I can see Clearly now the rAIn is gone+++

So I've studied the weather for half of my life. It interests me, always has. I've noticed over the last 10-15 Years, a DRASTIC change in weather patterns, not only locally, but Nationally. Even some (((NaturalDisasters))) are suspicious. Take NorthCalifornia for instance. There is CLEAR evidence, testimony, and anomalies, for a Directed Energy weapon to have been used… In my state alone, the last two mornings, I have seen MANY planes (Higher than normal Altitude) spraying LONG lines across the sky, that quickly expand and turn the sky into a bluish white… it screens the sun. (or so (((They))) say) Really its militarized for comms and other possibly nefarious activities… Americans are getting Murdered, and have been getting murdered on their own soil now for years. And the process is speeding up. I don't wanna feel duped, but despite Trump, (I know he can't control the media) but The SJw/Globalist Agenda will continue at the expense of you and I whether we like it or not. Thru the use of weather and (((Natural Disasters))). Don't believe me? Just do some geological and solar research…. were all connected, oh and I just created one more White Alpha, Blonde Hair, BlueEyed Male… Due on the Furhers Bday. Anyways, what would I know. I'm just trying to get CIA niggers to show up…Kek. (((they))) want us home and online.. Being Online 24/7 is the path (((They))) (Corps Like Amazon, Walmart etc) are taking… You need to get fit and go outside.. Assemble locally and Vet people. Many are compromised, they def have US compartmentalized and unable to agree. So what do???

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot to add that I have video of Massive Trails. And a day later rain that I predict everytime.. will provide…

You have schizophrenia, that isn't something Holla Forums can fix for you.

Why manipulate the weather?

you've been psy-op'd, calm

I'm just a young Goy who's worked outside his whole life.. and I'm autistic. So I notice patterns

How come all you toughgoys melt just as fast as leftwing snowflakes?

Tell us more about the "energy weapon". I gathered some evidence of it being a real thing too.

Chemtrails are real but (((imkikefy))) doesn't want the goyim to know.

Don't be jewish my man. Why would you ever take a mainstream jewish controlled media composed narrative as your opinion on a matter, then call someone crazy for having an alternate opinion for which there is plenty of evidence?
Oh, you're a jew. That explains it. Take a hike, kike.

The use of random chemicals to interact with clouds is pretty old stuff - the use of any kind of land based machinery to do the same is pretty interesting. I found at least two candidate places were I suspect this machinery is in place and working.


I believed chemtrails for years and didn't want to go outside. Shit was pretty convincing.

>goys will type these keywords in the search engine after (((my))) post and (((we)) can target them.
First day on the job kike?
Holla Forums isn't >>>/x/ no shekel 4u today.

I have a few screenshots from boots on the ground vids of the aftermath of the Portugal and Most recent, NoCali fires. Looking at the fires alone and footage normies took, there are visual signs of "Bluish Green" laser beams. That come from the sky. Here's a few screenshots. All the threads i make on this get shilled out of existence.

I can direct people to my personal videos that are dated and everything, where I show them actually being sprayed and me saying Rain coming I next two days… I don't watch the weather.. I've worked outside long enuf to know somethings different about the patterns. I can direct you to a video of a simple walkthru of the NoCal fires. U can see for yourself a wildfire can't do what this "Thing" did.

Oh, this. No, not the same energy weapon I was speaking about. NVM.

Keep in mind, winds didn't exceed 45Mph that night, all 60 fires started simultaneously and victims had mere seconds to escape… these weren't "Wind Driven" wildfires. A rich area of NoCal was decimated and people were killed. Some winery's were spared. Try this vid. Get what info U can from it. Try NOT to think it's a conspiracy. youtu.be/vu3zcKp0NJI

Which one are you talking about?

The one that makes you hear voices and can cook your DNA? That one is scary AF

Two different devices used for weather control -
first one in the USA, probably located close to Vandenberg AFB or inside the premises of the base itself. I have no actual idea of the real size of this emplacement nor of the technology applied: I suspect it involves a kind of microwaves continuous emitter but the data I have is too fragmented. May be van sized.
Second one is in the EU, it is actually van sized. First time I heard it mentioned I labeled it as utter BS. I gathered some first hand infos from a couple of guys working down there and I hope I can get to see it in the flesh soon so I will not give away too many details about the location.
As far as I can understand both devices can be used to repel "stormfronts". I do not have any idea if they have anything working the other way around.

Gas yourself kike.

how dare you talk about this wrong think goy time to anchor the thread and ban you

Kill yourself.

Why, to stop global warming of course, goy!