User Gets Arrested At VCU For Saying The Word "Nigger"

Walked past him today when I was going to my class, and I recorded a video for documentation. Obv I didn't say shit, because the Jews and degenerates would've went after me like hounds as well. As far as I've heard from fellow anons on campus, he's been arrested.

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So you don't know exactly WHY he was arrested or if he was at all?
What is this clickbait title?

What's the charge?

I'm betting he's going to win his lawsuit.

Ya just heard about it, still getting info. Will fill in as I heard more from my fellow VCU anons

Its not yours bitch.

Lazy OP. Dude was arrested AND media already doxed him.


Can u lend a nigga a pencil

In what sense does freedom of expression exist when unpalatable words are deemed arrest-worthy. End the charade. You hear worse said of whites in an average humanities lecture.

OP is an absolute faggot

Oh no, look out now, it's pedantic user!

Is VCU in Africa btw?

What the fucking shit?

The sign said 'nigga'.

Kill yourself bro.

holds pencil
nigga, his arm's open

If an institution gets fed money

it belongs to the public that payed taxes to the fed

*holds pencil*
nigga, his arm's open


I understand, but if you can sleep tonight, I'll be very surprised. I'd feel guilty as hell letting him stand alone.

This retard's been sperging out with signs for several months lel

It's like loitering in the DMV, the institution is "public" in that it's government operated but if you refuse to leave when asked you're still trespassing.

The Chad Sign Guy. The Virgin Debater.

I found the lolbertarian.

So just like every other day.

Dude, this is the Antifa capital of Virginia. We are operating in the belly of the beast. Theres only like 10-12 other anons that I know of who go here. Can't risk losing troops to defend some idiot LARPer.


Looking like he might be a gov plant or some kinda faggot.

Nah faggot, just hate these mudniggers claiming "this is ours!" when its clearly fucking not.
When I see some second generation spic or a mulatto twat screeching about this shit, its disgustingly annoying.

Some more fun news from VCU campus…

?"The property taken by the suspect was recovered when the suspect was arrested," police said. "VCU Police, working in concert with Richmond Police, are committed to the safety of our students, faculty and staff."

Cyrus Z. Fletcher, 18, of King George has been charged with one count of robbery and use of a firearm in commission of a felony. Detectives are still investigating. Additional charges are pending. Crime Insider sources said Fletcher is a VUU student.

What is this 'demanded property' shit? You mean he ROBBED THEM AT GUNPOINT? Fucking newspeak bullshit.
Fucking third-world shit coming to a small town near you.

Press F to pay respects

As a Virginia Beach user I can concur with that everyone is racist. Im also happy people realize we aren’t all Hillary supporters. Probably aren’t even close to half Hillary supporters after you take away felons illegals and out of state trash.

Nig been nigged

Pretty sure Richmonds been like that as long as anyone can remeber. The newspeak bullshit however probably not. I do think that city has been democrat for a very long time, very typical of high crime cities to have decades of consistent Democrat votes.

Wew, what a stroke of luck. You just happened to be in the right place at the right time, amazing, it's lucky that there's always someone available to capture Rebel Media psyopsBASED ANONS sticking it to the Kike.
14/88 fellow natsoc, show me your armory for the RAHOWA.

He can sue them big time

Nah, OP is in my differential equations class, I can confirm.
I was with him in cabbell right before this.
However, this guy filmed was not user, but some civnat cuck. Will punch op tomorrow in class for faggotry.

I'm pretty sure this guy isn't from here but when you go out for activist purposes, try not to make the same mistakes he did. My main issue is his presentation. Sweatpants, skate shoes, handwritten sign, shitty hipster bag; he's kinda fat too but I'll let that slide assuming he's taking steps toward self-improvement.

Just look at this picture. So many people drawn by just one Holla Forumsack. A /lefty/kike would have never drawn such a crowd, though he would have a higher percentage of supporters. But this just proves how much power Holla Forums's message has. The right user in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

Is that some kind of pro-sodomy t-shirt?


this dude is a moron

look at what these fucking kikes have done to our universities. what a shame. OP is a fag too.

Which Stalinist country is that from?

Hi, just reading, don' align yourselves with idiots, and don't go to their places and surround yourself with enemies. Give yourself the upper hand, they're like invading hordes. They actually want to take your freedom away because they were born lower. Just don't put yourself in danger, we know what's correct and we know we have some of our own fighting us. Write something funny and convincing and not so rehearsed and contrived. Just make a video. But you should still be doing something. I worked for years online writing to let people know how monsterous Brazil was. DEADBUG let's people know how non human Japs can be. Just learn about something and tell us. Like that post about South Africa and the Hordes who took over. Or how Hitchens told us about the Muslims before anyone else. Do your best!

he has a commie messenger bag. nigga doesnt pay taxes

This is a good way to gather a large crowd of enemies.
If he was a suicide bomber, his kill count would be quite high.

the way they talk is so whiny


So…I'm guessing none of those people has ever seen Boondocks. If they had, they would have understood that his sign is saying that black people shouldn't kill black people for senseless reasons.

Hi There FBI

Even if they had they would still get offended because someone is telling them they are doing something they shouldn't.

Delete this meme you fucking Kike. Its a White genocide being inflicted on Whites by Jews.

so many niggers

Wow, cool show reddit. Tell me more about how some niggers are "based" and you expect me to pay for your medicare. Kill yourself tonight.

all those trigger liberal cunts that literally cant even, just standing around cant even-ing. fuck this gay earth.


….huh….the more you know.. i guess….
his first mistake was referencing some stupid cartoon.

In just 50 years the entire country has reversed. Instead of a crowd of white people surrounding a nig being arrested by white officers, you have a crown of jubilant nigs cheering black officers arresting a white man.

looks like they called in the nog squad.
got eeeem

Leftist creativity on display here. They really can't meme for shit.

Sounds like he'd fit right in at a university.

Found a kiketube link with more footage
Hahahaha, he literally just keeps saying nigger lmao

He has my support, I wish him all the best. It takes balls to get off the keyboard and put action into the street. It's just another step towards the race war.

sauce for webm?

no sauce, I got it from Holla Forums few months back

What did he accomplish?

you've inspired me. fresh OC inc

Worse. Downtown Richmond, Va.

i thought he meant he was both the chad sign guy AND the Virgin debater, because once he opened his stupid mouth he just kept saying nigger even tho he was able to draw a crowd with his sign aka he blew his chance to drop h'redpillz once he opened his retarded mouth

on the opposite end of the block where the pics above took place.

i dont know but i thought he took an interesting approach. trying to diminish the power of a word that holds far too much power by yelling it in public is actually pretty logical. he wasnt there to debate. he was there to make people uncomfortable which is the first step to questioning the matrix.

God I hate these whiny university students. They need to get exposed to some more offensive shit to shock their brains to the back of their fucking skull.

This reboot of "Die Hard With A Vengeance" is awesome!!!


Well he has more balls than most of us do but he came off pretty beta. He would have been better off screaming NIGGER for lulz than trying to reason with them… maybe he'll bring a gun next time?

Universities often have clauses in their 'free speech' codes that allow Administration to just eject people from campus if a threat is perceived. Normally this is justified by either current assault or a history of past assaults, but the safe space University of today employs it (((liberally))) and therefore illegally. This is a case of obvious content discrimination, which is always illegal in forums.

The key to drawing a crowd is to get individuals to stop. In a University, this is as simple as loudly saying wrongthink ideas or words, like nigger or faggot. If you want to actually do something productive you will say things that a normie will not care about but a SJW will flip shit about, like there are only two sexes or say 'Mankind' to reference humanity a lot. Once some stop, others get the social cue that something important is happening, stop, and thereby draw in more people. It is easy as long as you have the balls to get surrounded by raging college kiddos. Best way to use the crowd is to switch to a very reasonable argument and manner for the curious stopping, which not only delivers your message to a wider crowd but gets the initial raging crowd looking horrible for attacking this reasonable, well-dressed user.

he triggered niggers and kikes

Arrested for saying a word? What is this Europe?

well said, user.


Someone cross posted to the other chans

Perhaps this could be basic, normie tear redpill on "muh free speech"

Ehh.. it's kind of funny, but his message was stupid and I'm not sure what he was trying to prove. "Prevent Nigga Moment" isn't exactly pottery.

We call them normalfags, reddit
It's tier, third world illiterate
End yourself you communist cock gargler.

Have a webm.

Probably civil rights violation or some such shit, like what was doled out to the user that did a publicity stunt in an ape suit with bananas. RIP in peace, bro


First of all, fuck you, Holla Forums
It's not about the balls.
Doing something as stupid as that takes both balls and great stupidity. He is just an idiot that's wasting himself to rile up niggers and campus communists. (Helter Skelter isn't happening, but DOTR is.) It's better to do nothing than do what he did. The only way he could have redeemed himselt is if he had dropped some redpills.

remember the user that was handing out bananas with a string noose tied around them? that's clearly free speech but im pretty sure he was sentenced to something or other

Pretty much this.

Stunts like the OP, whilst admirable in a way, are at this stage useless. Twenty, thirty years ago; it would have been fine. There is no reasoning with people anymore. There is no dialogue. We do not need to convince our enemies that we are right, and they will never believe us. Go and look at the 'resignation' video by Al Franken - 90% of the comments are from women saying how terrible it is that he was 'forced' to step down, and that Trump should have to step down as well. They don't care about the truth, they don't care about reality, the have succeeded in dividing our society and there now exists an uncrossable chasm between us and them.

We focus on waking up the unaware, the undecided and the until-now uncaring. There is nothing to be gained from universities, but there are huge areas where we can find people willing to hear the truth. The religious, historians, scientists, police men, security guards, bouncers, small-shop workers, movie-lovers, gamers, sci-fi fans, hobbyists; all these people are forced to bear witness to the horrors of the jew's schemes. They see the filth, be it of the human variant or simply the corruption of what was once great entertainment - and they want to know why. We have the truth. We have the answers. They are willing to listen.

Do not waste your time at universities, do not bother debating feminists (unless there is a large audience of undecided types who you will convince when you destroy them). They aren't worth fighting for and they will simply target you, further reducing your ability to do anything productive.

Pepe, his face smug

Universities need to be defunded, but faggots in congress won’t do it.

Definitely. The best way to get that to happen is to get the masses on our side though. If you have all the Churches, all the Police Departments, a bunch of historians and scientists, and a whole load of other people all telling the government that universities are shitholes that are ruining the country - then you might just get them defunded - and if not you give us yet more allies for when shit truly hits the fan.

Wasting time sperging out on a campus or in a coffee shop isn't going to achieve anything, except that it will paint a target on your back and these parasites will hunt you. I like what the guy did because it was amusing, but if people genuinely want to help our cause then they should invest their time more wisely.


This is what a 56% white university and police force look like.

I want to punch her mug shut

user you're a god, this is exactly what I pictured when I said it.

Go and be friends with him retard
Start the local movements already, it's time

Bad timing. the problem would have fixed itself.


why do normal niggers fall for b8? Is it do hard to just walk past IRL trolls and not feed them?


Transporting yellow contraband and assault with a delicious weapon.

Based Norm.

Did… did you just figure out a way to make ISIS useful?

I have no idea what he was thinking, I go to VCU and a while back I got low level doxed because of talking about the impending ascension of trump, the upending of the leftist order, and the purge of all of our enemies, a few frats found out and blackballed me but other than that no one ever found out and somehow facebook purged all records of it from its site

This guy just plain old went full retard

user please I saw enough of this trash at uni, I've done my time leave me alone.

He is in all likelihood an anti racist "Democrats are the real racists" cuck.

You don't usually see the DRRR crowd walk around calling blacks nigger to their face.

If you pay attention to his tone and the general context of the video, I don't see how you can interpret his stance as anything else other than some weird kind of "take the power away from the word 'nigger'" anti racist activism.

I lived across the street from VCU for a year. I thought that I would meet interesting people, I didn't. I did end up Fucking this girl who was the daughter of a VCU admin and also of a retired US Navy Admiral. She told me one day that blacks cannot be racist because of muh institutions then I busted on her face and kicked her out of my apartment. This was all before the commie takeover, around 2011, so I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about. Anyways, there is no redeeming downtown Richmond. It all has to fucking go.

Freedom of speech is only for jews. Jews are allowed to do whatever they want because we need to be sensitive towards criminals with inferiority complexes and zero accountability. If you get fucked over
By a jewish supremicist conman and you complain about it, you are an antisemite. Why are you making such a big deal about a group of people who have over and over again deceived every other race to push their selfish parasitic goals? Just let it go. You are paranoid. The police state the CIA/NSA/MOSSAD created because they are terrified of how bad they will lose in a level playing field was not created out of paranoia. The 6 million jewish organizations which work 247 to censor all valid criticism of the most barbaric mafia of all time but ignore invalid criticism of every other group are just there to make sure things are right. Please don't even think about discovering the power within you to create your own reality free of energy draining losers. Please just watch the media that has 98% jewish employees but isn't jewish controlled and we will handle everything for you. And if things go wrong, despite the fact that we just reassured you that we have everything under control we aren't responsible for your problems, you are for letting us handle it, but if you didn't let us handle it you would be an antisemite. Please continue to accept the prison we created to drain you of everything good while enriching only jews. This is the only way that we can stay on top. But this is because we are the master race. We essentially rely on a system where everyone runs a marathon to decide who controls every resource on Earth, and we break everyones legs and poison them before the race starts, but when we win you have no choice but to accept our fraud victory which was a legitimate victory. You know what? Fuck this shit. I'm done being a kike. My brain just overloaded and I can't keep track of my lies. It's so much easier being honest. Wow this is liberating. I will dedicate the rest of my life to creating a free world where everyone can prosper and the best people can actually rise to the top where they can then drag the weak up for round 2.

Richmond user here.

Can confirm.

What's going on in RVA, user? Muggings were uncommon when I left a few years ago. Especially on Cary Street. What's changed?

I believe it's The Purge: Election Year.




whatever happened to him?

Good vid but OP you're a faggot because he wasn't arrested for saying a word.

While I don't necessarily think what he is doing is making any difference, I still salute him for having the courage to do it

nothing to see here, move along

>whitey got the sign's content from a show written by blacks for blacks coondocks
we truly live in the end times

that really hit me in the gut user
i laughed so hard
i die

Something straight out of Die Hard 3.


Based topic, bro.

He was arrested for trespassing since he wasn't a student, according to this: