CURRENT TASKS: PRIORITY TARGET: PUSH THE CON LEAKS >>>/gamergatehq/327075 - Spread the Trello leaks via the #HackHarassment hashtag 1. HIT VICE IN ITS WEAK SPOT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE >>>/gamergatehq/319806 2. OPEASYONEHOURSALVO (Last updated October 8th, 2016) 3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ ]
• Use to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later; • Use to archive tweets before they are deleted; • Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags; • Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list:
• All Operations: • Operation Disrespectful Nod: (email advertisers); • Operation Shills in a Barrel: (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest); • Operation Baby Seal: (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines); • Operation Prime Rib: (stacks with above for x2 damage); • Operation DigDigDig: (find connections and corruption); • Operation Vulcan: (educate yourself on logical debating); • Operation UV: (contact the FTC about Gawker); • Operation Firefly: (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page); • An user's Guide to Twitter: (the basics).
Watch it and cheer up faggots. It's been a rough week.
Michael Russell
Any saucy GaymerGate hookup stories?
Jonathan Barnes
Brody Collins
Angel Cooper
Has the board gotten a lot more shitposting and derailing? Or is it just me?
Charles Hall
William Allen
Jack Jackson
Jeremiah Flores
This is the only AMV that anyone ever needs to watch.
Aiden Thompson
Hail the drawfags and the cosplayers
Austin Green
don't think there's been any since an user got fucked by a panda.
Christian Carter
Evan Collins
got a better res?
Kevin Morris
Buff up, the antis are here.
Cameron Morris
You mean this, right?
Jaxson Thomas
I like mine better.
Brody Thomas
I feel the same, since right after the "4chan is dying" announcement by Japanese conman. The fucking amount of shitposting and derailing are off the chart last few days.
The good news is, still it's better than general halfchan neo Holla Forums even we're being shilling so hard.
Logan Watson
Meanwhile in Ghana.
Nathaniel Hill
Eli Martin
Jace Collins
We're getting spammed, but they've been deleted already. I accidentally posted on and bumped on the wrong thread. whoops
Nice pic, but the bike would randomly get stuck on the padoga/nazrin would cause the crash.
Grayson Brown
Damn those evil Russians, they can't keep getting away with this.
Jeremiah Nelson
Josiah Ramirez
put that dog down
Benjamin Gomez
That image have me laughing 5 minutes straight and I don't know why.
Benjamin James
I really don't want 4cucks to come here.
If you were too stupid to not leave 2 years ago, you're still too stupid to leave just now.
Jacob Roberts
Wyatt Lopez
God dammit. Why are you faggots still posting Valkenburger's nudes?
Tyler Jackson
I need a bigger version of this, Brother Nero!
Nolan Sanchez
Because hes holding the best l9oking feminist ever.
Blake Ward
What if there's a Vivian cameo in the next Warioware game. How sugoi would that be.
Brandon Butler
Ethan Diaz
That might be the reason.
Jace Sanders
Holla Forums stands for Vivian.
Jason Baker
Noice. I can't tell whether or not that's Freya at the top. Maybe it's the weird lighting.
Chase Wood
someone is gonna get hurt
Ryder Gray
Jacob Mitchell
Robert Lopez
The lighting is shit and freya without the Ushanka is just a fit blonde girl You have no idea how annoyed I'm by the way the game handles transparency, the edge of the hair was unfixable on that pic. extreme lewd up ahead
Demoralising shill detected.
Isaac Peterson
Hey man, I'm just thinking about their safety.
Jace Bennett
greentext it
Luis Lopez
Don't post gay girl chinese cartoons.
Xavier Williams
Leave it to the Clinton News Network
Daniel Wilson
Watching an old south park, the trapper keeper episode, garrison called out leftists and rosie o'donnel for being hypocritical shits. Garrison was the dude.
Joseph Harris
I find it hard to believe
Noah Reyes
Garrison shits on feminists and the left really fucking hard in the earlier seasons he is like proto-Milo
Brayden Butler
I can't wait for the day the 24 hour news cycle crashes and burns.
Gavin Morris
This is what pisses me off about cuckchan Holla Forums coming here is they didn't leave when we saw the signs of 4cucks being sent into the shitter they called us faggots and told us this site would die for years now they come here in droves completely unwilling to admit that we were right about 4chan the whole time they keep trying to make this into cuckchan 2.0 it pisses me off to no end.
Isaiah Stewart
We trigger them, we trigger them to sui
Zachary Morgan
I agree, just tell them to piss off.
Owen Parker
They're going to bring their no-fun allowed and no Holla Forums culture complaints, not knowing 4cuck mods basically instituted those policies cause they were literally too stupid to get it.
We need to build a wall
Easton Walker
I can spot them a mile a way since they actively make shit threads on shit games and have the balls to say we hate video games or are too negative or try to be edge and hate on games that are actually good to appear like they fit in.
cuckchanners I know some of you might read this but we don't want you here we have a good thing going one that took us 2 years to build and that has been nearly been ruined by josh,sjws DDossing and now your mass exodus to 8/v/ and Holla Forums.
I'm sorry GG general but it needed to be said cause Christ I'm sick of seeing them shit up this board even the reddit fags actually adapted to this board for the most part when fucking ledditers are quicker to adapt to this board when you guys should know better is fucking sad.
We need to actively shit on them till they leave or learn that 8/v/ has its own unique board culture if they can't learn then they need to fuck off and find somewhere else to shit up. Pic related.
Owen Allen
i'm sorry to tell you the wall that was keeping these people off was already here and it was demolished by our new overlords while HW just watched from a safe distance
RIP /hebe/
Adam Nguyen
They're gonna bring console war bullshit. I just know it.
Jaxon Thompson
okay where the fuck is that character from? I keep seeing reaction image edits with that guy everywhere
Jordan Torres
mark needs hotpockets that dont fucking rely on reports to get shit done like even just opening the catalog you see threads that clearly should be hotpocketed yet nope mark says REPORT IT WE CANT DO ANNFIN IF U DUN REPORT
Because the high jews do not want people to connect the dots, but thanks for doing Holla Forumss job at naming the high jews
Ethan Richardson
They've been trying shit like that recently and shit post PC mustards I'm seeing it and it needs to stop.
Mark and the others need to stop this brain dead logic even if you do report nothing happens Mark if your around you need to actually step it the fuck up cause when there are days when the catalog is nothing but pure cancer something needs to be done.
Logan Cook
All of those months strawmanning that Donald Trump promotes anti-semitism now comes crashing down on these liberals. Oh my!
Kayden Rodriguez
I love how they just threw GamerGate in there, as if it legitimizes their claims.
Jace Baker
I have no response for the stupidity.
Its singal, what do you expect? and I would gamble his skeletons involve rape and sexual assault
Eli Kelly
Christ, I didn't even notice it was one of his articles. And yeah, given that he has repeatedly stated that he simply does not give a shit that the people he white knights have been proven to be sociopaths, I wouldn't doubt there's something major he's hiding.
Justin White
Juan Fisher
what happened over there? I haven't been in the loop
Tyler Powell
Last I heard, Hiroshima is trying to scam everyone, Anons over there have finally found out 2ch's experience with him, and some rogue mods tried purging shit they personally didn't like about a week back.
Nolan Richardson
Then they all closed their ears and pretended that 2ch warning them of the nip conman didn't happen.
Noah Flores
Just a guess, but I wouldn't be surprised Singal caught wind that authorities higher up the power chain are looking into recent activities so these new articles (there will be more, obviously) is an attempt to throw off the probes from looking deeper.
And promptly fucked it up by mentioning Gamergate.
Logan Powell
can anybody edit this one to U$20?
John Hernandez
A reminder if any come crawling to us to stomp on their fingers, especially if we know their skeletons.
James Howard
Well, what do you think of this? Reminds you of anyone?
Samuel Wilson
reminder Singoy didn't saw anything wrong in the CON leaks
Christopher Russell
Michael Martinez
Ever E. Politician.
Josiah Cruz
His articles about the wikileaks releases are "Hillary dindunuffin!"
Ryder Wright
Samuel Hernandez
Good to know that he condones doxing, getting people fired, and generally talking shit about people who are supposed to be your co-workers for no reason whatsoever. What a charming fellow he is.
Jeremiah Hernandez
Alexander Hall
He's a big guy
Daniel Phillips
They deserve everything that will happen to them.
Ian Wilson
For you
Chase Moore
It was all over the RDR2 thread.
Nolan Perry
What are you doing on Reddit user?
Sebastian Robinson
Worse is bringing up Genesis/Mega Drive vs. SNES bullshit when that war is generations over with both consoles having their widely-known strengths and weaknesses along with plenty of masterpieces, hidden gems, terrible games, etc.
"NintendoGAF" and "Nintendrone" are also still being flung around when morale for Nintendo here still hasn't recovered since the great censorship shit of fall 2015 and Iwata's death. Both are also insults popularized by halfchan
Thomas King
The people that put Socrates to trial and sentenced to death
Parker Price
While the cuckchan refugee problem does need to be sorted- how do we avoid becoming so paranoid that we can't function? You remember the old story about "Tits or GTFO" (a tactic to repel attention whores, only for newfags thinking it's all women)- that sort of "meme distortion" can happen- even if every cuckchan refugee actually made attempts to fit in. Now GG can't have distortion of information or methodology (especially since imitating GG in this period compared to the early days is terrible). But, would we then become SO obsessive in preventing GG becoming Co-opted, it winds up not being able to adapt or focus on new ops?
By trying to stop the problem- cuckchan does what shills failed to do for 2 years.
Only solution I can think of isn't easy (treat them like shills. If ignore them in GG threads, filter and report. Outside of GG threads- mock and deride before reporting. Since a harsh "climate" has always served as a good gatekeeper to those who want to learn how to fit in)
Oliver Richardson
Jace Torres
In my opinion the real solution is to not take the bait. If someone starts acting retarded, full-shitpost ahoy, and tries to start bullshit "now that the dust has settled" crap, simply >>>/4chan/ them, do not reply, or simply try to take the thread back to an intelligible level.
Hunter Jenkins
Ive noticed when people post furry pictures halfchan gets really fucking angry
Eli Perry
I don't like saying this, but Val is right on this one. If there is indeed an influx of newfags, validating shitposters even a little bit could be fatal to a thread.
Mason Rodriguez
Wrong. They're going to try and you're going to do a little something /a/ once liked to call self-moderation.
And I'm going to help.
Joseph Davis
So as long as there is someone telling them to fuck off, and others trying to keep things on track (and warn the cuckchan call-outer if he "misfires") then it should be easy to self maintain? I hope your right. Might need to remind others occasionally tho.
But then the thread derails into arguing, or a porn dump thread. Neither is desirable.
Lincoln Martin
>Nintendrone/Sonygger I honestly don't care if people shitpost about Microdicks, since no one here seems to like them anyway :^)
That's all just from my memory.
I'm also convinced I am the only one on this board capable of making entertaining Gordon Ramsay threads
Jaxson Stewart
Oh shit, quick! Someone grab the quints!
Xavier James
I would argue that porn dumps would be preferrable than typical shitposting. At least you can get SOMETHING out of it
One of the reasons I stay away from 8/tv/, along with "Is this KINO?" and all the parentheticals
Christian Edwards
Too late.
The "woah…" was always my favorite
Isaac Clark
A lot of these can be summarized as template posting. A favorite tactics of foolz and IRC faggots.
Camden Morgan
Yeah, template threads are cancer.
Same a rote responding retards that can derail whole threads by rattling off memorized talking points at each other.
Justin Diaz
A majority of 8/tv/s thread are along these themes.Truly they are Holla Forums's worst board.
Jace Bailey
Oh and who can forget
Nathan Bennett
This has already been happening for months. Slower threads often get killed by faggots that start screaming >steam and shitposting about DRM. Now it's gonna get even worse.
Landon Rodriguez
Just post (((JEWS))) in a thread and you'll get responses.
Gabriel Jenkins
I got a brilliant idea the hotpockets will love this one why don't we give them a containment thread, we sure as shit don't have enough of those already I mean they will totally help and not actually give them a safe space to grow their cancer in before it explodes and spreads all over Holla Forums
Gabriel Cook
Confirmed, see the vampire thread here:
The OP was clearly the one laying bait.
Tyler Smith
Holla Forums has been slow lately and I hope this means we haven't lost people again.
its 50/50 since some of them actually stay in their threads and do their thing but then you have the cancer leak out from other threads like the overwatch thread its a mixed bag.
Elijah Cruz
Isn't that what happened to Holla Forums?
Dylan Moore
I'm feeling exactly same feels what european would have felt during refugee invasion The cuckchan refugee is real The amount of shitpostings are off the chart since Jap conman declared they're dying I mean, jesus christ look at those posting qualities How did cuckchan managed to survive for 2 years with these fucking designated shitposters?
Hunter Williams
Maybe it's time we spiced things up a bit.
Christian Watson
yes we dont really have containment threads here like all the generals are basically all ontopic and discuss the actual games even the overwatch thread is all game talk outside of that one asshurt third world nigger that posted $50 to prove he could afford it
unlike halfchan/vg/ where its all circle jerking or shit posting with little discussion of the games at all
Alexander Cruz
wow nice ID user
Daniel Ramirez
I'll take slow/v/ over post-2011 danksanic/v/ any day.
It didn't.
Wyatt Fisher
Kayden Rivera
They're using the TOR router, you fucking furry.
Jordan Jackson
Half of /vg/ came into 8/v/.
I know but in 2015 we had a nice speed not so fast but not so slow.
Jaxson Bailey
Brandon Evans
Explains why /vg/ is full of shills and waifufags.
Cameron Russell
Jace Young
Containment rarely ever works
Levi Phillips
Jordan Flores
I'll be honest : I'd be extremely happy if more people came to Holla Forums, but not for Holla Forums. I want other boards to get more attention, bigger communities, attention, content. Holla Forums has a tremendous potential for amazing and insane things, but only half a dozen boards have the manpower to do anything with it. I wish our porn boards had more population, our art ones had were faster, our female-oriented had more girls 29 YEARS, our hobby boards /sp/ please come back forgive us, our niche boards… it would all be so incredible if more anons finally realized they could have it all if they focused on this site here instead of garbage like reddit or shitchan…
Kayden Cooper
Question what wold you do to save a board? I was thinking that gore posting for several days might do it.
Jack Thomas
they indeed do not work
Cooper Gutierrez
So… who did this and why is hits so hard in the irony of modern times?
Adam Turner
would* fuck
Eli Gray
Man, that guy just got sweatier the more Trump went on with what the media keeps conveniently forgetting to report on.
Have some decency for the rest of us and make it porn. Scat if you really must. At least some of us should be used to the designated shitposting in /n/.
Evan Young
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Being on the wrong side of history ☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise ☑ Molesting people in VR ☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon ☑ Safeguards vagina bones ☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han ☑ Told God check my quads ☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history ☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare ☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster ☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn ☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE ☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker ☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain ☑ Called a jew a nazi ☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter ☑ Memed life into Liru ☑ Refusing to ban Liru ☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic ☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy ☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting ☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail ☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3 ☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone ☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers ☑ Gave a toddler meningitis ☑ Made it rain in London ☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU ☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men ☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up ☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla ☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion ☑ Not watching Grillbusters ☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go ☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones ☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again. ☑ Leveled up on the DNC ☑ Barbecued worst Korea ☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku ☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists ☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group ☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers ☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd ☑ Surviving for 2 years ☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire ☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood ☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy ☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday ☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online ☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone ☑ Owned some bitch ☑ Caught the Arby's killer ☑ Became a verb ☑ Made Pepe great again ☑ Inspired Trump's campaign ☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder ☑ Hacked the DNC ☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum ☑ Bought 4chan ☑ Defended Devin Faraci ☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs ☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
Gabriel Peterson
porn would not work but scat might. But I don't understand why not gore? It seems to be effective as long as the mods don't remove it fast.
Joshua Bailey
what did we do
Luke Turner
We marketed the Nintendo Switch.
Aiden Sanchez
talk about it
Austin Mitchell
It is. It's just a personal preference that I'd take scat over it. No, I'm not a scat fetishist either.
Daniel Harris
This #triggers me greatly.
Adrian Fisher
what are you, gay?
Parker Reed
It's late night Before you go to bed Remind this one thing At least you're not Anthony Burch
Austin Rodriguez
Scat is the shit!
Justin Martinez
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee ☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
Daniel Murphy
Ian Torres
Does your mom knows that you're jerking to images of feces or dismembered dead bodies?
Jeremiah Scott
It's not the shit, it's just shit. Get out.
Owen Robinson
post more funny reddit pictures
Parker Sanders
got you covered, fam
Elijah Ortiz
Leo Cruz
I guess I haven't been missing anything important by not coming here.
Blake Davis
But it's your first visit.
Landon Smith
Pffff. I've seen some shit.
Gabriel Martinez
William Edwards
Julian Gray
Jaxson Ramirez
Reminder that backpack cuck still browses Holla Forums A GOD WALKS AMONGST US
Blake Davis
Adam Martinez
So humble! Truly a man of the people! AN EXAMPLE TO US ALL!
Nolan Campbell
Yes, an example of how not to act.
Joshua Evans
Jeremiah Martin
I think we updated the fetish chart for him too.
Michael Davis
To be honest, I believe backpacks are less disgusting than scat or guro.
Jace Torres
And it's still shit.
Dominic Watson
That chart is less about disgusting fetishes and more about overcoming your limits.
Caleb Sanders
Is it true that nigger mod Redwood tried to turn /r9k/ into his personal army over some retarded shit?
Grayson Lopez
Do I really want to ask
Jack Howard
Overcoming your limits? Like trying to jack off to unusual shit and see what comes out?
Connor Adams
Redwiid banned people for saying nigga and talking shit about kate leth I got banned multiple times for calling spidernig spidernig and saying I hate kate leth and would kick her in the cunt
Lucas Cooper
He mentions a story here. Did he ever post one?
Charles Torres
No, you don't.
Josiah Jones
I don't think so. And honestly, I don' want to read it.
Wyatt Gray
I kind of do. I fapped to some oddities here and there, might give him the chance to sway me.
Zachary James
Camden Brown
So.. is it like 'can you fap to it?' challenge?
Benjamin Mitchell
Possibly, it's difficult considering the only porn for this is this.
At worst, the story can be hilarious, at best, it will give me a new fetish.
N-now I'm curious… like, is it actually just dropping liquid concrete into someone's asshole and letting it solidify, or… ?
Lincoln Perez
Sadly, no.
Camden Allen
Jacob Cox
Didn't he quit his job over GG?
Gabriel Bell
Alright fellas, it has begun!
Carter Turner
Why does she live?
Easton Morris
She doesn't. If she displays any ounce of genuine emotion or sense of actually liking something, she'll lose followers and her cashflow is ruined. She's in hell.
Wyatt Morris
Kevin Morris
More like he got himself fired for being an autistic retard, and blamed it on GG like all burnouts who couldn't manage their own lives.
Caleb Campbell
Asher Robinson
All he is doing is saying NYS ruined GG and NYS is sjw.
I don't get it. "progressive feminists" would spare the woman and kill the men.
Jonathan Peterson
I'm also confused. That was like the most bullshit reason to evade a fight.
Also literally tipping a fedora. Besides, weren't there any other women besides her?
William Price
From RDR 1 - Abigail Marston is said to have ridden with the members of the Van Der Linde Gang: Dutch van der Linde, Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, and of course, John Marston. She was a prostitute and often slept with all of the members of the gang.
I'm pretty sure feminism wasn't a thing until WW1.
Dylan Jones
The second picture makes me suspect that the writer is kind of a pussy. Maybe I'm wrong?
Brandon Nelson
He wanted to give a relatable example showing that you can change on your own when you notice your behavior isn't right, instead of being a morally righteous ass like Faraci, but I'm not sure it was a good example to add. Then again he does say he's an autist
Justin Davis
It'd be even more amusing if that disclaimer was by a gril.
So what is Waypoint? Is it seriously just a rebranding? Was Vicegaming giving them that much negativity? I don't remember this being ever mentioned or on the horizon
Caleb Bailey
oh, I put that IN THE BASEMENT Cream with coffee is a sin that not even god can forgive. Guess where you're going now.
Aiden Carter
Wow Feminist Frequency are morons. They obviously never played the game or even researched it.
Yknow what I'm just getting tired of bothering.
Ayden Perry
I can't reach twitter. I want to post my awesome OC
Gavin Long
im banning gamergoy lol :)("MARK" WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Elijah Richardson
Nobody liked Vice Gaming or Vice TV, so they're rebranding their shit.
Justin Adams
Lucas Cook
Ian King
I think they want female outlaws to be playable.
Never mind that they're CRIMINALS. And usually women that are outlaws aren't good women.
Kevin Green
Shhh…it's ok. Where did the Gamergate touch you?
Owen Brooks
Is it even possible to miss so many chromosomes in order to buy this shit?
Zachary Peterson
I would've rather played a Woman than Marstons whiny son after the main arc ended. BLEH
Benjamin Davis
Twitter is down. Did…did it die??
Jackson Wilson
Anyway, dumb retards not knowing what they are talking about, more news at 11.
Cooper Robinson
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Fucking children.
Colton Ward
I think it'd be awesome to play a woman outlaw, to be honest.
But if there were a playable woman outlaw, you know they'd hate that too, because of all the shit you can get up to in these games.
On top of that they already said that playing a female character was exercising patriarchal control, so you just can't win.
Gavin Thompson
Michael Hill
Owen Gutierrez
I'm not sure it's ironic. Think about it, if an assmad SJW found it's way to this thread this is exactly how they would post.
Zachary Lewis
Adam Miller
Dylan Kelly
This is why you're losing.
Owen Morgan
Thread is compromised, we need to retreat to the Cathedral of Misogyny deep in the shadownet.
Jeremiah Miller
These pics are always so amazingly comfy…
Jeremiah Nguyen
what's up with the influx of shitposting?
Charles Morgan
huh, I never noticed Spurdo in the attic before
Noah Morales
Well you can in the multiplayer, but thats dead now. Too bad they never did PC
Still has the same fucktards though it seems, I'm just waiting for their inevitable next fuck up
Daniel Robinson
Nathan Sanchez
I guess the parasites have more time on their hands now that they're not working.
Jack Barnes
You mean they can play the products they worked on and realize how shit their performance has been?
Asher Morris
Ethan Sullivan
Well I'm not gonna bully you but I'd advise you find less self-important humor that actually tries for a joke instead of an easy cheap pleasure.
Adrian Baker
Jacob Sullivan
We should really do like a shame pool for aGGros. Just pick a person, pick something you think they did in the past or will do, and wait. My money would be on Moviebob copping a feel at a convention.
Angel Cox
Personally I think this cunt did something to animals. He's way too frightened, weak-minded and self-important to have ever believed a woman would ever be glad to being NEAR him, so he went with pets instead. I'm not kidding. He isn't even a furry, he fucked animals because those are very, very easy to force into taking the dick.
John Peterson
Do we know who exactly is a part of this? And are they from the clique?
Brandon Garcia
He very much strikes me as the type who would be posting angrily on half/r9k/ about bitches and whores if not for being in the SJW clique. I'm thinking he copped a feel sometime in the past. Early 2000s. Maybe just grabbed a Princess Leia's ass as he walked by, and he thinks he was a lot more stealthy about it than he was.
Luis Gomez
I'm not sure either? At most it the VA's union, and seemingly then only in regards to certain companies. There are non-union VAs. Personally, I think they'll quietly fold once they realize they're disposable and go back to work. It's not as if some union workers don't do non-union work under aliases anyway. VA work is feast or famine.
Adrian Torres
Jaxson Cooper
Do they really think they can shame a company like that into giving them premium contracts. Just because it always worked on their parents doesn't mean the professional world will roll that way.
Jason Gomez
I don't think he's brave enough to molest or rape a woman. But he might have stuck his dick in an animal, or at least done something Chris-chan tier.
Honestly, when I see that picture of him in the mario outfit I immediately think of Chris.
Wyatt Nguyen
Members of Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA)
They want royalties from successful games.
Parker Richardson
Easton Rodriguez
A simple search shows Steve Blum and Tara Strong, both are familiar but I really don't know my voice actors
Adam Jenkins
They can have royalties as soon as the actual developers get their share. Entitled faggots.
I've been longing for this. This ain't going to suffice for what Rolling Stones and UVA have done to those young men who got falsely accused of rape and they went along to run the "rape culture in campus" narrative. Too bad they're not going to get their lives back.
Adam Williams
Definitely. Imagine NPC dialogue was no longer limited by the cost prohibitiveness of voice acting. You could have the verboseness of the good old days back. And any modder could just write new lines for NPCs and have them voiced from the vocaloid files.
Engadget Blown the Fuck out because they still having a cry about Peter Thiel and Gawker getting the taste of Hulkamania. Remember recently they started a moral cry over DOAX3VR.
KiA OP posted some of the comments telling Engadget to fuck off (so that you don't need to give clicks)
I'm not sure exactly why Engadget is pretending like Gawker Media was some bastion of free speech, let's remember they were bankrupted because they published a sex tape of a celebrity. And refused to take it down when ordered by a judge. It's not news worthy, it's not first amendment protected speech - it's a federal crime. Peter Thiel is not a great guy, he's not a good guy. Maybe not even a nice guy - But pretending like him funding Hulk Hogan's court case was some crime against the press is complete bullshit. That doesn't make him a shitbag. Let it go Gawker.
And there's even more, glad these fucks get called out.
Joshua Price
user, please share that Danielle. I need that card.
Zachary Peterson
What? How can you even type a sentence tying those two things together without your brain imploding?
Bentley Reed
Because Engadget is garbage and also because the realization of being liable for dishonest and criminal reporting made all these "journalists" scared shitless
So let me guess, Gamergate only happened because it blew a hole into the Hillary campaign at an (for them) inopportune moment. Or, if you go full paranoia, Gamergate was manufactured by the Hillary Campaign in the hopes of swaying people against Trump and splitting the voters more thoroughly.
I found this on the Podesta E-Mail Leaks. Hillary Clinton is enlisting the help of a known cultural anthropologist regarding indoctrinating children by means of video games.
Kayden Perez
new Detrimental Perspectives
Josiah Garcia
I want to shit into Vivian's coffee
Jose Hill
Well that explains all the shitty anti-Trump games.
Mason Bennett
I'd shit on your head, but you'd probably like it.
How would a buddy cop movie with the sisters look like? pic kinda related
Landon Reyes
Prepare to be bullied, nerd.
Charles Ortiz
>Double Penetration High octane buddy cop action.
Luke Thompson
we need a brown qt partner to make it work
Josiah Evans
That's called a polite sage you prick. Were you raised by monkeys ?
Dominic Gomez
There will never be enough Danielle.
Jason Williams
Has facebook ever even advertised emphasis on free speech? Also the platform always gets accusation of stifling "wrongthink"
Yup, the media will back the media. I wonder if they will forever be asshurt that Hulk took them down.
What a surprise
No mistakes were made there
Ian Brown
Is twitter fucking up for anyone else? I can look at other accounts, but when I go to the home page, it doesn't load properly (mostly white, default grey buttons, etc)
And now it won't load at all. In other news, 25 mins ago, heavily armed "police" surrounded Wikileaks embassy- in their own words.
Jaxson Smith
Jonathan Cruz
it wasn't just twitter apparently leddit had issues as well
Adrian Gutierrez
Get people to push #ImperialHillary?
Liam Price
Pic related is j-just a silly theory right? Just shitposting right??
Ryder Martinez
If we went full retard which is still an option, pic related the entirety of GG could have been used as an attack platform against Trump because "look at these ebil conservitards and them kicking da womyns out of vidya." What I don't think they expected was us going for the long haul to win. If it was just like any small-ass annoying raid, it would've been done in about a week, maybe a month if consolidated autism took over. We've been here two years and have remained pure despite attempts at being manipulated. Be proud, anons. Be proud.
Gabriel Wright
Robert Cook Might be related to wikileaks or OKeefe/Veritas.
Josiah Ross
Well, shit. It's happening.
Wyatt Allen
no fucking way could twitter even afford to do this shit unless they get funds under the desk to run a social media safe space
Alexander Hill
…this ain't good
John Diaz
Didn't one of the (many, many) alleged FBI posts claim Clinton + White House was gonna false-flag a cyber-attack and blame Russia to give Clinton legitimacy? (or even follow it up with a violent false-flag so Obama can stay in power via emergency laws and shit)
Kayden Sanders
Yeah, that might be a good guess for this. Even GitHub's down.
Well, they're pretty much bankrolled by Saudi Arabia.
Cooper Campbell
Pretty much, yeah.
Jaxson Wilson
Wew lad. The guys in the O'Keefe videos saying they were behind the Chicago riot and attacking Trump supporters were spotted disrupting occupy wall-street.
Charles Jenkins
Twitter is losing so much money, it's clear the only ones interested in it want to be cultural gate-keepers.
Lose X mil in advertising for X hour(s) in exchange for "progress"? Why not. It's the "right thing".
We let our enemies be shown, and mock them for their flaws. Our enemies censor us, because our truth is irrefutable.
Ian James
Jewtube seems to be working. Anything under new videos?
Thomas Nelson
Oh god, Paypal looks like it's down, as well.
Jose Ross
Polite sage is still only used when threads are before bump limit.
Who says that's other news, the government would probably love to take down social media while they're doing illegal shit. IT'S HAPPENING
Asher Torres
They probably are insured with a safety net by groups like the millions of organisations Soros has to keep them afloat
Samuel Wilson
I can still access them. Is it because I'm yuropoor?
Kayden Young
I'm really getting sick of our federal government. How long until Russia saves us by nuking D.C.?
Noah Gutierrez
Shut the fuck up the OC is funny
Lucas Morgan
It's only the east coast US, famalama-dingdong.
Justin Foster
Yeah, that's the theory going around. Supposedly internal polls have Trump 15 points ahead so the U.S will launch a false flag cyber attack and claim that Russia tried to rig the election in favor of Trump. Filterman has a bunch of videos going over it.
Asher Barnes
Is this really a whole article with him saying 'we dont know what's going on and nobody wants to speak with us'?
Landon Morris
It's Kotaku, of course they have to make a cry article about how no one wants to give them the time of day.
Chase Mitchell
So when it comes back up- people need to show that.
Question is- with media trust at an all time low- would anyone believe them? Or is it a show with actors claiming to be citizens so the Russians believe all the US citizens believe the US Government?
Hudson Robinson
What the fuck is going on with twitter an shit? Who is DDOSing everything?
Jason Sanders
Who else? If twitter is under assault and wikileaks has "heavily armed cops" outside their doors, there's not a lot of people who would want both interfered with at the same time.
Of course they're first going to blame Trump for rigging the elections before actually doing it themselves. That's standard procedure: Blame someone else for your own sins.
Isaiah Wood
Bare in mind that's just what one user said (me). And until you see evidence, be skeptical (I know what I saw, but who am I to you? I could be a shill feeding off the chaos).
Anyone got a cache of Wikileaks Twitter page?
Nathan Brooks
Yep, looks like they're back.
Aaron Ross
On the plus side, it means Trump has such a high chance of winning that they can't rig it for Clinton to win (at least without arousing suspicion).
Call out BS about blaming Russia. Don't forget to prove Hillary is a liar via Podesta Emails and DNC bird-dogging.
Owen Reyes
Didn't pay much for it then.
Liam Taylor
Pure fucking insanity. All she does is call people commies, and reply to every wikileaks tweet saying nobody cares and calling him a rapist. For hours straight, nothing but screaming commie into the vacuum. Oh, and retweeting every batshit crazy far left extremists there is.
This shit takes a lot outta me. They don't care. They really don't. They ignore any and all evidence of corruption. They don't care, they don't want to see it. All they know is, Trump is EVIL, the TV said so, and he must be stopped at all costs. These same people have a smug sense of superiority, both moral and general. And the worst part? They can never back up anything. Just insults. Her whole feed is insults and craziness. Pure negativity.
Jaxson Hill
That is the dedication of the insane or the well paid. Probably insane and poorly paid.
Connor Kelly
This is the kind of person that'll kill herself if Trump wins. He needs to win, holy shit. These violent evil bastards can't be allowed to win. They MUST be denied.
If they win through violence, mob action, intimidation and corruption, they'll do it again. It'll send a message to everyone that if you want to win you have to burn down a few neighborhoods and scream racist as loud as you can.
I'm honest to god at the point that if Killary wins I'll kill myself. I don't want to live in a world where this much corruption can take place, where this much hate and mob violence can take place, and it wins. It can't win. It can't.
Lincoln Young
holy shit this cures even the worst depressions
Lucas Parker
Well, I think they'd keep doing it and escalating until they get their asses arrested. These people are children, simply saying "no" isn't going to stop them, it's just going to make them stomp and scream louder until they get their asses beat.
Twitter ignores this shit, covering their eyes and clogging their ears while the whole forest is being ravaged.
Jonathan Gutierrez
Matthew Parker
You ever notice how every single one of their arguments is "taking the best parts of certain cultures and assimilating it is a bad thing?" Yeah, how fucking dare everyone use a base ten numbering system?
Kayden Evans
How? How the fuck does that even work? Making those shitty word problems even fucking worse?
Benjamin Brooks
There's a reason I used "if" user.
Gabriel Morris
Judging from the wording of the article, it's probably something like "you may think that this floor's width is ten meters, but that's because you're using white math, it's obviously 22 cubits!"
Camden Hall
We need a #GamerGate version of that, user. Do it.
Kayden Walker
I feel sorry for someone this afflicted by autism, where are the parents?
Elijah Barnes
Its what US education has done. Acting as moral guardians, warping their perspective so even the possibility of something looking like evil must be abolished. Understanding substituted for fear-mongering.
Dylan Morris
They always do shit under the guise of cultural critique, that is why it is called cultural Marxism. They will actively deny and ridicule it because calling it by name gives away their end-goal and thus reveals them for what they are.
The entire twitter timeline is empty rooms filled with empty chairs.
Elijah Ward
They don't even have the people to fake an audience by putting a few muppets in the empty seats they're photographing.
David Sanders
So how's everyone doing today? Feeling good, bad, something going on IRL that's good or bad that affects you, or something here you want to talk about?
It doesn't always have to be doom and gloom, after all.
Caleb Stewart
Time to put on my tinfoil hat and buy some water filters.
Took the day off, so I'm good. Movie night with the wife and her coworker. Need to run up to the store for drinks later so we have some.
Ethan Ross
All their videos relies on half-truths, lies, spins and unverifiable claims. You don't expect them to use another strategy when it comes to twitter, do you?
Nonetheless, that would be a great idea to show how the feminist vermin started: Esther McQuigg Morris (first woman appointed justice of the peace in 1870, "radfem") Carrie Nation (always armed with a fucking hatchet, she would tear down saloons because she's a killjoy) Clarina Irene Nichols (journalist and lobbyist - things never really change)
Outlaws: Rose Dunn (aka Rose of Cimarron) Belle Starr (Jesse James' gang) Laura Bullion (Butch Cassidy's gang)
Bad-ass Ellen Ripley: Elizabeth Bacon Custer (wife of George Armstrong Custer) Tillie Baldwin (rodeo contestant) Calamity Jane (scout)
I'm feeling horribly depressed and hopeless. I feel like hillary will win, GG was for nothing, social "justice" can't be stopped and everything good and decent in the world will be subverted and ruined. I feel my only option is to go along with it all and hate myself for being a white male.
Well, been a crazy week, especially since our President just flipped the the ultimate fuck you to Obama and making a lot of the liberal party from the last administration go crazy, what a week, kek.
Either way, it's gonna be long days ahead, hope you fags have your bunkers and backlog ready.
Parker Thomas
I'm glad that things are going well!
It's gonna be alright, user. Even if worst comes to worst, America is a pretty dang big place. The Midwest is always safe for regular people to live, without any of this shit being shoved in people's faces. And there are a lot of other countries that exist if you can get to them where things would be better, like the Switz and France. And if Hillary does win, then it almost guarantees a new president after 4 years. She's doing worse than Obama ever could've already. Given enough time, everything will be fine, be it 4 years, 8 years, or more.
Christian Reed
I don't know about sexualized but it definitely looks fucking awful imo.
I mean, that bitch got bagina bones that go on for days. From her belly down it's just awfully drawn. Her pose is fucking retarded too.
Carter Edwards
Ian Foster
Manafag, is that you? I haven't seen you in a while. Doing well?
Ethan Thompson
Hillary will win. Most likely.
I'm scared about it, but in a way, I've come to accept it.
She will win. She will open borders. She will enact draconic gun laws, leaving Americans defenseless. And while America is being destroyed internally by raping and murdering sandniggers. Hillary will instigate a war with Russia.
And I'm just going to sit back and watch it all burn.
Lincoln Bell
Apparently you can get on Gab pretty much today if you put yourself on the waiting list right now. It's Twitter but without saudi shareholders banning you for wrongthink.
Jaxson Gray
When you look at the numbers the each of them pull in their rallies, it's pretty clear who the real winner should be given that every rally go-er actually votes. Hillary doesn't pull in anywhere close the numbers Trump pulls. If Hillary wins it's clearly fucking rigged.
Levi Price
If they are going this far, then they know they will lose. And even if- even if they didn't have half the country working against them- a Hillary win will result in civil war. And the US gov has lost every civil war simulation they've run. And the US is built on people who fight for freedom.
It's not if. It's when.
Not to mention GamerGate and Trump have galvanized people together. People are realizing they aren't the only one who thinks its all crazy.
GG softened the world to the idea the "bad guys" aren't always bad. Trump drove it home.
We are going to save the world. We've done more than anyone would have known. We are heroes.
Jackson Cruz
Yeah, things are going better now. I've been focused on getting a degree, so I've been away for a while. Things seem alright here, I like the Warioware guy's drawing. But everyone is pretty down in the dumps, and the last two years have taught me that you gotta look on the bright side. Like all the cool shit going on in space travel, and how people seem to get how stupid Marvel comics is. It's fun watching that burning ship, oh man oh man.
Hudson Clark
The numbers are already decided on. Who makes the voting machines? Who controls the election observers?
Everybody will know Trump won but Hillary got the numbers made.
Robert Torres
The powers that be wouldn't be going all out, so far as to risk even risk a possible WW3, if Trump was losing. What you're seeing right now is a concentrated effort by all their fronts to demoralize Trump support and keep them from voting. They can't rig the vote when it's a landslide. Weather the storm and make sure to go out and vote on November 8th.
Sebastian Jackson
Trump will need to burn the entire liberal bullshit insanity machine to the ground to let sane people rise up, but hey, WW3, China in the Pacific, Russia in Eastern Europe, and shit ton of countries pissed at America everywhere, but never give up the fight.
Jeremiah Turner
Well think of it this way, if Trump loses he'll do what Hulk did to Gawker but with every single media outlet that spun nothing but lies for the entire campaign. Trump is in a no lose situation even if he loses the election; Major media outlets' public trust is even more destroyed thanks to him and a Hillary presidency will put the democrats in an unrecoverable state which would lead to one of his sons running the next election (Donald Jr being very much more well received in the public eye than his father.)
How far in the fucking gutter does your mind have to be that this is sexualization? I mean, I personally think the character herself is an asspull, but this is tame as shit, it just screams "manufactured controversy."
Carter Reyes
Screencap or archive. Twitter is still kill on my end
Anthony Clark
Have some faith nigga. His NC rally was YUGE
Angel Wilson
its a video nig
Elijah Howard
It won't be long before any families with guns are slaughtering those subhumans in the act of trying to attack.
Don't expect everyone in the west to tolerate the worst of mudslimes.
Evan Rogers
It looks like a cheap Jojo pose.
Michael Turner
The proportions are all off.
Adam Sanders
Here's something you need to drill in your skull: they think objectivity doesn't exist. That reality isn't a thing. The only thing left is subjectivity, which means that everything you think and repeat, is a subjective statement. If you discover a new law in the universe, they consider it a subjective statement, not something "that applies everywhere, all the time".
From there, it means that everything that is discovered by a white person is a subjective statement of that white person, therefore it's a by product of white culture, not a discovery or a verifiable observation of real life (again: objectivity doesn't exist). It means that everything discovered by men can be thrown in the garbage because it's just the patriarchy subjugating women. When it's discovered by whites, it's the silencing all non-white.
Why subjugation and silencing? Because the scientific method is a product of white male, they consider it to be a through-terminating process. In other words, arguing that they are wrong because "1 + 1 = 2" is akin to "because I said so". They see those rules as a way to impose your culture onto others.
Yes, they are that brainwashed.
Michael Jackson
But user, none of those people went to vote! The ballot count doesn't lie.
Owen Cox
There will be more than enough people who refuse to conform to any of this shit and they will take up arms directly against the rich scum trying to take away their rights to defend themselves. And the people who don't have guns with use knives or even their bare hands to kill these degenerates.
Just sow enough dissent until Russia puts an end to this piece of shit government once and for all.
I wonder what America would be like if Putin takes over.
Tyler King
Not him, but no.
They're going to cheat. It's guaranteed. Russia nuking the White House and everything around it is our only hope to put an end to this rigged shit in America once and for all.
Hunter Thomas
His company is fucked if he loses, for us it's simply a matter of whether we win or we win slightly more but I doubt defeat will end well for him.
Charles Robinson
We learned from the genuine pussy-grabber that they project, or are targeted by SJW for their "wrong-think" and how rejecting it can make them happier.
So yeah, these are degenerates who see a flat-chested teen who hasn't developed and want to sleep with them. The men want to act feminine and think they have to be gay or trans to do it.
Jackson Morgan
Fuck that. I just want proper democracies truly decided by the people when there's no power left to control everything.
Military is totaled? Nothing is stopping every man and woman in America from using whatever they want to personally put down ISIS and any rapefugee subhumans. And surviving politicians would know they can't pull their shit anymore now that they're basically alone.
Joseph Murphy
GG is doing alright, I think the important thing is building lasting things like Deepfreeze or alternative sites like Niche Gamer. They don't have the stranglehold on gaming journalism that they used to, they can't fully suppress stories anymore and any developer subject to a SJW witchhunt is going to get a lot more support.
SJWs were never going to be settled as part of mainstream politics. And most presidents end up pretty unpopular so for all you know Bush 2.0 would empower them rather than the opposite.
Wyatt Allen
I sense a Democrat aligned skinwalker working on a Trump is a dangerous Russia-aligned puppet. Why the fuck are you people not smart enough to realize when you are playing straight into their narrative?
Parker Edwards
I can see her vagina bones
David Scott
Which bothers me when retards keep pointing out he's a puppet or wants to be president for the money, like what the fuck? he can probably financially survive, but he'll still take a big hit.
Angel Rivera
You'd be surprised how a company can recover even after being completely tarnished, especially ones with money. Toyota is a good example.
Dylan Hall
Jaxon Perez
I meant "Trump is a dangerous Russia-aligned puppet spiel."
Oliver Jenkins
I'm talking about Shillary pissing off Russia and getting D.C. nuked for it, you fuck.
It's the only hope for the people after Trump gets cheated.
Crosslinking requires 3 greater than signs instead of two. >>>/gamergatehq/323039
Carson Perry
Gabriel Lewis
wtf happend to you user?
did you forget why we came here?
we were never the winners, but we sure as hell are tough to beat. we are the boogyman afterall
Xavier Price
I won't let that stop me.
Samuel Howard
What the fuck is going on? Most websites do this now. Has any news come out about this?
Nathaniel Lee
This. You fags better have brushed up on your necromancy and found durable materials for a phylactery.
Kayden Long
Someone's DDoSing DNS servers for some reason.
Adrian Garcia
William Cook
Hey whatever happened to /revolt/?
I remember there being a lot of drama about it a year ago after everyone moved to hq.
Owen Rogers
I got this error too. It seems to mostly affect https… changed my DNS, now it works.
Blake Powell
Don't be so godsdamned stupid. The extent of corruption in the US government itself and the rat party in particular has nothing to do with GamerGate's victories and continuing success.
Andrew Moore
You think maybe we can convince Putin that the secret President protection bunker is in San Fran?
We could knock out two of the biggest cancers in the US.
Jace Turner
Changed my DNS now and Twitter works as well. The PSN store is still down but lol sony.
Jayden Sanders
No, user, I'm becoming a demon.
I want to use my own 2 hands if diplomacy almost certainly fails.
Thomas Young
No, just hope the majority of the shittiest "Democrats" get taken out and basically lose control over the country.
I never thought about it like that. Even so, I still can't see any future for America that isn't finally being liberated through the head of the snake eating a nuke.
They're going to fucking rig the machines. It's all rigged. Nothing short of the federal government getting devastated after Shillary goes too far is going to change that. At least I've found some hope to cling onto, so I don't even entertain the thought of killing myself far too sooner than I had planned.
Lucas Lee
Eh, four years of this will make the next GOP candidate win almost easily. Unless the GOP fucks up and chooses someone like Romney again.
Jordan Barnes
Asher Wilson
This country can't fucking take 4 years of this.
The federal government has to be destroyed by Russia.
Alexander Clark
The DDos attack seem to be only affecting the US based companies.
If people are THAT worried about the US election being stolen by corrupt democrats, I know of at least 2 threads that you can assist with. If electronic vote rigging concerns you go to >>>Holla Forums7924583 If voter fraud by illegal voters and others who will be going from voting station to voting station concerns you, go to >>>Holla Forums7897403
So it's clearly the Hillary campaign pretending to be Russians.
Samuel Russell
You would be surprised how long a country can last. Especially one as big as the good old US of A.
Not even factoring in the massive, MASSIVE stonewalling that's guaranteed to happen from the GOP if Hillary wins, any policy change would take at LEAST a year to take effect.
Notice how Obama didn't really end up doing shit until year 6? Any candidate that's that polarizing can't do shit in the house.
Mason Garcia
Needs more lensflare.
Hunter Mitchell
I am having no problems here with australian sites.
Jaxson Brooks
I tried getting onto Norse to see where the attacks are coming from. All I got was their clousflare back-up
This will be on Steam? What if they ban it like they did with Hatred?
Christian Ramirez
You mean where it was banned for 3 hours and all it ended up doing was wonderfully advertising it and boosting sales for an otherwise lackluster boring pile of mediocre shit?
Jordan Campbell
Do you have something in motion? The shots look cool, but seeing something in action changes everything.
Jacob Cox
The game is pretty fun, it just had technical problems.
Brayden Wood
All the clips I saw yesterday was of everyone booing him and him being not funny at all. Amazing difference here.
Xavier Perry
The FPS mod is a tad clunky, but really good and makes the game pretty damn challenging.
Carson Perez
But user, skellytons don't breath.
Tyler Wood
I doubt Steam gives enough of a shit about Vivian to do anything about it, for Hatred you don't need context to see why people would want to take it down while for this you need to endlessly shitpost to get what the fuck everyone is raving on about.
Benjamin Green
He baited them by being pretty damn funny at the start and then around the middle starting with some serious shit. If you watch Hillary's attempt then you can see people don't really like her comedy as much, you hear people cheering instead of laughing because a lot of the jokes are simply shit but they want to show their support anyway.
Matthew Jenkins
Is that feed fake? No way they can be so blatant
Henry Turner
I have no idea what this dinner thing is about but I felt like it was in poor taste to flat out attack each other like that. But again, I don't know what the fuck this dinner even is.
lol no that was obvious editing by the uploader.
Jose Roberts
The hell is this
Luke Green
yep, never mind
Ryder Carter
just a parody video of trump being busy. its actually funny
but since ClintonNewsNetwork spin every word he says. the op edited it to make it look like from them
Nolan Watson
Exhentai isn't working for me anymore. I'm getting sad panda for the first time in over a year
Jeremiah Anderson
toplel, that's fucking amazing
absolute madman
Luke Jenkins
Not even the e-hentai site is really working, it's all derpy. Can the DDOS attacks cause sad panda?
Sebastian Bailey
Go to your cookie (the one that says yay) and extend the expiration date.
Eli Hall
Thank you, I've found the cookie, but how do I extend the expiration date?
Julian Campbell
can it be that whole ICANN incident?
Caleb Davis
DNS servers are being DDoDseddeded so depending on where in America you are, the DNS will tell you fuck off if you want the DNS host name resolve.
Henry Lee
Use an extension to edit the cookie.
Dylan Scott
I've edited the cookie expiration date for 2020, still sad panda. I used "edit this cookie." I feel stupid right now.
Gabriel Bennett
I just open an incognito window (no cookies at all), log into hentaiverse on g.e-, then go to sadpanda itself. A few manual steps aren't that bad if you ask me.
James Nelson
You fucked up somewhere user. Just like you always do.
I just added one year to the expiration date when that happened to me and I didn't get the sad panda.
how many social media monitoring companies does Twitter have ties with?
Parker Cruz
who made these?
Michael Parker
A lot, that's how they make their money. And their data is so valueless that they can't even turn a decent profit.
Thomas Martin
That horrible moment when you realize that your high intelligence is the root of your lifelong alienation, and makes it literally impossible for anyone you know to comprehend you, forcing you to acknowledge that your family and therapist ("friends" not mentioned because who am I kidding) aren't helping and in fact are obstructing your personal growth, and in any case you're all but doomed to spend your entire life without having any meaningful connection with another living being.
inb4 bragging about intelligence no the internet, inb4 crawling in my skin
It has not been a good week, yet I feel like I have crossed some sort of threshold. Like I have finally left adolescence.
Dead on the inside, as usual I have no internal drive to either improve my life or end it, so I'm stuck as stuck can be. I have a sneaking suspicion this might be purgatory
Jackson Wood
got my errands done and it's off to DS2, no complaints
Owen Harris
A high intelligence is life in hard mode. The best way to beat it is to acknowledge that you have unrealistically high expectations for things, cut the universe some slack and realize shit it what it is. From there you can make intelligent choices to improve your life in the rea world.
what you describe is generally called a "rut". Try and get out of it. Do something different and active.
Connor Barnes
I made them on Illusion's latest garbage eroge game (called Honey Select). It's a character creator with a shallow fuck simulator and studio poser. People mod it to the point it gets interesting to toy around with, specially with the Studio if you have the autism for it. It looks alright, the character creator is actually pretty good and the modding scene is working fine in spite of the shit Hong fire is going through.
Daniel Stewart
Today we were free of Twitter for a few hours.
Never forget that feeling.
Cameron Hill
Ruts don't last for years at a time.
Christopher Walker
Dude ruts can last for decades if you let them.
Ryan King
thank you my fam
Ethan Rogers
tweetdeck was working fine for me all this time though
Bentley Sanchez
I finally got in, I had to delete all the cookies and get them fresh by logging in at ehentai. I will share a doujin as thanks
Oliver Long
I already made inb4 clauses. Come on man, this is basic memeing.
That really seems to be the central thing, isn't it? Seeing the world for what it really is, and being unable to do anything about it. I wish I could just accept things and move on like you say, but I honestly don't see how anyone could do that. It seems like changing a basic psychological trait, something that can't really be done.
Elijah Butler
Jason Morales
You cannot rely on people fixing your problems for you.
Do you remember seeing kids jumping in puddles? Do you remember seeing the joy in their eyes? Children know that they can have a direct effect on the universe around them by watching the water splash because of their actions. Expand the size of the puddle in which you jump.
Ryan Wood
It's literally "How dare you stand in our fucking way!"
Zachary Perry
Okay, seriously, I learned that shit in the third grade, how the fuck do they not know the purpose of checks and balances?
Jordan Thompson
I know. I can't even rely on myself
Samuel Perry
Is that Anita in the thumbnail?
Gabriel Stewart
Does anyone have that screencap of my autistically articulate breakdown of SJW subversion of the video game industry and their desire to neuter Japanese products because they can't compete for shit?
The filename was Market Control or Dominance or something like that.
Joseph King
I have this
Jeremiah Torres
it was good until today were everything started to fall apart
basically I had a bunch of problems and today I took an extra snooze, 10h instead of the usual 6h, and all my programs fell apart. the funny thing is I told my therapist that you have to keep playing an instrument unless once you pick it up, after years of disuse, it will break
Jack Reed
Well we are all freaking out over here. O'Keef just handed over the vids to someone else since he fears for his safety.
Julian Assange is feared captured or dead, since wikileaks is now acting peculiarly.
Nathaniel Wood
We have to meme it, and we have the perfect two cuties to do it
Charles Foster
I have had the same headache for almost two years now. The pain has kept me sealed away in my house for most of it. These threads are the only time I talk to any one outside of my mother. I miss being to go out and do things. It feels like my life is on hold and I really wish it wasn't.
[end blog]
Gabriel Carter
have the wikileaks guys ever called him "Mr. Assange" before? because that and putting the blame of the DDoS attacks on wikileaks supporters is fucking strange, especially when Brian Krebs reported that websites have been blackmailed to pay buttcoins or get ddosed in the past few days
Jackson Martinez
I know this is a dumb question but have you been to the doctor?
William Morales
Some weird shit happened today with the Internet. A coworker of mine think it is a rehearsal.
You'll survive user, there is no problem you can't solve.
Do you grind your teeth? I always had headaches and this was the cause.
Isaiah Ward
Three and a dentist.
Brody Rodriguez
Charles Gonzalez
No, we thought it was wisdom teeth after a while or the extra one.
Carter Myers
Zachary Fisher
Yeah something seems up, retweeting the cops out front, then tweeting threats, to asking support to stop DDossing. People think someone has taken over the account. It's playing easily into the whole "Assange is aligned with Russia" angle.
Which is false. Since he expressed concern from his sources over the death of Seth Rich who was a DNC co-ordinator.
Brayden Gomez
I wouldn't put it past Twitter to seize control of the account and give it to someone else.
Adrian Bailey
Well the FBI has been known to take over Child Porn sites and continue to run them as a Honeypot operation.
Lucas Torres
The language of Wikileaks' latest tweets does sound out of character.
Is there a way to get a download of an offline archive of all of wikileaks' published databases, just in case?
Jackson Bell
Camden Green
I assume you have tried medication already. Which ones?
Samuel Long
Speaking of Mimi Ito and her taking down her paper, here are her co-writers in the said paper. Try to dig on these names because their names appears nowhere in Google Scholar. Lend a hand here, anons.
Josiah Jackson
Promethazine, amitriptyline, years worth of nortriptyline Never take this one. Ever. Unless you want to put on a lot of weight and I mean here 100 plus., and a few others I forget. Doesn't help my first doctor refused to give me any type of pain meds and made me stop taking advil and the like. The ones that seem to be the most help are propranolol and the one that works, cambia. If it wasn't for the rebound I would take that daily.
Joseph Cooper
Xavier Ortiz
Grayson Nelson
Dylan Jones
tomato > video games
Brayden Moore
What is that characters name? And does anyone have the link to the doujin where ants crawl up her pants?
Jeremiah Rodriguez
w-what does this mean? Making Assange a martyr seems a retarded thing to do even for Hillary,It won't stop Wikileaks or the Russian hackers on steroids. It'll give the controversies around Clinton more validity.
Brandon Carter
Liam Walker
I think that the orator perch still having the flag waving is meant to signal that he's still alive. Although that seems like a really shitty proof of life, if they had him killed why would they take down the flag?
Jackson Wood
Caleb Lewis
I opened that. Saw her face and top half.
I refuse to scroll down.
Evan Long
This is what happens when someone truly believes they're untouchable, user. They get stupid.
Lucas Rivera
that is a pretty damn accurate image
Luke Sullivan
Reminds me of Spamhaus's attack, in 2013. It was a 300Gbps DDoS attack. Back then, Prolexic (now Akamai; they're a network security company) said the worst they had to face was a 100Gbps attack. A couple of years earlier, Kaspersky Labs reported that most attacks were about 70Mbps. In short, that 2013 attack was completely overkill. CloudFlare confirmed that more than 30,000 DNS resolvers have been involved in attacking Spamhaus through a botnet. Some wondered why it hasn't been done before, as the vulnerability has been known for the past decade.
Zachary Martinez
I've always been of the thought that it's because people generally aren't complete assholes.
Samuel Ortiz
They won't kill Assange, they'll capture him and force him to divulge the names of his sources and the key to his dead drop. Then the CIA/FBI will take over the wikileaks twitter and run things their way.
Nathan Davis
Past tense, if judging by the Wikileaks' twitter's recent behavior .
And to think I could have been a happy and oblivious blue pilled normalfag.
WW3 soon?
Brayden Rogers
I was gonna mention a drug that has weight gain as a downside but it looks like you're familiar with it already.
So the doctors have no idea what's causing this? I would think that in this case you should be put on painkillers until a cause is found. You know, you can easily buy cheap painkillers from India and whatnot online.
As far as a possible cause. I remember one user mentioned that he fell when he was a kid and it fucked up his neck, causing one muscle to be permanently tensed. The real issue is that the muscle was blocking an artery that goes to his brain, so he had to stay on muscle relaxants. Have you ever had any muscle issues?
Josiah Martinez
You probably already know this but that sounds exactly like depression. Try to get some kind of treatment. Also it might be a good idea to try to "force" yourself to actively do things you enjoy even if you don't feel like doing them beforehand, especially active things. There was a study where they got depressed people to rate how much they enjoyed doing things right after doing them and then they made schedules to do those things again even if they didn't want to beforehand, it worked pretty well. If characters in a work of fiction don't share my sexual orientation, I fear for my safety.
Chase Myers
I'm underweight so that almost sound attractive to me, but I don't want to pop pills since they fucked my buddy up regarding enjoying things, even after he got off them.
This. Rebuild sites will never be mainstream but I don't feel they completely dominate the landscape anymore. Alternative media is being sought out more now
This, stop being retarded faggots.
William Miller
Remember this line when whatever San Fran infected hipster fuck writes Poe and Finn in as gay lovers in Episode 8.
Gonna crowbar in some more Tumblr-tier shit and ruin the only decent part of that film.
Mason Davis
Men aren't allowed to be friends anymore without being assumed to be faggots.
Joshua Nelson
Expect Zoe Quinn to be hired by the Clinton administration to be part of a HUGELY-paid, 7-figure taxpayer funded "commitee" whose onyl job is to conduct "research" on this, and submit a "proposal" after a few years for "consideration".
Seven figure salary. Free to hire as many FRIENDS/"consultants" as she want, who will also be obscenely paid (with taxpayer funds).
In case you were wondering what the long-term reward was for standing up against gamergate and being brave enough to be on the right side of history.
Joseph Bennett
Joseph Gray
I'm real fucking tired of Tumblrites fetishizing homosexuality to the point where "bromance" means "obligatory buttsex" in their eyes. It used to be that shipping was limited to fanfiction, not demanding that it be shoehorned into everything.
Landon Richardson
They seriously are giving someone shit for not writing gay characters 50 years ago?
When retards try to spew this shit at me for anything I make, I won't hesitate to respond as insulting as possible and tell them word for word exactly to fuck off.
Nathaniel Parker
Zoe Quinn is nobody now, as is Anita. She has served her purpose. In fact once Hilary is elected, the SJW will have served their purpose too and will probably fade back into nothingness to be replaced by the next fad.
Aiden Sanders
I know someone inside the UN
Qinn pretty much pissed off the bigwigs they won't touch her
Brody Torres
Eh, whining about characters not being the way you want is the same. It's not like Star Wars has had good writing since the originals.
Luis Baker
You might want to also point out that "death of the author" is just an excuse to celebrate ignorance of what the character actually is, Satan.
Angel Green
"Ah yes, you were the one who spoke at the UN. Well, that makes you more than qualified…"
Jaxon Gray
See here
Ian Nelson
That's a junior congresswoman who has accomplished absolutely nothing while in office.
Jordan Anderson
It really boggles my mind that all you need to have to be on easy street when it comes to money is a sociopathic personality, a willingness to lie about anything, and a fake "problem" to claim that you can sell the "solution" to.
Nathaniel Parker
I wouldn't go that far for Anita. Her video series is pretty much done since they've tanked in views these past 2 years but she get's passed around behind close doors as some sort of "consultant" instead. She's losing ground but I won't say she is completely irrelevant yet, as much as I would personally like anyway
My father always works at Nintendo, maybe we can share secrets
Angel James
"And these glowing references from Twitter's Trust & Safety Council are impressive, and Mr. Poole from Google, and these many people Facebook."
Carter Mitchell
Death of the author is about interpretations of what is actually there, the problem being that tumblr-tier retards think guys being friendly means they want to ram each other's assholes.
Michael Torres
No. What matters to me is trying to say that my thoughts and what I know to be FACTS on my own fucking creation don't matter and at that point the entire world will see the kind of rage and autism you surprisingly tolerant faggots have inconsequentially witnessed since I jumped aboard last year.
Jonathan Wilson
you also need to be a woman, a "woman", or non-white.
Adam Mitchell
Knowing someone in the UN isn't some secrekt club retard
Just know some rich people on anime fourms
literally how I met him
Jaxson Reed
Well, or have some sort of mental disability.
Blake Peterson
Doctors have ruled out any neural damage. The first doctor was one of those "drugs are bad, mmk" types. Second did want me on any thing till after tests neurological test, then sent me away because he could do anything for me. The third stated giving me stuff. It might be muscle related as the first month after we moved, we got rear ended by a pizza driver. Still dealing with lawyers on that one. Two years later. The person moved out of state three months after and the insurance agent quit not long after.
going to vanish for a bit
Ethan Nguyen
Well then, it might pay off to try a muscle relaxant and see if it alleviates anything.
Anyway, I wish you good luck. Remember to always keep a mind open to weird factores like this muscle thing. I would never have thought of that if someone hadn't told me.
Aaron Edwards
Ignoring how this doesn't instill any confidence, you didn't understand my point. There is no evidence at all to confirm if what you say is true or not, there's no evidence to confirm if the person you "know" is even in the position to be aware of what certain people think about Quinn in the UN. It's rumors and hearsay, and while a nice tidbit assuming if true unless it's possible to dig further and investigate it's useless. And I'm going to assume the average everyday person can't just simply contact this "person" to find out more info on Quinn and the UN.
Logan Turner
No you fucking idiot:
>To: [email protected]/* */
Podesta received an email advertising a talk from the university where he went to law school, because he's on their faculty mailing list as a "Distinguished Visitor from Practice":
Why would anyone hire Zoe to actually be involved with making videogames? She's very literally a professional victim, all she does is build up social capital with the SJW community and people who believe dishonest media, then monetizes through CON/Patreon.
Caleb Richardson
Does anybody here have the links about Wikileaks and the shadow government? I can't find them on the Wikileaks Twitter timeline.
Logan White
actually you can hes just in plain sight outside of imageboards nig
the fuck you need to investigate it for. its obvious when you see the mainstream attention to GG died off post UN for one. Everyone big watching went fuck this. Even Mac & anita deminished
Hes told me shit connecting to stuff in the news I've seen Like how when BLM showed up in the UN everyone thought they escaped from an asylum
The chileans thought they were there to shine their shoes
Juan Taylor
Bentley Hill
Chase Murphy
2 flavors for you
Jaxon Parker
This one is better
Joshua Bailey
reported youre not fucking funny
Carter Foster
I'm not the type to believe what a random guy on an imageboard claims went down at the UN? Not much more to it then that.
This I believe, the whole thing was embarrassing for them and a memefest full of laughter for us
Jack Morgan
if you're going to be a faggot people are going to start reporting you for avatarfagging again
Carter Sullivan
ill report you also faggot fuck off >(1) correct the record shill nobody gives a fuck about your -$10 club
Strange, because after the discovery of Mimi Ito's connection to Hillary Clinton regarding indoctrination through video games to children, the paper that she authored together with many others was taken down, 7 hours after the discovery. Co-incidence? Not really. So yeah, no.
Eli Perez
Chase Hughes
Where did this push for females in tech come from? Stuff like this should happen naturally but they are really forcing it, and then are surprised when people get turned off.
Jack Nguyen
Once again, "cause the problem, so you can sell the solution."
Carson Thompson
Is Fart stalking Liz? I know they write for the escapist and are technically coworkers but he's always tweeting crap and trying to be noticed by her That Vivian James picture that Ko Takeuchi made is now on tumblr. It's time for more triggerings.
B-But how are your tentative employers supposed to know you can work with others on a video game? Working with others while making games is totally unlike working with others while making programs! :^) In all seriousness, what I would do if I had as much programming knowledge as you is make small games in my free time.
☑ Has Grayson ever said anything about its gameplay?
I'm calling it, the next CoD is getting an 8/10 from Polygon.
Angel Robinson
There were no niggers back in the Civil Rights Movement. Only African Americans who actually had decency and intelligence.
You didn't "discover" anything, you failed to read and understand a To: field. And you were trying so hard to pattern-match onto your preconceptions that you mistook a generic email advertising a talk as being some sort of personal communication proving "Hillary Clinton is enlisting the help of a known cultural anthropologist regarding indoctrinating children by means of video games."
Whatever problem you supposedly had, which I'm guessing you won't be able to back up with an archive link, probably had something to do with half the internet being fucked by the DDOS on DNS servers, or some other coincidence for that matter. It begins.
Henry King
Good taste, also:
Josiah Stewart
The Civil Rights Movement is the worst thing that ever happened to this country.
Angel Cox
You forgot to mention they were beautiful. Shitposting aside, there were plenty of niggers, not even remotely as many as there are now, crime rates between racial groups and other social indicators were similar as far as it was known, but there were a good chunk of niggers regardless. Now the difference between the races is too fucking big, niggers are outdoing first gen illegal immigrants when it comes to shitty parenthood and violence, it is ridiculous
Jace Stewart
He already wrote a review on Mafia III so this one is just standard clickbait
Polygon… polygon… sorry user, doesn't ring a bell. They're new or something? Seriously, do we need to see their Doom 4 "gameplay" video again?
Jonathan Wilson
he wasn't a communist you nigger
they did use him as a chesspiece but so was Mccarthy seeing how a gov guy I know told me how hes seen stuff in the 90's alleging he was a plant however true it is its interesting
Levi Fisher
Both MLK and Rosa Parks literally attended sessions at Highland Folk School, started by two members of the Communist party. Rosa was arrested just weeks after her attendance there
Black Panthers were a bunch of niggers.
Malcom X was a nigger until he went to prison and became a Muslim instead.
The CRM inadvertently gave birth to in-group gangs in black neighborhoods, which then led to the birth of the Bloods and Crips
Literal GIMME DAT organizations like the NWRO
There were plenty of niggers, user
Bentley Moore
Bullshit. That's why he was part of meetings at The Highlander Folk School with Horton, West, Berry, and Dumbrowski, all of which were registered with the CPUSA(Communist Party, USA).
Alexander Jones
Jimbo isn't part of the WMF anymore.
He still has his massive dicksucking fanclub on enwiki + a certain degree of influence within the WMF, but officially he's out
some judge's integrity and principals are about to be tested
Joseph Sullivan
His skull is gonna be impact tested with a couple bullets too, probably.
Luke James
Besides that, I think I've realized something.
I'm beginning to think that maybe this shit is manufactured and some faggot is playing 4th dimensional chess with us.
Colton Morris
I know she's puking but I can't help but think she's sucking a big, chunky, vomit-cock
Chase Torres
At the very least he was bankrolled by them. To me the preponderance of evidence between hanging out at communist locations, being backed by known communists, and recieving almost all funding from them suggests that he in fact was one.
Charles Hughes
McCarthy did nothing wrong.
Gavin Butler
Could you have your someone inside the UN leak the story to Inner City Press?
Grayson Myers
Jesus fucking christ
Jonathan Reed
Gayson aside, that's pretty jewish.
Elijah Phillips
made me think of tentacle rape
Landon Long
I thought she was taking cum the whole way through
Nathaniel Russell
if you knew the source you'd wish it was a vomit-cock.
Camden Jackson
he gives his shit to better people then the press
Sebastian Lee
Besides being a proto-spaghetti4truth sperg, then yes, he did nothing wrong.
Jack Smith
There aren't a shitload of Slowpoke images and filenames for nothing.
Daniel Lewis
I fucking hate DLC.
Josiah Ortiz
but dlc is totally optional why are you complaining
Jaxson Anderson
If it's a few cents or as high as 3 bucks, that's fine. It's just pricing DLC this high that I can't stand.
Easton Brown
Kill yourself, it's never fine.
Joseph Cooper
Depends on what it is to me, if its something that's substantial and not obviously cut out of the main game just to make more money then I just see it as a modern day expansion pack which I'm fine with.
Benjamin Young
And suddenly, without much of an explanation, I'm watching the Project Veritas Action videos…
Jeremiah Martinez
McCarthy was a one trick pony who claimed all his political opponents or anyone he didn't like was communist (an agent of Russia more specifically) with little to no evidence because it was the quickest way to discredit them back them and because it got him noticed and gave him influence. It was all the rage when the Republicans were tired of the 20 years of Democrat control but not so much when they finally regained the white house and he didn't want to let the shtick go he attacked his own party and claimed that Ike was an agent of the Kremlin once he got in. Eventually people got tired of him and kicked him to the curb. He was the sjw of his day, attacking people with negative buzzwords to silence and discredit them and garner personal power, and just like McCarthy, the sjws will fall in due time
Trist's figurine isn't even hot enough to want to hotglue
Hudson Morales
And Canada is a bunch of domesticateds, who show their bellies at even the slightest conflicts, aside from the one military group that basiclally does any actions.
Evan Martin
Samuel Cruz
I like your idea.
Joseph Harris
add something about giving Ko some love up there
take out anything that isn't a happening anymore.
Noah Parker
nobody ever reads the OP
Samuel Gomez
Jason Watson
Well suck me sideways. One favor I ask is that you add - || as per . I'd vote to remove Mombot's line if there isn't enough space in the OP.
Cameron Foster
I just dropped a massive deuce and had to flush it 3 times, my ass is burning and my head is light. What fun things are you guys doing on this fine evening?
Hunter Moore
Good, keep them in vidya and not shitting up real tech jobs. It's not like the industry wasn't already dead anyway.
Gabriel Campbell
Brandon Robinson
Aaron Cook
Andrew Clark
I was drinking. I played vidya and sobered up. That was a mistake
Aiden Nelson
please use (use