OP must be 88 characters

Other urls found in this thread:

Where is this from?

Lol is this real life? You have to be fucking shitting me

The Virgin Iodine and Chad Chlorine.

Maybe this is made by one of us, red pilling white boys to not be little faggots?

My reaction is to sage until a source is provided.

What do you call a chemical that commits murder then commits suicide?

Alkyl Iodide

Its too fucking obvious some cuckchan faggot made this.

Not so hard to imagine why they did it now, is it?

This is common core, I've seen similar themes. Noting so blatant though… holy shit.


They still lost credibility when they burned the books, thus giving the words within them more power.

Kill yourself

Dubs confirms. Unfuckingbelievable.

Context you fuggin fgt
Or this is well played troll

Bullshit. Blacks hate swimming.

A few things strike me as "off" about this picture and make me think it has either been altered or is a hoax.

1. Parenthesized language is out of place for a children's science book. Especially in an age were everyone obsesses with gender pronouns, being politically correct and not shaming fag behavior. This right away casts doubt as I would think the fags would be upset that picking flowers and so on is considered wimpy. Also the use of the phrase hard-man strikes me as something which was written because the person altering the piece couldn't come up with a good opposing term for wimp.

2. The art is off. You notice that the girls hand is cut off on the two lower panels indicating either a low effort on the part of the author or more likely the person altering the image.

3. Again, it looks as if the original image of chris chlorine has been doctored as indicated by the gap where his leg meets his hip. It appears that the forger simply took the first image and rotated one leg down without bothering to connect up the lines.

While entertaining the whole thing gives an impression of being semi-professionally altered.

Shooped. I don't know how pozzed the original is, but this isn't it.

Seriously post a source already or proof that his is real or gtfo

That wasn't your first indicator that something was off?

Nice pun. I'll give you 3/10 Stars of David for this slide thread. Now please continue to suffocate in your bag of dicks.


We'll throw it on the fire, and take the car downtown.

I give people the benefit of the doubt. But regardless it is important to call out liars (even when their message supports the cause) because if we are to win, it is to be done with the truth on our side.

Well what do you know, I stand corrected. Browsing through the other files in the same folder that one does seem oddly out of place though.

Looking at the properties of the presentation it also looks like it was recently changed since its original creation in 2004.

Oy vey they should have left the books full of pornography and subversion on library shelves.

Change I noticed was to the text, OP's version has the "remember" sentence, online version doesn't. I believe OP has a legit scan of an actual printout of a school worksheet, with minor ink scribblings from a student.

I'm starting to think false info is being disseminated to track our distribution pathways. There have been a lot of OP's with sources that contradict material in posts.

Doesn't look like something from a textbook, looks like the kind of low-effort printout some chemistry TA threw together from clipart and Comic Sans at the last minute before class.

"Hard-man" sounds like London slang. No Englishmen there anymore. Nuke it, Trump. Let the Midlanders and the Yorkshire miners reclaim the ashes.

I would welcome the blastwave with open arms

this sounds familar.

Yes, as a remainder of what "degenerate art" means.
They even had a "degenerate art" exhibition. They should have done the same with books. Have a "degenerate library" somewhere where people could study this texts themselves.

When i was in Secondary school one of our textbooks had this page in it. I'm not certain if it was quite Milquetoast and Niglet, but it was definitely cuckolding-based.

Our secondary school textbooks were full of shitty clipart and comic sans for some reason.

I'm from the north of England.

Keeping examples of such things in a restricted library is one thing, but there is no reason not to destroy the bulk of that material. This time we'll be recycling it all instead of burning it though. Maybe host a few ceremonial bonfires first.

The "books" were literally porn mags, kys

comic sans
my eyes hurt

Buying a gun.
Also, this is the literal textbook and not some sick fuck of a teacher's work page? This is honest to god the worst way to do this reaction in this imagery. According to this image, Fluorine is Chad.

But hold up. Elements like halogens generally take electrons so doesnt that make them female compared to alkaline metals that donate an electron?

Whats the source for this text book? You should confirm its real before getting rustled over it. I don't doubt its real.

chemistry as illustrated by enlightened kangs

Yeah, it doesn't look near good enough for a chemistry textbook.
But then again, what the fuck do I know about standards nowadays. It looks like something kikes would do, but it doesn't look like decent effort was put into it.

We have character limits for a reason cunt.

fuck off

This is a funny meme. Have a stealth bump newfriend.

I would agree in any other scenario expect for porn

Please post the publishers info so we can politely voice our disapproval

Found this in the Duolingo app while trying to study German.

I have a couple of preliminary reactions.
Makes me glad that I'm old and will be dead soon.




Duolingo is super pozzed. The japanese curriculum had a picture for "father" with a white guy and a black baby. They do this shit on purpose.

because the Allies sure lost credibility after they banned and burned far more books during the occupation after the war eh user



I heard it was, but didn't realize how bad till this and q pic of two dudes for "partners"

call up the publisher and say you are super offended as a jew, because the kid resembles a kike. say its anti semetic and listen to them squirm.

This,after the war they basically had orders to destroy anything that might be militaristic or prussian.

If this is an edit, it's 10/10

I hope thats a fake or a edit, its too cringe and open about being cucked by a bull. Things are fucked, but come on.

How have we not had a real holocaust yet?

Well memed, friendo.

mostly porn ;)

Home schooling


Sadly it seems to be so.

Vid related. I find with each passing year that psychopath makes more and more sense.

wow who would've guessed that the leader of the leafs is also a fucking shitposter

well memed

American education
Well, I guess they have to dumb it down for the nogs and they do this sort of stuff to make them feel better.