The Greater 4th Reich

Hey there users of Holla Forums's Holla Forums
We are the "Greater Fourth Reich" group, going against the left wing groups on steam that mass-report and shut down right wing groups that aren't even National Socialist or Fascist
We are on our war against Boss Russian Soviet Union's group and his allies (The most recent ally he got is the "Left Wing Union", that our leader "lol" tried to negotiate an alliance but then they backstabbed us and joined BRSV's side). We need your help Holla Forums, we really hope that you will join our group to help us out with our crusade on shutting down mass-reporters and such people as these

We support freedom of ideology, so it doesn't matter if you're a libertarian or a national socialist or a monarchist, as long you don't betray us

Those are the videos that Boss Russian Soviet Union did against us (Cringe Alert)

Fuck the hell off, degenerate.

At least we aren't a commie video game community group ^:)

nobody wants to join your shitty fucking steam group you autistic fuck nugget.

1. Not your personal army
2. This is not reddit
3. GTFO with your larping ass.

“Negotiations about an alliance” what the fuck are you idiots on? Preform fellatio onto a 12 gauge and do the world a favor you normal fag.

Sage’d and reported


The revolution will not have a Steam forum page

This isn't >>Holla Forums

No thanks

Bugger off. You're the third 'group of totally good persons we swear' to shill your pitiful shit here today.
It's getting real old.

For fucks sake what the fuck is it with you niggers.

lurk forever and never post

I just posted it since "lol" wanted to, he's a monarchist kek

before i even read this shit prove the people in charge of your group aren't jews, homos, or race mixers

stop LARPing as NatSocs, drop the games, get /fit/, spread Truth through propaganda, and realize that your digital club wars are meaningless to us
and lurk 2 years dammit


Kill yourself faggot.


Nice flag, though I'd make the eagle white.

There is nothing wrong with video games. Jesus fucking Christ nu/pol/ calm your autism.

This Is still pretty autistic shilling your steampage on a politics board smh fam

funny enough for youtube to demontize the video for "reasons"
Can't make fun of that narrative now.

You need to get out of your mom's basement.
