DOGE giveaway

Hey fellow Holla Forumsacks

Post ultra lit dank memes, favorable DOGE or KEK memes. Your last postnumbers, so KEK, will decide if you're worth it. And your DOGE coin deposit wallet adress.
First 10 hits will geit their fair share of DOGE.

00 = 100 DOGE
22 = 250 DOGE
420 = 420 DOGE
55 = 250 DOGE
88 = 88 DOGE
888 = 555 DOGE
1488 = 1488 DOGE

Good laught, Holla Forums.

Roll, my boois

An walletadress can later be added!

no thx



So sad, much stupid, such giveaway

Much butthurt, so sad


Even adolf sais it through numbers


im skeptical, why?

You see the signs of

= kek =

in this thread

Just Roll if others wont, three times, I myself won. SO 7 Times until the giveaway is gone.

Oh it's another (((giveaway))) thread

KEK has awakend

You fuckin' shill, fuck off.

Wait until someone gets their fair shaire in kek's trust and he'll grant them dubs. I'll grant them DOGE.










Holla Forums mod a shit

You lose. Anchored.

Drown yourself in semen, kike.

Meh fuggit I'll play

Thats the spirit!








I don't care for the giveaway. I have 6 doge coins that I will keep until they are worth a fortune. Unlike the 5 bitcoin I gave away before people were even trading them for real money.



I've used up all my luck juice lately, top kek OP


Dumping what I got. Webms included.
DOGE address –→

BTC address –→ 13ofbiZt4hwNMXw4bMQuUpRVg8rWekFwfB

Any charity will help my fucking broke ass after that fucking whore bankrupted me in family court. Stay tuned for part 2

Part 2

Doge is up 50% in the last week or so. It was like 0.00whatever25 and now its 0.00whatever50

part 3

Meant to link to some guy further up, doesnt really matter I guess.

He wishes he was chad. Look at those manlet arms.

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7


part 9

We a thread now

gimme dat




Show me the shekels!