Anti Whites Ban and delete White Meet Up 31x


Banned and deleted 31x

For Whites to meet up and network similar to other ethnic groups. With the goal of real life friendships, bonding, social events, business/employment and future development of a viable normal political defense of our interests.

No White Nationalists or Alt-Right.

The reasons are obvious, well documented and needs no explanation.

In Europe, Whites meet up freely and without drama. However, in the US, a nation with more liberty ironically is lacking in this respect. As you can see by the bans and comments, it's White Nationalists and Alt-Rightists creepers denying Whites freedom of association.

White Nationalists(American) are the cause of "White Genocide". Millions of Whites are dying of poverty,
homelessness, lack of health care and discrimination. South Africa is what happens when Whites become meek and cowardly.

On some of the threads directed towards those who are/were on the zee map.

Other urls found in this thread:

White Nationalists troll Zee Map

I dont know, Ive heard this is the definition of insanity but then again it was a kike who said that. Anyways, youre still a shill and I hope really bad stuff happens to you, because thats about all I can do.

So you want bad stuff to happen to Whites who want to meet other Whites?

You aren't white, CIAnigger.

No, I want bad stuff to happen to kike shills who go around cancerposting about how Rockwell is a jew puppet and whites who want an ethnostate are actually just representing Jews. Youre also posting a honeypot, which means youre the one trying to get whites killed. People like you deserve everything they get.

You know that how? Psychic powers? Or everyone is cia I don't like.

Reminder this guy just hops vpns even if he hasnt been banned.

I don't see a honeypot. Paranoid much? You're just butthurt he does not want to meet nazi cucks.


Antifa queer?

Hello fellow white person. Please post all the meeting details of this based whites only event.
I'll be sure to invite all my white friends to join me.
Thanks and see you there!

What's your plan? Oh, you don't have one except shit posting.

do you know where your at? nice try kike

Youre really bad at this.

This is much better. No honeypot here.

What's your plan? Oh, you don't have one except for trying to make Holla Forumsacks fall for your transparent CIAnigger honeypot and failing utterly for the 32nd time. Well, failing wasn't part of your plan I'm sure, but sadly that can't be helped

You don't know that this site and board are run by Jews?

What a funny way to spell "kikes", it's almost lake you can't say that word for some reason

Oh fuck its this guy again, what is this an autist convention?


Yea I know, but did I miss something where we agreed to deport all the autists to the anti-Rockwell shitposters thread?

Lol relax bro Im just havin a laugh.

So WN's will commit violence against Whites that are not Nazi cucks.

Thanks for clearing that up.

That info is 100% controlled op and wrong.

Butthurt Schlomo


1960s migration policy specifically created to accept the best and the brightest from third world hell holes. Which punished these hell holes even further as these were the type of people who could generally advance their country in a slight upward trend. Instead they took the easy route and grabbed the golden ticket to the US. Here they get favorable treatment during employment because leftist policies by the government demands 'diversity' and 'gender' quota's in businesses.

Go on the internet and compare median income's, of which whites are a majority in this country, state that all these other "americans" have a much higher median income. Geez i wonder why that could be. They just proved yet again that white people have been the discriminated against for over the past 70 years by their own government and left behind.

Oh the fucking irony….my sides!

This thread isn't D&C shilling. Nope, no way.

True. But Whites will not network like like they do. Just look at the hostile replies from White Nationalists wanting to deny that right.


I'm not sure if you're a Fednigger or just an autist OP but the way you make these threads is instant kill. You make some salient points, I think, but this is not the place for it. Holla Forums is a National Socialist board so you'd be better off taking this elsewhere since you don't want us at your meetings anyway. I have nothing agaist meetups for like minded whites. I've met some cool bros from here but shitting on NatSocs and general WN isn't going to do you much good.

By the way, whoever edited on this map is an absolute degenerate with disgusting porn fetishes. Get roped.

Whites meet up without you knowing, Shlomo. Take your honeypot somewhere else hooked nose faggot

Kek, what a sad faggot this shill is.




How about you take a hint and fuck off, kike?

Not the jews
Not the jews
Not the jews
Not the jews
Not the jews
Not the jews
Not the jews
Not the jews

You know who's to blame, right?
White Nationalists.


'Whites' that want to meet and say, "No White Nationalists or Alt-Right." are half kike, faggots and nigger fuckers.