These are levels of beta that should never be reached

Jew Boy Cucks Himself Into Oblivion


Have the (((Jews))) Jewed themselves? It seems like more and more, (((Jews))) are falling victim themselves to the same (((cultural marxist))) tricks they've been trying to use on the White man for decades.

It seems like more and more, these trans, queer, faggot, or uber beta activists end up being (((Jews))) themselves. Is this collateral damage for the Jews part of the plan, or is the monster they've created starting to turn on them?

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Just setting examples, just like majority of porn actress were jewish cunts until it became a self perpetuating thing within society and women degraded themselves to something lesser then a hole. This is how jews do their jewing.

this. Anyone here who isnt studying how they behave is a fucking retard. They have been doing the exact same shit the exact same way for the past 8,000 years at least.

Somebody mentioned earlier that, like most things in their community, sexual roles are also perverted - men are uber cucks, women are the dominant ones. So no surprise.

Sometimes I think uberkikes like Soros or the Rothschild family don't really care about their brethren. They use Jewish hatred of Whites as a weapon and promise them their Greater Israel but in the end they are tools to be discarded when not needed anymore. It doesn't change anything thought. They all have to be gassed for their crimes against humanity.

The scamming jew is just trying to get goyim pussy, OP. Stop posting until you've studied and learned the ways of the dirty jew.

This is just standard subversive kike behavior. Lurk for 14 years before posting again.

The first pornstars were largely jewish. They have a talent for promoting the most degenerate amongst them. Also jews aren't all created equal. There is also the Ashkenazi / Sephardic / Hasidim schism etc. It's not a fully aligned group of people.

They want the Ashkenazis to replaces us because they think they are the upper caste. They think they look “white” and can only pass it off to ignorant normies who haven’t fully understood the JQ.

They don’t. It’s the nature of psycholathic narcissists. Lying to your own people about Holocaust is actually severely abusive. Keep in mind most kikes still actually believe the Holocaust happened, thats Why they are easily manipulated into thinking the entire world is just out to get them. That’s also why Jews are still the morons that think shrunken heads and lampshades still happened. Older kikes know how full of shit they are, or at least act as though they know they can use it to their advantage. Trying to understand Jews mentality leads you to understand they are extremely self centered, naïve fools who think they could not be fooled and it’s the goyim who are the morons. They project it outwards. It’s funny, they are victims of their own pathological mentality.

Cuckoldry and race-mixing are anuvva shoah!

With the internets, there is far less money to be made from it…

It is like the drug dealer that is taking more and more of the supply for himself.

Don't Jewish girls only love Black men?
So what woman is he even even apologizing to? (((They))) don't even know he exists.

They're too fucking late. No one gives a minted fuck about this 2012 of cucking. No one is going to see this kikes ramble and not think that its a pity party for easy pussy.

This comment is sure to rile up the lurking Yids.

Jewish women indeed do love black cock. They love black cock more than any other women on the planet, including sheboons. Jewesses take more black cock than all others by far.


Jews are coprophiliacs aka being into scat. Niggers are the embodiment of shit. They're made for each other.

Want an important context for this? Jewish slave owners, which were 98% of the slave owners in the united states bred their slaves so that those niggerjew babies could be slave owners themselves. That's where we got the numbers for 70% jewish slave owners and 28% niggerjew slave owners.

I love it when they get high off their own supply.


Why do these progressive leftists always claim they speak for everyone.

Gas for the gas gods

user, the point is these levels have never been reached before. and they are the ones seemingly leading the charge. the behaviors they are disproportionately adopting are destructive. not the most conductive thing for the survival of a people.

Definitely. They would probably claim, though, that gaslighting their own people is for the strategic greater good.
Classic "the ends justify the means" pseudologic.

Jews leave some of their own as collateral. It works because a lot of the outlying kikes aren't fully jew-blooded. This guy in the picture doesn't even have a big nose nor curly hair, so he's of less worth than Bernie Sanders.

Both. They just don't realize how badly it's going to bite them in the ass.

Sauce or this is bullshit. There weren't that many Jews living in the South back in the day.


Thought it isn´t just the mudsharking and oil drilling, they tend to embrace even more than Whites the thing they try to push. Trigglypuff? Yep, jewish.


Not owners, importers! One level up the supply chain, goy.

The jews don't really care for their own people. They are willing to sacrifice many of them to reach the top or complete their totalitarian projects.
In fact jewish marxists persecuted and killed a shitload of jews.

This is also why you should hate jews even more: they should know by now what piece of shits are in their religion, and they should dissociate from them completely. But they don't do it, instead they put the atheism mask when they talk with you but but the jew mask when it serves them.
Truly jewish until the end.

like a insect colony

Yeah, we're all sorry for raising the vast majority of you up in a bubble of security, safety and prosperity, we're sorry for committing our lives and treasure to your upkeep and protection and sorry for the thousands of our lives we've sacrificed to preserve you.

I mean, really stop and think about it, is there any creature on earth more coddled, protected and cared for than the human female?

Good shit, user.

I think judaism is actually a goddess religion and I know it's a matriarchy

Can't forget that there are newfags who have yet to swallow such a basic redpill.

Yes owners. Don't for a second accidentally spread disinfo while showing a classic redpill. Even if it wasn't 70%, jews still owned slaves. Jews have always owned slaves at some point in history. They're semites, that's what they do. They brought niggers to america, they sold some, but they kept the rest.

The final figure is debated to be between 40% - 70% and the two main sources come from registries on slave ownership and the 1830-1866 census'. Keep in mind that jews are counted as white when they tally. So the 30% spread is really because of historical spot the jew based on names, particularly tricky ones are jews who took german names.

Dropped my phone because laughter

And here we have the other side of the kike coin.

That's a spicy memeball.

Checked for truth. Those yids were the driving force behind slavery in America.

False. If they applied that logic they'd have remained an isolated caste of brown-skin dessert dwellers. They do measure 'worth', but blood and ability to infiltrate is important. There was this book on how they 'upgraded' to european dna, (they married nobles), but I can't find it.

Lost my shit before I even read the captions.Perfectly appropriate meme.

Not one mention of his crossed fingers? I'm surprised noone's noticed his layers of deceit.

That's a lot of words to say "God hates them and wants them to suffer."

Glorius memeing, lads

Its was sage is for.

Goddamn, good eye user. What a duplicitous fucking kike.


is he masquerading as a white man?

this is so fucked up. if anything I blame women more than men. my reason? women since the late 1970's have had more abortions at their own direction than men, current numbers last I looked estimate 70,000,000 children have been put to death by their own mothers in America since roe vs wade


We're so cucked

Even Jews themselves have always stereotyped themselves as massive effeminate whiny betas. It's not really a new concept. Besides, you might have more common in one way than you think. All my spying I see from Jewish men these days is whining about how Jewish women are the biggest whores and sluts in the world and any guy who has been around Jewish women know this.

Why does no one point out the fact that Jews are cucks by definition? They reckon bloodlines through the female because they just assume the guy is going to be getting cucked, so only the women are reliable indicators of bloodline.

They just ASSUME their wives will cheat on them.

something like 10% of jews are gay.

Dubs of truth.

Wasnt there a post by a jew on 8pol a while ago that explained the whole situation and that the biggest consumers of cuckold porn are jews themselves and that their society(at least in new york) is completely fucked because its extremely feminist?


If the cocksocket is single, thats just degeneracy, not cucking.

I think this might be parody.
Don't get too excited.

No, it's still cucking.
One's semen is going in the right hole, the other's isn't.

But it's also degenerate, yeah.


or, you know.
(((The parasite))) spreads only through mitochondria dna


look at this little tidbit from one of the books by elie wiesel (very famous 'holocaust survivor')
they even pilpul eachother on this shit ffs

Never post an image more interesting than your message.
10/10 lost my sides.

Jews are naturally effeminate.
If you watch jewish sitcoms, you might notice something odd. King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, Curb Your Enthusiasm etc. They're all thirsty betas who sound exactly like Weinstein in that shower tape. This is because they're written by jews, who assume everyone is like them. The jew's strategy for getting poon is the most faggy thing ever. Even when they're powerful millionaires, their instinct is, "beg in a whiny voice for sex". I have no idea how these hunchbacked goblin-faced tiny hat-wearing retards haven't been bred to extinction yet.

More like they're playing both sides so that we still sympathize with them.

I feel emasculated when I have to call a woman to give me a ride because my car is broken down in the middle of nowhere and it's an actual emergency. The concept of begging for sex is fucking anathema to me and I'm not even a chad.
White. Pathological. Altruism

there is no White pathological altruism. Its called internalized christian cuckoldry. The Pagan Europeans were not "nice boys" they ruthlessly killed their enemies and sought for domination which is natural and good

Anyone who replies to this is a faggot.

They have a collective ideology from which no one may break from. Their way of thinking is very akin to the ideology of the dark ages where wrong think was heresy and frowned upon.

There is a good bit of research that could be done in how Western Individualism created MGTOW, the Alt Right, Gamergate, and pol as a reaction to society no longer being worth conforming to or supporting.

Jews like the NWO are not as clever as a lot of people like to think they are. Their only real power comes from having money and using it to silence people and pay for mountains of propaganda. They do not inoculate themselves against their own methods. Let me give you a priceless example. When the Rockefellers hijacked education by using the techniques of Wundt the eldest Rockefeller was taught via these methods first, to this day he can't read without getting a migraine as a result. Feminism spread through the Jewish community as well did Marxism because they didn't insulate themselves from it's teachings. The result Jewish men are marrying outside Judaism diluting their non existent gene pool. (Jewish women are uber desperate, it's kind of funny). Most jews legit believe the Holohoax happened which is why Soros has a hate boner toward white people and has undermined the entirety of Judiasm by going after the whites.

Jews are a very weak minded race that uses it's unity to tap into the human potential. That's all they have going for them, and if something would happen to their few 1% they'd splinter and die out because of their own bullshit. Each of their generations gets weaker and weaker. Soon will be the time to act, so be ready user.

Allow me to explain EVERYTHING about jews in one sentence: Jews are matriarchal.

This is EVERYTHING you need to know about jews.
aren't all women
like all women
have you seen a man raised by a woman
like a woman
EXACTLY like "I'm a virgin despite being on my 20s" OR "I only had 1 or 2 boyfriends which I only had sex after knowing them for many years"

etc etc etc

Forgot to post this, but do you know who else destroys civilizations once they have power?

I'm merely pointing out that if your whole culture revolves around women (as in a woman can divorce you for not being good at sex), then you're going to reach a level of faggotry equal to jews.

You have it backwards, is right.

You lived your whole life in a SOMEWHAT patriarchal society and only know of patriarchal societies (Greece, Rome, etc) so it's no surprise why so many posters (including you) have little to no idea how different a matriarchal society is. For instance, men become a commodity, and the woman that collects the most men is successful. I bet you didn't know that, but now that you do, doesn't it sound familiar?

this is a bit of a moot point though since this type of thing doesnt really happen unless you already have jews

Actually no!

There are other parts of the world that has happened… many die so fast with Sodom and Gomorrah tier endings that it's hard to determine… HOWEVER, there is a place I know where that has happened long enough that we have some record of it: Deep Saharan Africa as well as some parts of Sub-Saharan Africa!

well at least we know darwin gets a chance to step in and straighten things out a bit

Is that your car? Will you sell it to me? Thing looks fucking great.

Why don't we have an edit of this already?

I wish, tbh.

>(((Jews))) are falling victim themselves to the same (((cultural marxist))) tricks they've been trying to use on the White man for decades.

The only tranny that I personally know is the daughter of a prominent jewish family.

Also, the Michael Kaydar bomb threat hoaxes to the jew centers (right after Trump was elected and these threats were all over the news and blamed on his supporters) were meant to keep jews from assimilating too much. The more jews are kept in fear, the more they keep to themselves and live apart.

Also, you don't have to put the ((())) around the word 'jews'. the parenthesizes are for when its a crypto jew with a last name like (((Brown))) so there is no doubt.

I suspect the non-Ashkanzi jews just want to kill all the Ashkenazi of for being race traitors… that would be one hell of a twist.

Jews are divided along several lines. There are orthodox jews and secular jews as the two main opponents. The orthodox jews are the ones with the traditional dress that infest other nations like parasites while the secular ones are the hyper liberals that infest other nations like a cancer. The secular ones tend to race mix or not have kids and spread degeneracy everywhere they go and don't care about their own fate so long as other jews are having kids while the orthodox ones have 10+ kids and do all the shady business practices like blatantly breaking the law for profit and treating their employees like slaves. Neither likes the other because of ideological differences and tend not to associate with each other. In israel they are basically at war and use all kinds of subterfuge to get the upper hand on each other (or like in pic related just stab each other in the back). The orthodox is slowly growing bigger and vote in blocks to get their way but still prefer the comfort of being minorities hiding in the shadows so I don't expect a fully orthodox prime minister of israel any time soon but I do expect all of their PMs to cuck to them at every moment.

if you have money you can pretty much do whatever and a lot of women will put up with you if you have more wealth then them.

Your post just destroyed the "it's the Jews, not the women "argument people always use against MGTOW. Being a Jew is just what happens when everyone in your society acts like a woman.

Both are matriarchal… the only difference is the following:

-Orthodox jews, "god told me to be a cuck."
-Secular jews, "I was raised in a cucked household."

circles love to ban us in all chans for posting dat sheeit

Not to mention much movement from orthodoxy to more reformed versions of Judaism
That’s how the group with0-1 kids continues existing and why orthodox haven’t become the majority types of Jews yet

Across the United States 40% of Jewish households owned slaves. You had to be rich to own a slave.

Jews were and still are rich.

No it didn't, retard. It's still jews that have subverted society.