Australians have had their say, with 61.6 per cent of the nation voting Yes to legalising same-sex marriage.

The final count was 7.8 million responses in support of same-sex marriage, and 4.9 million against.

Australian statistician David Kalisch said the final number of responses was 12,720,920 people, representing 79 per cent of eligible Australians.

"This is outstanding for a voluntary survey and well above other voluntary surveys conducted around the world," he said.

Other urls found in this thread:

When's the poz party?

Finally I can fuck my dundee friend and then get eaten alive by mosquitoes the size of golf balls.
What a shithole country build by criminals.

Very sparse information on our statistician friend online but his name could echo across the Bass Strait

Fuck you cunts. Australia is great. Melbourne did this.


Poly marriage when?

Weirdly NSW voted No the most out of all the states

Who's moving with me to based Blaxland?

I suppose the rampant faggotry/mardi gras secretly pissed a lot of NSW folks off.

if you want to look at the statistics

It's all the Lebs

fucking faggots gain nothing but feeling like they're not pozzed up degenerates destroying society

Don't be "polyphobic"

And we spent $120 Million on 2 thousand or so fag marriages
Why the fuck did Pauline Approve the vote in the first place

What an interesting number.


just overheard some kikes at this ADL kvetchion praising this, commenting they wonder how the alt-right is going to react.

At what point will they drop the pretense of being an oppressed group and act like the 'normal' citizens they keep professing to be?

Never, because they are dysfunctional, narcissistic perverts whose identity is synonymous with obnoxious, sexually debauched behavior.

I think we all know how the alt-right is going to react

But the faggots told me all the marriages would have a huge stimulating effect on the economy?!

is 38% enough to block the bill?

Chances of this actually being legitimate and not (((manipulated)))?


Nil. The aggression and determination of the Yes camp have shown they have no intention of playing fair.

Senator Pratt so courageous in the face of hate™ and bigotry™. FACT they've been practicing polygamy in the animal kingdom for years so it's natural!!!!!!

You had entire big name banks outright supporting yes. It would have been awkward if no had won.

Pratt by name, prat by nature.

The Yes camp has details on all the companies and organizations (even supposed child welfare charities) supporting their campaign. Easy pickings for a boycott list.

Sure if you're New Zealand, 2000 of anything would stimulate that economy and that argument falls apart when you realise we're not NZ

The Liberals are nothing more than malkike controlled opposition; they'll sell their own mothers if it meant they'd get their 11 pieces from their chink overlords.

You had the fucking city of Canberra outright promoting the yes cause
I mean fucking fag flags are everywhere even on the drive up to parliment
Imagine if Brexit was supported by the City of London, there would of been unimaginable outrage

Don't you know that the Gregorian calendar is a social construct? Who are you to say what that girl's age is? Fucking pedo-phobe.

Because women in politics is shit, and Pauline Hanson is a fucking dolt
We need a proper leader leading the right in Australia; Pauline sounds like the annoying bitch on lunch duty telling kids "no hat no play"

Damn. They're gloating so fucking hard - (((their))) moves after this are going to come quicker and more pushy. In my town on Saturday (Remembrance Day) the guy that showed up to pull the flag down to half mast found that some cunt had replaced the flag with a fucking rainbow flag.
Fucking ABC is creaming it's pants - I thought they might kvetched if it was under 95% by apparently 61% is 'emphatic', (even though the 'no' seems to be lebs and sandniggers)

The establishment needs to be brought down. Enough with their contemptuous abuse of power and enabling of society destroying groups.

I do agree with that, and while she is the best out of what we got at the moment, I still want to see an user up there, maybe an user can squeeze in a swing seat

So is this a survey or an actual vote?

It's a plebiscite (government survey) not a vote.


It's a survey by name and it's non binding but it'll pass now seeing as half the liberal party are pro fag now and just hide it to get votes

Instead of simply trying to slot in an user to the system, which will inevitably result in them becoming bogged down in it, we should aim for a party, a movement which breaks down all the barriers of contempt and indifference in the political sphere. Non-politician politicians, if that makes sense.

Don't you know that 'children' (a word which I consider discriminatory hate speech) mature at different ages? So what if a 'child'(bigot) is only 10? What if they have the emotional maturity of an 18 year old? Some people are wise beyond their years. WAKE UP CALL BIGOT, PETITE WOMEN ARE ALREADY HAVING SEX AND THEY HAVE THE BODY OF 'CHILDREN'(age-ist).

that makes sense but I still think we need an user in there to start the whole thing or unless if we have someone notable in the media or sports or some shit

My electorate was 51% no and Blaxland electorate was 74% no.. a metaphorical cigar to whoever can guess why Blaxland no vote was so high.

Choosing to dance with the devil always has a price. They will cry when making future payments that they never read the small print.



Because only whites bothered to vote in Blaxland. That or apes just hate faggots

Just completely ignore the law and enforce our own standards on society. Faggotry? That's a paddlin.

I hate to make the comparison but it would kind of be like Sharia law zones in Londonistan.


nah it's full of musrats/lebbos

I had to ostracize my own mother for frequent neo-marxist comments to my son. Constantly bombarding him with bs about white males and gay animals and all sorts of nonsense. Fuck that whore with a cricket bat.

Well I do support corporal punishment, so it's not entirely inaccurate.

I understand your point.

Heres the stats since OP is obviously a faggot

The legal age of consent is a "social construct". Ebil white males chose it because they wanted to discriminate against young people. We need to deconstruct ageism and lower the age of consent. Love is love and only a bigot would say otherwise.

Thats rough.

Next up, pedophilia normalization

It's poly next actually, then pedo.

Then I come in to purge.

they aren't terrible stats when you think about it but I doubt you can really trust them anyway. They probably would have tried 66.6% if they thought it wouldn't be too obvious.

Either way, this wasn't hard to see coming and now the all the corrupt politicians can finally do that extra bit to contribute to the end of sane society. Considering our insanely popular leader has already ruled out increasing religious freedom I guess we can now look forward to these people going completely out of control again. Even though at least 42% of people in the most populated state are at the very least, slightly clued in to how corrupt the elite are.


Typical ausfag exam score.


Anyone got any faggot execution videos or torture?

cheers lad
I wanna see how pozzed my neighborhood is

And now they have the addresses of everyone opposed.

I'm surprised SA and WA were so high.

We all knew that the faggots would get the vote, they had absolutely every bit of funding and support from the kikes as they could. This is nothing to be sad or defeatist about, it gives us more reason to never tire, never slacken and never lose faith in who we are.

The Day of The Digger will still go on, the average Australian will soon see what the consequences of their decision will be. What you should be doing is preparing for the day when the kikes declare us White Australians to be wiped out for the sake of "diversity".

Never forget what your ancestors fought for. Never forget what your future generations will think of you if you choose to do nothing. Never forget what it truly means to be Australian.

Whatever. It's not my fault you straight faggots decided marriage was somehow separate from family and procreation.

Fuck I've been up for 5 hours and done nothing

I feel sick to my stomach. Fucking cunts.

oi by the way lads - is Antipodean Resistance legit or just a honeypot?

SA is the home of Safe Schools after all and its premier made an apology to all WTFBBQ people for historic injustices.

The kikes will do us slowly m8. There won't be a kill whitey day, and if there is it'll be when we're a serious minority.

They are a part of Ironmarch, so if they are a honeypot, then so is Anti-Pod.

Their hiking videos are pretty comfy though, and their flag design is nice.

Not sure but it does itself no favors with contradictory statements on how Australia needs National Socialism but also fascism.

Pretty funny the highest no vote recorded was 74% in Western Sydney which is pretty much our muslim no go zone.

I find it hilarious the left thinks they can juggle this shit. No source article is on le Guardian if you want to take a peek.

I was simply referring to the day when they decide to wipe us out over a prolonged period of time, though it seems like that has already begun.

Thanks lads. I know I'll sound like a AFP nigger when I say this, but I really want to do some IRL stuff from now on. I want to actually make some sort of stand against this shit. I don't know if I'll be able to live with myself if this just carried on and I did nothing.

Learn to meme.
Learn to foster and manifest your direction.

Work on yourself first, then eventually you will find likeminded people in time. Work on helping out your local community, move away from the city and harden your resolve.

ii dunno, seems like the best u can do from the outside is ignore all the pozz to the best of your ability. The change has to come from the people on the inside, the people gobbling the pozz, people in authority.

We all should remember that literally every political movement and organisation has had spies within it.
Go and read The Art of War by Sun Tzu, it was written thousands of years ago but has a whole chapter dedicated to spying/intelligence.

Going and living in the bush/ignoring the situation really isn't going to achieve anything.


This. Plus when I'm PM I'll be demolishing the outback, so you'd best stay clear.

It isn't signed into law yet.

Should be our national anthem. Tasmania white ethnostate with full gun rights when?

Ah, for fuck's sake. Fucking aids riddled pillowbiting poofter faggot cunts. I blame the fucking Boomers and the Soy Division that infest the fucking cities. Some cunt needs to kick off world war 3 already. Oi, Kim, you dumpy little faggot. You reading this? Get on with it, you cunt.

The celebrations are enough to make me vomit with disgust. Promoted and 'live' trend on Twitter, news outlets claiming "Australia says Yes to 'Marriage Equality'."

The sexual orientation of parents does indeed influence the sexual behaviour of children. In their seminal study of same-sex parenting, Cameron and Cameron identified that ‘homosexual parents are associated disproportionately with homosexual children’.[13] Homosexuals comprise 3% of the US population. However, 75% of adult male children and 57% of adult female children reared by homosexuals developed bisexual or homosexual behaviour.[14]

One may ask if there is a problem with teenagers developing bisexual or homosexual behaviour. This answer may come from a study of 5,998 people in the Netherlands, a country known for its tolerance for homosexuality. In that country, homosexual youths are four times more likely to suffer major depression, three times as likely to suffer anxiety disorder, four times as likely to commit suicide, five times as likely to have nicotine dependence, six times as likely to suffer multiple disorders, and six times as likely to have at least once attempted suicide. Above all, ‘the findings support the assumption that people with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders’.[15]

[13] Paul Cameron and Kirk Cameron, ‘Homosexual Parents’ (1991) 31 Adolescence 757, 768.

[14] Ibid., p 763.

[15] Theo G.M. Sandfort, T. Graaf, R. Bijl, R. and R. Schnabel, ‘Same-Sex Sexual Behaviour and Psychiatric Disorders: Findings from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence’ (2001) 58 Archives of General Psychiatry 85-91. See also: R. Garofalo, R.C. Wolf, L.C. Wissow, E.R. Woods, and E. Goodman; ‘Sexual Orientation and Risk of Suicide Attempts Among a Representative Sample of Youth’ (1999) Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 153, 487-493.

tl;dr: gays have mental disorders and perpetuate them when they raise children
Can anyone refute these studies? Seems like gays are fucked to me.

Currently it's a war for hearts and minds. I had some pos marxist geography teacher tell my 16yr old daughter in class that whites should not have their own children but they should adopt from africa. My kids have had to do assignments where you get marked down if you don't agree with how shitty Australia is by the standards of these marxist scum.

There needs to be push back where it counts. They have no problems radicalising kids in the education system so why shouldn't we disseminate propaganda of our own. Information that shows the facts about how promiscuity and degeneracy cause unhappiness and depression. How masculinity is not inherently toxic and destructive and how women who are stay at home mums rate high on the happiness scale.

We need to disrupt and continually trigger their propaganda machine and keep the narrative controlled by us. These stunts that some right wing organisations in Australia have pulled have been entirely off mark with how they look to the general public. We have to win the hearts and minds of white youth first and foremost and then we can really start to push a stronger narrative. It should not be hard. All the immigrants group into large gangs like Apex and the coconut ones yet decent white youth have no answer.

We need to organise some kind of white youth group built on decent, community morals. Everything we already had has been poisoned.

This. There needs to be a co-ordinated movement by whites for whites in Australia, no question about it.

Australia isn't for Australians anymore. Fuck this gay earth. Let it burn. We're all the niggers of modernity now. I'm going to stop myself before I go on an autistic tirade like asses and elbows.

I'm going to build a treehouse to drink goon in. No fags allowed. You're welcome to join me. Any action beyond that needs a real leader. Not some chip-shop ranga, real fucking leadership.

Fucking top notch post lad.

Not at the stage yet, but when I have kids I'll home school them if I can. The quality of learning that most schools provide is abysmal. Add to this the fact that they're little more than conditioning programs that sap the vitality and energy out of kids. The thought of little athletic kids sitting inside listening to barely competent female teachers for hours makes my blood boil.

Holla Forums cheers this stuff on though mate. There is not a single thread here where some dipshit far right organization in the west does something stupid and when someone criticizes it the thread gets flooded with "muh PR" as a response to that poster (or "they'll criticize us anyway so it doesn't matter"). I honestly don't think there is a way out of this. The far right have put themselves in a dumb position in the last few years where they are incapable of learning from their mistakes. The leadership is filled with morons, conmen, or plants that don't really care about these organizational problems. And the way we respond to problems within our own groups is antithetical to long-term problem solving. You cannot steer a network of like-minded individuals if there is no norms/values that allowed them to be steered.

that's a great mix ay, there's two other video parts to it too

The faster people embrace this shit the faster in crumbles. Lets hurry up and stop fighting the slippery slope. It has to get worse before reform. Beastality/poly-whaterbullshit/pedo/necro. It's the USSR/Wiemar all over again.

hurry up. they already made it clear marriage doesn't matter

I've been homeschooling my son through state distance education that centres around programming and science. He's going to have classical education based on logic and leadership.

watch this space.


The population is virtually value-less. They will accept polygamous marriage given time. There are already proponents of it in existence - these are your far-left 'innovators' according to the Diffusion of Innovation model, the type who hang around on Tumblr and in fringe subreddits.

In the next few years you'll see more people come into the open. Some tinder thots will openly proclaim non-monogomous relationships. A celebrity will come out as poly or similar. More /r/TheRedPill fans will start marvelling at muh soft harem, where they essentially share these girls with each other but think they're the alpha dog in a sea of sexless betas. I mean arguably we're already a fair way into the curve, just with groups using different nomenclature.

5-10 years time, poly becomes an accepted, if not mainstream choice. Most people knows someone who is in this type of relationship. Voices for 'equality' spark up.

Another 5 years and it's socially accepted mainstream, a small group of laggards are against it.

I really think the answer is just directly organising and spreading our message in a planned way. Spread propaganda, train together, exemplify the values that we look to uphold.

Australia will DOTR the soonest.


Haha yeah just like Rotherham!!

Liberals aren't as violent as Muslims. If the police tried to do anything about Rotherham their heads would have been parted from their shoulders by morning.


A lesbian chink, a polygamist, an abo and an Iranian traitor walk into a bar.

Oh OH OH I know this one!


The fags were tearing Wong a new arsehole just a few years ago for being AGAINST fag marriage - now she's crying tears of joy across every media platform. Yeah, I went from libtard to natsoc in that time but to go the other way for poz - fuck!

Every fucking time.

Heard there's gonna be a real bad fire season this summer. :^)

Mate, sodomy leave the anus literally infected after too much use.

That's what we voted yes for. For people to willingly bugger up their asses in matrimony.
Someone post the rubber dogs.

The alt right will ignore it.
The full right begins to unleash itself.

100% manipulated. Otherwise this would have been a referendum.

Pauline is controlled opposition.
Look at the fucking burka fiasco and her fucking dirty photos.

I think we need to risk pushing the movement, honeypot or not. No time to fuck around now. Let's face it, we slept on this fucking one.

Dumb fuck.

I think the viet cong would disagree.

No we need to go full viking plundering mad max mode.

Nothing to do with the Comet Pizza.


Also time to spread articles and vids on the community, like vids on rubber dogs, furries and gay masses.

They won't see. The days of the informed australian are clearly over. It's now in a degeneracy spiral and the only option is to shoot it in the head.

What was that idea of a name for branding national socialism in a kosher way? Laborer's Patriots Party? Sovereign Collectivist's Party?

UKIP's name is good in that it appeals to the idea of sovereignty rather nationalism, even though the two are identical.

It's really a shame that there's no hope in one nation achieving anything beyond state level.

You mean bury our enemies alive 6 feet under to act as fertilizer for our wheat fields. That is what Day of The Digger is, get your Entrenching Tool before it is too late and make sure to sharpen one side.

This country disappoints me again.

Hopefully we can go full accelerationist now.

based Lebs tho

Problem is i haven't been wearing protection lately if ya know what i mean.
Maybe need to quarantine myself for a period before hand.

You mean death?

May need to start making a real nationalist party.

Need to be more big bbq's celebrating white pride and heritage.. Nothing triggers the left more and the more they get triggered the more media attention is given… fist fights aplenty

I'm hoping for a total state collapse where we can band together and create our own ethnic rightwing states.
Tasmania would be a good place to start though if that happened. Water, farms already there.

38.4% no is surprisingly high. I'm sure that'll cause plenty of salt even if it means a win.

We can't afford state collapse. There is no revival possible.

We need to take the entire system while it's alive.

And outback WA is so sparse that some areas are relatively unpopulated and nearly inaccessible. It starts there if it must. Otherwise we take parliament itself. That means no more tendie mother's basement, actual steps to begin that stride.

We fuck around too much.

I hope Australia gets invaded

my guess is this vote was mainly the fault of emotional, clueless women who have no connection with reality.

It's more than high. It's a sign that the non voters could have swung it the other way.

Bit what's worse is the people counting the votes and the method.
It's run by dirty politicians, enforcement and judiciary too remember.

Let in those extremists in manus island!

Yeah, that and boomer Liberals who care about nothing but "muh economic growth".

Yeah, the national's economic nationalism isn't going to help farmers much when their taxes are doubled to pay for Filipinos center link cheques and stab proof vests for the police instead of guns.

Australia is still the lucky country people. The population is too comfortable and apathetic. Nothing will change. This Yes vote was inevitable and should surprise no-one.

Just hope for massive economic unrest, or a war with China.

What is important is that this wasn't a partisan issue. Infact, more Labor electorates voted No than Liberal electorates. Just something to think about.

In the meantime, try and insulate yourself from this fucking pathetic excuse of a society. Lift, read, grow food if you can. LEARN about this country's history too.

Also, weed your way into positions of power and influence wherever you can.

The Labor party is obviously a controlled entity. The leader of the party crapped on about gay marriage at every opportunity, and is incredibly unpopular. The Labor party doesn't really represent workers or anything anymore.


I would have thought the muslims would have reasoned that a Yes vote would be to their advantage = because after one amendment to the marriage act, (appeasing homos), in the future they could use their minority/victim status, to amend it again, (for polygamy). Apparently I gave them too much credit because only someone with an IQ above 85 would rationalize something in this way. Is this their high time preference?

I would be thankful about the greenies not supporting them if we didn't have a priority voting system. It's a sham that all three of the major parties have the same leadership, though at least the Libs keep the taxes from raising even more at times.

Good luck with that in mudshit countries and Africa in general

Since when the fuck is Holla Forums anti-gay? Are we being raided by Christcucks?

Exactly. Dislodging the working-class from the Labor party should be the number 1 priority of any aspiring Right-wing party/organsiation.

Is this bait?

Just incase it isn't.


They muzzies already practice polygamy in Australia if you had not noticed.

This better be bait

well there goes another future whitetopia. goodbye Australia it was nice knowin' ya.

They were predicting 75%-90% yes in some cases, i dont think they honestly thought it would be so low.

NSW still the best state

hi TRS

What's funny is that the Yes campaign itself was likely responsible for the lower number. People just got sick of the saturated propaganda.

Probably because muslims stick to their beliefs, taqiyya (whatever the fuck its called) wouldnt apply here. I could imagine some imam preaching "you can lie to infidels but never to allah".
I just find it funny because if the left has its way, the fags are doomed in the long run anyway. I wouldnt be surprised if carloads of em are driving around looking for drunk faggots stumbling around tonight, best part too is the media will be silent on it.
Also this victory is Shortens victory not Turnkikes. His lost the LNP every vote in my immediate family, the tax dodging zionist is finished. His popularity in the polls has tanked. That 38% of no voters were largly probably LNP voters, he he spat on them. All Shorten needs is to claim this victory as his, hammer legislating it, hammer the negative gearing angle and the elections as good as his. Malcolm Turnbull will go down as the man who killed the Liberal party.

I expected at least 75% yes. Even that's 1 in 4 Australians. I suspect some of them now wish they hadn't polled at all because now they can't pretend 40% of people they talk to aren't irredeemable shitlords. Hope the thousands of marriages was worth it!

What I wouldn't do for someone with the charisma of Farage to be leading One Nation right now.

fuck no, anyone who votes for homos to get anything (except curation or death) is a sinner and will be burned in the flames of hell by God's angels.

keep it white boys

This Jew Avi Yemini needs to be watched. Almost certainly controlled opposition, and jumping on board alt-light movements like Mark Latham's show and the Australian Conservatives.


Le based kike!

it's a shame about Latham, he seems genuinely likeable but yeah, Rebel Media…

Children are just a social construct.

wew, didn't see that one coming

All aus threads are pure shitposting and at best 5% relevent to the topic.
Not you though jew

FINALLY! Good on you Yes voters. About time Australia joined the 21St century and promotes civil liberties!

One Nation are compromised anyway. We can do much better than Pauline and her infighting associates.

Piss off.

You had one job.

We need to get our firearms back.
Can't defend yourselves or hold any power without those.

Also get rid of the fed and let the states decide their own laws.

Abolishing Canberra would be beneficial to all.

pretty much.
I'm for localism.

The current population of Australia is 24,568,767 as of Monday, November 13, 2017,

with 7,817,247 (61.6%) responding Yes

gives a measly 31.817%

Me too. A decentralized federation, if one at all. There's no reason why the Eastern states should hold sway over the fortunes of the rest. The constant state-federal bickering has always held things back.

but how do we get there?

How would we convince the voters to vote for a party that wants to localise things?

Possible Slogan:

Are yes. A big decentralised sparsely populated resource rich continent right next to the over-populated, expansionist continent of Asia.

What could possibly go wrong?

You know this country federated in the first place partly for security.

If this survey has proven anything, it's that all the states are equally pozzed in this country. We're not like the united states, we don't have "conservative states" and "liberal states".

Let the gooks at us, they're notoriously bad at war anyway.

Highlight how they are being fucked over by the federal government and other states.

Yes, in part. It's either states going their own way or a firmer federal option; which would only work if it was run by real people not the muppets there now.

I know what we have, user. It's easier to get rid of states one by one than having to concern ourselves with outside influences.

How is this good? 40% of people expressed an opinion they know is severe wrong think

these faggots can spin literally anything to look like it favors them

We'd have a higher chance of fighting and succeeding if we do that and have our guns than where we are now.

besides who said we can't have local militias and a few ballistic missiles?

They would take us slowly, like they already are. Abolishing federation would make it a hell of a lot easier though.

All sort of nanny state laws.
No firearm rights
no self defense rights
"safety" aka one fine after the other
Can't build houses unless own x amount of acres of rural property
no free speech
inefficient welfare system (at least put the able bodied to work in national businesses after giving them a test to find their capabilities)


but its all societies fault! screamed the kike

it's some zoning laws that they put in.
I haven't done much research into it though.

also you have to get a "license" to collect rainwater, dig wells etc as well I think.

Melbourne's did this
the way this goes tho is faggot's sign up for the survey regular people don't
Then the government will do a referendum where 99% of the population is forced to vote and the fags lose it just like last time

WA, NT and SA are more conservative than and continually get fucked over by NSW and Victoria

In Malcolm shithead own words "The Liberal Party has never been a conservative party, and that Robert Menzies was a moderate, progressive leader"

Australia has given me no reason to have any allegiance, they tax me too much, my rights aren't recognized, the population is mostly soyboy retards and roasties

I feel no national pride. Fuck you Australia

I want to move back to my ethnic country but it's not much better + poorer, it's got it's own set of problems as well.

I don't see what we're conserving at this point.
I just want traditionalism.
where's my traditionalist party?

Correct - reading rural council minutes is very enlightening. Agenda 21 bullshit - eg family 10acres with one house on it - land not suitable for any kind of profitable farming, they want to hobby farm and build a granny flat - denied. So many examples of this, plus all the fucking water overlays - the water authorities disallow any building that might affect catchments which means you can't build anything at all.
It never has anything to do with destroying good farming land - it's about getting people out of the country and into the cities or 'growth corridors' - ie future mega cities.
Meanwhile the chinks own everything.

Thanks, yea that's what I'm referring to.

4/10, low energy. See me after class.

Every country should be competing to attract productive and fiercely loyal citizens!!

What the fuck do i have to proud of in Australia?!

I'm sure China & Russia is shitting their pants at the thought of having to fight a country where all the strongest conservative individuals feel no loyalty and no national pride!

Me neither.There's barely anything to be proud of anymore.

Just ban gooks from entering your state, problem solved.

The gooks are the only real conservatives left! our European populations are soyboys

well now you can be proud to be a faggot…

Gooks are only in it for themselves. They're more of a concern than some poofter survey.

Of course they are! wouldn't you work your ass off for your families own interests

lol fuck off, he's right. There's literally nothing at all to be proud of, this once bastion of whiteness has been turned into a white genocide anti-gun marxist welfare nanny state and the only way the system survives is through ridiculous levels of taxation from an apathetic populace who will never raise a finger against the government even when it's run by a literal kike.

I know, I was joking. I was going to say something that is more commonly said but whatever.

Don't be a fucking retard.

It's not just their family, their group collective comes first.

It's just a joke mate.

Now if only every european ethnicity did that more…

You don't belong here. Go back to the_donald.


Who cares? only white-genociding leftist kikes, that's who

t. ausfag living next door to a literal commie with an LGBT flag out the front of it's home

Yeah, but that doesn't mean that every state has to be held to the same laws and regulations beyond those necessary for security.

come to magnetic island

You know what you must do, lad.

Put the Saudi flag on yours mate:

$7.81AU and free postage

why haven't you done anything to it yet?

Which is of course not what they want at all, the whole perversion stems from their innate brokenness and need to always go further into degeneracy. Now that they have fag marriage, they're quickly (as of tomorrow) going to suddenly not care any more and instead start pushing for something even more degenerate.

oi anons I got meatspace fams, I will take bitcoin from anyone who wants us to legit burn that shit in the street as an anti-kike demonstration.

Holla Forums pls go

cunts fuck with it all the time

This is constantly touted but never substantiated.

So much for Oz being a future refuge against the degenerate West. Next thing you know they'll legalize pedophilia, massive pushes for mixed raced couples, pull an Africa and evict White farmers and give it to the abos…..
I had such high hopes for the land down under.

Yeah, it's the same as when Europeans say Australia is non-pozzed because we turn back the boats and whatnot, and all have some future plan to move here. I just don't see it myself.

Melbourne exists so this was never going to be the case.
Abos are not as useful as Africans and the Jew is well aware of this.

There will be a battle between Chink and Jewish interests soon enough.


Already too late. It's not alive, it's just undead.

Lebs? In Blaxland? At the foot of the Blue Mountains?

Yeah, as if they'd bother to go vote for anything anyway.

It's inevitable that China will come.

Let me remind you Aussies that even America voted against same-sex marriage, and had to have it shoved down their throats by an activist, dishonest judiciary.
This is pretty bad.

That's already going on everywhere anyway, with or without any encouragement.

Maybe, but America is partly responsible for a lot of this imo. Its TV shows, movies, popular culture etc have been pushing these memes into our public consciousness going back decades. Of course we know who is behind it, but fact is that's still where most of it comes from.

The issue to me is that while American culture is good, the exporters of American culture are New York and California, who are shit.

We need a paradigm shift, the west (historical meaning of Germany and west) will not survive, let us take eastern European values.

like what?
I'd like to know an outsider perspective.

That's one of the reasons that I, as an American, have stopped watching or supporting the television media & movie media.
If more Americans would cut the TV part of their cable out, they'd save half their cable bill and starve this disgusting beast to death.

It's going to sound strange but I think we work too hard. People who spend 50 hours a week working are people who have no time for their families and no time to dissent. They work so long because they need the money to live, and because of this they dare not upset the apple cart. This gives those who hold the levers too much power.

Another example is the degradation of the extended family. The nuclear family was once considered the prime example of the best family unit. It enabled us to settle America, Canada and Australia rapidly because people could easily move about, whether to migrate from Europe to the New World or to leave large cities and move out to the country. However, the extended family has enormous power both financially and culturally. Your children are partially raised by your grandparents. First it means that if you have to work, you aren't paying for (((childcare))) run by some leftist. Your children can have the views of 2 or 3 generations rather than just one, especially given how soulless our current generation is. If you want to start a business, get a loan from your family rather than a (((bank))). If you need a surgery, similar reasoning. The nuclear family is still a base unit, but it needs to be considered as part of a whole extended family. In the same way, the extended families make up the nation.

I agree but I don't see how that is specifically eastern European values.
Unless you're trying to say that that's old western european values and eastern europe still retained most of it.

Mostly the latter is the case. But the so called "Prussian Work Ethic" is only rivaled by the Japanese, and we Anglos are notorious for moving out long before it is necessary. Of course there is always the slew of (((enlightenment values))) that have pervaded our societies over the past 500 years.

Honestly, I agree. Lots of people work just to buy nice or new things. Sustaining the consumerist machine. The true sources of joy and fulfillment are family, mateship, nature, art, thoughtful pursuits etc. Having people work long hours to buy trinkets is just another tool of the jew to dehumanize and control imho

When women joined the workforce en-masse in the 70s suddenly the income of households could double. The end result was that the price of everything a household requires doubled. Families find it more difficult to buy a house now than back when there was only one person working.

To achieve a return to traditional values and common sense, we must rekindle the environment for that to be possible. Whatever stands between us and that goal must be eliminated. Globalism, materialism, feminism, cultural Marxism, revisionism, hedonism.

The problem is most people here don't know the true nature of fags and have no idea why gay marriage would be a bad thing other than pissing off religious people. It also doesn't help that all of the media was very much on the yes side, there was zero air time for anyone saying no to get the word out. That fact that 40% said no is pretty surprising given that there wasn't an obvious boogieman like with Hillary or the EU's faggotry for people to be innately wary of.

Agree. Don't forget though that this also meant twice as many people where competing for the same number of jobs - causing them to attract lower rates for their work.

This is a sentiment I expressed today. People don't understand the nature of homosexuality - or how horrific it is for children growing up in a homosexual household.
That video of the guy interviewing fags at a gay bar should be required viewing. The one where they all admit to having been molested as kids.

One of my policies as PM would be to ban corporations from using their status to promote social issues or moral grandstanding.

Yup it was tampered with. (((They))) need their symbolism.

what's so special about it?

Number of the beast.

Ireland voted for it and it's generally more religious and conservative than either America or Australia.

Oh come on, this is a shop, right?

I thought it was 666?
or are you talking about that "error"


Yes, even though the Babylonian magic squares used to worship Nimrod and Semiramis, which inspired all major Mediterranean, Mesopotamian and Indian polytheistic religions, and whom are still worshiped in the religion of Religion of Cuck™, gave them the value of 666.

Also a Greek in the second century AD said that several versions were mistranslated FROM 666 to 616.

Is there a politician who isn't pozzed or controlled opposition? We need to prime the meme machines for the next election.

A friend of my dad who came over from Germany in the 70s was talking about that same thing just recently - how much Aussies are now into brand names and designer clothes and all the rest of it, compared to how it used to be when it was all just easy going and relatively conservative. He thinks the Chinese started that in the 90s, might be some truth to it actually.

Fucking cunts. We need to start shilling 'same-sex marriage for Israel.'

it was the JewSA with constant media bombardment that started in the early 60s. Chinks lol.

Interesting. If you ever spend time on social media you'll notice brand shilling being done for free by normies everywhere. It seems like once enough people are signalling in this way others feel compelled to buy expensive shit to fit in. I think that's a part of the reason why the chinese are so into this shit - they're very big into social signalling (that and they are the jews of asia)


It's a bit like memes and memetics.
If you can get something to "catch on" it'll be propagated through various groups.

I've always distrusted things that "suddenly get popular"

reminds me of this

Day of the Digger come swallow these lands.

The Chinks were the first noticeable group to really start wearing designer clothes and buying expensive cars etc. Prior to that it was far more limited.


you mean

So the chinks were the weak link or you could say the "chink in the armour" lol.. fucking jews propagate though, fuck i hate them

Nice bait

Nice one, m80

I could tolerate fags, even if all of that sodomy is not allowed in a religious lifestyle, the gay can act like normal people, very few of them, and they die by the natural punishment from god for sodomy, aids.

Every fag i have seen IRL is a girly faggot, and every lesbian is a short haired graffiti wall, i could be ok with them, as long as they don't acted like that in front of kids.

And they have that sickening shit, pride parades or something, were they all go naked in the streets, and even weirder shit, like going around dressed like masochist dogs, fuck that shit, and they say that "i should't care for what they do in private".

Oh my sweet winter lamb.

have you seen the images of them putting on some freaky masks and horns and attending primary schools? michele obama dressed up as well and read books to them.

Fucking disgraceful.

I need homosexuals facts regarding molestation and polygamy ASAP

They are just too degenerate. It's somehow central to the mindset of a fag. A guy I know had a gay roommate and once they were being stupid and started sending prank texts with each others phones. The stuff the guy would come up with was just sick, like a normal person wouldn't think like that. They shouldn't be anywhere near children.

It's a fraud.

Friendly reminder to boycott the companies that sponsor such parades. By (((pure coincidence))), it's mostly alcoholic drink companies, at least in my country.

Did they poll all the college students in Australia or something? Polls have zero credibility after Trump's election.

That doesn't mean much in a global dystopia.

This was an informal vote where everyone was mailed out a form.

How does one even tell for sure as to whether these fucking percentages are real anymore? They're more likely just a fucking placebo. An example of this is very similair to advertising ATL or digital. For example, FB exagerrates their selling points greatly and Google often has bot traffic in which tools are needed to clarify. This is supposedly tippity-top-tech. Wouldn't be surprised if these percentages are conditioning. Extreme, but not extreme enough to allow the normies to lose their shit - just enough to demoralise them and accept it.

This works the same way with Google data centres and SM networks by the way. Every IP, along with SM profile is harvested. Each individual is given a rating, personality, preference, etc. That "clone" is stored. They look at that data on a state by state basis and run simulations within it to see how a state or country would react should a law be passed. They start with the most accepting state, and slowly work forward. This is why jewgle is such a fucking menace to the USA and how the gov. and tech companies are intertwined with it all.

big data is the new oil

not intending to derail, but I figured based straya are not as pozz'd as they claim it to be

(criminally unchecked)

This. Even if we made homosexuality illegal, there isn't really a way we can tell what they do in private and we can't arrest somebody for their behaviour (no matter how gay it is) so I can agree with you. We should, however, make conversion therapy available for everyone and stop pushing it literally everywhere.

I heard that they only used one machine to count it all

Now would be a good time to start spreading pictures of the lefties cheating this vote to all normie media.

We know a bunch of faggots and leftards stole everyone's voting slips.

It's not rigged.

The fags had the propaganda machine at full tilt. Our biggest companies are all openly for gay marriage, it was all over TV and social media, not to mention the general public was getting upset with the whole debate because we're sick of hearing about fags every two minutes and it was essentially stalling public discourse.

still voted no

When did Australia become so pozzed that both our political parties and all our mainstream media openly celebrates rampant faggotry? There is something wrong with this picture and please tell me i'm not the only one that recognizes this? Every pedophile is celebrating. Signs of civilizational collapse right here.

Easy win m8. There only tactic is to zerg rush us. Its will be like putting em up against the wall

Half the country is degenerate inner-city poofs who are too scared to do manual labour. We were a great fighting force when a huge portion of our nation was made up of country people who knew the value of self sufficiency, hard work and who could shoot decently.

China could literally walk right in and as long as they kept the internet running and cafes open half the country wouldn't even care.

This. Every radio and news station kept talking about Australia "finally" voting yes and "coming out of the dark ages" or something like that. They weren't even hiding their bias. Not a single major outlet spoke anything even slightly negative about the vote and most were disappointed that so many voted no.

I wouldn't say that. Sure, Melbourne and Sydney are filled with poofs, and Brisbane is quickly following them, but the majority of Australians are still filled with people who value hard work and have good morals.

The problem is that Australian values of mate ship have been engineered to include gays. Mateship is part of what it means to be Australian, and basically means that all other Australians are your friends and you shouldn't be a shit-cunt to them. It's basically proto-civic nationalism. This means that foreigners are mistrusted but unfortunately means that we have to accept gays because they are technically Australian.

unless they're "australian"

Because fear of being ostracized. Politicians who came out as politically against the decision are now under fire and potentially going to lose seats. Have you ever tried to tell your family and coworkers you're against something that they're all fundamentally against? Unfortunately the giant country is run by 7 capitol cities, which are all overly progressive. Also a large portion of No voters were immigrants.
I wanted to vote no, but even though I made sure to correct my address I never got my postal vote, so I guess that doesn't help.

No, not even then. We don't have a problem with skin colour, but unless you act almost exactly like an Australian you will never be trusted. Exceptions are made for native Europeans and Americans though.

Yeah I know. It's been gradual but steady progress for the left, such that there's now something wrong with you for having an issue with it. It's probably second only to racism in terms of how backwards you supposedly are if you're not on board with the "official" narrative.

I still think deep down many people are disgusted by fags tbh. If their kids had a homo teacher in primary school I think many would feel disturbed. But their signaling is more important to them. And just like moving away from an ethnic neighbourhood and telling themselves they're still ok with multiculturalism, they can just avoid fags as much they can too and still vote "yes" to feel like a progressive "cultured" Aussie.

Mateship isn't anywhere near what it used be in this country anyway. Multiculturalism has made people withdrawn and self-centred.

The ideals of Mateship have been deliberately screwed with to allow multiculturalism to exist. When you think about it, Australian mateship is like Ethno-nationalism in it's infancy, the belief that your fellow countrymen are your Volk and you are united by your common heritage and homeland.

Jesus, even in Califagia and Jew York fag marriage lost the popular vote in the US, they had to force it through the courts.

Well they will just kill themselves off if America is any indication.
Everyone who is not an exclusive heterosexual makes up about 2.1-2.7% of the population. With about 1% being homosexual. So the number of dudes that fuck dudes would be around 1.3% at most. So if they account for 56% of new infections they are 43 times more likely to be infected.

The total number of these dude-fuckers shall we call them who are infected each year is 28,200. Given that sexual activity occurs between 15 and 45 that means that in that time 846,000 of the sexually active dude fuckers will be infected. Their total population is about 4.095 million at the most. Of which 55% will be within that 15-45 age group. So about 2.25 million of them are sexually active in a given 30 year period of which 846,000 will be infected. So about 37.5% of their sexually active population will be infected in their lifetimes. Now before you say “but that is just niggers and spics”, look at the data, even when only accounting for whites the rate of infection is still 31%. Which is admittedly better than 37% but still not great.

Homosexual Men Have 50 Times Higher Rate of AIDS

One in Five Gay, Bisexual Men in U.S. Cities Has HIV

Report Finds Black Gay Males in US Worst Hit By HIV-AIDS

STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM

HIV isn't an immediate death sentence and there is no way to prove they got HIV because they are gay so it would be hard to deny them treatment in case they were a heterosexual who got HIV. Then again, heterosexuals usually get HIV when they are doing degenerate behaviour, so there is an argument for not treating HIV at all.

We pushed back on the Safe Schools Coalition hard enough and now they've been kicked out of the majority of Australian states but they'll be back. We have to be ready when they do come back and push them even harder than we did last time.

