==Pope Francis:

==Pope Francis:
>Adjust the phrase “lead us not into temptation,” saying that it too strongly suggested that God leads people to sin.
Isn't satan the one leading people into temptation? Which "God" does Francis believe in?
This coming from a Pope.


Posing an obvious question with an obvious answer there, OP


OP is a faggot for not knowing how to format his post, but this is interesting.

Again, OP is a fag.
Daily reminder that modern Catholicism no longer resembles what it should be thanks in no small part to the bullshit that has come about with Vatican II.


this pope is a traitor

Well that's spooky, as soon as the liturgy starts, the video goes silent. Compression went all sorts of fucked up. Trying again…

No one archived my "Putin calls pope the antichrist" 66666 digits thread from a few months ago? :/

Who was that Pope that was obviously a masonic kike that led to Vatican II and ultimately all of this? I think it was John XXIII. And Pius XI was anti-natsoc. Anyone who's still Catholic and not a sedevacantist at this point must be bending over backwards to avoid the internal inconsistencies.


Bergoglio's the most disgusting marxist retard imaginable, and he couldn't have come at a worse time for the white struggle.

Yeesh, that is sad. Glad I'm a WASP

I wonder how they figure out who the 144k real jews are that will supposedly not be offed. Those fuckers that sell out their own in the end deserve an extra special end.

I've heard many call him a heretic but don't know enough about the religion to comment on it.




This (((Pope))) is something else. Isn't the old Pope in jail or something still?

Is this the last Pope?

pope on a rope
Jesus never said nuthin bout no pope.
Constantine was an (((edomite)))
NIV is ©two dudes in the 70s with over 60000 changes and redactions from the KJV1611 (no copyright)

Satan doesn't treat his loyal subjects well in the end. I pity this man.

What would Jesus do if he came and preached in the Vatican?


All semitic religions worship a malicious and evil entity. The phrase "do not lead us into temptetion" is a running joke, those who know the entity for what it is laugh at those that have been tricked. In the end, that entity will laugh at those who knew it too: there's no bigger perversion than betraying those who loved and followed you. Did you hear that, rabbi? You won't be rewarded in the afterlife, not how you think.

Poland and Polish Catholics have nothing to do with the pope, he is a fucking lunatic.

youre obviously not catholic. go be a child somewhere else. the pope is polands pope. unless they would like to seperate from the church.

Ther is nothing wrong with this - the official liturgy is already like that in most languages. While attacking the pope and the degeneracy inside the church is always welcomed, there is nothing degenerate about what is described here, and this is not Holla Forums related - we are not a christian board for you to complain about minor liturgy changes, that is not what National Socialism is about, and you have your containment. I could be missing something, but I just don't see it. Fuck off christcucks.


I am catholic officially.
And the last pope didnt even die yet, so Francis seems to have been put into his position, him being forced out of it.
Just please look at what Francis is doing and what stupid shit he is spewing. Self destruction isn't a catholic value.

Not even catholic, but this fuckin heretic antipope needs to go. Everything he says or does dismantles the faith, piece by piece, until theirs nothing left and it's obvious from the outside this is his intent. How have the catholics not burned this demon in flesh on the stake as a witch yet?

Yes it is, it changes the meaning with some clever wording
Lead into sin->fall
Aside from absolving Lucifer fro many wrongdoing, it gives the wording a materialistic tinge.

It's only in French, the masonic state in Europe. And masons WORSHIP Lucifer.

Pope worshiping Moloch isn't degenerate?

Oh yes, your National Socialism™

Fuck off mason and keep your forked tongue behind your teeth.

imagine my shock

imagine my shock

Daily reminder to filter all torposters

And it's not just in France, who changed it recently, but in countries like Portugal and Spain.

Again, I don't know much about these meanings, but I still don't see anything wrong with it, only you delusionally projecting things with a lot of butthurt, but what else to expect from someone who tries to deturp National Socialism into some bible-reading stuff?


Only for (((Abrahamics™)))

You can be a pagan mason. You just have to believe in A supreme being in any form made everything. If your god is nature, so be it.

But that would mean accepting ONE supreme being, so to speak, and you have to swear on the bible. Not to mention the "nature" proposition… While there is some variation, I believe most lodges are explicit in that pagans can't join and need to be expelled, if a member turns out to become one…

You're a retard.
You also type like a fag and you don't belong here.

Yeah Masons also can swear on the Muslim and Jewish Books, but not on the Eddas or something, because Abrahamism and "building the temple of solomon" is at their core… Try going there and saying "Jupiter" is your "supreme being" and see what happens…

You only replied with incessant butthurt and misunderstanding over the non-issue that is this thread, that should have been locked already, and then claim TORposters and others don't belong here… Stop embarassing yourself.

Bullshit and you're talking out of your ass. There are Buddhist and Hindu masons for fucks sake. The only reason 97% of masons are from the Abrahamic faith is 97% of the religious population in the western world fall into one of those three faiths. They'd throw you out if you said "Jupiter" because roman polytheism died off over a thousand years ago and nobody would take you seriously for good reason.

Also you're still making liberal use of those ellipses which makes you stick out as an outsider. Whether you're an off-duty shill or a curious redditor, whatever the case is just go back to wherever you came from and stay there.

honestly god did that plenty of times in the OT.

but generally speaking, like some Holla Forumslack said, this pope would probably not like jesus very much.

God tempting people happens in the Old Testament. Usually with some kind of obvious forewarning, so it's man's fault if he's dumb enough to make the wrong decision. But it's obvious most Catholicucks never read their Bible, so it'll be easy for the (((Pope))) to get away with this.

not really. still haven't found a person in favour.

I'm not even Catholic, but adjusting the Lord's fucking Prayer? How have the cardinals not killed him yet again?

Daily reminder that the cardinals directly below this cunt in the Vatican introduced articles decreeing like 7 instances of heresy by this communist faggot

Except they can't join most lodges. Ultimately, that claim is of little relevance, because there are lodges who take in even atheists, so religious denomination matters little. What does matter is that Abrahamic, or better speaking, Semitic traditions are at the center of freemasonry.

Not to mention these mud religions aren't as incompatible with a "supreme being" and the general ideas of freemasonry (well Buddhism is a bit, that is why they can't join) as the European Tradition is. Hope that's my last reply to your faggot ass, considering this isn't what the thread is about, and you keep bitching about others, despite typing in full butthurt, with many typos and even misplacing replies.

I'm surprised they managed to narrow it down to seven.