Cuckstar strikes again.
RDR2 A Console Exclusive!
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't fault them for being in touch with their customers.
I give it 6 months before a port is announced.
He doesn't know shit.
I hope it never comes to PC.
It's not different in any other position or company.
Same. First one never came to PC so fuck 'em. Wasn't even that great of a game, overrated as fuck. Any PC exclusive gamer that even pirates this after not being able to play the first game is the lowest of the cucks.
underacted comment
I'm surprised you consolecucks even know how to post on Holla Forums. You're all tech-illiterate mongoloids.
Consoles are a scam and you fell for it, you're as bad as those hipster retards who buy macbooks
I hate saying it because it's usually not true, but this is some serious sour grapes user
I played it on PS3 if you're suggesting I never played it at all.
oh no, it's clear PC gamers are practically dying for a port of a half decade old game. They're a bunch of faggots, RDR is fine but I don't care much for open world games. It's great seeing them shit the bed to this date over this game. Just yet another reason to not bother with the PC.
I'm more technically knowledgeable than you
Then why do you intentionally make poor choices?
Wrong board motherfucker
Cuck Holla Forums and all the underage retards might be more of gour taste.
What is "replace technical knowledge with a blind devotion to the console" supposed to mean? They appear to have a more than capable grasp of console development.
I mean it was nothing outrageously amazing, but it was pretty fun, and as far as the market for open world cowboy games goes, its pretty much the only one in recent times with any degree of quality
Sounds like a butthurt ex-employee just making shit up, GTAV's PC Port was breddy gud, even if it was 2 months late
In what sense? I don't waste my time and money on platforms with no games. I am most interested in games, so I play on consoles more than anything. If a good PC game comes out (it's been 6 years since a good one) I check it out. If a game is better on PC? I usually play it there. If it's crippled with denuvo, gameworks, god awful performance issues that shouldn't exist, why would I settle for a shitty PC version when a console version works just fine?
How do you justify blind devotion to a platform exploding with issues that no one is addressing?
Analogs are shit tier, that's why every console shooter has built-in autoaim. I bet part of the reason RDR2 is console exclusive is so they can get away with making it 30fps because you Weekend Gamers are fine with it.
shooters are a brain dead genre, I don't think most PC gamers would even notice if you had auto aim in a game considering the retards that play the genre.
Nigger, he just described my ~four last jobs to a T and I'm not even remotely related to "the industry"
Counter-Strike is an E-sport bitch, go back to playing your puzzle-platformers or whatever the fuck you do.
oh wow a 16 year old shooter I played the fuck out of 10+ years ago when it had an actual mod scene, sprays you didn't have to pay for, actual fucking servers with actual fucking communities and tons of great, unique mods.
yeah I don't care if a game is an esport. Hell, wasn't there a recent auto aim hacking fiasco in CSGO on the tournament level? That most players didn't fucking notice? Proving my point. CS is dead.
The fact that you dismissed an entire genre shows that you are not a real gamer. Holla Forums/v/ has been invaded with couch-slouching brogamers. Time for me to find a more devoted community.
They are though? Obviously not as directly as the actual development side but QA is a pretty integral part of making a game
take your niggermemes and go back the freech or wherever the fuck you faggots go now. Ironic emoticons have no place here.
How do you justify blind devotion to a platform exploding with issues that no one is addressing?
Consolecucks are dying for any games at all.
You're not even trying anymore, 8th Gen games are horribly optimized and with shit tier controls that havent changed significantly for 15 years.
I have something that you dont have and thats choice and free games.
Enjoy your brick sucker
Didn't you hear, boy? Gamers are dead
posting gifs of a story based game with no gameplay, double-kys.
they aren't dying & begging for games, they've actually had games this past generation. PS4 had a handful of smaller releases, and of course, bloodborne. The Wii U despite being declared "dead in the water" has had more games in its run than the PC has had in an even longer time.
You really can't deny this. The biggest PC event this year was a half-decade port of an old console game. It was a little sad witnessing such a tremendous drought. Can't pity consumer who support with blind devotion as opposed to what actually matters most: games.
You are such an obvious casual
hopefully rockstar north doesn't get its hands on it and it's left to rockstar san diego
Look at this salty nerd with his useless degree in video game engineering.
Because it has games, choice and good performance unlike the shit tier normalfag machines which have now become multiplatform iPhone trash in which you pay more for an inferior service.
that's a nice console game you have there to prove the superiority of the cuckster race.
feel BTFO
at this point I assume you're joking, but even if you are, prentending to be retarded is still being retarded user
alas it all makes sense now
you were anti-gamergate weren't you?
cuckchan was unbearable because of the censorship, not because of the community.
tbh the influx of PC gamers was pretty detrimental to the quality of posts
I'm done with you user, go back to /r/Kotakuinaction
Cuckchan's censorship only effected people who were part of gamergate, gamergate openly inviting leddit cucks who were banned for being pro-gamergate shat up the rest of Holla Forums.
you're a politically selfish authoritarian
The hashtag is long gone but goon butthurt lingers on
Like what?
Indie games that are already avaiable on the PC?
Get fucked
All of them censored or butchered by Nintendo with some nice exceptions being Dong Freeze, 3D World and Mario Maker (which already exists on the PC).
-Grim Dawn
-Battlefleet Ghotic
-Total WaWa
-Endless Space 2
Some of the few Ive played this year
Plus pretty much everything consoles have and older games.
No user, yoh have no games
Holla Forums owes all of it's temporary relevance to gamergate, we made you and without us you are nothing but 10 faggots circlejerking.
available on PC, better on PS4, as for the WiiU, you forgot bayonetta 2, the wonderful 101, and splatoon(how's that PC clone doing? Oh, dead?)
Why do you type like you're from reddit? Why do you think anyone cares about shit strategy games and garbage diablo clones? Do you have any real games with actual mechanics? Funny how you still need to use console games to justify the platform. Aren't you guys still begging for a port of Jet Set Radio Future? It's a 15 year old game, it's time to lie down.
On second thought maybe you should go back to reddit.
welcome to the current year where non-normalfags are called normalfags by normalfags for not being fellow normalfags.
It's a small price to pay. A few oversensitive redditors in exchange for the ability to instill such a profound butthurt into goons and SJWs that still, two years later, you're lingering around Holla Forums bitching about gamergate. And you're still rying to revise history in your gaming articles that nobody reads anymore⦠thanks to gamergate.
guess he got nothing else to do, being an unemployed virgin living in his parents' basement
This thread is one of the most cancerous I've seen on this website, trying to pretend halfchan's community isn't bad among other aspects.
hiroshima pls go
Hey cunt
owning a console and a PC are not mutually exclusive, get that out of your head you fucking mentally deficient parasite
you're an idiot
Which you cannot play on 8th Gen
Heres some more you cant play on 8th Gen
If the board was mostly Consolefags we would only be talking about the next piece of overrated overmarketed garbage and all the retards would feel right at home.
Just like cuckchan
With framedrops everywhere, only one input and res choice, shit menus and no quicksaves.
I seriously doubt it
Im sure those 2 Nip Comitek game ports with a little added comtent are keeping you busy though.
Hows DoDonPachi on the PS4 by the way?
Theyll be emulated easily, Bayonetta 2 already runs with no visual or control issues with the problem being the sound and framerate.
So you dont even know what is Reddit spacing?
Why do you think anyone cares about shit JRPGs and garbage DMC clones? Do you have any real games with actual mechanics?
Yeah, because I can have them all on the same platform without paying a fucking dime
Consolefags dont beg for older but good games, they beg for Bethesda trash and the next yerly cashcow.
Heres you last reply
>>>Holla Forums
You seriously need to go back
What, did halfchan run out of passes or something?
Hes right though, 8th Gen is a scam aside from maybe the WiiU.
Handhelds are the only alright consoles nowadays and even then Nintendo has been milking the DS with incremental hardware upgrades for years.
isnt that shit necessary when working?
I wasn't sure whether or not to include some of those. The point still stands, even with my original pic, on how a shitton of threads on that website are fucking terrible.
See and
Some people on this thread are straight out of halfchan, and aren't even attempting to hide it.
RDR2 not being avaiable on the PC has reawakened all the Never Ever exclusive fags even though they've been BTFO countless times with games like MGSV, GTAV and Nier Automata.
is that a picture of you defending your poor investment in a several hundred dollar PC and its upgrades so you can play half decade old games
My body is ready.
PS4 even streams to PC now.
You seem to be heavy into war stuff. That doesn't interest me at all.
A great plus of consoles is the great variety. Except for a few bad multiplats, PC mostly gets multiplayer-only FPS/RTS aka e-sports shit and "indie" shovelware.
And then fuckoff back to cuckchan or NeoGaf.
Im sure they will all like to hear about how nice the PS4 is for its list of upcoming exclusives.
Ill be playing everything under the sun while you wait.
Oh look another one
Heres plenty of variety in both genres and asthetics plus the best version with no framedrops of one of the best games to come out recently.
I built a mid-range gaming PC in 2012.
Name me ten worthwhile PC releases from this decade, which run properly on this and make this investment worth it.
1. No multiplayer (as console pays for MP)
2. No console ports (don't need a PC for them)
3. Can be played with any game controller (only supporting a 360 pad is not a proper PC port).
Fucking GNU/Linux has more games than the current consoles and better ones too, and believe me when I say that there are hardly any Linux games. If you don't think any game that isn't AAA and came out in the past 3 years counts then you are a retarded consolecuck who hasn't played any of the best games in the past decade because AAA western console games are absolute garbage. The only good console exclusives of the past 5 years have been Bloodborne, Bayonetta 2, DKC Tropical Freeze, and probably some other shit on the Wii-U I didn't end up playing.
Same here.
-Supreme Commander
-World in Conflict
-Sins of a Solar Empire
-Cities Skylines
-Shogun 2
-Mount & Blade
-Legend of Grimrock
-Divinity Original Sin
Fuck yourself
From this decade, fam, not 2007.
You misunderstood, proper PC games support all [b]PC game controllers[/b] (yes, this exists) with configurable bindings. Just how it was during the 1990s and early 2000s.
Most newer PC ports cuck you with a 360 controller or restrict you to KB+M. These games don't count, because they are shitty for this reason.
jesus christ
Don't you mean the other way around? You have to hand over $50 to $ony or Micro$oft for the privilege to use your internet to connect to game servers, don't you?
fuck off faggot, you just wrote this because you know most PC exclusives aren't going to be made with controllers in mind. I'm going to ignore the first and third qualifier for this list because they are absolutely retarded.
(that's 12)
And here's PC ports that were so shit on console that they might as well be PC exclusives
Now here's a challenge for you, name 10 console exclusives from the past 10 years that were good and on the same console
If you say a cinematic meme game like The Last of Us you're fired.
I could tell you to go back to halfchan but you won't, so I guess it would be more constructive to tell you to go to >>>/hdi8/ and learn proper formatting. Bold is three single quotes ' on each side of something bold '_'_' bold '_'_' and italics is two '_' italics '_'
Everything on sales, there are Key resellers and you can pirate
To max out the games, I played MGR maxed with a GTX460 and a Dual Core e6400, was getting a 45FPS average until I put it on medium and bumped it to 60+
You're cucked by offline DRM and you cant do anything about it while I can
Same goes for 8th Gen and I can buy a 1TB HDD for 50 bucks while you have to wait for the Slim to come out so you can have one miserable HDD connection
Its called Goyworks consolecuck, and it barely used in most games
Nobody here uses Botnet10 and your PSN account and behaviour on the Sony centralized OS has probably been datamines just has many times
But I have to buy something to play since I have already played my other 3 games 2 of which are multiplats
2007 was 9 years ago faggot
1.Thats bullshit
2.Theres easily configurable software if thats the case
You're not even subtle
At least you outed yourself, fuck off back to halfchan.
Stopped reading there
I refuse to believe these retarded console warriors are legit on this website.
Also all these PC Exclusive titles and not one of you have mentioned any of the simulation games, be they racing sims, flight sims or tank sims, it's a genre that simply isn't available on the console.
MP shit is only PC because it's free to play. It's just there, because of poorfags other otherwise couldn't afford MP. Would console vendors stop charging, these things would be gone from PC over night. So it doesn't count. It's on PC out of desperation.
(Despite this, I'm not interested in MP shit at all).
That's why I meant. Even contemporary PC exclusives are shit. One big advantage of PC was the choice from a wide variety of game controllers in various forms and freely bindable to game inputs. Even DOS games had that.
Guess what: Even modern PC exclusives don't support this anymore. I'm not interested in mouse-clicking marathons and using a shitty 360 controller on PC.
That's what I figured. F2P shit, mobile and console ports and indie crap. This is what PC is. Nothing worthwhile at all.
And don't forget the requirement, that is has to run properly on 2012 build. SW2 was the first worthwhile PC release since years, but it didn't make the 2012 build worth it, because it requires a newer PC.
It's true, at least for Europe, which has the highest Steam rates of the entire world. Publishers even cucked GOG into submission, so they have to overcharge the same way Steam does.
PC games are the only games with manufacturer price control in effect.
Buying digital only of course means, that money is gone forever. My policy for full price games is physical only and that doesn't work on PC anymore.
BTW: Keystores only illegally resell keys from physical boxes sold in third world shitholes. Once these boxes are gone too (because shitholes got Internet), you're completely fucked.
Racing games are big on consoles. Simulations (I use them myself) are not really qualifying as vidya. They are application software. When you buy Prepar3D from Lookheed Martin, you have to confirm, that you are not going to use it for entertainment purposes.
What the shit does this even mean? You're saying that if consoles were superior to PCs, then it wouldn't be on PC. Yeah no shit retard, and guess what one of those good multiplayer games I listed is free and open source, meaning there's no financial incentive behind it they just wanted to make a good game.
Okay tell me which console has this? You can use a pad or a keyboard on a P$4, and you can only use regular pads or the Kinect on the XBONE. At least on PC I can just run third party software to set up some shit like a Wii motes and bind that to mouse/keyboard inputs because I have the freedom to do so.
Also nigger I didn't say Dota 2, I said Dota 2 custom games. That's like saying recommending GMOD games like Trouble in Terrorist Town is a recommendation of Half Life 2.
I didn't even list SW2 did you read any of that shit at all? Every game I listed runs quite well on my PC (even UT4) and I also have a 2012 build. You are a retarded consolenigger with no reading comprehension that wants nothing more than to get cucked by Micro$oft and $ony.
You're wrong in so many levels that its not even funny.
Theres a shitton of pheriferal choice on the platform but most are based for KB+M just like most DOS games used to and they are all bindable if you have the right software, again, just like DOS.
Are you autistic?
And don't forget the requirement, that is has to run properly on 2012 build. SW2 was the first worthwhile PC release since years, but it didn't make the 2012 build worth it, because it requires a newer PC.
Nice job ignoring all the other games 4cuck
Not only are you a retard but you also have shit taste, who would have known.
You have no idea how this works, do you?
They're pretty niche and most ones are avaiable on consoles.
What do you expect from a halflet.
PC is only target of F2P MP shit, because consoles charge for MP. Isn't that hard to understand, isn't it?
PC had this. This was one reason to use PC ports. PC game controllers fell out of use in 2007 and the entire industry making them died off.
Workarounds don't count. Late DOS games natively supported a wide variety of game controller choices already and early Windows standardized on them (DirectInput).
Until 2007.
You should have seen when RDR2 was announced.
The whole board went red and yellow
You're a retard user a full blown retard
Ita hard to understand because its just fucking retarded
The PS3 didnt have paid online and barely any F2P games were made for it.
The console audience wants to pay premium price for what they perceive are premium games while the PC audience will play anything as long as they think its alright.
Aside from joysticks you're full of shit
I still remember a friend of mine trying to play a Breakout clone with a Gravis controller and failing miserably.
You didn't read what I wrote about Xonotic then. Xonotic is on PC because it is an open platform that respects the users freedoms not because it has any financial incentive to be there. You're correct that shit like League of Legends is only on PC because of poorfags but you're neglecting every multiplayer game on PC that is only on it because it's the only platform it works on. Unreal Tournament 4, E.Y.E., and Xonotic, would never work on consoles without being massively casualized to work with controllers.
Classic consolecuck just resorts to shit like "mods don't count" when comparing the platforms. What's the point of comparing an open platform with a closed one when you ignore all the benefits of being able to do whatever you want on the open platform? Setting up SCP drivers for DS3 controllers is absolutely trivial and I could do that shit faster than a loading screen on a PS4.
Besides you can't just nullify this because this isn't an advantage that any consoles have either.
Here's an analogy for you: just because a hot dog stand used to let you put your own condiments on the hot dogs but don't anymore doesn't mean you should just dumpster dive and eat hot dogs out of the garbage, and you can always bring your own condiments to put on the hot dogs anyways.
PCs are all about freedom of choice, and consoles used to be about trading quality for exclusivity. Because the latter is increasingly becoming less and less true, the console is dying and ultimately losing all of its buying power. I don't want to write some overly long autistic post, so that pretty much sums it up.
PC: "Anything you can do, I can do better"
Consoles: "No you can't"
PC: "Yes I can"
This exchange is over before it even began, with PC delivering a singular, face shattering blow to the console which busts its processor in twain.
Console wars are in a funny play these days.
>GTA Online is still a buggy mess over three years after the original console version launched
I'm not even gonna continue, fuck Rockstar, that port was shit.
RDR was vastly overrated, and the PS3 version was a fucking disgrace (I played both versions). Not to mention, Rockstar dicked over all of the devs so RDR2 is a completely different team. I expect absolutely nothing good from the sequel.
You need to understand when people are talking about PC gaming, they are talking about Windows gaming. People who play on Linux differentiate this often, but Windows is conflated with PC. PC gaming is not about freedom, it's about playing games on Windows. Drop the pretentiousness, it lends you no favors. Start viewing video games as a whole as less biased.
It got a PS4 release, bundled with Road to Gehenna.