I have a job interview for a "holiday postion" at gamestop...

I have a job interview for a "holiday postion" at gamestop. I already have a comfy office job at my university but I could always use the extra money. I'm willing to do this for better or worse. What can I realistically expect and any advise?

Don't do it m8

Expect to be driven mad by the completely ignorant and oblivious dregs of society. The ones who are spending their entire paycheck on your wares while they buy their week's meals with food stamps and WIC. Expect shoplifters, keep an eye on any mob of three or more niggers. They'll take anything that isn't bolted down. Expect your boss to lean on you to upsell stupid shit nobody wants, grinding your psyche into dust.

You'd be better off at Target, or really practically anywhere else. Only do this if you really, really love the kinds of games Gamestop sells and the employee discount will make the suffering worth it.

Retail sucks
Gaming retail sucks
Holiday retail sucks

You will die

Also Gamestop profits off of used games. Expect to push those harder than new games.

dont do it, OP

Expect Fifa or if you're a female expect to flirt with nerds.

Just make sure to come back to tell us the horror stories.

Be sure to come back and post results.

jesus, man, Christmas holiday retail is always hellish. I can't imagine how bad it would be at Gamestop.


I'll call the funeral home in advance.

How do you shoplift from Gamestop? Isn't everything behind the counter? There's only empty boxes up front.


Don't do it m8 seriously, I made that mistake one year. As a holiday hire it's a given that you'll be fired once the season ends, your expendable and everyone knows it,all the regular hires will treat you like complete shit- you'll be expected to go above and beyond doing pointless busy work whilst they sit around shitposting irl and drinking redbull. If you want to actually work more than four hours a week you'll be forced to become the jewingist jew whoever jewed and shill those powerup cards and game waranty's more than the other holiday hires. Depending on where you live you may also be approached by niggers grabbing there dicks and hollering "yo you got dat Madden? " day in and day out. Most importantly the pay is literal dirt, if you already have another job there's literally no reason to do this. If you want to make extra cash on the side find some local old folks and do chores/manual labor for them or something.

You gonna get shot.

In my experience working at GameStop

Your coworkers mostly just want to survive their shift and forget that they work at FUCKING GAMESTOP. Do your best to help them out and they'll hopefully help you in return. The work will be physically and mentally exhausting, even though it is simplistic and repetitive. The pay is shit. The hours aren't great. The only thing that makes it partially worth it is getting first dibs on shipments and the small discount.

That reminds me. OP should get a job at a funeral home. I hear that they're nice to work at, kind of easy, and hardly anybody want's to work at a place that has dead people.


I'll let you guys know if I get the job


Don't forget pre-orders, point cards and magazine subscriptions, not sure if they can fire you mid season or earlier if you don't push them enough.

I hope you like acting as a fence.

They probably can if you're on probation

Yeah, I have two pieces of advice for you:
1) Learn how to spell or drop the fuck out of college. You're wasting your money.
2) Don't work at GameStop. The work conditions blow and you're merely a store clerk who just happens to sell video games. You can be a store clerk anywhere.

Throw some resumés around town and see if you can get something that pays decently.

If you don't push pre-orders, expect to be hit over the head with the "Dark Bible" as a warning. That's ultimate rule, and you'll likely have that drilled into your head if you're working behind the counter and not on the sales floor (Depending on how big your GameStop is, anyway.)

The Dark Bible is a massive tome/binder that has a firing clause on each page. Slacking in preorders pushed on peasants is like, half of those pages

I'm glad I was axed due to a lack of hours available after my run at GameStop those years ago. I worked with some cool people, but the upper management / district/regional managers were cunts.

Expect this too, as well as children who argue with their parents. If you so much as touch a child, you can lose your job because they don't wanna be liable for you. I've seen it happen. Oh, and children oh-so love to throw fits when mom doesn't want to give them Grand Theft Auto / Call of Duty: . They'll throw the case at the rack, then proceed to flip their hands up and send the rack, and 20-80 cases to the floor. Cue YOU being the bastard who has to re-alphabetize it and get everything up, and if it happens while the DM/RM is there, prepare to GO FAST OR GET A WARNING THAT'S TRIPLE LETHAL VERSUS A MANAGER/ASSISTANT MANAGER ONE

I saw a really cute boy working at EB over the holidays. Is it common?

You gonna fuckin die my niggah, i've heard nothing but horror stories from Gamestop.

I see this so often. Why do people do this?

Alternatively they can just trust the kid that he knows better than killing people and stealing cars in a video game is alright in fiction but doing it in real life is bad. Most kids don't try a lot of shit they see in fiction. If they did there would be a lot of dead kids and most of us wouldn't live to be adults.

Because they don't give a fuck about their kids or what they are exposed to.

"What's this, "Whore cutter simulator 666"? eh, i don't care, it shuts Johnny up for a few hours is all i care about! i wonder if i can seduce the bartender while my cunty frienemies don't notice?"

Don't do it, OP. You will not only be dealing with the worst of the worst customers in the retail world, you'll also be shackled by your management to be the goodest of goy shills. If you don't already hate vidya from spending time on Holla Forums, you will actively seek out to destroy it when you walk out of there ASSUMING YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!.

Gamestop is that shitty of a job even compared to the already low standard of retail jobs?

At least it's not factory work.

i left a retail job to work on a factory and it was pure hell, barely any chance to look at my phone, strict bathroom and lunch times, and only like 40% better payment but about 70% more physical labor
The only chance of having a better position was to be a forklift driver but none of the guys doing that job was gonna move up down anytime so i quit in like 3 months and now i am back in retail, i get paid less but i get to be lazy all day long, i only have to feed myself and my dog anyway, i'd gladly kill myself working if the paid was justified but that shit certainly was not

That makes me more interested in retail, factory work is soul crushing and exhausting.

I'm an Engineer but I had to work in the factor during a strike (they didn't get what they wanted, and they move the plant to Mexico the next year so great job unions). Best part was I got in shape, and I didn't have to pay for a gym membership. Worst part was I was working 60-80 hour weeks as salary, probably making less per hour then the line guys (I think new hires get around $14-$16 an hour). I hope they don't strike again this year.

There you go. Listen to this autist explain why working at gamestop, and gamestop in general, is shit.