One of the most overrately anti-White hit piece propaganda articles I've seen in some time

"Hate in America: Where it comes from and why it's back"

His message was sobering.

Other urls found in this thread: website/

comedy gold



Reminder that we need to destroy our enemies, or they will kill us all.

The modern left is so overtly anti-white, that anything is justifiable and amenable to reach their end-goal, which is to destroy whites and their culture.

…It goes on

(((>Andrew Romano)))

>(((Lisa Belkin)))


Audibly laughing right this minute user
Shall we dig on the retard bush? Hmmmmmmmm????

To gwb and jeb , your daddy is going to die from old age. All the baby blood in the world won't save him now. I heard he isn't doing so good these days - here have an odious meme

wew, those two kikes need to get razzed a little

these kikes got dubya by the balls if they can make him say all this faggotry on stage
what a fucking cuck

absolutely: odious


Classic leftist pilpul they must have learned from the jews. Leftists don't make arguments in the sense, they just make noises with their mouths that they think will get them what they want. It's fascinating, human-like behavior, but be careful not to be fooled by it.


And the Aut-Right loves Neo-Cohens like Hannity who defended him for 8 years. It's all the same semitic shit on both sides.

Why the fuck wouldn't he? He sent me and my friends to Iraq for the kikes, how is it worse to mouth their words into a microphone?

Fun fact: African Americans are 7 times more likely to commit homicide than whites, making African Americans the most hateful racial demographic in the US.

Remember, leftists do not have any facts or data to back up their propaganda articles. Reality itself does not even remotely resemble the world these kikes paint with these gay little articles.

Lurk more, faggot.

I appreciate that alot of you Holla Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you its ok, but let me send you a message :

This is a blip, a temporary intifada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated, but dont be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you're out of your parents basement to meet a few people that arent like you. You are afraid. We are not.

Oh I'm sorry for not being edgy enough:
Fun fact: Niggers are 7 times more likely to commit homicide than whites, making niggers the most hateful racial demographic in the US.

Jews fear hate because it's a chaotic and destructive Force. They think they have mastered it, so that only they can be allowed to hate. Yet they also do not understand it fully, like nature. Fire is the same, it can take life but it can also give life. A fire burns down the forest and new life is renewed in the ashes. Since Jews cannot build, and can only parasitize, they are terrified of an era where things are new. How many stories are there of Jewish pioneers and frontiersmen? None.


Shit b8, m8. 1.8/8.
We tell him what's okay. And it's okay to be white.


Better, but nobody gives a fuck how violent niggers are. We just assume they are. They're fighting a race war without consciously being aware of it.

Seriously, lurk.




comments on the article are great.. maybe dicky and his crew did have a positive impact

Have something to make your day worse.

that gay meme is still around? thought it died with geocities and webrings.


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yahoo is like straight CIA with no extra jewish seasoning

You mean that 40yo landwhale?

Anyway funny seeing dubya cucking out like this considering these lefties called him hitler for 8 straight years

their already destroying themselves, what more do you want?

Cue shilling for censorship

A man without hate is a domesticated animal little different from a cow. A pox on the houses of our enemies.

I get the feeling he was talking about (((Germans))), not Germans.

We're 10 years away from full Turner Diaries.


(((Leftists))) have no actual solid view on politics. Ask them why Trump is somehow worse than Bush and you can bet they don't even know what Trump has actually been doing other than him being a big meany to the (((MSM))) and the poor oppressed Mexicans. Just like how the only thing they know about Bush is that he commanded White American soldiers to fight for ZOG, only somehow the libshits thought he did it because he didn't like towelheads or anyone brown-skinned, but honestly I really wish he did though. To be fair America should have just glassed the entire Middle East including Pissrael and put in permanent settlers honestly. Jews, Arabs. What exactly is the difference? It's known fact that Judaism and Religion of Cuck™ are one of the same, both created by (((them))) and Jews and Arabs both love cutting off foreskins. Also I've some other Leftists that are inheritly "anti-Zionist" but not anti-Jew in any way and they support #FreePalestine and these types of Leftists also piss me off honestly. Because they are still Marxists that also support #RefugeesWelcome and #BlackLivesMatter and want to eradicate Whites just like what (((they))) want.

Yuri Bezmenov said it best when he described them as political prostitutes.

I didn't think I could despise this cunt any more than I already did
well his gallows just got 10 feet taller

Antarctica and Greenland are so cold that shrinkage makes circumcision impossible

Of course today we know that Scandinavics have very high I2 admixture, i.e. despite having many blondes, they are not very Aryan.

The comments are gold. And best of all, these don't smell like Holla Forumsacks to me. I'm noticing more and more how many normies are waking up. It's beautiful.

Whole planet shits on the burgers and all of a sudden they're shocked, appalled and cannot even when the burgers decide to tell the planet to fuck off.

Jews are really cyborg AI connected to a Zog hivemind that just squeak by passing the Turing test with the unaware.

I wish I could say you are effective but the whole left has declared civilization as a white racist colonialist construct, so you gave yourself away :/

Unfortunately you will have to use more newspeak to be convincing.

It's a copypasta from a TV show.

Must be old, not the (((current year)))

No, it happened a month ago.

It's sped up.

That must stick in the craw. Well, the for the ones old enough to actually remember his presidency, anyway.
At least the thread theme was easy to pick.

Nope, they just try to make pejoratives out of natural emotions that support the tendency of homogeneity. Everything they say is based in lies and deceit in order to achieve what they project onto their enemies. As if the reactionary hatred of being extinguished could ever be a bad thing

This worked on the boomers, this faggy leftist tactic of implying that if you you don't tie both hands behind your back, hand your enemy a knife, and then bite them to death then you were "too weak" to be a real rightist all while lauding weaklings on their own side.

We are no required to play by a arbitrary set of rules conjured by kikes an commies specially to neuter us.

In self-preservation hatred is a necessity.

Is that whistling into the wind that I hear?

They've had to import a hundred million shitskins over the last 60 years to prevent being outbred by those evil hick bigots. And even then those "conservative" whites have a birthrate of 2.7 vs the spics at 1.8, the niggers at 1.6, the white "liberals" at 0.9, and the kikes at 0.8. If we closed the borders, or even better deported the 60 million illegals we'd have the political impetus to crush them forever and that advantage would only grow with time. They know this and fear it, that is why they did what they did in the first place.

Righteousness is defined as the hatred of evil. If one does not hate evil they cannot be good.

I remember but 10 years ago I thought I was alone before I stumbled upon holohoax threads on Holla Forums. If how far we've come doesn't stir pride in you I don't know what will, but there is still much more to do. No matter what we will carve out a Jew-euthanized nation from the ashes of modern civilization even if we have to restart with only 50 million people.

Precisely. Tolerance is the deceptive tool of evil and death.

hmm I've been trying to find birth rates by cultural demographics but cannot find them. Where in particular did you find the 2.7 white "conservative" statistic?

The point is, ladies and gentleman, that hate – for lack of a better word – is good.
Hate is right.
Hate works.
Hate clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
Hate, in all of its forms – hate for jews, for usury, for degeneracy, for ignorance – has marked the upward surge of mankind.
And hate – you mark my words – will save the USA.

Thank you very much.

General Social Survey by the University of Chicago. I believe this is done every 6 years, that last one was in 2012. website/

It has data from the 1920s to the present.

Thank you my good man.


Remember, the next right-wing president will also be labeled as a racist madman by Trump

And lefitys / Antifa will all of a sudden like him and say hes not that bad of a guy.


At some point this meme is going to die too, right?

Oh yeah all those american parents telling politicians to stop fucking over their and their children's future with globalism, artificially low wages, bum support programs and fucking refugee programs. How fucking terrible those nativists are, we got millions in this country barely surviving, living in fucking tents, cars, trailers, and rotting homes. The rest face a future where they will never own their own domicile thanks to fiat currency and fucking landlord class.

read this as
but carry on

lmao i should have guessed this was going to be 5th grade tier journalism.

Wew the normalfags are beginning to see the blatant hypocrisy from the white-hating media.


Basically their plan seems to be to demonize whites under the guise of "social justice" and then use the completely justified response of said whites as further "proof" of "racism" to back up their rhetoric that whites are inherently racist/evil and need to be eliminated. Nowadays just voicing that you think whites get the short end of the stick makes you a "white supremacist" deserving death in the eyes of the left. This is not going to end well for them.

Overtly. Not "overately". OP, if you could take those dicks out of your mouth for a minute now and again, you might remember to spell check.

Goddamn look at the upboats ratio. Unless there was a half chan raid this is highly encouraging.

You'd think one of us would check to make sure.

Who wants to go to that hellhole, user?

Become third position

Most of them just seem like cuckservatives with a few notable exceptions like jjj.

Who's "We"? Last time I checked, most Holla Forumsacks do care about facts.

Could you imagine it'd be like this back in 2014? So much progress was done so quickly. and all that needed to be done were internet fucking memes

My mom is now talking about Soros, its definitely not just the fringe that's aware of him now. I informed her of the Rothschilds, slowly working on trying to get her out of "muh greatest ally Israel who share our judeo-Christian values" tier.

Because more and more people are steadily noticing that while they may be "kumbaya everyone hold hands we can all get along" types every other nonwhite race not only isn't, but is acting as a group united under their racial identity, and their mutual absolute hatred of them for being white.

You know what, maybe it is, but you saying this:
What with your long running track record of projection makes me feel pretty damn good about the current political climate, and how the overton window keeps moving to the right because of absolute faggots like you who just can't seem to peel their lips off of nigger and kike dick long enough to take a good long look around and see that you're the fucking problem here, and we're a monster that is currently growing due to your own actions.

Heres an odious meme for ya dubya