two will just ruin your opinion of the whole series.
as someone who hasnt even played any of DaS 3 I will take your word for it. artorias was fun as fuck and actually forced me to git good and learn about shield stability.
Not really.
I fucking hate you all. I don't know for sure what it is about this series that attracts redditors to Holla Forums in droves and turns the rest of you into gibbering retards at the same time, maybe it's because des and das1 gave you a glimpse of good vidya for once and it's been held out of reach by our jewish modern industry ever since. That would drive anyone insane. Then again, maybe you're just a bunch of faggots.
Story is the most nonsensical trash fromsoft have ever shit out and that's coming from someone who liked vanilla DS3's story and characters. Broad flat snowfields are boring, cliffside ascent just plain sucks, village area is actually cool, weapons are cool, bosses are…scarce. I did not pay 25 burger coupons for this. Second DLC had better deliver.
I imagined you'd understand that was what I meant when I said 'update.'
It's basically DeS2.
Is that a good thing?
I'd say both DeS and DS3 fit snugly between DS1 and DS2, so yes.
Artorias of the abyss and the crowns all had two real bosses and some shit one, so, you know, whatever.
Not only are you mathematically incorrect, but none of those bosses are phoned in like the optional bosses in the DaSII dlc, the closest thing is the also optional fight with two of the guardians
Wasn't that one supposed to be a PvP dlc?
I mean, you're right, but used the wrong headline.
who knew
Sanctuary guardian was very much a real boss. And if you're trying to imply that optional bosses don't count, ashes is left with 1 single boss.
I paid 30 dollars for the Deluxe Edition.
So when's the goyoty release that has the DLC included?
Dude, SG was squishy but ridiculously agile and aggressive. Having that one set up right at the start was fantastic.
I agree that more bosses = better content is a statement of dubious quality, but with DaS2 you got three dlc for 20 bucks, while with DaS3 it's 2 for 25(?). I'm not sure about the price/performance ratio here.
Unless the two are Old Hunters level of content, but I doubt that.
I don't understand niggers like you.
Where did you come from, how new are you?
What the fuck do you think this site is for?
For us NOT to discuss videogames?
This is DaS3, which is a shit game but a sequel do DaS a game many people remember fondly.
It has been since its creation a place to come and talk about GOOD games and shit on BAD ones.
What the fuck do you think this board would be without it?
You and your 5 other faggot buddies talking about the ONE good game that came out in the last 3 months?
The fuck is wrong with you?
nice format reddit
This is
Learn the difference it can save your life.
I just warned my co-worker that the DLC is short as hell and not worth the money His reply was "That's actually good, I don't have that much time to play so shorter is better."
Neither of you know how reddit works
You're right, I'm clueless of the workings of reddit and glad that I've kept it that way.
You faggots think that the "Don`t buy DLC" is just a meme, kill yourself for fucking up yet another series
hi reddit
While the reddit spacing meme is retarded, constantly doing double spaces for a single sentence is retarded
Good thing that's not what I was doing.
I was just thinking about the DaS2 DLC, and while the first one was short, it had two pretty difficult bosses, the second one was the longest and arguably the best even with a colorswap Smelter Demon, but the third was just too short - kill tiger, find the knights, fight king. What a laff.
What do you call this?
DaSII dlc was good though, it was the base game that was shit
And you conveniently leave out the paragraph above.
Do you understand how paragraphs work?
I'm going to send your parents a chauffeurs invoice for taking your ass to school.
Staring deep into the abyss et cetera
Majority of those who go to lurk or take part in plebbit cancer become cancer, you just don't see it until called out.
The DLC was equally shit.
All while dealing with the same shit hitboxes and spinning top enemies that were in the base game.
Don't forget the Dragon in Sunken.
Do you understand that one sentence does not make a paragraph?
Soulsfags get what they deserve yet again.
What else is new?
Maybe if you turboautists realized that Bamco wants to milk their most popular franchise since Tekken you wouldnt be complaining about it everytime something newabout the franchise comes out.
I left that out because it was actually good.
That isn't how paragraphs work, you fucking retard.
Why doesn't anyone do this? The invisible hand of the market/piracy should prevail!
Common core really did a number on education.
Everyone ITT probably already bought it already, so it doesn't matter
If I type like this.
And do that every single sentence.
It is still fucking cancer.
And simply double spacing once every few sentences does not change this.
Nobody gives a shit about the double space itself.
The double space doesn't in of itself make it shit.
Writing like this however, does.
Also what I just typed isn't three paragraphs because a paragraph is defined by no longer continuing to write in a line and then starting on a new one, not by the number of lines left unwritten or by the meaning of the text.
You are simply a fucking retard that has to type like one too.
If your attention span is so damn short that you need a new line after a single sentence then you should just kill yourself.
Amazing how your biggest complaints were optional bosses in optional co-op gimmick areas completely separated from the rest of the experience
Wait, don't tell me you actually bought the Season Pass. Are you retarded?
So typing like everyone else is cancer?
Oh boy faggot, you are just embarrassing yourself.
You screamed reddit spacing, got blown out.
Then declared a sentence can't be a paragraph then got blown out again.
Stay butt hurt you got proved wrong.
Good backstory?
You mean how the shard of manus came to do the same shit the other chick did but for some reasons summons mini Veldstat despite being in a completely different time period?
Yeah makes perfect sense!
While you conveniently leave out the one boss that is literally 3 dudes in armor.
Also she was shit, the dragon was the only decent, you just ran up to her and wailed on her before she could cast anything.
Again a nation that is thousands of years in the past somehow has an active relationship with a character from another time period.
How is the quality of the weapon a boon for the DLC? So if they added in a weapon better then the rest that makes the DLC good?
Amazing how anything looks good if you leave out all the awful parts and add your own personal spin on the mediocre ones.
Second half of this comment
is for
Redditors trying to fit in.
The only mention of Reddit spacing that I made was the filename of an image I posted, which indeed does address Reddit spacing but if you had bothered to read it then you would have noticed that it also shows what paragraphs look like, which is what I was calling you a retard over. I like how defensive you are getting over being told to stop typing like a ten year-old for once.
I sent you to google to show you how paragraphs work.
Stop having a hissyfit over being proved wrong and let the big boys talk.
Please if you faggots had your way this board would be dead.
You want this site to be just another game "forum" all while pretending you're not the fucking reddit scourge.
No I didn't
I specifically pointed that out and said you were a retard for counting that as a main letdown for the entire thing
You are literally the only person I've ever seen both in person and on the internet who makes single sentence paragraphs. Maybe you're the retarded one, someone who thinks he's right and that the rest of the world is wrong.
Triggered redditor detected.
Lol, no.
One of the bosses in the game are 3 niggers in armor, that isn't good regardless of the rest of the DLC.
On top of that you have shit weapons which make no fucking sense, again why is their a spear which cast miracles that requires int, but doesn't cast hexes.
Why are there NPC's invaders which have unlimited stam and spell castings?
Why is there a gimick whip sword which has such shit damage why bother?
Why is veldstat being summoned despite being in a differently entire age and the kingdom was already ded by the time he's born?
Ah I see your a millennial, make sense why you think your anecdote trumps the English language.
nice format reddit
i think "reddit spacing" is actually people who are used to using some kind of instant messaging
t. literally butthurt millenials
Ever used an instant messenger where you needed to press Enter twice to post?
Not only is the boss as well as the entire area it's in an optional thing completely separate from the rest of the DLC, but it's also part of a co-op gimmick allowing people without the DLC to play with the people that have it
Ashes of Ariandel has great weapons, the dlc is still shit, equipment doesn't make or break the rest of the game
I don't know nigger, go ask vaatividya I'm sure he'll have some pretty deep theories for you
I don't think you know how this works.
There is a lot of faggotry in this thread.
Reddit faggots wanting to people to not shit on games.
Reddit faggots screaming reddit spacing at any post which uses double spaces.
Literally illiterate faggots who don't understand how paragraphs work.
I bet you faggots defend Nintendo too.
Its not, its in the pylon across from the main temple.
Making a lot of excuses for 3 niggers in armor, why can't you just say its shit and move on?
No its a part of the game, so if a weapon is shit and the bosses are largely shit then the DLC is shit.
You're the one who brought up storytelling and LORE.
I'm just saying if it was so great it wouldn't be fucking making references to people who couldn't of existed at the time.
I don't know how good or bad the DLC is, but is there any chance any user wants to play crusader with me, fuck around with other themed shit, and generally goof off in vanilla DS3, or explore the expansion for the first time..?
Because we're not arguing about whether or not it's shit, we're arguing about whether or not it makes the entire DLC shit
And no, the dungeon with those three fuckers in it is a completely separate area with it's own name and a co-op lobby right at the beginning
The two main bosses are good, aside from your autistic lore hangup with the first one
And it's more than just bosses and weapons, there's also the parts in between that take up the majority of your time
You know what, I decided to go look this shit up to remember
The normal ass velstadt has a soul corrupted by the abyss, it seems the ability to create a pet velstadt just comes with the territory of being a daughter of manus(which as you might recall, makes it ancient as fuck, and not just something that was invented the week before you showed up in drangleic)
There, you big baby
People crying that people are upset witih DS3 have to be reddittors or consumerist trash, because I went into the game excited and looking forward to it only to find it was trash. I didn't blindly hate the game, I genuinely think it's shit and not for superficial reasons like poise. I hate it because it's level design is some of the worst in the series, it's better than DS2 but not by that much. And a lot of the bosses are shit.
Nice critique.
The first boss is literally 3 boss fights.
Souls peaked at DS1. 2 and 3 were far inferior games, while BB is a different approach altogether. Two bosses isn't a dealbreaker to me (even though I pirate), but rather the overall length of the DLC itself.
silly me, good point.
It's also the final boss
Along with the optional boss we get a boss count equivalent to Artorias of the Abyss
Its an aspect of the game therefore it makes it shittier, never did I say it made the entire DLC shit, as I gave you several other points why it was shit.
No I said she wasn't good either as you just run up to her and smack her with your weapon.
Fuck nigga did you even play it? Solo you can run up and slap her shit in before she can do anything.
No in that lore and storytelling you were discussing its states that Veldstat was a lover of her.
And the veldstat also was a rival with the edgy samurai, despite never existing in either time periods.
Makes 0 sense.
Are you new?
The reasons it shit was fucking explained in depth, people get tired of listing the same complaints everytime some faggot wonders why a game is shit.
That's only if you count the two fights as five different bosses
Even if you want to get technical, really it's still only two, plus an NPC and a normal wolf monster
its one boss, the same boss 3 times ,just because it has 3 health bars doesnt mean its a new boss each time
A dead board is better than one with overwatch, BoyFriend1, whatever that Hi-rez assfaggots is and daily rugga threads.
I suppose it's too much for me to hope Holla Forums wants to play vidya?
i want to play ai war: fleet command 2. sorry buddy
I'm just going to basically repost what I said in the other thread, because this one seems to be more active.
I'm not liking this DLC.
A good chunk of the level design suffers from the same problem as Darkroot Garden from DS1, where you have a big, open and flat area. A game like this with such simple combat needs to have intricate level design, enemy placement, traps and whatnot, and this DLC fails to deliver. On top of that, most enemies feel pretty inconsequential, which rely on the same old R1 spam strategy, or can simply be ignored by running past them. Because it really makes you wonder, what's even the use of fighting anymore? I'm near the "level cap", and enemies jusr aren't challenging and don't even have useful drops, and those that do (like the hollows that drop the new armor) are pretty rare. I've killed dozens of dudes and I've only gotten 2 armor pieces (repeated ones at that).
One of the few encounters that felt memorable to me so far was the viking dude in the tower. That place is pretty cramped, so fighting a big enemy with a shield was interesting. That's what this DLC needed more of, but instead, it is the quintessential representation of some of the problems I've been having with Souls games as of late. Ever since I've played the Nioh beta, none of what I'm seeing here impresses me, and on top of that it's become tiresome to play.
I'm trying to farm souls on one of my cosplay builds, but I might make a new one to do a build with one of the dlc weapons.
meant for
Nobody wants to play in your reindeer games is all
The DLC's so bad that nobody even wants to play it through the first time
Anyone who's already struggled through it either just wants to stick to the arena pvp or has already put the game down
kill me.
jolly good show
Sounds good to me.
Please don't look at my playtimes oh god
I'm sorry, it's just that most of the games I enjoy, Holla Forums universally shits on, and I'm lonely.
I agree, however this is a thread SHITTING on DaS3, not a general discussion where we claim its a good game, but post nothing about the game other then waifu posting.
3000 hrs in Ark.
I bet you're not even good.
I'm absolutely not. I just memorized how the genetics system works and spent a load of time half-afk watching anime while making ubermensch dinosaurs and running my own server.
I use the past tense, but this is an ongoing obsession, not something I've grown out of.
What's the point of a perfect dino if it never is used.
I fucking hate trannies. Stop posting this filth pls
don't let the kike kick you on your way out
whats the point in my peenus if i never use it
Good question. I absolutely wish there were people around to use them on. I have fun fighting bosses and alphas and etc. with them, though, and my friends and I occasionally do some memesy infighting with them.
I'm not gonna buy the DLC.
But I will reinstall the game if the PVP is balanced and all weapons are viable again.
Anyone confirm if this is the case?
I use my all the time do you even summon southern serpent semen scallywags?
Poise is still not in.
Well, they made poise do something
I don't know what exactly, but it's something
It's okay user, we're all lonely
I'm sure the games you like are pretty okay from your perspective
oh, im only ranked [Journeyman] in alliterations. so not yet
When is the Prepare to Die edition coming out?
Still haven't even touched this game, it's like 2 sucked out all the joy from me.
Why would I pay for a multiplayer game? The only games worth supporting are singleplayer.
is there anything you havent stolen in your life?
A year or so after the next dlc comes out
So mid-late 2018 probably
I wasn't prepared for that.
buddy, he insulted you for misusing the word "literally", and your response is to show us a definition of the word that proves he was right.
You did not literally meet him in person, therefore he was correct and you used the fucking word wrong. Yet you post the actual definition for all to see and still don't understand that you're fucking incorrect? You may need to see a brain surgeon.
I go to check the subreddit.
Someone calls the optional boss "Amazing"
People like to vent here since it's the about the only place where they'll find like minded people and probably won't be instantly banned/downvoted.
At least it looks good. done this in 2 fucking hours what the fuck is this? Demo/tutorial?
painted world of ariamis had only pricilla as the area boss, that was optional
that is if you don't count the unded dragon as a miniboss
too short, shitty bosses.
You didn't pay extra money for the painted world
And priscilla was optional in that she was an NPC and you had to choose to attack her, which was a neat idea
It was part of base game. And it was modified tutorial/testing area.
Am I the only one that wants to fuck those female looking tree enemies in the dlc?
What a surprise.
They're not defined well enough, they're like statues that were given a basic shape and then left half-finished
Elder God Tier:
High Tier:
Demon's Souls
Mid Tier:
Dark Souls 2
Low Tier:
Dark Souls
Shit Tier:
Dark Souls 3
The entire game feels like it was left half finished.
Now imagine if only they were good games.
Remember, faggots. This is the average quality of posting on this board. You may filter it out to get to those rare QUALITY POSTS you really come here for, but those will always be anomalous.
And I don't want to fuck the game either
What's your point
post an image of them for those of us with good enough taste to not have purchased this game
Chans have always been shit, quit deluding yourself otherwise.
It's a vaguely feminine tree.
If this is the average quality, why do you keep coming back?
I'm sorry okay