Happy Hanukkah!

Official White House Video

The First Family hosts a Hanukkah Reception

…no force has ever crushed your spirit, and no evil has ever extinguished your faith. And that is why the Jewish people shine as a light to all nations.
-Donald J Trump

MP4 incoming.


So based.

The miracles of Hanucuck.

I wish we can go back one day to being free to criticize who ever we want on this board with logic and facts and not having a seven day ban hanging over my head while trying to do so.

Despite the claims, I have not seen a ban for well-written anti-Trump comments since the height of the election.

Perhaps I ought to scrutinize this to derive the most negative implication possible.

Oh no, he didn't throw bacon on a menorah and declare the holocaust will happen for real this time. My unrealistic expectations have been shattered I hate drumpf now

Butthurt the OP/thread

Still being this mad your cunt lost

Surely this purely symbolic gesture will magically make him do a 180 on all of his MAGA policies. Surely! This time will do it! Just you wait!

Elizabeth Warren 2020!

Jesus Christmas. At least Kike Enoch had the sense to cut off and be divorced from the kike part of his family.

The irony here is that unlike you underage fags I actually voted for Trump.
Why hasn't Trump "Locked Her Up" yet?
I remember in the debates he said that if he were president she'd be in jail. I loved Trump for that, but why are you so unable to criticize Trump when he's doing things you don't want him to be?
You've created a culture of compliance with Trump and so you will never actually get anything out of this because you are willing to overlook every mistake or betrayal he deals out.
Trump was elected to keep the machine alive, he will serve the Jews because no one is willing to criticize him for it, you are not forcing him to choose between the kikes and his own people. You are enabling this kikery.


To destroy the kike you must be the kike… Thanks for your sacrifice Ivanka.

Gas the little jew

is this the shill threads with nothing but fields of (1)? count me in!

Trump could literally declare Jewish rule of the US, say all Americans are now slaves to their kike overlords and the spastics on here would still worship him and call it a 3254363D chess move and shout down anyone that dares criticize him as a shill.

This is what happens when your 1st taste of politics was the meme election. It's not about the greater evil of jews anymore, it's about pissing off SJW. As if that's going to get you anywhere.

Kike Enoch is the kike part of his family

The guy ain't perfect, but anyone who voted for him expecting Neo Turbo Hitler 6 Million is a fucking idiot. The real problem is that people are impatient and the system is awkward and clumsy at all levels, not that he's sucking circumcised dick. If the Clintons could have been taken down so easily, then Billy Bob getting his dick sucked sucked and raping toddlers would have gotten him burnt at the stake years ago, but despite all the #MeToo shit, they remain untouched while the MSM and their kike handlers prepare another blitz of "TRUMP LOOKED AT ME ONCE" sexual harassment accusation.

Happy Hanukkah, Holla Forums!
What did your parents get you for the first day?

I actually think it's the Trump supporters that are impatient. Gave up on waiting for a true /ourguy/, grew tired of "losing" to the SJW, so they just got behind the 1st guy that got liberals REEEing in the hope of claiming a shallow, meaningless victory.

On the first day of Chanukkah the goyim gave to meeee, a fresh can of Zyyyklon B…

Imbreaaaaaach Drummhph

That was just an election metaphor, I don't know why you shills are so adamant bringing something we all knew. No president can send an innocent person to jail, and I agree with Trump for that,

Why is it that you shills keep bringing that meme up? It only shows that whites are the only ones that can meme and Trump did a good job at that and nothing else. You have to be seriously autistic if you want a meme to be reality.

No, the first day he could have thrown her ass in jail.
He hasn't and still won't, it's obvious they're working together.

Care to post evidence? I don't mean ramblings from a dream you had or memes, I'm talking real evidence.


Demoralizing shill reported.

8 more years of SJW tears!

Reminder that SJWs think Israel is basically nazi's and regularly hate on their fashy government.

Also to any lefties/SJW/(right wing) jew haters here

you're a retard, you cannot put an innocent person in jail
< [mailman spacing]


Daddy Don stands with Israel 100% and has direct descendants that are racial and/or religious jews. If you are antisemitic you have no place on the trump train.

Nice try ShillJW/muslim/Hitlercuck…Nice try.

We're reaching chess levels that shouldn't even be possible!



that picture makes me think you are attempting satire with your words but i dont know anymore. so gas yourself.

are you guys really this blind that you thought that was real?

he's pretending to be a trump supporter while saying intentionally stupid things in an attempt to make other trump supporters look bad by association. another thing the shills started doing lately is criticizing pepe and trying to make it seem like it was invented by reddit or something

the jew fears trump and kek. this is fact