I was told this game was good. I've been duped

I was told this game was good. I've been duped.
It's only mildly entertaining if you a friend to play with and even then shit gets very repetitive after the first few missions.

Yeah, the melee combat was dull and the free running was nowhere near as fleshed out as something like Mirror's Edge.

Just another modern game I don't understand the praise for, or how anyone could spend any moderate amount of time with it.

by whom

I kind of liked it at the beginning when you're under powered but it gets worse for some reason as the game progresses.
It has the same problem as other open world games with the same shitty quests over and over and the writing certainly isn't good either.
Fucking around during night time at the beginning was entertaining though.

Oh, anyone else played that Bozak Horde DLC shit? I can't believe how bad that was.

Is Dead Island just as bad? It's by the same studio, right?

Obviously a "friend." I thought he was my friend, though. Friends don't recommend turds like these.

Rape him as a lesson.

It's literally a better version of Dead Island.

Because it's like DI it means melee is shit as all weapons are pretty much either the same for all weapons. Just like DI, gunplay was an afterthought with guns being shit and when I played it they were glitched meaning if your level was above 10 or so, the only level guns that would spawn would be the level 1 tier guns. So at level 20 (it was max IIRC) you could only get shit-average quality level 1 guns when you should be able to get above average-rare level 20 guns.

The parkour elements added a lot of freedom, you could go mostly anywhere and be a smart ass and access some areas early but the grappling hook makes all of this irrelevant.

They also increased the price of the season pass when they announced The Following.

THIS is the better version? Motherfucker.

It functionally is Dead Island 2.

Dying Light just has less problems and more polish.

Oh wow it's almost like recommendations are based on opinions and tastes that vary from person to person and you should form your own opinion before making a puchase. You have no one else to blame for your decision than yourself unless you were promised things that weren't in the final product or it was broken. This is especially true now since you can find literally all information about the game on the internet.

Over all I liked Dying Light. Played it solo all the way through, never touched the co-op. 40 hours in total I think. I thought the parkour was fun, less so after the grabbling hook but I just didn't use it much so whatever. Game's definitely more fun early on when you're not as powerful and you're edging the night, running away from the super zombies. Combat's totally fine for what it is I think, I liked running around the world more anyway so I didn't even mess with it all that much apart from when I had to.

I liked it alright. Fun game to just turn your brain off and play
And the water dlc campaign that took the piss out of bungie was hilarious

Are you the guy who recommended it to op?

A faggot once told me sucking dicks was great, I used common sense to determine that I wouldnt like it very much.

I thought it was pretty good, but I also didn't pay anything for it.

I don't understand what's with people ITT bashing the grappling hook. I personally loved it as it gave me that Spider-Man experience so few games can actually provide, plus you get it towards the end of the game in the second city, so by then you had your fair share of parkour thus the grappling hook spices things up. I am a firm believer that every game becomes better if it has a grappling hook mechanic.

What really pissed me off was that some missions didn't let you use the grappling hook(there is no explanation for this, just that the game doesn't allow you to do it) and that the final boss was just a QTE.

The correct way to have fun with it is to play with other people and constantly sabotage each other while ignoring those stupid challenges. It's more like a sandbox than anything else, the story and the quests are terrible.

Dying Light is pretty good

I don't know, I liked it a fair bit (beat it when it first came out and recently played it again now that The Following is out and there's Hard and Nightmare modes, probably racked up well over 100 hours by now). Though I don't really think The Following is that great (mainly due to the lack of parkour and the focus on the buggy instead).

It can get repetitive though and melee combat is a definite weak point (especially later on when you realize that swords and other sharp weapons are almost all you get at higher survivor ranks, too bad if you prefer blunt weapons).

It's not bad, it's not too good. Like most modern AA-AAA games it's painfully average. One thing I really dislike is how every fucking game is incorporating loot systems, it's just not fun when you basically want to move on but the collector in you makes you diligently check every nook and corner for loot.

Loot systems need to be revamped, it's just skinner box stuff where 90% of the reward is useless shit. I blame Fallout 3 popularity for this.

And yeah, the grappling hook trivialises the parkour as well. I think the game would have been better off without it honestly. There's a lot of secret areas that feel rewarding to reach in the early/mid game but as soon as you get the grappling hook it takes all of the fun out of reaching said areas, at least for me.

Well to be fair, the grappling hook is obtained late in the game(I think when you reach max level or something like that). I got it in the second city, which has a lot of tall buildings, that make the grappling hook a good tool to maneuver around.

Nah it's not at max level, though it's up there. In my most recent playthrough on Hard I got it before I even entered Old Town though.

It was pretty buggy too.

Its worse

Did you get the dropkick and dropkick accessories?

I guess, it depends on how many side quest you do. In the end I think it's just a matter of taste, and as I stated in a previous post, I like it as it gives me that Spider-Man experience. I can't remember if you could use it to pull weaker enemies towards you ala Scorpion with it, or to pull yourself towards bigger enemies(why you would do that, I don't know), but it was a bit broken. If you were falling to your death, you could use it to pull yourself towards the floor(yes the floor) to negate the impact, because the game isn't all that well programmed.

Holla Forums

I remember the dropkick but what were the dropkick accessories?

The other dropkick passive skill which increases the strength of the dropkick tenfold. Causing Zombies to fly into the next dimension after you dropkick them.

I remember Holla Forums prentending this was a good game. We should consider the possibility it was just a bunch of shills.

Dead island sucked dick, so maybe the problem is starting from a really low standard.

I thought The Following was pretty neat but I just watch my little bro play it since it's not my type of game. But the game does in fact have to most buttfucking retarded villain ever. I dont even think he qualifies as a villain guy literally had down syndrome for those stupid fucking decisions he made

That or people with different opinions or tastes that yours.

Nah, that's impossible.

Spec Ops The Line is alright.. If you look at it as more of a decent into madness of the main character rather than some dev's retarded statements "you can walk away from the game, that's a real ending choice.". Didn't realize you could play with friends


Wrong game, fam.

**You did it on purpose, didn't you.

I had a decent time with it, though it's extremely flawed and has some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a game. Pretty good for playing with friends, though. You quickly realize that all of the weapons that aren't guns are flat worthless because you can one-shot everything short of the big guys by using the special moves.
Every single NPC in the game is a retard and the protagonist looks like Anthony Burch. Actually, I figured it out.

Dying Light is a game where you play as Anthony Burch with superpowers, on his quest to save a city of retards from himself. Like a true Burch, at the end of the day you've accomplished literally nothing and everyone is dumber for having existed.

How? The writing's hilarious, at least when you do the side missions, especially when it freely acknowledges the stupidity of the whole setup. Hell, even Crane himself is kind of darkly humorous, although that may just be Roger Craig Smith's voice acting.

Melee combat is actually pretty fun if you don't act like an autistic retard and use all of your skills to pull off cool shit like vaulting over a zombie to drop kill another zombie behind it, or dropkicking a zombie into another zombie, or grappling a zombie and redirecting it off a building or into a bunch of spikes, and so on instead of just blandly swinging your weapon until the enemy is dead. Parkour can also be used to do some sweet shit like tic tac toeing between a bunch of tall buildings to climb up. Granted, it could definitely use more expansion, but it was pretty good nonetheless.

The Following kinda fucked up by giving the player a stupid buggy instead of just expanding the existing skill tress and improving combat/parkour, but I still enjoyed it.

And I too, thought the game looked boring before I got the Enhanced Edition for cheap and started playing it.

The villain in the main game or the one in The Following? Both were terrible for different reasons though.

That's because you're a faggot and can't enjoy a good game.

Confirmed for never playing the games.

Meanwhile you can just not use the grappling hook at all and all of that is negated.

Combat is actually better in DI, and outside of the "Definitive Editions", they don't mysteriously take away engine features they've had since 2006 like player shadows for no reason whatsoever. DI is buggy as fuck and the story is very weak, cheap, it's very blatant Techland wasn't given sufficient time to learn how to make a co-op open world game after their experience with single player western and sci-fi shooters, while having to make the second worst Call of Juarez game at the same time for Ubisoft. Dead Island 2/Riptide is much more polished, fixes pretty much all of DI's issues, but is shorter.

DL has better visuals (minus the loss of player shadow, and the chromatic aberration and film grain you couldn't get rid of for the longest fucking time), animations, and story, but DI's combat is leagues better. Especially when it comes to the frequency of zombies grabbing you for a bite attack (10% max vs closer to 90% in DL) and in the actions required to get out of them.
(DI:R and DL:TF both share the "shitty fucking garbage ass ending" attribute)

Sounds like not a problem with the game, but with your mentality.

That's impossible. This is modern 8/v/, if you don't share opinions with the hivemind you're just a baiting shill

yeah people were telling me it's good too.

im stuck at this part were I'm meant to kill this thing with a sledgehammer also a fire fighters suit so i can't light it on fire.

my brother really liked the game i don't understand why. nothing about this game is fun there is no gun play , the melee is XP based , EVERY mission is a fetch quest,and the story is retarded.

Guns are the most over powered shit one head shot kills everything except the huge zombies in the second area and if you are still playing after those fucking things got introduced you have brain damage.