Faggot board claiming to like Holla Forums

So i found this thread on the faggot board and thought you guys should have a peak at the degeneracy, aside of them from being turd thumpers they also get off of the idea of a NatSoc being their significant others.

link to the thread

What were you doing in there, faggot?

browsing through the front page of Holla Forums.

Do you have any idea how many gas chamber candidates are around on Holla Forums, especially with the kind of moderation we have?

Try making a thread about the Age of Consent and see how the pesos flock to it immediately.

Lol if you think half the people here are honest about their natsoc views.


okay… then what the fuck was you doing in /egy/? And let's not talk about lefty-Holla Forums…

not everyone on Holla Forums is or clams to be natsoc.

¡Ay, caramba!

Don't forget about the stream tomorrow faggot.


Libertarianism is a joke due to open borders.

I don't believe you can't cross board link on Holla Forums, if that's what you're getting at.

nevermind, guess that was changed.

I'm not one to do the whole "earlobe spacing" meme since it's often misused by people who don't understand how sentence structure works and are hardly qualified to critique their own grammar let alone anyone elses' but…

That's some real reddit style you got there famalam. For the sake of Holla Forums style I would go like this;

also "lol"? If you aren't from reddit you're definitely a gigantic faggot and should consider killing yourself.

t. a grammar nazi.

Yeah, No. Maybe european libertarianism, the US Ron Paul types are not only strongly in favor of national borders, but of state borders and of course they champion private property, which is the ultimate border.

… yet. There are those who have been around long enough to know and accept the truth and those who are still in the process of doing so.

You mean like how the mods ensure we continue to suck jew dicks and hail ZOG and every neocon kike in Trump's cabinet?
There's also the Kushner factor where we have to continue to pretend that the entire Kushner managed Trumpstein hoax wasn't actually a hoax on the goy.

Still as long as you go along with the jewish narrative and now focus on leftists and muslims only and not the jews, the mods will leave you alone.

You mean work camp candidates kike, right?

I think he means we need actual gas chambers this time to make up for the unfortunate mistake of the NSDAP last time round in not gassing the vermin.

We can;t rely on Americans, Trump's jewish election proves that, nor the British, two nations who have spent the last 100 years fighting for jewish power.

Let Korea reset the balance

Say what you want, but gays make better fascists.

The jewish and queer alt right summed up in a nutshell

I estimate at least half of all /cuteboys/ also use Holla Forums. The other half is Holla Forums and hedonists who don't care about politics at all.

Well this has been a Zionist republican board for about a year now.

Yeah, White Holla Forumsacks tend to move beyond the libertarian phase pretty quick when they realize what's at stake.

pick one.
The only thing faggots deserve is a bullet in their heads, there is no such a thing as a "based fag".

Nigger speak is the biggest Reddit style. Also lol at the word filters this board is awful

Oh boy you're in for a ride.

That's a kike and a sheboon.

Further proof that faggots are mentally deficient as they are incapable of understanding that they are not welcome here.

The age of consent in Germany was 14. All women are biologically more attracted to older men. All women are biologically attracted to traits found in older men such as maturity, alphaness, knowing what they are doing, confidence, ect. All men are attracted to cuteness, innocence, purity, bubbly personality ect. Men are biologically attracted to younger women.
There is nothing wrong with a 23 year old marrying a 14 year old. In fact thats the way it should be. The only reason you think its wrong is because the jew has brainwashed you into believing every relationship is about nothing but sex. Sex sex sex. Thats all you ever think about. Break free of jews programming. Its anti family.

You are clearly from reddit. Lurk a minimum of two years before posting.

You meanthe sexual behavior of a wolf or just meme speak?

There are no based faggots. "Based" faggots get the bullet out of respect for their service. The rest get the rope.


Yeah this has been true for a while. Women and gayfags are attracted to masculinity so it's to be expected they're attracted to men who work to become Ubermensch in a world where most men are complacent betas.

Too bad for the fags it's unrequited. Go see Mike Pence and then have some white children.

Faggots don't necessarily gravitate towards masculinity thus resulting in nazi faggots. Most modern faggotry revolves around trannies and femboys.

The only reason there's a seemingly high number of faggots who support national social is because of prison gay NEETs who have been brain washed. There is no concrete proof that homosexuality is inherently biological or genetic. 98% of faggotry is conditioned.

Faggots subconsciously don't want to be faggots, that lifestyle is hell on them, and they know it's unnatural. They're just fucked in the head due to low testosterone in the womb, and the Jew psychologists don't want to help them.

Aryan psychologists would fix the problem easily in babies, basically no one would have to suffer faggotry, ever.

He probably means traits such as strong willed, protective, in charge, etc.

Well sadly that shit spacing happens when you post from your phone.

Simpletons, this is a symptom of gaining ground.
The fag demo, like any other, responds by laws of attraction.
You have seen screencaps of women admitting to having a nazi fetish over and over and you still don't get what's happening. The swole autist facade is the best unrefined icon emerging from the right, since the vacuity and oblivious virility of the naziboo has the same effect as nigger confidence on the host population.
"He's getting away with a taboo" is more powerful than you think, these parasites happen to be in your wake now, congratulations, you're getting it done.


FPBP as usual because OP is a faggot. As usual.

It depends on the faction. Trump voting Trump supporting libertarian reporting in. Paco build wall.

insert something about lefthandedness here. also kek'd

pretty much this

Yea, bad idea.


You're not wrong. OP still belongs in the bog though.

Can you link to the study about the last two sentences?

It's cute when lolbergs and AnCaps think their "good" kike system is any better than judeo-communism.

You're all getting the rope

a non kiked Constitutional Republic is the only way



Such as?

what are you, muslim?


For the sake of this board, sure.

Real life: nazis who signal against americanism/mercantilism gain no ground.

lurk moar

I have been here for 3 years faggot, I have only seen one example yet.

has there ever been a homosexual relationship that didnt involve degeneracy? has this ever happened? i normal marriage can involve intercourse for procreation only, but for faggots? i just cant imagine two chaste 'homosexuals' being in a committed relationship.

phone posters get sent to the gas chamber first anyways

that doesnt mean you've sufficiently lurked. for now knowing that, you need to lurk more

The name?


Anything you have to say on the matter is negated by the fact that you were on the faggot board, felch-monkey.

Gays are degenerate?! You don't say!

Nobody cares, needledick.