Jew family profitting off the death of white people

The opioid crisis was run by a jewish family who made billions. And lobbied congress and the medical establishment to keep the pills flowing, downplay the risks, and prescribe these pills on 10's of millions of middle American white people. Despite being at the center of it, they have somehow dodged all culpability.


Other urls found in this thread:>>10792399



why doesn't anybody care?

The real holocaust can't come soon enough.

White people should be smarter than this, it only weeds out the weak-minded whites.

except for those who aren't enlightening to the (((menace))) infecting our medical professions, and take what their doctors tell them to take, thus beginning their own addiction cycle.

I've never followed this line of thinking. By this logic, there is no point in caring about "degeneracy" as
In fact, if you are one who advocates genetics, then the current state of the world and the jew led white genocide is a good thing as it supposedly is putting additional selective pressure on our survival.

*advocates eugenics

Sometimes the IQ of an average white person isn't enough.

This. The kinds of white people who fall prey to opioid addiction are (pathologically) trusting people, and tbqh often complete idiots. They are sheep, and they are being led to slaughter by (((wolves))). (((Doctors))) do not care about their patients because, frankly, their patients are idiots who do not know how to take care of themselves, and the doctors have no personal investment in helping their patients because they are not volk. If anything, doctors are eager to accelerate the destruction of the white nation. If you, Holla Forums, were a doctor in Israel, how would you treat your patients?

The ZOG and glow-in-the-dark CIAnigger machinery for procuring opium is out in the open and plain as day. Yet no one will rise and destroy it, or speak against it.

Perhaps we must martyr our idiots so that our strong acquire casus belli to finally put an end to the American Doctors' Plot.

We only have so many white people left…>>10792399




>They are sheep, and they are being led to slaughter by (((wolves))). (((Doctors))) do not care about their patients because, frankly, their patients are idiots who do not know how to take care of themselves
I don't disagree. I totally agree in fact.
But I won't toss all addicts in the trash because there's a huge number of whites who, after being prescribed an opiate for pain, getting hooked and going through a lengthy and difficult recovery are now completely wide awake to how all this shit works. Going through personal hell (a potentially transformational process), then discovering the machine behind it and the kikes funding it is extremely eye opening.
White addicts are largely middle and upper-middle class family men and women with careers and children who trusted a doctor like they've been told to their whole lives by family and society. Now they know better and with some "encouragement" can get to know a lot more.
There's a lot of things whites have to wake up to in the west and many are going to have to go through the fucking ringer before they do. There is no army of Chads who have never fallen for typical tricks that is going to materialize and save us. We will find the best allies among the ruins of what was the American dream. This has been my experience for what it's worth.

Also this.

Agreed. I grieve for these people and want to share their burden. And it sickens me to see the blatant disregard of doctors and other influencers who knowingly lead these people into ravines of death. Understanding the stakes, it is hard to pity those who will not look after themselves first, for they cannot look after their fellow man. And we need all the help we can get.

Hormesis is good and essential. The left attempts to escape from hardship, trial by fire, and the inconvenient truth that life is struggle and there will never be a reality that is free of zero-sum games. But opioids have moved far beyond the "idiot chokes himself while autoerotically asphyxiating himself masturbating to" status as a culling mechanism for the weak. They are dangerous, potent, contagious (think about that one!) and their shockwaves destroy white families and communities with plenty of plausible deniability. The drugs hijack a normal person's ability to self-regulate, permanently turning them into self-destructing slaves.

Drugs are manufactured, distributed, administered, and sold. (((Someone))) is doing the drugging.

Jews are spreading misery and destroying everything they can get their claws on–color me shocked.

As I like to say "The jews are back at it again"!

David Duke covers this along with a history lesson.

The British get the blame in the history books for the Opium Wars in China but it was the (((Sassoon))) family that was behind it.

The Jews say it was the "hwite" man behind the Opium Wars.

Does that pic of the Sassoon family look "hwite" to you?


Holy shit…. Every single time.

It sucks that I'm related by marriage to the Sacklers. If anyone knows any way I could possibly help please let me know.

kill some

Who who is behind weakening the minds there jew boy?

*And who

I don't know if I could go that far, but I might have the opportunity to actually meet some in the future (meaning I could ask and try to set one up). There's no blood relation so I don't know how far I'd get. I'm open to ideas though.

Set up a meeting, I mean. Polite sage for corrections.

Can I give you my paypal?
Are you loaded?
I think here at Holla Forums we could come up with some good projects that would prove effective

I would if i could, user. Sadly I'm not flush with money, never really was. I'm working a trade job at an apprentice level at the moment if that tells you anything.

My uncle bears the name, I can ask him any questions you all might have.

Np man, maybe some other idea will present itself

I hope so, ever since I found out what they did I've been disgusted with having any ties whatsoever. I just hope they come of some use and I can provide results given what I have.

Stop larping, faggot.

Head kike died a few months ago. Purdue kicked it off but now it's spics making billions off of heroin. Shitty heroin to begin with that they now cut with shit from China that is killing everyone. So I would slam the gooks as well as the pharma jew and the beaners. Just gotta kill them all.

No LARP here, I'm not directly connected to them as I have a different family name. I'd like to give you more information and would be happy to answer any questions I can.


History is repeating itself.

Have a bump.

Wasn't that the family also responsible for (((groundbreaking))) fashion trends, like short/bobbed hair on women?

In looking into this I discovered that Pacific Standard broke (at least part of) this story over 2.5 years ago!

Could be, wiki mentions one of the jewesses starting a salon in London.

And again…

Make a family tree.
Then add it to the list.

I put this together years ago. Oxycodone, the active ingredient in oxycontin, has been around forever. As has hydrocodone the drug that Herman Goering was so well stocked with when detained. Anyway, it's been around forever in other formulations such as percodan, percocet, tussionex (sp.?) and others. Wasn't a huge problem. Of interest to dope fiends; most other people indifferent. You literally couldn't give it away. Suddenly a few years ago it gets rebranded and it's everywhere as oxycontin, and everyone is reeling trying to figure out the answer to this latest menace, as the media talks it up and memes the problem into overdrive. It stinks if you ask me.

tl;dr they took a long standing narcotic, rebranded it and then shilled the living fuck out of it

I'm an old timer. I watched the whole thing unfold in real time. I've had this opinion for years. It's interesting to see this idea getting legs.

The Holocaust didn't happen but it should have and it will.

This shoudnt be surprise to anyone.

Isnt it interesting ?

Blogpost incoming:

This is for anyone wondering what kind of asswipe gets addicted to pills. It's mostly poor and middle class white people.

I was addicted to opiate pills for few years. I got high every single day. I had graduated college and had no direction. I came from a broken home and had moved out of my home town a few states away in order to run away from my problems. I fell into a depression and started using pills for fun then I became addicted.

I soon ran into trouble with the law and stopped cold turkey. Around the same time I decided to take control of my life and better myself. This was mostly due to finding half/pol/ pre-exodus and swallowing some major red pills. Holla Forums actually helped save my life.

Who gets addicted to pills?
1- Degenerates (this is a no brainer) who already drink, smoke weed and do cocaine. Pills have flooded the streets in the last decade and just about every drug dealer has them.

2- Whites who are prescribed by their doctors These are your moms, dads, grandmas and good goys who trust everything their doctor tells them. They are not bad people just horribly ignorant. Something as simple as back pain from being overweight gets prescribed really hard opiates. I knew many people who got prescribed high miligram opiates after any little surgery or dental procedure. This cannot be understated: doctors flooded the streets with prescriptions Just about every grandma had left over pills in their medicine cabinets.

3-Young people with no hope and no direction. We are talking young men and women who instead of being offered a beer behind the local 7/11 are being offered hard drugs in the form of opiates. You guys have no idea how easy it is to get your hands on this stuff. I bet someone you know right now has pills at their house from a surgery. Every drug dealer at school has pills to offer. It's just everywhere.

Couple this with the fact that young people today are not being taught values and anti-white working class rhetoric and you have a disaster. This is very highly addictive stuff and it's easy to get hooked. It's easy not to think about the fact that you have no future when you are high.

When I was addicted to pills my only friends were a large group of drug addicts. I knew multiple drug dealers. They were 95% white Half of them were middle class kids. Many of them were working class white men with no direction or hope for the future.

The opiate epidemic is a symptom of a rotting white America It is a white problem and it's important for everyone here to acknowledge that.

I could go on on how the medical industry is making money off of this hand over fist but I don't feel like typing it all up. Just look up Mitt Romney's involvement with the recovery center industry to get a glimpse.

I agree, we must face facts, we are not perfect.
We are FAR better than ANY alternative however, no matter the number of failures among us.
There is certainly a gangrenous section of white society that will need to be amputated in all of our countries.
It's really just natural selection at work though.
Those who can't cope slide into substance abuse and fantasy worlds, because really looking reality right in the face is too hard for them.
That's ok, nature will weed out the weak in many different ways.
Among those fewer, but stronger left will be the heroes of the next chapter in the story of white civilization.
I suspect that this mechanism, the death of all weakness is the reason that throughout history whites have produced countless heroes, often in response to great tribulations.
ALL the greatest heroes seem to be from long ago though, we have become soft, infantile and malleable since the hebraic infection, too soft for too long.
But, when our backs are fully to the wall, when there is seemingly no way out, when the odds are stacked so far in the enemy's favor that you wouldn't dare dream of survival, let alone victory, on that day a spirit of conviction will arise among us.
Conviction that the time was now, this was it, that it was time to go all out, to see what we were really capable of when the gloves came off and there were no more rules.
Then we will finally accept the challenge of our enemies, enemies so far beneath us they cannot even admit the Truth they know in their hearts, that they are FAR beneath us.
Trapped as they are in the material, no access to higher levels due to defective genes and their rejection of the holy, they don't ever let themselves see how truly wretched they are because it would break them.
No creative spark of the divine within them, only dark resentful emotions and hatred to give them energy.
We HAVE to let them be in an almost unassailable position in order to create conditions anywhere near a fair fight.
We HAVE to let them think they have already won so that their spiteful jubilation and psychopathic glee contrasts the more starkly against their despair and terror as we dismantle their entire apparatus in front of them.
It is important that they really FEEL the deepest emotional suffering as it all collapses when they thought they were SO close, when it all seemed SO certain.
Their punishment must be severe.
We are to be the Hand of God, delivering His divine justice to all those that stand against Him
We, our children, and others like us will be those strong ones, the ones that survive, the wheat separated from the chaff
And after we have won and claimed our rightful place, this time with pride instead of guilt about our superiority, we must never again allow weakness in thought or action back into our societies.
Nature rightfully punishes weakness to ensure fitness, this is just and as it should be
We must not make the mistake our forebears did and allow the good times we create produce weak men in the future.

I don't think "drugs are for losers/the weak" is accurate.
Drugs probably saved me from suicide at some point in my life, even though I was and I still am leading a STEM career and changing/developing a part of my country and making the life of 100s of 1000s of white people better.
My father led big changes in mechanics but he too used substances when horrible events hit him.

Even smart white people might need to resort to substances to dodge an otherwise permanent trauma.
3-4 months of use will do the trick, then you can stop using it, as a white person with strong will that shouldn't be much of a problem.
Then again I wouldn't suggest opioids but the opposite. Coke and amphetamines will keep you focused and your brain away from the big problem.

Of course we're talking pragmatic use of substances, not recreational.
It's to not let a trauma devour your life; you use substances to delay it so that you can tank the trauma, delay its effects, split a big trauma into smaller ones that you can deal with.
Once you can stand on your feet you will normally stop using them as their necessity is over.

Even the strongest white person will face events that they won't be able to tank upfront, especially if they happen at the wrong time.
Knowing your limits and pragmatically spreading a trauma you can't handle on a longer time span isn't a weakness, it's strategic management of your psyche.
All the fuss made about substances is related to recreational use of badly cut street drugs, but that doesn't mean psyche treatment as a whole is degeneracy.
If anything, the "meds" you are prescribed by your (((psychologist))) are degeneracy, they make you weaker and dumber.

Remember that Hitler and his army all used amphetamines, because it allowed them to continue to operate at full power despite all the bad events.
If there is anything like cryptonite for white people that's loss of focus, and these kind of "drugs" fix just that.
This year I managed to give a job to 80,000 white people despite some really bad events that almost got me killed last summer.
Now I got over it and next year I'm doubling that number.
Without some help to keep focus from substances I'd have thrown myself from the top of a skyscraper a year ago, and that would have led to serious consequences for a lot of white people.

When you're fighting judaism, your own monsters and at the same time building yourself up for greatness you need a powerup sometimes, as long as you can handle it and craft/use your substances according to medical and chemical instructions.

The strong will survive, the weak will perish.
This applies to addicts too.
The strong addicts will end up stronger and wiser than they were before the addiction, the weak addicts will learn nothing and deteriorate, disintegrate and die.
I was an addict, still am I suppose, but in a healthier way because I've chosen to be addicted to good nutrition, good health and optimistic thinking among other things.

Many of the people who got addicted to this garbage did so by having it prescribed to them after an injury or during a sickness, which created the addiction. Do you really expect the average citizen in the West to be aware of what these drugs really are, when their trusted doctors are telling them it's perfectly fine and safe?

As always the kikes cause tremendous harm to white communities and white nations by turning our greatest strength, our altruism and ability to trust one another, into a weakness that is mercilessly exploited by kikes who never should have been part of our societies to begin with. But sure, it's all the fault of the people who are poisoned and turned into addicts by the very medical professionals who are supposed to be the guardians of their physical well being. The perversity perpetrated by the Jew knows no bounds.

The same reason whites are most affected by drugs is the same reason we built skyscrapers and bridges and modern technology. The same brain chemicals you get for succeeding at a hard challenge are the same ones released when you take drugs. White people have the most addictive personalities and thats one of the main reasons we are so great and have created such great civilizations.

Addiction is only bad when certain people pump drugs and peer pressure young white people to get addicted before they ever got a chance to be something great.

It isnt about willpower shlomo, its biology and how whites brains are wired that makes us more susceptible to drugs.

Unfortunately with our society POZed the way it is, our best and brightest with highly addictive personalities who would normally go on to create moon bases and flying cars are being peer pressured to do drugs by degenerates at their white minority schools.

We should be helping our fellow people, not laughing as they destroy themselves.

Wish we had a George Washington in charge who would lead an army to kill these people. This is the only way to make America great again. If Trump isn't willing to kill these genocidal maniacs, the best thing he could do is start a war and quickly lose it to Kim, who will waste no time killing them. This country gimped its citizens so hard, news articles appear about assholes murdering people and making billions from it, but no townsfolk with pitchforks show up to do what's right. The levels of faggotry we've been exposed to may be incurable. Please nuke us, Kim.

Fuckin disgusting. I can't people these assholes aren't on death row. A brown baby dies on the other side of the planet and trillions are spent killing every illiterate muslim supposedly in the way of justice. But here, nothing but relentless faggotry. Trump can't do anything becuase of double jeopardy. They've already been tried. I can't wait until Trump fucks up and declares war on Iran.


I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

tracy bonnie gun coherent.
viii crooked mirrors.
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youll wait indefinitely

A Florida couple was found unconscious in their car with the driver's side door wide open and an eight-month-old baby in the backseat.

Volusia County police came upon an occupied car with its driver-side door open
Inside were two unconscious adults and an 8-month-old baby in the backseat
Police found the car around 3am on Monday and found within 'residue' that allegedly tested 'positive for the presence of opiates'
Police said baby was hungry and her diaper had not been changed 'in some time'
34-year-old Kimberly McCaffrey and Sean Gannon, 33, were arrested

Trump declares opioid epidemic a national public health emergency. Pill Kikes are running!

The only crisis here is the patent and regulatory system that allowed these billionaires to be created. Oxycontin should be available to all at the corner market. Those that end up dead from it were not going to be contributing to society in any meaningful way.

Kill yourself lolberg kike.

Erik Striker from the Stormer did some excellent research on this. He wrote several articles on it and he also talked about it in this Daily Shoah:
"The Daily Shoah #176: This Hour Has 24 Listeners"

(inb4 aut-kike - yeah I know but that show was really informative and extremely rustling)