Sun and Moon Demo is out
Pokemon Thread: Hair Edition
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Gamefreak is doing interesting stuff for everything but gameplay
Many of the designs have good concepts, but their execution seems to be by someone who barely graduated from deviantart.
Not sure yet. Maybe that shellfish pokemon evolution from the datamine
Vulpix's I guess.
are you from the future, OP?s
Except Pokemon's gameplay is perfect.
If I disagree will you make this thread a nightmare for me?
I cannot count today
It's too slow. Playing on the old3ds. Everything lags, It's unplayable for me.
At a core level, yes, the fundations are pretty solid but the excution sucks. It is what defienes, GF, good fundations but shit excutions.
It would be extremely painful
What's so bad about the execution then, user?
Is this real
No you dumb shit
I'm not surprised by anything anymore
So I've heard the pokedex has been mined already. Is there anywhere that has all of them uploaded yet?
From what I gather it wasn't everything they had in the demo but still a large chunk of Pokemon.
What i'm interested the most in is, what types is that bubble harvestman and does wimpods evo stay water/bug? im a little disappointed by wimpod2 becoming humanoid, but it looks pretty cool as far as humanoid bugs go.
so whats up with that galo sengen dugtrio? whats its type and the explanation behind its hair (its gonna be "pancakes"-tier isnt it)?
Raichu and Muk
4chan /vp/
In singleplayer the gameplay is too easy. Enemy AI never takes advantage of advance strategies like set up moves or switching. You're never forced to use moves like defog and distribution of pokemon often makes what would otherwise be difficult fights too easy. The latter was a huge problem in x and y which already nerfed IVs of enemy pokemon to make the game even easier.
In multiplayer powercreep, especially after gen V, ruins what would otherwise be interesting and entertaining strategies and over-centralizes gameplay.
I got the dex from this post
Kinda disappointed but I guess it's sorta okay.
People thought the same about Hoopah and look how that turned out.
Can you change the date on your 3ds so you can do all the timed events in the demo early? Or do you actually have to wait 23 days to do everything?
This is all going by the demo.
It's alright. A bit worried about difficulty and postgame is still a huge question mark, and the pacing of battle is a bit slow for my tastes, but no huge gripes otherwise. Using the circle pad to move will take some getting used to.
About what I was expecting.
Tough call. Although I must say I'm really hoping Yungoos gets a better movepool than the demo implied. And that he gets some wall-making ability.
Exeggutor. It's so bad it's good.
It's a furfag's paradise. Nintendo isn't even hiding who they are making the designs for anymore.
Oh boy, the official nintendo shills are already starting making 42 threads about this tumblr garbage every day.
We need to make a new board specifically for pokemon.
But user, it's nintendo so it's okay! You should quit bringing this up, you don't want to get banned for "console warring". :^)
Just fuck off. Hide the threads if it triggers your autism so much.
OP, put down the keyboard, you're drunk.
Not fond of most of the design, but interesting concepts.
Not sure between Exeggutor and Dugtrio.
Played it on a 2DS, no lag. What are you talking about ?
Who's your favorite pokegirl Holla Forums?
I got serious amounts of lag during the Totem Hakamo-o when he summoned a rockruff
Some people will bitch just for the sake of bitching.
Your picture interests me and I wish to know more about it. And avoid sadpanda, it's blocked by my ISP.
As for my favorite, it's hard to tell, considering lots of pokegirls are lewd material.
It went fast on my side.
Checking that sweet binary
Mods are admittedly supposed to be doing their job and keeping the threads down to one. That's what they do for other games.
It's been done before for pokemon too so I don't know why they are slacking.
Honestly it bugs me that there isn't a "merge thread" option for moderation.
Chibikko Bitch XY 2, i like that doujin way too much, if i could i would buy the printed version.
Sure you could pull that technicality, but you could also stop being disingenuous as I'm sure you damn well understand what I'm talking about.
Come talk to me when the battle system itself gets more interesting.
But if it got too interesting then it would just be a SMT clone. :^)
Yeah, there's really nowhere for them to go but fauxSRPG battles ala Rhapsody or Trails. That would work, especially if you could use skills like Protect to tank area of effect or linear abilities. But that would be essentially a whole other game.
The demo had totem pokemon summoning other pokemon to assist them, making it a 2v1. That alone changes the dynamic quite a bit, and I think it's safe to assume later totem pokemon are going to do even more bullshit.
To be fair, that doesn't do terribly much if the totem pokemon die quickly. And if the difficulty of the game itself is anything like that of the demo, it likely will just result in similar scenarios.
Pokemon is very PvP centric and the entire battle system is designed around that. You can't really make a traditional RPG out of that. It'd be like making final fantasy into a PvP game.
Not only does the demo force you to use an overleveled pokemon with base 150+ attacking stats, according to dataminers a lot of pokemon had lowered base defenses to make it even easier. The point of the demo is just to show off features, not to be an actual challenge.
With stage 1-2 starters and only early game pokemon, a dragon/fighting with boosted stats and summoned help would be an actual challenge.
these two
i wouldnt mind having 8 moveslots so thered be room for utility moves. it'd probably break some things balancewise (because more room for coverage moves, as well)
Yeah, I got this feeling as well. But if opponent levels are anything like they were in Gen 6, then odds are most people will be overleveled through a good chunk of the game.
They're literally removing gyms in this generation you retard.
Dawn and only Dawn.
You know, I think there should be another game where there is only double battles again, like how Pokemon Colosseum did.
That would help with the lull of things since double battle require a different different strategy. You can't rely on Earthquake/Surf without building your team around it.
The music from the hill in the demo is breddy gud.
Is the new Dugtrio three handsome dudes or three gyaru?
I thought of it as caveman (diglett) to high society nobles (dugtrio).
Surfer dudes
I'm starting to think there is going to be more than 80 new Pokemon in S/M, and I'm not talking about the scrubbed spots in the demo. We only got to see what appears to be the regional Dex and there might be new Mega Evolutions or Gen 7 Pokemon left out for the post-game since Diamond and Pearl didn't have those extra evolutions for Dusclops and such and legendaries like Heatran in its regional Dex.
There are scrubbed spots between Alolan Raticate and Spearow leaving spots for a normal and shiny sprite of something but what could it be? My guess is a Mega form of Raticate but shouldn't there be two more spots for the Alolan/Normal version too? Maybe one form gets the Mega but I don't think that's likely.
Here's the music from the demo, organized much like an iTunes release.
No MP3, FLAC is a maybe.
They're not gonna introduce any more fucking megas.
Those entries might be for Totem Pokemon.
sorry for taking so long btw, I was tagging music from Pokemon XtraD: Gale of Darkness, along with Platinum.
Anyone do custom covers like the emerald one?
Wanna explain to me how this isn't tumblr?
WAIT WHAT!? No way, explain yourself.
So gamefreak basically has a place called "Nigger City"!?
Worse. It's White Nigger city.
Ha'ole means foreigners, but it's been warped into a derogatory term against whites.
But it's against whites so it's empowering. :^)
Wow. That's fucking awful, sorry to hear that. It's like having a Japanese town in Heartgold be called "Hairy Foreigner" in Japanese, or something to that extent.
Now I'm curious on why they added the TrumpTrio and Yungoose to the game, does this game (or will this game) have some sort of political agenda, unlike the others? I hope I'm looking way too much into it.
It bothers me that people act like white isn't a race. A lot. It's as if they think whites are some sort of untouchable holier than thou deity and they constantly have to take shit from others just because "da wite man is BAED!!! Day cun handul eet". That basically means that the people doing that shit are either insecure about their background, or are jews looking to gain power over whites.
I'm not even white, this just bothers me
The only nigger here is you, dumbfuck. It literally means "happy".
This is great, i'll wait for the sjw salt.
There will be no SJW salt, but SJW celebration.
Just like Gay means happy too right? :^)
mean this post
Haole and hau'oli are not the same word. Learn to read you dumb fucking nigger holy shit.
Why do people keep saying that Tiger the Dark will be Fire/Fighting rather the Fire/Dark, did they forget that Dark is the "Fights Dirty" type and that it is a pretty fucking obvious Heel (and Heels fight dirty)?
The only tumblr here is the people trying to force race issues into everything
I played it on a N3DSXL and I had major slowdown when using the camera and during a specific part of the Totem battle.
Not even X/Y or ORAS had slowdown that bad.
too bad you're fucking retarded and cant read ay
Yeah, it's just a coincidence that the new comers to the island start up in a place that sounds phonetically identical to Haole and they're expected to "be happy."
You really do sound like a Tublrina. You're just looking for shit to be offended by.
you are really reaching here, if you want to bitch about the game talk about the horrible optimization for the 3rd set of games in a row. Don't try to make up bullshit non-existent race issues; that's what SJWs do.
This is the best meme I have seen in a while.
Those are SJW tactics user. So fucking what if 2 words in a different language sound similar? City and shitty are probably indistinguishable in some languages but it doesn't mean a goddamn thing.
Why are u doing this
To be fair, we are.
Because nintendo fans do it for free.
Hau'oli is it's own word separate from Hao'le. Come on Holla Forumsfags.
Do you have no idea how language works? Fuck sounds like Suck but suck can be as innocent as sucking on some candy.
pookemon is kill bruh
You're no better than the kikes saying they're the master race.
Seriously, it's always a fucking squabble between you two. One side either going to one extreme or another.
One trying to CRAM EVERYONE into one fucking stupid "multi-culture" and the other trying to get far the fuck away from everyone else, it's a constant tug the rope game, which fucks everyone else over but you two on either extremes.
Fuck you.
That's a fair point, much like bigger and nigger, beaver and beaner, etc.
I wanna fug Brionne.
I'm going to slit your throat open and cram insects and poisonous insects as you squirm and scream, you stupid fucking worthless piece of shit. I hate you.
You'd best be baiting because if you're not, congratulations on being the dumbest motherfucker I've seen all day, surpassing the 3 SJWs I was forced to listen to.
Alright user, now you've GOT to greentext that story.
Excellent point faggot homosexual. Sorry, didn't want to confuse you. :^)
That's my fetish
I'm going to have sex with you in the missionary position
psh I ain't scared
over the line
Try again.
I'm gonna skin all the skin from your body and make you slowly breathe to death you fatass piece of shit granny headed motherfucking two bag dipshit tea bagger homosexual.
user, that's happening already.
You only got a 3.3 score on a Saturday night? God, you're pathetic.
Insects and insects and insects and poisonous insects and insects and inse
No, what the fucks wrong with you dude
I'm gonna pee to the pee to the pee pee poo into the watering hole of your face. THAT IS YOUR MOUTH. Come get some taste sugar baby you gonna cry?
pokemon is not good
the best thing GameFreak can do is pokegirls
If you say so, it's quite long though.
I suppose I should mention that the three SJWs were women. But at least those motherfuckers can read, even if their ideologies are absolutely abhorrent in every way.
Team skull's battle, eyes meet, and admin battle
ten carat hill
normal trainer battles pretty intense for normal battles
Hau'oli ferry terminal
are my favorites out of that
everything else is pretty nice and chill
Imagine if they manage to hook some poor bastard, living with that would be pure hell
They probably will. Because some guys are just THAT guilty of themselves.
I have a similar class, Literature Based Research, and I work in tech so this shit has no relevance to my field.
It's a useless class, all we do is research fucking short stories and poems and make interpretations of it and every fucking class the teacher tries to shove feminism into it halfway but seems to give up ("it could have feminist interpretations or something" is a paraphrase of shit she says at least once per class), like she's tired of it.
This is a community college where literally anyone can come in and teach if they apply, hell my own mother taught there in between jobs as a remedial math teacher, so adademics can't penetrate it's anti-bullshit defenses because literally anyone can be replaced as soon as they get bad reviews.
But still, their programs don't make sense. I've gained nothing by shitting around with poems all fucking day and bullshitting a report of 200 odd words twice a week.
I'm almost out, just have to do some remedial math to get an algebra class I put off because I scored badly on entry in math.
I am probably never going to go to a university because I ain't getting some fucking massive crippling debt bullshit.
Take it from experience, go to a trade school. You will learn the same shit, you won't be spending a ton of your shekels, and you avoid the pinko scum that has strangled traditional colleges.
Seconding this. At this point, colleges are more about making connections than actually learning skills to actually succeed at your job. And that can be done much more cheaply at career fairs and whatnot.
There's very little these days that you couldn't learn with enough googling.
Why is everyone saying dugtrio-with-hair is a trump reference
Have you faggots worn that meme into the ground so hard already that anything with blonde hair is considered a trump lookalike?
that wasn't his point, retard
You mislabeled that picture user, that's not '404 girl', that's clearly Glorious Leader Donald J Trump wearing a backpack
Hi, CTR.
Because fuck off we're full
That sounds exactly like what someone trying to correct my record would say
I'm onto your tricks, jew, you won't be brainwashing people into thinking Trump is as gay as Hanson today
Meme Magic is Real.
Get the fuck off of the computer grandpa.
>not fabtrio
user, Trump was already famous when the members of Hanson were born
Even The Apprentice only started like 5 years after that song came out
I actually chuckled.
Gardevoir is the best cosplayer
Gardevoir is literally entry level pleb shit.
but it has your name on it user
Only if I can use you first!~
oh my fuck that is too cute
does anyone play pokemon-planet?
Stay wonderful, Kekitopu.
for what?
Is differently changing some stuff up, some for the better, some for the worst.
1. Rowlet3
2. Lurantis
3. Kommo-o
4. Wimpod2
5. Vikavolt
Choice between Raichu and Marowak
Do you need to update rednand to play the demo?
Tell that to the genocided whites in africa.
Tell that to the subverters of culture in our very country, who constantly rail on the white man and call him evil, despite the fact that whites basically made society as it is today.
For all those who haven't seen them yet, this is a complete list of all the new pokemon in the Sun and Moon demo.
Way to fuck it up, OP
Pretty good. I've been playing the demo and it seems alright. I hope that the trials are going to feature something at least mildly more challenging than what's featured in the demo. I fucking love Team Skull though, their theme and designs give off some serious JSR vibes.
Much, much better than expected.
Either Comfey or Oranguru
Psychedelic Muk
Misty forever.
Alright Holla Forums. What's the current standing on waifumon to come out of Gen 7?
Alolan Golem?
Not even a question for me.
Survival of the plebiest, mein neger
Best waifumon coming through
Okay, since this is the Pokemon general, I just started the TCG again because of a coworker. I bought the Rayquaza vs Keldeo starter decks and made a water/elec control deck.
I have pic related, but I don't know if his coinflip ability changes my 50% success chance to 66% or 75% success.
So depending on how you look at it, I have a 2/3 chance (66%) of getting a favorable outcome, or have 2 rolls at 50% (75%) to get a favorable outcome. Which one is actually fucking correct, because it makes a big difference in my deck's performance
Is it me or does it feel like there are a lot fewer new pokemon this time around? I guess there's more if you count Alolan forms and they could always roll out more Alolan forms for Eclipse Version.
Anyone still surprised that Komala doesn't evolve? It'll be the second early route pokemon to not evolve along with Audino in BW/BW2. Unless there are others I don't remember.
Alternate forms don't have unique entries in the dex. That is, it will count as normally filling the dex out
I have no idea what kind of art directors they have where half the designs are 10/10 badass and the other half is 0/10 fucking retarded
Before I would have said that they had no oversight over which pokes got in or got sent back to the drawing board, but now I swear they're doing this shit on purpose, like they think all the dumb designs are "cute" or some shit
Why does knowing the exact number matter? You don't have to decide to use it until after the flip so just reflip if you need a better result.
Maybe it's because I haven't looked into probability much at all, but what the fuck?
i need more info on Fabio/Hanson dugtrio
Skyla, Elesa, Flannery, and Best Champion.
That alongside with the fact that we don't have any fossil pokemon (unless I'm blind) makes me think that there's either data to still be mined or that not all of the pokemon were in the demo.
Assuming good/bad outcome of 50/50
It's 75% to get the favorable outcome
50% to get it on the first try and 50% to get it on the subsequent try
50% succeed/X (25% Succeed/Fail + 25% Succeed/Succeed, both permutations are essentially the same since you'd stop at the succeed)
25% Fail/Succeed
25% Fail/Fail (the chance for absolutely no good flips.)
100%-25% = 75%
It gets trickier with X number coin flip attacks since those have more permutations
There are several pokemon that look like they could be fossils, especially if they end up ditching the "has to be rock type" thing
Okay, someone else said 75% as well; I figured 66% because you have 2 net positive and 1 net negative outcome, but I realized this was wrong because it's not a 1:3 chance of those outcomes occurring
It would actually make sense for no fossil pokemon to exist on Alola since it's based on Hawaii. Which didn't exist until long after the last mass extinction. Unless they are based on prehistoric sea creatures like Lileep and Anonrith.
kinda of?
i mean the same could be said for the megas for X and y.
where x and y had 71? and megas were really just a gimmick and you could only have 1 but now they are removing use of megs in like the ranked online stuff so really megas are pretty useless now.
like if we count for every form of a pokemon in sun and moon we get like 85? pokemon.
and the alona forms really add another set of pokemon cause well they are different types from the normal forms, which the potentional use of all those alona pokemon
The island is like 1 million years old at best. That's not nearly long enough for any interesting fossils.
It's a bit more than Gen VI
Gen 4's Multi with human partner is so fucking slow, now I fully understand the concept of slow. I'm only at 21 but every round I clear I quit right after because I'm so tired of it. I also still haven't decided whether I'll keep trying to find WiFi for my DS or just hack the WiFi ribbon on in exchange for completing some other task. Does anyone have a recommendation for said other task? Or at least a way to find some sort of WiFi that fits the DS's fucking retarded criteria? I'm surprised I could use it at all back when it was still up.
Could be good, I didn't personally experience any noticeable slowdown, but I dunno how that will hold up over the course of a whole game.
About as good as I expected
Not sure, but I know I'm going for owls
I'd like to see more of Geodude's line before I decide.
I've actually been into Pacific islanders recently, since they're the brown girls who look least shit, so the new Lass's do something for me.
counting the ub and the totem birdx4 and dancing bird x4 the null tpye without its helm(is that an evolution? rock dog two evolves. wishiwashi does not evolve. I come up with 85 in total
The only reason I think we haven't seen everything so far is because there have only been 2 "mythical" Pokemon found. There hasn't been 2 since Gen 3, and lately they've been averaging 3 or 4. I guess they want to avoid the Meloetta problem, or they'll be doing real DLC this time, but who knows.
That reminds me of a Hawaiian myth about some water dragons who turned to stone, maybe they could do something with that, I dunno.
Aren't the birds just different forms of the same pokemon? It's like counting all of Null's multitypes as different pokemon.
Yeah it's been confirmed that it's an evo
Any fossils in the area, aquatic or otherwise, that predated the formation of the islands would have been destroyed or buried by magma from the volcanoes.
Maybe they could bullshit something about fossils from elsewhere on the sea floor washing up on the beaches though, or maybe they could have the fossils be discovered somewhere else and you get one that was brought to Alola to be put in a museum.
each "style" has a different type ghost/ele/fire/psychic.
each live on a different island of the four
It's like Shellos or Basculin but actually matters. Well, Basuclin's have different abilities, but typing matters more.
I know, but pokemon in similar situations before never counted as separate pokemon
The new Ace Trainer's a qt
ya probably that shit again.
They have had a Hillary Clinton inspired pokemon for quite some time now. It's only fair that Trump gets one too.
Wow. That's an Ace Trainer? Looks like dogshit.
Guess they reflect the difficulty of this game.
It must suck to have such objectively shit taste.
This isn't even touching on how wrong you are for liking girls
What are you people doing to your 3DSes? O3DS and the framerate was perfect. They took out 3D, not sure whats wrong with your system.
Hang on a minute.
They are probably just night / day formes of the respective pokemon.
Nigga, naw.
Remember Phione/Manaphy?
Manaphy is the shittiest legendary.
Actually I like asphyxiation, asshole
Wow bro, nothing to get so out of breath about. You can keep huffing all you want but it won't make a difference. I'm choking back laughter, here.
Shaymin has a better design, at the very least. Manaphy is a textbook case of underdesigning- there's absolutely nothing about it that stands out. It also looks a bit too similar to Celebi, in form if not color.
What's the one Pokemon that looks like Donphan and Manaphy had a baby? It's like an autistic blue elephant babby
Daily reminder that Pokémon is a competitive and is in no way, shape, or form marketed and developed for children.
I wouldn't say "under-designing", so much as it's direction just goes no where. It's set up to be forgettable from the start.
What the fuck is it even supposed to be?
Also as a whole its design is pretty shitty and out of place
Every night I wake up screaming, panic stricken by recurring nightmares of competitive pokemon.
Oh, Phanphy
He told you,
He told you he could make it a nightmare for you and you laughed at him. Let this be a reminder to anons that Pokémon is completely, utterly, 102% a competitive game.
It and Phione are based on sea angels (their scientific name is even Clione.) They're popular in japan because they're literal tentacle monsters and you can find them off the coast of Hokkaido.
That was a fun thread. Polite sage so I can go back to overlevelling my Typhlosion
Wow, they really fucked up the potential there. There's hardly even a resemblance.
He's not entirely wrong though.
He is
Also archive of the thread in case you missed it
I like when they're both passionate and strong, if I wanted a stuttering, dorkly weakling, I'd fuck a baby.
Yeah. As far as Sun and Moon go, I'm really glad that they're basing new water types on cool sea creatures without diverging from the real thing too much. There's a lot of cool shit and untapped potential there.
Gonna be the first pokemon game where I'm actually excited to go fishing.
Of course he's not entirely wrong about competitive Pokemon, but the thread was about innovative battle mechanics, to which he presented the speed stat. He then called everyone who made fun of him casuals. In that context, yes, he was completely wrong.
If you look at that post alone and take his word for everything you might say that.
You have to remember that when an autist spergs out he most likely is misrepresenting what people are actually saying or doing.
He was wrong with his first post when he said Pokémon is the chess of our time.
I don't think enough people took the time to appreciate this
Dude I have the same problem. I have this recurring nightmare where I face this really scary Fire type Pokemon, but then I use my competitive battling IVs and EVs and calculators and egg breeding skills and hours of training to use Surf to kill it in one hit. I awake in a sheen of sweat, thankful that my encyclopedia-like knowledge of the game and every hour I've poured into it allowed this insane theory to become reality.
And then he went on to say the competitive scene is more than just perfecting a mon's ev & iv
If only he was namefagging, he would've been a much more lucrative lolcow
Demo is the worst experience I've ever had playing Pokemon. Everything is locked off into a mini game and you 1 hit kill everything. Then you get to catch stuff and have to give them all back. WTF is the damn point?
This is like some phone app tier bullshit
Your reaction image is the only thing more faggoty than you are.
If I said I wanted to suck dick then called it straight, you would have a valid point. I don't go around looking for weak women to make myself feel more dominant, no. I beat tough women, then have sex with them to BE more dominant. It feels real fucking good to be the top dog, bitch nigga.
Kill yourself.
That's the point. Welcome to the future of Nintendo.
This is casual city from now on, where shallow people don't care about gameplay, but instead focus primarily on waifushit, petty conflict and depressing linearity.
What a beta
You're on Holla Forums mate. What did you expect from the type of people who still care about Pokemon?
I like monster designs, I don't want to fuck anything I just want to collect monsters. I have to put up with waifus, furries and children trying to get all up on my dick. When all I want is a Mega form of Spinda
Only dumbasses limit themselves to a single sexual interest.
Are there any differences between the game on the new 3ds vs the old one? I know some games are gimped to hell now when running on the old 3ds.
It doesn't seem like there's any differences in the demo.
I would hope the N3DS doesn't run at 5fps during complex battle animations.
I use Old 3DS and the demo ran like absolute dogshit. Don't have a New 3DS to compare though. Battles had fps drops, and after you beat the demo you can ride a tauros around, dashing through the town caused my framerate to hit like 10
Never got a frame rate drop on the Tauros myself but other wise yep. Makes me wonder if areas are split now just to try and get more than 5 fps
Do you guys think that they should have put it as a N3DS exclusive, or that the final version will be better optimized for the O3DS?
So basically, GameFreak still hasn't optimized the 3D engine? (To be honest I was expecting that.)
Anyone know if the models still have a ridiculously high poly count? (I forget if that's the right term, but basically in XY/ORAS the models have too much shit to render because GameFreak can't into 3D optimizing.)
Holy mother of fuck.
No Mimikyuu evolution, though? Or alternate disguises? Do we even know what's under the disguise anyway?
It's going to be poorly optimized for both.
She looks like May.
==Remember to go to the guy near the pokemon center so he can give you 10 pretty wings=
Remember in 4 days you need to meet the girl with a hat
Remember in 11 days the guy in the hotel will celebrate his pikachu birthday
Remember in 17 days something fishy will happen in the port
Remember in 23 days you have to say goodbye to the girl in the ferril
If I missed someone else be sure to tell
It doesn't effect the gameplay in a JRPG but it's still pretty shitty. N3DS exclusive was never ever going to happen.
I find it funny how a lot of folks are sperging out about Litten's final evo being jacked as hell because they're worried it'll be a fighting type.
Name a single cat in a Pokemon game that's been a fighting type.
These are the people who thought it a good idea to make the fire starter evolve into a fire/fighting three times in a row
I wouldn't put anything past gamefreak at this point
Every leak about the starter's final evolutions except the ones about the Nightmare Clown and the Split Evos has stated that Litten's final evolution is a Dark Type. So far, only Split Evos and Nightmare Clown have turned out to be fake.
if this was real I'd…
I don't know what I would do.
Crying with laughter face, OK hand, 100% symbol, and what?
i want to PAT STEENY on the head
why arent you posting moar
Part 4 of the data mine
only pregnant Lana i have
have a Jirachi girl
No middle ground? Gigatits are great but those are kind of over the line. They need to be on an amazoness.
A new ball? Awesome.
there was no middle ground in that set (note how the filename goes from p0 to p1)
would be cool, but i'm not holding my breath; on the other hand, other gen 7 games may introduce more forms (like marshadow unbound and other regional variants) since thats been a thing since gen3 (with Deoxys)
Yeah but I can still believe, dammit.
Post more tits by the way, that Yvetal makes me diamonds.
So Ultra-Beast is a fancy term for Legendary.
About ultra beasts
It's only a fan theory.
It's more likely that his last name is Willow than him being a UB.
every UB has matched a character design. They're either transformation forms or "custom" pokemon they made like type:null. I think the latter is more likely, as they probably wouldn't have you capture humans.
So it's just a coincidence that so many of the ultrabeasts share a vague resemblance to human characters?
One or two and that would be believable. At this point, there's little chance that it isn't on purpose.
Not saying that the characters themselves have to be the ultra beasts, but maybe some body snatchers shit goes down. Who knows.
Holy shit that thing's name still annoys me.
Overall favorite is by far Cynthia, Sabrina (Gen 1/Frlg design) a close second, special mention Caitlin (BW) and Shauntal. Touko/Hilda is my favorite female trainer design.
Recently though I'm in heat for Hex Maniac, she gets good art
The going theory is that Gladion is Absorption because there are similarities in their color palette. It's stupid.
Think of it like this; When you first encounter it, your Pokedex gets a null error since the inhibitor helmet is on it's face.
Silvally is basically the same thing without the mask. It's not evolving, it's taking off the mask, and since it already has an entry as Type: Null, it registers them as two separate pokemon.
I've never heard that before, but regardless 3 of the UBs still have obvious allusions to human characters so far. Absorption may relate to a character we haven't seen yet, and I doubt all the UBs have this relation.
Also, remember that theory probably came to be before the data mine since there was less to work with.
If Gladion is related to an UB it'd more likely be the edgy black metal one. It has the same shoulder spikes as him and befits his edge
Holla Forums is exactly the same as tumblr now.
thats old news
Welcome to ages ago.
Holla Forums splitting into two separate hugboxes was a mistake, though that was probably only part of the problem
If you're gonna bitch about horseshoe theory, go after Tumblr for acting like Holla Forums now.
What? You won't? Oh right I forgot you're just spies, silly me.
Tumblr and Holla Forums are two sides of the same horseshoe.
Personally, I've always believed social justice was a Holla Forums false flag that got wildly out of control, like freebleeding.
Don't you have a wolfestein thread to bitch about jews killing poor innocent nazis?
You don't seem to actually understand what's being said
Are you even listening to yourself?
Just stop before this thread gets derailed further.
Personally I'm not too fussed about the Pokemon designs since there is always good and bad ones in my opinion. The main selling point for these games will be if there is going to be a meaty post-game again like B/W 2, HG/SS and Platinum.
As someone who hasn't played since Gen 3, I suppose I can go straight to S/M, right?
The demo was kinda fun.
Well, you'd be skipping some of the best games in the series, but sure why not
You could, yes. There's probably going to be a bit of future shock. Shit got crazy when Fairies were introduced.
What the fuck
looks like one of these retarded inbred white tigers from zoos
How hard will this trigger genwunners?
He got stung by a hive of bees
whats the type? bug/steel?
looks cool
His pre was bug/water, so most likely that.
It's a decent typing
Weaknesses: Electric, Flying, Rock
Resistances: Fighting, Ground, Ice, Steel, Water
Immunities: None
And has good stab coverage
Coverage for Bug + Water:
Super Effective: Dark, Fire, Grass, Ground, Psychic, Rock
Neutral: Bug, Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Ice, Normal, Poison, Steel, Water
Resists: None
Immunities: None
Well, they were selectively bred by the local nobility.
Getting progressively more 'tarded is probably a natural outcome of half the local population being related.
im not sure what to tell you
my fucking sides, nice
hello hundred knight
it's endearing
Manaphy is actually good with Heart Swap. Phione on the other hand is the worst legendary due to stats, and movepool. There is no reason at all to breed your Manaphy except to complete the dex, and even then event Pokemon are optional anyway.
You mean tail glow, surely.
What does one shitstirrer shitting in a thread have to do with another board on 8ch? It's amazing how easily anons fall for meta derailing
I don't understand why some of these alolan designs are so lazy. I feel there's so much you can do with Meowth/Persian but instead they literally just give it an ugly blue wash, with meowth having even less contract to his palms colors. Persian's even worse with the goofy proportions, it's only saving grace being it's smug expression.
Really a downgrade from Alolan Sandshrew line and Alolan Cubone line
I mean I know Nintendo expects these things to get datamined, but its pretty obvious that what we have is all that we're getting at this point, anyone holding out for more is just in denial
That said, Murderclown is dead as hell.
What are the Aloha Dugtrios supposed to be a reference to? Surfer dudes?
Yes, indeed.
Pele's Hair, a type of volcanic glass that takes the form of golden strands about as thick as a strand of hair.
It's been dead since the artist came out and said that it was dead. I agree with the sentiment of you and though.
Learn something new everyday, thanks user
it's a catastrophe
It was a shitty design. Almost as those shitty fake 'alternate' final evolutions for Litten that are basically Torracat but bigger and with more spikes.
Just doing my bit.
Say shit all you want about Assassin's Creed Owl or cannon ball Puma, Murderclown was too good for this fucking world, miles ahead of the actual design at the least
now we just have Braixen 2.0, water type edition
None of those fakes were any good, user.
Fuck you user, Murderclown was the sole good one
How does it feel to have shit taste? I wouldn't know, since I can appreciate art.
When did this place turn on Murderclown so hard, do you really think the official designs are any better? You're the ones with shit taste here.
Just chiming in to say how kek worthy this comment iwas while I was scrolling to find out it was in a pokemon thread.
It's an ugly design. It looks nothing like the original pokemon in anything other than it's colour scheme, and its appearance is suggestive of a dark type, and we all know how much people flipped their shit over the implication that Gamefreak would dare have a typing be repeated consecutively.
Murderclown was fucking terrible,,it was inconsistent with itself. And inconsistency is distracting as fuck.
It's happened anyway user, we've got another fire fighting, so I don't see why that was an issue
Care to explain further, just calling it inconsistent doesn't make it true, performer seal to juggler to strongman diver seems pretty fucking consistent to me
not confirmed yet, dickmunch
Every real leak up until now has suggested that it'd be Fire/Dark, you evil-clown-fucking piece of shit.
Yeah, even more so with the moves found in the demo since Throat Chop sounds like it'd be a Dark type move rather than a Fighting type.
It's also apparently getting a move called 'Tiger Arm' or somesuch, which is too cool a name to waste on a fighting type.
It's designed as a humanoid yet many features of it make it both impossible to act as a humanoid creature and hinder its ability to act as a proper seal, as well as idiotic features. Its hands have disgusting claw fingers that are flat, with a mismatching thumb on both hands. It has the bottom of a seal, which means it will have trouble walking, yet it can't move as efficiently as a seal in the water thanks to its arms. For the same reason, it can't be that strongman, as it will almost immediately fall down upon most exertion, try asking a cripple to do heavy movement. Its ugly collar is twice the size of its head and takes up most of the real estate on the creature itself. Pointless hair has been a trend in pokemon, but this takes the cake, it doesn't even match the supposed strongman theme. The rape face looks terrible. Every feature of the thing is terrible.
VGC 2017 is going to be really interesting.
So you're telling me Murderclown was too impractical and ridiculous looking to be real?
Then how the fuck did shit like make it in?
It's better than memeclown
Because it's supposed to be an inbred feral cat.
Have you not been paying attention to the thread?
Keep those commissions coming, user. Those 'artists' over at FA depend on you :^)
Where is the girl with the hat?
It's much better than that lopsided nightmare your championing.
I'll let you in on a little secret I'm quite impartial about Gaceymon - the face is completely retarded
It's just that your 87.5% tranny waifu is the infinitely inferior starter. also that bad make up :^)
The fucking thing got a bunch of porn, even though it was fake.
Who said I even wanted Popplio as my starter? I'm just saying its design is far superior to something that looks like it crawled out of the sewers and hasn't adjusted to living on the surface or in the water.
okay but what does this have to do with your mother?
Now, see, I'd be offended, but my mother actually does look half-dead most of the time. Also, Your Mother jokes went out of fashion a good six years ago.
Even so, this is the shit you're defending. It looks like it can't even stand up properly. It's 'ankle' supports all of it's weight. It's got a fucking Wobbufet ankle, and Wobbufet only gets a free pass since everything above that ankle is pretty much a balloon
oh i better keep up with the times and bail on this pokemon thread then. crap i dont even have an xbox one, id go out and buy one with my moms credit card after a quick stop at mcdonalds but im too busy playing flappy bird or whatever on the latest iphone (my battery lasts like 10 minutes LOL) while i wait for battlefield 1 to prinish fe-loading
You really are a retard, aren't you.
Any leaks of all trainer classes yet?
shit i think i melted his brain
Is this user's minder? He's been spewing his stupidity on the internet and making unfunny 'jokes' in an attempt to convince people they're wrong despite being inherently wrong himself. Please make sure he gets well soon.
ask your ugly mom to take care of you i dont have time for this
I'm 23. If I lived with my mother, I'd be as retarded as you are.
no u