What is the most casual online video game community that exists in the world?

What is the most casual online video game community that exists in the world?

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Epic cuck response.

Any community that tries to policy itself, through shaming, against advanced tactics that are considered too strong and can only be applied by experts.

Is there an SJW one? I imagine they're super casual since challenge is islamaphobic

That's a tough one. GAF or reddit. Really depends on what you're looking for when you say casual.

You know, the post 2007 video game audience that is majorly casuals who latched onto video games because it became popular, rather than a love for video games. Notable for loving games like overwatch, ASSFAGGOTS, indieshit and AAA flavor of the month.

I'd go with NeoGAF, they are certainly worse than reddit

Game specific it would have to be minedrones.

You're in for a treat


I'm not sure but /r/gaming is pretty damn casual.

I want to suck Hisu's finger.

no way i'm going there

It's actually really funny how cancerous they are. It's like there going out of their way to be worse than halfchan



One of its member's Kickstarter.

I enjoy gamerghazi myself. It's good for a laugh Or a rage boner, sometimes


Dear fucking god, what the hell is that place?


LoL of course.

Holla Forums


Btw I meant cuck not fuck

If I wanted to play a boring smash game then I'd just play Brawl

Want some extra rage? Organize the threads by "Best", with the "all time" setting.

GTA Online.

OP said casual.

Phantasy Star Online 2
The game is balanced around the kind of player that's in it to dress up their titty monster loli in the newest clothes Sega puts out and leave the character dancing in the lobby for 10 hours straight. These people make up the majority of paying players, and the slightest challenge makes them bitch and moan for it to be nerfed. The director said he can't just abandon those players for the ones who actually play the game, so the compromise was to make "expert blocks", which are lobbies you can only get in if you've beaten a specific, solo mission. It's not a terribly hard mission, but it's nowhere near as casual as the rest of the content, so the idea is that the dead weight can't fuck over the decent players as much. Turns out only 22% of the game's players are currently able to get into the expert blocks, meaning 78% of the game's population is a bunch of filthy fucking casuals.

League of Legends of course.

Fuck the vols for getting on this wagon and keeping it rolling. Its like le reddit spacing except this meme will get your thread deleted.

As if anything important is being discussed on Holla Forums that what threads are shitting it up matters.




Holla Forums? :^)

i know you're shitposting
but you aren't necessarily wrong


No, if it were a template thread the OP would be a (1).

star trek online.

Heh. Here's the only one that's even remotely interesting.

rts threads on Holla Forums

That's a pretty great solution though


league is casual mate

For those who don't want to click on a reddit link.

It is a serious threeway tie between Assfaggots, Overwatch, and Super Smash Brothers. I cannot think of any other games that you can play with directional buttons and only one single action button. Arcade games with a stick and two buttons are mechanically harder than any of these games. This is a fact.

can't say most but know for sure casual

League of legends
heroes of the storm
Call of duty
most if not all mobile games
no man's sky
most triple A games

people tend to take those games seriously though. youre just listing things that Holla Forums doesnt like for brownie points.

The game is just watching numbers go up, and the community (and developers) are Reddit-core as can be.

Runescape was fun.

serious reddit going on right there mate.

while I understand the "seriousness" of LoL it of it self doesn't hold a candle to Hon or dota 2 in terms of assfaggot skill level.
3000 hours into gw2 and can confirm it is literally casual farm for gold the game
Heroes of the storm blizzards wanna be league of legends and fall across the board and is far easier then league of legends
Call of duty never see any esport fo this shit of course i don't watch Cod streams, the only level of seriousness i do when i play call of duty is probably in its first week or so then it drops off since there is no ranked game modes and leaderboard shit is boring as fuck again for console no reason to play this shit on pc.

On the bright side, you can spot a goon the moment they say any of those words! You know the ones I mean, don't be a smartass and say >a

jesus christ. after all my years of huffing asbestos, this gives me cancer.

even if that were a good list user, the op asks what are the most casual "game communities".

infinity s chatango

you bet these guys are cringy as fuck, i think nobody uses infinity.moe anymore tho, only that small group


My guild during the first week of Everquest Next Landmark. Was comfy. Exhausted the tech tree almost instantly and everyone got bored though.

Jesus Christ. Nuke it from orbit.

I dunno, does shit like farmville count?

OP asked for the most casual, not the most autistic.

What even is this?


Isn't that subreddit originally a goon joke that actually attracted serious posters and then even the goons themselves adopted the ideology for real over time?

MeltyBlood ;o))

B-but user! Only the Canonicalâ„¢ rugga threads can be template! Changing the recipe even a little means it's perfectly good and valid!



Now that the dust have settled, can we all agree that there is literally nothing wrong with weebshits?

Holla Forums

Overwatch, they managed to take the 1 unit with 4 abilities formula and make it even more casual.

Holla Forums

Not even kidding

they're bad at games that aren't turn based rpgs
they don't even play videogames
they like to "explore" in MMOs and they're the casuals who don't even get good or get gear.


people who get buttmad at weebs are just redditors
tell them to gtfo

people who get buttmad at those they disagree with and call them redditors are just goons
tell them to gtfo

The first time I met an actual, genuine SJW and he used these words, I started laughing and he spent the next minute convincing me he's actually serious, since I couldn't believe this shit is actually used anywhere as anything but satire.

Even if it's not a proof of being from reddit, it's a proof of being an illiterate moron who doesn't know how paragraphs work


I didn't say it wasn't.