Do women even want to trad-life or are they forced into it when the biological clock is ticking?

Do women even want to trad-life or are they forced into it when the biological clock is ticking?

Our message is ignored by young women. Our ideas is opposed by them.
They call their pets "babies", but hate real ones.
If in many european countries the age for the first child is short before the age of 30,
how is is possible for a woman to have more than 2 children.

I want to be honest here: I cant find a trad/cons girl. The reason to work my ass of at the
University, at the gym and everything I do is for the reason that I want to be a good father and husband at some point.
I am losing my motivation everyday, because it seem impossible to find these types of women today.
I know that they are out there, but probably already found or will find someone that is better than me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Women change when society changes. How the fuck would you find a traditional woman at a Marxist brainwashing factory?

Also kill all kikes

First image show that I should not look for a gf at my University. These are the worst type.
My UNI has mostly engineering and computer science. The highest rate of females are at
Business administration with like 30% women.

Trad-life is what makes women the most genuinely happy, but they don't think they want that. They think they want to shotgun beers and get gangbanged at parties, and "have a successful career".
After 30, the health and quality of the offspring is severely impacted. Women should breed from 16-24, 29 at the absolute latest. After 30 is abusive, especially if you have son(s). I hate these cunts so much for ruining the next generation with their selfishness. Behind every manlet is a wrinkly old roastie cunt that wanted 5 more years of drinking more than she wanted her son to be successful and happy.

30-34 is not directly the problem for having a child.
If you had a child or two the years before.

I can only name 2 women my age group I know that haven't had hookup.

My mom had me at the age of 23.

Good for you, lad, but unfortunately a lot of people are born to older mothers than that. IMO 22 is the upper limit for marriage, and only then if she's miraculously still a virgin, and 30 is the upper limit for breeding. The marriage age should be reduced to 16 and sex outside of the bounds of marriage should be illegal.

Women respond to environment. Being surrounded by a population of high T men with adequate potential for wealth to be a main provider, who are explicit for their desire for a trad wife is what it takes to turn women trad. If any of these elements are missing women revert to whatever kikes are pushing on the masses. College used to provide this trad breeding ground environment before T levels and average earning potential went to shit for men. Make men healthy, wealthy and wise again and the women will go trad.

My parents are a couple since they are 15/16, but I was born as the second child with my mothers age being 34.

No one is buying this anymore

Despite what Holla Forums tells you a women is actually less likely the file for divorce the with the more eduction she has its all about money

The response also could go the other way around:

Ever realized that women let their husbands go out with other married men, but not single friends?
But prefer to have at least one unmarried friend themself they talk all the time?

It's a statistical fact, the happiest people are mothers of four or more children. But single women don't believe this is true, instead they try to fill the void by stuffing themselves full of a different Chad's cock every weekend.

What units does one use to statistically measure happiness?

There was some study, I don't have it. Why do you think it's not the case? Who are the happiest people if not mothers of four or more children? Rich pedo kikes? Porn stars?

Women follow the herd, so to speak. Right now the herd is dominated by feminist/marxist ideas, which means that's the kind of women that are prevalent in society. Good women are out there but they're unicorns. Your best bet is redpilling someone that isn't completely antifag tier yet.

That's why women need to herded into environments where they are competing for trad Chads. They need to feel the pressure in their teens and early 20's that there are many quality marriage material men near their age or a little older, but they will have to compete with other women to be worthy of the men's high standards. Churches provided this community better than most institutions and historically nothing has worked much better. In the context of a city women require the environment of male dominant structure to not degenerate to a cat lady or an eternal whore.

So basically they get a free pass on having no values or responsibility whereas it's down to the men to pick up the slack and do everything for them.

This. Did we really need a thread for this? no

Is this really a surprise for you? Feminism is terrible because it encourages women to fail at being women.

Pretty much user. Women have no agency, they're not expected to be responsible for their actions and let me welcome you to your first red pill on the subject.

The moment you accept that women are pretty much shit you'll be a happier person for it. Owe and yes women are shit, they crashed Rome, Persia, Mesopotamia, Greece, etc. You look at the end of every once great empire and there are women running it right into the ground.

Yes. Until artificial wombs are invented they must be herded and trained for the benefit of men and civilization. Women aren't as benevolent or as wise as men by nature and can't be trusted to act in their best self interest. We either take responsibility for shaping white female behavior or we let shitskins invade and shit on everything Western men have accomplished.


Women have been advertised to since the 1940s in a very heavy way. Far moreso than men.
See the first 10 minutes of this documentary:
"The Century of the Self"

It explains just in those first 10 minutes how psychological war propaganda methods were turned into "peacetime propaganda" for advertising sakes.
The first example it gives is "breaking the taboo of women smoking so they can sell double the amount of cigarettes".
It has been like that ever since.
Woman have been brainwashed to believe that they should want all the same stuff as men - that it will somehow bring them fulfillment, and yet they remain completely lost forever.
They join new fads, yoga, meditation, weird cults and sects, feminist movements, become temporary 'lesbians' - anything just to fill that void in their life.
They fuck and fuck and fuck as many men as they can, because it's easy - because television told them that "EVIL MEN" were oppressing them, and they can have a great time on the pill, buying pills and condoms and new clothes all the time to impress a new crowd of strange men.
So they keep doing it, short term pleasure - no real fulfillment. No emotional bonds, and eventually picking up some diseases until they reach a point where they realise it is almost too late. Then they want to cram in "that whole biological imperative thing" at the last minute, and end up with a bunch of downies from their half-dried eggs.

Women in the past, for millions of years, were completely satisfied by taking care of their family, having children, raising them, looking after the house and keeping the ideal environment for their husband and children, so the husband can work without worrying about his house or family - because he trusted his wife and knew it was all in good hands.
All of this responsibility, all of this reward - seeing your children grow into excellent people and thriving and enjoying their lives too.

All of that beauty was diminished by these advertisers, with various agendas.
In the past, the only women who focussed their efforts in other areas, were barren or psychologically damaged in some way. There's a reason for that.

The western man died a long time ago, it is the modern man who is responsible for this decadence. We must return to the values of the western man without parasitic Jewish influence and remain that way.

It CLEARLY shows MOST women marry after they enjoyed the cock carousel as much as possible.

- "No uni" amounts to most women marrying between 31 and 32 years of age.
- "Uni" amounts to most women enjoying the cock carousel 1 to 2 more years (but more overwhelmingly so) before they settle for a betacuck that will marry them and PAY for them.

That's right jews had no part in this

I would disagree with you slightly on the graph interpretation. It looks like there is a 4-6 year delay in the "college" class, which basically re-inforces the general belief that women in college see it as an extension of high school and thus their "youth". Yes, they are riding the cock carousel because that's what happens in a female hyper-gamy situation like college.

It seems like your best bet for college aged women is to find the "social outcasts" at the college who don't go to parties and fuck around. Basically this means girls who don't fit into the usual "slut-think" the others have, and thus they don't enter the group, ergo outcasts. Also look for the girls who genuinely like engineering and science and you will find women who are less prone to getting pumped and dumped.

Interesting, link?

Correct me if I'm wrong…

At first I thought the same thing (that there was a ~5 year delay), but when I looked at the peaks of both groups, they were closer than what I thought. "Non-uni" peaks at 31 (though it's a number very similar to when they are 29 and 30)… while "uni" women peak at 32. The reason those numbers seem off from the graph is that "non-uni" women have a more "rounded" bell curve, while "uni" women are distrubited AWAY from the those early years (in fact, you see almost NO "uni" woman marries before 23).

hypergamy will always sound fucking stupid
polygamy sounds good.
hypergamy either loses the "hyper" part, or it changes the 'gammy' to gay-me.
Need a new word.
I hate the word miscegenation too - it just doesn't flow.

polygamy is fine, and mongrelisation for the other.

first of all, nice ID

I was in engineering, now i am in computer science. I knew every girl in my semester. Only one was "the outsider" girl (even blonde and actually cute)
The others were all the same. They all had thier 4-5 orbiter ever second around them. Once again, UNI is not for finding women.
The more woman are there, the more "liberal" they are (based on the subject).

And why again should I date/marry someone that could get the same money and leave me when their friends tells them to?

Sorry for the direct links…

Looks like college educated women do stay married longer, but I do wonder how much of it is related to the fact that once credit is merged at the marriage process, you're stuck paying off her college loans….

I'm posting on tor, so everyone tor-posting gets the 000000 ID.

And there's the problem right there. In a female hyper-gamy, women don't have real friends… They are all in competition with each other for most/best/biggest dicks. They will cut each other down if it benefits them. Unfortunately at an engineering program, these "orbiters" aka beta-cucks serve to foster the ego of these bitches. Once they get out and no longer have their "White Knights/Capt Save-a-Hoe" to do their work for them, they fall flat on their face and then blame the "patriarchy" because they can't hack it.

when the curves met around 29-30
the no uni group has 50% total, while the uni gorup has around 20%
This is the difference. Also the no univ. group has the 20% mark before 25 years. Most of the uni group look like they "have to get a kid now, I regret the CC, betabux let'S get a kid" while the other group is somewhere between "ups it happened" and "now we have enough money"

Dropping two very potent redpills.

We're a sexually dimorphic species. Each sex has unique roles that naturally make them valuable to eachother. Men protect & provide in exchange for a woman's fertility & fidelity.

Women have been freed from their end of that exchange, while still getting what they need from men. They're protected by police forces & armies of men, and they have the unconditional safety net of free money & provisions forcibly extracted from men via taxation.

In this un-natural environment, individual men are irrelevant & disposable to individual women. In this environment, you will always be treated as such.

So, why invest so heavily? Live for yourself. And, since you're already paying to support a nation of single mothers, go out and plant your seed in a few. Feed them a fake name & fake story, cum inside the dumb whores, and leave them to the state-sponsored single-mother lives that they want.

This, I see more and more "recently redpilled, working to improve myself and find a good husband to become a tradwife" bios on twitter every day and there is a growing community of them where they support each other in this endeavor. Women are changing with the Overton window and getting redpilled just as much as men.

enjoy your gmo baby with no mitochondrial dna or conscious race memories

The objective differences between men and women is one of Jordan Peterson's strong suits. Apparently within his practice, it's extremely rare for a 30+ year old professional woman to not consider having a child to be the most important goal in her life.

Here's a few minutes of him talking about a book titled A Billion Wicked Thoughts that plotted the patterns of female porn consumption. It reveals the female hero-myth: it's to tame a dangerous man. It alone explains a lot of female pathology, from looking for 'bad boys' to becoming ceaseless nofun nags once they've got him.

Why wouldn't a baby who was developed in an artificial womb have those things provided they were formed with a donor egg from an Aryan woman and sperm from an Aryan man? The womb is just a gestation container, the DNA and racial memories come from the genetic material used to form the child.

We will see when the first ones grow up.
Alternative: Donor egg white + your DNA in a healthy 3rd party women(from countries where 10k is enough to have someone else child to give away)

Highly skeptical of this due to many studies showing assertative mating.

You had such a good shot at the Hitler quads until you didn't include the most important part initially.

Stop shielding these women from accountability for their corruption. That’s why the corruption is allowed to continue, because anytime they are called out for their actions some white knight comes in to make sure nothing happens and they can continue unabated.

Remenber the no no hymen no diamond meme that we did?

Why not do that again but target women who can't cook?

And I bet your car gets 10 rods to the hogs head, doesn’t it grandpa?

If you have a college education and you lift, you are most of the way there. Now all you need to do is go out and talk to women. Talk to lots of them.

You need to set yourself up on a sales plan. Start small, then get bigger. First day out, you go out and get rejected by 3 women. Next day, you get shot down 5 times. After that, you get shot down five times and go for one phone number. Etc.

After you get blown out 100 times, you just don't give a shit anymore. That's when it gets really easy.

Good luck and godspeed.

That's probably a result of being surrounded by weak men. Why would a gril want a baby when she's surrounded by shitskins and low-test numales who are unable or unwilling to support a family?

No wonder you're alone with an attitude like that. Absolutely pathetic.

No. Wrong. Acting like a fucking nigger and hitting on anything that moves is a great way to repel traditional women. Just like you wouldn't go near a slut who flirts with a dozen guys every day.

I agree test tube babies will probably be fucked up psychologically from a lack of subtle biological interaction their mother during gestation. The only reason I brought it up was that shaping female behavior to be trad is still by far our best option to propagate and improve the white race. An artificial womb as a way to ensure whites reproduce suffiently and eugenically is a distant possibility and may have unforeseen negative consequences.

It's not their biological clock.

They change their minds after they get a taste of the real world, have had to support themselves for a few years, and see decades more work and responsibility looming ahead of them. Unfortunately for them, this epiphany happens after their prime breeding years are past and they're only good for producing autism babies.

Always follow the 2-22 rule. If she hasn't had two white babies by twenty two, she's already a lost cause.

You're missing the point. Everything bad that women women, they can only do that because men let them get away with it. A woman can never have power past her ability to not have men tell her to shut the fuck up.

I got my ex wife pregnant with our first child at 23, while she was still in college. We had two great kids and I had a mid income job that supported us without her working. But all I ever heard was how I need to quit my job and get one that pays more. We, divorced and she started working and moved in with her parents. She told me a few years later, after switching jobs a few time, I get now why you’d stay at a job where you have a relation ship with people.”

It’s their fixing mothers that push them to be greedy whores and waste their fertile years looking for a rich man they are never goin to get, or leave their husband looking for one.

They dont change. They find a beta orbiter to marry then cheat on him or get divorced because they never really changed out of the degenerate lifestyle.

That was exactly my point though

I don't think he was suggesting that as a strategy to get a traditional wife. It's good to get experience with practice girls to deaden your autism if needed.

It's those arbitrary idiocies that push people to be too harsh with others and create problems where there are none.

My mother got married to my father at 25 and had me and my brother after that, the only children she ever bore. They are still married and happily so, some 30 years on.
Granted, the mindset they both had was less degenerate one, but what any one man ought to look for in a good wife is a good mother and someone who has good relationship with their parents.

That is a good idea too - get together with some girls, lose your inhibitions and more importantly, lose your worries about treating them like they are goddeses -they are human like you and interacting with them on physical level will only assure you of your masculinity and the necessity for a proper relationship that you will ache for after having few girlfriends in your search for a wife material.

If the woman doesn't look like mother for your children material and has issues with her own folks, don't bother, since she won't help you in building a home to come to.

Degeneracy shilling at its finest

1-10 or 1-100 points scale of self-defined happiness collected, analyzed and sorted by age/child/sex partners.

Closest to fullfillment they have, see Charles Mason

In addition not only you had enjoyment of your kids being good people but the children paid back once you were old and they took care of you in turn.
But then boomers got bamboozled into social security.
Now they also refuse to die and go as far as vampirism by buying blood of teenagers for transfusions.
After all (((Based))) David Rockefeller cannibalized 4 people by stealing their hearts, why can't average Joe Boomer be below that?

And men on their deathbed regret talking to their high school crush
Great argument, once you're not capable of having healthy kids you realize what you've missed.

Dont post the jew loving alt-right shill here you fucking shill

I know I'm going to get chased away, but I might as well blurb a little about my own experience to give some anons another point of data.

I'm a 27yo female software developer making 90k. I lurk here all the time. Right now I have a hapa (NW European and Japanese) doctor boyfriend that I plan on having 4 children with. I found him online via video games. The last thing I was doing to fish for men was to do online irl meetups. I hosted about 2 of them for various gaming groups I was a part of, and joined a few others briefly. Before that, I tried to meet men by looking around my engineering classrooms and going to their drinking parties (for like a month, before I gave up on that). Before even THAT, I had one boyfriend ask me out in high school. I was never really highly sought out, but I tended to stay with people for several years before breaking it off, so I was rarely single. I have had 4 boyfriends, two one-night stands, and one abuser.

The one thing that constantly bit me in the butt was that I could never find someone smarter than me. I am very judgmental, which is part of why I have no problem looking down on those who don't try or those who are less than par. I wasn't looking too hard, since I was deep in my studies, but I had a lot of people start to approach me in college. They were all the same: dim, uninteresting, unhealthy. My first boyfriend (highschool) I broke up with because he was slightly dumb, didn't seem like he would have much of a future, and his family had me worried about genetics. At that time, I could tell another kindly woman liked him, so I broke up, and within the same minute told him to go after so-and-so. They are currently married and have a baby. Afterwards, I was with a man who was more or less an abuser and I wouldn't count as a boyfriend. I had made that mistake on my own by trying to find someone purely online (he was already married). My second boyfriend was smart-ish and in the same software field, but there was something off about him that I couldn't quite pinpoint. Eventually I found my problem after a night where I poked him in the butt and he liked it: he wasn't manly enough. Finally, I had found a litmus test. My third boyfriend was also in Computer Science with me. He was big and strong and protected me whenever we went anywhere. I broke up with him because he flunked out a class, and then did a woman-esque shit test on me one weekend (he's currently dating some Indian). Around here I tried to go to parties to see if I was missing out on a sizeable dating pool. I had two one night stands who liked it when I poked them in the butt. I stopped going to parties. My fourth boyfriend is my current boyfriend. He studies for med school nonstop, 4.0 and 3.98 GPAs, etc. He has the build for becoming strong but doesn't have time to work out. He yelled at me when I poked him in the butt. At first he was confused when I asked him to order for me and talk to strangers for me, but now he understands that as normal. He was never "right" or "left" in terms of politics, but he loves the jokes and I'm pulling him to the right. I have no financial debt, but he has a lot. I'm working hard to save up money until he starts gaining a salary, and then I will quit and start birthing children asap.

Sorry for the length, but I know that a lot of people here are desperately trying to find someone to spend their life with so hopefully this is a good "insight into someone who might qualify". I am white German/Sicilan, 125 pounds, can look pretty when I need to, and am currently gagging on the red-pill. I would say that the one thing that turned me towards wanting a traditional lifestyle and wanting to have and take care of my own children was fear. I am afraid. I am afraid of people attacking me, talking to me, looking at me, hating me, alienating me, and I have been all my life. I needed someone to protect me, to tell me that I am being an idiot, to deny me and correct me, and to say that everything was going to be okay, you have a future, your family has a future, and anyone who tries to prevent that will be defeated.

Hypergamy. You got no one to blame and nothing to point to as a cause of this. It's just nature.

I will read the rest after you whip them out

Here is a secret pol, all the girls worth marrying are removed from the dating pool by the time they are 16. If you are past this age and have not found the love of your life, you will have to settle.


okay, I read enough. Have you learned nothing while lurking here?

You mind as well be fucking a nigger you race traitor nihilistic whore.

I can find a million people smarter than you. If you were into smart men you wouldn't be dating a fucking chink, you materialistic braindead cunt.

Worried about "genetics" but you have no problem fucking gooks.

Female hypergamy in a nutshell, nothing matters except the guys money, who cares if your kids are eliot rodger autists as long as you have a comfortable life with a beta provider.

"traditional lifestyle" what is traditional about flushing your heritage down the toilet to get some beta bucks?

Yeah, a giant space vacuum shows up and sucks them up.
Fuck off with moronic statements like that.

post the eurasian tiger's rant

go gag on a mutilated kosher "red pill"

sned him patreonbux to solve cosmo-tier tests and see what type of animal you are!
Spoiler alert free of charge results: shabbos goyim
name "Judaic" elements of judeochristianity.

That is actually impied in bible too.If you are smart enough to understand in which part.

no tits, we'll see them on the DOTR

I mean, I know it's bait but ffs, if you want to troll people with whatever was in your blogpost, sneak the racemixing in later.

Ah yes, and what have you found while searching? My boyfriend is 30% Japanese, entirely of Jomon descent, and 70% British.

But of course, where were (you) when I was searching? Certainly you must all be Nordic surgeon hunks of prime quality. Who are you dating, and how many children do you have?

Begone, degenerate.

In many cultures, at many points in history, there were two kinds of breeding arrangements: marriage and concubinage. Marriage was between husband and wife. The wife had social status. Concubinage was between man and concubine. The concubine did not have the social status of a wife, but was not held to high standards. When women don't behave like wives, concubinage is a natural adaptation of society.

Sadly, there may be a generation of whites that doesn't get to have wives. Nevertheless the gene pool is bigger and more important than any person. However, concubinage is not going to emerge so long as divorce lawyers can wreak havoc on society. There would need to be a sharp restructuring of society, a "turning" if you will.

having HAPA children is not making a positive contribution… looks like you are content to be gagging on the yellow-pill

Pretentious whores like you is what ruins dating pool - you admit to slutting around in search of a right guy and now you are on a mixed blood dude number 4.

Arrogance like yours is what makes men despise "intelligent" women.

Fascinating. You're racemixing so you're no longer white by the way. Just thought you should know that.

Forgot to ask, could you substantiate your claim of intelligence in any way? IQ? SAT score? ACT score? How do you assess others' intelligence?

This entire post sounds like total bullshit.

No answer? I guess you're single and producing zero children. Regardless of what you think, I am a data point. Use it.

Not sure if an ingenious kike shill or just a demoralised retard. White women are the most loyal among all races and the two sexes.

Just because you're surrounded by ones who have been brainwashed by the kike doesn't mean there aren't millions upon millions who aren't. Also, don't forget, they are social creatures. When they've got a friend or two who are screeching harpies, they will pretend to agree with them, even when they don't deep down.

>(((she))) replied again
where are your tits? Also, you know those 'stupid' guys you denied? I got news for you, the most successful men are the ones who are the most aggressive/industriousness your going to marry a dorky gook? That's how I know this is a troll. IQ doesn't even play a roll in this.

I mean at the end of the day its your genetic pool getting wrecked not mine, have fun faggot YOLO xDDDDDD

You'll produce zero human children, so who are you to throw stones?

I have three kids btw

Duh, to most white women you're no different from the ragged homeless man with one shoe, ranting and raving on the sidewalk and saying aliens are in his cock. And most of them haven't even heard whatever your "message" is.

LARP confirmed.

Not just any gook, a rich Japanese and white hapa doctor! yeah it's a pretty obvious troll.

That's even worse if it was the other way around.
Brits are pathetic cuckolds who come to Poland and basically pick up obese landwhales nobody wants to look at because it's superior to whatever abominations they have just because it wants to have a child and won't divorce-rape him.
Until i went there i thought the portrayal of men in their comedies was an absurdist humor, turns out they really are pushovers with no balls.
very considerate of his family.

Good job Hitler!
Go for 8, as israel has birth rate of 7

Fuck off D&C kike. Not more infighting over petty bullshit between Europeans

wew found a shill and I wasn't even trying

Have you ever even talked to a woman or do you just shitpost about how awful they all are for not acting like your chink cartoons suggest they should?

You guys really are shooting for that turbo wizard title, aren't ya?

Find a gun and shoot yourself.

Where dem titties at? You know the rules.

you mean cooking and cleaning and being useful to the family like most women ever?

And you think the good woman you long for feels any differently, user?

Your rule is shit and so are you, m8. Anything between the 18-28 age bracket is perfectly fine. You shouldn't marry women who are past 30, and you should never even touch a woman who is not a virgin. The fuck out of here with this stealth cuckoldry about cleaning up some PUA's sloppy seconds.

I've literally never heard of this rule, anywhere. It sounds like something you made up about your own girlfriend or wife so you don't have to feel bad about having sex with a woman who already has another man's DNA indelibly imprinted into her bloodstream and hindbrain.


Ok, say the dude turns and is all "WTF CUNT?!" when you do that, and tells your ass to gtfo (at best), then what? You found your alpha, but he wants nothing to do with you now. And you say you're smart.

of course, their motivations and opportunities are not like a guys. It's like asking don't you think the cat feels like the dog. It's retarded.

Gas yourself ricecuck.

Admittedly, chinktoons have way better female role-models than Western media. You're allowed to cherish fragile femininity unironically.

Spot on. I don't see how such things can be excused by anyone who advocates a "traditional" lifestyle.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about nor the reference because I'm not a weeb. Compared to the jewish feminist shit I and my peers were indoctrinated with taught girls to be obnoxious and brash and slutty and that homemaking and motherhood are oldfashioned and oppresive, the few gook toons I've seen were much better. Even the worst I've seen are better than hollywood propaganda.

I'll make one reservation, I've seen one that was creepy and weird and obviously just meant to appeal to male fantasy.

But at least they still cooked and cleaned and shit.

Anime is overwhelmingly dominated by fanservice garbage. But food is overwhelmingly dominated by fast food garbage. You have to look at what's good about it.

I prefer anime because while it has a comparably low quality floor to Western, the quality ceiling is several lightyears higher.

That's what happens when you don't follow 2-22.

Nature is harsh. Harsh rules for a harsh world. Do you want a strong woman? Or a coddled one?

was a whole different generation.

And if she hasn't has two by twenty two, she isn't. Women who choose to put off motherhood for "careers" and "education" NEVER make good mothers. They are unworthy of raising a white man's children.

Looks like someone has been listening to (((fertility experts))).

It's more like 16-26, but only for egg donors, not motherhood.

The fuck said anything like that. They should be YOUR two by twenty two.

Single "mothers" disqualify themselves automatically.

Who has thrown away her window of opportunity and doesn't deserve to be a wife or mother.

Enjoy your cats.

Why is it always the intelligent people who are too dumb to procreate? As the brainlets who rely on you to feed, clothe, and shelter their families grow in number, panic will set in when you can't provide fast enough. You wont need to worry about your carbon feet prints or global warming. You'll be murdered in your sleep.


Are there women who browse here who believe traditionalism is a conspiracy from the shadow patriarchy to keep women down?

Heres an experiment: go to university and live a "Sex and the City" life style until you're 40.
Come back when you're infertile and childless and tell us how satisfied you are with your life choices.

just as bluepilled, propaganda, and they're in an environment that selects against them. 85 IQs still breed plenty while getting the resource benefits and inventiveness of the smart ones.

I think you are a moron with no real life experience. Seriously, I thought Holla Forums weeded out people who espouse garbage like that.

Not too dumb.

Too burdened by the welfare state that permits mouth breathing nogs to breed like smelly rabbits. They'd breed anyways, but without the gibs stolen from the intelligent and provident on their behalf by (((the nanny state))) few of their worthless progeny would survive.

Anyways, I get wanting someone more intelligent than you, however are you capable of determining that? That is to say, there is having a quality and the ability to determine whether a quality is present. In addition, what do you define as intelligence, for who is better off? What I'm getting at is comparing rural people to city people, for even if rural people lack in education, I do not hold that against them.

He probably means they get used up & become involved in the type of trash behavior despised here.

Butthurt woman detected.

You don't know me, cunt.

Holla Forums is flooded with this retardation in all actuality.

I wouldn't stick by his rules, but I have my own. You sound like you just have lower standards is all. Someone being too harsh doesn't make them wrong.

I don't need to know you to see you are deluded imbecile.

just looked it up, but here is a redpill for you to gag again:
some research suggest that having two children naturally is having them NOT AFTER 27, last child can be at age 34-35, which is less than 8 years for you. If you want to be safe enough that not even 3 children.

sorry, you ARE the type of women I avoid. And taking advice from women is the blue pill.

I married my wife at 18. I was 20. She was pregnant with our third at 24 when a bunch of drunk illegals in a stolen car took them all away from me.

Don't fucking talk to me about "life experiences" just because you don't have the discipline, intelligence, and self respect to be a good wife and mother like her. Go get your "education". Pursue your "career". Be the "strong and independent woman" (((they))) tell you to be.

But don't you EVER think that makes you better. Or worthy to be a white man's wife or mother to his children.

Raising white children should be a white woman's first and only priority. You can get your education and career after you've completed that task. And if you selfishly choose otherwise, well we men won't stop you, but we don't have to accept you either.

And her supreme gentleman

I get the feeling this is a troll.
Okay heres a test for you, how do you create duplicates an object in C# and what is the most common mistake newfags make when they try?

No. Just a father once.

Is that beyond your comprehension?

When did Holla Forums start tolerating cucks and sluts?

Wtf are you sperging about you retard? Im talking about her HAPA son shes gonna have with her Japanese husband/bf.

Youre why Holla Forums is shit, learn reading comprehension you easily agitated faggot.

Troll or slut. Is one better than the other?
Trick question?

Fuck. Wrong thread. Too many open windows. I suck.

Kill yourself, race mixing roastie. But post tits first, as per internet rules.

Women also need to stop taking the (((Pill)))

Nah. They want to have kids and settle down with a strong man. At least that's my experience with every girl I know. Even the hard-partying drink-and-drug ones were instantly sober and preggers once chad came along. I even knew a young feminist "queer" chick who cut that shit out the moment a cute boy started making fun of her for it.

Oh sweetie…

Your beliefs are the reason white birth rates are so low. NEET status confirmed. Newsflash, it's your job as a man, to approach women. Even niggers know this.

Yes, exactly. Not that there's any autists here, amirite guys?

This guy gets it.

Master level troll.

I am pretty much at the same point you are. Perhaps a little more cynical since i have seen so many friends and family get cheated on by supposedly traditional women.

AWALT bro. Lift more, eat more. Extra bonus, you will be ready for DOTR.

Gee where have I heard that (((logic))) before

>Conflating the (((British government))) with British people

I hope you're only pretending to be retarded

>(((people))) who gladly take the paki cock
They're all 1488 in disguise, brexit was basically a coinflip. good thing they actually left UESR, though
People protesting against rotherham child rapes were shut down, why are the politicians responsible not out of the office yet?

Ya, them two, and probably you as well, are autist faggots who are tuff ereeanns who are too stupid and scared to talk to women. Fuck off with your faggotry, get off your ass and talk to girls. Its not degenerate, you fuckin turbo autist

You can be a man of merit, putting his pursuits above the aspect of reproducing, this is very much the case with many intellectuals, there just isn't time to tend to a wife and children(properly, of course). Look at Tesla, Hitler, da Vinci and the likes, are they degenerates, jew?

What’s really sad is meeting women who are into sewing and whatever, and finding out they are raging feminists.

Yes, project some more turbo autist. Seriously, were in a thread about women and you want to promote not getting married and having kids, but Im somehow the kike.

Once again, talking to women and getting good and knowing how to deal with them IRL is not degeneracy. Anyone who claims so is just a scared pussy autist, or a kike that wants you to waste your seed on 2d waifus for the rest of your pathetic lives.

The "female" larper and everyone responding should go into the gas chamber honestly.

>(((people))) who gladly take the paki cock

wew. Trying hard to keep the d&c alive, eh?

Hey look it's something I didn't say. You wouldn't happen to be a kike, would you? Because attacking people for things they never said is a pretty jewish trait.

There's a subject field for a reason retard. Who am I kidding. This thread is just one of many created to refill the catalog with shit.

Well you stuck up for them two faggots who were saying talking to girls is degeneracy, you stupid faggot.



I am very well acquainted with women for instance, I have had a relationship, but I really do not have the time to dedicate to a family. I don't jerk off to 2d wifus anime is degenerate, even if I was interested in doing such, I don't have the time, and you will find this to be true if you are ever to partake in personal endeavors as such - the best way to quit degenerate acts is being too busy to commit them. It's really not hard to talk or interact with women, but until the time is available, a family will have to wait, if it is to ever occur.

I disregarded everything else in that LARP post you wrote after that.


Disgusting whore.


Message to all those crying because women aren't red-pilled or because they're all feminists.

Women don't know what to believe until a man they respect as strong and a leader tells them to. You must lead your woman. The earlier you get them the better for obvious reasons (more time to reproduce and less genetic degradation).

It is our job as men to save our women from degeneracy, and to save our culture as we do it. Strong, moral, noble men, leading and protecting our women and families are required. Be one.

Get raped by a pack of niggers. Fuck out of Holla Forums and never come back, you worthless waste of flesh.

The entire purpose for us wanting women to breed is to create more white babies. Your babies would not be white, so they would be rancid abominations and we do not want them. I hope you miscarry, I hope you stillbirth, and I hope you realize that you deserve the same fate as any traitor.

shit like this has been hitting me hard these last few weeks. all those "could have been" encounters and so on. it's a flood of feels i haven't felt in years. every single girl I've ever had any interest in keeps popping up into my head over the littlest things.

White ((feminists))) are the reason white birth rates are so low. The womb is the limiting factor here, not white men.

There are plenty of white men looking for good, loyal, healthy white women to raise strong white children with. But all they find is this:

Any woman that easily led down the right path will be just as easily led (((astray))).

To your cost.

how old is Varg and how old is his wife?

Nobody here is contributing to our peoples decline that's for sure. You're going to be viewed here as a trophy wife by a conquered foreigner. Feel free to talk about how it's really your decision, true love, or any of that other bullshit though. Think of yourself as a woman getting raped after the men die in a war as the victor comes streaming through. Difference between them and you is that you actually have a choice. When you look at it from another perspective it says a lot about people like yourselves across the board on both sexes.

Just another cultureless individual wandering the earth unawares of themselves, and since culture is derived from soul it goes much further.

Is this a pasta from somewhere else, just slightly modified to fit Holla Forums's context?
Quite a bit of text to type out on the fly just to troll a thread.

Man if that chart is accurate, I feel sorry for the West. Those thots are shitting out pure potatoe by the 30-35 age point.

Ok fine I'll bite. Let me explain this, soon to be ex-normie blogposter to ex-normie blogposter. I consider myself re-redpilled. I knew the truth as a child (who doesn't.) Then I was (((educated))) and pol eventually had to show me the truth again a around 5 years back. Today I don't go yelling from the mountaintops that the holocaust was a lie. Few of us do. The truth is you will find subtle redpills in things others say, and you can share them back. IDGAF if pol thinks I'm doing it wrong. It's not going to harm your professional or family life. One thing I have learned is the redpilling process itself eventually becomes greater than the sum of its parts, and you can clearly see truth and lies in the world around you. It has never been a detriment to me at home or professionally.

As far as your future "husband"… Japanese and Western European are very honorable and intelligent races. Why would you ever want to destroy their history? You wouldn't, but I know where you're coming from in wanting to be able to provide high quality genetic material for your offspring. I want that now for my children too, and got lucky when I was a normie by meeting the right woman whom I have stayed with since and we have shared the redpill together. She stays at home with our beautiful children and I do about the same job with about the same pay as you.

Let me tell you what advice I can from my perspective. Don't mix races, or you will have nightmares about it. You can't go back on the redpill. Eventually you will know the truth about race even if you don't now. Next, regardless of what you do, you should probably consider dropping that 90k job to provide a proper mother to your children. You probably won't, but having a mother who teaches her children directly, I mean without fucking daycare, is worth so much more than you probably think, and certainly way more than society currently says it does. If you do it right even mutant children like you are planning on having will probably turn out alright. You can plan to go back to your job after raising them if you are so serious about it. Teach your kids about their peoples, their past, and if they aren't confused by being some kind of mixed race monster, they should be able to appreciate their ancestors who can live on through them.

If you even read over this you will probably think it's a bunch of bullshit. I would have. Career seeking normie women will especially struggle to see past their paper ego when it comes to the importance of going beyond the self when parenting. I've only ever met one woman who excelled in the professional life and parenting, and this was only after her children were adults.

Jomon, wonderful, but even then it's never entirely Jomon unless he was fucking cloned from the Kennewick man. Regardless, am I supposed to say "oh Jomon is ok because they were more like indo-europeans before the chinks invaded Japan"? It's not an excuse to mix.

Just because 4eb209 is probably alone in his mother's basement doesn't make his argument wrong. Your behavior is not ok, but neither was mine, or probably most red-pilled Europeans today. Choose carefully as you will NEVER be able to go back on this. You have a prefrontal cortex so start acting like it.

We're out there, we were beaten down by alcoholic parents and Machiavellian peers. Learned helplessness is a thing and traumatic stress is more than a soldier's ghosts of past combat.
Think I'm full of shit? Research the Adverse Childhood Experiences study if you want some cheat-codes on how to keep your children from turning into broken tumblrinas, hobos, or prison apes.


What the fuck to you know of combat? Stop talking out you're ass.

Can't be worse than god-incarnate your mother coming at you pissed off and whipping you occasionally when you were 2 to 6. Most of the time you chose combat, you didn't choose an inquisitor parent.

I really wonder how much of an effect circumcision does to babies.
it doesn't take much to fuck up a brain, extreme pain when they're that malleable has to mess so much up beyond out current understanding.

Probably quite a lot. I was mutilated within 2 weeks of birth, my parents were alcoholics making me ACOA, divorced when I was 4, both parents are physical punishers and were rather disconnected (children should be seen and occasionally heard, but goddamnit don't bother me I'm drinking/on the phone). Dad was asshole-in-bottle and liberal with the fist, and binged like mad. He eventually killed himself on heroin when I was 10.

Little in the way of activities, overprotected as shit. Little social skills conveyed so I was easy pickings in elementary school. Not bullied by just one or two punks, but was literally bottom-of-totem and mobbed for 4 years straight. Like the pedophile in general population. Begged to have something done, but little done for solutions. There was the physical aspect and there was the worse psychological aspect. Had no friends until middle school. Couldn't even choose my own HS as a specialized one for fear that the main 'central' one would be the same hell as before. No respect as a human from parents, just a 'child' at all stages and as long as I wasn't hungry or wet or cold or sick or bruised then it was A-OK. No discipline teaching, just "because I said so!" A stereotypical alcoholic "christian" household. I refuse to drink in quantity, and instead use cannabis as my vice to self-soothe, being skeptical of the therapy industrial complex. I've researched well enough to know I am cPTSD/DTD/ACOA and need to solve attachment disorder issues, and to not merely buy some DSM-V axis label for a surface problem.


Oh, THE POINT being that I am an anxious avoidant, disorganized attachment, learned-helpless mess at 30. IQ about 3 standard deviations above mean, but that doesn't mean shit if you were beat and ignored as a child.

Good luck with that ambitious breeding program! In the first place, you will probably not breed 4 kids. In the second place, you probably won't be competent to raise them. But who knows, maybe you will successfully breed multiracial babies. They are not likely to find life pleasant, because multiracial people frequently get rejected no matter where they go.

And - you make 90k? How do you plan to balance keeping your husband happy and keeping your job? Is your financial plan solid?
I rather doubt that you are a wizard programmer AND a wizard financial planner. But I sincerely wish you the best of luck. You're going to need all the luck that I can wish you, and more.

The main problem with men watching anime is that they inevitably identify with the female characters, boosting progesterone, and making them nu-male or worse. Look at how many transsexuals the anime community spawns.

hey man, just want to say i hear you. same here, bullied at home and school, beaten constantly, you'll be alright. you can do it, no joke, i don't mean some faggoty bullshit with this, you can overcome anything. people are incredible, so are you, nobody gets what i mean, but push through, you'll end up doing more than you ever thought possible, again no bullshit. you got this man

mating with filthy non-whites you fucking skank. find a pure white man or kill yourself immediately. filthy fucking race traitor garbage make me fucking vomit all over my keyboard. enjoy the fucking genocide i will impose on all you fucking race traitor skanks. inhale the death you fucking soon to be skeleton bitch. i will fuck your skeleton pelvis then let my dog chew on your bones you fucking cunt

3/4 white can pass for white no problem

If youre watching that gay moe shit, sure what you posted is true as fuck. But tell me Fist of the North Star fits the gist of your post. Heres a hit, absolutely not. If you're male, and you identify with the female characters disproportionately over the male characters, that user is a faggot, in all likelihood. Tbh, even in normie tier anime like DBZ, my point stands.

a shitty car with a pretty paint job is still a shitty car

Shit, at $90k/yr I'd probably still try to live out of a trailer and stuff as much as I can into a brokerage, and have both a dividend portfolio and a low leverage long/short portfolio to express my macroeconomic opinion with. I'd probably have a Roth IRA hold my dividend portfolio while using a standard non-retirement margin account for the long/short portfolio. So far from what I've gathered, proprietary trading firms use reports like the ISM Reports on Business to form an overall directional view, like "PMI is dropping, GDP is set to stall in the future, start favoring long defenses/cash and short cyclicals," and either make that position in various sector ETFs/funds, or research various companies in each sector and form an opinion as to which may over/under perform and long/short based on fundamentals. Don't try to play the pair mean-reversion trade game. 1-3 month positions, beta hedged, watching ATR/implied volatility and adjusting position sizes to account for price risk, hard mental stops but soft targets (cut losers quick, keep winners until they start to look like fresh losers and sell at a profit).

A game-plan like that, I could retire a millionaire after just ten years "working" if I didn't blow it at some point or a nigger-swan didn't rip my face off with half of Wall St out of the blue one day. Keep CoL low, never take more than 20% of my NET profits in a year and that's ONLY if I have over a million Dollars AUM (better to just never "pay myself" from my brokerage account if I can help it). Currently I have under a grand worth of BTC+BCH from when I threw $100 back in January. Otherwise I'm still at step one on my ladder.

At least I have motivation to do those 10-20 overtime hours if I could ever un-NEET, that is.



Women are broken and nothing can fix them. Society simply CANNOT change enough to shame them into walking backwards. MGTOW will continue to be right until women have no rights.

Ashes. Echoes.

You're not red pilled. You're a whore. Kill yourself.

This post is proof that women are ruined. LARP or not. Ashes. Echoes.

Just be sure it's not your same age-group hitting 30, but 18-24 year old chicks. Baby rabies changes a chick from a rough skrillix tattooed mulatto chaddicksucking femidyke into a pure christdicksucking blonde Aryan sooth-silky spoken siren. There is hope if non-rabies chicks are changing.

Good point, could be they're hitting the wall and affecting this persona to attract a good husband. I do know a couple 19-20ish redpilled girls irl and some on twitter so I know it's not just aging sluts but that definitely could be a factor for some.

the fuck is happening in this thread

Should 30 years old women have children by IVF?

No, his arguments are wrong all on their own merit. "Muh white babbies at all costs". Nigger please.

Stupid cuck doesn't understand the costs.

We need white babies, but white babies need white MOTHERS, not selfish cunts who focus on their educations and careers and have children only as an afterthought, even if they happen to be white.

Only for as long as it takes the family courts to judge it a long term common law marriage and give her all your shit plus your earnings for the next two decades or more.

Once a whore, always a whore. You can't unburn coal. You can't unfuck a slut.

Save your shit for virtuous women who deserve it. Or keep it to yourself. Never reward a whore.

No. They have missed their window by many many years.

Really but I have seen they have 2 -3 kids. I just think they should reproduce babies by ivf to reduce the chance having disabled babies.

We are not in disagreement. I'm simply saying watch out at near-30 and older.

here's your (you) roastie

Funny, because I remember a recent study about women having trouble with finding a man, because they all refuse to date people who don't make as much as they do or more. They literally cuck themselves out of the dating pool by becoming educated.

The reason women with more education rarely file for divorce is because they don't start a relationship with a man that earns less than them in the first place. I bet that study neglected to mention that the more educated a woman is, the less likely she is to be married or have children to begin with.

Being raised by some 30 year old slag who has to resort to IVF is already crippling enough. Such babies, even if physically perfect, will be mentally and socially disabled.

Near 30 is far too late. And how she spent her early 20s can be even more disqualifying than that she spent them. A 19 year old gender studies major is just as disqualified for life as a 30 year old cougar with baby rabies.


No forgiveness. Once tainted, always tainted.

You can't. It's broken and nothing will ever fix it.

Ashes. Echoes.

Only because she's far far far less likely to get married in the first place.

Educated women seek even more educated and successful men. Highly successful men know to vet potential partners very fucking carefully and can afford ironclad prenups so that she doesn't benefit by divorce.

The donated eggs will be from 15-20 years old ovaries so the quality of the eggs isn't shit.

The quality of the eggs doesn't matter when they're raised by 30 year old single cougars with baby rabies. Fresh nature can't compensate for shitty selfish cougar lack of nurture.

And the epigenetics of a dried up cougar womb are also a serious factor in prenatal maldevelopment.

There is simply no replacement for a fertile 18yo white virgin who has kept the faith.

I didn't say it will be raise by single cougars. You lying idiot.

So how come my mum are able to nurture me like a lovingly mother would.

Then explain me and my siblings who aren't retarded yet.

So are you saying we should give up and stop trying to encourge the white couple to have kids? You realise that our white population is actually shrinking without getting replace by the white people when we pass away.

No. I'm saying all life is filth and all living is suffering. Burn them all.

Don't blackpill me. I am not ready to give up yet so go kill youself. We don't need the traitors like you.

Whatever. The blackpill is all there is. Watch what happens. Try to prove me wrong. Post pics of it here when you're done. Go on.

Why else would a woman be seeking IVF at 30?

Were she virtuous she would already have had all her children by her husband.

Looks like someone doesn't know any better.

Is this a trick question? Do you really want me to answer that?

You have a limited window of opportunity. Women have an even more limited window of opportunity. Miss that window at yours and the white race's peril.

Because white women are being selfish and failing to do their duty to our race by having children within their window of opportunity. Instead they are focusing on their educations and careers and themselves and having children only as an afterthought.

Why would you reward that selfishness by giving them children anyways? Why would you inflict selfish mothers on white children?

"Muh white babbies at all costs" is not an argument. It's a trap.

Jesus no wonder kikes want women to be whores


All women are ruined.


Nothing can ever fix it.


There is No Future but Nuclear Fire.

Ashes. Echoes.

And they have all been ruined.

Your boyfriend should hang for disregarding the Kokutai. You should hang for being a disgusting whore who thinks she belongs here.

To reduce the chance of getting disabled babies.

It look like you have no idea what my life is like.

It is not a trick question.

That doesn't mean we give up and allow the white race become extinct.

White couple must have white children otherwise we will become minority and get asswipe by the niggers who want us to die. That's our future so have more white people or die under the niggers care.


Not all. If they've held fast to a white man and have given him two white children by twenty two they might not be.

I'm right. You know it. Who did I betray? How did they not betray me first? My very existence is a let down. Why didn't one of you ubermensch not help me kill myself?

I'm waiting. And we will be extinct. Everyone will be in the glow of Samson's Wrath.

Ashes. Echoes.

Yes. All.

Too many of her friends want to live Sex and the City and you are just one lonely trad-husbando.

Watch what happens.

At thirty a virtuous woman should be concentrating on properly raising the children she already has.

Call it an educated guess. A very educated guess.

Careful there. Failure to detect irony like that is a symptom of retardation.

That means you have already dropped that ball, and it's time to step back and leave the virtuous to preserve the white race as you have proven yourself unworthy.

Do not throw away your window of opportunity.

If you are a white man, find a virtuous 18-20 year old white virgin and raise children together. Settle for nothing less.

If you are a white virgin woman of 18 years, find a good white man, cleave yourself to him, remain faithful, and raise children and grandchildren together.

But if you are not… if you can't manage that simple thing… then you are the problem. Don't even fucking try to make any excuses. The white race has no need of you.

You think it's just a matter of mere numbers?

Have you so little faith in the superiority of the white race?

Whites have always been a minority. We can handle it.


My wife was not ruined.

I was taking a huge risk marrying her, true, but all rewards require risk. And risks like that can be mitigated. Never settle for anything by the very best.

There are no virtuous women. There is only Eternal Misery.

There is no reward. Only Eternal Misery. Have fun with your alimony.


I'm a widower you retarded emo crybaby.

If you stop projecting on others your own failure as a man and human being, but instead put some effort into getting your shit together, you might not be such a miserable streak of piss.

Women don't really think for themselves. (i'm speaking generally here, don't bring up anecdotes) Their personality is, for the most part, just a collection of external influences. That means if they are never exposed to any traditional ideals, they naturally will not have any traditional attributes. This gives you an advantage in that you can expose women to traditional ideals, and suddenly when it clicks in their mind that traditionalism is what they want; it will be associated with you, you will be the bearer of civilization into her world.

Of course it's not as easy as walking up to some chick and reciting Frithjof Shuon to her. You need to represent masculinity, cannot cave in at all. Feel the will to power in you around men, but feel the desire for absolute dominance over women; to the point that you consider her as a form of property. Yes you have to become the "baby maker starting kit" it's bullshit compared to their non-existent standards, but you obviously have to uphold your part of a traditional relationship if you want someone else to uphold their part. And make sure she upholds her part. "White-knight", "Supreme Gentlemen", "Trad-cuck", all of those are terms used to describe men who hold themselves and other men to traditional standards, yet never actually hold women accountable for their faults. If a women is garbage you should leave her. If a man is defending a women by attacking you, he is just trying to white-knight.

Also it's important to not get to autismo about this and make sure you actually love the girl. Yes modern marriage contracts incentivize women to leave you, and "love" alone certainly isn't enough to keep a marriage together. But if you do not actually love each other then why would you even bother trying to marry her? To sum this up. Over on /r9k/ there is a phrase "alpha fux beta bux." Your goal should be to have your personality fit into both of these. Women consciously love soft, loving "betas," and they unconsciously love strong, protective, "alphas." So you must consciously be "alpha" and you must unconsciously be "beta." At that stage the two of you will probably die of old age together.

Also you should probably give up on having a virgin gf/wife. The black-pill is never fun, but you are super unlikely to find a virgin girl. Although if you find one then go for it. You're not going to walk into building/country X and then come out carrying a new wife. Just go about your life and try to socialize, and once you get experience with women you will be able to tell which ones are worth your while.

If you can't find a good man it's your fault you ugly dumb narcissistic bitch. Why don't you improve yourself instead of shaming men into letting you be an autistic gook fucker. Like I said you mind as well be marrying a nigger and producing more criminals and rapists.


I can't do anything else. The Voices won't let me. Do you get it yet?

You. Can't. Try it. Watch what happens.

No. I'm right. You know it. The black pill is all there is.

Ashes. Echoes.

All women are like that.

That's her father's job. If those ideals aren't ingrained in her by the time she hits puberty, they will never be more than a fragile veneer.

Meet her biological father as soon as possible. If she doesn't have one, or if she doesn't live with him, or if he's a mangina cuck, walk away. You're only wasting your time with her.

Women think for themselves. They're just thinking about fucking gook dick like that one white woman in this thread.

It's also not an isolated incident, there are other right wing and white nationalist women that are fucking gooks right now long after they've been "red pilled." They just don't give a shit about white men at all and only care about themselves , finding a beta provider for their selfish needs.

Still doesn't work. They're still ruined. Even your dead wife is a useless slut.

Men don't need excuses like "voices", boy.

And that's why all life is filth and everyone must burn.

On the contrary, her ashes make a very useful paperweight.

tl;dr: give it up emo child.

Then how about you run along and go find some gasoline and matches and beat the rush?

Do it faggot.

Marriages where the bride and groom are more than 5 years apart statistically fail. This "marry younger" shit is just another blue pill from know nothing women "experts" on the internet.

Whatever. My "excuses" are valid. Come to Gadsden, Alabama and help me kill myself in person and I won't post in your threads anymore.

And your dead waifu is still a slut.

No. I never back down. But I'm too cowardly to kill myself by myself. Come to Gadsden Alabama and help me do it. Meet me at Forrest Cemetery.

It's all shit. All life is misery.

Depends a lot on the direction.

Depends on how much younger.

I did say men have their own window of opportunity, did I not? Her window closes five years before yours, but make no mistake, your window also closes.

I mean, I wish I could just do it myself. But that's too good for the gods to ever allow it to happen. I need help someone please come help me kill myself.

White women aren't worth saving, they will continue to fuck non whites if it suits them and blame you for it if they can't find a rocket surgeon that meets their needs. These beta's married to ugly women don't understand, they think they're experts on women when they have a wrinkly old ugly cunt as a wife or they're single.

This is why these people who say we shouldn't exterminate all non whites are part of the problem, white women will find a way to fuck niggers even if we have our ethnostate. Thousands of white women go to Japan to find gook dick, they met online or whatever, or they go there to teach english and end up married to some gook.

If your window closes, then what is the point? Because without a personal stake most people will tell your ideas to go hang.

Do your own goddamn homework user.

Ignore him, he's a just whiny useless sad guy.

So if we kill everyone and everything that lives, that solves it, right?

The point is you better get your shit together before your window fucking closes, now shouldn't you?

Get cracking.

I have. But I need help. Gadsden Alabama. Forrest cemetery. Please help me kill myself.

I can't. My window is already closed. I'm 29. Come help me kill myself.

Marriages where the man is more than 5 years older than the woman statistically fail. It's like an 80% divorce rate.

The vast majority of women marry men their own age, and that's what they prefer it's not some conspiracy.

a) Women want a man their own age
b) Women want a beta provider

That's why they wait until their 30s to get married, because that is when they can find a man their own age who makes good money.

If you have no knowledge of female hypergamy or haven't looked at any statistics do everyone a favor and stfu.

Threads like these are always full of "experts" who don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about.

Actually they want a man 2-4 years older until they hit about 40 when they start wanting men 2-4 years younger.

But that's just single women.

The only ones who matter are the ones who want to be virtuous wives and mothers at 18. The rest are beneath consideration.

I am 27 years old as well.

Other than some college professor-tier cat ladies women don't really think about chasing down non-white men. If you talk to a lot of women you can coax racism out of them. Even a lot of tumblr-tier women don't want to date outside of their race; this can be found out with the right prodding. The whole reason miscegenation is shilled as hard as it is is because of the awful state of white men. Even a lot of white men tend to have this attitude that blacks are more masculine than them, so just imagine how much larger an effect that will have on some women in terms of sexuality. Everyone hates niggers, even niggers. Even with the abhorrent state of white men in terms of masculinity, and all the pro-miscegenation shilling the inter-racial marriage rate is extremely low. This idea that all women are attracted to niggers by default is just absurd. Don't think so low of yourself. If you're an honest person, if you genuinely care about bringing more good into this world, then you're better than a nigger. You are better than a nigger, user. Say it to yourself: you are better than a nigger. I am better than a nigger.


There are no wives and mothers by age 18 that didn't burn coal.

It doesn't work. Women will always hate us. Watch what happens.

Will you come to Gadsden Alabama and help me kill myself.

Then either find a 22 year old widow and get cracking or get a vasectomy and live the rest of your life as a happy, successful bachelor. Be an example to young white women of what they will miss out on if they don't make marriage and family their sole priority while they are young and still have a chance.

Whatever you do, don't cuck yourself and your race to some "educated strong independent career woman" who was too stupid to understand she can't have her cake and eat it too.

Reading comprehension.

I said WANT to be wives and mothers, not already are.

Do you understand the difference?

I want to have 4 kids one day.

One day?

You should have been thinking about that when you were 18, not "one day".

Ok I should have said "soon as possible."

Sometimes it's not about victory, or about the glorious outcome. Man will never reach the Ubermensch, yet we still strive for that ideal. What we need to learn to do is to appreciate the fight itself. Think of all the thousands of generations to inhabit this earth. There is not one that has seen the world in the state we see it today. Of all these thousands of generations you happened to be born at the absolute bottom of the pit. Is this not the universe telling you to climb? Let me tell you that if we win this war and restore the golden-age of Aryan civilization, that will not be the end of it. There will be decline once more, and there will begin a new round of this struggle. The war is eternal. So your fight must be eternal.

Do not take satisfaction in anything but your character. The world will be destroyed one day, yet you should be one who fights for humanity. A perfect wife will die one day, yet you must love endlessly. A victory will end one day, yet you must win.

"As soon as possible" was back when you were 18.

You're 27.

The fuck have you been doing for the last ten years?

"As soon as possible" was back when you were 18.

You're 27 now.

What the fuck have you been doing for the last ten years?

The fuck double post?

Well what do you want me to do? SHUT UP AND TELL ME TO HAVE KIDS YOU SILLY OLD DUDE!

dude 11 year olds will try to show off their asses to you if youre even somewhat aesthetic. its happened to me multiple times where ill be waiting in line somewhere and theyll make it so obvious the way they go up on their tippy toes and then give the side profile view then another view, then try to make eye contact. women are naturally whores. today some little bitch did it while her dad, mom and little siblings were with her. and if you think im delusional i guarantee im not the only one this happens to. one time this little bitch probably 12 in booty shorts literally turned around and dropped down with her feet planted and her ass poking out 6 inches off the ground as i walked by to show off to her little friends she was with. women are literally programmed since birth to find an alpha and get fucked by him. everything else is societal pressure either supporting this or suppressing this instinct. is it a bad thing i dont fucking know but its the way it is. and i try to get mad when it happens because id love the idea of pure women to be reality but it doesnt even make sense. just work on becoming an ubermensch so you can mold a girl that naturally wants to be yours.

You're not looking hard enough.

There aren't many, true. Certainly there aren't enough. But there are more than none.

Never rely on what they say. Get confirmation.

We should stop arguing and start a big white family. Does anyone agree with me?

You are not a person so your opinion don't count.

What's the most important thing in your life?

Do whatever you want to do. But make damn sure you really want to do it.

But don't waste your life striving for what you can no longer have.

Do you really want to reward the bitches of your generation who are teaching the next generation of white girls the lie they can have their cake and eat it too? Do you want to be chewed up as a false example of that lie?

Says the fool who wants to kill himself in a cemetery.

Why should we listen to you? You want to kill yourself in a cemetery. Your opinions are worthless.

Nothing need be proven to a loser who wants to kill himself in a cemetery. A fucking cemetery. Like any run of the mill emo faggot.

If you want to kill yourself then what's the harm in sharing a secret with the one person in the world who is trying to help you? What is the most important thing in your life?


I really really wanted to be a parent to my four white aborable white children. I can make you proud user.

Not wanted enough ten years ago when it mattered.

Growing up is largely a process of accepting the things you can't have any more.

So instead go be the man that "strong independent feminists" can't have any more.

What I know is you're some lame emo tryhard who thinks suicide in a cemetery is a thing.

And that's pathetic.

NO! I refuse to accept that. I will have kids and be a happy parent.

All of us should have 4 white children to secure the white people's future or else we will be minority in the future. You don't want your ass to be wipe by the niggers, do you?

You want to go sailing on a boat?

With whom? You should have thought of that ten years ago.

Don't bother. He's finally been booted.

Oh come on buddy. Why must you blackpill me for?

White people have always been a minority.

Not blackpilling. Just being straight up honest with you. Your window of opportunity is almost completely closed, and if you try to force it back open at this late stage you'll only be harming yourself and your race as a bad example even if you don't get completely burned.

But but I alway wanted to be a father. You know It's a one way ticket.

And seriously, what have you been doing for the past ten years?

You obviously didn't want it enough to do anything about it for ten years.

I travelled to USA and back to Australia after that I am working since then.

Priorities, man.


shut the fuck up dude my dad had 4 kids starting at 29

We're getting a lot of bullshit on /r9k/, due to the fact we have a growing population of people who blindly defend women here.


is a different generation and lived in different times when you could almost get away with that.

fake and gay

Becoming a parent is my top priority.

Lmao pol doesn't blindly defend women.

I said some people here did, not all. Read you nigger. The problem is that leftypol shills are trying to subvert /r9k/ by taking the posts from here made by a minority of posters defending women and then the shills are claiming that all of Holla Forums is like that, to fracture the relationship between the two boards.

Says the many who have been "traveling to the USA and back to Australia and working" for a whole decade without having any children.

Pull the other one.

It's not your choice but my choice to decide.

Then you should have decided ten years ago.

You can choose to shove a pineapple up your ass as well if your degeneracy goes that way. I won't stop you. I'm just telling you you done fucked up and it's a really bad idea now ten years too late and a betrayal of your race.

what the fuck is wrong with you? why dont you look up how old hitlers father and mother were when he was born? youre obsessed with this guy for some reason and are trying to convince him to give up on life.

Another generation. Another time.

Think about how much better things would have turned out of they'd sensibly had him at the right time.

I'm telling him not to waste his life on something he can't have any more that will only reward the enemies of the white race. And I'm hoping young white men who still have time read this thread and take heed and not make the same mistake of waiting ten fucking years to have children because they "want to be daddies".

How am I a betrayal to my race when I am going to have kids?

Don't try to stop him from achieving the dream family.

at this point im going to call you a kike because even if youre not youre talking just like one. how the fuck is having white kids going to hurt the white race? having a bunch of kids at 18 when you have absolutely no financial security seems like something a kike would advocate. im not saying wait till 30 but at least have a stable way to support children without relying on zog handouts. gas yourself mordecai.

Having them ten years too late with a self absorbed thot who also put off having white children (because at 27 that's all that are left) is betraying your race.

You believed the (((lie))) you were sold that you could wait and have it all. You chose material gain first before family. And so will she have. No question. It's hard enough to find a virtuous woman worthy to raise white children properly at 18. At 27 there's no chance left.

Statistically speaking you are looking at less than ten years of a sham marriage, and your white children will grow up in a broken home. All because you couldn't be bothered for a whole fucking decade to get your shit together.

You have already betrayed your race and your children before you ever even have any.

I'm not the one stopping him. Reality will.

That's what happens when a man (or woman) runs out the clock.

Because it's a matter of quality over quantity, and you spent the past ten years demonstrating your lack of quality.

Fucking deal with it.

(((financial security)))

Fucking called it. You chose material goods and wealth over family. And you presume to call anyone else a kike?


Do you think money will teach white children virtue? Do you believe the latest most expensive phone will make them strong? Will the latest x-box grant them wisdom? The most fashionable costly shoes will make them self reliant?

I guess that's what spending a decade bowing and scraping before the altar of (((financial security))) teaches you. You end up thinking like a "strong independent woman". A whore.

No wonder you're getting baby rabies now at 27.

The jew has taught you well. But life has some further harsh lessons in store for you. In ten years when your crypto coal burner of a "strong independent educated career minded" wife has taken you for all that (((financial security))) you've worked so hard to achieve (while the jew has ridden your back, profiting handsomely) and her new black lovers are teaching your estranged children every form of degeneracy, you'll look back on this thread wish you'd listened.

You'll see.

I can watch a comedy show about a demon bureaucrat running a Japanese Hell without imagining myself as a woman. Also I can watch badass swordfights to relax after a long day without becoming a sword nerd.

You can have a family if you want it so badly but remember that you won't score prime chicks anymore. Most women past 21 are not marriage material. They have track record that would make Sasha Gray blush. Your window of opportunity was high school and high school only. Ya blew it unfortunately. Part of growing up is accepting consequences for your past actions. Were it your faults only or were you simply dealt a bad hand doesn't change a thing. You have to simply accept that and live on to fight another day.

Doesn't matter at all at this point. It's a death struggle, and producing more soldiers is the only thing white men should be worried about. If a used up slag is all you can get, fucking do it.

I got into anime after watching stuff like the ninja scroll movie. Shame they dont make those types anymore.
They cucked out with Terra Formars and turned the second season into some shitty pg13 shounen anime.

Don't bother.

If the jew's disciple hasn't learned that lesson in the last ten years, he certainly won't learn it now. He'll cling to his white babby rabies and learn the hard way when it bites him in the ass. Then he'll probably become one of those MGTOW whiners and blame everyone else for his failure.

Used up slags rarely produce anything but race traitors.

Charlie Chaplin and Oona O'Neill's 30 year, 8 children successful marriage would like to have a word with you.

Still better than the alternative.

A generation of white race traitors is better than a generation without white race traitors?

Do you really thing we wouldn't be much better off if every white SJW and antifaggot hadn't been conceived?

Have some dignity man. No white nationalist should settle down with a used up whore. It makes us look like losers. No matter how you spin it, marring a non-virgin is a cuck fucking move that will bite you in the ass sooner or latter. Marriage is a mug's game now and you deliberately try to play a Russian roulette with a semi-auto pistol. At least try to increase your chances of winning by hooking up with someone better than a former town-bike. I'm not telling it out of spite or anything. You accomplish nothing by ending up divorce raped and living in a studio apartment somewhere in a ghetto. The kid may not even be yours anyway. What if it's a fucking halfbreed? Sluts can fuck you over like that easily. Fight only those battles that you can win.

For sure, but 8chaner's not having children will only make that equation worse. A warm blooded man is worth a 100 faggots.

And a childless man is what? A success? Every man here should seek to have children, no matter how late they are. This doesn't mean settling for the first trash that comes your way, but it might mean eating some camels for the larger cause. A healthy, virgin girl will still produce race traitors if kike propaganda is all the influence they are subjected to growing up.

Charlie Chaplin was a rapist and got divorced 3 times.

Nobody gets married in highschool you fucking retard. The age of first marriage is 29 for men.

Yeah, women want financial security so you are a fucking misandrist white knight bitch. How are you going to attract a woman if you don't have a stable income? you dumb neckbeard.

Oh stop it.
Children will be 3/4 white. That's good enough, and the childrens children will be even whiter.
Especially with japs, who are the most compatible with whites of all asians.

A lot of anons here talk about the women being dependant on society's view. It's true. The women change when the Overton Window changes. But, nobody is talking about how we change the Overton Window.
The worst damage that is done to our women is: alienation and making it all about the looks for them. They convince them that all men want is their good lookss.
And the blue-pilled men really want that. All of our relationship, marriage and love concepts have been subverted and dissolved by the jews. And both sides have suffered. Women fall prey to psychological deseases, like anorexia and deppression, men become fat narcistists when they get such a woman, and weak and bitter when they don't.
The feeling of loyalty, compassion, cherish, and "forever togetherness" have been lost. Now it's all about the looks and the sex.
I won't delve into a detail examination of the problems it causes and how the subverted our concepts, because we all already know that.
What I'm proposing is how to end it. The main force of attack is feminism and women's rights. We know that women are subjectible to organization approach, especcially when it's led by a strong male. The girl's of NS Germany loved Hitler, and it was "hip" to be the Aryan goddess that the propaganda spoke.
Women's views are made by popular support, from other women, but mostly from other men. When there is no man in the house, the women becomes spoiled. And the jewish media made sure that all of the men will look efeminate and weak in comparisson to corporations or bossess. The woman thinks that, of course, her spouse is the boss at home, but know's that outside the home, somebody else rules.
The worst attack is from women's magazines. They are ruled by jews, and if a woman has nothing to do, she will always draw for it, in paper or in internet form. Destroying the jews' hold on media industries is our top priority.
The ideas that feiminism preaches, sound good but are awful in practic. There is already a great divide across the public who are critically fond of feminism and those who hate it. But, unfortunately some ideas have already been planted and it will be hard to pull them out. Such as: women's vote right's, an equal wage, and so on.
Women think emotionally. This is just the propaganda we should make. Pictures with children in their arms, condecending frowns at a women who want's breaking up, movies with how it always works out at the end, with them staying together. Our approach, the religious and authoritarian approach of the Catholic church was a negative message compared to the jews' lies. We should embrace love as our ideal, not their.

And never marry.
If you seek perfection you will never find it and you will look and keep looking till you are 50.
I fear there aren't enough pure, white, virtuos virgins to go around anymore.

Shits fucked. Men and women both are shit tier for the most part, with few being good. Even if men pulled their collective thumb out, many of them would lose out because many women have been sleeping around, having their "fun" and maybe even have some bastard. Its going to be ugly, but a lot of men and women will be left out in the cold, a generation of broken human beings.


They are driven by instinct to live with the most wealthiest man they can, and have sex with the most dominant man they can. Everything else about their existence is using words to justify whatever steps they have to take to achieve those goals.


video related

This is what interest == usury looks like in poster form.
High finance is a worthwhile game for every Aryan to learn!

Personality disorder goes hand-in-hand with extreme authoritarian, and detached un-involved, parenting styles. DTD is an intergenerational disease, in which a child is traumatized repeatedly and for long periods of time as a result of his parents' own DTD-related issues (narcissism, anxiety, borderline, etc). So, he grows up with relational deficiencies and an alarm system with hair triggers for certain stimuli. He is very unlikely to seek help for DTD later because what he grew up in was "normal" to him and he's "fine" even though he still gets that pit in his stomach before company outings. One of the most pernicious effects of DTD is the failure to socialize: we depend on and *need* each other in life and it gets put on legendary mode when we can no longer attach.

dangerously unchecked truth.

Find it kind of funny they don't even list the rates for traditionally married young women, but only past the stronk, indepyndynt ages of college-grad thots. I bet the deformity rates are so low for young women they literally refused to publish it since it rekts the social (((narrative))).

what is this guy's message beyond read books and be responsible? seems like just another 2centrust4u demagogue encouraging the youth to do their CIVIC responsibility

I fucking love this Virgin/Chad meme. Thanks /r9k/ and /r/incels you will be missed!

Now I am seriously looking at getting a surrogate if I don't meet someone in the next 3 years. No woman is ok with a young guy with severe sexual dysfuction even if I'm tall, good looking, and on track to take home $150k/year.

Rather than put myself through what eventually devolves into cuckoldry in every case since her, I'm looking for any way to ensure my family line survives beyond me


Without giving too much information about the quasi-legal one I have consulted with is that they do it in such a manner that their entire service is done so that the surrogate has no idea who you are. They are also based in Belarus and have the surrogates live in subsidized apartments to ensure no drug or alcohol use. I fly into Poland and make my "deposit" while she happens to be in the same country, 9 months later basically pick up the kid and for about $3k in leafbucks worth of legal fees I get the kid no questions asked.

I haven't gotten a hard on without Cialis since I was 21. Shit sucks. So does prostate electro stimulation (literally what my urologist brought up when I mentioned fertility concerns). Imagine feeling like you instantly need to pee and take the biggest shit of your life from 0-100 in half a second


Whores want (((financial security))).

Women want white babies.


But it's not nearly as important as raising strong, healthy white children and white grandchildren at the socially and biologically optimum time.

Fucking priorities man.

And look at how well that is working out for us.


I never said perfection. But you still must maintain standards.

Of course there aren't. Because too many white men are making willing cucks of themselves by not having any standards.

Why would a woman become a virtuous wife and mother when she can party her fertile years away burning coal and then find some beta cuck at 30 to support her and her half breed spawn anyways?

Women fail to meet the standards because white men don't hold them to any.

Maybe we would hire them to give births to the babies and give the babies to the white infertile parents. Will that help?

You sound like a fucking pedo.


kill me

Its $15-20k all in including flights. Not out of the question for me, because my income allows it and my parents are desperate enough for grandkids that they'll raise them till the kids are school aged.

But, seriously we need to look into popularizing this sort of service

women do whatever they feel is socially normal unless they have daddy issues and then they do the opposite.

No he doesn't. What did he say that even remotely promoted these little thots in training's behavior? (1), you're plainly either a cat lady, a shill, delusional, or you don't get out of your mother's basement much because you're too busy larping on Holla Forums. Girls like user described are literally everywhere in the West now.

This feminist, Marxist culture is turning what should be sweet young girls on the cusp of womanhood into degenerate little trash, bound to eventually be both stronk, indepyndynt womyn and leeches on society in general. They are also highly likely in general to turn into coal burners if they grow up in a big city.

Can confirm. Kids were having sex in middle school where I'm from. Supposedly some did so in 5th grade even. Note, this predates all this Instagram, FB, YN, Peri., etc. (which is now in the mainstream, unlike Omegle, etc. way back when) where now people can post/send nudes in HD/be highly flirtatious all the time at the young age (since everyone buys their daughter an iPad/iPhone these days).

Wahhhh. Suck it up and do it for the white children. Don't act like such a betacuck. We expect more discomfort out of women.

You got me, I'm sitting here with my flock of cats posting on Holla Forums.

Well, thank god that shit isn't near me. I haven't witnessed that myself for sure. Maybe on the coasts, where they have tranny 8 year olds.

You will, social (((enrichment))) is coming to a small town near you. Prepare your anus

The fundamental problem isn't middle schoolers having sex user, it's single kids having sex and the irresponsibility of their parents allowing it to happen. Traditionally, while not many males are ready to marry by that age, many females are. But this (((culture))) has adopted the feminist ideology that women shouldn't marry young and have big families, especially not big white families, but rather should get a headful of liberal thinking, strike out on their own an have a stronk, indepyndynt and thot-filled lifestyle instead. The women themselves often realize in a panic that they are about to run out of time to make children once they are a few years into their careers and try to enslave the first beta they can to raise their spawn. It's disgusting.

Traditional marriages with the women marrying young and completely avoiding the modern educational trap IMO is literally the only thing that will save either the West or the White People. Every other approach leads back to destruction and the women are literally the key here.

I know that the issue is more so the marriage, not the sex. However, given the present state of affairs within the nation, the things I described (sex in middle school being one of them) can be viewed as a negative. The purpose of my post was to backup the person I referenced who stated young girls behaving provacatively is wide spread.

Fair enough.



I can back this up as well.

It's what little girls do when there isn't a strong father in their lives. It's in their hormones. Accelerated reproductive development is a survival trait in females without male protection - it gives them a reproductive value to incoming males who might otherwise expel them from the group as an unwanted burden or simply kill them outright.

They call their pets "babies", but hate real ones.

If in many european countries the age for the first child is short before the age of 30,

how is is possible for a woman to have more than 2 children.

I want to be honest here: I cant find a trad/cons girl. The reason to work my ass of at the

University, at the gym and everything I do is for the reason that I want to be a good father and husband at some point.

I am losing my motivation everyday, because it seem impossible to find these types of women today.

I know that they are out there, but probably already found or will find someone that is better than me.

Misclicked and posted before i could respond, mb.

My gf just hit the workforce to sustain us while I finish medical school and can pay for her to stay home and raise kids (though I haven't told her that this is the plan). I had quite the smile when she told me she cant wait for me to get paid so she can stay home, she's also brought up starting a family though I brushed it off since I'm not having kids until I can afford to take care of them. She's miserable working, and so are almost all women today. The problem is they actually believe work is fulfilling for women and that kikes made it so that you can no longer afford to raise a family on one paycheck unless you're rich.
our message doesn't get to them, women are main consumers of fakebook, hollyjew and ads for trash.They don't expose themselves to alt kike memes, let alone Holla Forums views.
Cause they can't afford one and can't find men they're attracted to since they can't pair bond due to years of free prostitution.
It's hard but still possible. It's not age thats the problem either, its kike institutions pushing women onto the workforce.
Cause you're looking in the wrong places. If you live in a city then you're doing it wrong. If you're looking for local american grills you're doing it wrong. My protip to you is to find yourself foreign girls in the US. I've been dating a Ukrainian girl for over 3 years and the two of us couldn't be happier. When you realize statistically how unlikely it is that you'll get a traditional girl in the US it makes that much more sense to look abroad for a normal white woman instead of the degenerate trash in the jewnited states.
I know those feels man. Let me use math to explain why its so hard: 40% of grills are fat therefore you've only got 60% left to go for. Eliminate the ones you have no attraction to (less than 5/10) and you've got 30% to go for. Of that 30% you've gotta filter for republican or democrat, 15% left. Of that 15% you've gotta then find women who are intelligent, haven't slept around, have some ability to take care of kids, are similar personality wise… Its really about 1 in 10 girls that fit the bill but then you've gotta wonder how many of those are single and subtract that number from your remaining 15%.
The truth is they are extremely rare so to increase your odds you try to filter out the trash. When I asked myself this and realized why its so hard I thought to myself "I will look for slavic girls or based EU countries, no german girls or french girls or brits, Spanish maybe." It took me 3 weeks after that to find my gf through my circle of Russian and Kazakh friends. Make based immigrant (see white) friends and then through their friend groups you can find more traditional girls. Say you live in NYC, make friends with people in Brighton Beach and date russians. Say you're in Knoxville, try to find yourself a group of Poles and have them introduce you to Polish girls.

You will hang right next to that whore.

Richfags can start their own surrogate services to preserve the white race. I wouldn't be surprised if they already have them.

Women have no agency. They do whatever their hormones and by extension feelings tell them to do. They would be fine with White Sharia just as much as the current situation because they only ever rationalize their behavior retroactively.

Concubinage is already here.

Attractive men are already fucking a new women every week. I'm not even joking. My friends and I have had women send us nudes telling us to fuck them. One friend fucked 50% of the girls at the mixed sport he attends. Tinder is shooting fish in a barrel for attractive guys.

The kikes are already angling for polygamy, don't be surprised if you see legitimate harems in the next 10-20 years.

Because we are smart enough to have a mindset for the long term, we see how bad shit will get and postpone because it's bad conditions to have a family. Either raise them right or don't bother with kids. Some places (Canada) make it illegal to resist your kid claiming to be a tranny, and push propaganda.
Add in being smart enough to know what a good partner is, now look around and see how horrible most millenials are and good luck finding genuine friends, never mind a spouse. Most people are sheep.

Ayyy, you still think I'm a woman?

Shill/demoralization thread. Also, you're wrong.

I had a great one but I fucked it up by being a pussy, so now I lift, read philosophy and try to improve myself constantly. I'll make it one day.

Literally none of that is true you autistic incel

Bullshit speak. "Women have no agency" doesn't mean anything, they have lower sex drives than men and exploit that to further raise their unrealistic standards.

Boys that age can't support kids, nothing to do with culture, it's female hypergamy.

But muh older myn. Gas yourself, those old men young girl relationships never last longer than about a year.

womyn want babies, that's why the birth rate is 1.3. Also all women are hypergamous whores, it's in their biology.

Women choose to marry 29 year olds you fuckhead. You are a fucking moron.

Women don't give a fuck about your standards, who the fuck are you. You can have whatever standards you want incel virgin, women are just going to go find a better man.

What a simpleton.

how do i conquer my tism

No, 3/4 is not nearly good enough. That's shitskin. 15/16th, where the 1/16th is not kike/nigger, is where we can start talking, and even then that's considering the offspring. There is absolutely no scenario in which is acceptable for a pure white woman to breed with any male with known recent admixture. She deserves the rope and so do you.
No, kill yourself. They're piss niggers. They can be spared and can keep their island chain but they must not be allowed to mix with whites or inhabit any other area of the Earth than Japan's current territorial sovereignty, and only that for their military assistance against the Chinese and Koreans, and perhaps a tribute of 10,000 sterilized virgins annually to satisfy our miserable KHV autists.

This user is right. Race mixing is a giant fuck you to your ancestors.
>They're piss niggers
Kek, never heard that one before. Gonna steal it from you.

Oh yeah, just to add in, that race traiting user, here , will only be .40 related to their own kid since you're race mixing. Fucking faggot.

I think so, i know it's anectodal but i've never met a happy slut.

Fuck of Roosh, that PUA-shit is for niggers. You court a woman, which means no "loose non-commital way of hitting on here where i don't need to face the consequences really because it doesn't mean anything anyway" is not a way to start a relationship.

You first of all get to know the girls then pick out the best one to court and start a family with. It's not that fucking hard or atleast it shouldn't be if it weren't for the sexual revolution in the 20's and cultural revolution in the 60's.

Women don't even like men.

Because they are fools. They are only as intelligent as being able to suck up the (((knowledge))) from the school system and work their way up there from within that system as within universities and whatnot to get degrees. That also tells you why they gobble up (((facts))) like global warming and whatnot to stay away from having kids, they are fools.