Why is it that video game developers choose to shit all over your documents folder with all their crap?

Why is it that video game developers choose to shit all over your documents folder with all their crap?
I'm sick and tired of having to sift through 10+ video game folders to find shit that I need for work or studying. I use this documents folder, this is where all my documents go, you vapid cunts.

Is there anyway to alleviate this clutter so it's not as prevalent? As in, putting all this shit into the games folder that fucking exists for no purpose or putting it with the rest of the game data folders in program files or maybe just making one big folder for game saves and using that instead of shitting up my documents folder

I'm just blowing off steam about how moronic this is when I'm trying to organise my data on my computer. Feel free to join me in complaining or offer some kind of solution.
Thinly veiled Holla Forums thread, I guess.


Windows 10

It always bothers me that only about 50% of games use the My Games folder in My Documents for their settings and shit.

I find it even more annoying when they hide the fucking settings and saves in appdata

I don't know how you found this board but please fuck right off tosser.

Don't worry too much about it, this computer has been with me for over 10 years now?
It's a good examination of my range of tastes developing from then until now.

Why did you get DayZ, dog? Anyone with a working pair of eyes could see that shit was snake oil from a million miles away.


Normalfag friends saying we'd all play together, then fucking off onto the next big thing. I only bought it because they were playing it and kept telling me to join them. I don't think I would have glanced twice at it otherwise.

Because later versions of windows require extra permissions to write to the program files folder.

Once again a reason why piracy is superior.

I understand that, but why not save it into the my games folder like hotline miami, styx, xcom, danganrompa do, and other game devs who realise the importance of not cluttering up your users folders like absolute faggots?

There's no reason to do just dump it into the documents folder and anyone who does is a shit.

Agreed tbh.

why are you on windows 10 then, defensive buddy?

I can't even begin to explain all the reasons OP is the King of the faggots.


I wanted to play video games that are only playable on windows 10 because microshit are faggots.

Why did you let them buy it man? Surely you knew that it was a scam. Did you play it when it was a mod on Arma 2?

really? what games?

Holy shit, just save your work in a different folder you fucking autist.

This is because Microsoft doesn’t give any good information about where to keep user created data that a program uses. Just off the top of my head, you have the choice of storing data in the programs directory, the documents folder, the “My Games” folder, or the registry. No specific option is the best for all proposes, so you’ll find that devs just pick a random one based on what they feel fits best. It’s a crap shoot on all sides.

This has nothing to do with piracy.

Guacamelee is a great game though. Yes, one section has posters of idiotic memes in it, but besides that its fantastic.



Mainly I'm interested in Gears of war 4 and Scalebound. I'm sure there'll be more games in the future that microsoft will attempt to close off to their platforms, I was looking at recore too but that's turned out to be a disappointment.
I was also sick of windows 7 throwing verification errors at me as my code for it had burnt in a fire and I couldn't verify it.

I didn't play it when it was a mod no, I didn't really have any strong opinion on one game or another, I just played what the people around me were playing without thinking too much about it. It's only within the last 2-3 years that I've begin to think about what I like in video games and what my preferences are, evidently most games that people are going >muh shit games. at me over I don't play anymore.

I don't deny I had shit taste, or perhaps better put, no taste, but I'm attempting to improve myself by playing a wide range of games to discover what I like.

How the fuck do people like you even exist? What kind of extreme evolutionary flaw can result in a mind capable of this?

Splitscreen COOP
Why the fuck this is largely ignored by the industry is beyond me.

There are a ton of things you can do with another person that is more enjoyable than that shit.

Hell, just assfuck each other for a few hours.

user, videogames are all about fun. If people have fun with the simplest shooter, the most complex puzzle, or an open world game, it's their choice, and what they consider fun, even if it's total shit.

I find the idea of skinning you alive fun, does that make it ok? God fuck you idiotic cunts and your weak minds.

To spell it out for you:
I never said these games were good, I'm merely trying to find out what I like about these various games by playing them.

You'd probably consider me severely autistic by forming my own opinion instead of taking the popular opinion of Holla Forums and using that as a basis for all the games I play, but I prefer my method tbh.

Pirated games do it too.

It's a double edged sword, because either you hate the game, or you like it and must blow your brains out.

never change Holla Forums :^)

No, that makes you a murderer and you go to jail, while playing Gears of War 4 on Windows™ 10™ can at max make me mad because I'll have to downgrade to W7.

Eat knives.

You're sending mixed messages there bud.

That's a false analogy, as there are features of bad games that can be good when looked at separate from the bad parts, however, shit is still shit no matter how you look at it.

I can like features of a game but dislike the game as a whole. That's allowed right?

You could be diving into a pile of reputed, worthy titles - hundreds of older PC games and emulation. But you choose to dive into a fresh pile of dung from a long stinking asshole? Each to his own, I guess. It's the price of being a normalfag.

I do just that, I'm currently playing system shock which has honestly been one of the best games I've played and I'm considering playing deus ex in the near future.
I'm just having a look at what both classical and modern gaming have to offer.


you don't make any sense

How does this not make sense? Can you not just enjoy both?

I mean to be fair it's only 400Gb of anime on a 500Gb HDD. I need to get a 3Tb drive, then I can actually develop a decent collection.

Who would of thought Holla Forums couldn't understand why someone would want to play video games.


No, that would be ridiculous. You need to pick a single genre and stick to it.

Not hide as in literally hidden, hide as in tucked away in an unintuitive shitty location which is obnoxious for backup purposes.

Nigger its not a matter of genres, SS is great while GoW4 is ass.

Is it? I haven't played it since I'm still on 7 and don't plan on "updating" any time soon, but I have played the first one and that was a pretty good coop buddy game.


Oh look, it's the old "It's fun with friends!" retardation.

It's disappointing by comparison, the campaign feels lifeless with characters that the game feels like it's attempting to force them to being likeable and you never feel like you identify with any of the characters at any point, other than that the story is bland with some plot that doesn't make really sense the first half of the game is fighting robots as the leader of the cog goes half cocked attacking you for no reason at all, the second half is you fighting the locust again as magic crystals have reborn them and they're attacking humans again, even though with the events of gears 3 there's no reasons for the locust to attack humans anymore as imulsion isn't infecting the locust and forcing them to move above ground so nothing makes sense and everyone is attempting to kill everyone else for no reason.

The versus multiplayer is probably the best part of the game. Mechanically it feels a lot like gears 1/2, although the maps are generally subpar in quality, quantity & substance with a starting capacity of 5/6 maps and it seems like they'll be rotating maps in and out on a bi-monthly basis.

Horde mode is the same as ever with the improvement of being able to place turrets etc. wherever you want them instead of having predefined locations, but its all let down by some arbitrary levelling system where you have classes designed around specific playstyles and playing outside of your selected class actively hampers your ability to do well, a further point of contention is that you can't switch classes midway through a game meaning if you need a certain class as someone dropped out midway through, you can't fill that role as well and you might as well just quit and start over.
Not to mention the pay2win elements brought in by the microtransaction system, or the fact that people commonly leave the game at round twenty because they're only interested in fulfilling their bounties for the bonus xp.

Speaking of which unlockables are a thing of the past with skins, characters and horde skills being behind a paywall, you can at least earn these things by earning the micro-transaction currency but it's painfully slow, as per usual with these types of things.

I'd really only recommend getting this if you enjoyed the versus from gears 1/2, otherwise it's got nothing to offer.

This is the kind of reddit faggot shitting up your board anons, and they see nothing wrong with it.
I bet there's even more cancer on his my games folder

I mean if you really want to see, I guess I can oblige.

This is a slightly better assortment of games but really
ditch the trash

Don't worry about it user.
They're simply there because I've not cared to delete them, it's not like I'm hurting for disk space.

you're not helping yourself here…

the guy uses windows his entire computer is useless software

I'll get around to it I'm sure. I still have 300Gb left before I need to start thinking about deleting stuff on that HDD.
I'll live with my choices, all of them.



I hate to break it to the freetards, but unix and linux systems aren't for games. They're still far off from being a feesable platform for gaming.

You can help the stupid, just not the ignorant


Honestly I would vastly prefer to move to Linux once it's gaming suitable, I just wanted to try out some video games that are only available on windows 10 and see if I liked them.

why is there so much leftover junk in the registry when you uninstall crap?

That false analogy is fucking awful


I dont't think you know what you're saying.
They're not unsuited for games, there's nothing architecturally wrong with *nix to make it viable for games.

theres architecturally nothing wrong with communism either, its not unsuited as a form of government.