#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Dies Irae Edition



- Spread the Trello leaks via the #HackHarassment hashtag
pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated October 8th, 2016)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]


- oneangrygamer.net/2016/09/wikipedia-admins-filibuster-crash-override-network-page-to-bury-chat-leaks/11772/
- youtube.com/watch?v=TDKCXqSL2AI
- twitter.com/mombot/status/763725521628700672
- /u.teknik.io/u400h.7z
- PW: is7X8ThzzMC7CL2VtAvd
- oneangrygamer.net/2016/09/gamespot-fails-to-disclose-and-identify-affiliate-links/12971/
- ghostbin.com/paste/7mne8
- kokosac.tumblr.com/post/152138358807/vivian-james || twitter.com/kokosac/status/789110884501041152


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
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Other urls found in this thread:

wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=katherine clark&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult

It's okay for girls to kiss girls

He did a good job acting in this episode of world peace.

Vaginas are gross. Seriously, sticking my tongue in one is the grossest thing I ever done. Well, at least there's no boobs, so that's a plus.

Furries are gay

never EVER suck a girls dick
its super gay

do emails plz


Deus Vult!

Emails plz, thank you

Thanks O

sleep tight reap tight

Sucking a girl's dick is perfectly acceptable behaviour for any heterosexual man

What about a man's dick? Is it gay if you are really good at it?



You wouldn't say that if you were a qt girl with a hot sister



I honestly find boobs gross, they are like mass fat bubbles and it turns me off.

Of course not, if you're really good at it then its simply showing off your skills


Not yet, justice comes with a conviction. The only thing that fat fuck is getting is anxiety attacks.

An act of dominance that is sure to impress any fertile female

What? Even most gay guys can appreciate tits.

Taking the smug look off her face is a damn good start, though.


BTW, what happened to Ryulong? Is he finding work now?

I think he got booted off another wiki, though.

What a loser, he makes Burch look good.


Have you ever touched a boob of a non-massively fat woman?

ara bread : archive.is/V5q2G

real aras get pregnant

but that is a cat


warning for anons that have been digging on the Clinton leaks, there's some suspicious activity coming from the wikileaks twitter account. >>>Holla Forums7949779



I'm watching BBCs Dirk Gently, and holy shit, Dirk Gently is Milo. I swear to god he's Milo.


Last bread was good, keep it up gays



All this recent shit regarding wikileaks is getting real fucking scary

Last night I had a strange dream.
Trump won the election and we all danced together, enjoying the victory, drinking SJW tears
I ain't even joking or lying


I swear to god if they deny me my sexbot and my ridiculously realistic porn games, I will go fucking nuclear.

I'd rather drink your male tears, user

I, for one, cannot wait for the day I can experience Farfalla.

I love it too

oh you said DIRK, nvm

then I advise you to not browse twitter and check the VR tags

user, I hate to tell you this, but…. It will get denied. look at the vr tag on twitter.


So I take it that it's as good as the book?

user, that's gay

If you met me in real life, you'll notice I am both gayer than milo and more right wing.

Is such thing even possible?

Are you into being called a degenerate faggot while being throat fucked?

Someone rewrote the Wikipedia article, but put it on Infogalactic instead: infogalactic.com/info/GamerGate

Milo's not really that right-wing.

Right on the money, darling.

Figured, I remember there being a lot of people with that fetish on /cuteboys/

You're homo as fuck, user.
are you girly feminine trap, user?


I swear to christ they better not ban sexbots


You go do that you little chickenhawk.


Kek seems fine with gays so I'm not worried.



Do not forget

You know those crazy right-wing nutjobs? You'd think there'd be more backlash over the left stealing all their tin-foil hats for themselves.

At this point double standards no longer surprise me in the slightest.

Contact the FTC concerning Patreon's failure to abide by its own Terms and conditions regarding CON members.
Contact Square Enix about Nybergs piracy and theft of their IP.



Nice digging, really not sure what to do with this though? The cliques that are involved with Indiecade are clearly going to continue their bullshit regardless. I guess we should send it to Usher just to get the word out more.


I pity someone who can't know the love of big boobs.
But that's what makes them perfect. They're so enticingly shaped and fun to squeeze. They're such a unique deposit of fat on the human body that are so self-contained

Yeah, she totally didn't make that shit up for attention.


Does russia even do anything to gays above and beyound denying them the rights to organize an lbgt groupa nd pride parades?

Not that I'm aware of.

What would the bro guy be groping? THERE ARE NO CHARACTER MODELS


I hope he likes syrup dollars

You fuck with Illuminati, you end up dead.

Yeah, I know, it's fucking stupid. I could understand her getting uncomfortable because someone invaded her personal space, but I highly doubt that "Bro Whatever 442" dude did anything that could even be construed as "groping," if it even happened, which given that she's from San Francisco, Hipster/Scam Artist Capital of the World, I highly doubt.

Thats fine. And at this point, id rather prison than fight for canada, or would desert in the front lines after poisoning the troops.

B-but it was real in her mind.


I bet that, deep down, she wants that to happen in real life because it's her fetish.

And time is the same magazine that put hitler in their people of the year.

I bet that, deep down, she wants that to happen in real life because it's the only erotic contact she has never had.

No. The only "human rights violation" is that you can't be talking about being gay out in public because they see it as destabilizing to society. They don't care how many dicks you suck in the privacy of your own home.

She's married so I'm sure she's had sex.

Just not with her husband.

Bad sex is worse than having no sex at all.

Having sex and having passionate erotic spontaneous sex are two different things.

Thats what I figured. And that would be the policy I would go with. No public displays of affection or pride in public.

Same around here. In my town we have some big plants that pay $20+ an hour if you're hired on. But that's just a ruse, they contract out to ManPower(Temp agency), and work you for 90 days then let your ass go. Remember since you're hired and paid by the temp agency you get no fucking benefits or compesntion from the plant. You can re-apply again after 3 months after being let go, along with hundreds of other people.

I known people that have been working as temps at some of these plants for years while praying they get hired by the plant itself. They do hire like 1 person every 3 months to give the illusion that you have a chance of getting in, but it's a lie. All the people hired know someone working for the plan. I know this because my brother in-law got in because his father new the HR person. Got one of the best jobs at the plant with no experience, now makes 80k a year.

I'm so scared Hillary will win.


Literally kill yourself and do the world a favor.

My qualifier to that is that I think talking about it online should be acceptable even though the internet is obviously a public place.

They can actually organize groups, they have since mid 00s. They can't parade around, they can't promote it in schools and that's about it (from the state). People in general are not very keen on hearing about the sexual life of other people, much less gay shit.
The biggest kick-off to the whole notion that Russian government is working against gays in Russia was that one time when the LGBT group from Moscow decided to do a gay parade on the exact same date the VDV (Russian airborne forces) celebrates its day. They were obviously pulling off a forced martyr situation, they knew the VDV guys would end up beating them up badly because they took it as an offense (and they are a bunch of crazy motherfuckers).

She said the guy's name was "BigBro442." It didn't fucking happen.

It's only slightly less obvious than it would have been if she named him "Trump4Prez" or "GatorsForever."

It should be allowed, but only as in looking for a relationship, no making subcultures or formal organizations based on sex, race or sexual preference. And no govermental funding for informal groups that are any of the above.

They cracked down a bit further in 2013. You're not supposed to talk about being gay at all in public anymore there if minors are anywhere on the premises.

I'm not sure people will just accept it after all the collusion the media did to boast her


I still can't believe all these fucking idiots are getting outraged when, right out the gate, she acknowledged that players have no physical body in the game whatsoever.

I'm completely opposed to this as I think the internet should always be the ultimate free speech haven.

I could concede if the no funding/state support were to happen

Getting outraged is their only joy in live, that, and Listen and BelieveTM mentality is insane in their social group.

Yeah, I'd be against funding as well.

Yeah, their obsession with getting pissed off is so extreme that it doesn't even matter that a "BigBro442" never even existed on Steam to begin with, anywhere.

a cat is fine too

Honestly, at this point, the capitalist media is a bigger threat to democracy than Putin.

Trump was talking about breaking them up this morning.

Me too

(((They))) certainly are banking on it. Chances are it will be rigged thanks to Soros owning 70% of polling stations.

They're not even hiding it anymore. They wants WW3.

for what purpose?

What's the current sitrep on Bernstein and his pet admin?

War on Russia = kill off the redpilled anons in a war they've been set up to lose = America is inherited by the SJWs who draft dodged = America becomes welfare state

Only way to avert such a scenario would be a mass revolt of the military.

Chimp out in Calais, when will the tides turn?

I don't think they outright want war, so much as they want that Clinton cash and don't care what they do to get it.


I've told my dad that if we get war with Russia over Hillary's insanity I'm draft dodging. He's a very patriotic person and even he said he'd understand. I was a bit worried about what his response would be so it was a relief.

Last I checked, he's still trying to keep the war going against threats to the Narrative by trying to take over tangentially-related articles so he won't get site banned over his clear intent to violate his topic ban.

They are specialized sweat glands which excrete a nutritious mucus.

so i can level up without using my wizard powers?





Wait, he's topic-banned? I had no idea, that's far more than I expected. Was Gamaliel hit too?

They don't care about that, since the media isn't making a big fuss about it. And even if they did, they will "suddenly" care about corruption in the media because "they are being racist".

They are literal kids you're arguing against, remember that. Just because they have an adult body and lived on this earth for more than 18 years doesn't mean shit when you're sucking your thumb and hugging your binky in your safe space.

I am very skinny, might make a great trap, which tbh, i'd love to try sometime. Just never met a guy who's into fucking traps.

I remember the quote from the book I read before. It was channelling book from 90's.
It says somewhere in 21st century, Hillary Clinton elected as president and goes war with Russia and it lead to WW3. At moment when I read it It thought it was hilarious BS. But now I think..

follow this guide, user. you can be a great trap! drink semen erry day!




If canada was dragged in, Id kill a sjw and go to prison before going to war by draft. Especially if that sjw had the means to draft dodge.

Androgens, by their very definition, are male hormones you idiots.


I can barely handle day to day life in this country. If we go to war and they institute a draft, I do not have a goddamn clue what I would do, or how I would deal with it.

Yeah, I'd straight up make myself look completely unsuitable for working in a team with our lives on the line.


Wave a white flag asap and demand to be a pow, the other side will probably be more merciful.

Why would they give a bunch of mysogynists weapons when they got all those muslim children?

I'd literally tell them word for word to fuck off when I have absolutely nothing to fight against Russia for.

Then when I inevitably get accused of treason, I kill myself, come back and kill all of them right before a fucking military engagement out of pure spite.

OHHHH, so not only did Mic take someone's article to repost for free, but they also sensationalized it on top of that?

Can somebody put up Honey Select cards for Vivian James, somewhere, please

They don't work straight off of Holla Forums, for some reason

I don't even know if I'll get that far.
I'm out of shape, there's no way I'll be able to get myself in good enough shape to surivive basic, let alone out there.
If I draft dodge, or get declared unfit to go, what if I get white feathered?

War will be the death of me. And likely by my own hand

Bad edgelord. Be realiatic, tell them off, then take some of them with you to hell to face enma.

Fucking genius? I'd straight up tell Russian soldiers I'll tell them anything they want to know as long as long as they promise to take in fellow refugees and blast Washington to fucking nothing and free the people who didn't want that thing elected.

That's not how it works.

I'd be a shitty solder. Too effeminate.

How do I avoid draft?

No, I want more than that.

Act insane. You've been on imageboards for years so it shouldn't be too difficult.

Take the feather then give it back saying "its for you, you have to fight for the country." orspit on the girl and say "not enough benis"

Do I sound crazy enough?

Go to the Holla Forums honey select booru, m80. Look up the honey select thread on the catalog.
I strongly suggest getting the extended bone control mod (the thing that lets you edit some bones of the model the game doesn't give you access to by default), it should be on the past bin, the version is probably old, but it works fine regardless. Reducing hand size is very important, specially for the /hebe/ vivian.

I wish they still considered homosexuality to be a mental illness.


You should tone down the "I'll come back and kill you all" a bit probably. Might get tried for treason.

BigBro442 is a hero, if he actually exists.

They won't take me seriously if I say it'll be as a demon.

It's more about the social ostracizing overall, from everybody. White feather is just the best, war-related way *that I know** to convey that.

Bitch, come on.

Ok, I'll take a look, thanks

He doesn't, that's clearly a made up name a feminist would come up with.

Like I said give it back and say "you go fight, this white feather demands it"


Do you really care that much about what society thinks of you? I care about what close family thinks and that's about it.

See . I'm a wreck socially already.

You know, the draft, women can be drafted too.

They will be forced to go to war.

Think about that for a second after reading this.

That never went into law. It only passed the Senate.


Don't worry, they only be drafted if they are not feminists:^]


Well that was unexpected.


read bottom to top

I want to shit in your heart.

Open your heart to me, please.

Open it.

You want to know why internet people are scary? Because you can't bullshit bullshitters, the only people you can trick with sensationalist shit and "MUH FEELS" are normalfags.

you are seriously overestimating the options of this game


shush and dump more lewd

This dude just straight-up ignored the fact that no one in the game had a physical avatar, you can tell.

literally who

you had your chance

CTR's digital director

I'm struggling to make a fucking texture and you want me to model, port and rig the single, most complex shit to mod into the game? Even making new animations is easier now than doing fucking hair, porting new heads is also more complex from a technical point of view, but (artistically) making a hair style from scratch that looks good is probably harder.

Who's the artist of the 5th pic? I like his style


me, I drew that

I thought you were the guy who made those
My bad


I really like your art style



Are you the same retard that asked this last thread?

He's joking you dolt.

They claim to have found the "rapist" but i suspect shoop

It only took nearly 100 fucking years but women finally have to pay for their citizenship like all the men do. She is right that the draft should be illegal though.

Suck it, you wanted equality, well they were never going to stop men from being drafted so enjoy the state mandated servitude.

Eh, I can believe it

because its impossible to change your steam name :^)


As I said earlier it only passed the Senate, it didn't actually go into law.

How about we all change out steam names to BigBro442?
The legion of BigBro442 would be fucking hilarious.

Doesn't have QuiVr.

CTR is a PAC that shills for Clinton online. How are there anons that don't know this?

Yeah I thought I would have heard about that bill actually getting ratified if it happened in June.

Not everyone is american user.

A new addition for ticklistanon.
☑ Raped a woman under the name of BigBro442

Well, shoop or false. Hell, willinf to bet the whole thing was staged with a friend. Expect it to be like the brazil guy and anita, we could find the person and they would ignore that its the person.

Yeah, then I expect it to not pass.

should be "Virtually raped"

Its not about whether you're American or not. They've come up a shitton in this thread. I can understand an average American citizen not having heard of them much more easily than I can someone in this thread regardless of what country they live in.

Even virtual rape is REAL rape to SJWs.

D.. don't bully me user… I'm sorry..

There are anons that don't know the WiiU is a successor console to the Wii and not just a pad controller peripheral. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see people who don't know CTR, especially with mainstream news sources not covering anything that makes Clinton look bad.

I know. I just wanted to show feminist hypocrisy.

well shit

how convenient

not everyone goes to >>>Holla Forums
I thought that CTR was like the left wing version of judicial watch for about the last 3 months.Boy was I wrong

I refuse to believe that, our Holla Forums might have degraded a bit but not to that point.

I hate the person who blanked the name. Eveil should always have identifiers for its individuals.

rule 34 on invisible character models!

I'm dead serious. There was a WiiU thread a few months back where I mentioned Nintendo's advertising was so shit that normalfags didn't know it was a whole new console. An user responded to me with "What the fuck? It's NOT just a game pad?"

For a while I would link people unfamiliar with it to /ctr/, which at the time was a board dedicated to card tricks, to confuse them.

Well, SJWs dox people they disagree with too, so maybe that's not the best way to look at it. But in this case I agree because the bitch was dumb enough to use her real name, and I consider it more a punishment for stupidity rather than beliefs.

If he wasn't just acting retarded that's depressing.

Get a load of this hot stuff

Here you go. I included my fetish, sorry if you're not into that.

That is literally a hipster SJW diet. Suddenly their hatred of masculinity makes sense.


Spoiler that shit.


hipsters don't exercise though





Got you all covered, friends.

should have been Fischbro442

can we make a fish with a bainmask on to be ctr? did ctr hack reddit yesterday?

"out of control left wing hack squads"

Not even for the doxxing, but simply as a "do not help this person."

I'm the retard that asked last thread. I know of correct the record, but wasn't connecting CTR with it.


doesn't actually specify what kind of jizz but still


That actually hurts, user.

I was mainly getting annoyed because I thought it was the same person being intentionally dense at first.

I didn't noticed there's actually semen as one of the items, I thought I was being clever

I hate when zippers get fucked up like that.

This is definitely a bad try of attetion whoring and a fake account

the entire subplot with Roxas was genuinely some sad shit. The dude kept fighting the fact he's not even supposed to exist and accepted his fate as a Nobody as soon as he saw Sora's face

Someone on KIA pointed out there's nobody on Steam with that name. The game does use Steam names, right?

So either his profile is private, she used a pseudonym for an actual username (which could easily still be her massively distorting something that happened), or she made it up out of whole cloth.

Not too surprising


This is what she will say, because it's the only out she has left.

According to a random person on KIA 5 hours ago he searched and there were no results, so it's presumably people changing names.


I hadn't seen so much respectful nodding in a long time.

You shouldn't be surprised by this at this point. They'll listen and believe the most ridiculous of claims, so long as they come from an "oppressed" person.

I remember seeing a game dev professor post an article which was a series of outlandish claims of harassment with zero evidence backing it up, and everyone who responded to it (devs/devs in training) just nodded in agreement.


People like this annoy the fuck out of me

Its falsly empathetic idiots. Never apologise for things you did not do.

It just boggles my mind that these people have that little faith in humanity, let alone their own fucking profession/industry that they'd blame practically everyone for shit that has no evidence that says it actually happened.

Once again, let's be honest, the chances this actually happened are near zero.

They have no faith because they think everyone is like them and have big skeletons in closets.

Probably because by "blaming themselves," they're actually blaming everyone else. And as it's been proven, people like that tend to have some pretty massive skeletons they'd like to keep secret.

Are you feeling what I'm feeling user? That feel that you are the heel in this struggle and you don't give a fucking shit about what people says to you and you just keep on doing your thing? That's what I'm feeling right now.


Surely nobody will notice the fact that I forgot to censor my IP.

You're getting backtraced now, you fucking nerd.

dont worry Ive already hacked your CPU processors and gotten into your mainframe

Because it's incredibly easy to just use consumers as scapegoats. Game devs have a tendency to grow a massive cynicism towards gamers, and the social climate of the dev community seems to commonly encourage such a mindset. Which, of course, is combined with the previously mentioned listen-and-believe philosophy.

Good luck, faggot. I already backtraced myself and made myself unbacktraceable

LOL nice job


It's too late. The pizzas and dragon dildoes are already been shipped.

>yfw actually Hillary bought cuckchan and Hiro is just another puppet

They blame others for thwir own folleys, and they cannot blame their bosses on their failures or they would lose their jobs and probably never get another ever again, so consumers are free game, despite the fact we control supply and demand for their jobs.


Why does that Sears guy look like Spoony?

pro-tip: don't use any vr tag when tweeting

That's cute

That's cute.

They both lost control of their lives



This guy needs a good asskicking.

If you fucked an invisible girl, would the baby be invisible or translucent?


So she opened an entire group of people with a user name prefix to attack because she "changed the numbers?" Now everyone called "BigBro" something on Steam is at risk for being blamed for something they didn't do. She also, of course, makes no mention of this in the article itself.

If this was a real rape, that would be called purjury.

Yeah, this shit's so fake that Joan Rivers wants it injected into her face.

Their employability is largely dependent on how connected they are. Even if you're a truly rotten person, if you're connected enough, you can at least find something with smaller companies. Same if your skillset is on par with the average mid-year college student.

The good news is that gamers do, in fact, hold the keys, and media influence has waned over the past few years. The golden age of media shilling is more or less over. Titles whose success is more or less due to shilling will likely never reach the level of success that Gone Home reached without at least being high-quality. Color Splash is flopping. Nintendo will, at worst, end the series, or at best, reconsider why sales have been lowering and perhaps improve things going forward. But that's being a bit idealist on my end.

Shes dead man.

Those reminded me of this.
Nice draws by the way. There need to be more bashful Vivians.

Yeah, I realized that the moment I posted it.

Someone has patrician taste.

I'd like to point out, too, that if she cared enough to hide the identity of this person by "changing the numbers" then why put a fake name up at all? The only result of that would be angry people trying to track down and harass an innocent person. If she was truly trying to protect someone's identity, then why not say "a person" and keep it general?

There is absolutely no sense in "changing a number" because it just opens up a bunch of innocent people to attack. If you really wanted people to know who it was that did this to you, actually name them. Creating a fake name only causes problems.

So yeah, this whole thing smells like full on bullshit.


It's San Francisco, user.


Devil's Advocate here.
They can still like Men but not be straight, such as being Bisexual or Pansexual.

Bisexual people exist user.

It's called being bisexual. But yeah, considering who these people are, that's probably far too logical for them. I'm sure he/she/it considers xirself to be a lesbian that just happens to be into men or some shit.

OK how can anyone read this and not think for one second she's lying for attention?

Doesn't name the user who she claims "assaulted" her. The game doesn't even feature 3D models so how would they know its a she to "assault." This story is so full of shit.

It's true, Bisexual is an actual, thing, unlike a lot of shit they make up.

Then why didn't she just say bisexual?

If she isn't completely making it up, could have just been some light trolling, blocking her view or some shit.

It's true, I used to be one.

Until I grew up and realized I was just greedy and wanted to play in both teams.

Because there is a whole industry wanting this to be true so they will run with it, even if it is bullshit. They are just trying to get their feet in the door to shake down the devs, any dev that responds or bows down to any form of manufactured outrage publicly, and not privately, is dead to me.

If you're attracted to both you're bisexual and are just now limiting yourself because you feel guilty.


Yeah, tell me that statement doesn't fucking scream "I'M TRYING TO PUSH AN AGENDA."

Like she's writing a fucking novel. That's how I knew none of this happened


Her story was published by Mic dot com and she already getting support from all these people >>11050120
She's a professional victim in the making

this nimrod didn't got the memo?, gamers are dead, also all men are rapist, so game is working as intended most likely

Found the game.


No, seriously, check the article, she even ACKNOWLEDGES that you can't, but that didn't fucking stop her from making these claims.

the dev caved in already to avoid the shitstorm



Eh, it's reasonable, you don't really want a floating helmet to obstruct your view anyhow. Still, these fucking claims are ridiculous.

And wait….thos VR game…can it even detect hand motions at all? Or are you just playing with a keyboard and mouse?

If I'm reading this right, it's an optional setting. So it easily could be worse. So basically what said.


It's for the Vive, so yeah, it's a hand motion thing. God, I miss doing archery, I need to look this game up when I get a headset.

Nobody even for one goddamn second thinks about the games content and whether or not her story fits with it, they just straight up believe her.

And yet I keep getting told women are oppressed and have no voice.


I found out my old boss has a "girlfriend" who's a lesbian and he knows this but is still with her and paying for her collage.
These "lesbians" are taking advantage of lonely men in order to have them financially support them. Its like a worse form of a sugar daddy because at least the sugar daddy knows and is willing and able to do it. In this cases she's just taking advantage of lonely blue collar men for financial gain.




Oh, god

Tonight's bread is slow and weird even by Holla Forums standards…

I don't need another fetish.

Get used to it with Christmas approaching.

eeew I just bumped into this




Not even hiding it anymore.





Comics were a mistake.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. People have other stuff to worry about this time of year.

You'd think they'd realize that pandering to a demographic that doesn't read comics isn't going to work.

You forgot about thanksgiving.
Never mind I have nothing to be thankful for

cuckchanners completely clueless about the Benjamin word ban


It's not even Halloween, yet.

What can you expect from those cucks?

I'd be really thankful if I could pass my math class.
I don't even know why I'm having so much trouble with it. Shit used to be so easy.


This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Not until Scamco makes a proper sequel to THE [email protected]/* */, with a greater focus on the management aspects.

literally who



Go fuck yourself.

What is this even about

I dunno what I even did


Oh this is about the overblown bullshit with the J.Scott Campbell cover.

Its funny, I live next to a track and I've seen like fucking 1st and 2nd graders in more revealing outfits than Iron Nigger was rocking there, don't even get me started on the teens.

Like do these people leave their homes?

Only when they're forced to flee for their lives from the evil GobbleGlompers, user.

happenings maybe


Hell, the pic was only "sexual" if you are some sort of amish style prude.

Is this as big of a deal as it feels? I want to think terrorism is a really rare occurrence for Japan

Yea I don't get it, she's worn the outfit before to.

It probably has to do with the fact its J. Scott that did since he always draws women sexy, same shit with Frank Cho really, its all about the art style and what he's done in the past.

That would require effort their sorry legs can't support.

I did this

Bingo. If it was one of their own it would be "empowering". Gatekeeping and lying through their teeth at its finest.

user, what did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?

Immediately dismiss.


Well, lets put it this way, if it is any other ethnic group aside from the japanese, it would be grounds to say "even letting a few in leads to terrorism" since they do let in a few muslims and blacks. whites too, but they are more than a few



Stay safe, goobers. Nothing is safe from clowns that isn't a fucking dragon.

Damn, son.

how did this whole clown shit start up?

There's no way he's not banned already.

Read the side, it will say banned.

I was wondering this myself.

I guess it's a good thing I fixed my trigger pull and can finally shoot straight

I do believe KYM has the story of how everything started.

Yep, right on the tin.

Some dude in the middle of bumfucking nowhere was standing near the woods as a clown telling kids to come with him. It got spread throughout the news cycles to fill time and because a nation wide story with dozens of copycats spreading and being reported on.

There's a ton of people in Canada living in the fucking woods constantly dressed as clowns that have begun aggressively harassing people and even stalking them.

Holla Forums of all things is actually hilariously scared shitless over it.

There's even copycats here in Puerto Rico, its dumb.

How did I ever start thinking she wasn't best girl?

They believe they have no agency in their life because of a vast jewish conspiracy. They're some of the most constantly terrified people I've seen.

But she doesn't use a shotgun.
She uses a rifled musket.

pol is getting spammed again

There's probably nothing we can do. But it drives my point home that from the very beginning, I knew Tracy was a corrupt piece of shit beyond her MUH HEGEMONY OF PLAY paper

By the way, she's still winning awards for Walden despite it still being vaporware after 9 fucking years

Keep on informing the uninformed about the indie clique is one thing, maybe alerting bigger companies to their shenanigans might be another.

Any good infrographics highlighting the colluding parties?

Oh, shit, /k/'s gonna eat me alive.

I have this

Yeah, what did you do?
Did you give them "Evil Racist Anti-LG-BLT Anti-Gendersandwich Islamophobic Facts"?

apparently so


really? that's it?

SJWs really do have the thinnest skin imaginable, don't they?

slow thread


>>>Holla Forums7950513

How 'Invisible' fetish fit into this chart?

TV news. They wouldn't quit reporting on it non-stop, it's almost halloween, and the media was reporting on this shit waiting for a murder since as the old saying goes "if it bleeds, it leads". Now the other consequence is we have edgelording teens dressing up as clowns just so to get some TV time on the local news.

TD;DR This could've been solved easily bu having the media ignore it, but you know how they are on slow days.

We need cloakers, fam.


I don't understand that shirt

feminist "humor", if you a well functioning person you shouldn't anyway

It's your average feminist writer/blogger mantra.





>On one hand, the thought of being touched by my husband, a man, after spending day upon never-ending day listening to Donald Trump’s sexually assaultive language, is not a pleasant one. On the other, we are both so obsessed with the election that our combined anxiety is killing our sex drives.
>“Did you see Trump gained on Hillary in Utah?” I say to my husband who is as far away from me as humanly possible on the other side of our king-size bed (read: almost falling off). I’m lying down and also sweating, probably because I’m about to have a stroke.
>“That was The Onion. OMG, we’ve become those people who share Clickhole articles, haha, I want to die in a fire,” I respond with a forced laugh. Then we both pop extra Ambien and blessedly slip into darkness, clutching our phones, fully clothed and barricaded by pillows — another night of restlessness and absolutely no sexual congress.
>I’m so stressed out about making it to the Nov. 8 finish line that I’ve forgotten what an orgasm feels like. There’s no room in my brain for that delicious memory now that it’s filled with statistics of Hillary’s victory margin.
>“Every time I try to get in the mood, I just picture Donald Trump’s face over my boyfriend’s and I want to Hulk smash,” said one friend who was happily married before this election cycle began. A currently single pal shared that she felt her vagina glue itself closed when she read Trump’s comments about Mexicans being rapists; she hasn’t had the time or inclination to DIY it back open yet. Another married friend said, “When you’re watching Donald Trump say ‘grab them by the pussy’ on repeat, it doesn’t exactly put you in the mood.”
>I asked some male friends if their experiences backed up Marin’s assertions. One married man told me that he and his husband had to institute a “no MSNBC after 9 p.m.” rule in order to save their sex lives. They are stronger than I.
>Another guy I quizzed about his election-related sex life (I’m fun at parties!) told me that, no, the election hadn’t affected his bedroom dalliances. But, lo and behold, later that night I awoke to a text from him that read: “I had a sex dream and then it morphed into one in which Trump was screaming ’for our country’ and beheading people. Thanks.”
>See, it was only a matter of time before Trump got him too, and right where it hurts: in his blue-state balls. (Sorry. It’s too many bad puns. I know this. I wouldn’t be making these if I was having sex. Puns will never Make America Fuck Again.)

This is too good, holy shit.

What the fuck.. am i reading i don't even

He's actually managed to become someone's boogeyman

Reminder to check my board for updates on art and to make suggestions

guy that suggested Sydney might get it if I like FF15
also plan on getting Futuba drawn at some point

I want to know if you gonna ban me when I post the


fuck you furry wheres my Frieda request you gay?

Ive only banned one person on my board that spammed a bunch of threads with gross images
other threads Ive deleted just to keep it in the stickies

Frieda is shit

Admit to my dominance and get Rea when you get the chance

Get cucked by abbos

This reads like Holla Forums fanfic.

I'm thankful for you, user. Be thankful for the me who's thankful for you.

Not enough natsoc memes. Reads more like Holla Forums.

Ah shit, Senpai noticed me. Should we tell him we've turned Rea into a waifu of death and show him all the memes?

Though, they're in english so I'm not sure he'd understand it all.


link homo

I emailed him. Looks like my Japanese is good enough to be able to talk to people now

Is that your next victim?

Why would I ever kill the man who made Rea? Though that would be kinda funny if he died shortly after this

can you tell translate this?

I got retweeted by pic related, that was quite the honor as I view them very highly.

the absolute madman

That sounds a little autistic, but I won't stand in the way of your dreams, Reanon.

I was asking him about the bowling alley pictures I found earlier, and he basically said

"Hello, this Mitsuru Hattori. The location you found is the same as the bowling alley in Sankarea! Great find! Amazing! Great! Thank you for loving Sankarea from the United States! Thank you very much"

This is the first time I've ever successfully communicated with someone outside the English language or ASL. You CAN learn Japanese

well done, user
learning new skills opens new paths

It begins?

Fuck, that's north of Tokyo. I'm pretty sure Hattori lives in Tokyo. It's just a coincidence


I was almost excited to see this show up but then open it and its still the full censored version
fucking god damn there is a uncensored version get on it



Died doing what he loved the most.
Not playing video games.




I'm fairly sure they're just banning it because it's pro-trump and the flood of butthurt consumers that would call in to Google, with Pepe only being the scapegoat

Man this whole Virtual Rape shit needs to be stamped out. How the fuck is virtual rape real?

A lot of my OC at this point is cropped lewds

Fuck this is great

Same way cyber bullying is equivalent to physical violence.

It's there. You just can't see it.

So it's basically "this made me feel comfortable" and wrote an entire article about it to push a narrative. It really needs to stop, I don't understand how your comfort levels get's translated to widepread social issues.

Subjectivists: What they feel is as real as reality and equally important.

But you don't understand, it FEELS REAL

They probably banned it because the guy who made the Trump game was Milo's tour manager, like Zazzle probably banned Ben Garrison's mug for being by Ben Garrison and not for having Pepe. Pepe is just the excuse they need to make it look like their politically motivated bans are justified by policy.

This is affecting people monetarily. We need a lawyer. One who actually knows how to sue people and not just hype his Harambe books.

The game is for free though

Russia Toady announced new Podesta wikileaks a half hour before Wikileaks did

Are you talking about VR or just pixels?

Yep clearly pootin set this all up
Looks like its time to vote for hillary to prove ww dont hate woman


Seems the guy actually is right. I expected a basic photoshop, but RT America did post news about the 15th batch precisely half an hour before Wikileaks did.

Sets up quite the interesting conundrum.

For reference:

RT Podesta Email Tweet


Wikileaks Podesta Email Tweet


This being said: Do we know when Wikileaks itself actually updated its own database? I.e., is it possible that RT spotted the update before Wikileaks tweeted about it?

The belief that we should strive away from objectivity to not hurt feels is draining.

The controversy I think was VR.

Probably was posted on the website first and they snabbed it. I could be wrong though

But user, you cannot achieve true objectivity as you are always restricted by your subjective state of being. Thus striving for objectivity is futile. Embrace the solipsist side of your mind!

I found the illuminati head honcho.

So basically WL just took too long to update their Twitter? I doubt they'd tell everyone and his mum in advance.

Actually, scratch that. These are batch #14, we are talking batch #15 - look at the archives.


Maybe we were wrong guys
Maybe the media were the good guys all along 🤔

No it's about #15, #14 had 1500+.

nice choice of words to make the propaganda less obvious

Lies and deceit. It's funny how the Hillary campaign has less finesse with propaganda than Russia.

No, actually, it's not lies and deceit. It's the scary truth- 90% of news media probably does endorse her.

But all that does is validate what we've been saying all along.

They don't endorse endorse her. They're told to do so. There is nothing genuine behind it, only money and political promises/threats.

I'm really not sure I'm happy about the idea of another mini-migration from halfchan over this Fischbein thing.

I haven't been in a GG thread for four months, tell me what i've missed?

I rarely post here anymore. But spend atleast 2-3 hours per week on our common cause. I just want you people to know that. If it's slow it dosen't mean that the goals of #GG are getting pushed forward. I have established several contacts to media in my home country, media watch groups and lawyers. I work on a defunding of several NGO's who pushed the aGGro narrative where I live. I have a friend who is currently figuring out how to defund digra. As well as we have found a method to nuke the GG wikipedia article. We are slow but steady. We might take years for the one or other target, but don't forget when you are here and it is slow and people are fighting for our cause without talking to much about what they are doing.


I know there are many devs that cladestinely support GG and loath the perpetually offended as much as we do, but this will amount to nothing if companies continue to let their PR monkeys direct their every step.

wikileaks got shit on Hillary and tangentially there's proof that game journos are paid to write determinate things because the companies that gave Hillary money are the mother companies of other game journos?
I repeat tangentially

If you are thinking of Univision, bear in mind that Kotaku isn't an original product of theirs.

Gamasutra basically is a propaganda outlet used by UBM to shill the GDC and their other media stuff.

Polygon and Vox Media might be a more interesting case.



I already know where this is going

Of course, and there wasn't a single joke in the sketch either.

Ignoring everything else with that stupid story, that is fucking retarded. And these are comments they are getting worked up for. The conspiracy theorists that they love to mock have some kind of action that is being taken. This is comments being taken to the logical extreme in their mind, likely because its what they were thinking about anyway.

Also, I find it amusing that calling people conspiracy theorists is turning out to be the proper use of the word theory and not the more commonly used one.

no, I was thinking in general. iirc a lot of news corporations gave Hillary a lot of funds but I don't know precisely who

It's not real, but I can understand that's creepy and annoying.

The fuck is that from.
Cucks should be shot.

I didn't know Ben makes animated cartoons

I don't think he has before, could just be challenging himself.

LOL what the fuck


Technically speaking, these are just four or six frames played one after another. Should not be difficult to make with digital tools.

So long as there is no 'Oy vey', I think it actually is a coincidence.

The German left-wing newspaper Zeit apparently has written a postmortum for Gawker. It's a fairly long article, but I'll translate it if anyone is interested.


Oh, and an archive of course.


Name's dead, but it lives on as Gizmondo, but go ahead, assuming this isn't one of the lugenpresse.

Did I mention Die Zeit is part of Germany's left-wing journalism?

Archive of the whole article: archive.is/jIwZc

Then translate the juicy bits, does it say "Gawker dindunuffin! and "Peter Thiel is a monster along with that sexist Hulk Hogan!"?

The only funding digra gets is from membership fees paid by the people who present papers at digra. If your "friend" hasn't figured that out by now I really doubt your "friend's" intelligence.

Even worse than SPON

Let me guess, 5 pages of pretentious pseudo intellectualism?

BLM uses the "shut it down" chant a lot too.

So whatever happened to this?


Well, they happily admit that Gawker primarily consists of assholes and is a clickbait site without competition. The Hulkster is called a "trash icon" and called out for his supposed double moral between emphasizing his manliness and playing the good family father for reality TV shows. They also whine about Hogan calling the lover of his daughter a nigger.

The article also claims that Gawker dindu nuffin when they outed Peter Thiel, and also pick up his blood transfer against aging.

(…) Jezebel is the birthplace of a popcultural versed online feminism

Fuck this entire article, seriously.


Into the fucking trash it goes, the entire media network must be purged.

BUT: For whatever it's worth, the comment section is calling complete bullshit on Gawker going to hell.

Well this happened.

And of course, an archive just in case: archive.is/jPfjJ
Archive for the old article: archive.is/vi6RU


I've been looking the other works of the man who authored this paper. Google Scholar won't show his name in the search window, at least properly. Can you anons lend me a hand?


it wasn't using the tag "twitter", that's why I didn't find it, thx

Author's twitter name is @oneluckyjew

You can't make this shit up.

Absolutely ungrateful!

If this happened in Dixieland, Democrats will be in tons of trouble.

I can't find any other work by him, only other works citing his "Blood Code" piece

Yeah, my parents are incredibly pissed off about this. Dad's retired military so they have friends that this is directly affecting.

Thanks. Every little bit helps.

Feminist Frequency is literally ISIS and commies and George Soros at the same time >>>/gamergatehq/327591



What the hell is rotare?


Thanks Michael.

I'm so fucking tired of this shit, man.

He must be butthurt that no one gives a shit about his one-man show about Trump.

This guy disgusts me, there's evidence he outright lies in his documentaries, yet this gasbag is still taken seriously by other liberals.



Could it be that she does nothing but bitch and moan that she isn't as rich as she'd like to be? No, obviously, it's those stupid Trump supporters.

I want cuckolding to be outlawed.


You know that would only lead a ban on non-lesbian scenarios involving more than one woman, right? Let the cucks enjoy their sick fetish, it's not like they'd propagate the responsible genes into the next generation.


That's v6, isn't it? Is there another cape comic that reached that many volumes?

Also I would like to add, Jesus Christ, how badly is Marvel fucking up? For my entire life the best selling list, especially the top 10, were dominated by Marvel. This isn't just a reversal of fortune, it's a complete collapse of the old dichotomy.

Oh hey, I see they reopened /r/4chan just to correct the record some more.

Literally Jake Rapp's life.

Damn, the animation is pretty smooth. Our Zyklon Ben is growing up.

If such a law is ever at risk of being passed into law, their argument against it will be that it's duty, not a right, so it doesn't have to be egalitarian, and besides, men have their privilege to offset it anyway. You can quote me on this.

And then they turn around and wonder why they're being called cuckservatives.


And then he turns around and acts like a complete SJW.

I was thinking about this and it makes sense as a "runup" strategy.

Think about this.

Hillary is a complete piece of shit, but she's been playing this game for literally decades.

Proof polling is rigged.

I finally managed to redpill my dad on the Russian smokescreen last night by telling him that Podesta's so incompetent with his security that he didn't even change his social media account passwords after the leak leading to them being hacked as well.

Good. Best thing that can happen to American politics is to ditch the 2 party nonsense.

In November of 2015, a single innocent prank turned out to be a meme-summoning ritual. #CrackerGate led to a "Week of Happenings", and our collective discovery of Kek.

This year, it will not be limited to just one ritual.

Meme magic is going to be summoned in all corners of the world in the space of one day: November 1ˢᵗ
11/1 (or 1/11) is the only opportunity for a Repeating Digits date between now and the U.S. Presidential Election. On that day, you will place something edible upon something that symbolises danger Remember to photograph it and post it online, and the forces of chaos will do the rest.

Whether you wish for a coughing fit, pants of shit, someone getting "hit", or a waifu that's fit, this will at least be fun to do. Just don't get arrested afterwards.

Fair Warning: Kek may not make a distinction between an 'example' ritual (like pic related) and a 'genuine' ritual.

Was that really almost a year ago….?

This man understands
couldn't be bothered to rename the twitter pics; sorry

Various updates to Deepfreeze, including some all-new COIs, game journos being retarded, some stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting about, more politics derails in the thread because of the election, the usual.

Also Ando, the person who can merge updates into the Gitgud, hasn't done so for a month now. Does anyone have any idea how he might be contacted?




Remind me again, was Tauriq the dude from South Africa born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who went to the best schools in the continent, but still claims he's oppressed?

That's the one indeed !

That's the one. He was also particularly salty about comments section.


It's funny how drones will say Russia can rig the election but also think the voter fraud Trump talks about is impossible and doesn't exist.

I don't think Clinton and her handlers want to escalate beyond proxy wars with Russia. They've just been using Russia as the boogeyman to discredit wikileaks and Trump.

They might point the finger at Russia come election day and call the vote void if Trump wins by too huge of an amount to steal by their standard methods. There have been a bunch of rumors saying that's how things are going to play out.

[email protected]/* */ I think is his email. Might have to get in contact with Drybones if Ando doesn't respond.

reminder that the british home office considers gamergate to be as bad as ISIS

Well Clinton will definitely put a no fly zone over Syria. Russia won't follow it. At that point we either try to enforce it and shoot down Russian planes and enter a war or backdown and look even weaker internationally.

what could be interesting is if the pre-election paper votes don't match closely to the electronic votes. This could indicate electronic vote rigging.
Hillary would have no problem provoking Russia into a first strike situation. She is a big enough sociopath for it. She would corner Russia both economically and strategically and wonder why they retaliate.

So then, about RT breaking the new e-mails before Wikileaks did, has this been explained? Because I confess it's making me uncomfortable.

timezone difference

Wikileaks twitter account posts about the emails hours after they've been released on the site.
pol thread about the latest batch was up couple of hours before wikileaks tweeted about it.
Is pol working for russians or russians working for pol?

bit of both really

The info was already up on the main site. It gets posted to twitter later. Are you a bullyable retard?

I don't know how real this image is, but I sure recognize the tactics in it.


That always makes me laugh.
You'd think that CTR would have better skills but you'd be wrong.


Drybones will probably nuke the gg repo as soon it slightly annoys him. The only reason it still exists is because deleting it would make other users wary of having theirs nuked too and that's bad for business

I think this one was actually disinfo meant to discredit the podesta leaks by being able to expose a leak as fake. It did not come from wikileaks and that same memo included things about advising them to harass female Trump supporters to indimate them into not showing him public support.


Remember that the average IQ is 100. Remember that half the world's population is dumber than that.

this legit sounds like CTR

Look in the shit with Luckly ffs


I'm sure it was a russian cab driver

Yes, that's supposedly the source. But for something meant for politics, it's eerily similar to tactics seen in these threads.

And my apologies if this has already been posted.

Could be. It does read more like goons, than something out of a political campaign. Granted everything out of the podesta leaks, looks like goons. You have billionaires shitposting.

it is look @ the shit on 4cucks

That wasn't what I'd considered harassment even if they were being shitty. The memo talked about gangstalking in public and keying their vehicles. Them outright advocating criminal activities is what has me suspicious.

It's just that it pains me. Cuckolding is proof that there is no love in the couple. If they believe they are in love because they bring someone else to fuck, they are wrong.
These days, passionate, genuine love that is shared in a couple through sex, kindness and joy became a niche fetish while this impure, disgusting excreta that is called "cucking" became mainstream, almost normalfag.
I wish love was back in everyday life again. The only stable relationship I've seen these last years might be my fucking parents.

This is what hillary gets when hiring incompetent brown-nosing lackeys.


It's really obviously bullshit. It seems familiar because it was presumably written by someone on Holla Forums to imitate Holla Forums trolls.

It really hasn't. Media offers a distorted view, just as vast majority of women are not feminists, cuck lifestyles are still very rare.



Harmful is gonna end up fucking Bindu at the end of this.

Is TJ jewish?

I suppose it still is rare, but when you see people promoting cucks in your news, your TV, even dating sites that propose this filth, I feel like something's rotten in our definition of "relationship" today.

I still think this fetish needs to be called French Vanilla


French Vanilla sounds like a good name, but why French? Just asking.

Is it how you view me, user-kun~?

K. White Knight going full retard, nothing new. Did this game bomb or something?
Also what kind no life has over 216k tweets.

I am French too you know, that's why I want to know why he chose that name.

No, your would be netorare, with muslims and refugees…

and nobody to being your cuckold

I believe it's straight or homosexual rape, there is no NTR


Oh, wow. Someone already beat me to it. Nevermind.

I'm French, user. Not German.

Meh, j'imagine que pour le reste du monde, on reste la nation du bel amour et des belles femmes


More like traurigmöse.

what does have to do with anything?

Be careful.What comes next is a horrible emotional longing that overcomes your urge to fapAt least from my experience anyway


Its an easy way to convey the passion that the fetish has, but its got nothing to do with the resident namefag who still needs to kill himself


Wise fwom youw gwave!

Why does nothing good ever come from Boston?

Clark is the congresswoman that was given shitty sandwiches by LW to talk about gamergate and online harassment.
Could someone tweet clark the CON and trello leaks? Let her know that she was trolled by quinn.

Is it just me or do most people shown to like tweet look white? As in, these people are thinking that they are being progressive when the actual people they think they are doing a favor don't really give a shit?




democucks don't cur

Yeah, don't forget, this is the same person who sent a letter threatening the devs of Stolen, who then took Chelsea on as a "consultant." Clark is in on the scam.

I know, I don't see the connection. like "here's a thing, but also this unrelated thing, and that's why I have cancer"

The left now actively opposes free speech, and is proud of it. This pisses me off so much, I am the living embodiment of rage right now.

It's weird really.
Two artists known for really twisted shit suddenly turned around and made ADORABLE vanilla sex doujins of Naruto & Hinata post-The Last. And I thought they were great.

Blacks don't need to virtue signal to get poontang.

user, what says is true, explicit cucking in the fetish sense is rarer than the most obscure gender identity bullshit found only in the deepest depths of tumblr. What isn't rare is the implicit form by forgiving mistakes or other bullshit like sperm banks, and the revitalization of the very concept of cuckoldry by the embrace of the degenerates is the only way to fight it. Call cuckoldry out, make people realize again that cuckoldry exists and is shameful. Every single mention, whether in a tweet calling it out, a degenerate defending his fetish or an article whining how these awful right wing meme squads use this horrible word against doubleplusgood people, every single instance makes people realize what it is and their natural emotional reaction is predictable, pic related. The meme is reawakening, docking with the receptors for it that evolution shaped even in people that were never exposed to it. The age of explicit cucking will never come and the age of implicit cucking is dying right now.

I read the one that got posted some threads back and I never liked Naruto

So you're saying by extension that us frogs are passionate? Thank you, this is really kind of you.

I'm still not sure if he's a real person or a very good bot.

I don't see the issue with sperm banks, they're only utilized by people that aren't in a relationship or by couples where the man is impotent.

Where the girl from seems familiar

wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=katherine clark&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=6#searchresult

Its a stereotype, like why they call it french kissing. d-don't get the wrong idea b-baka

heh there's nothing useful here, anybody else found anything?

Doesn't look like there's anything explicitly damning, mostly press releases.

nope, pretty sure Clark is just an inconsequential congresswoman with muh oppressed womyn in video games being one of her pet issues.

I-I am not imagining things!
I-I just thought it was cute, t-that's all!

Let's turn this upside down, what's your opinion on using a foreign womb to grow a foreign ovum into the child a man has, whether single or with a wife. Any concerns? And I don't mean on the intellectual level but pure gut feelings.

Assuming that you're talking his sperm fertilizing it none. I'm looking forward to artificial wombs.

The sole point of social justice, the crux upon which the entire "movement" revolves, it's core principle is simple, and thus:

No fun allowed.

When you take the actions, personalities, and issues social justice focuses on, that's what it all boils down to. It's about finding stuff that "other" people are enjoying, and stopping them. Ruin it. Take it away.

Why do they do it? Easy. Power. Ever wonder why the typical social justice warrior is a soft, doughy bearded weirdo? Or sad, angry blue haired cunt? Or in some (most) cases, literally mentally unstable? Because exerting control over others, taking away their toys attracts that type of person. People that feel little to no power in their day to day life, somebody that feels pathetic and wanting. Twitter gives these sorts a voice and the power to broadcast their moral outrage, and when they change a whole industry, or bully rich powerful people into cowing to their demands and in turn cause grief for millions of fans? They get a powerful high.

We see this type of person all the time. 4chan is rampant with them, called rulesfags. Same idea. Angry sad people that have found a way to exert control over others. Mods and janitors that do it for free? Same thing. That angry redneck that came stumbling into mcdonalds and then put that cute cashier through hell for 10 minutes? Same. It's also one of the reasons SJWs virtue signal so much. They need attention and validation, and twitter, facebook etc gives them an easy way to get it.

No fun allowed. Seriously. That's it. That's literally it. Everything else is just spackled on to make it sound better. Social Justice as a whole is built upon negativity. Tearing down, never building up. That's why when companies do give in, the SJWS are STILL not happy. They don't WANT to be happy. They want to yell. They want to scream. They want you to suffer. I've scrolled down the twitter feeds of several prominent SJWs. It's all negative. All of it. Attack attack attack. Insults. Complaints. The occasional virtue signal, usually built on hatred. They're not happy. They hate themselves almost as much as they hate you. Hell, even the things they "like" they only like because they think it pisses off their ideological opponents.

Pity SJWs. Pity them, this most pitiable group of people. Their lives are built on a foundation of self hate, which they project outward onto the world. To beat them is simple.

Live well. Be happy. Celebrate what you love. Build alternatives to the self loathing hate holes they've built. Love each other, love yourselves, and in the end…forgive them. Why? Because they would never offer you the same. But you will. And that's what makes you better.

Live well anons. Live well.

We're living quite well here in Holla Forums, we discuss happily between happenings, we talk about love and sweet things, our legs are OK, it's nice.

While I could pity them, their actions show that their fervor is far to dangerous for society. As you said they don't want to be happy. They are bullies (look at methwhale and LW). Gamergate and Trump are the first instances they have been made to pull their heads in. Their lives have been too easy, they lack perspective.. I am glad to be a part of the push back.

So do I, but the initial gut feelings still say it's wrong and have to be calmed by the rational mind. Which then freaks out about the legal clusterfuck of potential child support duties.

Very religious upbringing?

No pity for the malevolent.

Nope. Your question implies that there must be a nurture factor for this in your mind when to me, it looks like a clear case for nature. I'd expect a femanon to have a problem relating to this gut feeling, women didn't have the selection pressures to evolve this trait.

I'd feel bad for them if it wasn't for the fact that these fuckers have so much power already.

This. SJWs are subhumans that feed on evil

what the

They know you're a refrigerator, user.
Better close all your accounts and delete anything that can be traced back to you before they come over and unplug your power.

Seems like a clear nurture case to me because why would you get a bad gut feeling when its your child in every way including genetically?

Quick! tweet them porn

Spam porn at MyWoT.

It's a case of partly unknown heritage. In evolutionary relevant timescales that only happened to men, not to women. Thus the different instinctive reaction.



I hate to break it to you but I have a benis

fucking hell yes

So it's confirmed, then?

Please tell me this is genuine and not a joke made to make fun of hillary supporters. I really want this to be something one of them made.

sage for clarification:

partly unknown = when in doubt 0% of relatedness for men

Talk about low energy


Didn't you know, the creator of pepe is trying to take him back, and is a huge Hillary supporter to boot.

But its not unknown. You're directly inserting your semen into the artifical embryo and fertilizing the egg. You are certain that it is exposed to no other man's semen. You cannot get anymore certain than that.


Is this a genuine pro-shillary meme or is someone having an ironic giggle? I seriously can't tell

this one has a bit more info but it looks like it so far


Yes. That's the rational mind, knowing that the instinctual reaction is wrong. We didn't evolve in a climate with gene tests to shape our instincts.

Maybe I'm just not a very instinctual person. I have no innate sense of unease about the topic at all.

Good for you. Doubt that's the majority reaction though, which, to come back to the start, is where memes dock onto if they're successful.

Well coming back to the start you say that you look forward to artificial embryos so why do you also say that sperm banks are bad?

Single parent families have a nasty tendency to produce prison inhabitants. With artificial ova, artificial sperm and artificial wombs, naturally infertile couples can have a shared genetic legacy.

Holy shit you faggots are boring.
Get a room and have boring gay sex during which you both probably fall asleep.

Don't worry, here's something that will make this thread more interesting.


I love how the situation has been defused, but these fucks decide that's not going to stop their self-righteous tirade.


IoT stands for "Internet of Things", it refers to stuff like thermostats and refrigerators and televisions and other stuff like that being connected to the internet. It's a big security issue because a lot of those devices have terrible security and never get security updates, so they are now forming a large part of botnets. The recent massive DDOS was supposedly primarily from IoT devices.

My guess is you tweeted about the DDOS or something so some bot or person added you to that list.

Sexual abuse in VR is as real as this guy's waifu.

Bingo, I tweeted one single time about it though, it was a techraptor article

But those still aren't here. If a man is impotent and completely incapable of producing a child why should the woman be robbed of her chance to have one? Why should their marriage end entirely when they likely still love one another? Sperm bank seems the best solution in such cases.

Are we not insulting each other enough for your tastes?

Task Alert

Need someone with good digging skills to look into this:


First user to identify the "industry, academics, NGOs and others" gets a lollipop.



My favorite is when Weev had university printers printing Manji with daily stormer messages.

I gotta wonder why all these nobodies jump in to give their two cents. Even that supposed gamedev there did not much of anything for the development of those games. THe fact that invisible characters can sexually assault people and the accuser already changed her story multiple times is beyond me. The actual dev for the game too went full retard and said he will not try to prevent any future assault of invisible characters with invisible features by coding prevention into it which makes no sense.


If it wasn't for the lasagna comment, I'd consider that fapworthy.

Isn't there a website that lets you take parts of youtube videos and download them? I thought I had it bookmarked but I can't find it. If someone knows what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate the help. It would let you pick a specific part of a video and let you download just that part. I'll have two cute dance webms to offer if someone helps

there's a load of vr devs retweeting this crap, it's really disheartening

Found this from 2013.


Which VR devs. A lot of them are either known faggots or retards. The devs for the two most popular gun VR games are huge anti-gun faggots who sided with Ben kuchera talking about how scary that gun game was.


did the onward devs say anything?

claiming ID 0efed2, my internet is really garbage

mostly from startups but even though they are small you can see former google or other big companies employees here and there

They are nobodies but you can see how they have their feet on key places. That's how they act, they erode places bit by bit pushing their socjus crap

Oh, so they're the type of faggots who would rather have people talk about politics rather than actually review the game they're playing, okay.

It's a stopgap solution, kinda like abortion. We don't have the tech yet to transplant a growing fetus into a different natural or artificial womb. Should abortion be allowed now? Difficult to answer. Should abortion be allowed after the tech becomes available? Fuck no, it's killing a human life after all.
I see sperm banks similar, just in a different degree. Allowed now? Debatable, I tend towards yes for infertile couples. Allowed after artificial means of reproduction become available for naturally infertile couples? No.

acquire better taste

I see, that position's understandable.


need to remember to untick that box.


To keep things in perspective, remember that VR is the hip thing now, being pushed by everyone, from indies to AAA, so of course it'll draw hipsters and casual parasites in like flies to shit. I'll bet you my favorite extremity that most of these "VR devs" are Ideas Guys, or at most, pseudo-programmers monkeying around with a overly-easy-to-use devkit.

Evidences A through ZZZ: Phil Fish.

Its gonna be like the reverse of 2008/12, can't fucking wait


I really hope Trump wins it, not just because a Hillary presidency would be scary as fuck/will lead to war but for all the tweets I have archived of people saying trump won't win. for example; archive.is/h7txZ

I have hundred of smug anime faces ready to unleash upon them.

Scared of what? Trump winning or a homo not being part of the gaymind

I'm neither American nor a righwinger, and I'm hoping for Trump. It would be a massive reversal of fortune on the culture wars against SJWs. God, the internet would go up in flames, and Twitter just might literally implode.


I hate to break it to you, but they will use the corrupt polls to justify rigging it.

I don't think too many left wingers want hilary either. Trump is winning them over, with the exception of the idiots who listen to the MSM.

When it comes to left vs right I'm not even sure which candidate is which if you look at what they're actually going to do. If anything Clinton seems more like a right-wing candidate with her support of megacorps, international banks, and TPP.


Oh I know there will be bullshit and rigging, I'm just hoping for the very small chance that everything works out in the end.

She's the most pro-establishment candidate I've seen in my young life, and it's ridiculous a whole party, let alone one that purports to be "the left-wing" party would stand in support of her.



Vivian, Erika

Holla Forums, Freya

It's like you don't know how to bully Gildafags.

Who's Erika?

At this point, every user on Holla Forums would have their own unique reason.


I approve.

Potatos aren't for sexing, they're for hugging. Think you're immune to retard moe? Watch Isshukan Friends probably wrong spelling tough guy.


why would you do this

Oh. I'm okay with that.


I never said I was immune to retard moe, I just like lightly bullying Gildafag.



Watch Isshukan Friends anyway, it's quite good.

The last three years have been my best, not because anything particular good happened to me, but because I have been laughing nearly everyday from all this shit, in addition to feeling good about not being Burch, Rapp, goons, etc. I have woken up from laughing in my sleep more than once, and that had never happen in the decades prior. I hope this never ends.

Just send those e-mails.
TJ is the AMAZING ATHEIST!!!!!!!!!!
He's the best!!!
No bananas though. Cameras are immune to anti-banana filters. They'll always get posted on the internet no mater what. Damn those internets.