France bans all oil and gas production from 2040

France bans all oil and gas production from 2040
France's parliament has approved a law banning all exploration and production of oil and natural gas by 2040, both within the country and its overseas territories.

France will also stop the sale of petrol and diesel engine cars by 2040
In what is a world first, under the new law, all existing drilling permits will not be renewed and no new exploration licenses will be granted.

France imports most of its oil and gas, only extracting the equivalent of about 815,000 tonnes of oil per year, an amount produced in a few hours by Saudi Arabia.

I posted most of the relevant parts, but if you want to archive and post the source:

How will I get to work / heat my house?
How will you make that without oil and gas?
So what will we do?

Sorry about the formating btw

Why do liberals think that they should be allowed to wave a wand and demand something like that?

France has significant nuclear facilities, precisely so they aren't entirely shit out of luck if somebody who doesn't like them stops selling them oil.

You use the state controlled power supply, no private storage of fuel for you cis white peasants.

They are so fucking self-brainwashed they believe that renewables work well enough on their own. Besides producing nuclear, which greens also want to stop.

Because they ARE allowed. They do wave the wand and get what they demand.

This is an odd way to get a handle on truck of peace attacks

You can import uranium from Australia because Australia has no nuclear facilities generating electricity.

France doesn't really have oil to begin with. 2040 is also way after Macron is out.
So in effect, they're doing nothing but signaling fake intent to gain eco brownie points without having to follow through.
Germany wasn't even unified 27 years ago and the Soviet union was a thing.

By 2040, I don't doubt that self driving cars will allow them to make all car ownership illegal by the common man. The only option will be to rent them from corporations who own them through approval by the state. This will be an easy enough policy to enforce in urban areas, and the muds that inhabit them will all vote yes on it. But I wonder how they will justify it in rural areas. Will it just be an expensive rental you get from the state, something just cost prohibitive enough that it forces more people to move to cities unless you own a major farm? That's my guess.

Basically it's just high echelon virtue signaling, but a lot of times they end up carrying it out.

I'm not sure if they will be able to get us to that point.
If they do, well, I guess we had it coming for being faggots and not stopping it.

A combination of a high percentage of muds who will be easier to manipulate, and maybe disguising it with policies that make it affordable for a corporation and not for the average man. Maybe an expensive license for car ownership: owning a single car will be prohibitively expensive while only needing 1 license to own 100000 cars will make it a drop in the bucket for a corporation who rents these out. Cars driving themselves will also make it easier for the common man to let go of his car. With an Uber or similar company driving you everywhere, why have your own car? Maybe the ratchet up the number of car of peace attacks to scare people into submission. I can see a multiple of factors that would lead to a less vigilant populace losing car ownership.

This is I agree part of the plan. They can attach vehicle rights from two fronts, “cars of peace” rendering the right to have full control over a vehicle to dangerous of a right to continue being permitted and “environment” so the implementation of mandatory electric vehicles.

Rights to partial control (i.e. dropping a pin in your target destination on digital map) over your rental electric vehicle will be centrally controlled. Wrong thought will be sufficient to render you without private transportation. Exceptions will no doubt be made for the elite who will receive permits to drive real cars, but this will be a privilege reserved for the few.

can attack*

Makes sense.

Of course it will be an excuse to ban cars and not the muds who cause it. Ah, I can feel my blood pressure rising already.

Then how will companies make asphalt? it's made of oil.


So we stone age by 2040?

Yes a stone age will indeed occur, and it will be horrendous for the normalfags and glorious for those who have spiritually prepared.

I bet if France ever finds any oil or gas then the ban will be repealed. It's like a way to encourage the oil industry to find something as soon as possible.

france produces around 1% of the oil and gas they use, them banning shit the barely produce is nothing more than saying look at us, look at how green we are while doing fuck all

Some of the stuff in your pic related were made for a long time without oil-based polymers or don't necessarily need to be made with polymers. A few of the other things [like ziploc bags] seem like good candidates for biodegradable bioplastics.

Wew lad

It will be shit for everyone. But it might give some few a chance.

Trips = plausible.

RIP poor people. Fossil fuels are about a fifth of the cost of (((Green energy))) and this will mean millions of France's poor (at least the whites who will not receive gibs) will go into abject poverty because they cannot afford to heat their homes in the winter.

Plastic bags will be the first thing to be outlawed. California already effectively removed them by making the thinner ones at grocery stores illegal and only making customers buy thicker ones for 10 cents each. Which honestly isn't a bad thing since most plastics used now are harmful to your health.

The status quo is already shit for everyone with any sense of decency or righteousness in their heart. Any opportunity is infinitely preferable over this torturous decay into total servitude to the dystopia. A decade in the trenches is incomprehensibly favourible to a minute spent in defeat.

I don't know for sure, but I think biomass heating is significantly more widespread in Europe than it is in the United States.

I love it when politicians (who have limited terms) make these grand gestures that are going to go into effect in 50 years. It's empty signalling to the most brain dead lefty supporters. Nothing but words, no actual action towards the stated goal at all, and it give the politicians a bump in the polls.

Nobody is going to remember Macaroni in 50 years, none of his policies will still exist, and the pandering nonsense he spouts today will never come to any fruition at all.

This is nothing but a shitty libtard politician going down on the dusty snatches of his cat lady supporters while the cucks jerk off to the thought of driving magic communist cars of the future with dildos up their asses.

It's probably also a nice jewy way to funnel a bunch of money into (((research))) that will never produce anything yet somehow makes all the federal grant money disappear.

Electric vehicles accelerate a lot faster making it easier to mow down people in an urban environment.

Just because it would be shit doesn't mean it wouldn't work out in the end. Simply that it would be hard and not happy fun time.

I bet they would control the supply of wood and diesel as well.

He meant self-driving cars.

Granted muds aren't too bright and would likely get electrocuted trying to "hack" those things, it really shouldn't be too difficult to just tear out all the fancy electronics and wire the batteries to the motors in a stupidly simple circuit. Only simple attacks minutes after stealing the vehicle would be prevented.

They don't care about preventing it, just about using it as an excuse to deny us from driving.

This may seem big, but France imports like 99% of its oil. Unlike the US most power isn't from burning shit but nuclear. It's just a propaganda move, like Germany closing down nuclear plants like it's so green while buying the equivalent power from France.
By 2040 oil will be so fucking expensive pretty much every car will be electric. Any country who hasn't replaced most of its engines by then will be getting fit because they won't be driving.

There's a decent probability that rare metals used for car batteries/motors will run out before oil does.

>Born just in time to see the French, who sabotaged Canadian and Quebec relations whenever possible, end up in a Mad Max Vs. the Zombies movie because of sabotaging themselves with oil and rapefugees.

RIP France. You dumb fucks voted for this faggot so congratulations I guess.

Goodbye Peugeot..

(((Globalists))) want to kill Whites and Asians, ban living outside of cities, and ban technology. Then they can reign as "gods" over the nigger-tier remnant.

They kind of do, at least in bongland this is. You need a license or must at least pay the duty on any fuel you make. Wood is prohibitively expensive to burn when there is any other alternative. You aren't allowed to just go and chop a tree down from what seems like common land either.

We already went through peak oil twice. What's one more?

Even if it's your own trees?

Can chop your own trees. Had to chop one getting too big a few years ago.

Ypu cannot go off and cut down a tree say in the country side. Small island and not much Forrest left.

Yes even your own trees.
You should at least check when you buy a property.

Protected trees:
A guide to tree preservation procedures
This leaflet is written for tree owner
s, their neighbours and local community
groups, and answers some of the most common questions about tree
preservation procedures in England. It
is for information only and you should
consult a solicitor if you are unsure
of your legal rights or obligations.
Please note that new tree preservation le
gislation came into force on 6
April 2012 which affects all existi
ng and new tree preservation orders.
This leaflet updates the leaflet
published in 2010, which is now
Questions and answers
1. What is a tree preservation order?
It is a written order made by a local plan
ning authority (e.g. a
borough, district
or unitary council or a national park
authority) which, in general, makes it an
offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot,
wilfully damage or wilful
ly destroy a tree
protected by that order without the authority’s permission.
2. What is the purpose of
a tree preservation order?
To protect trees which bri
ng significant amenity benefit
to the local area. This
protection is particularly import
ant where trees are under threat.
3. What type and species of trees
can a tree preservation order protect?
All types, but not hedges, bushes or shr
ubs. An order can protect anything
from a single tree to all trees within a
defined area or woodland. Any species
can be protected, but no species is automatically protected by a tree
preservation order.
4. How can I find out if
a tree is protected by
a tree preservation order?
Contact the local planning authority. De
tails of tree preservation orders will be
available for inspection at its offices.
An official search of the local land
charges register can also be made before
you buy a property. This should reveal
the existence of an order and whether
a property is in a conservation area (s
ee question 18). Make sure your legal
adviser tells you if any
trees are protected.

nice dubs but nothing of value will be lost…

yeah, thats what the article said - but the term is ambiguous… gas and diesel arent the only fuels available which can run internal combustion engines
the article mentions "dem naughty fossil fuels" but that still leaves half of my list
the filthy, equatorial brazilians run 99% of their cars on alcohol ffs
every time gas gets expensive, i start considering converting my truck to run on propane…
in general i also kind of like the idea of a plurality of fuels available - more options, competition, and innovation…

If only we could find out what fuel the evil Nazis used to burn the innocent 6 million so quickly and efficiently we could probably all be running around in steam powered futuremobiles.

kek but seriously the germans werent very petro rich either, and as a result were pioneers of synthetic fuels, oils, lubricants ect which we still use today…

The rich will be able to afford the super expensive ownership fee.
Government officials will be issued state owned cars.
And everyone can deal with hell on earth shitskin infested mass transit.

Which are all old as shit now.

It's fitting because in 2040, France will be Africa/Middle East.

For tree hugging tards, electric cars produce MORE CO2 than gas engine cars.

no worries, this law is pure bullshit posturing
France gets 73% of its electricity from nuclear, 18% from hydro and other renewables and the rest comes in a large part from coal
not only this is supposed to take effect in 23 years, but it would have very close to 0 effect in reality, and this law is a few nat-gas discoveries in western mediterranean sea and a few lobbying efforts bribes away from a repeal in less than 1 year after some people learn that there is ca$h to be made

this is one of the most non-news possible, but it's green and thinking about the childrenz

If CO2 doesn't matter, why would that matter? I'm not in the business, I don't have any loyalty to the particular method of propulsion that makes the car go.

Can we meme France into banning plastic?

Nothing runs cleaner and smoother than Israoil in your eco-drive transporter!

Fucking turbokikery coming to 2 Avenue Gabriel, 75008 Paris, France.
And now you know the new long term modern plan for installing and maintaining US embassies and military bases all over the world.

Luckily the RCZ is built in a special factory in Austria.

I suppose their best hope is that ITER pulls through and they are able to start using fusion. This is of course assuming that they don't just change this stupid policy or that their country doesn't completely fall apart in the next twenty-five years.


What are you sliding?


but where will the econuts get the rubber for their tires?

What's the ratio of synthetic to natural rubber for automobile tires?

What could go wrong.

Wrong. Pine Gap DUMB has a reactor.
Other than that, you are right.

from a human lifetime perspective 25 years might seem like a long time but in order to switch the entire buidling blocks of a society it isn't

if they want to ban the use of all petrol and switch to electric cars they would have to start with a massive public works campaign on the order of the marshall plan today to build the factories with enough production capability to replace all cars and start working on tripling the nuclear power plant capacity, these things take time
this is without even considering that electric cars don't work as mass tranport for people with average wages and the resources to make electric cars are more rare than petrol products

so A: meaningless virtue signaling of president bound to the dustbin of history remembered only as the granny fucker
or B: politicians predicts total collapse of french economy to occur before 2040

>(((Modern Civilization)))

They did it because they are banking on teslas shitty engineering failing next time they get a van of peace. Those lifesize RC cars won't do near the damage a good 'ol diesel will so this way they can keep their "diverse utopia."

France may be able to deal with electric cars, since a great deal of their electricity is produced through hydro/nuclear, but oil is also used in plastics as well as other oil-based products(unless they can find a replacement, such as oil from algae perhaps)

Its not speaking of natural gas, though you can heat your house on electric.

You're just as retarded as the maddow poster is

A whole new level of evil surrounding the energy debate has presented itself to me

What's wrong with natural gas?


Is it common to burn wood in the fireplace?

It just means that the Total frog fuckers will keep on digging everywhere else.

France is anti-green.


nuclear is safe and efficient, you halfwit. France already gets ~80% of its electricity from nuclear, and has throughout the whole post-war era

go eat a dick

The worst thing you can do with electricity is turn it into heat for comfort.

Ontario is doing the same thing I looked into it a couple years ago when they decided they were going to ban everything except green energy. Including what I thought was a Leaf's constitutional right, the right to chop up firewood and burn it to heat your cabin.
Me thinks when this law goes full into effect there is going to be a lot of cold miserable really pissed off broke hosers.


So, when does the the industrial-scale anti-matter production start up, or zero-point energy? People are too scared of even larger scale nuclear and nothing else is going to fucking maintain what we already have. It's delusion, "oh, muh feels about oil so this is how it is, conform reality!"

Bull-fucking-shit. How would France power 80% of its country on that if it was that inefficient?

Also bullshit. There are areas (mostly volcanic) with background radiation far higher than a power plants max dose, but with no unusual cancer rates. For that matter, cancer isn't higher in Colorado or the Himalayas, where the lighter air allowed more radiation through.

If the powers that be wanted to push nuclear power on us, they wouldn't have stopped building them 40 years ago and neutered them through the EPA.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums or anything else that gets them assblasted (((like calling out shills that are literally in every single thread))), or for no real reason at all just to piss you off, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you.

question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question.

if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums. the ban reason will always be some fake fucking reason like "spam" or "unspecified reason". if you are in doubt, it isn't because this can't happen to you. it only means that it has not yet happened to you.

I am one of you, so don't bitch that you're being raided. all it takes is a look at /polmeta/ and /sudo/ to see just how many of us are being censored and banned every day by corrupt mods. the very founding reasons for Holla Forums "politically incorrect" "freedom of speech" are being torn down from above by the corrupt moderators and undermined from below by shills. because of our corrupt mods who are the biggest censorship loving sellouts in the entire world, Holla Forums is being ruined.

all that has been struggled for will be lost as Holla Forums can not function the way things are.

/polk/ is the same mods pretending to be different people. past migration efforts have all failed because we don't have the hivemind and the unity to make the move all at once. I don't care what new Holla Forums type board we all choose to migrate to but we need to make a good choice and then just make the move all together. the reason why everyone is getting banned all the time is because we have been subverted and manipulated.

who would have guessed that the very mods in charge of the board with the most freedom of speech on the entire internet that gives NO SHITS about political correctness would be some of the most CUCKED mods we have ever experienced?

this bullshit-banning has to fucking stop. we need the freedom to post the truth without being punished.

Impeach the cucked Holla Forums mods.

God bless donald trump. God bless america.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums or anything else that gets them assblasted (((like calling out shills that are literally in every single thread))), or for no real reason at all just to piss you off, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you.

question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question.

if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums. the ban reason will always be some fake fucking reason like "spam" or "unspecified reason". if you are in doubt, it isn't because this can't happen to you. it only means that it has not yet happened to you.

I am one of you, so don't bitch that you're being raided. all it takes is a look at /polmeta/ and /sudo/ to see just how many of us are being censored and banned every day by corrupt mods. the very founding reasons for Holla Forums "politically incorrect" "freedom of speech" are being torn down from above by the corrupt moderators and undermined from below by shills. because of our corrupt mods who are the biggest censorship loving sellouts in the entire world, Holla Forums is being ruined.

all that has been struggled for will be lost as Holla Forums can not function the way things are.

/polk/ is the same mods pretending to be different people. past migration efforts have all failed because we don't have the hivemind and the unity to make the move all at once. I don't care what new Holla Forums type board we all choose to migrate to but we need to make a good choice and then just make the move all together. the reason why everyone is getting banned all the time is because we have been subverted and manipulated.

who would have guessed that the very mods in charge of the board with the most freedom of speech on the entire internet that gives NO SHITS about political correctness would be some of the most CUCKED mods we have ever experienced?

this bullshit-banning has to fucking stop. we need the freedom to post the truth without being punished.

Impeach the cucked Holla Forums mods.

God bless donald trump. God bless america.