Overwatch General: confessions edition

Overwatch General: confessions edition.

when i'm on a particularly bad losing streak, i make everyone else suffer by picking widow and only widow. i then run around using only the assault rifle version of her weapon; essentially playing as a weaker Soldier:76

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I got big pig and Buddhabot's halloween skins but the game just wont give me the lewd witch costume. At this rate I'm gonna end up having to buy it with the shekels I'm getting from all the duplicate items I'm unboxing.

OP is the shill that only has $50

Overwatch is fucking gay. You faggots should fuck off to reddit to talk about your reddit meme games.


Whelp i guess that's it guys we can't talk about Overwatch here anymore this user said so.

hoooh boy, thats pretty much exactly what i expect from overwatch players actually

Those are in-game shekels you're getting from playing the game though. You're only letting the jews win if you actually buy crates.

you forgot your downvote herb

so i did, here you go little buddy

Ahahah what a fucking nigger.
Kill yourself.

I want someone to buy me overwatch.

get a job, commie.

Would you a Bastion?

you monster

I have a job but i don't want to spend my money on video games.
I want them for free.

Double Commie.

How about fuck you.

Not that I'm much better. If a team is too shit I will just leave, but they have to be completely retarded for that to happen. Which happens way too often.

Hey guys, but me a copy.
Don't you want to see another user happy?




This game is shit.

So is your favorite game

My favorite game must be Overwatch then.

When are you two gonna fuck?

Fuck buying crates though.

Check my double digits

Someone post gay overwatch porn please, that's all I'm here for.

Just brought it, I already had been saving up before the event started.

Somehow I haven't had a single Mercy skin drop for me so it's nice to finally have one.

I got some lewds right here.

Those aren't even lewd.

Next you're gonna tell me hand-holding isn't lewd, user.


i'm suprised she got a buff

There's a difference between lewd and gay, user.

Paladins is pretty fun, but holy shit is their design team shit, I hate it.

She didn't even get a huge buff, her ult was just made more consistent, it is still devoured by D.Va and people still take cover from it, the only thing it still needs is a big red ! icon to point where it lands, the same way Pulse Bomb and Self-Destruct do.

Ooo, scary!

I think it needs some vertical adjustment, it wasn't a huge issue before the area increase but now that it often spreads into stairwells and shit it can be really difficult to figure out what level the effect extends to.

It is a sphere, the only way to really get caught in a vertical space is usually when you are near the center of it.

its range is huge now when it was already big. mei is a massive cunt.
ever played against a mei team, even with correct counters she's a bitch to defeat if they're all coordinated

The graphical effects are a disc though, so if you're on stairs below or above it it's impossible to discern visually where you can move to avoid it.

I have been part of a whole Mei team and I have fought a Mei team, splash damage is their bane.

Isn't that the one thing that you can't do? Unless it's cover from the attacks after you become frozen.

I don't really have a problem with her ult, the only changes I think might be appropriate is a slightly longer charge for it and maybe a warning symbol on it like tracer's pulse bomb has.

yep but why does that matter when you can heal up with temp invuln while your team blocks everything with walls

Those have huge cooldown.

shut the fuck up nimi


They fucked that transparency up


I'm about 1400 credits away from buying the skin. I really need to start saving them now that holiday skins are a thing.

Not surprised.

So why is nobody talking about the really huge ptr changes?
>Ana´s speed boost removed rip grandma, you were da best

I generally think it´s a good idea to make the ults charging slower, but it could fuck over characters who bank on building their ults very fast and are pretty useless without it like Mercy or Tracer.

What are you on?
She got her ult charged nerfed, on top of the overall nerf for ults

Mei got a nerf as far as I can tell. Her ult charges 15% slower on top of the 25% everyone got. Don't know if that's gonna be 40% total or calculated after the 25%

Reminder to sagebomb all shitty Paladins general threads.

I read somewhere that her ult activates faster and her range was increased too. Maybe that was just false information.


Who cares about Paladins? I didn´t even know that they still had a general.


That's been live for a while now.

Sent :^)

I want tumblr landwhale shippers to die.

ITT: Retards who don't realize that most of the PTR changes won't go through, they're testing extremes

Some nice dubdubs

Whenever I'm on a losing streak I go bastion. Whether it's offense or defense.

I usually win as bastion.


Because the developer sad they are not set in stone.

Feels bad man

Every normalfag scum that only plays LoL, owns and plays this trash.
Kill yourselves, go discuss this fucking trash anywhere else.


If I end up being a healer I tell them "keep me alive then", but as usual people think this is Quake or something and just want to chase enemies instead of doing the objective.


This is a team game, there is no kill steal.

Isn´t it the whole point of a ptr to discuss about the changes there and gather feedback before the patch goes life?

In the latest PTR and developer updates they said the PTR will now be used as a testing ground for a lot of drastic changes that may not go through in the end, they are basically going wild this time around and seeing what sticks.

When are they going to remove that forced 50% win rate garbage?

When are they going to make it so some of your ult charge gets taken away when you die like Splatoon?

This is shit

Forced 50% winrate was never a thing anyway.

I wish they had fixed requiring a lucio every game before trying changes that might not go through. Don't got me wrong, I enjoy lucio a lot and he's my 2nd most played character, but sometimes I want to play zenyatta and he's not really viable unless we already have another healer.

Where are you playing? The only matches I get with a solo healer Read: Me playing Mercy are the ones we have a Symmetra


I wan 2 fug the asian girls and the witch


not that a NIGGER like you knows what 50% is

Lucio's ampliefied healing per second got a 10% nerf, not sure if it goes live though.

Speaking of which,
I keep asking him where he gets those people because their inability to take a loss actually shows how bad they are at the game.


What do you mean? aside from the weird hook hitbox I don't get it, in any case the vertical size of said hitbox is as tall as Soldier 76 for example.

I think the location it places hooked targets is set exactly when you hook them and stays there no matter what

Similarly, as a Reinhardt main, whenever I get a cunty Mercy on my team, I don't use my shield and either charge the enemy team and squander my ults, or just emote while standing on the point.

Goes by the name "Nightfall"
Switches to genji.
We proceed to mock this absolute shit-stain post-game; quits shortly after.

I assume those people I mention think the team sucks and they are not going to risk getting more losses, but they don't even have the balls to say it, I have been in poor teams a few times but at least I try to find out what's wrong and how we can improve, I don't know.

Sometimes I don't even get why certain players even say "I want to get to diamond" as if that was just something you can do, specially with the shitty SR system, hell, I know I am not cut for diamond, I would be surprised to even reach 2011 again and getting to platinum before the season ends, my only reason to play comp was to get a golden weapon, I got mine and I will probably don't try to get 250 wins right now just to get another, I knew I could reach gold and I did it, the only reason I go to comp is because I still get more EXP for fewer matches there.


good double

I don't play shit games like Overwatch



I hate overwatch shipping

her voice is like acid to my ears


The only "problem" cryo freeze can have is contesting points while invincible, it would just be a matter of disabling that instead of just nerfing the ability to the ground.

Continuing with the anti-Mei here and there.

People would use Ana as a self healing WM and it would make killing certain characters extremely easy when combined with tranq or bio grenade.
It's also retarded in a thematic sense since Ana shots darts and darts can't piece skulls let alone bone in general so why would getting shot in the head do more damage than every other part of the body?

His whole play style is getting in people faces with his jump pack and then hosing them down with his gun, this change would run counter to that play style.

Why is it that absolutely no one can understand that when the Zenyatta says his ult is ready, you hold back on flanking, group up, and brute force the goddamn payload?

I also have that a lot with Lucio. When i break it down, suddenly people start to slowly withdraw from the point.

You can check the whole thing here.

There is a 400 mb patch on the ptr again. It´s not sombra, is it?

I don't think so, maybe more changes.

McCree they just keep nerfing and nerfing him, he needs a buff to his kit because right now it's completely useless with the exception of his gun. Even his ult just sucks.

And yet all I ever hear is cries for him to be nerfed and nerfed even more.

these fucking scrubs will never be happy until he is completely useless.

That actually sounds pretty fun

Why would anyone need him to be nerfed?
HIGH NOON = get behind cover or if you can finish him if you're behind
It's not hard, probably one of the easiest ults to deal with

That's what I'm saying. He literally takes 3-4 seconds to loudly announce to the entire enemy team "Hey, you should probably get behind cover now. Ok thanks fam."

It's a near-useless ult, and they need to fix it badly along with the rest of his kit. But head on over to the Blizz OW forums right now and anything McCree related is bitching about how supposedly "OP" he is and needs more nerfing.

They should just make his combat roll a 3 second cooldown, you can literally unload and reload faster in those 8 seconds, is not like it would break him, I would even take the reload effect and give it 1 second cooldown so it becomes a mobility skill instead.

Well user, hes the highest DPS character with a 1 shot headshot kill on all the other DPS characters, who also has a stun and movement ability. IMO they should remove all the CC abilities. They're too strong and have no place in a fast paced arcade shooter. CC is a stupid and lazy way to design characters.


They'll never git gud no matter how many buffs they throw at Harambe's way.

The only buff I would ask for is more ammo on his Tesla cannon, sometimes he just falls short.



They're kikes but at least they're kikes with a sense of humor. Also heard Mccree's voice actor plays the game and when there's an enemy mcree he'll blurt "It's high noon" to freak his team out.


Paladins > OverPoz
Get over it lads.

You all niggers are worse than ASSFAGGOTS fags.

I still so want to see a video of this.

The suits are kikes, the support is futureless lowlives anyway.

Good man.

Here's one where someone does it with the sound file.

It gets old pretty quickly.

I already knew that. but thanks anyway.

New character released guys

I just jump into groups either my team comming and attack the squishy characters, if you are going to get attacked which is 99% of the time then throw your shield and continue to hose them down. About you die? Jump away or ult, are you ok? Continue or jump away to reposition yourself before the shield goes down.

Winston is easy as shit, don't think a lot of people realize his jump does damage as well.


Did you really need to greentext that?


Just seemed unnecessary, paranoid about cuckchanners lately especially with the console war thread up current

I had to copy paste my reply and for some reason when I refreshed to post it I didn't notice the greentext marker.

I think it's about time you move to >>>/vg/

Just got nano-boosted as Mercy (most likely by accident) and it left me wondering - does Ana's nano-boost have any sort of impact on Mercy's heal/damage boost?

You have to go back.

I swear to god I can't find it now that I need to prove a point. I remember reading on some OW statsite that teams with a hanzo lose more often than not and now that I need to give it to a hanzo"main" I can't find the thing. Jesus christ kill me. Between sniper "mains" and the "it's just quickplay, who cares about winning?" mentality I don't get how people can play more than a match a day without getting an aneurysm.


Lol its just a game dude chill out dont be such a tryhard trying to win rofl what a nerd everyone go widowmaker itll be funny and i can post a screenshot of it on my tumblr XD


fuck off

every time

did something similar



this is bullshit, I got placed barely into platinum and now i'm middling gold

Winning a match can actually give you even less, I have won matches with +3 SR, losing is never less than 20 points, I heard it gets worse in the highest tiers.

Kill yourself

How it feels when playing with PUBS on my team in competitive

is there a video around that scene? or is that it?



That was pretty good

I play Bastion instead of Soldier 76 since his recon damage is higher and the extra 100 armour just makes more sense. I've had teams give out to me for picking Bastion, but every time I end up getting 4 gold medals and actively defending our backline.

If anyone tells me to switch in quick play, I switch to Hanzo, regardless of what's asked. I'm a fairly decent Hanzo and I usually end up getting potg off it anyway, but I like the idea that someone autistic enough to dismiss my picks in quick play would get mad at it. I'll also do it if I lock in support, but nobody locks in a tank. He's just fun to play.

I never play Mercy or Genji. I own the witch and nip skins.

Statistically, my best character is D.Va. Highest average K:D per life, highest multikill, longest lifespan, everything. It's really depressing since I only have about 6 hours on her, compared to the 20+ on Zarya.

Dumping a giant witch mercy wallpaper I found on reddit so there's at least something else to my post.

Hitler's Bastion's a friend

post lewds

Speaking of lewds, have you noticed the lewd gestures Mercy has when she is in that screen?>>11092898

I don't know if I'm just terrible at Mercy or every time I try her out my team happens to be retarded (seems to be even odds whether I get competent team mates or not) but I've never had a good game as her. Every time I select her I get a bunch of idiots that split and flank leaving me desperately trying to keep a reinhardt alive and then bitch about not being healed. I was thinking I'd only want to play mercy if I had the witch skin but it probably wouldn't be worth it, even if I got the skin.

I did manage to get the pumpkin and junkenstein skins at least, I'm sure i'll get some more use out of them.

Fuck. Now they're making it 25% so thats nicer

That's the minimum splash, meaning if you miss and just hit them at the very edge of the radius. The closer you hit the more damage you do, I'm not sure what the maximum splash is if you just barely fail to direct hit.

hey guys, i would be super happy if you bought me a copy!

I don't pick mercy she is so boring to play as

Sure thing, user. I'll send you one right now

for PS4

that's mean user

You misspelled Lucio.

have they fixed the hitboxes in overwatch yet? I'm getting tired of tf2's shifting in boring maps in comp.
As soon as overwatch fixes the hitboxes I'm gonna drop tf2

They did, and then they reverted them, still, they seem to be more reliable than TF2 hitboxes, at least in my experience they seem to work better, except for Roadhog's hook.

use the subject fields you faggots.
stop avoiding my filters

That hook needs to be a projectile, simple as that.


It IS a projectile.

You just heal up a tank as Lucio. I'll wait.

Nope, hitscan.

Wow yeah that sounds super fun, just clicking on the fat dude for the entire game.

Wait what? it sure some delay for a hitscan, then agreed, it should be a projectile.

That's the problem with the thing: It hits the moment it's activated, but the target can still move untill the hook visually goes out and pulls them back in.
It's what leads to the hooks behind corners. Hog used the skill before you got around, so it hits.

That's why you loose as Mercy and have to play a nigger

Then I have been using the damn hook wrong all this time.



The real question is

Is this a trap or actually a girl?

Worse. It's asian

I… I honestly can't tell

It's female, I can tell


Mainland Chinese is the worst disease.

hey guys, no one will buy me a copy? really? pretty please?

They had a haloween sale the other day, think one of the versions were free or close to.
Might be worth checkin if its still up.

if there was a sale, is out now, sadly.

dunno if i would have money even if it was on sale.


Has he even been getting any?

It's just as though he's all that under powered. It's easy to forget just how disruptive a highly mobile tank can be.

Because you move after throwing the hook?

Pls tell me this isn´t the actual official sombra design.

Oh it is. Seems like they went for a cyberpunk theme

i liked it better when the character was made by a jap

She has definitely boobs.

i've seen a lot of traps with boobs, and that's korea we're talking about, they can make the most hideous monster look cute.


something on her design put me off hard and i don't have the foggiest idea what or why.

Too fat. Almost Mei proportions.

but i love mei, it's favorite character design wise (except for d'va's mech, i would love to fuck that mech)



Not enough /m/, too plain and plasiticly, can't CLANG to plastic.

And you should already get your /m/-grill kick out of Pharah for obvious reasons.

i preffer d'va's mech actually.

everyone unironically posting in this thread should be permanently banned

Nice quad trips

Now now, you don't need to pay for a game to appreciate good fapfodder.

i liked it better when people thought she was going to be a loli with a skull mask covered in glitter and stickers

I liked it better when there were no Overwatch threads on this board.

yes yes, everyone misses undertale threads.

If not even the trips of power are helping me, i guess i'm fucked.

Unless Sombra's a tank or a healer, which she won't be, her addition isn't going to solve the main problem keeping me from playing the game more which is every single team instantly filling up with 4 people locking in some combinations of Genji, Soldier, McCree, Reaper, Tracer and Hanzo and me and the last guy being stuck playing chicken for who's going to play a tank and who's going to play a healer if we want any chance of not getting shoved back and camped in the spawn.

what happened Holla Forums?
I sleep 10 hours a night and have a good diet so it aint fatigue I just find myself getting shitter and shitter the longer periods i play this

everyone is getting better

Are you faggots really this retarded?

All the low "skill" players doing Halloween Event while they could? not letting you feed easily?

its probably this, youll get them back when they release new content

I dunno it's weird as fuck especally since I did some of my best tonight
today I topped my team 10 times in a row with golds and cards/potg. I've lost all 10 of those games massively
I dont know what the fuck is going on are people really this shitty? a few minutes ago I cleared a whole cap point of the enemy team as soldier but died to a stray bomb. I think its gonna be an easy cap since me team were about to reach it but as I respawn I see that nobody capped it and instead they ran past it to try to spawncamp the enemy and got fucked

Am I the retard for playing pubs?

if genji is so good at deflecting bullets with his nippon steel katana why doesnt he have a gun that shoots himself in his bitch face


There are three Sombra styles: Male, female, and Omnic

That's how it is man, same with TF2 and those fucking conga lines when you know you could be tearing shit up on the objective

I wish they had made her hear be like the arms and legs, but no, we get a shaded headed, dyed hair having, mexican butterface

>Missed an entire week of the event because of going outside

Only got the Edgelord and Pavement Pig skins, and I rarely play with the latter and I got the former as duplicate in two occasions.

I got seriously lucky and got like one skin in every crate i opened during the event, sometimes 2, so even though i got some dupes i ended up being able to buy what i was missing by the end of the event, Namely Witch Mercy, and considering what i heard she seems to been the rarest drop overall, with most people ending up buying her with dupe-shekels.

I seriously don't get the PROBLEMATIC about Vamp Symmetra, Vampires are pale and she is still very distinctly curry despite having grey skin in it, it is basically "Albino Nigger"-tier I don't use it, Vishkar is a better skin for her anyway, i love myself some hairbuns.

Vishkar is actually the next skin I should buy with ingame shekels. The pumpkin dupes didn't even give me enough of them for the stuff I want, most of the stuff the loot boxes gave me were vanilla skins and sprays.

At the very least they could restrict the loot box items to the ones specific to the current event. I could deal with the shitty drop rates for the skins if they did just that.
No, I am not paying real shekels for boxes, ever.

Where is this from? I reaction images of stamper in this outfit all the time

6k credits is going to be a bitch to save up.

I think those are just really gaudy leggings/sleeves.


So, Sombra confirmed as Spy?

Has Blizzard said anything about her release date?

Autoaimwatch feat. La Mehicana who don't need no hombre.

no clue. this just showed up. But yeah she's definitely playing both sides. So I'm guessing her abilities are

I think she just has her own agenda, doesnt really care about either side and just hangs out with reaper and widowmaker because they are more likely to help her most of the time

Mostly right user.
Machine gun
Hack which can shut down a single character abilities or hack first aid kits to make them inoperable for the enemy team.
Teleport grenade
Ultimate: Hack that can shut down abilities, shields and barriers.

At first glance this seems like Sombra is a must have for every team, simply off her hack ability alone.

Her abilities are already up on the official website

I think she'll be more of a must have because of the EMP since it will shut down Lucio ults, Rein shield, Symmetra buffs, and take a huge chunk out of Zarya and Zenyatta's HP instantly.

how can you people support overwatch? It's diversity propaganda and making money out of the dumbest player demographic.

I've never really accused Overwatch lore of having any quality, but this is a low I cannot stand.

At least they call them mechs and they knocked Edgeman on his butt

That too, she's got crazy high utility.
Just by shutting down abilities she's a highly powerful character.
There must be some downside I'm not seeing though, maybe she has lengthy cooldowns meaning you need to save hack for the right moment? Or low damage?

When this getting released then? I want to play around with her.

Funny, blizzcon showed us NOTHING we did not already know…

It's too bad her voice is annoying as all fuck.

Why isn't she a robot? This game needs more robot characters.

I'm guessing long ability cooldowns and low HP even for an offensive, like Tracer.

people at blizcon are playing her, Her weakness is almost no damage, along with 200 life and her only escape having a 15 second cool down it seems

It's like Coldsteel made an Overwatch character.

I actually think the "mexican speaking english" accent was spot on.

I know. That's why it's so annoying because I live in California and I hear that shit constantly.

Sombra hedgehog when?

Beats me. It makes more sense for an omnic to be a hacker type, but from the looks of it she's this insurgent that loves using blackmail on important people.

She should've been an omnic.

I wonder if Sombra is supposed to likeable.
I mean she's not, I dislike her from that clip alone though the months of "hype" did help but I'm not sure if that was the supposed intention.

She does alot of "cheeky" things and is using Talon for her own ends. I think she's supposed to likeable (that is, as a rebel or a wild card).

Yeah, that's what it fells like.

Meh, I take solace in the fact that there will be images of her getting assraped by FutaZarya

What the fuck is edgy about saying boop? It´s more cute than anything else, honestly.

I'd rather see her get cock-slapped by FutaMercy.

It's the way she did it, the "xD im so randum hacker boop meme" was autistic as fuck coming from someone blackmailing an apparent Russian general. It was stupid and it wasn't funny, they would have been better off plugging some Spic one-liner goodbye in to keep the tension.

How the hell can you "hack" someone's ability? Are they machines? is this the big twist the whole time? Is this GAYMETHEORY fuel?
Hope you guys like her new skin, so beautiful and strong!

Least this one looks decent


Most abilities are based around their tech. Only ones I could see exception to are things like Junkrat and Roadhog's since they just seem to be madmax style junk constructs. Also fuck you the Los Muertos one looks cool as long as the skeleton parts actually glow.

New Genji skin, bit edgy but fits. Something new called arcade mode.

I kinda agree with you that's why I'll go with the weeb dub.


Only redeemable thing about that skin is the side boob bit even then it looks flat in the concept art

Looks alot better minus the blue hair

i dont get it, game takes place in distant future, but character uses girl-mullet

That second picture is basically just Ana without the eyepatch or braid, the ninja girl version looks okay though the game already has enough ninja and the Aztec-y one just looks retarded.

yeah then you die cause you have no escape
gtfo retard

Did you not read his post? Ana basically just injects you with shit at long range. Headshots don't make sense with that from a lore standpoint, and would be imba from a balance standpoint.

That looks actually kinda good.

I hate her haircut. It looked bad on Zarya, it looks bad here. I'll cover it up with a skin if I have to.

what the fuck are they thinking? i bet i know what it was


Sombra gameplay. Yeah, i know it´s jewtube

If you look closely in the video, there's a picture of the russian woman doing exactly that to her daughter. I'm sure it was a veiled threat

why would a 1337 h4xx0r not act like a shitposter 24/7?

I'll admit, being an annoyance more slippery than Tracer with hacked healthpacks on your side should entertaining

She honestly looks a tad overpowered right now.

Has she any weakness at all? But sure, she looks really fun to play.

Even when I'm lucky I'm unlucky.

shes the second least attractive girl

Her 200 HP bar almost all characters can 2 hit her.

I know they did this just to show off how she actually works, but fuck if it isn't frustrating to watch him play.

Which is one hit too many, honestly.

As it stands, it seems to me like it'll be way too easy to just translocate behind the enemy lines, mag-dump on the closest target then stealth out the moment anyone so much as thinks about turning around.

I could imagine her translocate getting a nerf as in it has an activation time


So did they said when is she getting released?

The first nerf I'd expect is the range of her hacking ability being reduced.

She's gonna be in PTR right after Blizzcon.

guys new mercy skin I wouldn't mind it either

Literally the only skin I'd legitimately considering buying boxes for.

You know what? fuck it; it's not a sparkledog, the tits and hips are still there, and it's still technically a catgirl.

That's the spirit.

no amount of yiff, or anything for that matter, could make me like tracer.

I originally liked her before I tried playing the game, but since then I've grown to fucking loath that smug British cunt.

So she's a less powerful reaper who focuses on disabling more?

Absolutely disgusting

agreed, their stuff is very basic, all mechanical and old fashioned, so if her abilities didn't affect them it'd make sense

Jesus Christ, these threads are still going on?


Yeah pretty much. Her damage is about on the level of tracer it seems.

Swift Strike:

"There's no way to nerf Turbonigger without completely gutting him." t. Turbonigger mains who don't want to lose their free 4000 (i.e. every player in the game)

And let's not forget his "I can't aim" modification for his basic attack just to make sure that no whisper of skill is needed to play him.

Anytime I mention hes way to ez for the shit he does everyone freaks out at me.



id yiff her memes

I´m honestly the first time excited for this game since weeks.
Apparently Blizzard tries to speed up new content. Maybe they finally realized that they released this game in a bare bones state.

Can you link me to the new maps and game modes, all I know about is Sombra

I have only this youtube video:
Embedding for some reason, didn´t work.

I was excited before, but now i'm really looking forward to this, can't wait, too bad sombras legendary skins look terrible

Yeah. Arcade mode looks like a good addition to the game, now if they could just add some solo/co-op content I could call Overwatch a complete game.
Everything else looks nice, although only one map for 1v1 & 3v3 game types is somewhat disappointing.
However, being forced to play Heroes of the Storm to get a subpar Genji skin?
No thanks.

I kinda dig the los meurtos skin

the hair is the main problem for me, I seriously hate hairstyles like that

"Ur augmentation is rubbish"

How the hell do you go from cool designs like in pic 1 and end up with pic related but purple.

I have become the cancer
getting called out as a hacker every other game is fun though

Same, it's awful

That fucking blows though

You can still have all roadhog teams it's just under a different name now.

Hot new bread, get it while it´s fresh.