So why did Europe dominant the world for the last 500 years?

So why did Europe dominant the world for the last 500 years?

Other urls found in this thread: of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2010-Broesch- Cultural Variations in Children's Mirror Self-Recognition.pdf of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2010-Broesch- Cultural Variations in Children's Mirror Self-Recognition.pdf

When Britan managed to defeat China economically Europeon dominance was set.

capitalism, empires and technology

Cerro Rico, the viral apocalypse in North America, China's enormous carrying capacity.

Yeah, so really it has only been about two or three hundred years.

True. And it was hardly all of Europe either.

It was Britain, France, Portugal and Spain mainly. Germany, Austria and Russia didn't have massive overseas empires. Plus most of south-eastern Europe was under Ottoman rule for centuries.

Racial superiority.

but then why weren't they on top before that 400-ish period?

if they are racially superior, they would hav been the first to develop civilization, yet they didn't

how do you explain that?

something something jews, something something cucks…

They discovered and exploited the Americas


The neanderthal genes that were within the white man had yet to come out of dormancy.When the mini ice age began to occur in the 16th those genes became expressed, and the European brain began to grow in size and complexity. It was only then that the Aryans were truly able to live up to their genetic legacy, and began their total domination of the world. We were, no, ARE the scientifically superior beings, both filthy monkey-like Homo sapiens and more fit beings of the North.

Global warming is just a conspiracy by the international Jew to raise global temperatures and deprive white men of the cold that made them into something greater than common niggetry.

Does that answer my question? No

Why were europeans living in mudhuts and getting cucked by plague after plague why other parts of the country were inventing gunpowder and communicating with aliens?

D o you have a single fact to back that ass up boiii?


Oh man

somebody pls screen cap this


Wew lad, that's going a bit far. I don't see how global warming is anything other than a way for shlomo to get a few more shekels from Carbon Taxes, and make us support the turd world.

More complex economics.
Also Imperialism.


kek, fucking called it


That doesn't look like GNU/Linux comrade. Why aren't you using the true commie OS?


They defeated the Ottomans and Ming dynasty decided to close borders from tech advancements.

What did he mean by this?


i want to switch but i've been putting it off

Can you find any """scholarly source""" about your anti-semetism without using Jewgle, jewhoo, etc?

Reminder that the "superior white men" was fucking chickens in mud huts while the superior Romans and Greeks built all the roads.

If you think about it the barbarians were literally ancient an-caps. With no roads. Thank god the Romans built the fucking roads.




Were you trying to bold text? Also what anti-antisemitism are you referring to Moshe? The fact the google is owned by Jews? How is that fact antisemitic? Did I trigger you by naming the Jew?


also how do you not understand the excessive quotations """""meme"""""?


They were playing 5d chess.

Yes I still would like an answer to that question.

Do you mean the echo? Are you really this uniformed?

now this is a shitpost

Your nazi flag m8.

No, it's a seperate meme you inbred fuck.

This is better than humans vs orks.

You do realise that a majority of scientists don't believe in race realism and believe that global warming is real right?

M8, if there's anyone who doesn't understand biology, its you.

Ahh got you.

I'm sure the founder of the double helix was just a retard than, right?

Something something heritability something something niggers something something white girl something something cuck

Take that!

James Watson never mapped the genome of niggers to see which genes affect intelligence, and how they interact with environment and which ones are shard that don't affect intelligence between blacks and whites. His whole "blacks r le dumb" is conjecture.

The Ottomans did not get defeated until 1918.

James watson never got into race realism to see if race affects Autism Level, which SURPRISE it doesn't.

Lee et al. 2008: "We caution against making the naive leap to a genetic explanation for group differences in complex traits, especially for human behavioral traits such as Autism Level scores"


I find it odd how they think that without white people, AFRIGGA IS FALLING, and yet when the British ruled in India, there was mass famine.

Also, ignoring them Botswana and Namibia is pretty fucking amusing.

problem is that they're probably capitalist

Screen capped for futher use

nah, they're pure nordic 6'3" ubermenschen, nobody can harm them

a white man invented the medicine I take and farms the food I eat and a Mexican picks it, your premise is retarded.


Spoken like a true untermensch.




Can anyone here explain to me why white Communists romanticize racial groups that have never accomplished anything so much?

I mean, I can see being a Marxist I guess ,its just another ideology. The nigger-worship you people display is just downright ridiculous though. Go ask Stalin or Che or Castro or Mao what they thought of niggers, why on the other hand are you people so obsessed with sucking their dicks?


Literally nobody in this thread is romanticizing Africans.

calling out white supremacy as bullshit != "nigger-worship"


This is meme-tier history. Reality is not a game of Civilization IV. Scientific progress does not and did not happen in a uniform, steady way, such that if one area or group falls behind its because they're bad "players".

Yeah, since the invent of Marxism we've been on a decline.
Success breeds jealousy user

So what? We've planted our flag and our seed into every corner on the planet.

What can you monkeys say you accomplished?

this is a common belief from your kind and it denies reality immensely

None of us are romantacising racial groups, we're calling out racial supremacy.

But hey if you want evidence to prove why your statement is bullshit, I'll give you this


You're fucking retarded user. We don't give a shit about idpol, and in regards to us denying reality, it's kind of funny how you deny evidence which debunks jewish conspiracy, anuddah shoah, and race realism.

You literally cannot talk.

No, reality is not race realism. Say it with me: race realism is pseudoscience.


my sides buddy

You do realise some of those citations would also come from Black people right?

Post colonisation inventions don't really count user

WTF Europe hates Europe now……

but irrelevant shiting is degenerate

makes you think………..

I have accomplished my ego, why should I care about anyone else?

and for people outside Europe, they were having civilizations, discovering science and medicine while yuroapes were getting cucked by plagues and living in mudhuts

makes you think………………


All of reality is screaming at you in the face, the most successful people have Autism Levels, the racial groups that have seen the most success have had high Autism Levels, niggers have low Autism Level and guess what their countries are awful.
You're retarded as fuck, the VAST majority of inventions, contributions to medicine, physics, engineering and even art have been white. This is not even debatable.

Well ok then

And yet Middle easterners, Romans and greeks served as the founding block of inventions and philosophy while Celts were still running around in tribes committing human sacrifices. Last time I checked, white people didn't invent the aqueduct or democracy

What's your point?

you fuckhead, just check this. of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2010-Broesch- Cultural Variations in Children's Mirror Self-Recognition.pdf

but the europeans were conquered by muslims and romans

before they conquered the rest of the world

european inventions after colonisation don't count

WTF forgot my reddit spacing and my quotes

nice meme


I assume you're referring to the article about giving Kenyan children the mirror test at which was linked at >>>Holla Forums6626916 , but if you look at the original research paper at of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2010-Broesch- Cultural Variations in Children's Mirror Self-Recognition.pdf you'll see the authors put forward evidence the kids did recognize themselves but froze up rather than wiping the mark off their forehead because of how they'd been socialized:
And of course there is no evidence that black kids in Western countries do any worse on the mirror test than white kids.


They were discriminated against when they arrived in white countries

The siege of Vienna and the Battle of Venice.


Europe was the apex of scientific thought for literally centuries, your stats are meaningless.

The Greeks literally didn't even have a word for blue because they couldn't paint it and there were no blue eyes among the Greeks.

And we've beaten the Muslims nearly all the time.

Marxism was invented by a kike

In the end only made us stronger and more resistant.

Hannibal Barca was actually black ehhh

I wasn't you faggot, I was responding to your muh grafs about the adoption study which doesn't even support your contention. Nice goal shifting though.

Wake up left side, the Jews are the bourgeoisie!

I've gotten two responses on if Meds are white or not from Marxists depending on which argument is useful for them at the time.

Guess which one you are?


We wasn't, he was pheonecian

It actually does support it, blacks in Africa have sub-human Autism Level levels, unsurprisingly their countries are shit.

Being helped by or adopted by whites doesn't help.

Yes, good onya boyo



going in cirlces again Marxist

You seem to forget "Roman" was a citizenship, not an ethnicity.

The Romans we speak about are the Italian peninsula ones.

Correlation =/= causation, you're confusing the symptom for the cause. And I already posted in >>1103011links to 2 other adoption studies that lend support to an environmental cause.

You haven't responded adequately. You made an assertion and then sperged out.

romans got colonized by middle eastern catholicism, their inventions, and therefore all of catholic and christian europe inventons don't count

you said it here

also Marx was half European and Engels was a full Aryan male

Shot yourself with small bullets to build up inmunity to larger ones

keep in mind you are a nazbol btw, so remember everything you post is trash



I am the egoist

romans were conquered by a middle eastern religion anyway

African Americans have an 85 Autism Level average actually, most AA's are mixed even a little bit with white/latin, and partly I'm sure can be attributed to nutrition and education.

Thats still a 15 point deviation against whites, even higher for Asians.

and what follows?

Then what about all the Jewish involvement through communism?


While you are certainly right that malnutrition and shit education plays into it, they no longer have an 85 I.Q

Proposed causes of the Flynn Effect include improvements in test-specific skills (Greenfield, 1998; Wicherts et al., 2004), improvements in nutrition (Lynn, 1989, 1990), urbanization (Barber, 2005), improvements in health care (Williams, 1998), a trend towards smaller families (Zajonc & Mullally, 1997), increases in educational attainment (Ceci, 1991), greater environmental complexity (Schooler, 1998), and the working of genotype by environment correlation in the increasing presence of more intelligent others (Dickens & Flynn, 2001). Many of these environmental variables have not undergone the improvement in developing sub-Saharan African countries that they have in the developed world over the last century. This suggests that the Flynn Effect has great potential in sub-Saharan Africa (Wicherts, Borsboom, & Dolan, 2010b).

Although the implications of our psychometric findings for the potential of the Flynn Effect in sub-Saharan Africa remain unclear, the Raven's tests and other Autism Level tests have shown robust increases in many populations (Daley et al., 2003; Flynn, 2007). So suppose that there were a well-validated Autism Level test that showed measurement invariant scores between westerners and Africans. Even then, lower Autism Levels of Africans still would not support Lynn and Vanhanen's (2002, 2006) assertion that countries in sub-Saharan Africa are poorly developed economically because of their low "national Autism Level". Wicherts, Borsboom, and Dolan (2010b) found that "national Autism Levels" are rather strongly confounded with the developmental status of countries. Given the well-documented Flynn Effect, we know that "national Autism Levels" are subject to change. An average Autism Level around 80 among Africans may appear to be low, but from a historical perspective this average is not low at all. A representative sample of British adults, who took the SPM in 1948 would have an average Autism Level of 81 in terms of the British norms of 1992 (J. C. Raven, 1960; J. C. Raven et al., 1996). Using older British norms, the average Autism Level of Africans would be much closer to 100. This is evident in Figure 2, where we compared SPM scores of Africans to older norms. In this figure, the average Autism Level of several African samples is near or above 100.

hmmm, so are you telling me yurop always had an affinity for sandnigger cock? so progressive!


Short sighted colonialism. For the same reason China and Asia are homogeneous, you will pay the original sin of mass global colonialism.

Get pissed at your ancestors because you own it now. Everything in regards to Capitalism is your fault. When it collapses, it is your fault.

Let's be honest, even "if" racial differences did exist, does anyone on Holla Forums really believe that geneticists, anthropologists, etc would dispassionately announce that yes, racial differences do exist to the wider world?

It just seems people assume a certain level of naivety regarding those involved in the scientific study of anything related to human nature and society in general - and that if there was a Nobel Prize in Biology there's a chance someone would've won it for "definitively proving what we all believed deep down that blacks are genetically incapable of civilization"

Holy fuck dude! We never knew this, it's like totally new information!.

Okay I'm gonna lay it out for you stormfag. There was a study conducted that explored perfect pitch in Asians and in Whites. Asians on avenger, have perfect pitch at a higher frequency than whites - and the study confirmed that. Was it because of genetics? No, it was due to culture - unless you are musically trained before the age of 6, you will not have perfect pitch. Asians culturally train youth in music from a young age. This is why when the Asians were not trained in music before age six, there was no significant difference between Europeans and Whites? Why is this significant, because it's a case of geographic distinction between two ethnicities concealing an environmental cause. Another example I can think of is how Japanese Americans are typically taller than normal Japs.

So if you want to prove racialism this is what needs to be one.
And that's it! Until then, all your "muh africa" rhetoric is hot air and utterly unscientific,


This post is why I didn't even read the thread, it's the same horseshit as always with stormlards harping on about Autism Level.

It is not a magic number that explains literally all of human history.

*europeans and asians!

but then what follows?

ok so we are different, but so what?

The average is now at least 90, probably higher. In Texas the average is around 94.

Middle-Easterners were p. based back then tbh. Euro civs influenced the ME more than the ME influenced Europe.

S-s-shut up!

Do dragons have high autism levels


You can't answer that question, you're a nationalist.


Yes, because the Mali Empire, Kingdom of Kush, and Ethiopian Empire never happened.

I suppose we should just shove Thomas Sankara under the rug then?

We kill everyone that I don't like.

But really I agree that Autism Level isn't - and shouldn't - be the be-all end-all of how human worth is determined. I think I'd kill myself if I was forced to live in a society solely comprised of MENSA members


0 arguments, but I'll bite

Also Christianity was a Jewish invent, not a towel head one

So basically choosing feels over reals

why don't you just skip all the political bullshit and come out as a socipath

God bless our filters

kek i hadn't even thought about that

did you retards even read the rest of the post

so what you are saying is that europe has been getting cucked by jews since the roman times?

and you expect me to belive they are the master race?

I'm saying that it's naive to assume that, in an area of science with major ramifications for politics, racial relations, and society in general, that scientists don't bring any baggage with them when they study this area.

Again, if Harvard geneticists did by chance find the white nationalist's Holy Grail and prove that there really was a relationship between race and intelligence to the detriment of Africans, that they would dispassionately call a press conference and concede that Cletus in West Virginia was right about everything?

Sarcasm m8s

It was the Greeks who spread it senpai

Nice shitpost though

What was the rest of Europe doing then………hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………………………….lets look at what actual archaeologists tell us and not people who yell at people who don't think white people are special enough on the internet

greeks are europeans

but user, fascism started in italy, and italy was conquered by the jewish christianity

so that means fascism was created by the jews, as it was created by jewish controlled italy

how deep does the rabbit hole really goes?!?!?!?!

Christianity was a westernised religion,

Also what makes you so special? You're just a regular anarchist, claiming to a different special snowflake.


Do you know who lived side by side

The Ancient Greeks and Christians

And all peoples are of African origin so that means Africans built everything :^)

so africans were actually kangz

makes you think…………

No arguments?


I mean they managed to survive the entire human race off a population of only 2,000 individuals after a massive die off that could have meant extinction, so that's something no European has ever historically done :v)

Nevermind lmao

Plato didn't even believe in the forms as they were laid out in the Phaedo, at the end of his life he believed in a "one" which all other things partook.



No user I am a kissless virgin

Having tons of sex doesn't necessarily mean reproduction. In fact almost all births at the time were still birth.

The simple fact is we don't know shit about prehistoric Africa because it's prehistoric.

We assume 19th century serial fiction as truth instead, despite it being anthropologically dubious to do so.


Why did you respond to my post with one word like a dumbass




Lol, I'd bet most of the publications from USA are written by non-white people.


Hi mr Holla Forums plz tell me something

Does my race/skin color/nationality have an effect on whether my argument is right or not ?

Never though I'll see something more idiotic than "Humans vs Orcs", but here we are


Are you sure this is true or Christian Apologism

It sort of sounds like Plato is giving that man's game very high praise.

I am in fucking tears right now

A majority of Roman designs were directly copied and stolen from idealised Greek works.

So the chances Caesar ever looked like that are tremendously low.

I will take the bait.

there were regions where they had no dominance.Japan made itself to be treated as an equal.Latin America gained independence and were not fully dominated, they still owed loans to powers of Europe that crippled their conditions though.Ottomans were independent and relatively capable. Their empire was dismembered, but they did not get dominated colonially by European powers.

kek, after they got absolutely BTFO by Spanish firearms in a small incident they realized the only way not to get culturally enriched by Western colonialism was to go into total isolation and break up all contact with the West.

How many dimensions of chess are you on?

I thought they changed it to climate change since we are going into a mini ice age. Before that it was called the greenhouse effect. They are always rebranding.

Civilization is slavery and exploitation. It is nothing a leftist should be proud of.

No but you do pocsplain a lot. It is spooky.

You can't mash random words together in one post and expecting them to make sense.

Gnab ebu!

They were a lot more "mudslime" looking than you seem to think. Don't forget that the 4th through 6th centuries were dominated by giant migrations of germanic people who interbred with the local italics, and even in spite of this huge influx of North European genes they still look pretty tan to this day.

He's not entirely wrong, a lot of countries had food shortages because they were grain based and were accustomed to the middle age warm period.

Europe had the better crops and more live stock for colder climates, also lots of New World stuff. A good diet improves your body– thus brain. Shortages in food also kick in some R select epigenetics that can last for generations.

They didn't, they've only been firmly dominant for the last 200 years and that's coming to an end now with the rise of China and India. It was industrialization that allowed them to become so powerful, and race clearly had nothing to do with it because Japan skyrocketed from a feudal backwater to a Great Power by rapidly industrializing.

He's talking about Imperial Japan numbnuts. They were a colonial power who could go toe to toe with any Western power. See: Russo-Japanese war.

Does that necessarily mean race didn't have anything to do with it? Asians do have the highest average Autism Level.

A more apt question would be, "Is there reason to believe that race had anything to do with it?"

This. Look at Africa. Now that it is finally recovering from colonialism, achieving political stability and industrializing it is rapidly developing.

Also economic and political dominance corrolate entirely along lines of industrialization, not race. Russia and Britain are both white, but one industrialized and became a powerhouse and the other didn't and was a backwards shithole, until it became a superpower after industrializing under Stalin. Japan and China are both full of Asians, but only one industrialized and became a Great Power in the 19th century.

It was basically only European and East Asian countries.

It seems like population density drives or is a prerequisite for industrialization.

that is some dank ideology my dude

We we're most most westernly situated country, england had lots of coal for the industrial revolution, so when the spanish/portuguese discovered the americas, we got dibs on all the gold there, which allowed us to purchase lots of shit from all over the globe and hire mercenaries to help establish colonies and slave trade.

China was pretty hardcore as well but the Brits beat them out and then beat them up.

Not really. Ireland never became an industrial Mecca during this period, and instead collapsed to famine. You need easily accessible coal reserves, like in the UK, Germany, and the United States.

u wot

I don't think he understands epigenetics.

I could make a Lysenkoism joke here but I'm not.

This, race is spook. Now there is a number of emerging powers in the world.

Global warming is the trend. Climate change are the effects of that warming. The greenhouse effect is what causes global warming. You would know all this if you weren't a scientifically illiterate faggot that cant into middle school science.

America's lack of educational funding is going to fuck the world harder than most things. Your inability to grasp definitions, is someone else's inability to stay on task monitoring a certain rare specific type of toxin, or that other person's lack of foresight to consider that models are going as expected, being itself a problem they're going as expected.

Somehow, someway, a collective group of people will manage to slip up and fuck up.

And I just wanted to point that out because you're too fucking stupid to see the difference between what global warming is, what climate change is, and thinking Day After Tomorrow was a documentary


That is pretty funny, good shitpost comrade. You got some fitting dubs, too!

you have no idea what you're talking about the USA spends the more money per pupil than anywhere else in the world

That's why we dummy proof the tech, durr durr.

T. Never read about the middle ages

Yes and pre migration period natives of the Italian Peninsula were much less white than those depicted in Ben Hur.
You could say they were "enriched" by the savage northern whites.

hope you are not implying life in the middle ages was anything but shit for the majority of the population

Racism goy. Pure racism. Also stolen KANGZ tech.


I'm only in this shit thread to say OPs picture is dope

Dju ever think their might be more to life than crying in a darkened room while staring at an LCD screen and that people who don't subscribe to your lifestyle might be living much more happy and substantive lives?


No life like the life like the vicarious life amirite? white supremacists!?
