How was the American revolt justified?

Im looking back at the american revolution and seeing it now I feel as if I realize that perhaps the reasoning for the colonialists revolting against King George was not justified. Britain just came out of a war against france and Britain gave the colonialists protection and providential benevolence as a government. I never understood why the colonialists took up arms just because they didnt like being taxed and didnt feel the need to house the soldiers protecting their ass. Its sounds like the colonialists and the founding fathers were ungrateful for king george and if they wanted independance they could have sent a delegate to london asking for independance like canada did a d succeeded.

The more I look into americas independance the more reminiscent it seems that of the Russian revolution sort of, overthrowing the government of a monarchy in the viscinity and replacing it with a confederation of 13 states that didnt work because the colonialists wanted a a government that couldnt get shit done untill 1789 when they had to aquire a constituion and introduce a federal government.

I feel apparant that I look at the colonialists and the founding fathers with contempt because they started a civil war in britain occupied america just to gain independance so they could expand their territory.

If this country was founded on libertarian principles, then I am glad to say that my ancestor fought for the union military in the civil war and brought an end to the libertarian regime of the confederacy trying to preserve the flawed ideals of the colonialists and the founding fathers, I also am glad that andrew jackson, abe lincoln, and ulysses s grant instituted a bigger federal government that goes against the founding fathers idea that didnt work out.

The very fact that donald trump was voted as president (I voted for him to for a different reason) further illustrates that the united states wants to keep a weak government and not have socialism which I am a socialist.

Other urls found in this thread:

Brits are faggots, fuck them. That is the only justification a man needs.

But we were british just like them at the time.


Well tell me what the Monarchy did so oppresive to the colonialists that was worthy of a revolt? At least the haitians revolting from slavery makes sense.

Total economic control over the colonies and the destruction of their purchasing power isn’t justified?
Yeah, nah.
Confirmed for being too young to pay taxes.
Confirmed for third world shithole.
They did. King denied them. Blow your fucking brains out. You’re too lazy to learn history.
Reported. We’ll find you and kill you, no matter where in the world you are.
It was founded on fascist principles.
Reported. We’ll find you and kill you, no matter where in the world you are.

It's literally the of the Declaration of Independence, that's the whole story right there. I'll even post the fucking thing.


Here's why the king is shit


Here's why the king is shit cont.




Join or die was the motto of the day. Not really much of a choice. Loyalists were tarred and feathered, which is much worse than it sounds. Most people would die from the severe burns from scalding tar.


It wasnt as if the colonialists were starving in the streets and shit, they lived in a civilized western colonial society.

You dont consider having the largest empire on earth of a nation you are of the same geographical area to be protection?

Everyone that works has to pay taxes, that is universal in all western nations and goes back to the aincient mesopotamians, taxes are an essential way for the government of your nation to be providential and provide for you. You not paying taxes is treasonous.

Was this really a reason to go all nigger against your nations king?

Maybe because of the nigger shit the colonialists were pulling off

Fascism for the individual or fascism for the government? Elaborate.

Wbats wrong with socialism? You would be one to if you were a nationalist

Are you in high school or something?

Okay to start it was a nationalistic rebellion. The US. For a while the colonist were essentially allowed to govern the colonies as they saw fit. George the 3rd tried to regain more power for the monarchy and pay off (((dept))) so he started taxing the colonies who were freeloading at the time but also making the Crown a butt load of money from tobacco and cotton.

The Colonies got annoyed with this because they had no representation in Parliament (basically the whole reason the electoral college exists). So initially the Colonies just wanted to become a recognized part of Britain or at least be represented.

Things then began to get weird as a bunch of different things happened. A bunch of autists with printing presses decided to start making anti-British memes and pro-Revolution memes.

More shit happened and the Crown sent soldiers to deal with Massachusetts for going into open rebellion. Colonies got together and after a fuck ton of debate several of the colonies decided to declare open rebellion in defense of the Massachusetts.

Revolution happens and after getting their asses kicked the rebels win at Saratoga thanks to the heroics of Benedict Arnold (I shit you not). The French and Spanish began aiding the Colonies because fuck the Eternal Anglo.

It should also be noted 1/3 of the population rebelled, 1/3 remained neutral, and 1/3 stayed loyal to the crown.

Your analysis of the whole event is retarded OP. The Russian Revolution was straight up Jews. The American was more of a huge ass accident instigated by a bunch of autistic meme spewing losers.

The craziest thing about reading that(which I never have before) is that all of that shit is going on in the states right now. Maybe even to a greater extent. But instead of one King you have many.

they eventually lost the british accent and became self aware of how annoying it is. they wanted no part in eternal british smugness when in reality all they ever did was conquer rain dancing tribals. they wanted to create their own culture in the land they had built. also king george was a faggot.

I'm pretty sure they tried, user.

A lot of American history has had to do with the struggle against centralized banking and associated institutions. War of 1812 was about centralized banks and the Rothschild attempt to hold on to power in America. They were delayed by people like Andrew Jackson, however they won out in the end. We have not had a generation rise up against Rothschild centralized banking and its hydra of corrupting influence in a very long time. Pockets of resistance wont be enough. History was rewritten and people don't even know about the true causes of American strife and banker wars.

I am actually for nationalized banking and a hardcore centralized government

Centralized government and nationalized banking only works in a homogeneous society, where foreigners cannot take positions in these places of power.

Youre not literate in what a nation is. A nation doesnt necessarily have to be a homogenous people, but a united body collection of people. You can have a nationalized bank and a centralized government in a nation like America, though because of population size it will have to come with some standards so it isnt a bused easily.

Huh, sounds real familiar doesn't it?

You're clearly a foreigner yourself. Don't even bother lurking, get the fuck out.

I wonder where the mods are. Any philosophy or book threads are anchored within minutes.

Fuck you and your sour grapes. We took our destiny into our hands. Fuck King George, fuck the crown, fuck your Rothschild banking empire that infected us.

Read a book, it has to do with money.
Pic related is mandatory reading here on Holla Forums.

A small tea tax. Big fucking deal, right?


Of course Bong propaganda of the day perpetuated such a simplified and dumbed down narrative. This was the Country to become the first ZOG world police bringing "British society to the world" and generally killing people the Rothschilds didn't like. A perfect example are the Boer wars and foreign Asian/African sweatshops robbing Britain of her industry.

Yeah but are you pro-White or anti-White?
One ism is as good as any other isms in moderation so long as your race exists to choos to follow that wordism. But you need to exist in order to have socialism, feudalism, or any other wordism you can think of.

So are you pro-White then?

As for your question, was it justified to secede from Britain? Um, yeah it was. You know why? Because they wanted it and they won.
Do you think the British Empire just popped into existence out of thin air? No. They went to war and conquered their empire from others. And they crushed revolts left and right. But this one succeeded.
Why would it be wrong to use violence to break away from an imperialistic empire that used violence to conquere others?

The two are literally nothing alike. Decades of drift had made America and England separste countries. America had its own governments and aristocracies. The war was more about one country telling another to fuck off.

The Russian Revolution was sparked by bread shortages due to mismanagement during a war by a high centralized authoritarian state. Nicolas abdicated and then kikes murdered him and ran the fucking country into the ground.

It took at least two hundred years before the kikes got a good handle on America with women’s suffrage.

Americans had become a separate people and been given significant self-rule already, then Britain tried to roll those changes back. Kikes like (((Moldbug))) will try to tie the American Revolution to the French and tar both but the fact is that it was fundamentally a conservative action, preserving the independence the colonies already had.
This is complete bullshit. America's revolution was a local elite defeating a distant elite, the Russian (and French) revolutions were attempts to do away with elites altogether. A lot of the confusion comes from the use of the word "revolution", which now carries a lot of baggage that doesn't apply at all to the American war of independence.

Funny how you draw the line there, you fucking cuck.
Given that they weren’t given protection and were instead conscripted to fight Britain’s war for them, no. Learn history, retard.
Yeah, that’s not a reply to what was said.
No. Don’t use words if you don’t know what they mean.
Nice strawman. Go suck the dick of the soldier stationed in your home who just fucked your wife.
Funny how you can’t list a single fucking thing that happened, isn’t it? Also funny how you don’t know that the revolt happened only AFTER they asked for independence, YOU FUCKING KIKE.
Goddamn idiot.
Nope, try again.

more like the jews who bankrolled the revolution weren't getting paid back and Hamilton wanted to borrow more money so they created an entity that could (1) collect taxes, (2) borrow money, and (3) use military force to put down any domestic resistance to items #1 and #2.

if annoying acccents justified revolutions, the colonies would have turned their guns on Boston.

Monarchists are the biggest cuckolds on the planet. Leadership through strength and skill? No, leadership through wealth and chadblood.

Underrated point. After its "revolution," America had the same legal system as before, all the same laws, many of the same legislators. In the colony/state and local governments the change was even less. The power center moved from London to Philadelphia but the system stayed the same.

The American Revolution was no recolution, neither was the American Civil War a civil war.

…except for democats


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


they came to a new land and had a brand new opportunity to be their own men and start fresh, and the crown (zog) was the main impediment to their vision. they just wanted to do their own stuff and not have to worry about a (((foreign entity))) having any say in the matter.
high taxes was just a talking point

>gives the fucking land to the bloodthirsty savages and taxes your ass due to his (((debts)))
>king (or his (((doctors))))says fuck off

and that's how the battle of lexington and concord started

Op is a faggot and the only justification you need is that they could and that they did.

FYI halfcan is considering another round of college posturing, but using the American flag. The goal is to make the American flag a symbol of white nationalism in order to force civnat cucks to pick a side


Posting here because I didn't want to shit up the catalog

Sounds good to me.

Read the Declaration of Independence you illiterate faggot, the reasons are stated in it. You should also look up the Intolerable Acts.

Found your problem. You're missing at least 3 chromosomes.

Daily reminder that the bad guys won the American war of independence, too

Kinda strange to to massive pro Masonic kike shilling on Holla Forums. Especially a conflict that was whites killing whites.

Eh who cares, Masonic is basically just slang for "I'm to pussy to name the Jew" same thing with Satanic, Globalist and the rest of the Alex Jones tier ad homs

trips confirm loominaty

When you seed a new land with subjects, they will create a new culture.
If you do anything other than treat them as equals and set them free, they will revolt.

The exact same thing has been happening since we started using the internet in the 90's.

The English crown had a simple choice. They could either give the American colonies representation in Parliament that would've been outvoted at every turn and ultimately do nothing or they could ignore them and piss the settlers off further.

They chose the latter.

Fuck off yid.

in short, a lot of the "founding fathers" were businessmen who had a lot of money to lose if the current government was able to keep pulling its bullshit

Ben franklin had a publishing company and therefore opposed the Stamp Act. Washington, Jefferson, and Hamilton had plantations whose revenue was affected by other taxes. Revenue taxes also affected Madisons merchant company. It was all about money.

user, I don't think you know what that word means.

"British" is meaningless if you are implying any sort of loyalty.
The Scotch-Irish were the ones that created a pan american identity from thin air. There were people fled where they were from for a variety of reasons including the english come through every one and a while and genociding them. The armies of scotland did their fair share of this as well. The english thought it was a fantastic thing to see so many fuck off to america.

These Scotch-Irish came to the frontiers of various colonies. Many of them where kicked out of the areas controlled by an especially "civilized" and sociopathic english pseudo nobility. The asshole virginian plantation owner stereotypes were generally from this breed of englishmen. They used indentured whites long before the jew brought niggers over. One thing they loved to do was bring over indentured women, rape them, and add the time they couldn't work while pregnant to their time remaining indentured. So a bunch of Scotch-Irish fucked off again to the Appalachian mountains. Normally these areas were inhospitable to whites due to being relatively infertile (only trees grow here!) and home to murderous, cannibalistic natives that prowled the area. But after having suffered so much in Ulster, the Scotch-Irish were in a comparative paradise and were in fact rewarded for fighting the natives who they realized were bitch ass niggers.

So now, after knowing all that, take a big guess who pulled most of the weight when it came to the revolutionary war and declaring that all the colonies are now "Murrica"?
After the war, they then proceeded to fight and fuck all the way to the west coast, clearing out natives and allowing more civilized whites to do their thing with some safety before we finally started to put a real army together and rekt native shit once and for all.

When looking at american history, I highly suggest making a point to identify the various racial groups that colonized the US, what sort of situation they came from, what they did when they got here. You'll find that where they came from made HUGE fucking differences in their behavior.

Fuck that was mangled.

What a cuck

Traditionally and historically nation has referred to the larger family of a particular people. It has only become synonymous with countries because countries used to be a homegonous nation of people. The only exceptions to this rule were empires and the modern kiked clusterfuck of a thousand varieties that we have in the west.

Look where you're at and now the U.S., do you think their decision was a mistake?

well you stupid faggot, here's a lesson that your precious limp wristed bourgeois pencil necked faggot professors would shudder at hearing:

"How did the nobles become nobles in the first place? They TOOK IT, at the tip of a sword!"

Revolts are justified by winning the war.

King george was a retarded massive faggot tbh.
The monarchy ruined the relationship greatly.

But that said, france had interests in cutting the relationship.

I thought it was their dislike of cricket that started the war.


>>>Holla Forums

It will be fully justified once the promise of Trump's presidency is fulfilled. At least on a spiritual level.

The revolution cannot come quickly enough. We're making our ancestors proud user.

Gee, OP, I dunno.

It was more than being taxed. The American colonies had always been mostly self-governing and had not had internal taxes imposed on them. The Americans were angry that the status quo was being upended. Radicals protested one of the taxes by causing major property damage during the Boston Tea Party; the British punished the whole Massachusetts Bay Colony by revoking the charter and imposing the Intolerable Acts on them. There was legitimate tyranny and you've revealed that you know absolutely nothing about American history.

and yet the British government did not treat them fully as such.

colonialists were denied multiple privileges that had been given to the yeomen for generations, see and>>10996866. All the while expecting them to fulfill obligations expected of said yeomen. It was quite simply a breach of social contract between the crown and his subjects

not recommended
t. subject to the crown, like all leafs (burgers are citizens, which technically makes you more free although in practice.. ehh)

also the crown in england had been taken over by rothschild interests for at least 200 years

Our ancestors fought an eight year war against the world super power of its time for far less than we regularly put up with from our own government now.

Daily Reminder that /polmeta/ is a joke and the mods hate this link.

In the last 24 hours…

The colonialist Masons wanted a new secret club/land all to themselves to rule and they tricked the people to die for them to acquire it.

After the OP I thought you were just the product of modern public education but now your bias is pretty clear. Enjoy your muslim mayor you butthurt cuck.

Also a load of shit was happening at the time, the French (((Revolution))) was starting in its infancy and liberalism was threatening to spread.

Britain and Prussia had to spend big to keep France at bay and chasing Napoleon around the world wile trying to stop the rot too was a big juggling act and sadly some balls where dropped.

And we all know how it finished, with a lie and some bankers from Frankfurt buying the hole of Britain, Prussia and France the next day with his fathers ill gotten gains.

was a bad for years for us bogs

sorry for the meme spaces

You should be sorry for double posting and replying to yourself. If you took 30 seconds to consolidate your thoughts before puking them all over your keyboard this wouldn't happen.

We won.

The elites in america betrayed their masters as soon as they could. And their first president was of course the military leader of the operation: george washington was the fidel castro of the american revolution.

been an interesting thread,made me curious, why did Canada and Australia stay loyal to england for so long when America didn't?


Not sure if you're suggesting 1812 was the first time, but both sides were funded by central banks during the revolution

The loyalist fags moved to Canada after the war, Australia was not settled in large enough numbers for a rebellion to have any hope and eventually the Crown realized they should try and contain themselves and not cock everything up

It was a war of memes. If you control the memes you control the universe.

Here’s a better version the Boston massacre meme.

Lurk moar user.

Having a nation of liberty and human rights is impossible in a multiethnic or nonwhite society, every possible example in history along with human biology shows this.

General Gage marched upon Concord Massachusetts under orders from the British Religion of Cuck™ic crown to confiscate all of the colonists firearms and gunpowder performing the nations first common sense gun control.

The gun owners got really pissed and shot the gun grabbing cops in the fucking face.

That is how it started.

Do not fuck with our guns or we will kill you all.

We should give the 13 colonies back to England.

Make England merry again.

And California as interest.


You surely know the Haitians raped and slaughtered every white they found, justify that you fucking faggot. Go suck more false Hegelian cock.

Trips for truth.

American war for independence is 1 part fact 9 parts psyop. British elites were mostly sympathetic to the Americans, some were even complicit. Sydney George Fisher suggests this in his True Story of the Revolutionary War when he discusses key points where both sides didn't act on intelligence they had that could've been decisive or peculiar troop movements that allowed the American army to persist. George Washington was a terrible general but a Mason and well-connected, he was probably groomed for the role by some Brits to start with. Most citizens weren't directly affected by the war and what they did know of the war tended to be straight up propaganda. Popular enthusiasm of the masses was directed by skilled propagandists in order to generate the illusion that the founding of the country severed the historical burdens associated with the old monarchical regime and would be founded on and legitimized by the popular will.

True History of the American Revolution* by Sydney George Fisher is what I meant.

Seriously, check it out, it asks some interesting questions about how the country was founded.

Britain was adamant about not letting us settle beyond the proclamation line after we had fought France over the Ohio valley. Americans were pissed because they felt as though they had fought for the right to move into the land. Also the lack of a centralized parliament on the American continent led to some pretty bitter feelings toward London, especially after fucking Ireland got one.

They didn't protect the Colonies protection against King Phillip and his redskins, those garrisons were only there to show the people who was boss.

Revolutions of descent: Russian (Bolshevik), French
Revolutions of ascent: American (later/"2nd").

The King was being a faggot, and instead of burning jewry for it's exploitation of false ledgers of property against the crown, it passed them on to the colonies at large. Repeatedly, in escalation, and in such a manner as to breech the tradeshipyard and harborport transport company receivers.

These shore-side merchants may have flipped their shit, and they may have been kike-alike, but they didn't carry. The revolution built-up because of not them, actually ignited because of not-them, continued because of not-them, and succeeded because of not-them. Granted, it did take us a couple times. But we learned, and made the Declaration as a perfect propaganda document to incite the other colonies, distributing it more outside the soon to be USA than inside, which divided Britain's navy and worked. Also, Benny helped get us the last of the French actual rightful to back the sea-side support, though they were a bit slow in arrival.

What makes the USA revolutions not libertarian, and not jewry communist revolts, is because they were for their own self-made property being seized, and didn't give two shits about the crown's currency, class, nor entitlements. Contrast this to Catalonia fighting to convince others to help them keep their merchanted property, or the Bolsheviks deceiving and manipulating to kike the country on behalf of royal whores and sex den feminists.

The States each had their own currency and banks, all monies were clusterfucks, so that simplified things in a way. Also, there were no whores in the Philadelphia congress, and Benny kept his whores wholly separate and private from public influence (also, kept most of them in Europe, where they had even less of a say).

In summary, it is not the parts that are similar to other revolutions that counted. Otherwise we would be those other revolutions, by definition.

What about it? There was no none. See Divisions of Royal Proclamation of 1763. "Canada" people had been fighting the French and natives; Canada was actually the province of Quebec under British control (formerly French Canada, before being ceded under treaty) and they had their own problems. Canada wasn't loyal to the Crown, but it didn't matter. Also, that far north it was about military forts, shipyards, and sea trade routes. The Colonialists wanted to stop the British forces and movements; The Colonialists and Quebec peoples liked each other, but neither was in any position to help the other. It was largely a waste of time to head north, or at best a stalling distraction. Loyalty had nothing to do with any of these mechanics.

As for Ausland, you have got to be bat shit insane. What was Ausland doing in 1750 thru 1790? Nothing. Because it too didn't exist, but even less so than your "Canada" above. It was a quasi-penal colony largely developed as a response to the growing problems with the soon to be USA colonies. In fact, IIRC, it was founded officially only after the Declaration. So I'm not sure loyalty has anything to do with that either.

That doesn't really prove anything, the US is the only western country to never exile Jew's

good to know

It wasn't really about the tea tax, America had started printing its own currency independently of the kiked UK and refused to stop. Things snowballed from there.

Read Eustace Mullins

The Revolution was to protect US from (((usury))) as they were printing money themselves, but they lost. More on that in Web of Debt book by Ellen Brown.

All republicanism is utter and complete cancer. The plebs were seduced, like countless other times, by anti-hierarchical, humanist faggotry pushed by decadent elites including (((masons))). in order to bring about the replacement of one type of control by another - in this case by the bourgeoisie. Republicanism, democracy etc paves the way for the Dominion of Mammon, ergo the dominion of the Juden. This is where we are today.

Oh come on now. Troll better.

The plebs are always seduced. That part helps collapse revolutions, not make them. Seduction does not gain independence, it is a dependency-selecting act.

Well said. Witnessed, great start to a shit thread.

Without the watermark.



Well… originally you where noble due to your caste, but your caste was a reflection of your genetics, which was a reflection of the (level of virtue of the) oversoul that you embodied. Back in antiquity one was noble because they where gods among men, the strongest, the most honorable, the most just and righteous. As many things it to has fallen prey to corruption.


Also this.

Kek approved!

Yeah, kill yourself. Reported.

Best comment. Best person. *claps*

That's what I said; all revolutions in the name of the people, whether in the name of suffrage, liberty, whatever, are ultimately a mystification. The 'people' have never, nor will they ever, rule. The cognitive dissonance that sees the French revolution for what it was - namely a masonic-capitalist usurpation and an inversion from rule by blood to rule by finance - while ignoring those aspects in the American revolution are being dishonest.

you sound flustered

Essentially the true cause comes down to the landowners and their opposition to the Empire and King defining the borders of the colonies.

The landowners wanted more land because they wanted influence in parliament like British landowners. Their belief was that if they got a lot more land then it wouldn't matter that it was in the colonies.
And if that didn't work then money would have worked too and more land equals more money.
So when the king slapped down a royal proclamation defining the borders of the colonies and telling them to stop picking fights with the locals. You can imagine how pissed the new world landowners were.
Their hopes had essentially been shreked and now they had to pay taxes too.

So they agitated, bought arms, got in touch with the French, etc all to instigate a revolution.

When said war did come the natives almost entirely fought on the side of the Empire.
And the Empire in turn went on to arm them for a considerable time after.
Forces from the last native nation (Tecumseh's confederacy) also participated in the war of 1812 aiding the Canadian colonial forces.

It all boils down to greed. Even the states were rigged up in such a way as to ensure the dominance of particular landowners or groups of landowners.
Until the whole federal thing really took off.
The question of Jewish involvement is mostly answered as there were a number of Jews and representatives of the Rothschild clan heavily involved in the drafting of the various founding documents for the USA, we just don't know how heavy their involvement in the pre-revolution planning was.

Great post.

If you bother to read writings and sentiments you will know fucking why.

They felt they were British, but they were given second class citizen status.

They didnt care about the taxes, they were pissed they didnt have a say or representation.

Mercantilism, or fucking kike run economy/state bullshit, kept fucking with American trading companies.

Gungrabbing brit faggotry was trying to disarm colonist while hostile native American tribes were saucy after French and Indian war.

Americans had collectively enough of brit bullshit and kicked them out. Its like if london and parliment assholes were kicked off the British isles. When people are tired of your bullshit, fuck your feelings if it is justified, you can pound sand or dig your grave.

You’re declaration was written by Freemason kikes, you delusional fuck.

Well, now we all know why you hate WN. No one will care when you finally become Mexico 2.

Yes, it's true. So what? They get the bullet too come day of the rope. The poison at the ned of it all is jews and social liberalism.

Keep pushing your D&C kike bullshit though. You're either a shill or a butthurt brit soyboi.

Read the WASP Question by Andrew Fraser he goes into detail about the adverse effect the revolution had on the Anglo American psyche.

they could. they did.
and unlike kikes in israel they did finish the job.

if anything the real shameful thing is how (((federalists))) took over.

Lotsa good Murrica! Got my funs! Fuck Britbongs! here. That's cool and all, but most of you anons are just sucking up the propaganda of the rebellion like it was gravy on Saturday morning. I'm still a proud American, but can handle the truth.

Every line of my family was in the Southern Colonies prior to the Revolution. One line may not have supported it, most of the others fought for the rebels. Make no mistake about it, it was a red-faced rebellion against a rightful sovereign. We call it a revolution because the rebels won, and for no other reason.

There were many reasons for the war. I've seen most of them listed in various posts, but one I haven't seen (or I missed it) is the whole idea of a class privileged by birth; the gentry. There were men in London who were not extraordinarily wealthy, but were officially "gentlemen," or even Lords of one sort or the other, who held a rank in British society that no great Carolina rice farmer or Yankee merchant fleet owner could ever acquire - ever. It was a matter of birth.

There were some extremely wealthy, highly educated, and influential men in the colonies who rightfully resented being always seen as scum and plebs because they had the wrong parents; not bad parents, or poor parents, just not "noble."

They were educated at Cambridge and Oxford, where they debated natural law, and the philosophy of men like Francis Bacon and John Locke. They were healthy, wealthy, and white, and, well, you know. Something was bound to come of it.

This is the main reason we went to war. These influential men used their influence to convince enough common people that freedoms were just a battle away - freedom from being a citizen of the richest and most powerful country on earth, but oh well. They wanted to create a meritocracy in place of an aristocracy, where a man earned his place in society, rather than being born to it (There are good arguments for both ideas) .

Think of Puerto Rico fighting a rebellion against the US. This is not far from what happened. As much as it's cool to hate France and all, without France we would have lost, hands down, no shit. The French seized the opportunity to renew hostilities with their hated and ancient enemy. Britain was fighting two wars, and we were not the most threatening enemy. If Russia sided with Puerto Rico, we wouldn't worry as much about Puerto Rico as Russia, right? Yet they did send some very able troops and commanders here. They intended to win. But it took too long, and the citizens of Britain got tired of it.

We didn't fight a war over tea and taxes. Our ancestors fought because they no longer wanted to be ruled from London. The ultimate reason for the war, and the one that you should always use when arguing about it, is that it was about government by consent of the governed.

This idea is the very cornerstone of our Constitution, our government, and our nation. It was written to be fair to all citizens, a government that they would consent to be governed by was created, and I truly believe they did the right thing.

Maybe the past couple night of insomnia are starting to having an affect and it’s just me but I have no idea what you’re trying to say. Your grammar, spelling, and the over all composition of your post have left me baffled, confused, and vaguely queasy. I’ll excuse your spelling because I am an atrocious speller but for fucks sake at least make an effort. Please be a fucking spic so you can be deported because I can tell English ain’t your native language.
Anyhoo, the American Revolution as told by an American; Once upon a time we actually got mad about taxes and shot a bunch of people over them. The End.

Because fuck you, that's why.

Hey burgers, water that tree will you? it's time already. If I could buy an AR-15 in my country I would.

Have some relevent beavers. Too tired to search for the exact one

those motherfuckers tried to tax our sugar then they tried to tax our tea then they tried to tax and outlaw our rum then the bastards tried to take our guns well no wonder they got routed they got what was coming to them and they could've ran but they burnt our homes and shot our kids because we killed their chain of command on the field well fuck them and we shot them in the fucking head

Doesn't matter how you treat people, it matters how they feel treated

Justified? Who cares? Fuck justifications OP no one needs to explain shit to your addled brain. Make love to a knife, the world will keep spinning without 'justifications'. Self-interest is all there ever is to it.

I'll bite the bait; Read Democracy the God That Failed

That is why you need to a Free Helicopter ride

Americans have always been ungrateful subnigger (((merchants))) who obsess over petty things like tax rates on tea and sugar, rather than the larger happennings of the world around them. What else can you expect from the best goyim on planet Earth?

He's on to us!!

It wasn't, the leaders of the revolution were a minority party of land owning slave owners who felt threatened by the potential removal of slavery. America has been false flagging wars since that start.

Niggers really shouldn't post here.

They all need to be killed but we don't need autism liberalism for that one

Stop bumping these old retarded fucking threads