FCC Lifting Net Neutrality

Prepare for this website and anything else outside the kikes web of control to be throttled out of viable usage. To say nothing of the incoming price gouging, hikes, and pay for bandwidth shenanigans that will be coming. All the ridiculous data plans people already take up the ass with their phones coming to landlocked internet usage soon.



Also of note in the article:

In other words the kikes want even more total and complete control of the media market. Those pesky regulations are making them put in far too much effort. Always remember that there is no democratic solution.

Other urls found in this thread:



Yes, I'm sure the other countries won't follow suit, it's not like the corporations that run and distribute Europes internet services are owned by the same (((people))), is it? Not to mention Europe already enjoys far less freedom on the internet to begin with since they actually have laws against "hate speech" there, so wrongthink can be easily dealt with outright.

Weren't they petitioned and protested against for this not to happen? I don't even remember the law being passed for this to happen. Why is this happening?

>it's not like the corporations that run and distribute Europes internet services are owned by the same (((people))), is it?
They really aren't. British Telecom is closely regulated by the government. I'm not saying the government aren't Jews, but it's not like the States where you've got these huge multimedia conglomerates controlling all the internet access.

You're joking right? Corporations stand to make unbelievable profits off squeezing the populace for access to what has become a way of life for them. Combine this with the prospect of having the ability to censor the internet through throttling connections to websites such as this and it's amazing the public anger at taking this action held them back as long as it did. Remember, you own nothing, goyim.

the problem is the monopolies not the FCC. federal regulation is a shitty answer. I don't want the Fed to be my ISP. The way it is now though all these internet/tv/phone companies are all monopolies in the areas they service. You only have one company on the cable line, and one company on the phone line, and fios maybe but that's usually the phone line company. That shit needs to be broken up.

The interesting thing is that communist forums will thrive under this new rule, as they will not only not be effected. Some of them will probably get a sweet deal out of this. No communists will even blink at this

Good thing they still have Food Neutrality legislation to prevent price gouging, hikes, and pay for food shenanigans.
Oh wait the market takes care of that, and everything will be fine. Holla Forums please go
Does it not raise suspicion that the net neutrality drive is backed by many Silicon Valley firms who seek to astroturf and feign a genuine popular movement? When you fight for net neutrality, you fight for their benefit.

How many times are you faggots going to SPAM this board with your disinformation?
>(((net neutrality))) shills are spamming Holla Forums again
Fuck off. Net Jewtrality was completely co-opted and is full government control of the internet. None of you redditniggers has any sense and keep shilling the same fucking lies for years.
Same shit, same shills, different words. Fucking kill yourselves.


Net neutrality died when a site the free speech platform 8ch won't let me name was removed from the internet. Everything is trash, let it burn.

Only way you get the 1st and 2nd amendments broski. Everywhere else is even worse.
wait 5 years, you'll be there too =(

we are all in this together

You're the fucking shill. Companies already do exactly this in countries without net neutrality protections.

i have a personal friend who is a templar, with a kike surname. certificate signed by the pope, sword and everything.
i am an RWDS soldier beholden to Kek and he is my BITCH

There is nothing wrong with nationalizing internet service and regulating it accordingly. AT&T was a nationalized monopoly and the US had one of the best telecommunication service networks in the world for decades with that as the model. Oligopolies like what we're dealing with now are an inevitable when you have the monopoly laws we do, as corporations do not seek to compete first and foremost, they seek to make the most amount of profit.

As such, since it is more profitable to stop competing and work with each other to maximize said profits rather than truly compete, companies stop competing. Why put each other out of business, and then be broken up by the government as a result? There's no sense in such a business strategy, and the solution should be to end this insane system altogether, and nationalize the service, rather than attempt to fix it by yet more regulation and government interference. Of course, this would be a simple and clean solution that would preclude the Jews from being able to manipulate the market for profits, so it will never happen.

wew, just how far is the left's cock lodged up your asshole?

If the world wide web gets nationalized can we ditch the memetastic wordfilters?

Those are cell phone plans genius.

National Socialism includes regulating industry so it works for the benefit of the country rather than its detriment. As I said, AT&T was a nationalized monopoly and it provided arguably the best phone service in the world for decades.

You should nationalize and control industries that are important to the development of your countries infrastructure. Look at what the Romans accomplished with government control and action, they built roads that have lasted for over a thousand years, the aqueducts, public baths, and all the architecture that defines Rome to this day. Rome is still looked back on as one of the greatest civilizations ever to exist on Earth, so I would suppose government action isn't as automatically inefficient and corrupt as you were taught in your public schools (((curriculum))).

The fact is a nations infrastructure, its roads, its schools, its communication networks, must by and large be handled by the government if they are to be maintained and built up properly. Because it's not about making a profit, it's about keeping your nation strong. Understanding this is why Hitler was able to revitalize and restore his entire nations well being in just a few short years when they were starving on the street before he took power.

The fact is if a nations government is incapable of accomplishing these tasks and either attempts to pawn off its responsibilities, it is not evidence that government is inherently flawed, incapable, and corrupt, it is evidence that YOUR government is flawed, incapable, and corrupt. The lie of being able to choose only between crony capitalism or cancerous communism is not one I will be forced into believing.

You'd rather have the corporate cock up your ass then?

You blow yourself the fuck out so easily.

blow it out your goddamn ass you fucking shill

Don't know if you are a shill or just retarded

My pic may not show it but these plans have different data caps per month as well
in other words ISPs already do what pro-NN shills fearmonger about

Instead of NN why doesn't the government break up the big monopolies like Comcast and Time Warner to allow smaller firms for competition?

Net Neutrality is a con-game just like the Affordable Care Act


No we are not all in this together. Everyone hates everyone.

Because good things don't happen.

even the fastest of those is outragously slow, and even the cheapest is outragously expensive

Fuck off with your D&C bullshit. We have our differences but even in the midst of brutal warfare we have shown compassion and good will to one another, such as the Christmas Truce in World War I. If we get rid of the kikes, who caused just about every war we fought against each other through their economic system, we can focus on our own nations and appreciate each other as good neighbors. We'll let the Polish and Germans have big sporting events against each other every year so they can work out their issues.

This is more dangerous than some of you anons know.
Is there any hope of President Trump getting involved in this & torpedoing this shit? After all, he pretty much owes his election to people being able to get their opinions & voices heard across the net, if anyone would understand how important net neutrality is, it's got to be him.
And with the way he's been treated by the (((mainstream))) media, why in the name of hell would he sit by and give them even more of a monopoly on the dissemination of information & ideas than they already have? He's got to know that the only future opinions on his achievements and policies would be the opinions of those that utterly despise and hate him. If they have their way, he'll be a pariah in every history book written from now on, with no dissenting voices even allowed to be heard.

We need to write the President, as well as our elected "representatives," and get this thing turned around, right now.
Also, you might remind them, especially President Trump, that shooting this thing in the ass will go a LONG way towards promoting their reputations among the general population, especially the younger crowd.
Let's get on this, people.

maybe people will finally get off their ass and make some viable alternative, can something like zeronet, the broadband hamnet, or mesh networking help us here?

No different than the fact that the citizens of the U.S. own the airwaves that local radio & television transmit over.
If anyone is to blame here, it's the FCC for selling out to globalist corporate bastards.

Trump & congress need to fire every one of their asses, as they drain the swamp, because the FCC is part of that swamp.
They have degenerated to the point where they allow degeneracy to be broadcast to children, and place all the power to broadcast & disseminate opinions in the hands of corporate asshats.
The FCC rat's nest need to be cleaned out.

Mods, plz sticky this thread.

>Oh no. King Nigger's (((net neutrality))) is ending


This if anything we need to get control of domain registration back in US hands before the UN goes full retard revoking domains from "hate groups"

Kikes go home.

We already have tiered pricing so don't even shill that bullshit "muh free market" angle. You can pay for 2mbs or pay extra for 10mbs downloads. All NN says is if you are paying a premium for that 10mbs EVERY SITE you visit has be done so at that speed. Your ISP can't selectively KIKE you FOR A SERVICE YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID FOR because somebody there doesn't like a certain website.

so we need massive govt oversight?


we need a whole new internet, net neutrality doesn't do shit and never has

Except, you know. Protect against things like mentions. Would you like Holla Forums throttled at 1 kb/s or pay for media package so you have higher speeds on netflix, kiketube or whatever?

Lets be honest now user. ISPs do not even know what an Holla Forums is.

Have you ever actually read anything on National Socialism?

Libertarians aren't welcome here.

We're going to go backwards from this, I wanted 250 Mbps for $50 what is this shit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Is this really how much internet costs in America? I pay £20 for my internet, and that's the most expensive one

Absolute and complete retardation from the cuckservative and ancap crowd. When it gets removed and this site is throttled into oblivion and you end up not being able to go to every other website you usually frequent it'll be too late and you, much like the fucking degenerates who welcome rapefugees into their country don't realize what a bad idea it was until they get sandnigger cock forced up their ass, will look back at your fucking retardation with despair. Regulations are not directly analogous to government subsidization, you fucking mongoloids.
I already called my senator, not much more I can do, considering the usual suspects who would fight against it believe as above, mainly because some guy in the Trump admin I forget his name, iirc he's a sandnigger is all about ending NN. and one short look into his history (again iirc) shows that he's doing it for obvious personal gain
Seriously, I saw a post on here a few months ago outlining some of the alternatives currently being worked on but I have a bad case of CRS on the topic.

Guess what? You burgers dodged Killary but got kiked by the Trumpgutan.

You don't like it? What are you going to do? It's a two party system!

You filthy Fascist, of course there is. Do you really want to take away the kikes' vote of which oven they prefer?

free trade isn't free, net neutrality isn't neutral

Yes. Internet in America is like this in most places. Also, your infrastructure is probably well ahead of ours, because we are a poor indebted country now. (But your immigration will surely help you catch up.)
This elimination of net neutrality will extend this pricing to the server side. Well, they already do it, but it will get worse.

The real issue is that they will be able to choke out bandwidth for sites that they don't like. This is a great way for the kikes to begin stamping out all the wrongthink areas of communication on the internet without overtly violating the first amendment, since it's corporations doing it, and they are simply making a "business decision".

you sound well off. use your powers for good and make sure to read some books



>(((net neutrality))) shills are spamming Holla Forums again
Fuck off. Net Jewtrality was completely co-opted and is full government control of the internet. None of you redditniggers has any sense and keep shilling the same fucking lies for years.
Same shit, same shills, different words. Fucking kill yourselves.

Net Neutrality is good for the American internets existence, give me ONE example of NN giving you any problems as you use it to talk it down RIGHT NOW

You can't you slimey slithering filthy kikes, NN is the only power consumers have left over ISPs buttfucking us.



>implement (((net jewtrality))) so the government owns your internet goy
Kill yourself kike.
>(((net neutrality))) shills are spamming Holla Forums again
Fuck off. Net Jewtrality was completely co-opted and is full government control of the internet. None of you redditniggers has any sense and keep shilling the same fucking lies for years.
Same shit, same shills, different words. Fucking kill yourselves.

Reported, enjoy your vacation

4868 Old Dominion Dr
Arlington, VA 22207-2743
(703) 533-7359 - Landline
(202) 518-7399 - Landline
(202) 232-4381 - Landline
(202) 345-6332 - Wireless
(202) 483-3371 - Landline
(620) 421-0367 - Landline
(773) 752-9088 - Landline
(773) 753-6381 - Landline
(816) 753-6381 - Landline
[email protected]

Wow, it's almost like you read fucking nothing that I actually typed, you mongoloid and negroid motherfucker.
It's almost like the "wtf I hate (insert here now)" plebbit shit that you're used to where you came from shit is exactly what you're proposing. "The left are supporting it, let's find ways it means it's bad!" is fucking stupid.
If Joseph Stalin walked right out of his fucking grave tomorrow and said "Premeditated unnecessary murder is wrong!" I wouldn't disagree with him you jackass. Being frank here, aside from the fact that you seem a whole lot like a nigger who thinks he belongs here you're no different from those idiots who claim shit like "hands up don't shoot", "Fraken's photo was staged", "Wikileaks was Riussian interference", etcetera etcetera.

Kill yourself kike.

Wow, it's almost like they got caught doing it before you fucking negro. [spoiler] The fact you brought up reddit out of nowhere, combined with the fact you are (5) tells me you're projecting on a kike level.
It's okay if you're a kike, btw it isn't we'll just make sure everyone knows it's a kike idea Moishe.

t. Kike

Kill yourself kike.

I'll redtext it this time so maybe you redditniggers will pay attention.
>i-if you don't pass this the ISPs will do this crazy multi package piecemeal internet pricing thing that they aren't doing right now without net neutrality passed because uh uh uh uh uh UH UH UH FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR BE AFRAID JUST FUCKING SUPPORT IT REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>i-if you don't pass this the health insurers will drop everyone and literally millions of people will die even though that didn't happen before obamacare was passed because uh uh uh uh uh UH UH UH FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR BE AFRAID JUST FUCKING SUPPORT IT REEEEEEEEEEEEE

The way that I see it is, if the internet isn't broken why go changing stuff? Change of this kind can only mean someone is hunting shekels and trying to fuck with free-speech on the internet.

but they don't, and won't. They are going to justifiably throttle netflix so that people can still view websites like this without lag.

There is a notable correlation between support for net neutrality and support banning hate speech.

All the companies that kicked Anglin off of the Internet were supporters of net neutrality.

Some pro-privacy, anti-censorship laws would be good, but that's not what the net neutrality pushers care about. Their main concern is price controls. Their goal is single payer Internet. They want the Internet run like the British NHS.
Europe apparently has net neutrality but also arrest people for online hate speech, so what's up with that?
Obama brought in these net neutrality laws, but at the same time sold off ICANN, meaning ICANN is no longer obligated to uphold the first amendment, and the left mocked anybody who thought this was a problem. Shortly after that, Anglin and others get kicked off the Internet by registrar domains. Silence from the net neutrality crowd…

Pretty sure I've read something like this many months ago, only it was stopped and scrapped to the dust bin shortly after they announced it via some type of letter, there's an article floating around somewhere that emphasizes this but forgot the name.

To be fair, while our free speech protection is virtually non-existent, the only people who really get arrested for online hate speech are the people who are dumb enough to post shit on Facebook under their real name whilst using a real picture of themselves

Obama didn't want NN actually, he caved in after the NSA scandal was blasted all over the news.


British Parliament had preexisting censorship laws that were rolled into their net.

Neutrality prevents ISPs from jewing your data, Comcast has already enforced 1TB data caps on customers. In a year they'll say "Oy vey, who needs 1TB?, 100GBs is enough to browse this monthly package of websites! don't forget unregistered sites ( like chans ) cost 25 cents a click! " :^)

In reality this could do nothing but improve imageboards. It would get rid of the huezilian tier cuckchan migrants and leave only the semi dedicated and non negroid. I mean if you can’t even configure OpenDNS you should probably leave anyway

Also, net neutrality didn't exist as a codified law until OBAMA. So think about how much your internet was throttled before this law was made…. you remember? Cause I don't

There was no need to throttle people 10 years ago when speeds were still maxed at 5-10Mbs and torrents were relevant. As speeds increased torrents died as a means of sharing content, now as streaming has become popular and the internet has grown magnitudes larger companies don't want to give decent speeds without throttling prices up and speeds down.

You can't be that gullible to defend comkike can you? I love how the only argument you faggots keep spewing is "u-uh-uhBAMA ITS BAD"

Do you not remember Jim and his monkey son flipping shit because Google unindexed this site? it relies on ad revenue to keep the servers up despite being a hobby.

btw Ajit Pai ( who is head of the FCC now ) is a corporate shill and former Verizon lawyer

I'd love to see anti-NN shills spin around this one ;)


You fucking shills aren't even trying anymore, are you? You think the kikes and poos you've surrounded Based Drumpf with will give you all the shekels, don't you?!?!? You think we won't fight this fag shit if you just demoralize us first, DON'T YOU?

Faggot kike shill get out!

•No Blocking: broadband providers may not block access to legal content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.

•No Throttling: broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.

•No Paid Prioritization: broadband providers may not favor some lawful Internet traffic over other lawful traffic in exchange for consideration of any kind—in other words, no "fast lanes." This rule also bans ISPs from prioritizing content and services of their affiliates.

Kikes fuckoff

Reported for spam, general kikery.

The net neutrality fight as it's been for the past few years is really just a corporate dispute between giant Web 7.0 companies and ISPs; the latter wanting to charge the former for use of their network given that the former represents the source of the vast majority of the latter's network traffic, with video traffic being the primary source of contention. This is a dispute I frankly don't give a shit about; I am much more interested in having a free speech oriented regulation, but that's not what the current FCC rules address.

OP, no matter how much you try to drag us into this netnetrality bullshit, no one here cares. You've been at this for a whole year now. We've discussed it dozens of times. In every thread you act like a massive kike. You spread lies, disinfo and bullshit, and generally engage in sophistry. There's nothing more to say.

You cannot preserve your rights with law alone.
If you believed you could preserve your rights with law alone, why do you own guns?
If you believe we can preserve our rights with law alone, then what's happened to our right not to be subjected to genocide?
Holla Forums needs to understand this ASAP:
anyone who isn't Holla Forums is a boomer.
Everything is computers, now. Everything. The world around you is becoming, quite simply, bewitched. We're bringing animism back, and you'd best beware the daemons.
The greatest fuck-you to the zog machine is the knowledge and power to pick it apart from the inside and bend it to your whim. Manifest your will with pliers and compilers. Plant web beacons spewing heretical agitprop on college campuses. Grow meshnets and free your town from censorship, point by point.

If you want to defend your rights, you need to become a wizard.

I like how you fucking blatantly ignore the fact that companies were caught multiple times throttling access to websites that they didn't approve of before net neutrality became codified into law.
Either that's retarded, or I'm missing something. Afaik registrars kicking people off the internet and net neutrality aren't connected.
There is a notable connection between drinking water and being a kike. Seriously, what kind of logic is that?
Say it louder, Moishe. In fact, scream it from the mountaintops if you like, it does nothing to change the fact that you're provably fucking either retarded or a shill. Also, good going ignoring
Also it's good to know you're a fucking plebbit tier retard who can't into logic believing a fucking larp. Also, see


Thanks, I'll look into it.

I've slept on this and have decided there is nothing to worry about. Google wants a free-ride and doesn't want to have to pay extra for its data usage, so they naturally oppose this. Google was founded using DARPA/CIA/MOSSAD money and still is basically just an aparatus of the deep state and intelligence agencies. There is no way that the (((vote))) will not go in favor of google.


you are still asleep. google has the resources to maintain its monopoly if this is lifted. It is in their interest friend

lol cry harder torfag. "Neut neutrality" was nothing more than King Nigger's attempt to transfer more regulatory power to the FCC. I'll dance on its grave.

I'm so glad I voted for Trump he made the right call putting based Aijt Pai in charge of the FCC. Racists=BTFO!

I'm leaning towards this (Oniggercare market distortions just killed my old plan and increased my premiums the equivalent of 4x my monthly food budget… for a $hittier plan)
but I don't care much either way. I have decades worth of digital entertainment on redundant backups, and I'm not above shitposting IRL

Some of you need to quit huffing your own farts and start thinking logically; quit making it an "us vs. them" situation and think about how shit the internet will become if certain sites and services are locked behind paywalls that if you don't pay to bypass will mean you get throttled to speeds well below what you currently pay for.

The only reason why they're pushing hard for this now is because of how much the narrative is slipping out of their control. They want it back, and the information age is turning out to be their downfall.

well Holla Forums you did vote for the chaos candidate,i hope things turned out the way you wanted them to

Go back to your dick sucking BO

I'll take slow over illegal anyday. You know those fucks will go Title ii or equiv., will all corresponding powers, the second they can. When's the last time you've listened to broadcast radio? It's utter shit. Same with the stuff the FCC "allows" to be broadcast on TV. It's not cut that and dry.

Ok Holla Forums I'm a fucking idiot trying to understand this. If Net Neutrality is lifted ISPs can:
Block certain websites and provide access at an additional fee
Censor material either by blocking content of websites or blocking them entirely
Throttle speeds if the owner of a website doesn't pay them
And generally restrict the flow of information

Am I understanding this right?

Yes. You are understanding this correctly. Shit will be really fucking bad if NN is removed.

Fuck me than, help a simpleton out.
Petitions aren't gonna do much, anything I can do to help not let that shit go?

I mean, you could call congress like hundreds of thousands of other people. Let your tiny probably-going-to-be-ignored voice be heard.


Generally, yes. The given fear is that with the end of Net Neutrality, ISPs will be given the freedom to throttle individual sites and hosts which opens possibilities everywhere for abuse, while providing no obvious benefits for consumers.

Among other things, they could use this to push their own services by making other services seem unreliable or inconvenient(such lowering bandwidth during "peak hours" unless you pay a fee), or just straight up making sites impossible to reach from the abysmal speeds allowed to them.

With this, they could also end peer-to-peer systems, such as torrenting, i2p, or tor, simply by throttling connections that don't go to whitelisted ips, or ip ranges.

There's plenty of problems here.

Here's hoping it'll help then.
If anything maybe total chaos will break out if it does pass.

If it goes through, they'll probably take it just slow enough for the masses not to notice. Plenty of shilling, waiting, and slow but steady progress towards their goal of "cable tv on your computer."

They know. This is just another attempt at sanitizing the internet.

Pretty much. It's no wonder the anti-NN shills are out in force about this. They'd like nothing more than to shut Holla Forums and anyone with a dissenting opinion down.

Digitally Assured Destruction.

Now the ISPs can fight the content providers. If jewgle pisses off ATT or Time warner, then the ISPs can charge their customers a price to access jewgle.

This is why jewgle fiber is a thing.

Now this is where 1488d chess kicks in: FCC removes net neutrality, then they move in to heavily regulate the ISPs like a utility. Thus forcing regulations down stream on the content creators. This is how you not only drain a swamp on the corporate level, but also prevent/lesson the impact of a third techbubble burst.


Because there's some really stupid people here that have no clue what happens every time the government tries to "regulate" an industry, without murdering the ability of the industry to influence government policy.

that's delicious, but doesn't the government also want to crack down on speech? aren't they equally as cucked, and infinitely more powerful?


How long has this leftypol raid been going on?

I suppose, but the government's slower than corporations, so they would need to go through a few more steps before being able to shut down what they want. NN would let corporations do the dirty work, and all in the name of profit.

so your argument boils down to
1. speed is both irrelevant and unknown. they've wanted this for years, and the gubmint moves at light speed when it wants to
2. they're already fucking you in the ass for cash, at least there's the rare company that tells NSA/etc. to fuck itself. see: burger based Xmission story on RT years back
3. oh no, not profit. my pearls. that's way worse than laws, right??
you smell like a commie, but are confirmed absolutely mongoloid. U.S. was a cunt hair away from having Hillary fucking Clinton as president, and has hundreds of people just like her currently in power.

I guess I'm drunk, I can't even decipher what I was trying to argue in the first place.

meant for
fuck, I am drunk

All I know is, every time I go to Democratic Underground to troll or gather salt and see a thread about this, they love it, which leads me to believe that I should be against it.

Exactly. I see who likes or dislikes something and that often tells me whether or not it's actually good or bad for me.


its not an either/or. you have been brainwashed by tribalists

Wrong, in a great many ways, the vast majority of the time, it IS an either/or. Not that there aren't exceptions, but generally speaking something that is good for the jew is bad for me, and vice versa. not saying that the Dems and GOP are opposite sides, but only a fuckwad would think I was, and there are no fuckwads on pol, right? Since pretty much everything loved by the Dems is bad for Whitey, when I see them butthurt about it ending, my money is gonna be on its ending being good for me, barring proofs otherwise. Pic related.
Seriously 9 times out of 10 if you tell me who supports something, I can decide how to feel about it based on who that who is, and later research for proofs and find the spot judgement is correct. It would be exceedingly odd for something that Dem Underground loved to ALSO be something that is somehow good for me as a White Burger Holla Forums NatSoc Christian.

This might be number 10, user.

So has anyone been spreading the word about this?
I've heard jack shit about it anywhere else.

This is doomed to fail only because the most used function of the internet is pornography, and there’s no way they’ll be able to market that the way they want to.

You actually expect these people to go to AT&T or whatever and be like:

“Yeah, so, I…uh. I need the Japanese schoolgirl package, and, um…. could you, could you put, like some vomiting sites in there as well?”

“I don’t care about Facebook and Snapchat, I just really need some spanking videos and teenage girls wearing diapers shitting themselves and squishing it around.”

“Look, I’m not saying they have to be it, I just want them to, you know, look kind of young. Like really young. Do you have a young package. Why are you looking at me like that, take my money you fuck. I want a manager.”

It’s. Not. Going. To. Work.

Dealing with furries alone would probably make half of their customer service department quit.

Still on the fence.
Do we want kikebook and jewtube to have to pay much more money?

watch out guys.

info wars is directing people to image boards to argue against NN. This isn't a real convo anymore

if you are predictable they will control you. Think for yourself, if this group is as shifty as you claim, such tactics seem par for the course. maybe they realize GOP is in power blah blah blah you get the drift. its not an eithier/or is a correct and right vs wrong and twisted. thats the real fight.

Were you born after 2015? Net Neutrality hadn't been a thing before then, and after it came into effect none of the shit that is a thing now or before had changed or improved for the better besides an even more deliberate throttling of your internet. If it's gone there is still going to be the same sites you visit, Holla Forums is still persona non grata from Google, various non-American governments will still use their own controls, and all the companies basically agreed to follow the EU law over US law so net neutrality doesn't even matter in a Freedom of Speech context. On top of that net Neutrality protects groups of ISPs that already exist and are set to make them even bigger.
About the only people protected by Net Neutrality are people who live out in rural areas with only one ISP and no competition. Since they can't charge them an arm and a leg.

Even before when net Neutrality was being pushed the only people debating about it being good or bad was Holla Forums and /g/ and they couldn't agree on anything either.

I'm pretty sure companies like cloudflare and akamai already have lobbyist getting them sweetheart deals along with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and Youtube. The rent might go up a little. Cloudflare wont be throttled.


Bump, this shit is important. December is coming
Burgers call your reps, spam FCC and email folks. You glorious bastard can start the death of Internet or save it

Keep crying bitch nigga
of getting fucked in the ass by the same goy you put in office with your vote.No more internet,no more guns,no more memes


And you all will do fuckin NOTHING… Why? Because your all FAT lazy SoyBoy CUCKS, who wouldn't know how to Organize if Organizational Skills hit u in the face. Oh and a stupid kike cunt was spewing garbage about (Chans) on (((Cspan))). You niggers hate the Jews so much but never try to escape (((Their))) systems… Jesus Christ, even Niggers in Detroit are making their own Internet… but thousands of US can't and won't because why? Because I'm too comfy fapping to anime and saying I hate Jews with Richard Spencer… this SITE COULD BE USEFUL FOR ASSEMBLING QUIETLY, amung other likeminded sites. But let's just wait and see what "Q" says for us to do… FUGGIN JOKE. We have a better intelligence network here than any Alphabet agency. Were boots on ground. What do we do with all that? ZERO except play games and make memes that do NOTHING. But another water filter, that'll help beat GLOBALISM…

They won't. But you will, since you're not using kikebook and jewtube.

Then you get a different ISP or figure out a way to evade like using a hidden service or similar.

Do not listen to this obvious cianigger.
Keep memeing, and do effective shit IRL with a small group of people you TRUST.
Do not go to (((meetups))) organized online, as they're almost always obvious honeypots.

Also i know i'm preaching to the choir, but with the amount of newfags coming in, i believe a friendly reminder is due

They want to turn the internet into another MSM electric jew. No wonder the goons and shills here have been screeching hard against net neutrality.

>Do not go to (((meetups))) organized online, as they're almost always obvious honeypots.
Even in the Charlottesville event, the FBI mentioned they had several informants in the groups that showed up there. It is best to organize with people you have known for a while. FBI and law enforcement have been known to infiltrate even small political groups of around 5-10 people. Also, informants are hired in rural areas to document online communities. They identify and report on members of the community, slang, emoticons, memes, etc. Organize from here and there is a good chance one will join.

This fucker not being banned is why 8ch is going to shit.

My understanding is this. Net Neutrality is two different things. First, it's a concept that says that all internet traffic should be treated equally. So, no throttling/blocking/anything certain sites, services, packs of data, anything. The other side to this is a bill that was passed under the Obama administration. Now, this is where I'm only pretty sure I know what's going on, but probably more than most here, cause a lot of posters are freaking retarded on this issue. So, Title II makes it where the internet is a utility, which makes it where only one person can lay their lines per area, which means that you only really have one decent (i.e. terrible beyond belief, but better than the others) option for an ISP given any area. They don't get competition, so they never have to improve, and I've seen my internet only get worse. I've actually had to downgrade, cause what I used to get wasn't an option anymore, cause they split the lines a lot and saturated the area instead of laying new lines. This is all despite that the idea was that the government was supposed to regulate this stuff to keep things improving. That's what was sold anyway. So, we have Net Neutrality, the bill, which is what's being discussed, but it's being sold as Net Neutrality the concept. Here, have a video where a guy talks about his $15 per month 1Gb/s internet, with almost no throttling (except the ISP's themselves own their own websites which stream video, and they throttle competitors just enough to encourage you to use their site over their competitors).

nigger they're for this shit,

What do we do?

Trying to get my head around this too. On the fence about whether this is a good thing, but for the fact that the message is being pushed so hard by all the people we know not to trust – Soros orgs, Google, every msm source. The flood of people who'll admit they don't know anything but that they don't like the apocalyptic scenario they've been sold is forcing me to be skeptical of the obvious conflation between net neutrality as a concept (which in certain iterations looks like socialist nonsense anyway) and the very specific legislation which puts power over privacy and censorship in the hands of corporate-lobbied FCC. Seems like a terrible idea even trying to look beyond my small government bias.

Where is anyone arguing for this version of net neutrality with any original thought, facts, info other than that approved of in the msm and Soros-funded campaigns?

If they drive us off the internet, they will force us into the streets.

>(((net neutrality))) shills are STILL bumping their obvious raid threads
>they're STILL shilling for government and (((government backer))) control of internet

They are potentially lifting the Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet rule. It will remain to be seen if net neutrality is at all affected.

Follow suit on what? We've had net neutrality for over two decades all over the West without any laws to begin with. The idea that net neutrality all over the world stand and falls with the FCC is just typical burger hubris. It's likely to not even change a damn in the US.

Europe is not one country.

Then why didn't they do this at any time before 2015? The most we got was some ISP trying to gimp a competing streaming service and they bad press out the ass.

What new rule? Going back to how things were in 2015?

Domain registrars don't really have anything to do with net neutrality though.

Can't say I disagree, but as always with jews you lose. Until they are all dead you look to be fucked over by any side that gets any power. Are the govt kikes gonna fuck you over any more or less than the corporate kikes is the eternal question?

Except we've had it for decades and it's what allows sites like this to exist.

Net neutrality has been there for decades before any laws, nothing says it will automatically go becasue some protective law is gone. As things are right now fucking your customer out of net neutrality it is going to get you bad press all over the fucking place becasue of how hyped the issue is. It will be complete suicide to attempt it for some time, and again it hasn't been attempted for decades so far.

Can someone send me a pdf or link to something that explains exactly what net neutrality is? I dont trust Holla Forums blindly. I dont know if the mods and jim are the shills or if the users are or whatever. I want to decide for myself. Is there any offical documentation?

For starters, here's the actual proposal, including the legislation Pai is seeking to reverse.


I say actual, that was the draft released in May. But that outlines Pai's intentions.

Could always shill that anyone for NN is racist against that shitskin pajeet. You wouldn't doubt a PoC, right libtards?

It does not eliminate net neutrality it just removes supposed legal enforcement. The difference matters since we've had net neutrality since the 90's without any laws in the first place.

They were able to do that all the way before 2015. Most ISPs outside the US have been able to do it since 2015 as well.

They didn't.

The way that I see it is, if the internet isn't broken why go changing stuff?
One really can argue that's what the FCC went against when they put the rules protecting net neutrality in place. We already had net neutrality without any serious interference before, why add govt fingers in the pot when really was mostly all along good?

Please stop posting when you are this ignorant.

But think of obama goy!

Stop spewing retarded bullshit.

It's more accurate to say that if ISPs does X then net neutrality has been lifted. As long as ISPs keep applying net neutrality is will exist, and they practically all had for decades before this FCC rule ever came into being. Read this

This rule going does in no way mean net neutrality will automatically go.

Stop making people think net neutrality and the FCC rule are the same thing. You doing that shit is 99% of the reason people like are confused.

Good job. Every single thing is false but it still looks and reads like a serious post. 8/10

And to be fair, here's how the FCC under Obama-appointed Wheeler, explained their adopted 'net neutrality' rules in their words to the press:


If non-shills are sincere about the legislation in question actually protecting Net Neutrality (as it looks like plenty of real people are, if only because it's an easy message to digest and pass on), they need to stop looking like they're intentionally muddying the waters. I've only seen people on the skeptical side actually try to clarify anything.

Where is anyone arguing against this version of net neutrality with any original thought, facts, info other than its supported in part by msm and Soros-funded campaigns? It's not like I trust kikes like Comcast any more that Google.

Net neutrality is very simple. It means that if a packet of data is sent by you to someone then it is forwarded along its route without either being moved ahead in the cue or moved back. All data is treated equally without any special rules based on what it is, where it came from or where it's going. That's it. An example of what is not net neutrality would be stalling all packets from Holla Forums so that browsing the site becomes near unusable. If net neutrality is enforced then a packet from Holla Forums that arrived just before one from Google will be forwarded first despite it being a tiny site, as all data is treated equally. The ISP having a special deal with Google so their data is always forwarded first and thus their sites load faster would again not be net neutrality.

Yeah, just give the philosophical definition of net neutrality without explaining anything about the LEGISLATION in question. That's not the whole fucking reason everyone is confused or anything.

Separate argument, but even your philosophical NN has holes in it. Why shouldn't a company be able to charge any data in any different kind of way? Why should I be forced to buy the same package to use a few emails as someone who games and streams videos all day? Saying all data is equal, on a certain philosophical level, is as idiotic as saying all people are equal. Even the guy who invented the term 'net neutrality' thought that implication was asinine.

Whoever ran the campaign to muddy the waters on this subject did a fantastic job. This indicates if nothing else that typical trickery is afoot.

He asked for something that explains exactly what net neutrality is, you daft cunt. You are also using philosophical incorrectly as net neutrality refers to the actual methods applied in the routing systems to achieve non-biased forwarding to the extent it is practically possible.

You don't. Buy the slowest connection and you'll pay less. The fact you seem to be a whole bunch of people who repeatedly run this retarded and easily shattered argument makes we wonder if you are seriously reading froma manual.

That's why no one said it. It's treated equally, and since the routers exist in the real world it's treated equally to the extent that it is practically possible.

Indeed. Having people think net neutrality equates to some law opens two vectors direct vectors to silence sites like Holla Forums where there would otherwise be solid resistance.

It’ll be exploited eventually but NN would be exploited eventually as well some how. US ISP’s are crooks and the senate wants to censor the Internet. Web 3.0 is coming one-way or the other.

This argument has been in dead lock on Holla Forums for a very long time. Perhaps rather than being an effect of deliberate shilling or manipulation this deadlock is because both options are losing propositions in the long term. Having said that, anyone who lends any trust to US ISP’s is in my opinion an idiot.

Fair point. I'll agree that NN as a principle, or functional NN, is fairer than saying 'philosophical NN'.

Doesn't mean anything to say so, but I don't have a manual. I'm trying to explore this debate more since I'm tired of hearing everyone I come into contact with screech the same points from the headlines. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything except to ask more questions and share more info.

I still object to the fact that someone asking for official documentation was just given that 'in principle' summary. I saw it as missing the point.

That's becasue of the conceited effort to make people think net neutrality and the FCC rule are the same thing and that we only got net neutrality in 2015. Once people realize they are separate things they understand they can fight for net neutrality while reject any law they perceive as crooked.

Considering how gleefully Youtube bans shit while leaving Elsagate on, Net neutrality does exactly jack shit.

Our job is to make everyone lose faith in the internet while we build an alternative i.e. hatreon to patreon.

Except it allows this site to exist and be accessible, idiot. Net neutrality has nothing to do with what a private entity wants to host on their site.

Net neutrality doesn't protect anything that is already allowed by the private entity, Holla Forums is not a public government site.

Nice fucking word salad there. How about you learn what net neutrality is before spouting more shit? It's been posted in this thread already.

Tell me where you live and I'll show you a country that is on similar trajectory

I don’t get it. If net neutrality is good then why did the left support it? Something doesn’t add up.

First, they aren't actually defending net neutrality but this one FCC rule they think equates net neutrality.
Second its because the left is so dumb they really think they are rebels fighting a white nazi establishment and that if this rule goes then the evil white men who run all ISPs in their world are going to censor all progressive sites on the internet.


I know this was already posted this video by Mister Metokur

but I want

To explain how to destroy leftist (((silicon valley))) without resorting to end Net Neutrality


Q-LARP was blown the fuck out and your plan didn’t work. Get over it.

OK, so here's the problem with this logic: The ISPs are greedy fucks who want to make money. The proposal of DAD is essentially a protection racket, pay us so nothing bad happens to your service.

First of all ZOG companies like Alphabet have loads of money. Sites like Holla Forums have no money. Alphabet can afford to pay for the premium service. Holla Forums and startup competitors to jewtube can't. How exactly is Holla Forums loading like shit going to make more people want to use it and get redpilled, and how is jewtube being the only free streaming service that doesn't need to buffer all the time going to make people switch to it's competitors.

Secondly the ISP needs its millions of customers more than Alphabet, a global company, needs that ISP, and the only reason those customers stay with that ISP is that they jewtube and zogbook works! It's the same situation that let's large companies get away with paying hardly any tax; exempt us from tax or we'll leave the country and blame your party for the resulting mass unemployment.

The worst thing that's going to happen is this: If the ISP is trying to jew alphabet too hard Alphabet is going to say "Look, either you give us the premium service at this insignificant price or we'll gimp any stream we see is going to an IP address you hold and we'll spread the info through our millions of social media sock puppet accounts that your service is shit and that jewtube only works on your competitors, who all happened to have agreed to this reasonable price."

Do you think the ISP is going to want, or be able to survive, being the only one that doesn't have working jewtube?

Now again, that is the worst case scenario for Alphabet. The reality is that it is only going to make Alphabet stronger because the ISPs know they need the "killer app" of jewtube or customers will jump to their competitors. Why do you think television companies fight each other for the privilege of pay out the ass to get exclusive distribution deals on the new hot series or sports event, even if just temporary? If net neutrality goes ISPs are going to be all over Alphabet asking how they would have to pay to get some sort of exclusivity deal, and part of Alphabet's terms for every ISP that even wants to be able to display jewtube as part of their service package is going to be that the ISPs gimp all of jewtubes competitors, something the ISPs will gladly do since they will only have like 5,000 people who use them.

>To explain how to destroy leftist (((silicon valley))) without resorting to end Net Neutrality
I'd like to know how ISPs killing sites like Holla Forums is going to help people learning about the Jewish Question. Net neutrality going isn't going to hurt Apple or Alphabet for the reasons explained above.

i'm glad your kikery is called out for what it is here.

r/td has been nothing but an astroturf show AGAINST net neutrality just like it was an astroturf show AGAINST ROY MOORE. you faggots keep going on about google and microsofts meager lobbying while ignoring att, comcast and verizon have done nothing but lobby with money for decades against it, becuz it would hurt their profit plans for fucking their customers.

you same faggots keep sucking that indians dick posting a video against nn, when that indian faggot was an obama appointee and a mcconnell endorsement.

you're a kike cock sucking faggot, go kill yourself with the rest of the reddit astroturfing kushner locking kike cocksuckers.


I support repealing it. Before it was passed, none of the things people are hyping happened. After it was passed, The Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and Stormfront were still censored.
At least repealing it will hurt websites like Jewgle and Faceberg, which are - may Allah forgive me for uttering this phrase - worse than cable companies

Things were better before "net neutrality" was passed than after it. This shit only came out a few years ago during Obama's regime.

I honestly don't think that example applies. Just as technology progresses, so do business models. Repealing net neutrality would lift a lot of the barriers that would prevent al a carte internet shopping and maybe just blocking some sites altogether. There's no way we can get around ISP level blocks. So lifting net neutrality would basically give ISPs a legal way to block websites that they deem objectionable, letting the only market correction method be the company going out of business and someone taking their place (aka the lolberg wet dream) while in the time it takes for that to happen (10 years maybe?) it was already far too late.


>TORpedo kike is shilling for government and (((government backer))) control of the internet
Good goy, collect those Soros shekels. Kike.

Yes, you're being brainwashed by (((net jewtrality))) shills correctly. Good goy, collect some sorosbux and shill for government control of the internet.

Kill yourself.

What makes you think kike owned corporations wont go on a banning spree of any website it finds objectionable?


Yes, I'm painting a bad case scenario, but it just happened in Poortugal. Do you think this is a good direction for the industry? Portugal got rid of net neutrality last month and pic related is the result right after.

As far as how data laws matter, FCC laws prevent censorship (for the most part) by the rule that if they start banning websites for content then they will then hold the ISPs liable for any illegal content since they've shown that they were actively censoring and ultimately missed whatever illegal content was posted. However, as far as I understand this requirement will be lifted so that the weak point in the censorship chain won't be DNS anymore (like we saw with stormer), and instead it will be ISP. With the Stormer case, it was certainly very troubling but at least we could get around that by configuring OpenDNS. ISP level censorship is a physical barrier so it's doubtful that it could be circumvented.

And like I said, the only 'corrective' measure left to us is to boycott them. Except telecom companies have generally accepted geographic monopolies or oligopolies if you're lucky. That means you have one or two tops. And as long as they're established it's likely that they will both be participating so you'd have to wait for a whole another company to pop up in this industry that has enormous barriers to entry which is very unlikely.

That's why people are against net neutrality. I know you're moonman so you can just cool it on the sperging.

The first image is made up

Second one is for phones.
Getting real sick of seeing the same shilly pictures distributed throughout the web


You make a good point, but I disagree. The current "net neutrality" law isn't the same as net neutrality as a concept. What the current "net neutrality law" is is the classification of broadband providers as utility companies. This just enforces the regional monopolies. And even with "net neutrality" we still see websites getting bullied off of the internet. TDS is the most obvious example, with Cloudfare, a virtual monopoly, refusing service to them. By removing this law we can open the way for an actual anti-trust pro-1st-amendment law. And the whole selling websites in packages is just fearmongering. Due to the nature of the internet (millions of websites) such a prospect is pointless. And in the times when throttling of services has taken place, the payment has virtually always been tossed onto the website providers instead of the consumers. There's just no reason to expect this to happen. Especially with how unpopular it is; we would probably get a bill outlawing that practice within a week of someone daring to do it. Pai himself said he wasn't opposed to implementing actual NN rules without classifying ISPs as utilities.

ITT: dumbass doesn't realize that the internet is fucking classified as a phone service due to Net Neutrality

(Tor can't hide your (((nose))), kike)

Regulating ISPs as common carriers exempted them from FTC oversight. This "net neutrality" regulation being repealed declares ISPs as common carriers. If (((ISPs))) start making exclusivity deals with (((Alphabet))), the FTC will shove them all into the oven under antitrust rules and the FTC Act.

But wait! There's more—-the new regulations include transparency rules—-the (((ISPs))) would be forced to publicly disclose these exclusivity deals. Failure to disclose such a deal would be another reason for the FTC to shove the Large Spiky Pineapple of the Law up their (((asses))).

Except that the big ISPs all promised (when no one was around to enforce that promise) not to do that—-and the FTC will now have the power to hold them to that promise.

The big ISPs all publicly committed not to do that, when the Title II Order was in effect and the FTC didn't have the power to enforce that promise, because the Title II Order regulated ISPs as common carriers and the FTC Act exempts common carriers. After the Title II Order is revoked, (((ISPs))) won't be common carriers anymore, but that public commitment is still a public commitment. Except now the FTC can hold (((them))) to those commitments.

Nigger get on Tor. Tor evades Chinese state censorship quite well and we are still fucking over the Great Firewall. (((ISPs))) won't stand a chance.

You know you folks never ever mention Zeronet or I2P and forget the fact that TOR project is run by jews who want to stomp out dissenting opinion and the fact that CIA niggers run large chunk of the nodes
Do elaborate why I should trust it? Besides TOR is notoriously unreliable on clearnet

Net neutrality and FCC/FTC regulations are completely different things. The post was about DAD and what happens if net neutrality was to disappear, not what happens if this FCC rule is superseded. Kill yourself.

Don't listen to OP, he's spewing Google & Open Society funded propaganda.
jew already exposed their shit:

The same domain registrars that chased Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack off the internet SUPPORT net jewtrality.

TL;DR Jewgle, netflix, faceberg, and others are lobbying for net neutrality because they don't want ISP's to charge their kike companies for data usage.

different torfag here

literally what
nobody uses that shit and it isn't made for clearnet proxying
If you mean the relays then no, it isn't.


You shouldn't. Just like you should not trust any other anonymization network or (((VPN))) jew.

how so?

Because a lot of Google employees (and people in silicon valley in general) have ideals about how the internet should be. These companies need those people.

You don't understand how the internet works.


50% of relay nodes are owned by the government

Which government? Source?

NSA has the funding to run exit nodes and there are

do you really think that tor is some sort of super safe system?

but if we have "net neutrality" right now and not having it somehow destroys muh freedumps then how did Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack get shut down by Joogle (who are now suddenly worried about muh freedumps)?

Sure they are. Everyone knows that. I'd still like to read a source on that 50% claim.

No and nobody claimed that.

This isn't inherently a flaw of Tor. All anonymization networks are affected by this. Unlike the others, the Tor project offers software to mitigate certain issues, such as browser fingerprinting.

Pic related included (((TOR developers)))
Need I remind you of NSA's malware attacks?
Remember Anglin's cuckshed?

They just say "Well Stormer was uh shut down by like domain registrars which aren't affected by net neutrality"

The actual purpose of Net neutrality is protect Google, Netflix, Facebook, and other Jewish companies from being charged by ISPs for using massive amounts of bandwidth

Here's also a list of some of the 'net neutrality allies'

And what about millions of users that will get hit by this?

Post proof that 50% of Tor relays are run by the government (assuming you mean the US government). I'm waiting.
already acknowledged that in the post you're referencing
>Pic related included (((TOR developers)))
Tor developers != Tor relay operators
How are they related to Tor?
Yes, what?

Well, it isn't. Your argument is like saying getting murdered in jail by CIA niggers has something to do with the right to bear arms and that the right to bear arms is useless becasue CIA niggers keep doing it. Net neutrality is about the packet routing part of what makes the internet works. That's not the only things that makes the internet work and those other parts need their own principles. This is not hard to get.

This is true. That why they implemented it back in the 90s.

The main cost factor and bottleneck is the line to your home. Why should they pay for what you request from them? Core network tech is cheap.

ISP's will not restrict individual end users or they would risk losing massive amounts of customers

Keep in mind that Net Neutrality wasn't actually passed until 2015 and before it no Internet providers were doing the shit the neutrality shills are saying will happen.

Much like how companies go after businesses which pirate their software rather than hounding down individual users, Internet Providers will generally just go after big websites and businesses which aren't paying for the bandwidth their using.

Look at it this way, imagine if there was a toll road which charged anyone going through.

Since large trucks take up more space and wear out the road more than bicycles, wouldn't it make sense to charge them more for using that road, rather than charging an equal toll regardless of the vehicle?

To which competition?

Google, Ford Foundation & multibillion dollar big tech companies are lobbying using scaremongering tactics and now every #nevertrump soyboy on twitter is rallying behind the banner of net neutrality

Arguing for literal Soros backed government regulation of the internet is something you should have to defend as a good thing. Nobody should need to to try and give a long-winded reasoning as why not to support it.

There have been shills full force for Neutrality on here and cuck/pol/ for days and it's showing.

Follow the money for neutrality support.
Do the opposite of what jews do.

except the net was mostly neutral before except when it wasn't, because they already did filter, throttle, and zero-rate.

Implying the (((ISPs))) aren't run by jews.

Net Neutrality determines whether the consumer or Netflix pays for Netflix's bandwidth. It doesn't affect Comcast at all as long as they get their money.
Right now under the (((equality))) of net neutrality, YOU are paying for Netflix's bandwidth usage even if you don't have a subscription.

Name an example of alleged censorship at the hands of an ISP before net neutrality was passed. And tell me why we should trust companies which have implemented the most orwellian censorship laws on us to be leading the fight for an alleged ""free speech"" issue

Common business jews like Comcast are NOTHING compared to the actual Talmudic Jews destroying the white world.

Do you honestly feel comfortable with yourself knowing that Soros, Google, And the Ford Foundation are the largest funders and backers of the Net Neutrality movement?


Does the term "hedging your bets" mean anything to you?

I'm paying mostly for bureaucracy and for the line to my house. As I have already explained numerous times, backbone bandwith and an ISP's presence at an IXP is peanuts. I'll gladly pay a few pennies more if that means my ISP won't mess with my packets.

I remember when US ISPs throttled Bittorrent because only criminals use that.

So you are conceding that you believe "Hey this is the ONE good thing soros is supporting guys!"
It looks like some are still in the lemming mindset.

When globalist jews team up to support something using massive funding, I'll have to support the greedy but apolitical corporate jew who's goal is to make a quick buck, not to destroy white countries.

The difference is Service Providers want to make profit, Soros wants centralization and censorship.

And the mask comes off

I'll let this speak for itself. That is what the right wing argument for neutrality boils down to.

I still haven't seen a good argument against net neutrality besides 'content providers should pay for what amounts for neglegible costs' and 'Soros funds it'. I'm waiting.

Just like roads, energy grid and other natural monopolies, communication networks should probably be state-run, too.

Do you have ANY idea how dependant people are on Internet?
And to what competition? Smaller ISPs will jew you after NN is killed.
"Loss of customers" is impossible

The lines to the customers, yes. But why would the rest of the network need to be in states' hands?

They'll ban you for being on the alt right but they won't ban these fucking queers.


That would be before the commercial internet existed so it's pretty obvious they didn't, retard.

I hope you do realize Netflix has to pay for its own connections to be able to upload their streams, and that the more streamers they have the faster connections they need and the more they have to pay to their ISPs to get them. If they are their own ISP they have to pay local governments or monopolies for access to the infrastructure.

>Right now under the (((equality))) of net neutrality, YOU are paying for Netflix's bandwidth usage even if you don't have a subscription.
This is as retarded as saying I pay for Holla Forums's bandwidth. I have to pay for a connection to download the image from them and they have to pay for a connection to be able to upload it to me. It's a shared cost.

If you have payed the extra buck for a faster connection you have already payed for more bandwidth. Bandwidth can't be stored; it's either utilized the instant its available or wasted. To then be charged again for "bandwidth usage" is the ISP double dipping.

This is an inescapable fact.

don't awoo

There's also FreeNet, GNUnet, and probably some more that escape me at the moment. Tor is the only one of these systems that primarily outproxies to the open Internet. The others are all overlay networks.

(I can smell the (((matzo))) all the way through Tor)
This FCC rule is the only change being proposed, therefore we discuss the repeal of the FCC rule, yidshill.
Show me how, kike. I'm just a stupid goy who needs a demonstration.

Sources, muthafukka, do you have 'em?

You said "50% of relay nodes". Source for "50%"?

Against the principle? There are no good arguments. Against this regulation that is being repealed? See

Yes, it is. Kike greed won't go away until we gas the kikes for real.

Try harder, Abe. There are people all over this thread actively pushing for ISPs to start putting punitive fees on Netflix and Jewgle, saying how good it would be and and saying we should adopt that cause. But of course you already know this.

Really, Moishe? Trying to deny that you are spewing pilpul to distract from the issue at hand?
And oven yourself for besmirching the name of Shinzo Abe by using it like that, yid. Even nips don't deserve to be compared to kikes like (((you))).


Well, according to Holla Forums it just happened
>>>Holla Forums13884732
It came to an end: transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2017/db1122/DOC-347927A1.pdf

I think this needs it's own thread, but I am too much of a faggot to make a good thread

Well since I've read the FCC ruling it's neither better nor worse when I compare them.


You soros funded kikes already have SIX THREADS on this topic. Kill yourself.


Pretty much. It's no accident that it's pushed now, when the globalist kikes want to gag the Net. Prepare your assholes, anons.

Everything illustrated.

1) Step one was to be able to separate access to web sites based on any criteria. Done.

2) Step two will be closing down the sites that they don't like based on the "natural progression of public opinion" they will create.

This is terrible.

Why are all libertarians retarded and wrong.

This is so funny.
Because you actually have "Food Neutrality" or more correctly 'muh roads'.

You are talking about physical stores so how do you get to a store?
Lets ignore infrastructure and say we are in the days of pioneers with dirt paths.

Its illegal for private citizens to 'lock' someone in using property today.
If someone buys all the territory around you and in ancapistan says
its 100% legal in ancap.
This is illegal today and the government will force you to let people pass over your property or even demand to get parts of your territory to build a road for people to travel.
Once ageing ignore the infrastructure even if its purely legislative saying this peace of dirt path is now a public road is enough to allow citizens to travel.

After NN your ISP can ban you from traveling to other places and 'lock' you in on the internet.
Because its not the physical world its not this level of dramatic since you can change the place where you live to get a different place.

However its shit.
Its stupid and inconvenient.

Teh free markut will fix everything!
T. lolberg.

what exactly stops you from building a new ISP that isn't kike run? You know, competition…
I thought NN had exceptions written into the law that made creating your own ISP virtually impossible…
To be honest, your reasoning sounds like what I'm hearing from normie swedish people around me, so you can imagine my dubious attitude towards your… infograph?

A worst-case scenario, admitted. However, if you think that won't bring the Internet into outright revolt, you are sorely mistaken. The oldoldfags will come out of the woodwork and the fun will begin.

Also, "the Internet" is well-known to be global. Selling any Internet-like data service creates the perception that you are selling Internet access. Calling yourself an "ISP" creates that perception, too. SchlomoISP will have no defense when the FTC comes knocking—-and they will come knocking when they start getting whole bags of mail complaining about SchlomoISP. Since the average normie probably associates (((Facebook))) with Internet, I expect FTC rulings that advertising access to Facebook is advertising Internet service—-and that means the entire Internet, not just Facebook.

Facebook does not hold themselves out as a standalone data service—-Facebook is a website. The World Wide Web is an application on the Internet. As a practical matter, most consumers conflate the two to the extent that a "Web-only" service will not be permitted—-it would confuse too many customers.

This is why we must drain the swamp—-we need antitrust enforcement, not (((enforcement))) to ensure that SchlomoISP gets a good WHACK right on that giant nose.

God damn, this fucking thread is filled with morons and shills.

All of you stupid mother fuckers that support King Nigger's (((Net Neutrality))) Type-II Utility Regulations need to go read the 400-page document and all of the associated translations of legalese.

These fucking regulations are BAD for the internet and do nothing to stop companies from throttling anyone.

This entire (((Net Neutrality))) regulation existed solely to allow big ISPs to come under government control, and the only people profiting from this shit are the major ISPs. These regulations need to be revoked and rewritten to allow the FTC to do its job protecting consumers and force competition by allowing smaller companies to get into the game.

Trust me, I agree with the concept of net neutrality, but using a noble concept to attach a slew of shitty corporate-minded government rules to a system THAT WAS NEVER FUCKING BROKEN is a bullshit move that helps nobody but the people at the top.

Besides, the fuckers that really control the internet are the edge providers. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Drudge, Reddit, and the like who aggregate news and help curate stories, articles, videos, and happenings for people to see. Even the FCC has admitted that it's more likely for those big tech companies to engage in censorship and bad-faith practices that ultimately result in the spread of fake news.

True however even in the most optimistic scenario it can turn into a game of whack a mole with the ISPs who will ban VPNs or websites and you change VPNs.
Massive inconvenience and you never know if the website is running slow because the ISP decided to decrease the connection.

However how will you organize?
On Comcast-chan?

Streaming services(hulu) in the USA ban people not having a USA IP from access.
No revolt about it.

I'm not a lawyer
Fact zone there was a back and forward and ISP banning before 2015. They where challenged(in court) and all the jazz however the net neutrality bill definitively stooped ISPs from doing this.
Now we are back for another round of pre-2015.

I suggest opening a folder for all incidence of throttling and ISP banning that you record or see in the news.
To drop it on the ancaps who will go
"remember 2015 no blocking back then!"
Enjoy this list:

Its a protocol actually; however close enough.
True however in the webs defense its a lot linked and the defector face of the internet.
Torrent another protocol is far more dispersed you need a magnet to get anything, its not easy to brows (if you ban web browsing for this pursuance of illustration) (you are browsing a website using a web browser to get the magnets/torrent-file) and not linked together, unlike the web.

Another protocol is e-mail and while similar to the web there is no real sense or feeling like you are walking on some digital roadway (the information superhighway) with multiple patch to explore. You need to ask people to give you other peoples addresses or send you a massive list of addresses etc.

FTP another protocol is far more strict where you need a server to connect and getting outside of this one server is not normal (you need another IP). However you have only one server to explore.

To quote someone from the past
"did you check out the web it's the best thing on the internet"

The web is great for communication.
However there is always things like
IRC another protocol.

One final thought before 2000 no one was seriously thinking about the internet it was a place for text communication IRC, e-mail, web sites.
With some graphics (hamster dance for example)
This is why ISPs where not interested in censoring it a lot.
It definitively was not the video streaming TV replacement it is today.
The internet was not capable of giving voice communication on the level of phones.
It(internet) was this thing where people text communicate and possibly game.

If anyone asks why the ISPs did not ban websites or video streaming in 1997 you know the answer.

I'm not a lawyer or expert.
Sure i can try reading them, completely understanding them might be a problem however.

TOR was created by CIA niggers in the first place. As for the part about stomping out dissent, well see for yourself

aren't john oliver and george soros both in support of net neutrality?

No, the World Wide Web is an application that uses HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on TCP/IP ("http") or on TLS/TCP/IP ("https"). Similarly, e-mail is an application that uses several protocols in its own stack atop TCP/IP (IMAP, POP3, SMTP; MIME is the protocol stack that provides for advanced message formatting).

The point is that a "Facebook service" or even a "Web service" would be confused with proper Internet access by too many customers—-the FTC won't allow such a limited "fake Internet for normies" service to be offered. Well, not after the (((swamp))) is drained, they won't. Tick tock, kikes.

1) provide source for this.
2) define the word application

I quickly checked and surprisingly there is no definitive statement.
Yes http is definitively a protocol and I reason WWW is basically for the use in http.
Unless you can provide a example of something different that uses http extent WWW….

WWW includes now

Is ultra confusing it suggests to everyone! Normities and tech experts that you think WWW is like steam(steam chat for example) a application made by one company.
and this is absolutely wrong,

Don't ever use the word "application" to describe web services.
The word "application" is overused by mobile shit to sell their programs.

john oliver also thinks drinking water is good for you.
Quick stop drinking water!

john oliver also thinks breathing oxygen is good for you.
Quick stop breathing oxygen!

This way of reasoning is massive childish.
And wrong!

See the OSI 7 layer model.

Go read RFC 3205.

Invalid use by kikes does not remove its valid uses.

The OSI model is 100% incompatible how the internet actually works.

The OSI model can not model the internet.

He didn't say it was.

Why is this thread anchored?