Esoteric Knowledge

Esoteric Knowledge

ITT you can share your esoteric knowledge with fellow Holla Forumsacks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just watch out for Chris cucks, they're the bane of knowledge and of higher pursuits of the mind, they really hold this board back with their love of the jew

4/10 you made me respond

You're done spamming this on b and now you take it to pol?
Fuck off leftyJew

I'm not an athiest theyre just as bad as Christ cucks and you're using a quote from a Jew against my Chaim

Not my thread faggot


why would you bump a shitty no reply thread if it's not yours?

Btw got at the very root of it Jews despise nature and the natural hirearchey of things as it lays bare the truth of life and that Wich cannot be changed by the hands of man therefore in the mind of a Jew nature it the ultimate evil


A broken kike is right at least twice a day, man.

Funny you people never mention the Jutes..

Lol right I never hear of them yet they were VERY important during the first wave of settlements into England

I think a lot of esoteric knowledge gatekeepers had initiation rites for a good reason.
I remember reading about ancient aryans, they would pour molten lead into the ears of people who heard the vedas without initiation.

Thank you


pic related

the pythagoreans also had a version of the lurk for 2 years before speaking rule

Still butthurt over your little drug thread?

I didn't make that thread or this one and if all it was to you was a "drug" thread then the whole point was lost to you and anything in this thread or anything esoteric will be lost to you as well for your mind is still shut

honestly, as someone with a library full of books on alchemy, hermeticism, mystery school, and ancient religious texts, you'll learn a lot more about the world, people, and the nature of existence studying mathematics, physics, and neuroscience

The drug thread faggot is a data miner. Just ignore.

And that's your tell, Chris. Your ego.

The ego is man's greatest defense against the world and at the same time our greatest bane to life, I love it

Wether he was or not it was still a decent thread if not for any reason other than to show one of the great splits on this board

Not necessarily on topic for this thread as it has to do more with the psych thread from last night but none the less it is still a good read

D-do you have pdf?

8a2f69 here. I'm sorry, you must be new. Do you not know what the (((_)))'s mean?
Did you need me to type out God and not G-D?
Or were you looking for something like attached?
Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior, mate.

there is currently no pdf i believe and it's like $600 on amazon

although someone did post this link towards the bottom of that thread: where you can put in your location and it will find sellers near you (not sure how good this works but still worth a shot)

Lets see; it's possible to pick up chicks with just slowly increasing your eye contact from natural to "long stares into each other's eyes as lovers" over a couple days of interaction with her.

no you're going to look creepy. Eye contract is so subtle you can't act wierd and force it

So your actions of have conseqences. OK, now why do I need to call it wyrd? Also that info isn't totally correct. The word is more like Dao than a web. The fates were weavers but the Norns were actual spirits that came out of the well of memory and each person had one. The top norns watered the tree of life and did prophetic stuff. Your meme conflates Norns with the Fates of Greece, which they were in a way but it's not the same just because the myths had a common origin.

Bumping for this
I would however pay the $600 dollars for a copy if the possibility was presented me


yea, watch out for the globalist cucks in general.


also here have some esoteric shill knowledge. it's deep deep shit on how shills try to fuck around with you. easy to digest and and functions as an excellent beginners guide too.

You did a tremendous job.

No really. You just have to make it seem natural. As a Holla Forumsack ide assumed you where an expert actor like me.

A full glass of koolaid will make you worship a Rabbi as the creator of the universe, nature, science, physics. Because that's how science works.

Thanks Chaim I try





Just because esoterics claim pythagoreans doesn't mean you're part of some grand tradition. Science is more pythagorean as it actually uses the math. Posting these New Age books doesn't make you a mystery school. I haven't read one that didn't make you a neet though.

Why do you /fringe/ fags hate philosophy so much? It's a much higher level than esoterics and you don't need to do rituals and stupid shit to attain it. Why are philosophy threads banned from here?

And like clock work so it begins


OK fine. What am I suppose to do with this shit after I consume the knowledge? How will it help me:

1. have a better life
2. Be a stronger man
3. Get out of debt slavery
4. Have children
5. Fight the Jew World Order
6. Protect my Nation from invasion
7. Plan for a greater future


I recently uploaded on Library Genesis a book that is just as good or even better, possibly.
But here's the catch.
It's in castellano only.

There'd be no derail potential if the mods would confine the christcucks to their containment board, as is done with the other leftists, and also take care of the endless shitposters who pretend to be christcucks.

How did it help your life?


why more esoteric threads?

What you do with knowledge is up to you. I've yet to insist anything I offer you will help you in any of those ways. I'm just here to hand this off.

You have three esoteric threads up about the same topic, one made by a mod! You're not being victimized!

So studying things that made us great as a race, can get you a STEM job and improve your life leaps and bounds, and can save us from the Jew World Order will make you less great than studying magick books? How?


You have been trying to constantly D&C and deter anons about the real (((problem))) with your "hurr Christchurch vs pagancucks vs atheistcucks" bullshit since /new/ days. You are not fooling anyone, Shlomo.


wtf does that mean

The improvement was terrific, because it responded to the three questions that seem to have no answer.

I must advise you, this book was compiled by one man, so the quality of the illustrations is bare-bones tier (but very didactic still), originally being a pdf release, then released on paper.
Go trough this book with a fresh mind, take it as if it were an adventure, that is my advice.
Buckle the fuck up.

You can follow the steps of the mating ritual to cause a women to fall in love with you.
Like how your brain checks in with your face to determine your emotional state, or how veins are on the outside of the cornea, but your brain deletes them from your vision.

Also, do you really believe masonry has been around for eternity? Not only did it have to start somewhere, it could've easily picked up other influences along the way.

The Masons didn't invent any of the symbolism they use, they adapted multiple pre-Christian traditions into a syncretic mixture hidden under a Christian front in order to encode the traditional ideals inherent in all European societies before the degrading influence of Christianity. This was based on the discoveries of the Templars during their time occupying Jerusalem and exploring ancient sites as far off as Ethiopia combined with the mystery schools which had continued into the Christian era in such forms as the study of alchemy which encoded the self-transformation ideology of Europeans as a spiritual science. Freemasonry as an organization was infiltrated and obliterated by Semites, but the original intent was to reintroduce traditional ideals to European nations in alignment with the Holy Grail narrative which lays out the blueprint for the revitalization of a nation through the revitalization of the folk.

The pursuit of knowledge always leads to the same thing. Simplification. Taking a higher, stronger statement to describe everything you understand, and allow it control.
Just as a formula simplifies a set of variables, or a calculator simplifies arithmetics, god simplifies the sciences. Not because it is more true, but because it allows a new level of understanding.


Will check it out, thanks user

you seem bitter about the fact that you dont understand this stuff or how it can often be utilized for even the smallest of everyday tasks if you have the will for it. inb4 "explain to me and make me understand it right now otherwise you're wrong"

i wonder why isaac newton was more interested in the esoteric and alchemical fields than things like math and physics

they arent self help books. it's just knowledge. and stop being a huge faggot and acting like studying things like history and philosophy are mutually exclusive to studying esoteric works

part of me thinks that shills like them because they're so easy to derail and turn to hardly anything more than shit that slides

Christcucks are part and parcel with the Semitic problem. They are the enablers of Semites whose degenerate efforts have allowed Semites into our nations and handed them positions of power which the Christcuck defends to this day. There will be no solution to the Semitic problem which does not involve the removal of all Semitic influences, including the Semitic religion of Cucktianity. All Christcucks are race traitors whose spirits have been tainted by their worship of a Semitic idol and Semitic tribal deity. They are the ones who are divided from tradition and therefore conquered by the foreigner, and unification with Christcucks means sharing in their submission.

If by "traditional ideals" you mean "communism" then you are correct.

https ://www. /shaming- tactics/
While I don't necessarily agree with MGTOW much anymore, these shaming tactics are fun and easy to use, and I'd even argue that this is one of the few (if any) useful things that come out of JEWTOW.
So your aim is to patronize all women while arousing fear about what someone who "hates women" would do. This is beneath you. Just because men take steps to better their chances with women doesn't mean they're colluding to control all women, it doesn't mean they all hate every woman (some people, man or woman, are just generally shitty), and it doesn't mean they're all desperate.
If anything, what appears desperate is your quick defense of… seemingly no one.
Get out, mockingbird.

I highly suggest you guys experiment with fractals, particularly the primitive fractal shape, the Mandelbrot set. It is mathematical in nature, but is routinely rendered in ever more miniscule detail. With zooming and other transforms, you can almost see 3d objects with textures; this principal can be applied to the third dimension as well, turning our mandelbrot set into a mandelbulb. Fractals like these mutate as they are zoomed in on, while still following general sets of parameters, though there are distinctly different patterns in different regions of the set.

If we found some way to comprehensively and meaningfully map this, we might eventually be able to use this to index information, or as a library or a source of random information. You could encode an image based on a set of coordinates with arbitrary precision, image size and "iterations" (basically increasingly complex repetitions). Currently the most difficult part is that when a user wants to traverse the set, they must render their scene (the session at least) from scratch each time. But as the set is infinitely infinite, with ever increasing detail even on superficially boring/simple areas.

There exists free software that lets you explore and create 2d and 3d fractals, for 2d I recommend UltraFractal (free trial, one time purchase), and 3d I recommend mandelbulber (free, haven't used as much).

With a method called a "superpalette" artists are capable of (finding? creating?) words within the set. If it really goes on forever, then somewhere inside of the set exists a portion that could be interpreted somehow as Humanity's genetic information, or anything else we might need to know. If we are capable of identifying such structures, we can then attempt to search for them. Or maybe we'll get AI who can do all of the above way better than us. Who knows what comes after that.

Tips on mastering emotional transmutation? Is it just a matter of practice?

meditation, so breathing and thought cataloging/ordering

Have you tried psilocybin?

MGTOW is truth, friend. Did you move to PUA stuff, or Tradcuckery?

For one, esoteric texts must have outnumbered formal mathematics and physics texts by orders of magnitude, so there was a lot more to read. Secondly, he most likely died from mercury poisoning due to his exoteric alchemy practice….
Either way, alchemy and esoterism ruled for thousands of years. 100 years ago, 99.999999999% of mathmeticians and scientists stopped giving a shit about esoteric alchemy and, lo and behold, we have much more control over nature than Newton or anyone in the 18th century could have imagined.

I like esoteric threads, at least I find good stuff in them. But we don't need multiple threads.

Thanks. I need to make meditation a regularity.

Yes, but not since I began reading esoteric texts.

Psilocybin is the Aryan philosopher's stone.

I exited with MGTOW.
I'm going to be as frank with you about this as I've ever been: it's social engineering.
Sure, your first response is a hurried resentment of the idea, as mine was too.
However, you'll notice the amount of heat deployed against them will cause most to think
I've surmised, and while I'm still not 100% about the theory yet, that the powers that be wish to keep the likes of NLP away from us, used in PUA and other such communities.
The biggest thing you and anyone in your position can do for yourself is stay in the buffer zone with things like this.
What do I mean by that? Well, put simply (I hope), inherit desires we all seek are the easiest to manipulate us through (ie. sexual/reproductive desire, spirituality, physical health), and give way to the likes of organized pussy-get clubs (PUA, MGTOW, RSD, etc.), organized religion (christianity - the lesser of the three evils, Religion of Cuck™, judaism, etc.) and shit like fagism.
The reason I think there's push back from mainstream is the result of the mockingbird's lack of desire for the exposure of mind control/SE techniques.

This is the most basic way i can explain it. Yes, my argument is a bad apples argument. No, I don't think MGTOW in its entirety is bad. No, I don't think or care about pickup anymore.

Want something that will really help you from all of that stuff? Look up something called
Understanding this concept, along with framing, shit-tests, and the self-bettering aspects of these communities, will give you all you really need.

Hopefully this is what you need to exit too. The matrix tells us,
But they're fucking wrong.

Here's noted sane, rational person GaruchillaJoe talking about how gangstalking cars are controlled by the same kind of A.I. used in Grand Theft Auto V.

But do the gangstalking cars also spawn just barely outside your own field of view just like in GTA V?

I'll throw another breadcrumb out while I'm here.
And don't get me wrong, I'm here to watch. I don't care if you listen to what I have to say, and I don't care if you use what I give you, or even give a damn at all, but if I can pull you guys out of what I was in any sooner than I got out, then that's enough for me.

Here goes:
First, you'll need to look up MKOften
Second, you need to understand that some drugs are good for mind control and that some are bad
Now, I'm not going to claim I know everything about every drug, or even super accurately how to classify them like this, but there are verifiable and certainly tangible differences that certain drugs have on the mind, and plenty of them very greatly.

Here's a quick list:
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (especially)

Finally, try DMT - I implore you. Even if it's just once.

Opium is good?

In a pure state, I would argue.

See, this is the problem with DMT, too.
Some drugs are fine pure, but others fuck with you due to the tainted abstraction they've come up with.

BUT, moderation is key, as with any substance which alters the mind.

in addition to meditation you can just be mindful about what your thoughts and feelings are doing and what/how your subconscious already transmutes naturally - being able to see a transmutation occur on its own as it happens will give you some insight to the process and maybe how to better control/utilize it for yourself. then you can try try to replicate or do little experiments with those more common/subtle/basic transmutations that are easier for you to do. pretty much just be on the lookout for any new or relevant knowledge and then think about it / test it out to see if it's something useful. creativity helps. pretty basic but that's all i got
there's also that thing where if your brain does something over and over it becomes better at it. like if you watch porn it creates pathways that make your brain better and more efficient at leading you to look at porn over and over again, or if you constantly exert large amounts of willpower and practice discipline you'll get better at it and it becomes easier etc. so yes, it is partially a matter of practice. and you'd be surprised how far you can get with just brute forcing based off of a relatively small amount of good knowledge (not that this is always the best strategy)
and with the geometry and symbol stuff you can just look at them and try to figure out what they mean from a metaphorical explanation (this is an almost worthless explanation but i dont know how to articulate what i mean. you can use them sort of like a prezi template and more). just dont neglect study/use of the symbols because they actually do have uses that can go pretty deep.

Is pic related good advice?

do we? i mean i guess either way the answer is yes but you get the point

Good explanation actually, thanks. I want to get good at it, so I can be more productive. It'd be nice to be able to quickly transmute excitement when working on something tedious or unpleasant, or composure in stressful situations.

More sanity from GaruchillaJoe about how the Freemasons are in a conspiracy with the telecoms to prevent his mother from getting high-speed Internet and satellite TV.

Posts MGTOW link and qoute that I'm going to ignore.
talking to himself.
ignores what I said…

I just said don't star gaze at women you're not intimate with like you're in love or trying to force a connection. I'm not one of you pathetic youngfags. I'm very good at talking with women and I'm not young so I was just trying to help you skip a step and a mistake I made a long time ago but you had to act like a little bitch and go full Cultural marxism (mgtow).

Brown pill is better than the green pill tbqh

That book gets EVERYTHING WRONG… It mixes up concepts. There is no fucking way it was written in ancient Egypt. It's New Age as fuck.
If you can't explain why this shit can help you then it hasn't and you don't have a grasp on your hobby or your own life. No self awareness.
I wonder why Newton's great works were all those things you're negating. And Netwon lived in a pre-science or beginning science era. Esoterics were meaningful then… I don't think it has value now if you can't even explain your obsession with it and how it has improved your life. The fact is they milked it for all it's worth and now it's just people who want to live delusional narcissistic lives.
You should be studying philosophy instead but I have to explain that to you because you read it the way you wanted to. Defensive much?
So is model building superheros and anime but they don't act like they have some secret knowledge and PUSH PUSH PUSH it all over the chans to people. And mock people who ask why they think it's some elite intellectualism.

You don't even know why you're into esoteric books and that should be a sign to you.

Why do esoteric threads always lead to drug abuse?

You have to learn how to understand your emotions. You think /fringe/ can teach you how to be stoic? You're dead wrong.

It's great advice.

Now ask these fringe anons, "how does this help you EVER in life?!? Then they will shrivle."

How has this helped you in life?

Perhaps because all European religions include the use of entheogens as well as meditative and ritual practices meant to induce altered states.

Understanding pic related's symbols will provide much more power over the universe.

reading about things like stoicism and other philosophies can help out with understanding and accumulation of building blocks. even good fiction has plenty of relevancy

how so? i definitely dont think it's all perfect but what do you think is wrong with it?
i really just dont feel like getting into all the details of "how it has helped me" since that would be a long explanation and i think you would argue and misunderstand what i say so what's the point. i also think it's futile to try to explain these things like this to a person who doesnt understand them
this is strange. are you sure you're not projecting?
esoterics were treated the same. when newton first started talking about gravity, people (probably similar to you) thought it was just a bunch of esoteric bs.
i'm pretty sure we have different understandings of some of the semantics involved here
again, my point was that you are trying to act like they are both completely different things that have no relation between each other etc. seems like d&c. if you dont like this thread feel free to sage and leave. to imply that the esoteric works have zero use is stubbornly ignorant
surely you're aware of the flaw in this comparison
for one, do you know what the word esoteric even means? also what itt made you think that we're acting "like we have some secret knowledge"? also why are some of newtons major esoteric works locked up away from the goyim in the library of jerusalem?
more silliness here. maybe YOU dont know why

dammit nigger when did i say anything about drugs. because i advocated meditation and mindfulness? if anything that's the opposite

Yeah managed by a priestess class, and Druids, Brahmans, sages. Not by suggesting drug abuse on the internet. You could destroy this anons life doing that.

you're really grasping at straws here. why dont you spam this pilpul shit in the other threads?
and even if anons itt did explain how esoterics helped them you would just say something along the lines of "you could have done that better with the use of philosophy books instead"

and yet you're here criticizing the knowledge and attempted attainment of the knowledge of those very groups. why dont you just sage and leave? are you jewish?

There would also be no derail potential if the fedoras, as well as the cucks who pretend to be fedoras, were banned instantly. And we both know who is the one always starting shit, as you have demonstrably shown in this topic.

Explain how this figure explains the atomic orbital

The Seven Laws for one thing. It's all ass backwards.
It hasn't helped you.
And the fact is gravity, mental symbolism, quantum physics, mind control, and all the things you claim are esoteric were already written in Philosophy. But philosophy can actually help you in life. See my point?
If you wanted to learn about magic you should study where the mages came from, Zoroastrianism. If you wanted to learn Zoroastrianism and instead started reading up on Star Wars, someone like me might ask you why are you doing that?
Philosophy > esotericism
Why waist your time when you have so far to go? And why are philosophy threads banned here but not cuckchan?

Dude stop saying that in all THREE of your threads.
That's exactly what you do.
I'm sure it's because Newton taught Jews some secret magic that allows them to time travel or fly through space. Or maybe it's because kikes are fucking assholes, just like the Vatican.
You can't even explain what esoteric larp books have done for you. You've avoided the question for three posts now. You don't know what's really going on. You said "knowledge" but useless knowledge = hobby


kek… pathetic

And I'd be correct.

Joseph Cambell is philosophy not esoterics. He's teaching HISTORY here, not hidden mysticism.

Why are you even 'waisting' your time in this thread, (15)?

Are you unironically promoting Plato's theory that everything in the universe is composed of 5 platonic solids? I swear, everyone I meet who is into "sacred geometry" doesn't even understand basic geometric mathematics like Euler's formula

I want to know the attraction. You should of assumed that already.

So I'll ask you all again, what has reading these esoteric new age books claiming ancient wisdom done for you, how has it helped you improve your life? Why not read phiosophy if it has the same truths, is actually from ancient times, but better works by better men with better filteration for 3000yrs of study that can actually help you?

I understand reading the Veddas, it's a historic piece of lit and you can learn about the past. But wtf are you going to do with greenpill shit except become more degenerate?


I've read the first 4 books on that list and yes, they have changed how I look at all the various challenges of life: it makes sense that if you study one thing you'll have studied all things. None of what I've read so fear is about "ghosts in your heads". Seems just to be about principles if self-governance and "deeper" understanding.
Explain pls.

They aren't mutually exclusive. Most of us have finished university after all, and we don't truly have power of the universe, not to mention that as you pursuit deeper and deeper mathematics, it begins to resemble the occult.

The esoteric is philosophy. We study it to find more to this world, as we realize how fulfilling our desires only provides temporary hapiness and nothing here would truly make us happens.


Internal. How my mind works on one study is the same as on all studies.

anyone else into esoteric lotr?

Read it just recently, was watchful and noticed that the Ring is mentioned int the pages 13, 33, etc.
Also the Lord of the Rings is Saturn, the other being planets. Shit's intense when your realize that Saturn is the lord of time, jews and everything that binds us to this loosh farm of a planet.
How long has it been going on?

Philosophy is esoteric, something which is not known to the masses. In his historical analyses, he drew from religious traditions and mystery cults. One of the sub-themes of The Hero with a Thousand Faces is how the individual transformation process is integrated into society through participatory rituals which can be considered esoteric due to their aspect of being hidden for the purpose of requiring the initiate to learn as part of the ritual.

Explain what powers of the universe humans don't get from physics, that they do get from esoteric texts.
No it doesn't. It looks like Bayesian logic, not platonic solids and astrology.
so is the Koran but that doesn't make muslims any more in-tune with reality

I don't entirely agree. I'm not inclined to linear thinking so latin, logic and history did and does more for me than math or physics.

But physics and math built the computer and internet infrastructure you're communicating this idea to me over so you're 100% incorrect

explaining to you how esotericism helps me would be like explaining to an atheist how religion helps me. it's an exercise in futility. if you made the same argument about neitzsche (which could just as easily be done) and asked how he helped me i would have a similar reaction - would my refusal to provide an answer mean philosophy is useless?
how does the philosophy help in life where esoterics dont/cant?
and have you ever thought that maybe esoteric circles dont like to open up to all the public because of insufferable faggots like yourself? what have you provided that has any value? how have your posts helped you in life?

it's irritating how many people are so unable to see the similarities and overlaps between different fields and concepts

Too shallow honestly…

It says it in the post for fucks sakes.
How? People who study philosophy can say how and even qoute things. Why can't you?
That doesn't make sense. I think you're talking about discipline not knowledge

It's exoteric and is very well known to the masses. WTF do you consider masses, everyone of your dumb ass highschool buddies that you hate now or the roasties you resent?

OK so there is at least an answer. But you do realize weren't not ancient men right? That stories of ritual can't apply to improvements in modern times the same way dancing in ritual at a camp fire and larping as a viking will make you degenerate right? Unless you're doing it as a larping hobby I guess..
It's because we've moved forward from the primitive culture and modern ritual needs to have a modern aspect that leads to something worthwhile, like getting your Driver's License is a modern right of passage.


Getting a STEM job will do neither of the things you mentioned either, those goals you mentioned are 100% personal and up to you

I see, so you really are here just to shitpost.

REligous people do this all the time.
BULLSHIT. Understanding the bases of will to power is easy to explain to normies and religous people as to why it would help you be more aware of your willpower and divisive mental states of other wills within you.
Philosophy teaches applicable wisdom. Esoterics teaches nothing but rabbit holes, a sense of false superiority to the "uninitiated" and the only good it does can be found in philosophy 1000fold times better.
No I think you people can't deal with someone smarter than you and you want to feel superior and maybe participate in sex magick.

filter this mundane kike faggot and be done with it, don't give it any time or energy.

The men going there own way shit is just a weak cop out for guys who have no will power and weak self esteem

You all should have filtered him when he posted a picture from a Hollywood Super Hero movie, he's reddit tier.

What would you like me to qoute for you? That's a weird way of measuring up things. If something doesn't generate a list of one-lines it's worthless?
Also still no ghosts.

I don't get you. And you've added nothing but rhetorical questions. I'll keep reading that list, thank you.


He wants you to quote The Dark Knight and Star Wars, that's what enlightened STEMlords do.

On Synchronicity by Carl Jung

Jung was aware of the power of dubs long before we were.

"Some men just want to watch treads burn."
– The Dank Knight

Getting a good job that has potential to give you tools that might help your race like nanobots or computer hacks or bio warfair… You're fucking crazy if you think getting a STEM job isn't far superior to magick larping. Also money is the key to oppertunity in improving your life. Maybe you're living off your rich parents but most people can't.

I'm wrong? Camp firing ritual magic has helped you how in life?

Because you're so superior in knowledge?

You don't have to bitch and complain. Just say you can't answer me and I won't ask you anymore. Fucking coward

phantoms not ghosts (thought forms)
You said it helped and I said how? Most people who read philosophy can say how, even qoute shit. Stop filtering the words and looking for excuses.

Top Kek, where'd you hear that from?


The entire point Campbell was making was that such rituals were carried out in order to increase community cohesion and transfer ideology from generation to generation. Our lack of such rituals in the modern day is directly related to the dissolution of our societies.

Stop feeding this cosmopolitan Jew just filter and move on

Sorry you don't understand Pythagorean thought. Don't be so bitter it makes you cringey. Pythagoras was more concerned with music and harmonics. What we call math now has little to nothing to do with what they studied. But retards will always be retards and that makes me just as bad for trying to explain Pythagorean thought to some faggot who posts joker memes. Just keep doing what you do this stuff isn't for you.

True but you can't use the old ones and dress up like Druid. It makes you into an asshole, not a Druid.


I understand it perfectly. We call it sceince now larper.

pic related holds greater truths about the universe than your entire folder of random esoteric symbology infographics

explain it for us please

Which philosopher are you qouting for this one? And are you actually a nigger? You talk like one.

Esoteric 101: words are just containers.
It helped: Before I saw myself as an "individual"(TM) and measured myself by all kinds of external standards and goals. Now, after reading those books (and I'm on noob-tier) I see myself as energy and mind. This has helped me greatly improve self-governance, aka. my ability to Will myself to do what my mind would like to see manifest.
Still just rhetorical. Nothing of value was added.

Neither of my parents are around anymore, I'm in the trades and have been for a few years, if money is the end all be all to happiness and life improvement then I've got it made, but you see there is much more to life then just superficial things like paper "wealth" that make you a truly wealthy person and you're just closing it out of you're life due to ignorance and an unwillingness to Branch out and reach into your history. But your post in this thread point me to believe you're either a Jew who despises anything involving this type of thought or you're a shit skin who just can't grasp it

anybody here mess around with chakras?

that looks pretty esoteric to me. thanks, i'll add it to my folder

Here's a quote for you:

t. "Mind Power" by Atkinson

According to you, an unintelligent nobody.

You sound like Jim Carrey and Oprah, but OK. If it helped.

Money is oppertunity. Think about how many more books you could read and places you could explore to find "esoteric" knowledge if you didn't have to work.

So you think dressing up like a Druid and doing rituals will bring our community together?

You are the joke that keeps on giving.

If someone wanted to join, they had to take a five year vow of silence while learning. They also were of course vegetarians. You can't gain any real esoteric knowledge while consuming flesh. The consumption of flesh binds you to the demiurge.

It's just a "3D" visualization of Euler's formula, which explains the relationship between triginometric functions and complex exponential functions.

It is if you consider a math textbook to be an esoteric text

I also say things that sound like things that rapists and Nazis "would say". According to some. So what?

More "do this and then you'll get magic". Again we live in modern times. That shit is just larping now.

Is Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine a good source of knowledge on these things?

What is the Holla Forums verdict on Theosophy?


Because it's New Age bullshit. You want to pretend you don't have a body and you are made of "energy waves" go ahead. It's not going to help the Aryan race.

No. Go read it. It specificity speaks against New Age bullshit. Stop pretending to know things you don't know.


Which math textbook, and can you tell me how Euler's Formula, in particular, has helped you in your life. Has it taught you bio warfair?

I did read some of those books. That's why I'm asking anons WTF is the appeal because it was pleb philosophy and New Age bullshit.

I said if you had money you could read more. Higher pay = less work

user pls. he is hopeless. look at the reply that was spawned by him

really? i've been getting more and more interested in removing animals from my diet for a while now (main thing holding me back is probably the pound of meat i eat every day for gainz). maybe this is rationalization or excuses, but i've been under the impression that if the animal was raised/treated/ well and killed in a good way, or hunted in a good way then it's fine


pic related says otherwise faggot

When I first found the redpill, I did not eat. I fasted for months, only drinking water and eating vegetables here and there. I felt my body reset, my testosterone increase.. Is there a link between fasting and enlightenment?

Which math textbook, and can you tell me how Euler's Formula, in particular, has helped you in your life?

His only accomplisments before going INSANE were in science faggot. His entire life ended up being a donation to the Jew World Order in the end.

no. But it can give you a different perspective for a time to think differently

Math helped me learn to count, get employed so I didn't starve to death or live in homeless shelters, not have money stolen… I could go on. But for others it BUILT THE FUCKING WORLD.

Praising vegetarianism on this board gets you banned, so I'll just say this. You are what you eat is far truer a saying than many people care to imagine.

Waste of trips for a veggie fag.

I'm a hindu cow

go ahead, let everybody here know that you think pic related doesnt help the aryan race

i wonder if aurochs tasted better than regular beef

When you eat meat, you're not consuming life, you're consuming death.

No shit.


I'm not talking about mathematics in general, nor am I talking about counting. Stop creating a strawman. I'm asking you about which textbook you used , and how Euler's Formula–in particular–helped you in your life?

Please stop feeding the shill guys he's killing this thread don't let him to that, I'm Shure it's the same fag from the psych thread as well

I don't know any cucks named Chris, but I'll keep an eye out.

Learn his science and build a remote control toy car that runs on ether.
Other than that the Jews stole his work because he ended as a babbling insane fool.

Never read it, so it never helped me because I never read it.

Careful, or I'll start teaching you about gasoline again.



and adolf hitler the ultimate avatar? it's a pretty good book isnt it? very esoteric

That painting is worth consideration. The problem with Holla Forums's antipathy with Christ, however understandable and reasonable it is to hate all things associated with that Jew demon (((YHWH))), it still comes from many people's habit of taking things at face value. Those who hate the Christ figure need to take into account how blatantly false a good majority of the Bible is. Is it unreasonable to think that the notion of a Jewish Jesus is also a fabrication?

I'll give you two axioms about Jesus:

1. He was a real, living person who actually existed and genuinely promoted values that most can agree are good.

2. He wasn't a damn dirty Jew. If he wasn't Jewish, we can throw out the stories where he is depicted berating a gentile woman, or leading a Zealot Zionist movement, despite what the false Bible says.

Ultimately if either of these are proven untrue, there's no reason not to throw the whole Bible away. Otherwise, the Christ figure and the value he represented can still be useful, after sloughing off the detritus.

Euler’s identity is arguably the greatest achievement in all of mathematics because it merges all the most important numbers of mathematics in one, simple equation. Everything useful in math, from Fourier transforms to quantum mechanics depends on Euler's findings. It's the key that made complex modern physics viable, mathematically.

I don't agree
He was a Rabbi

How has it helped you in your life?

The meme is good, as a historical comparison to Veddic teachings. As for the rest it's bullshit.

when you consume vegetation you're also consuming death dumbass



is correct

is a kike

The Dead Sea materials prove that Semites invented their messiah over hundreds of years by amalgamating multiple religious revolutionaries. Yeshua only ever existed as a symbol of many Semites whose aims were the establishment of a new Zionism which rejected the foreign occupation tolerated by other Israelite sects. Worship of the idol Yeshua contaminates one's soul with the evil of Semites and makes one subservient to that vile race.

All you have done is broaden the question, not answer it. How has euler's formula helped you in your life?

According to the Bible.

Does anyone have any proof that this shit works? Right now this is coming across as the occult version of bro science.

Euler's formula is the foundation of all complex mathematics, which has led to nearly all modern technology and physical understanding. You might as well ask
How has alternating current helped your life?
How have satellites helped your life?
How has the ability to send and decode complex signals, like cell phone and radar pings, helped your life?
How has the development of an atomic model helped modern medicine?

yeah, all those high ranking actual nazis that taught Serrano about the esoteric side of things were just larping and feeding him bs, right? things like the black sun on the floor in pic related were just for simple decoration and had no meaning, right?

I do think the Messiah crap was a real thing, just unrelated to the actual Christ.

That's because most of this is occult bro science.

You have no basis for such a belief other than your inability to discard the falsehoods you've been taught. There was no actual Christ, and all of those whose lives formed the basis for that idol as well as all of those who performed that formation were Semites.

Elictricity helps even those that do not understand it. What you have brought up is many levels of abstraction above what is being talked about. How has euler's formula helped you in your life?

Serrano writes wild shit and claims he was Jung's best friend, and that as you say the High ranks taught him this… I find it dubious to say the least.
That was an ancient castle and the inlay was made long ago for a golden sun they through in the water and found recently made of 24k gold. It's a cool meme but I wouldn't base my life on something a guy from South America wrote about it.

By this time, the poster must be thoroughly confused. The "Semites" are really the "anti-
Semites" or Canaanites, the heirs of the Curse of Canaan, whose corrupt acts are dictated by the
Will of Canaan; the true Semites are the fair-haired warriors who built one great civilization
after another-then how do we recognize these various forces in today's world? "By their deeds
ye shall know them." Those who are engaged in murderous conspiracies, those whose only
loyalty is to secret international organizations, those who promote the use of drugs, bizarre
sexual practices, and criminal undertakings, in short, those who continue the rebellion against
God, these are the Canaanites, the anti-Semites. Those who remain true to Christ are the
Semites. Despite great calamities and the sweep of powerful historical forces, the genetic pools
of the original people of Shem, as well as those of the Canaanites, remain fairly consistent. How
do we recognize the one group from the other? You should have no problem in looking about
you and deciding who are the true descendants of Shem, often fair-haired, fair-skinned,
predominantly blue-eyed, healthy, creative, productive, proud, disdaining to engage in any
dishonest activity, and always fiercely individualistic, these are the people who remain true to
the tradition of the people of Shem. The Canaanites, on the other hand, are generally shorter,
darker, more furtive, and almost always engaged in some type of criminal activity, usually with
special government approval or license. Roget equates license with "anarchy, interregnum, mob
rule, mob law, lynch law, nihilism, reign of violence," in other words, the acts of the Canaanites;
yet in the United States today, we have imposed on the citizens requirements for license to do
any of the things free men would not be licensed to do; to drive or own a car, to engage in a
profession, and many other intrusions into the individuality of the people of Shem. "License,"
which does not appear in the Constitution written by and for the people of Shem, means setting
up requirements that only the Canaanites can meet, or license which only the secret clubs of the
Canaanites will grant to their own; no others need apply. This is the cohesiveness required by
the Will of Canaan in everything they do, socialistic and communistic, the individual submerged
in the mass, and committed to conspiratorial social and business practices. They are also
frequently involved in some sort of extracurricular sexual activity which can be traced directly
back to the orgies of Baal, human sacrifice, and obscene sexual rites. At the same time, these
"anti-Semites" will go to great lengths to conceal their true identity and their real loyalties. In
their communities, they are often found to be leaders in activities advertised as "compassionate"
and "caring"; they are often to be found in government offices, in the media, and in the
educational institutions. In these areas, they ruthlessly promote the interests of their own kind,
while presenting a solid phalanx of opposition to any one of the individualistic descendants of
Shem who enter these professions. The great asset of the Canaanites is that the people of Shem
have no idea what is going on; they rarely find success in a profession despite their great natural
talents and appetite for hard work. Throughout their careers, they are oppressed by the
realization that "luck" never seems to favor them while others find promotion almost automatic,
if they are members of their rivals, the Canaanites. Now time grows short. History will not allow
the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize
what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacre and genocide for centuries, the
people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and
finally, a goal which they hope to achieve by the end of this millenium.

Kenite retard. Different tribe

Canaan was also White. Dummy.

Personally, I use it in Fourier analyses, which I use to decode signals, which I won't specify further. I use it all the time for work, which wouldn't be possible without it. And without my work, things like MRIs wouldn't be possible.

You have no basis for the belief that Jesus was a Jew other than the false Bible.

I put the following together for a different thread altogether. However, that thread has since filled-up. I'm going to post the information here and hope someone finds it useful. Begin:

Sort of; it's not their 'creation' anyway. More like an ancient German doctrine that was ripped-off and repackaged. At least, according to Karl-Maria Wiligut.
From the same source above:

Further Information on Krist
(sloppy google translation) (english translation)

Crucifixion in Goslar