Sealed indictments have SKYROCKETED to 4289

Not sure if there's a thread for this, I apologize if there is one.

How many are normal? 1,077 per 2009 report:

We're at 4000+ since October 30th.

Does anyone else have a really good feeling about this? Feels like we're about to see something unreal.

Other urls found in this thread:

what if it's a kike move on trump?

Okie dokie.

Blasphemy. Trump is not Jesus.
Either (((they))) are rounding up Holla Forumsacks or the trump administration is rounding up the mid to higher echeolons of the pedokikes in the USA and doing it all at once. I am sure if (((they))) were rounding up USA Holla Forumsacks that the burger civil war would have already been anounced here of all places though.

I seriously doubt it. I don't think Trump has had enough time to install that many loyal and instrumental people. He's only been president for a year, and the elections have gone "as intended" for decades.

You both need to leave. Mueller isn't going after Trump and if you people are still pushing that narrative then you're in a very sad state of affairs.

I didn't say anything about mueller. I am talking about trump by himself organizing something of that scale. Or kikes having trump go after Holla Forumsacks. What the hell does that even have to do with mueller.

congress for six years had been saying that they would repeal Obama care. Once we got a guy who wanted to repeal obama care, the republicans were suddenly against repealing obama care.

His own party is investigating him over russia lies.

They wouldn't repeal obama care, but they worked over the holiday weekend to try and pass amnesty,

The gop were immediately pushing for amensty the moment the dreamers had a year before they were forced to leave the country, yet at the same time an aid bill for hurricane victims wasn't passed.

Do we have a date on when something might happen? A week? a month? 6 months from now?

That is my thought as well. There are way too many for just a Trump/Russia thing. That and I think the media has been quiet about this. That leads me to think that it is not beneficial for them to talk about.

Why so many in Puerto Rico?

NY with a 191 but TX with over 250 hmmmmm I would think it should be reversed.

Obamacare, which is entirely irrelevant to the topic at hand will actually become null and void after President Obama's incarceration and subsequent execution.

sessions refused to investigate the IRS over the tea party, and up until recently he was against investigating the uranium scandal.

Everything since November 22nd 1963 has been part of Mueller's investigation.

What if it's all just avid Holla Forums users?

It was all smike and mirrors to keep the enemy complacent. Mueller is about to fold all of that up once these indictments are unleashed.

Aren't these court cases and not indictments?

i think he is not telegraphing. He is on Trump's side but dat 88d chess is some confusing business from the outside looking in. He will come into the fold when it is time.

There was also a thread on 4/pol/ a while back about how Mueller was /ourguy/ and there was a 1 post user, with a very curious writing style that caught my attention. I'm not saying this is legit, but, I'm almost positive it is.

There will be over 6,000,000 million indictments then since a majority of 8ch users are from burgerland. This is considering the over 10,000,000 million users of 8ch ofcourse with 2,000,000 million being botposters and the other 2,000,000 million being leftypol and small boards. Plus if you go by the usual amount of 8ch posters being considered 3000 or so, there are more indictments then that. So it can't be that.


Shoulve let CNN read you those wikileaks, retard.

You hope too much. Good things don't happen. Ashes. Echoes.

targetting the tea party et al for a couple of years is nothing compared to selectively collecting taxes and not pursuing commie unpaid taxes for over a decade.

immediately filtered+

Again. You hope too much. Watch what happens.

Ashes. Echoes.

To be fair, many of those hurricane victims were probably anti-semites, so they should not receive any aid. :^)

It's a happening either way, user.

Whatever. I'm right. You still know it. Watch what happens. Try to prove me wrong.

Ashes. Echoes.

And what is it that always happens?

Bad things.

I love you man. You're my favorite poster on Holla Forums *sending you a virtual hug*

Take some (((echoes))) you fucking loser.

with the musical chairs Trump was playing at the beginning i find it hard to think he didn't foresee mueller. i think Trump built an intel org for himself in the 80's and 90's. i think he knew he would run for pres and wanted to already have his guys out there figuring out what the fuk was going on. i have a sneaking suspicion that mueller is going to be the dems worst nightmare and they are too stupid to see it yet

There have been a lot of round ups of illegals and ms-13 plus pedos, and because some of them will sing for their supper– the transporters and money makers off human smuggling are likely some of them. But, they all lead somewhere big and point to a methodology and agenda, and that is why they must be sealed.

I didn't know about that.

Dude, it's bigger than fucking gangs. This is the ZOG coming down.

This is MS13. I can't fathom 4k+ (((politicians))) going down peacefully.

trips of truth checked

Re-read what he posted. Then reflect on why you're a retard.

If trump is impeached because of those snakes the voters would lurch so hard to the right that the holocaust wouldn't be sacred any more,and open to attacks.

The voters would be looking for someone to blame.

its (((not proven))) but its pretty much the rule rather than the exception that the commies and kikes have been given free reign on taxes. Its been basically "make up a number that sounds good and no one will check it". I mean fuck if the management said 'go after tea party orgs' and it happened.. how hard is it to say 'heres the list of people who get 'expedited taxes'.

Take that shit to the black pill thread faggot.


I cant wait to find out that 11 of them are mossad agents

Stop being a filthy fucking liar. Hugs are fifth.

Whatever. Watch Jamie Rothschild walk away and tell me whether or not jews are a dying race.

Ashes. Echoes.

I think you hope too much.


No. I'm right and you know it.

The LARPers won't want to hear this, but it's probably planned raids on MS13. A week or so ago they arrested 200 of them using sealed indictments. Stop letting LARPers take you for a ruse cruise unless you have real evidence. It's getting almost embarrassing.

So, the only proof you provide is cuz u sed so?

aaaaannnnnnnddddddddd filtered.

Oh you're such a kidder. That's what I love about you user. You make Holla Forums so cheerful and fun with your silliness

And that's still not good enough. Samson. Looms.

The proof is in how things play out and always have played out. Watch what happens. Filter all you want.

Watch what happens.

Whatever. Liar. Faggot. Filth.


And just like that, hatepol became cuckchan

You just indicted my heart user 😉

God damnit assholes and elbows take your meds

What does an president slain by his countryman, an iconic building tragically destroyed, and two towns' welcome signs possibly have in common?

It really makes you think about their (((coincidental connection))), doesn't it?


And nothing will ever be done about ANY of it.

Ashes. Echoes.

Samson. Now.

No. There are no meds. There is only EternL Misery. All shrinks are Jews, marxists, or Marxist Jews.

I just want you to know that I live in your town and I met your mother not long ago. I work in the service industry and she happened to be a customer. She is a very difficult woman who went on at length about her son and his idiosyncrasies and why she was so frustrated with him. I almost immediately knew it was you based on what she said. I am sorry that you have to deal with her abuse. No son should have to be subjected to that. It is easy to understand why you are so hurt and broken. It's very unfair and I hope things get better for you soon.

Wait the ashes. and. echoes. poster is a faggot state department nigger. But the photo poster is the cianigger A.I . Who the hell are they shilling for?

You hope too much. They'd never launch while the death of Nuclear Fire would be better than the fighting back. Only when things are actually about to improve, only then will Samson Launch.

Only Eternal Misery.

Im not an AI faggot. Wtf?

Nope. I'm not state dept or any other dept. Do you honestly think that ANYONE would ever willingly hire me? I bet I only have my current two jobs because the CIANIGGERS don't want me too desperate that I should stay cowardly.

You're lying.

Why did you post the random series of photos in your post then?

And not only are you lying, but if you're not come to Airport Road and help me kill myself in person.

Heil Hitler. You're a fucking retard post header user.

You're still alive?

It's always been this way. Good things don't happen.

Do they unseal them all at the same time or…do they slowly unseal them? Isn't the idea to keep them sealed so they don't flee the country?

Jesus Christ.
This is how fucking insufferable bait/pol/ is now.
If you're not a chesscuck Trumpcuck Kushner loving faggot you're:

They aren't random and they are directly relevant to this thread. This is what has taken this investigation so long to complete. Mueller's investigation that is. Do you not remember Mueller being interviewed by Trump the day before Comey got fired? It was for a position he wasn't allowed to inhabit again, since he was already FBI director.

Mueller is going to expose everything.

I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to 584007 .

Weak, how do you have two jobs and one of them is not in a department store? Why do you say jews are a dying race and what do you mean by it?

Duh. I'm a coward and my life is misery. Why would I ever be allowed to die when the gods can just torture me forever?

By the bel air mall? Omw

You don't choose to procreate. She does. And women hate me. Department stores don't hire people like me. Kampfy filtered my phrase S.amson .L.ooms.

That better not be a word filter turning w-h-i-t-e-s in

No. You're retarded and you've never been around me or my town.

I'm not lying. Your mother is a very sick woman. You would be so much better off if you could get away from her. I certainly refuse to hurt you. The idea that you deserve to die is absolutely false. You deserve to live and prosper just as any of us do. I would be willing to help you get away from her if you are willing to break free. Please let me know.

Yes but what does it mean?

Not likely.

How many significant people are in the Trump org? 100?

Gangs (MS13), pedos and/or "the swamp" all make sense.

Liar liar. You hope too much.

Ashes. Echoes.

Are these numbers abnormally high or not? An average year apparently sees less than 200 sealed indictments if I remember right. So this is like 20 years of indictments in 2-3 months isn't it?

This fucking faggot is NOT /ourguy/

OP says about 1k per year.

Merry Christmas user.

You're in Alabama. But where?

You're obviously lying. Post a receipt with the address of where you work. Proofs. Now.

Mother is the only person who's ever wanted me to live. Do. Not. Lie. To. Me.

You should know already. Find out.

And there is no breaking free. There is only Eternal Misery. I do not want to live. Do you get it yet?

And that's why good things don't happen.

If given the opportunity to redeem yourself, would you take it?

What does sampson looms mean? Why would they go through all this effort to fuck with you if you are just a blackpilled faggot? What is it you know?

I want Plebbit the fuck off my board

This tbh

Waste of fucking HH dubs
Get the fuck off my board your cuckchan faggot

I'm not exposing myself here. Would you meet me somewhere? I am near Forrest Cemetery. We can talk about the future.

Wow user. I think a whole thread needs to be dedicated with how well you slid that shills comment.
I guess, as a way of subverting even the trickiest of kikes, just act impressed and send them "love" like what you did. They just turn broken record and dont know what to say.

They seal fucking indictments for drug cases, small time fucking Crack dealers and street gangs you fucking morons.
Jesus Christ this LARP shit is so fucking retarded.
In one fucking city, a small fucking town they may turn out 30 to 40 indictments in a week and 1/3 of those be sealed.
Fucking low IQ cuckchan and leddit-tier faggots

No. Because forgiveness is false.

No Rest. No Mercy. No Matter What.

Whatever you say faggot.

It means that if whites fight back too hard the Jews will nuke the world.

You're lying. And no. You have to expose yourself or just forget I ever existed. Or you can come help me kill myself in person.

That's my general feeling. It's your normalfags and conspiratards that seem to be blowing this out of proportion without anything to back it up assuming somehow it's going to target pedo ring leaders and politicians. I'm sure there will be some high level people included but the higher it climbs the less likely it's going after the main players. Possibly to get the main players down the road if anything.

You're going to need to start reaching 50K indictments if you want to begin stripping the power structure across this country. You'd have to tear down not just the top, not just the second tier, but down to the third tier across the board to cut the head off the snake. In other words, a totalitarian state at least temporarily to drain the swamp.

4,000 just isn't enough. The rest would have nothing to lose and use all their power and authority to go balls to the wall with their agenda to at least cause so much chaos it destroys the country/presidency. Just look at the 20th century with Fascism and Communism. Arresting 4,000 people is a days work if you want to even begin taking back control, and we're double the size of Russia/Germany back then when they were doing it.

That's because people hope too much. Hope is filth.

But nukes are fake because they lack a neutron moderator and the coolant neccessary to sustain a fission reaction like in a nuclear power plant. So be free of your fear and go in peace or not so peacefully.

Email me:

TheRealZonKuthon at

It's probably nothing, but I hope something not planned by ZOG happens for fucking once in this hellish Earth.

Go away We.ev.

I have a different theory. Nukes are real. but there's specific circumstances related to global positioning and timing that are the prerequisites for a nuke being capable of exploding. The Sampson Option is a bluff because nukes cannot be exploded at any time, any place, anywhere.

how about the aliens won't let us set off nukes anymore because we're idiots and they see that. releasing that much radiation into the universe is too much of a big deal to let it happen- theory

Explain these special conditions under which you can create a sustained fission reaction without coolant and a reflector of the neutrons back into the reaction. Also then explain how you can harness this as a explosive outward energy instead of as a heat based energy.

>everyone who comforts me without wanting to dox me is (((we.ev)))
Not jew you faggot.

You hope too much.

You are a cianigger. Aliens aren't real and all the proof you could post is explained away by either actors, animation, or holograms/scalar light shows.

You are We.ev. Nukes are real. Get gassed.

no u

Whatever We.ev. Nukes are real. Life is filth.

Ashes. Echoes.

Do not email this imposter. Why would you fall for this? jews are a dying race and there's no way out.

Whatever you know I'm right. There's no point to any of this. Nothing good ever happens.

Ashes. Echoes.

Fuck you. Mocking me will not work. I will never stop until the world is burned to nuclear ash.

Garbage, kill yourself.

Yea sure, because by (((coincidence))) the damage from firebombs that rained down on japan was the exact kind of damage done on the alleged nuclear bomb sites. Just like the two major nuclear reactor incidents, without coolant and without a neutron moderator after going critical, didn't explode by (((coincidence))) like a nuclear bomb allegedly does in those exact same conditions. Just like not a single nuclear bomb has been used since the ones in japan that don't look fake a cheesy peice of shit anime from kikewood.

Nuclear detonation requires precise gravity pull of the Sun.

Post the webm's here or explain what is in them as I am not clicking that shit. This might explain why it creates a explosive force. It most certainly would not explain why you can do so without coolant or a neutron moderator.

Looking at the states with the most it seems they are all states that have a problem with illegals.

I wonder if this is about vote fraud and/or sanctuary cities.

You're not that good. Everyone has already had my email for a while now. What is the exact Date of lawnmower day?

(You) are so obvious.

Aliens are VERY real, and beyond your small mindedness, that user's 'theory' carries a lot of credibility, they really WON'T let us detonate nukes anymore. I know this email doesn't prove the nuke part,but, it does prove the ayy part.
It is a lot to read, but before you get to the end you will understand over 9000 fold what you currently do. Either that, or just ctrl+f and search "Murder Inc" and read from there.

Give me a mathematical proof on why nuclear bombs are possible first. Then I might take your premise that ayys are stopping us from using a device that is physically impossible a little more seriously if you posted some actual proof like pictures, videos, logical conclusions, and all of which I will debunk like the fake nuke videos along with it.

Whatever. If you don't know the pastebin like you lived it, you simply CANNOT impersonate me, even in an user environment.

No Sinead. There are no AyyLMAOs. There is only Eternal Misery.

Go away We.ev.

>everyone I don't like is (((we.ev)))

The webm I made was bigger than the fucking video. How do I make them so that they're less than 8MB? If it's easier for you to look the guy up his name is Bruce Cathie.


Can't you explain his arguement on how gravity effects the bomb? The upload limit is 16MB not 8MB you newfag shill.
pic related

Anyone who claims nukes are fake is We.e or thinks enough like him to be a proxy.

Isn't (((We.ev))) a kike though? Why would jew willingly call himself or (((others))) a kike? Or post proof of (((we.ev))) being a giganctic faggot who works with kikes?

Because We.ev is shilling that nukes are fake. Anyone shilling a line he is is one of his minions.

Now go away We.ev. Nukes are real. You'll see them soon.

Ashes. Echoes.

(((We.ev))) doesn't have minons though? I thought that kike was just a pawn of other kikes? Do you have some proof you would like to share about (((We.ev))) who you are't putting echoes around for some (((reason))) or about how a fission reaction is possible without coolant and how to keep it going without a moderator?

Basically he's saying that a nuke requires a process that is in reverse of the typical process required for matter production. He says it's based on relative motion and precise calculations in relation to movements in our solar system to fulfill the prerequisites for nuclear detonation. He goes on to say that he was able to predict the detonations of nuke tests based on the geometric calculations he found and some US agency gave him a call to see if he was interested in doing some CIA nigger shit but he declined because he wouldn't be able to talk about the information he found out publicly.

Well duh, that's the definition of fission.
What are these motions of the stars and "percise calculations"? I would like to know of them.
That's heresay as he would have no proof of the cianiggers contacting him for said reason. It's more likely that cianiggers contacted him to make sure he didn't investigate nukes too closely to find out the truth of them being fake and physically impossible.

Mate, I can't articulate what the fuck this guy is saying, it's more plausible to assume that there are prerequisites to nukes detonating than believing that fucking Ayys shut them down. Aliens don't fucking exist. I linked some Jewtube videos and tried turning them into webm's but I'm too retarded for that shit.

Then dox yourself for us and prove that Nunez are fake in a way that cannot be debunked as shilling.

Then dox yourself for us and prove that Nukes are fake in a way that cannot be debunked as shilling.

Have a webm guide then.

>for (((us)))

So nukes are real then. Okay.

silly Ass and Ego, your mom isn't "the only person who's ever wanted you to live", she's the only person who's ever wanted you to live foerver dependent on her neuroses.
like every other mom who made her son a loser/nu-male/eternal-kid/serial-killer

it's always the mothers

the best course of action is to leave her home and live your own life


Whatever. Nobody wants me around and I don't want to live my own life. I don't want to live at all. Do you get it yet?

Where would I go? What Job would I do?

Where is the Safe Avenue of Retreat to move back into mothers house should it all fuck up and I have another psychotic episode trying to "life my own life" and failing because Every Effort Always Fails.

Nukes are real the . Gotcha. Nice for you to admit it.

that's real retarted
you don't want neutron moderator in a nuke, and you don't want a coolant either, you want to reach criticality which will bring the temperature a few million degrees above the point where a coolant has a chance to work

why would you moderate the reactions in a device where you try to make them more intense? stupid

Why did this get derailed onto nukes?


So you don't get a pile of molten slag like a nuclear power plant melting down. Now explain how that molten slag explodes like you see on tv. Instead of just going 50 or so feet because of the "compound B" used in nuclear bombs of old.

The Q larpers are here.


Gasoline can light on fire, or it can blow up. Your argument is retarded and you need to stop derailing the thread.

but you get a pile of molten slag
except it's not in the shape of a pile, but of a ball of plasma at ultra high temperature
and it doesn't stay a ball of molten slag that has become plasma for very long, because a very few nanoseconds after it realizes it's become a blob of insanely hot plasma, the pressure in it due to the temperature makes it quite unbalanced with the surrounding air, and the ball inflates at several times the speed of sound to fuck shit up all around

well, it does
in the first nanoseconds
then it keep going, until the shockwave it generated in the surrounding air has taken enough kinetic energy from the expanding plasma ball to have stopped its expansion
by making a boom
a big one


seriously dude, do you understand the concept of criticality?
what's hard to grasp in the idea that masses of sub-critical material can react when pressed together by a classical explosive?

Then it's a good excuse for Holla Forums to get prison-fit.
Why are a third of the posts in this thread from that asses and elk hoes fag?

whitey bulger was a war hero.

Im not a nuclear scientist man. And it seems you didn't read the email. And it is mathamatically impossible to be the ONLY living shit in this galaxy, let alone the universe. Can you deny this?

Yeah there are lol. Go research the Sumerians, Mayans, Aztecs (Same as Mayans), Hopi Indians, Ancient Chinese, Ancient Indians and their stories (Mahabarata Rama-Yama) and where they say our TRUE origins are from, and who REALLY created us. Your caught up in a kike lie my friend. History has been re-written many of times through the millenia. So has your religion, by the kikes. We did NOT evolve from spooge from the sea, and we are NOT the smartest shit out there.

soooo many fucking slide threads today. the kind of shit you'd expect from cuckchan. how do we stop jamal from fucking our daughters and watch us troll this SJW nobody kind of null shit. Maybe this is what they are trying to divert attention away from

Last thread I saw you in I sat down and wrote this entire motivational tirade about how you were a little bitch and that you needed to man the fuck up but the thread had filled up before I could post.
So instead of going through that effort again I am just going to post gurren lagann and hope it energizes whatever husk of a state your soul and psyche is into a better one.

If this doesn't make you
you are confirmed for having no soul. SIGNED - THE ARYAN SPIRIT, IN THE MORTAL COIL

JewdicialWatch has been sending lawsuits one after another about election fraud. I feel this has something to do it with it.

We have historical proof of all of these things. We even had companies find out about bomb testing because the radiation was effecting local equipment or materials. Kodak is famous finding out about nuclear testing well before it was declassified BECAUSE testing caused their production line to have fogging and spotting on film from Cerium-144.
There is so much more evidence of nukes being real that it's kinda sad to think someone is so paranoid, so lost in their mind that they think something so concrete in it's use during WWII, the very real effect it had on generations of Japanese people, and the also very real political atmosphere the nuclear era made was all a fabrication.
So with your logic in mind, I'd like you to take a nice long look in the mirror and ask yourself what you see? If you don't see a nigger, your eyes are lying to you.

How are we to recognize acausal combinations of events, since it is obviously impossible to examine all chance happenings for their causality? The answer to this is that acausal events may be expected most readily where, on closer reflection, a causal connection appears to be inconceivable.

Here's hoping that some of these chinese cartoons do fit with today's events, and that Mueller will be Trump's Iron Wall

anonymous indictments for anonymous (muh Russian) ;^) shitposters

You're talking about radiation not nukes. Tell me how it would even be possible for modern day Japanese to live on ground zero of a nuclear bomb explosion. You think they just swept up the radiation and buried it underground?

I'm not sure who to believe anymore.
All I know is that I'm happy a lot of high-up lefties are getting fucked.

Whats the possibility that we have “foreign advisors” such as Army SF training the cartel?

Do we have anything close to a verifiable source on what a "normal" years worth is?

Meh meh meh , pfffft
Hehehe that would be awesome. I would spread my hateful memetic wizardry into the normie sphere and get some shit on the record.

t.spartacus retard formatter
I fucking suck

The past month of daily sexual allegations against a new public figure has been unprecedented and feels like foreshadowing to a massive happening but when is it HAPPENING?

this is what i think it is. I hope it's more but yeah the guy that was put in charge of the FBI a few months before 9/11 and then presided during the cover up doesn't sound like a good guy to me. He's not going to put the cuffs on himself or his friends.
If it does turn out to be MS-13 it's going to be fun to listen to all the jewish shills do the usual round of Trump worship. People want something great and EPIC to go down, they want some big time drainage.

That is fucking wild

IIRC the "users" only represents how many unique IP ranges there are.
The ID represents one of 256 possible hashes for your IP at the moment.
So for every 'user' you see, there could be up to 256x[user], with 3k 'users' there could be up to 780k posters.
sage off topic

Because it's just a LARP BRO.
The threads have been coming and going. The sage sperg does everything in his power to shut them down.


An indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime. Ergo, it's a court case.

well they did fall back on their nukes are fake derailing attempt however I've been hearing about these indictments since the first week of November. I'm at the point where until i see who is getting locked up, these are just numbers on a computer screen.

there was a pdf from the justice department that was getting passed around a couple weeks ago that said the number of sealed criminal indictments for the entire year of 2006 was something like 284 with the total of all sealed cases was 1107 when you include civil cases as well. Now this was 11 years ago, but it was the only reference material I have seen with any actual numbers. I'm not even sure if we know for sure that all these sealed cases are criminal indictments.

Try getting yourself indicted and tell us how little is happening, moshe.

You could go and live relatively safely in most places around chernobyl right now.


yea, and the catalog is getting filled with slide thread garbage right now. Kinda depressing honestly

Too bad; that’s what it is.
His very existence is the only installation they care about.

You’re literally retarded. Go back to LARPing on reddit.

When you make it happen, you worthless cocksucking piece of shit. The government will never arrest itself.

Reported for kike spam.

Are sealed indictments some sort of "due to get fired, sued and prosecuted soon" ?

what do you think makes the most sense for the number of indictments?

I wouldn't discount the possibility, but there's a considerable number from California, where Trump doesn't have much support and considerably lesser number from New York, where Trump is from and was based.

They really need to make an announcement soon, at least in regards to the Russia collusion investigation. Trumps agenda will be DOA until that investigation is closed and his name is cleared.

I'm really leaning towards it being related to MS-13. It would explain the relatively large number in Puerto Rico.

Even that is probably really good news if it comes to pass because those guys are really in bed with the cabal.

You are larp itself

MS-13 does make the most sense, but I don't understand why they would just keep piling the indictments and not round anybody up yet.
Also has anybody seen Tony Podesta in public since the Manafort indictment?

The sheer number of sealed indictments at this point has me worried. Something huge is coming but I'm increasingly skeptical that whatever is coming is actually in our favor. This is going to be earth shattering no matter what it is but, in my opinion, Trump and his administration don't have the political capital to pull off anything of this scale without a SHTF-tier backlash. There are simply too many comatose normies and deluded leftists who are in the dark regarding the current state of the world to just drop a bomb of this size on their perception of reality. If normies aren't eased into the reality of what is going on, they will fall back to trusting what they know and what they know is the MSM narrative which is completely against any form of change, especially one as sweeping as this could be. Until we see the narrative shift to damage control universally across all MSM outlets, I'm concerned this is going to end in disaster for us. Trump and his team aren't stupid, they know their narrative will have to be slowly implanted into the public consciousness before the bomb goes off, yet we aren't seeing many signs of such an effort being made.

What really bothers me is the possibility that we may have been the useful idiots all along. There's a chance that the deep state has fed us along to bring us out into the open so that they can cut the head off the growing natsoc snake in one strike. We may be organized along the line of the "phantom cell" model for resistance but there are still only a few thousand hardcore, capable individuals within our ranks who keep the whole machine moving. Take out ~4,000 of our best and brightest and none of the rest would dare stick our necks out again. That said, the courts where these indictments were filed aren't in locations where I expect our best and brightest to be found.

I’d love to know how many we see a year on average. That’s vital information for making any sort of decision here. Q is a proven LARP, and since any claims made about sealed indictments have come straight from talk about him, we need to cut the faggotry off our discussions and only work based on facts.

Reported. Fucking kill yourself.

Isn't an indictment effectively an order to start rounding people up?

the only source I have been able to dig up regarding a number on sealed indictments was from a DOJ pdf detailing sealed cases from 2006. In 2006 the number of sealed criminal indictments was 284, the total of all civil and criminal cases that were sealed combined was 1107. if these are all "criminal indictments" and they are all sealed, this would infact be way above normal, but we have no way of knowing if these cases are criminal or civil, at least no way that I have been able to find despite my best efforts.

not necessarily from what I have read, but im not a lawfag so i have no real solid idea. I'm actually kind of surprised no lawfags have chimed in on any of these indictment threads to help give us some idea of what is normal and what is possibly actually going on.

If 1107 is actually the total number of indictments that year (federal, I’m assuming), we’re still seeing a 4-fold increase, and that’s just… what, since October? Or are we counting even older indictments from this year (or even before, since who the fuck would check if this WAS a narrative being crafted) in that, too? Whatever this is, I hope beyond hope that it isn’t just legal proceedings for 4000 illegals. They don’t have the legal right to go through our court system. We can’t fucking pay for that shit, either.

Do you know how long sealed indictments typically remain sealed, by chance? A rough guesstimate even would be useful.

A sealed indictment does not have to be unsealed, EVER, unless the person to whom it refers gives testimony in court (because you cannot be forced to be tried anonymously).

as far as I know all of these began to appear after the Manafort indictment was announced.

I don't think they have to go through the indictment process for illegals just for being illegal unless they were actively involved in some sort of criminal activity above and beyond entering the country illegally.

From my research, some are unsealed once the arraignment happens after arrest and some can be sealed literally forever. If they are sealed forever I think that means the indictment was never acted on with an arrest though.


And then, of course, since the only “evidence” we have of Mueller being on “our side” (or of anything else positive happening in the government at all) being either Q-LARP or a couple of other twitter accounts posting about it… We have to consider that these indictments are of only members of the GOP (which is fine, except that the result will be a 75% Democrat majority in Congress for 50 years once those seats are refilled), Trump’s cabinet, his business partners, and Trump himself (which is when we get our guns and march on the National Mall five million strong, even though we don’t really support the man). Statistically, that’s the most probable of the conclusions here.

How long does it take to go from indictment to arraignment? I guess what I am trying to figure out is when can it be reasonably expected for something to come of these indictments.

The Mueller flipped theory started waaaaay before Q-LARP appeared. I actually first saw it pop up right after that well publicized Comey congressional hearing. I'm also not completely sold, but the meeting Trump had the day before Mueller was appointed as special counsel keeps m brain itching as to what the fuck they talked about, because as far as I know that was the only FBI director "candidate" that Trump actually met with and I find it to be an extremely strange coincidence that he would be appointed as special counsel the very next day. Then we have to look at the Manafort indictment, which in the end had nothing to do with Trump and Russia collusion, but everything to do with the illegal shit the Podesta group and Manafort were doing in Ukraine. If Mueller follows the Podesta rathole, some serious swamp draining can be done, just like what Trump said in his tweet a few days after the indictments were released. However with all that being said, to avoid any disappointment I have decided to stick to the Mueller is a kike plant to subvert Trumps authority until I see any actual evidence to the contrary.

Copypasta time again!

Holla Forums is always right about associations.
Holla Forums is never right about the happening.
To clarify, Holla Forums can root out both the source and the purpose of any event that happens in the world with terrifying speed and accuracy. Anywhere a kike is pushing his message, Holla Forums is there to dig him up. Anywhere an event seems just a little bit off, Holla Forums is there to figure out why it happened, to what it relates, and who or what benefitted from it. But when it comes to picking an exact date for A Happening, Holla Forums can’t do it. We can’t give you an exact date. We can give you better ESTIMATES about economic collapse than wall street analysts, and we can give you a better ESTIMATE of when a Muslim country will fall to radicals, but if pressured for an exact time frame, we can’t do it. Why is this? Is it because the architects of the grand globalist scheme also don’t have exact dates? Is it because events just happen too quickly to be able to predict even six months out? So, no, Holla Forums IS always right, where it counts. And because we’re right where it counts, we know THAT the Happening will come, and come soon; we just can’t tell you the WHEN of it.

With that out of the way, we can only give you federal law on the matter. ONCE I FUCKING MAKE A NEW POST, BECAUSE THE GODDAMN LIMITS ARE SO LOW.

So you have to be charged before your indictment, and you have to be indicted within 30 days of being charged. Unless…

…it’s a felony, and then it’s 60 days.

So after getting their plea, it would be 70 days to the trial… BUT that’s if the indictment is already public.

So technically it should be 30 days to trial after counsel (this is the constitutional restriction on the government to provide a “speedy trial”), BUT these indictments are sealed. The timeframe seems open ended.

This states that from the date of the first action which causes a trial to be required (which would mean the initial charge and/or the indictment), they have 70 days. Looks like we’re already starting to go past that for the first ones.

So half a fucking year. MINIMUM.

Further down the page, you can see an itemized list of the things which can cause a delay (THANKS, JEWS), so it’s entirely possible that even if this is exactly as Q-LARP lied about that the cases wouldn’t even go to trial until after Trump’s out of office.

i honestly don't know and would love it if a lawfag could give us some actual insight into that.

I think he meant to say 6 gorillion. It's a special form of Hebrew math that is a little bit hard to follow.

found the reason why there are so many bot slide threads

yea, the catalog is a shit show this morning.

You're fucking retarded! Uranium 235 collapsed around a plutonium 239 core will detonate for the same reasons any hydrocarbon properly mixed in proportion to oxygen will detonate: because the chemical/nuclear conversion process is extremely endothermic which means in a [relatively] small volume a massive increase in temperature == a massive increase in pressure. For best effect, this change needs to be as sudden as possible. Then this pressure wave radiates outward omnidirectionally and destroys everything it impacts with concussive and pressure-varying forces. In the case of a nuke: photons, electrons, alpha, beta, and gamma particles would race out well ahead of any such pressure wave and devastate electronics and organisms in the vicinity.

You collapse a plutonium 239 cored uranium 235 ball, near critical mass, by placing C4 around it uniformly and detonating. No star gravity needed.

why are you helping derail the thread by falling for the nukes are fake bait?

By once and for all settling the point. Denial from here should be grounds for report-and-ban.

thats a nice pasta, friendo

Libs are trying to make TX the new Cali after they completely ruined CA with niggers and spics

-250 cucks is good. Get them the fuck out of my state.

wew, I don't even think these are shills, just idiots

I hope (((Tom Steyer))) is one of them.
Sick of seeing his "DRPMPF IS A BIG STUPID DOODOO HEAD IMBEACH NAO" ads all over social media.

The more they pile up the more I think it is just MS13.

And so it begins.

I'm still pissed about (((them))) all suddenly going to Boise, ID. That was going to be my destination to get out of Cali. They go there not to preserve themselves but to corrupt Boise. I wanted to go to Boise because they had civil penalties for cheating and gun laws were good. Now it's going to turn into Silicone Valley 2.0 with all the kikes pushing for local (((change))).

is this the new JIDF talking point?

no, its been discussed for a while now with how much Sessions talks about them it would kind of make sense. I really don't know how Mueller's team of 17 lawyers or whatever would be able to bring 4000 indictments all over the country.

I fear you are right. US elections have been bought since WW2 times. I still wonder if Eisenhower was a puppet or not.

I pray Trump becomes Bane.

Unless he's fucking draining the swamp which has been said numerous times. If you actually believe it's 4000 sealed indictments for MS-13 you might be fucking retarded.

The sealed indictments are for PUBLIC SAFTEY. Do you understand the turmoil that would occur if names were released before they were ready? ESPECIALLY, if it includes Presidents and shit.


Wasn't convinced until Mueller brought the Podestas in and they closed their entire company. Flynn has pedo info and breaking ties with Trumps lawyers = a smaller circle to prevent leaks.

in any nationwide investigation worth its salt each one of those lawyers is going to have teams upon teams across the country working for and reporting back to each of the 17

Well yea which is one of the other reasons I put a little bit of stock into the mueller flipped theory. The only way this goes down without a civil war is if Mueller is the one who drains the swamp because they have been praising him and his honor and respectability for so long that if they flip the script when it all goes down they will look like total hypocrites.



i dont disagree with you, but they dont give two tiny fucks about looking like hypocrites. Theyre soulless scum.


yes they are scum, but they have to try and maintain their appearance of not being hypocrites to keep the dumbed down masses docile.

True. IF by some chance the idictments are swamp related I can imagine the MSM will be hitting the republicans(probably far less in number) hard and dismissing charges against Dems a la Frankin/Moore

That echoes my own concerns. There is still too little information to know what's going on and it's foolish to assume it's good news for us.

when will we see results or know at least some of the people going to court

Deebly goncerned.

Almost 700 filed in California alone. This couldn't be against Trump's power base. He's going for the throat of the beast.

I sincerely hope you are right.


IF all of these indictments are swamp related and executed at the same time it would honestly have to be a coordinated military operation to make sure they don't let any of the rats escape justice.

yep thats what I was referring too.

With respect to the "mathematical impossibility" claim consider the following:

There are an estimated 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) insects on earth (source:Smithsonian institute), that means there are 60 quintillion insect legs on earth. Purple dildos are known to exist. Therefore somewhere on earth there is an insect with a leg that is a purple dildo.

Yeah, nah. The progressive hacks will screech their lungs out and riot no matter what happens and if the indictments are really juicy we might see a resurgence of 70s-style leftist terrorism along with a lot of major fallout from numerous dead-man switches being flipped as important people go down but there's zero chance of this becoming a war without an open and violent coup attempt at the highest levels that's at least partially successful. And if that happens, whatever parts of the federal government that aren't completely compromised will come down on the perpetrators and their allies (declared or otherwise) like the hammer of god because an event like that means that anyone who's not on one side is on the other. Even that wouldn't turn into a full-fledged civil war without attacks on the government's ability to govern, though. If some leftist terrorists started taking out infrastructure things could deteriorate to a shooting war after a while but I really, really doubt it. You'd need something like a leftist equivalent of the Organization from the Turner Diaries to pull off something like that and they either exist and are competent enough to stay off of the radar completely or they're Holla Forums and reddit-tier hilarity like those chucklefucks and their gun club in Arizona. My guess would be the latter, as the quality (and T-levels) of your bog standard leftist has declined precipitously over the last 40 years. I'd worry more about foreign actors and (((foreign actors))) using this opportunity to take all of the pot-shots they want and effectively doing the left's dirty work for them. When the police and Nasty Girls are already out guarding courthouses and landmarks from rioters, what happens when a terrorist cell decides to start detonating bombs and shooting people all over a major city? What happens if those groups aren't just casual one-and-dones and are prepared to shoot it out with the cops? What happens if Martial Law is declared but the rioters aren't done and the lolbergs get antsy? What happens if this simultaneously occurs all over the US?

There’s still absolutely no evidence of this claim, user.

If the indictments are actually swamp related, their unsealing will lead to the on-air arrest of many in the media. Theoretically, if the indictments are actually what SHOULD be happening, there won’t BE a media to propagandize against Trump during the transition period. But, again, that’s all fantasy.

I want Nixon-tier scenarios of the US Army firing on liberal protesters. But then again, I want US to be doing that, too, in our own groups.

Maybe wait to see what it is before making posts like this.

>We have to consider that these indictments are of only members of the GOP (which is fine, except that the result will be a 75% Democrat majority in Congress for 50 years once those seats are refilled), Trump’s cabinet, his business partners, and Trump himself (which is when we get our guns and march on the National Mall five million strong, even though we don’t really support the man). Statistically, that’s the most probable of the conclusions here.
If you actually believe this is the case you haven't been paying attention to the details of these indictments and should probably stop making retarded posts pretending you have a handle on things.

A man can dream.

This seems like too many for "The Swamp" and/or pedo rings. Especially since they would want to drag net them to insure convictions.
Things that immediately come to my mind are
Maybe it's more than one thing.

No turd. I had never heard of MS13 before Trump. He talks about taking them down on a very regular basis. It's just very hard to imagine 4,000 politicians being arrested. If the indictments are just politicians and there are 4,000 of them then I'd have to believe ALL of Congress was getting locked up and that just seems insane.
However I do believe the theory that MS13 is the CIA's puppet for operations on American soil.

You want Trump to get set up and crucified by the media?

Congrats on waking up from your coma just in time for the greatest election in history. And IF its swamp related it wont just be politicians. For every politician there are 100+ lobbyists, 'philanthropists', media groupies, fixers, assistants, etc that most likely do the real crimes in the name of whatever politician

The sealed indictments, you mean? The ones about which we know nothing?
>hurr durr look at the locations they were issued and cross-reference to a single news report on FBI investigations from a few years back!
Yes, I know. I’ve been paying attention to the proceedings of these indictments because it’s something which is actually real and actually happening, unlike your fantasy where Mueller–hired by Democrats and once on the Clinton Foundation payroll–has decided to start give a flying fuck about truth, logic, reason, law, and objectivity. You have no evidence that he has cut any deals with even someone as far left as Trump, much less anyone who shares OUR knowledge. This is OBJECTIVE FACT. You do not have that evidence. You have a dream–a fantasy–and are attempting to parade it around as though it’s real. You are framing the argument around your fantasy and show your cognitive bias in this way.
Not an argument. When have we won in the last 70 fucking years, you worthless faggot? What kind of Holla Forumsack plans for the best without expecting the worst? We plan for the worst and expect EVEN worse than that. It’s the only way we’ve ever been able to make any headway.

To be fair the burgeranons involved in this aren't necessarily required.
You can be replaced fairly easily.



The sheer volume of shills in this thread tells me this is going to be big. Buckle up anons.

It was nice having zero exposure to gangs, violence, and brown people in general.

Sampson looms is probably an allusion to the Sampson option which means the Jews nuke everyone out of spite.>>10962530

good post

Damn that's a good read, thanks user

idk why but this made my balls retreat into my stomach. why would they go after pol users

Implying if it goes the other way we will not be in some kind of prison anyway

why would the kikes remove their own puppet?

What if it has nothing to do with politics and somebody in the trump administration is going after cartel members(of the mexican cartels) in the US and politicians who took bribe money from them? That would explain why texas has more. Its just speculation on my part.

When is this going down? I need a big happening with a happy ending. I've got high hopes on this one, which is probably a mistake, but I want it to be real.

Just come here to read news tbh. What's the leftters after the state mean? Like CA-C? CA-?

No it's so the general public is clueless until they can sweep it all under the rug while claiming they did something.

I take heart in it. The more they kvetch the harder I fight to silence them. If they aren't throwing everything they have at us they aren't scared enough.


Whatever it is lads…remember to pray.

Kill yourself, Q-LARP.

Holy fuck.

How is that still not a net gain?

Opioid crisis is off the chain right?


I could live with that.

daaaammmnn son


if Q were real he would say "when if" referencing the time machine Trump obviously has

If Q were real they would mention Israel and not blame everything on MUH CABAL.

More on Bollywood's bullsh—t

ahhh but (((who))) is behind the cabal? exactly.

God damned juden filth , as you allude to

Fuck off. They said Saudi Arabia did Vegas. They literally made a fucking stupid meme where the Rothschilds and Central banks are under Soros and Saudi Arabia on the pyramid. Spare me your bullshit Jew.

Bollywood grooms them all young

Luckily for you faggot, you won't need to imagine it when it all comes to light.


what the hell are you talking about?

Checked. It's coming to light , isn't it?

Garbage, kill yourself.

Sperg out all you like bitch nigger. I said nothing about Mueller being hired by dems or any other such nonsense. You simply look like a complete retard when you throw out some fucking theory of yours and then say shit like:
>Statistically, that’s the most probable of the conclusions here.
No, you nigger dick pincushion. It's not. Now shut your faggot mouth and wait to see what happens like the rest of us.

You don’t belong on this site, and certainly not in this thread. You know nothing about the topic.
I bet you think the holocaust happened.

There aren't even that many people on the planet. :^)


And reported. Disinfo kike go back to GLP.

Disinfo shills followed asses and eggoes a.k.a. smiley to flood the thread and kill it.

Where? In your mind? Are you going to flood the thread with hundreds of posts like every other thread on this topic?



mueller did have a meeting with trump before he was appointed as special prosecutor

user, fucking please.

Okay. What’d they say?

They chatted about how 80be53 was a massive faggot.

Smiley is a leaf. Elbows is from Alabama.

So the basis for your belief is “someone once talked to someone about something”, and so that magically undoes the man’s entire history, known associates, and being on the payroll of the Clinton Foundation. No wonder your ass got blasted when I said that STATISTICALLY, MUELLER IS STILL WORKING FOR THE DEMOCRATS AGAINST TRUMP, ET. AL. It’s because it’s true and truth hurts your feelings.

I'm pointing something out you faggot, stop projecting.

Smileberg lies. He's a pathological liar. Schizophrenic. Psychopath. Pedophile. Rapist. He uses VPNs and IP hops to claim his own posts were lies from an imposter when he gets called out on something. You don't think he'd pretend to be from Alabama under one of his aliases/personalities?

So you're saying that
is public knowledge and proven to be true?

Fuck off, smiley did nothing wrong.
I remember his posts from wizardchan and freedomboard. Guy may be autistic, but he has heart.

Sounds quite a bit like some yid character assassination. Psychopath pedophile rapist? Really?

Leftists might start a violent revolt but they wouldn't be able to finish it in the slightest. If they revolt it will be one single revolt and they will be swiftly defeated. Their defeat will be so decisive and swift that it will only say how pathetic and dependent they were on their ZOG leaders to get everything done.

And what are you pointing out? Why are you pointing it out? If you are pointing it out to agree with my statement, you would not be antagonistic to it. If you were pointing it out to be against my statement, which you are, you would have some substantiation for your claim. If you were pointing it out solely as a new point of information, you wouldn’t care whether Mueller is or is not working against the people who hired him. So what’s the reason you pointed it out, and why are you incapable of refuting what I have said since you seem to disagree with it?

This is you.

You seem incapable of reading English. What is proven true is that the democrats hired mueller to go after Trump because MUH RUZZA. In the context of MUH RUZZA, the people listed would be the ones taken down. We do not know anything beyond this.

We arrested several thousand pedos in just the beginning of the year. Any concept of just how many pedo trafficking rings was blown apart just by that.

The problem is that it wouldn’t be decisive. There are plenty of TINOs (traditionalists in name only, meaning they think they’re “far-right” but are only reaganite right at best) who would be lenient on anyone who surrenders. There are plenty who would fight for our causes who wouldn’t do what must be done to ensure our actual victory. That’s why it’s so important to get enough Holla Forumsacks to be platoon leaders in the Second Civil War that we can direct military policy from the ground, where it belongs. I’m trying to say that we need to be able to convince our own platoons that it’s okay to execute jewish infants and children, because if it just comes down from on high you’ll see plenty of people ignore the order (and if it’s NOT coming down from on high, we need to still execute it ourselves).

Go back to /fringe/ you fucking satan cult nigger.

Nope, didn’t happen. Q named events. Q gave dates. Dates passed. Events didn’t happen. Nothing he claimed would happen has happened. End of discussion. Proven LARP, just like WHAnon and all the other faggots on cuckchan. Cry more, you stupid fucking bitch. Go back to the donald and hero worship.

Do we really have niggers here still trying to push the Q bullshit? Go back where you came from.

I was just talking about the lefties because they will be there to fight the jew's battle. But you're right, everything jewish needs to go and this includes their spawn. There's even softies on this board that think the jews uninvolved should be spared and think containing them in some kind of quarantine place is good enough. Evil is in the blood. It needs to be spilled so it can be removed for all of time.


Rather rich considering Q LARP has never given any proof that he's legit.

The trip Q guy outed himself so all posts by trip Q can be written off. So now it's just figuring out who the Q prior to the attention whoring tripfag is.

A white child of liberals can still be saved. There is nothing worth saving from the jews. It’s bad enough that we have (imperative word: have) to kill a great deal of whites in a new civil war; if it’s just infant whites we need to try to save them.

And then faggots like you, AN ENTIRE FUCKING MONTH LATER, still spam

>oy vey the narrative wasn't to join honeypots and get yourself listed as a terror organization and killed white (((meetup))) banner'd 666 gorrillion times from PO you are being bluepilled 8ch is compromise because I say so

Victory of the LARP. Just like MegaAnon, and every other namefag "insider" that goes on cuckchan and claims to know something special.

Looks like you forgot to quote whoever this was for.
Thanks, moishe. That was easy.

You're going to need proof that it's one of them, since as far as I've looked none of them actually went on a plane.

He didn't explicitly state that Q-LARP predicted vegas tho. He stated that a larp predicted vegas, which it did.

Who's going to be Mr. Roboto?

Ohpleaseohplease let two of those indictments be for King Kike and his pet nigger

Filtered. Kill yoruself.

I meant Oberstein, kek

We’re talking about Q-LARP, though. He’s crafty, but not very good at it.

Reported for thread derail, kike.

Why would the (((economist))) want to predict their own judgement. I don’t trust that cartoon.

I don’t think trump is doing much ‘by himself.’ I still honestly believe what I read once in a very short post that no one replied to that said Trump was a DoD coup. I could definitely see him being asked to be the boisterous face of one. I also remember a capped post I used to have saved explaining that people high up in government were extremely interested in pol (4pol at that time I believe) for the spontaneous generation and dissemination of right wing thought. I think the trump-internet thing was purposeful.

4,289 Sealed Indictments of some of the most high profile individuals in the US who I believe are part of the Bush/Clinton/Soros/Pizza gate gang.

1) Crown Prince bin Salman arresting Al-Waleed and the shit that went down in Vegas.
2) The outing of higher and higher level perverts in government, entertainment and the media.
3) The incredible, lightning fast and total collapse of the Podesta Group.
4) The drying up of leaks to the MSM.
5) President Trump’s perpetual shit eating grin.

I can truly see, and don’t let others sway you, that
The Day of the Rope is Near

anyway, can we get back to the indictments?>>10965239
yeah, tell me abt it
Q derails another thread
some get it back to the 4000+++ indictments
sorry. i was typing plus and had to do it.

that's not evidence.
it's conjecture based on shit that happened.
believe me, we all want this shit to get nasty for them, but be prepared for it to get nasty for us.

Perfect fit I say.

See, that’s funny. It even works out as a meme.

Yeah probably just a coincidence.

Explain this

There’s literally nothing to explain.

Just filter and report 80be53. He's either a shill or a moron who says there's nothing to see here but has to stay and continually shit up the thread.
Either way, he can kill himself.

That's the deliberately misleading cap, since the timezones are completely different.


Gee, for claiming to want to talk about your LARPer so much, you sure as fuck NEVER want to talk about your LARPer when someone asks a question, do you, you fucking paid shill? Reported.

You're retarded.

While not as good as pulling the plug on the whole swamp, this could be very, very good. Detailing the horrific crimes could very well segue into "Time to build the fucking wall. Now."

So you think it’s Ms-13?

Can somebody break this down for a noob.

How do we know these sealed indictments are targeted towards high level kikes and other traitors, and aren't just indictments for regular people.

What are the chances all of this boils down to a colossal case of wow it's fucking nothing?

Also, when can we expect whatever this is, to actually get put into motion.

You say this like it would, in any way shape or form, be a disappointment.

You don't, which is why you shouldn't listen to any of it.

Go back to reddit if you’re going to type like this.
We don’t.
99%, given all past instances of this shit.
Within 180 days.

I agree that a swamp draining remains less likely (I think money is on MS13), I seriously doubt that it's going against us. The (((MSM))) has said not ONE WORD about any of this. They breathlessly reported the most absurd shit out of the pissgate dossier - are we to believe that if 4,000 indictments against team Trump and us were out there, they would quietly and patiently wait? Color me skeptical on that.

LARPJEW, you never fail to entertain. Have a few more foreskins, your brain isn't working as efficiently when you're famished.


cause he's a cuck


I have hope in my heart but my head says this is likely ms-13/la raza etc. round up. Which is still good.

If it's seamp draining it's just the groundwork (hey it could still be related, cutting off swamp funding… That also explains/ties in with Saudis and Al-Waleed being arrested and tortured).

The swamp draining won't begin until 2018/19. We all know the swamp is mostly dem's and RINO's. Annihilating them closer to 2020 guarantees re election and no chance to recover. America will be fully red.

The larp that became a happening..

Reported. Kill yourself.

There’s no one good at the GOP. “Going red” (reminder that kikes flipped the party color associations in the US because they didn’t want democrats associated with all of their marxist friends around the world) is meaningless because they’re all fucking civic nationalist israel fellators.

nothing to see here, goy!

it's called free speech. we still have it. we're not fucking europe. they're gone. we keep free speech until you start getting scared for posting on an image board. don't be a fucking coward. if they have the balls to after us and cuckchan for talking on a goddamn image board…
they don't know what they're fucking with.
we are as close to "we the people" as it gets and it scares them
that said, i'm thinking it's gonna be ms13

read this

If 4K anons are taken down…they know it's on right? Nobody really gave a fuck when most of the lolberg anomooses got rolled, flipped, and the "movement" died….but I swear to every shekel these kikes hold sacred, if 4k anons are taken and I'm left standing, my life is yours. Chaos would weep.

You guys are fucking morons. The only thing that is needed to initiate a nuclear chain reaction is a neutron population traveling at speeds (eV) that correspond to the neutron cross section of the fissle material.

Modern nuclear warheads produce this neutron population by the photodesintigration of beryllium causing a 2n reaction (two 'fast' neutrons are produced per Be atom) using high energy x-rays. The fast neutrons then hit the fissle 'spark,' which is usually Pu239, or U235. The spark is wrapped, but partially exposed, by lithium6-deutride (with some Lithium7). Finally, that is further wrapped in a taper (usually U238, or lead).

The only thing you need for a nuclear device is a fissle material and a sufficient neutron population at the correct speed (eV).

Here's some declassified info on the amount, and what materials are involved in our (US) nukes:

More reading:

If you'd like me to clarify anything, just ask. Apologies for misspellings; on mobile.

I don't know man, the things you can get banned for on any chan these days…

gtfo of here SA

Checked. They're not getting 4K of us. They're terrified of this little Cambodian oil painting forum enough as is

Cgi , podestas , jimmy the kid fucker alefantis, mcCumstain etc
Maybe some 13s just for shits

There’s no evidence of that.

There's no evedence of anything yet user , only sealed indictments. That's my stab in the dark. I like your stab too.
Fuck it- if they come for us be prepared I guess and tell the truth

And you’d know we’re gone how? Just from the sudden influx of the_donald shitposters? Oh, wait; we’ve had that for half a fucking year now.

whichever happens will definitely change this boards posting style.

If it's Holla Forums users, shills remain
If it's legit, then the shills will be gone

Here's hoping it's legit, because I'm sick as fuck of all these minimum wage neckbeards trying to fit into board culture.

is terry still on the run?

Fuck yeah he is
He's kept a pretty low key count (he's at 5 glow in the dark pony fuckers) and is running strong

holy shit

This is why I think it has to do with sanctuary cities or vote fraud.

I really hope so. The city of Denver is out of control and it shows. The city is quickly becoming the next Chicago.

Boulder is 10% kikes, so I think CO might be a lost cause.

The MS13 operations are being run by ICE.
They can process these people without any indictments.

This has nothing to do with MS13

What am I not seeing in this tweet? None of the text matches?

CO became a lost cause when Magpul had to pull out.


Nigger shit has been at peak happening for weeks now.

Yep. Either there's 50 of us they're grabbing or some of those sick fucks in park shitty or happy valley. OR up north at usu but most hopefully and I'm hoping reeeeaaaallll hard its those insufferable lefty commie faggots up in the avenues. Or the kikes of so Utah. Either way let her fucking rip I say

Unless you have inside information, you don't know what or whom it has to do with.

Christmas Presents

Gutiérrez won't run for reelection:

>"I don't know anything. I don't know anything," he said Monday.

kek, I'm willing to bet he is one of the +4000. The noose is tightening. We will see more of these excuses in the weeks to come. The fire rises.

There are enough liberal millionaires in Texas to choke a steer. Texans hate them.

this happen to moi fo postin in dis her thread

didn't get this ban until the past 30 mins
idk just thought it was funny
haven't posted here for the past 2 months
but vpns share ip addresses and i "apparently" am connected with pic related now
is this how they will ultimately get us

Top fucking kek. That is some very enjoyable news.

If we detonated all the nukes we have it would matter to the universe about as much as smashing an ant matters to geopolitics you fucking cianiggerfaggot.



Dis-info agent and DNC operative Tom Delong to the rescue. This is one of the distractions they will push when the hammer falls.. Project blue beam when?

This is Nuremberg trials x 3

From what I understand if we see them stepping down, they were threatened and/or cut a deal.

That's the rumor. We can only hope and wait.

I'm with Horus the Avenger on this one. Hollywood has taken a strange direction of making aliens like us, white, and they're now super evil. If the Pedowood jews hate them and they look like me I'm down with that. I'm not killing my ancient ancestors.

The colossal amount of pending sealed indictments in a three week period as compared to other entire years leads me to believe that the indictments are connected. The idea that a random three week span quadruples other entire years is pretty fucking low.

Very low, see above. Even if it isnt the swamp its still a happening on a grand scale

Within the next year. Theres certain limits on how long an indictment can pend and I expect the MSM will wait to report on it for a while if at all.




Is there any chance these are RICO indictments? That's what I think of when I see these numbers. Im no lawfag however. Would there be a way to check if that's the case?

At this point user, all there is to be done is wait. The indictments are sealed from the public. Just buckle up for the ride.


Put OP's numbers onto an electoral map for 2016

Guys. What the fuck is going on.

Sounds jewish
There's that word again. Oh and the Vatican is filled with El worshiping kid fuckers, Soros is trying to manipulate nations, and the jews are controlling the world.

I guess an apocalypse, in the truest sense of the word, is really about to happen.

Typically when someone in the conspiracy community, or affiliated with it in some regard, is coming out and slandering the Vatican, it is precisely because they are jewish, a jewish agent, or in the employ of jews. The Vatican and "George Soros is a nazi satanist!" are used to deflect away from israelis and their subordinates.

Big shit is going down and Trump seems happier with each passing day, guess he heard. Too bad the fuckers will plea bargain and turn on each other I want them to get locked away million years.

I'm sorry but are you implying that you didn't fucking know that Bill Kristol was a kike? Where the fuck are you shit kickers coming from?

That's true. Generally the Catholic church is used as a convenient scapegoat for these fucking kikes. However, it gets worse. Not only is it a scapegoat, it's a subverted and thoroughly kiked scapegoat. The Vatican has been infested by semitic kike parasites for a long fucking time now. The level of crypto subversive infiltration is off the charts.

How long does it take to open them before we are allowed to review?


Children! Children! Please calm down. Now, both of you go to your rooms and stay off of your Xboxes.


Oh hey, it's sperganon again, shitting up another thread with his childish antics.
This faggot only comes into threads that are tagentially related to Q and just attacks posters without evidence or providing any sources for counterarguments. Just shouting 'reported!' and 'LARP' and 'the_donald'

Great job, moishe. You're succeeding at your task.


Yeah wow, sure showed us


Fuck off Q faggot.

So, what is the difference between a regular everyday indictment and a sealed indictment? How and why are they "sealed?"

Not a law user, but I think being 'sealed' means no one, except I guess the judge who signed them, knows what's on them. (Ie: No one knows who's been indicted or what the charges are.)

the problem that trump has is that he cannot one off the perps. he knows that if he does that the msm will bury ignore shill away the crimes. He has to have somethign so big, so widespread, and so heinous, that it cannot be ignored, or defended or forgotten. Thats why he is balling it all up into one hung swing … a single hammer blow containing the pent up rage of millions, a blow so powerful and decisive as to lay waste to all enemies in an instant

the elites, the globalists, the jews and thier lackeys have been playing a game of wack-a-mole, every time we nail one of them they quickly cover it up and memory hole it, and its back to business as usual, money laundering, extortion, bribery, corruption etc etc etc

but not this time

this time Trump is going over to the wack-a-mole table, and hes carrying a massive hammer, and hes going to wind it up to a million miles an hour and smash it down so hard its going to blow that table into a billion pieces, all thats going to be left is a smoking crater

the wack-a-mole table, the tent it was in and the circus it rode into town with DISINTEGRATED

I was there in the last thread, I said nothing about the thread or the other posters, only about your behavior.
But then again, this is straight out of the fucking COINTELPRO shill book.
Next you're gonna clutter the thread with shitflinging, and if that doesn't work you'll get someone to flood it because the mods are probably asleep.
At least you're not sagebombing like a faggot this time. Add more hebrew names than 'Moishe' or 'Chaim', too. How about Shlomo? Levi? Do you even have any images?

Also, with the TV personalities bowing out, do you think they're preemptively distancing themselves from the ball of indictments that's growing? They know something. It's a fucking cult on their end, they have to know in advance that their plans are changing.

Which ones have bowed out?

Sorry that was in reference to
I don't pay attention to MSM so I have no idea who's who

Yuuuuup. They're all gonna be exposed as frauds for not only lying for over a year but KNOWING THE TRUTH AND KEEPING IT SECRET.

Shit user, go mosey on over to the latest TWP ARE ALL KIKES thread if you really want to see some blatant kike sophistry. The little shits know absolutely no shame.

I kinda missed you, elbows.
I. Can.

Oh, I was just there.

If Q is in fact a LARP, he is going to make millions off of his book about this one.

I folllowed it for a while. If it is a LARP, it's a very entertaining one, especially if it was a bunch of nothing that caused a massive expenditure of resources.


But Trump doesn't get out of office until early 2025. That's a long time to wait..

Don't bother. That nigger is fucking retarded. He shitted up this thread so hard already.

Which is why you take advantage of all the laws and powers they've enacted for the past 70 years and turn it against them. Military tribunals are really the only way and I don't know how that would even apply to this shit, but anything less than military tribunals is going to be bullshit for those very reasons.

They designed, or more correctly, corrupted the system to allow people to easily escape charges of treason ffs. There's no way he takes down anything using the federal courts alone. Legally America can conduct military tribunals for treason, although it might cause an actual civil uprising by the brainwashed retards. We've been at war legally since the Second World War.

Explain the timing sequence on the Small Business tweet confirmation. Why does it not pass your "proof" test?

please take phil murphy

Who in this venue has the capability to manipulate the time stamps on either the "Small Business" Q notification, or the Twitter time stamp on the Small Business tweet?

Are you insinuating that is your verification? You're a fucking retard full of confirmation bias.

==RED TEXT== Red Text
==GREEN TEXT== Green Text


TEST for me
Thank you user, if this works. Why can't I delete a post?

because you are a newfag who has not yet learned how things work, and for that reason you are not to post again for another two years. lurk more. post less.

Thank you oldfag. I did earn my plebe status just last week in a flying lesson, and was hoping to make general by the end of the month. I will try to be more careful in the future.

For fucks sake

Every time I try to put something to bed, just forget about it and write it off as weird, a coincidence, probably nothing let alone a happening…

A weird coincidental thing ends up happening.

And that's the thing about us here. We know all about cohencidence. We've spent the better part of a decade (if we are oldfags) deconstructing coincidence… Investigating and figuring out its deception.


Could he be a jew who has taken the Cohnpill? They're more rare than gold, but it happens from time to time. I don't know the situation well enough to support one side or the other.

Thank you. You are like a guru for me. Cuckchan is nice, I'm sure; however, I'm trying to help save the world right now and Q has sent me on a mission. But I will practice my posting somewhere else.

You don't know who Bill Kristol is? Look up who his father was.


Alright, I now retract my earlier statement (>>10964012). That's the exact kind of damage control I expect to see if things are really, truly, finally HAPPENING.

Fuck off.

Hurray, I love this machine that is going to spiral towards the enslavement of humanity… more.
Why do people not have the maturity to self regulate themselves?
We wouldn't need enforcement of laws if people understood the nature of their world and obtained a common goal to strive for.
But that's just fantasy talk.

All I see are stupid fish falling into a fish trap and I keep questioning whether this is right daily. I know it's right. But what I hate is that we don't all naturally gravitate towards that.
What I hate is that this is just how it is. It's the perpetual ball thrown for the dog.
We could stop the chase, but then it would lead to death and the process would just rotate again.

apologies for being a massive black pilling faggot…

Settle down Maynard.

We all have those feelings, no need to think we don't think what you think. We push past it.


man I'm just in a mood, sorry for shitting my thoughts

Congratulations you've become as retarded as
Autistic Geckos

Leggo My Eggos
Is an essential member Holla Forums, if this is your first time seeing him, then you need to lurk more.
Without him, we wouldn't have a retard to kick around.

Buy a bottle of everclear until your mood stops.
So is being a faggot.

I've seen him many times, I didn't actually notice he was here until
Or a rope. That'll stop those stupid moods!
I drink too much, but it ain't booze.

Hay, I'm just asking a question. If you can't answer it, just say: I don't know. It's that easy.

He wasn't shilling for defeatism or something, he was just in a spot of feeling shitty. Your nicknames for that one actual defeatist shill are far faggier, CNN-tier. user does not need to drink to bring himself out of this, necessarily, he can recompose himself without it. If he did not, he would not still be here trying to reconcile his disgust with the world of the Jew and his feelings of how things should be, aka. fighting on some level to hang on. To summarize, you are a manlet.

user: do You think I can get a ride on AF1?

You've never been in a asses and echoes thread have you?

Yeah sure, but why waste it on yourself when there are plenty of kikes begging for it instead?

Bill will always be known as Irving’s disappointing and less intelligent son.

Yeah I've seen him before several times, and I've seen people waste their time sperging at him several times. Just fucking filter and report his shitposting, no reason to engage him.

What everyone is failing to get here, is that there have been a multitude of honest public employees in these various bureaucracies for decades, and they have seen their job mandates turned 180 degrees out of phase, they have seen all they believed they were supposed to be doing corrupted by officials that were made their bosses.
They have been waiting for decades to have a boss they could come forward to, someone that wouldn't destroy their careers for doing the right thing. This is why President Trump is so very, very, dangerous to the deep state & those that control it.

Trump has a legion of honest allies throughout the bureaucracy, and they're not afraid to bring their evidence forward now, evidence of what the deep state has been doing…evidence of treason.

You think he's got no support within the machine?
Think again.
We're seeing the beginnings of a major purge.

Trumps CFPB take over with Mulvaney shows the confidence in his power level. No way he pulls that shit six months ago.

That's not Q faggotry, that's bible-faggotry, you dubs-wasting nigger.

It always seemed kind of quaint and silly seeing how people in pre-modern times worshipped their rulers, almost deified them. Now I totally understand it. IF (and it's still a big if, but pieces seem to be moving in that direction - my hopes are already higher than they should be despite myself) Donald Trump is able to expose and remove the corruption that has ensnared this country since at least the Second World War (and probably since the establishment of the FED), calling him the God-Emperor would no longer seem absurd to me. I totally get it.

Good point. He is a student of Sun Tzu and knows when to strike. Whom he installed there (I have no idea whether he is good or bad outside of the heuristic "a DJT appointment is better than a BO appointment") is less important than the fact that he did it over the pleading of the Swamp.

Someone posted stats on their payouts: 517 for democrats, 1 for republican. Its basically a shakedown org with no oversight like the fed reserve. Also targeted small to mid banks that made loans for small business owners too expensive to bother with.
Big picture its yet another tool for the corps to take over the US while giving freebies to shitlibs who push their agenda.

oddly enough my first thought was to to make sure i wasn't sealed up in that. then i realize i am nobody from no-where and have nothing to worry about. but yeah if 4k anons go dark then i get real bright in the middle of town

This is a derailment tactic I’ve seen several times here. Shills arguing with shills about whether or not nukes are real.

Because not all people are good or have good or have good intentions. Welcome the earth since ever.

This board has been derailed from a lot of different happenings where we were doing the digging. What happened to wieners laptop the NYPD had? What happened to wasserman schultz laptop?
Why arent we doxing Soros orgs and antifa? There were many more that have fallen by the wayside because all of sudden there are "mysterious" indictments and Q telling us to stand back from all of it.
Smells fishy

There is also the issue of airburst vs groundburst detonation. An airburst detonation can be thought of as spreading it's radiation in the same manner as precipitation, distributing it uniformly, whereas a ground detonation is much more devastating to the land and causes many more long term effects.

No one cares, Q-LARP. You were proven wrong. Go back to reddit.

The only expenditure of resources it incurred was ours. It's a fucking paid shill, user. This is obvious.

What if you shills are going to be tried as well?

Twitter is absolutely comped. I wouldn't even use it. With the oddness happening (observe who is promoted, like SPeeLC ranking tweets for example). It's so comped I wonder, is Trump even doing that tweeting, or is it one of their "agents"? Be careful, I think they're gonna try and use his and other's tweets against the people, being a public square. It's been taken too seriously from all of my observations, I'm moar goncerned about tweets that people shot off than shit-posting here honestly.

First, Twitter needs to fall, the fact that it HASN'T, indicates fuckery all around. If people just stop using it, it'll fail at attempts to stay afloat, and it's honeypot.

Well luckily I'm IP banned from Twitter, so no worries there.

Greatest word to come out of 2017.

This is something they need to consider. They knew damn well they were breaking the law pic related but were so sure they'd win that it didn't matter. Things have changed now. Time to worry, shills.

Reminder that tradition guides us.

Let's not forget that they also make sympathetic aliens very niggerish in behavior. Look to Avatar and District 9.

It's our only hope.

Dubs say the shills should be worried


Because there's a bunch of glow in the dark niggers on this board and they've managed to control the narrative by telling us what we want to hear. Great if we want to discuss this, but we need to be doing more shit like iotbw.

Very true, although the glowing niggers can only delay the inevitable.
Definitely this, I'd like to do another round of Fed protests as well. With the kikes already growing fearful and prone to mistakes, the time is ripe to continue agitating them.

In trying to think of what the most simple explanation is. My intuition tells me that this has to do with human trafficking due to it's interstate characteristics looking at OP image 1 as it positively correlated with the 6k+ arrests under Trump's admin this year. Could it be those 6k flipped on their higher ups and we're about to witness the largest arrests in history.
Also, this could tie in to Flynn, his lawyers, Trump's admin, and his son and the entire mystery behind that. Remember his son got the boot from the camp and all these things really snowballed poorly for Flynn right after Jr. Started posting about pedo-gate-woodever?
What if his lawyers cut coms with Trump's laywers due to that?

A little too much of "The Real Red Pill" and AJ?

user: Are you fine tuning your bots?

Why do I sense that the NK missile launch is strangely related? Can someone take this tinfoil hat off my head?


There are three ways these kind of things can go:

(1) this is a mass move against organized crime/foreign agents

(2) this is the beginning of cleaning house in D.C. of individuals who have engaged in criminal activity such as trafficking or conspiracy

(3) This is the prelude to a move to neutralize Trump

We can speculate all we want about the first two, but if the third came to fruition, I have no doubt that we would see civil unrest in the US on par with the Balkans in the 90's.

0 in N GA …. there will be more for sure.

Exactly why its one of the first two. They know there are far too many people in the US who are chomping at the bit to get the party started. An SA style cleaning house could go a long way to restore some semblance of law and order bc at the moment it looks like a third world dictatorship.

bannon you little fiend, you

Central California has the largest by a wide margin? That's odd.

Maybe they're going to shut down Esalen? There are also some Naval stations and bunkers/silos in that area.

Weirdly, I did not expect Santa Barbara, Pismo, Santa Cruz and Monterrey to be the heart of darkness.

I mean, I guess Artichoke was so named because it took place in Central CA, but fuck me I never thought any of those guys would swing. Other than government fuckery that area isn't famous for crime. Especially since E, N, and S all have their own categories; North having Humbolt and all of the cartel grows, South having LA, and East having Fresno.

Maybe San Jose / Silicon Valley is being grouped into Central rather than Northern? Most people I know consider them Northern.

This really could be some big shit. Central CA locals feel free to correct me.

Keep in mind that we still don't know what these indictments are for or what is going on. As other anons have noted, for all we know they're preparing to massively arrest white nationalists, or shitposters on these boards and begin the crackdown on the internet at large. Ironically enough California has some of the most hardcore white nationalist groups in the country. Do not assume that whatever is happening is automatically going to be good for us. God knows, it never has been before. We should find out at some point in the next six months, at least.

Yeah, but Central CA isn't exactly a known white nationalist or user hotbed. The Central Valley is full neocuck in addition to being mostly empty with shitty reception. There's no way they've got that many anons in Central relative to Southern (Orange County) and Northern (STEM / Cascadia) CA. Parts of the extreme Northern bit of the state should have the most active "cells" so if that's the angle they ought to have a greater number of indictments.

Unless they're including Silicon Valley as Central, and there are a bunch of STEM fags on the list. That still seems like a stretch to me.

I can't make this work in my head unless it's targeted at human glowsticks. MS-13 is mostly Southern and Eastern. Grows are Northern. Anons are probably mostly Northern or Southern, with some unfortunate bastards in the East. At any rate there shouldn't be more bad goys in Central than Northern and Southern combined.

Central CA, especially the coast, is very sparsely populated relative to the rest of the state. It's crime rate is low. The coastal areas are extremely valuable in terms of real estate, and include lots of Navy installations. I suppose Santa Cruz has plenty of pot, but Colorado should have comparable numbers. And it still doesn't explain why it's so much larger than either the Northern or Southern parts of the state.

I'm mystified. I'd love to see where they demarcate N, S, E and C.

So we either go 1776 or 1488? I see no downside.

>How many are normal? 1,077 per 2009 report:

If they are aiming for a Public Crackdown, the best way to survive apprehension by the Police and the Feds is to live homeless.

I see potential. From all the crap that's happened over the past year, anything seems to be possible.l, but I err on the side of caution/low expectations.
I love you fucking guys, keep up the good work. We're all gonna make it, me thinks.
t. humble lurker



You just took two completely unrelated things and mashed them up together as if it disproved mathematic probability.

Apologies for not having law terminology down, but is it possible for feds to move the jurisdiction or court to a different part of the state, where perhaps the courts don't suffer so many case backlogs? Or maybe higher profile cases are getting moved to central California to better preserve anonymity of people that might turn?

Separate point, with thousands of indictments, if nationalist groups were being targeted, it seems like an user would have heard something through word of mouth. I think it's one of the other candidates–pedos, corruption/treason, or MS13.

Well, if you're correct, I had fun watching the ruse cruise

CA-Central serves Whoreywood and the gangbanger areas of socal.

Here's an idea. Nuclear weapons aren't as bad as they claim and nuclear power is the key to space travel. Aliens don't want us in space so they make us believe some bullshit

no such things exist, baller.

Our sardine fishermen work at night in the dark
of the moon; daylight or moonlight
They could not tell where to spread the net,
unable to see the phosphorescence of the
shoals of fish.
They work northward from Monterey, coasting
Santa Cruz; off New Year's Point or off
Pigeon Point
The look-out man will see some lakes of milk-color
light on the sea's night-purple; he points,
and the helmsman
Turns the dark prow, the motorboat circles the
gleaming shoal and drifts out her seine-net.
They close the circle
And purse the bottom of the net, then with great
labor haul it in.

I cannot tell you
How beautiful the scene is, and a little terrible,
then, when the crowded fish
Know they are caught, and wildly beat from one wall
to the other of their closing destiny the
Water to a pool of flame, each beautiful slender body
sheeted with flame, like a live rocket
A comet's tail wake of clear yellow flame; while outside
the narrowing
Floats and cordage of the net great sea-lions come up
to watch, sighing in the dark; the vast walls
of night
Stand erect to the stars.

Lately I was looking from a night mountain-top
On a wide city, the colored splendor, galaxies of light:
how could I help but recall the seine-net
Gathering the luminous fish? I cannot tell you how
beautiful the city appeared, and a little terrible.
I thought, We have geared the machines and locked all together
into inter-dependence; we have built the great cities; now
There is no escape. We have gathered vast populations incapable
of free survival, insulated
From the strong earth, each person in himself helpless, on all
dependent. The circle is closed, and the net
Is being hauled in. They hardly feel the cords drawing, yet
they shine already. The inevitable mass-disasters
Will not come in our time nor in our children's, but we
and our children
Must watch the net draw narrower, government take all
powers–or revolution, and the new government
Take more than all, add to kept bodies kept souls–or anarchy,
the mass-disasters.
These things are Progress;
Do you marvel our verse is troubled or frowning, while it keeps
its reason? Or it lets go, lets the mood flow
In the manner of the recent young men into mere hysteria,
splintered gleams, crackled laughter. But they are
quite wrong.
There is no reason for amazement: surely one always knew
that cultures decay, and life's end is death.


How many are normal? Roman Catholic sign of the cross is upside down, done with five fingers instead of three, is done from left to right instead of right to left, etc. (basically inviting demons). Antichrist's Third Temple will have 8 chambers: a chamber per main religion; antichrist will be crowned in this temple; during crowning, he won't read the "belief prayer" correctly (rejecting Christ and acknowledging himself); when he will take his gloves off to make sign of the cross incorrectly (just for show), many people will see his big nails and will reject him; Patriarch (who will be crowning him) will say that this is the antichrist; antichrist will kill him. Also, antichrist will kill those priests who disagree with him at the 8th "wolf" Council; others will worship him when a bird dies at his feet. Roman Catholics, Satanists, and Buddhists use the same mudras; if you see these mudras on an icon, then it's not Orthodox icon; Orthodox icon has IC XC symbol (Jesus Christ). Roman Catholics pay drunks and prostitutes to pose for icons; passions of drunks and prostitutes transfer to those who pray to these images. Normal Orthodox icons are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Gaad in Ruski = Satan; hence, Americans = blasphemers because they always say: "Oh, my god!". Santa (word for Saint in Satanic languages) = Satan; hence, Spanish + Italian + Portuguese = blasphemers. Anathema to Satanic languages; triple anathema. Learn Church Slavonic; no curses in it; curses = prayer to Satan. All religions except Orthodoxy worship Satan. On bread for communion: IC XC NIKA (Jesus Christ Conquers) plus cross = Orthodox; hexagram plus Dusha Maya = antichrist. Jews and Muslims pray head down (either standing, bowing, or kneeling); this is Satanic prayer. Orthodox look into the eyes of icon; energy goes their way; they get healed; head and shoulders come together to reject Satan slowly and then fast to normal showing allegiance to Christ and not the devil. Hands cannot be on groin or behind back; either put them crossing each other on chest (right over left) or just by your sides. Legs together so that a demon doesn't run underneath your legs. Clergy who will not "put Buddhist icons and serve antichrist's blood" will be killed; only 7 churches will be left as Pelageya of Ryazan predicted. In 2006 and at other meetings, fake patriarchs and bishops signed a bunch of documents betraying Orthodoxy by saying that all religions worship the same Supreme Being; triple anathema; don't let heretics tell you what to do. America will be last country to switch to Euro. Three big earthquakes will shake the three superpowers; 1st big earthquake in Russia; 2nd (bigger one) in China; 3rd (biggest of the three) will be in America. NATO will nuke Ukraine to blame Russia for it; then NATO will nuke Russia from Scandinavia. China will attack Russia; but will not get past Ural Mountains; bio-genetic weapon will be used against Chinese soldiers (they will run back to China and hide in closets in fear) and weather weapon will freeze Siberia to - 200 Celcius; stadium-size chunks of unmeltable ice will fall from the lower sky (because when rockets go into higher sky they bring this ice down to lower sky). Russia will destroy Turkey and America. China will have a hole across the whole country to the abyss (because of another super weapon used to stop Chinese aggression); radiation from this hole will be massive; Chinese will try to keep quiet about it; a lot of people will fall into this hole.
Scientists don't see dinosaurs because of radiation. Only Eurasia and Alaska (both without coasts) will remain after demons blow up Antarctica (which surrounds the flat earth) and Greenland melts. Move to Ural Mountains or inland Alaska. Sionists wanted war between Russia and Germany from June 11th to October 11th on their holidays because (666 times 3)+(6 times 3) = 2016 (in their twisted logic).

Tube people = demons. Clones = demons. Human costumes that demons wear = demons. Dinosaurs and 666ed people have triple stranded DNA; normal person can't swallow 666ed food (designed for 666ed people). Demons live inside clones. Bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (who discovered Bubonic plague) is depicted on the Shroud of Turin. There is another shroud (Shroud of Milan) on which blasphemer Yosef (who was crucified on a pole in 1066 AD) is depicted. Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Lenin (el=deity in Hebrew, nine = no in German; so, when chanted repeatedly is blasphemy against the Creator), and Yosef were possessed by Azazel; now, Rico Cortes is possessed by Azazel.
WW3 happens; 7% of people will be left; after people are tired of war, they will elect the antichrist as one world leader; don't vote. ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Next false flag: Statue of Liberty in order to attack Iran; one big shake, one giant step forward, one giant collapse. Move away from coasts as nukes will go off in the ocean (at where tectonic plates meet; result: megatsunamis 1km high).
Wear natural clothing so that if a bomb goes off it won't stick to the body as fast as synthetic clothes. All metal will be burned for fuel; so, save knives, crowbars, shovels, wood-burning stoves, etc. Also, save cloth/fabric/textile to cover the wounds and diseases.
Eat natural food because nanochips, cells of aborted fetuses, bug DNA, and other poisons are in food that is commonly sold; reject vaccines, medical care, medicine, etc. because nanochips are administered thru IVs, implants, fillings, etc. If 1000-1500 nanochips are in your right hand, then you can't make proper Orthodox sign of the cross with the right hand; last mercy for you then will be to cut the hand off.
Seraphim of Sarov and Sergiy of Radonezh will be resurrected after WW3 for a short time; Seraphim of Sarov will show the new Ruski Tsar who will fight the antichrist for about 2 years and 8 months. Those who go see Seraphim of Sarov will be healed of their infirmities/illnesses/sicknesses/ diseases; if you want to see him then, hurry because he won't stay longer than a few weeks.

Earth is flat; stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer. Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep.
Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Ruski Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist.
Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia.
Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets.
Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies very fast; deceived people will say that "Christ is here; Christ is there". Sometimes, he wears blue robe over left shoulder while red robe is underneath. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Antichrist will trick people to believe that he can do mountain moving and resurrection (using holograms); fire from the sky is easy (considering the gases from pollution in the atmosphere).
Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on the highways. Microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take grey plastic card; but when they do, 666 is given. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell.
If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you. Burn documents because they're from Satan. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell. Forgive me.

Fuck off CIA nigger.

People who post like this are subhuman niggers.


The Capital of California, Sacramento, is at the northern tip of Central Valley. Who generally hangs out at State Capitals?

at least in PA it's coons

these indictments could be cleaning up pantyfa

demographics to me suggest you may have something with this idea. hm.


No - lobbyists. Mini swamps, but in California it's not so mini just due to sheer size.

We all know who these indictments are for.

Obongo was anti-pedophobic, remember. Eight years of investigations that some decent cops held on to for the right moment.

That moment is soon approaching. Merry Christmas.

I had to check to be sure, but that tweet is in fact real.

Trump just named the deep state itself, and called them rigged and corrupt. Probability of not being LARP now up to 30% in my book, and 50% for the events being true even it Q is some faggot just guessing.

all the posts in this thread "defending" Smiley are from Smiley himself.

he frequently uses multiple identities to pull this tired trick and evade bans.

he's a literal gay retard with no life whatsoever.

Trump learned from the mafia after they killed his friends in a free helicopter ride for not playing ball in Jewsey. He's like a super-PI that the alphabets have been coming to for years.

MS-13 own the politicians in some places.


You got it, Pontiac. Has to do with ley lines.

Leaf media keeps shilling this. I'd stay away from Nova Scotia next week.

That reminds me, did Brock enjoy his Heart Attack Special?
Any time, any where, Brock.

Shills BTFO. DOTR incoming.

Not to derail indictments, which are formidable; but to call the Q thing a LARP is weird, very weird. Because even if it were a LARP, it would be the most sophisticated and greatest LARP ever on halfchan. I see pros of the event, getting people to dig into real connections; very real connections. And what's the con, that there's less haircut and trap threads? Just don't see the cons, at all; I mean, it's halfchan wtf

The name of that photo that was posted. To call that a coincidence is a huge stretch. The chances of it being some sort of psyop are higher than larp.

Falun dafa negates the CIA/mason heart attack thing, just FYI

You motherfuckers need to join with Guam, Micronesia, Palau, and the Marshall Islands into the 51st state already. Those aren't even independent nations since the US pays for their defense. If they unite and become a state, we'll flood them with whites and have a glorious tropical paradise spanning most of the Pacific.

That's not the whole state. I think that's just one judicial district. Also, the general list in the OP doesn't have a "Western CA".

If Sacramento is considered Central, that might go a long way to explaining it. They're mostly bought and paid for by international or corporate interests. Still, most people I know usually group them as Northern CA. But I could see it being Central CA on a technicality. That makes some sense.

It's not MS13, or Southern CA would not be so horrendously outnumbered by Central CA. As far as I'm concerned, that much is obvious. The CCP owns more California politicians than MS13, and MS13's priority is places where they are locally situated. Namely: Eastern and Southern CA.

Kek. Can confirm that faggot is a pest.

Shit, nevermind, I stand corrected. That makes more sense. Could be MS13 if it includes San Bernardino. Still, the Eastern and Southern districts should be big too, in that case. And it looks like Sacramento counts as "East". So politicians/swamp things are probably out.

Shit, it could be pedos or even anons with the inclusion of Orange and LA Counties. Whelp, now I have no clue. It's probably not glow-in-the-dark types given the numbers and districts though, unless they're all spooks from San Bernardino.

LA would be the Heart of Darkness.


I think its one of the other. Actually I'm almost positive. I live in San Bernardino, and let's just say I'm observant and have definitely seen a LOT of shit in the past few weeks. That's all I can say bc I'm not sure whether or not what I saw recently was a honeypot. I'm definitely paranoid of possible martial law in the near future here.

hey niggers, a lawfag here, not sure if any other lawfag said this yet, but basically all a sealed indictment is–somebody got charged with a crime and either there are other perps they also want to round up they're worried about tipping off, the charged person is a flight risk, or there's some other reason like they have evidence they might destroy. as far as i know, these are typically used in stuff like gang operations, mafia, national security. it would definitely be appropriate for such a massive criminal operation (and related to national security in a big way) that hillary/dnc/podesta et al were running, but i think it's a little odd they would just let the sealed indictments sit out there, because the sheer quantity here is enough to send a message to these idiots who destroyed blackberries etc. that whatever else is out there, they need to get rid of. this means witnesses probably get capped, too, and we know hrc and her friends have a penchant for that. so, although i do believe at some point the criminal conspiracy shithammer will drop all over these traitors, murderers, pedos, and whatever else they've done (bribery, extortion, racketeering of all forms basically), it's also possible these are a big gang roundup.

as far as i know there isn't really a time limit on when the charges are filed (sealed indictment issued) and when the arrest/seizure takes place, because that's a practical question, not really a legal one. the legal time frame generally begins upon arrest, because at that point, you have to charge the person with something. the indictment itself is the charge, so what they're waiting on now is just the moment to arrest/search a whole bunch of targets at once who've already been charged. so, i'm not really sure if we can know how long it's going to be.

the key, as fbianon seemed to emphasize long ago, is continue to put a lot of pressure and dig into the Clinton foundation, because that's truly the worst crime at the highest level america has ever seen. that's true with no hyperbole. i know you think @georgwebb is nothing but a filthy kike, but he does do good work on this. also, i would check on the hil's coverage and sarah carter at circa who both do very good original reporting, and i would continue to push hard on cgi. it has the potential to take down hundreds of the highest level people in our government–they are ALL criminals. FBI user was right on that. It's bad–please do not stop pushing–don't let these indictments make you passive

i meant to write push hard on cgi and clinton foundation

You mean a commonwealth.

In Mass for example the "state" is the county, so presumably the same here. Each island is a county.

t. another lawfag

That was a picture of the premier of British Columbia, user.

You just changed the argument though. The claim being refuted was that it was impossible for there to not be extraterrestrial life. My argument is only meant to refute the claim that because there is life here, and the universe is so large that by virtue of these two conditions there MUST be life elsewhere.

Highly probable, yes. Definite, no.

Do I believe in aliens, yes.

Proving they exist with math or logic is like saying that you can prove deities exist with math or logic.

And when I said changed the argument I meant your use of probability vs impossibility.

More likely its zogs foot soldiers going down. Minimize the risk of false flags.

Nobody knows who is jewing anymore because its a jew civil war. They have come under stress and the bloodlines are making moves to eradicate their competition and establish themselves as the true ruling class.

Most Northern Californians would have an aneurysm if you told them that Sacramento was a part of Northern California, even if it is geographically in the North, because Sacramento is not culturally Northern.

That being said there seems to be a lot of private and military air traffic coming in and out of Sacramento as of late. Not sure if that has anything to do with the indictments or not though.

The idea that we should be keeping track of sealed indictments came from the Q larper, there's no reason to think anything significant is going to come from any of this. It's also interesting that the jew David Seaman who's been a big advocate of this LARP, is now openly associating with David Wilcock, who made similar claims years ago about mass arrests that never happened.

You're being jew'd, and it's very likely that some liberal jew media outlets will use this whole thing to smear Trump supporters as gullible retards.

Fucking reported.

I mean a state. Of the Union. We need to get rid of our territories and start looking to expand the union physically again.
You’re not very smart, then.

I read what you wrote perfectly fine. You want to officially unite subhumans into a 51st polynesian state that you swear will be turned into an Aryan superstate!

Skip to 44 mins in this video from Trump's speech today. I tried to embed the video but I might be retarded.
politicians want to drain the swamp.

It's a post option.

Btw the format for the t= URL parameter accepts XXmYYs too, besides just seconds.

Define the state. In commonwealths of both Oz and Burgerlands THE COUNTY IS THE STATE.

Nice insult projection though. Go back to law school.

t. has been shown the aliens

Hello ICE, thanks for your work.

For some reason when I put in the embed code it wouldn't accept it.

A state in the United States of America is any state that has sworn into the union that unites the states.

A state is a sovereign governing body of a defined and agreed upon region. In the nation called the USA their conglomeration is officially called a union or more officially "the Union". Commonwealth and confederacy would be suitable substitutes (in fact there was this one time where it got rather heated) but Union was chosen.

Maybe change the URL to a more standard format. that "feature" parameter is unnecessary. The timestamp accepts XXmYYs format, too.

I'm hopeful, but will have to see the actual purge to believe it. Otherwise, it's just (((Jared))) playing the chans.

Yep, you didn’t read it. Thanks for playing, kike.

The United States of America, you cocksucking pile of shit.
Nope, the states are the states. You’re a mentally defective faggot.
Cry more, kike.
lol, no one believes you

is this number of sealed indictments abnormally high in your experience?

i thought they were going to be opened when trump got back from japan? what happened im confused

Why are you posting that picture? /k/ already confirmed it's bullshit. Thomas Wictor is a Saudi fetishist who posts his Saudi Master Race fantasies as fact. Don't tell me anyone on Holla Forums believes his stories? Especially after he declared Vegas was "a cut and dry case"



Got an alderman of my town and others involved. More than one victim. In the next town over more than 10 city employees resigned mysteriously.

They've been doing that on a daily basis for the last two years. They aren't changing minds at this point user. Their influence has evaporated.


Betting time. Which representatives are going to (((commit suicide)))?

Are we finally going to Camp FEMA?

As guards, yes.

The deep state has kept crimes covered up committed by powerful people (pols, media, industry, etc…) and used it as a control tool.
These indictments are meant to correct the balance and kill two with one. You don't aim for the head right away. Bring the monster to it's knees first. Then lop off the fucking head.

No, the Qtard stragglers ITT believe Wictor.

i was excited until i saw the location breakdown of the indictments. looks like ms13 crackdown. this would also be something trump would be very happy to show off to the dumb racist boomers. I'm not sure he's ever actually been set on ending corruption. As a big time real estate developer (especially in jew work of all places) corruption is your bread and butter. Hope I'm wrong.

nah Lerner flipped and they just sorta brushed that matter aside publically, for now

I haven't been keeping up lately.
Is there actually a single interesting memeable image that has come from this whole Q investigation? From the outside it looks like you guys have been spinning your wheels obsessively the whole month with nothing at all to show for it.



Didn't they make the "Trump is a zionist shill" graphic?

I really hope you’re wrong too. First the traitors do need to go. Second, fucking indictments are not how you deal with a threat like ms13. For that only bullets are necessary.

That’s why I don’t think it’s a ‘larp’ either. Nothing says that if it’s bullshit, then it’s automatically someone trolling for fun. Never underestimate how damaging false hope and the ensuing let down could be. It could get significant numbers of people to drop their own personal searches for truth if that happens.

I’ve brought this up here and got replies like ‘no it could be larp. Some user years ago trolled Chris Chan for months on end.’ It’s still not the same. The effort here is immense and it points to something organized. It’s either truth or a damaging lie but it’s no joke imho.

One interesting thing though is Trump seemingly becoming more ballsy than he even was before. He’s been going all out lately. And his attitude at that tax speech was a bit reassuring.

How is it sophisticated? They paid some autists to take publicly available information and turn it into questions. It’s all information we already knew. None of the Q-LARPers have told us anything.

Who said it HAD to be “trolling for fun” to be a LARP? It’s obviously a paid shill. Some of Soros’s billions went to Q-LARP. Nothing (and I mean nothing) else could explain why, a month after being proven wrong, it’s STILL being shilled on reddit, voat, cuckchan and here, never mind ON TWITTER BY FUCKING BOOMERS.

Thinking about it being MS13 really isn't bad. Think about what brought Gotti down. His enforcer ratted. MS13 are primary enforcers here in the States, and every state has them or affiliates.

Other reasons, like Voting fraud comes to mind. CPS also comes to mind. Once you grab the enforcers things crash from there.

Anons here did imply that to me. Me and you are actually in agreement. It’s Soros funded manipulation.


Double checked.

Reported for reddit dick sucking.

I feel like he's more of a man sent by God to remove the (((demonic))) powers that be



They didn’t fly so good.



what's a great way to make it look like you're doing something when you aren't ?
just tell people you've issued a bunch of warrants, but you can't tell anyone who they're for or why or when you ever will

So what's going on?

Are you saying that all of these crop circles belong to an international, multi-generational trolling effort? What use could jews possibly have for such a thing? Distraction? Gas-lighting? Negligible personal profit?

Have you ever heard of the "Alien Disclosure Movement"?

Ayys are pretty much a guarantee whether or not they've come to Earth, but I personally think it's likely they have. Probably not only one type of ayy.

The story of the Ancient Aryans is the same then as it is now. The inferior finally managed to subdue the superior by dumbing us down so that we can't even remember how we got here. We should've never came to this nigger planet.

so here's an idea i haven't seen put forward or discussed much. we know the fbi/dhs is investigating antifa/soros for possible terrorist activity (probably going back as far as the inauguration or even before). is it possible some, most, or even all of the sealed indictments could actually be for antifa/soros and friends? in some ways this explanation seems more plausible to me now that they number in the 4000's.

That's really just your opinion.

Here's a better version in less than half the file size.

When people use the word "scalar" in conjunction with /x/ tier stuff there is no better indication you're dealing with an idiot.

into the oven, kike.
dont let the door hit you on the way in.

That's pretty crazy. What are they trying to hide?

Fed law stipulates that the trial must take place within the Federal jurisdiction that the crime took place.


you're seriously reporting me for that ? Also buddy, there's no point pretending that you're the one that belongs here, your posting style is pretty distinctive. Since you apparently know so much about reddit, maybe you should ask your boss if you can be reassigned there, maybe you'll do a better job convincing Trump isn't surrounded by jews there.


Shills are getting pretty desperate. Low energy pilpul. Back to shul for some more mohel cocksucking.

The number is probably higher now if the trend has continued. Maybe we'll see the number of sealed indictments reach literally over 9000 before this is over.

Lurk moar. If you're gonna post what you posted, provide the new stats or gtfo

That's really just your faggoty opinion.

Cuckchanners seem to be chimping out over the whole Flynn thing. They're so stupid they don't even realize we've already been through this exact thing and that's why Trump fired him but even then the contacts were made in fucking December after the election and included countries from around the world.

It's pretty insane.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

It was a few select cryptos that blatantly lied to the people, not wholesale republicans


that's how you fit in bro, you use a lot of weird jewish slang and insults, people definitely won't realise you're the actual jew then.

Cuckchan mods don't ban shills senpai,
you'll see that supposed halfling chimping occur with each and every (((bombshell)))

I've said it many times here and I'll say it again. The left and Dems are like grunts. Still evil, but the real, strong side of ZOG is and always has been on the "republican" side. (In reality it doesn't matter what side as it's all the same cabal) But the arch kikes call themselves republican. Bushes, Cheney, fucking satan himself Rumsfeld. Where is he btw? Does he do or say anything anymore? Even Guliani, who a lot of people like and he even went to Trump's side after awhile I think is not so clean. That was a big problem I had with those Q posts. It painted Obama as some sort of commie ringleader. Man he was just a house nigger.

I disagree, for a while now the GOP has been used as the "military" arm of the globalist agenda in the US. The democrats have more in common with the mainstream EU parties then the GOP

top kek, (((they))) deserve it

He was on Oprah back in the 80's talking about a possible run, and there was that time in 2000. There's some plausibility to this

So is there ANYTHING new? Other than these cases will need to be cracked public by at least new year/70 days?

mueller is a marine, and marines being loyal to the military and not DC would be in line with Q claiming the military pushed trump to run

recently saw claims that Trump is at war with the scilons, do the indictments line up? i know they've got a big center near hollywood

What indication would there be of that?

Proven false, so no.

one, dubs point the way
two, are there more indictments in areas with major scilon presence?


just like pizzagate has been debunked

Lol no. I agree with that. That's what I was trying to say. Maybe I was unclear.

your lack of dubs betrays you, idfag

Blow your fucking brains out, kike. Q is a LARP.

earth is flat regardless of the holohoax.
do your homework.

It's a corruption sting that will rip both parties completely apart, but mostly the Democrats. There are so many in Puerto Rico because HUD/etc funnel billions there.

I bet the ones that look a lot like us also walk among us in public undetected.


How dose the north and south hemisphere see diffrent stars than?

"COINTELPRO" is the one FBI program.
If you mean counter-intelligence, then say counter-intelligence.

There's not a goddamn thing stopping you from doing the work yourself and posting a thread on it, you lazy niggers.

Yoooo this is my first time on Holla Forums and I would really appreciate a QRD. I was the creator of the smartsheet in the CBTS threads a while back and haven't had time to keep up with the developments over the past few weeks.

I went back to 4chan and it seems to be totally lost at this point. Just shills shilling each other. After 5 minutes the humor of the situation was gone, and I decided to finally venture here to see some views from the 8. I had always thought posts promoting 8 were a CIA tool to track our shit, but upon checking it out I gotta say I'm almost in tears seeing a board reminiscent of the old days on 4.

Sorry for the faggot shit, just nice to be home

What did I miss? Are the any verified anons I should know about or threads for required reading?

This is hard mode, fag. Lurk 2 years before posting.

You have not apologized enough and probably never will. Lurk for a decade and sort yourself out, you're a big fat mess.

you're right. last post for a while. need to learn the ropes. let me know if that smartsheet is still being used anywhere or if it can help.

The "proof" Q was a larp was itself a larp.

Seems like this needs a bump.

Why? Did anything change?

This isn't /new/.

I'll take that as a no.

I'm pretty sure one of those indictments was unsealed already?

I think you're correct.
This Q bullshit has been above and beyond embarrassing so far, hell there's even people in this thread that buy that stupid bullshit. It's nigger-tier lack of logic.

It'd be civil war 2: Electric Boogaloo.

All because some dumb niggers came here shitting up the place because they can't into logic as to why an obvious RP is exactly that: fictional.

This, but turboniggers won't stop mentioning it on the_donald, and the fucking mouthbreathing, knuckle-dragging, "MUH BASED NIGGERS"ing boomer cucks over there think they fucking belong here because they all go to cuckchan, and think this is just another cuckchan. Also some weird shit how the natsocs here are "just ironic" or shills.

If only they'd neck themselves, or at least find somewhere in their skulls the capacity to reason out why the RP is obviously bullshit. The security clearance the RP'er claims to have is held by double-digit numbers of people in the U.S. govt.

Every time we're mentioned on reddit, we slide a little bit closer to becoming cuckchan.

Because legal work, building a case, and figuring out what order to bring them in (to try to get them to crack and fuck each other over to get lessened sentences) probably takes a shitload of time when you're dealing with an entire cartel.

Counter-point: It could be 4,000 antifa. What is more likely though, is the MS-13 and various gangs and their members around the country. Trump has been talking about "sending in the feds" on Chicongo for a while now.

On what fucking planet, in what fucking universe would that even make sense you fucking mental invalid?

Wrongthink, why else.



It would at least scare away all of the faggots and niggers that are here trying to blend in from the_donald.

I don't understand why there's this assumption that it would have to be exclusively for a single group, it could be a mixed bag of inner city gang cleanup, nigger wrangling going after illegals, maybe some politicians and a couple hundred antifa. Unless I'm mistaken and there is some reason that all 4k of them would have to be for the same group.

Neck yourself. Just do the world a favor, and neck yourself. I hope that was the rope you were looking for, now please go find one that isn't metaphorical.


Trump is the figurehead of a massive and old organisation, deeply christian conservative, that has come into ascendency due to the actions of God, who is now a god of beautiful, sublime, chaos.
So trump didn't need a year - his team have had years