General Holla Forums consensus

General Holla Forums consensus
Why does Holla Forums always bitch when nintendo does it then? They're not worse than sony or microsoft either so I don't know where all the hate comes from.

The Wii U had neither.

Because Nintendo doesn't make good gameplay anymore. They just make bad games

You're assuming nintendo gameplay is good.
Nintendo is what happens when you put gameplay first but it's still not as good as the guys who put graphics first in their game.

Nintendo games are shit

This guy gets it. Nintendo doesnt do cover gun play and QTE. They need to get with the times or get left behind.

Because Nintendo rehashes the same thing over and over again, I like pizza but if I was forced to eat it for every meal for an entire year I would end up loathing it.

It still has shit performance

B-But user!!! The pizza has DIFFERENT FLAVORS!!!!

plety of indie shit doesnt have QTEs or cover based shooters. theyre still shit. or is that your only means of judging a game?

They use their IPs but it's not always the same game. There's plenty of different gameplay between thr mario games. Other companies are far worse with the rehashes.

No there isn't, you maniac.

general \v\ consensus

You're using the classic "Holla Forums is one person" 'argument', you're starting off with an assumption AND you're throwing in opinions as if they're facts.
I like Nintendo's games, but come the fuck on man.

Yo, was being a sarcastic nintendrone, but he's not wrong about the state of the industry. Its ALL shit.

I'm playing some new games right now that are fun.

This is why video games are shit

Here's your reply. I know you've been salivating for it.



I dunno. Honestly if you ask me, that Holla Forums guy is kind of a fag.

this tbh. Holla Forums is way cooler

He's always right too

Nigga's wrong about everything, he told me that the world was basically going to end in September of 2015 and now he acts like it never happened.

No shit Holla Forums isn't one person, you thundering faggot. But Holla Forums users have a tendency to copy and adopt the board's most widely accepted opinions like the sheeple that they are.

They're a bigger hivemind than this board is. That's not very cool.

Mostly wrong, actually. Trump losing will be the latest mega wrong for them. Shemitah was my personal favorite bit of total retardation. Holla Forums is always right because they change the victory conditions when they lose.

I guess it's true!

The meta threads alone should be more than enough to prove that most of this board agree on fucking nothing.

The board's moderation isn't consistent, let alone the opinions of the users.

Fuck off back to cuckchan you fucking faggot.

zazen right there

I don't mind poor graphics.
Until the PS2 I always chose Nintendo over Sega.
I owned a Wii instead of a PS3.
I own a 3DS instead of a Vita.

What I didn't like was trying out a clunky retarded fisherprice tablet controller that drives up the cost of the system.
My dumb bastard of a friend got it for MH3U and only MH3U, regretted the shit out of it and just played on a 3DS anyway.

What I don't like this time is the potential gameplay effecting frame drops.
If you tout a system because of its portable mode of play, but that portable mode of play makes the game's frame rate eat shit than what is the strategy?
I understand the sacrifice of making an actual big boy console and instead making a portable version of a gen 8 console.
I might even be down for that sort of thing.
but it defeats the whole purpose of being portable when it makes the games play like sacks of shit!?

It's a blatantly wrong opinion being utterly pathetic.

How about you fuck off

Where did you see that?

The games are getting old. It's always the same old formula, and I doubt they'd deliver a good product if they dug up an old IP.
I went in the WiiU gen rooting for Nintendo, now I want them to die, they can't do anything good anymore.
Anyway, framerates are more important, and from what I'm seeing the games drop in fps when they switch to handheld which is a very bad thing.
Also why are they pushing Skyrim?

But they are extremely confident that trump is going to win, they said meme magic and kek the frog wills it.

Lol consoletards

Nintendo graphics hardware has been outdated as fuck since the Wii, barely being better than the GC. Its not like they've made up for it with their game library either, they did some good shit like Splatoon and funding Bayonetta 2, but their other franchises are either neglected or samey to where you just are bored of them.

I don't know if he's just speculating but I could of sworn when the guy started playing Breath of the Wild portably (for the 3 seconds you see of it) the framerate was lower.

Don't tell me you disagree, do you? Why? Video games are INTERACTIVE, and that's what separates them from other forms of NON-INTERACTIVE media, so therefore when creating new games the emphasis should be placed on enhancing and improving upon INTERACTIVE elements that define the medium.
Graphics are important, but they should NOT be the priority when it comes to creating new games. Some of the best games ever made were made with 16 bit graphics on a 2D plane. When people say, "graphics aren't important" they're really saying that graphics alone can't make a great game. GRAPHICS facilitate AESTHETICS, which are important, but can be superseded by GAMEPLAY. Don't get it twisted.

I could name drop some of the most successful games ever created - and I'm not just talking about financially successful games, either - and you might disagree, call me a faggot, and say I have shit taste. You could postulate to yourself over why those games are successful, and make rationalizations that create exceptions in your mind, but in the end it makes no difference. The point is, graphics alone seldom determine a game's appeal or standing with a "community"

because 30 FPS is not only ugly to look at but it also lessens gameplay

Most people on Holla Forums agree that gameplay > graphics, but they want to hate stuff because too many people like it so they nitpick whatever they can. And usually, graphics is one of the easiest things to nitpick.

And don't dare to point out gameplay > graphics or that the game might not be as bad as they think while Holla Forums is on hateboner mode, or there'll be 50 people calling you shill.

we have CRAPCUNTS generals, that alone proves you wrong

I'm having so much fucking trouble finding this damn doujin.

because both the graphics and gameplay are shit and you should go back to reddit

Because shit like review scores and graphics suddenly matter when console wars are involved.