US immigration population hits record 60 million, 1-of-5 in nation standing next to you==
A huge boom in immigration, legal and illegal, over the past 16 years has jumped the immigrant population to over 43 million in the United States, according to a new report.
And when their U.S.-born children are added, the number grows to over 60 million, making the immigrant community nearly one-fifth of the nation's population, according to federal statistics reviewed by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Key findings:

The nation's immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit a record 43.7 million in July 2016, an increase of half a million since 2015, 3.8 million since 2010, and 12.6 million since 2000.
As a share of the U.S. population, immigrants (legal and illegal) comprised 13.5 percent, or one out of eight U.S. residents in 2016, the highest percentage in 106 years. As recently as 1980, just one out of 16 residents was foreign-born.
Between 2010 and 2016, 8.1 million new immigrants settled in the United States. New arrivals are offset by the roughly 300,000 immigrants who return home each year and annual natural mortality of about 300,000 among the existing foreign-born population. As a result, growth in the immigrant population was 3.8 million 2010 to 2016.
In addition to immigrants, there were slightly more than 16.6 million U.S.-born minor children with an immigrant parent in 2016, for a total of 60.4 million immigrants and their children in the country. Immigrants and their minor children now account for nearly one in five U.S. residents.
Mexican immigrants (legal and illegal) were by far the largest foreign-born population in the country in 2016. Mexico is the top sending country, with 1.1 million new immigrants arriving from Mexico between 2010 and 2016, or one out of eight new arrivals. However, because of return migration and natural mortality among the existing population, the overall Mexican-born population has not grown in the last six years.
The states with the largest numerical increases in the number of immigrants from 2010 to 2016 were Texas (up 587,889), Florida (up 578,468), California (up 527,234), New York (up 238,503), New Jersey (up 171,504), Massachusetts (up 140,318), Washington (up 134,132), Pennsylvania (up 131,845), Virginia (up 120,050), Maryland (up 118,175), Georgia (up 95,353), Nevada (up 78,341), Arizona (up 78,220), Michigan (up 74,532), Minnesota (up 73,953), and North Carolina (up 70,501).


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Great, just great, a corporate driven genocide.

Not a burgerfriend, are they all holed up in CA or something? how do they compare with the negropithecus?

White Genocide


doesn't surprise me, compared to 7 years ago I am now a minority where I live. Chinese, Koreans, Muslims in burkas and ropes, mexicans and spanish everywhere, even Afrikians in traditional clothing among the niggers, the only immigrants I do not see would be from white european nations.

also it's not like they will ever leave. The get drivers licenses and have ID. If they get pulled over driving they are only ticketed, and their immigration status is assumed to be valid or they are US citizens even though they don't speak english well.

At what point will social handouts collapse and even these insane cunts can't deny we can't handle this influx of takers?

More gibs dependent spics killing off white race and US government for that matter.
This is all democrats want after after all, votes at any cost even if the population was flat out retarded

They all either have jerbs or take gibs to keep them fed and housed. The food comes from somewhere, the housing comes from somewhere. Remove taco, suddenly food is early 2000s level cheap again, suddenly housing is affordable again, suddenly welfare burden is massively reduced and tons of entry level jobs are open.

Get a move on, God Emperor. Sixty gorillion is a lot of removing to do.

I looked into this a few months back and was shocked at what the future holds for our country. A return to 1920's immigration rates is absolutely required to ensure the population mix stays American. It is clear as day if you look at the data. My analysis was quite simplistic but stopped immigration in 2020 and didn't resume immigration again until 2050 where thereafter we use the rolling 100 year average. On the other hand, if we use the 2010 mix rate then we're fucked and will quickly push past 60mm in foreign born…

sort of feels good while feeling bad. good to know that we will more than likely all get to experience a warriors glory. what possible solution - aside from a final solution - is actually plausible for this problem? the only option is W A R - white aryan resistance.

salute brothers. 88. from the north east.

It’s a good thing. Collapse of the welfare system. Not even liberals can keep the Mexicans and blacks in line long enough. This will lead the collapse of the shitskin population

Checked for (((corporate))) driven genocide. There's going to be a reset in this country, and the odds of it being a peaceful one decrease every day that Trump doesn't remove the invaders.

This is a (1) and done demoralization thread. Literally a
All the bumps are also shills backing up OP.

It will collapse when the groups giving handouts are forced to give handouts of their own personal property.
If we exist in a capitalist system and we take wealth from the big producers of capital, shouldn't we start with the capital of our leaders? After all, they've got the most resources to redistribute as they've lived a life of spending other people's money.
Here's a simple fallacy to make Khazar-Babylonian Globalist (because anti-semitisim is a totally different and way worse thing than just racism so you gotta be specific, start practicing before the law gets passed) spin like a dradel:

good observation but my post was not intended to be defeatist in the slightest. on the contrary i find a solace in understanding the magnitude of the tasks at hand - this allows for a better response strategy to be developed. the future spells for war - and it will not be a brothers war like the "war of northern aggression"/"the civil war" was - but a battle to determine whose race will inherit and rightfully rule the western land. the only way to combat the migration and breeding is virtually impossible in our current situation - the response has to be sweeping and based on racial value. the current american citizen is morally degenerated and intellectually ill - not only do they not see a "racial demographic" problem but they more than likely won't even understand the virtuosity that we bring forth. either the battle begins now - without public support and without legal protection - and we lose before the war begins, or we plan accordingly while doing absolutely everything within reach now to prepare ourselves for the future upheaval of the zionist machine.

What the fuck are you going on about?
You're not OP. You're bumping OP's shit thread.

when did i claim i was OP?

i am responding because my post was mentioned in this response - and i was clarifying the intent behind . merely stating i am not a shabbo and that my post was supposed to be optimistic - history proves that the white aryan strength always defeats the subhuman monster.

I never fucking called your post defeatist or demoralizing, I said you're promoting OP shit thread.
Christ you're retarded.

A hard reset in this country is exactly what it needs. There's no black pill there, it's hope for the future RWDS.

14/88. going to stop bumping needlessly. salute bro.

In the event of a significant natural disaster expect the anti-white sentiment of popular culture to become permission to execute us for resources. Prepare accordingly.

Wake the fuck up faggot, 1/4 mile of wall prototype, HYUGE raids of 400 spics ICEd, and amnesty won't save our race


ICE deports something like .7 illegals per employee per month. It's simply wishful thinking that they accomplish much. People are being fooled by the propaganda.

drumpf never cared about white people. He was a CivNat through and through, and anybody who thought otherwise was just fooling themselves and falling for jimchan propaganda. The goal of running drumpf was to keep the white race quiet for the last few years it takes to finally drown us underneath a tide of shitkins. I could think of 50 totally legal, totally constitutional things drumpf could do right now as president without requiring any approval from congress to start tackling our problems not as a nation but as a people. drumpf would rather run out the clock and collect his winnings - a political dynasty for his family. Really, the only people getting screwed in this is the white race, and when was the last time that wasn't the case?

There is always another option…

Kennedy and LBJ were a colossal mistake. and jews of course

I was pointing out the aim of democratic party, that's all. Not defeatism. It's simple as that.
Democrats, greens and commies depend on fucksticks that leech off welfare and have 80~ IQ.

Soon the gibs funtain will run dry, first in states like California where there's several state gibs in addition to federal gibs. There's not even incentives to get off the gibs me dat train anymore, states like CA give EBT cards out with food AND cash credit so you can pull cash out like a debit card on EBT to go buy your drugs and booze. All on taxpayer dime. Why work when you can just get everything free, even booze and drugs?



pic related, consider it.

Do what democrats always do.
Blame white people and tax them more, colored people are oppressed.
Print more fiat money that always worked

And thanks to drumpf, TX will be permanent spic blue by either 2020, or certainly by 2024. It was a good run guys. Maybe if we'd gone full accelerationist and elected hillary, enough things would be happening right now that whites would be in open revolt. The blue pill is going back to sleep and trusting that drumpf will do absolutely anything but wittily preside over the final jewish destruction of anything white left in America.


I was active both here and on t_D prior to Trump (and several other social media platforms) winning. Upon Trump winning I was BANNED from both t_D and the largest pro-Trump Facebook group. It's not "cognitive dissonance" it's simply a matter that those who expressed their own opinion have been banned and silenced, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people were banned.

you khazars need to hide better, haven't you heard?

Ok, so we need a plan. What's the plan? Website that tells you who to vote for based on ideology, corruption and kikery? Do we create our own database of illegals? How can I deport a spic without relying on the government?


awwww is the bog demprah letting you down? Maybe a little cognitive dissonance brewing? Don't worry, big boy, I'm sure there will be a hundred thousand spics along soon enough to destroy your town and leave you as a confused and dispossessed minority on the land your ancestors conquered. How is drumpf doing on prosecuting the Wall St. kikes who impoverish a thousand white families a day with fraud; money printing; and nakedly illegal financial practices?

I'm doing well enough for you to stop saging, moshie.

will get you ignored. Otherwise I can't disagree with you.

This is roughly the conclusion I came to this spring. I didn't trust trump but I knew his charisma and rhetoric could beat hillary, and I believed he meant at least some of it especially foreign policy. I thought outright revolt was more likely with her, but also more foreign war.

I went there solely to spread redpills and info on clinton's side, neither of us are who I am talking about.

Nah, that's you. You're the one who's got a clear narrative standard this place needs to hold to - blind worship of drumpf and his naked, unapologetic betrayal of everything the white electorate asked him to do. You do realize that many of us sort of saw this coming, right, and were expecting to receive another round of politicians' promises and then nothing but three inches of circumcised jewish dick… right?

Leftypol asshurt through the roof

I'm born and raised in California. In my 30s. The population here has at least doubled if not almost tripled in my life time. They LIE about how many people are living here. It's probably closer to 50m than 30m.

Not surprised at all. My state (Florida) will go blue within the coming 10 years, maybe less. We're absolutely flooded with spics, arabs and haitian niggers. Housing prices are sky-high, and will probably implode soon. All available land is being plowed down to make room for more concrete filing cabinets to stuff shitskins and white trash into. We're basically an even more degenerate and hopeless California.

Got my treads confused, sir.
not shit we all saw coming just how you are about it

The thing that really depresses me is just how dumb so many people here are. I never thought Trump was a secret White nationalist so maybe that's why I have a cool head on this matter and am not spazzing out. But even if he was a secret White nationalist, he can't just do constitutional things to 14. These people who are wringing their hands over Trump not openly coming out and proclaiming that America is a White nation and the Jews are to blame for the Iraq war have to be idiots. No one ever does anything openly in politics.
I think the problem is low IQ. People expect politicians to come out and openly endorse things that they're trying to achieve instead of being clever. They want a "what you see is what you get" leader who is 100% honest, even to the Jews and a black & white, good vs evil conflict instead of the multi-dimensional clusterfuck we call "politics."
Of course ironically this is exactly what the Jews want. They want honest politicians because they're easy to outwit and isolate. We live in a Jewish world and we must play by Jewish rules. Openly opposing the Jews is a fine way to get yourself killed politically… and often literally. Smart secret White nationalists are undercover lovers.

But again, do I think Trump is an undercover lover? No. I think Trump is JQed alright you cannot survive in NYC without understanding the power of the Jews and has a clearer grasp of what's going on than both Trump factions on Holla Forums do. However he just strikes me as an opportunist who figures he might as well loot while the looting's good. He probably doesn't really care if America becomes non-White because he's wealthy & doesn't need to worry about forced diversity. And he doesn't care about Americans because frankly, White Americans seem like brainless cowards more afraid of being labeled a racist than protecting their children's future. And it's true.
But, he is also a decent man that the Jews don't fully control like Clinton or McCain. That is why they fear and hate him so much. If Trump saw an opportunity that didn't include them, he'd take it in a heartbeat.

What would be so hard about siccing the SEC on Goldman Sachs once and for all? One bright and early morning in the spring, FBI agents could have burst through the front doors of the GS offices in New York and started confiscating computers and property, all the way up to the top floor. That didn't happen though. The same people who are flooding our nation with shitskins and wrecking its economy are those who put drumpf into power in the first place. All it would take is enforcing laws already in place, and he could jail tens of thousands of finance jews in a very short order. I guess that promise of a sweet, sweet political dynasty was an offer too good for drumpf to pass up.

The illegal immigration issue is just one in a long train of deceptions and abuses perpetrated by drumpf against the american people. He's worse than useless, because the /r/T_D crowd unironically worships as dog emprah and will happily go to the wall to keep us from doing any of the work that needs to be done to secure the mere survival - forget prosperity - of the white race.

Again, what's the plan? If we aren't going to coordinate voting then what, violence?

There is much to be said here & I'm half of mind to agree with you. I am an accelerationist myself. You say that if Hillary was elected instead of Trump, we might be in a civil war right now because she is so corrupt that it might push Americans over the edge.
Maybe… but her husband was equally corrupt and equally terrible and that didn't start a civil war. Hillary is less charismatic than Bill, but that doesn't mean America would fall apart. Germany is probably the least representative country led by the most insane freak ever spawned by the Jews and yet they are not in revolt because the police state there is total. Everyone here knows that Hillary would have pushed for German style "anti-hate" laws in the USA. She'd turn us into Germany. Would that trigger a civil war? I wish I could believe Americans had the spine for it.

The thing that most anons miss is this; power matters. And revolutions and civil wars are rarely kicked off by those not already in a position of power. Almost no successful revolutions have been achieved without significant help from some part of the governmental structure. In this country, it would take at least multiple governors or a coalition of Congressmen outright calling for secession or a march on DC to actually kick off hostilities. Anything less than that, and it's simply not happening.

I know, I'm being halfway sarcastic myself, I just don't know what else we can do. We'll never be allowed to vote our way out of this and I don't see a nazi parade downtown smashing jewish shop windows and beating up heebs that I can join, because trust me, I would at the drop of a hat.
I keep hoping that when the penalties for speech are the same as the penalties for throwing a bomb, there's no longer any reason to speak instead of throwing a bomb.

Maybe because Goldman Sachs is powerful & has powerful friends. You think the pressure against Trump is bad now? Use your imagination.
Trump has a family, you know. So even if he were willing to risk his life for America, do you really think he'd be willing to risk his family's lives too? You point out that all it would take is enforcing laws already in place and I agree with you. Legally, America should not be flooded with 3rd world trash. Legally, America shouldn't be waging illegal wars for Israel. legally the police shouldn't be harassing and arresting Americans for thought crime "hate" speech.
But do you actually expect the Jews to abide by American laws? Do you really expect them to sit back and allow Trump to enforce the laws when they don't benefit Jews? Is it really a shock to see Jews behave like Jews?
I'm not shocked. I expect this kind of behavior. You should be angry about it, but no one here has any cause to be surprised.

The /r/T_D are just regular Americans. I don't expect them to say 1488. They're Trump fanboys who are ecstatic to see a president, for once in their lives who isn't a cuck. Who doesn't grovel to the left.
However before you start throwing stones, examine your own house. I will assume you live on Holla Forums like I do. You are correct that the Trump fanboys on /r/T_D and here on Holla Forums have a weird messiah mentality. They think Trump will do all their work for them. But so too do many here except instead of Trump saving us its "the next Hitler" or (even more infuriating for me) "Hey fellow anons, you should do X (usually something highly illegal like killing people)" and yet they never have done so themselves. It's infuriating and needs to stop. People need to get out there and do something for fuck sake.
And no. I'm not asking anyone to go do something illegal. All I ask is other people to help me disseminate pro-White propaganda.

Well that planned sure backfired. Trump was actually the accelorationist candidate. If Hillary had won, non-whites, kikes, and leftists would continue resting on their laurels. They wouldn't be out in the streets protesting like they are now and doubling down on their "fuck whitey" narrative. Whites are too docile, and would probably just simper even more while shitskins took away their political power.
A lot of whites are racially aware because of this, and because of Trump's implicitly racialized rhetoric.

Neither do I. And I don't expect to see one. That's not very wise because White people are the kindest race on earth. If we see someone getting "unfairly" hurt, we feel their pain. So beating up random Jews would be counterproductive. In fact, it would accomplish absolutely nothing while being highly detrimental to our cause.
Think about it, I live in an area with no Jews, but in college I knew a few Jews. Say I went up to one of them and stabbed him to death. What have I accomplished exactly? Well, a Jew is dead obviously and now I have given the MSM a hatecrime to slander Whites with. Did his death, the death of one powerless Jew do anything? Not in the slightest. If you think (((Gerald Levin))) cares about the death of one Jew or even 1000 Jews anymore than he can make money off of it, you're overestimating the Jewish capacity for empathy. If you're going to start killing people, don't kill randomly. Kill with intelligence. Strike with ruthless force against important targets.
Not mindlessly like a bunch of hooligans against irrelevant targets.

In short, a revolutionary thinks in 3D. You must attack targets that matter.
And again, I'm not advocating violence yet. That comes later. Now, it would be counterproductive although if you can kill (((Gerald Levin))) (((Bob Igor))) or (((Sumner Redstone))) and get away with it, please do
Now is the time for practical politics, not bombs and bullets.

I concur. I hate to admit it, but you're absolutely right. I think a large problem with people is they realize that the fbi wants to infiltrate organizations and then, like reactionaries instead of 3D thinking revolutionaries, they take the opposite side and proclaim that all organization is bad and we need a bunch of disorganized individuals to strike out in semi random, disorganized fashion against the System.
I have to laugh at these people. No revolution in all of human history has ever occurred without organization. In fact, nothing of any importance politically has happened without it. I laugh at "anarchists" who think this way and I laugh at Holla Forumsacks who think this way. I wish I could somehow sit everyone who wasn't a shill down somewhere and have Golden Dawn members teach us about how and why organization works.

at least out in flyover country, the idea of another clinton presidency, after all the shit before, was unthinkable. It would have taken gun control, another war without a sufficient 9-11 moment or something similar to stir them up enough. So let's say we get some amnesty and some gun control. Great trigger if circumstances are right and with no end in sight with a Clinton in, people thinking elections were rigged, etc. With Trump in, a lot of that feeling is derailed and many people, normalfag conservatives and donald worshippers, will all be more willing to side with the government. And if necessary will be easier to transfer their aggression against muzzies, which they have been primed for a long time now.
that has nothing to do with it. The jews have had a generation to advance their position. The clintons dance to the jews tune, their corruption was just the carrot and stick to aim them.
we already have many places where hate crimes/civil liberties violations verge on this, and given trends, I can picture Trump pushing for something similar. speaking of which, what happened to our resident monkeymask roper?

yeah, this isn't going to be some open revolution or something like the civil war, with everyone deciding to separate themselves formally and draw up lines and each side re-form their militaries and slug it out. Any secession would be so far into it as to not matter

Same here. I don't think of myself as an accelerationist but in practice, the plebs have to be woken up by how hard they're getting fucked, the tv has to go off, etc. We can't afford adjustment periods or it will be 2030 and america will have been londonistan'd.

This is exactly why immigration needs to cease completely. Culture mixing and assimilation has never worked and it never will work, that is just human nature, forcing it leads to the catastrophe we are currently experiencing. Also, why doesn't anyone ever mention how immigration is destroying the countries these people are coming to the US from? Instead of these skilled workers staying in their own country to make it better for future generations they flock to where life is easiest. This is why third world countries have never and will never improve, all the smart people flee for developed western nations because immigration is encouraged over helping ones own people. If immigration does not cease completely we won't have a country in a few more generations because it will be mostly made up of foreigners by then.

Ok, so the plan is acceleration, right?

Considering the feds have spent 20-30 years, or more depending on how you look at it, propagandizing, infiltrating, and setting up people so that organization is almost impossible and ineffective, I don't know how anyone can go about it in a useful way. At least not with present conditions. If they are seen to be incapable of maintaining that control, whether through 'anarchy' or whatever, then the people not beholden to the current system will flock to organize behind anyone they can. I don't see how we can do much beyond prepare for such a time.

absolutely civic

Maybe our best hope is if the global economy totally implodes. In Afghanistan, the "president" is often derisively referred to as the Mayor of Kabul, mocking his inability to project authority into the farther reaches of the mountainous country. Maybe the ultimate fate of FedGov is issuing endless taxes, edicts, and proclamations from the capital, while nobody outside their immediate sphere of violence pays them any mind whatsoever.

Well, sooner or later China is going to blow. The kikes can't keep a lid on that forever, and when China goes, the whole dream evaporates into thin air anyway. We're either on Death's Door or at a major inflection point - we're now accepting bets up to and including your soul. Step right up and try your luck!

I'm h-helping, r-right guys?

Exactly, they magnify the importance of Holla Forums shitposting and memeing beyond all reality, so they end up genuinely believing that anonymous internet activity can affect the power structure in a real way. But it can't. The only thing that topples power is equal or greater power.

USA sent food over to Africans to make their population explode and then sends them to Europe/America generally. :|

I'm in bumfuck Appalachia and I regularly deal with foreigners with little grasp of our language, much less our culture. It's willful ignorance, though. They're just here for the gibs, not assimilation.

That said, the 1 in 5 number HAS to apply to major urban areas, not rural. Unfortunately that means that we have a massive foreign presence occupying our port cities. Which is to say, "globalists have positioned their legions in our strategically vital areas"

NorthEast will be our future homeland until we take back all 50 states. Hail!

I just moved to Spokane thinking I was going to get away from it all and let me tell you, I don't believe the wiki about demographics here AT ALL. It seems like every 4th person here is a shitskin, can't go anywhere without seeing a gaggle of them. Niggers at Starbuck's; spics on the streets - this place needs a cleansing just as badly as everywhere else.

So why did they tolerate the other Clinton? I mean look at his presidency. The ATF & FBI under his administration massacred an entire church including women and children, passed the "assault weponz ban", and conducted one of the most illegal and pointless wars in US history. I mean, don't get me started on Bush and Iraq, but the war on Yugoslavia was 10 times more illegal and against a people who never once even threatened us.
Did all those patriots rise up then?

But I hope you're right. I want to believe that the American White and normal working class are close to the edge and something soon will push us over the edge. The world is full of surprises and it would be the strangest thing to see a demoralized people suddenly reclaim their manhood.

This is correct. Once the System begins to implode, even the feds working within pro-White organizations will be tempted to choose the right side.
The reason why I love Golden Dawn & view them as a pathway to success is because they understood that in order to win against a System you need to provide an alternative to it. Let's say the TWP began forming a parallel society by, of, & for White Americans. A society that "owned" territory and defended it. A society where if you were White and in need, you could seek aid. Be it legal aid, food aid, or career options. If the TWP could do that here, a revolution now would be very beneficial.

is right about it being beneficial if the economy imploded. At least, to an extent.
Let's imagine the System collapsed tomorrow. What would happen?
Well, let's state the obvious first. There is a power vacuum and vacuums do not last very long. So who fills it?
I regularly encounter Holla Forumsacks who automatically assume we will. But that's just nuts. I'm sorry, but it is naïve to the point of insane.
No. If the System collapsed tomorrow, the army would take over. That always happens. If an army doesn't take over, the organized opposition does. But that doesn't exist here yet. So that leaves the army.
And before anyone points out;
remember who runs the army. Neocons. What is a neocon? A traitor. Or more politely, an opportunist. And what happens when an opportunist spots an opportunity?
If and when we "Yugoslavia" ourselves, the intelligent leaders in the army will side with the White working class. I mean, who in their right mind would side with the niggers? Even the Jews will cut them loose so fast their heads will spin.
The neo-cons are White so they'll "side" with White America. But that doesn't mean they'll take down the Jews. Opportunists will be opportunists. Jews are pretty damn good at seeming useful to the ruling class when they need to be. It's the people who suffer.

So as points out, the way to topple a powerful enemy is through a powerful friendly organization of some sort. Bringing down a System is actually the easy part. A dozen men could shut down New York indefinitely so long as they played it smart. That would destroy the economy & the entire System will come crashing down.
But what will replace it?
The NSDAP under Hitler became a parallel society with career advancement opportunities & legal protection & physical protection provided by a paramilitary organization operating everywhere in Germany. Obviously we can't do that just yet because the System is too strong and won't allow it.
Fine. We can play by those rules.
But we can form parallel-parallel organizations. The Mods ban people who approve of the alt-right because it is an alternative to anonymous shitposting. It is the best parallel-parallel society in America. By numbers anyway. The TWP is great, but their numbers are small and their support base unevenly dispersed.

The parallel government model was very successful for Hezbollah in Lebanon, I'll give you that much. But I don't see how we have that kind of time. It took decades of work - food donations; religious development; diplomatic and military wrangling - before Hezbollah was able to field a legitimate army in defense of Lebanon. We don't have those kind of resources or credibility and we're starting from nothing.

It's funny how every fucking canard about the kikes has turned out to be true. They poison the well (fluoride, among other things;) they kidnap and sacrifice goy children in blood rituals; and they open the gates so barbarians can enter. The barbarians are already inside our gates. How much longer can we go on without getting snuffed out completely while we sit here and argue about our impending dooms? I'm not saying I have any better idea of what to do than you do. If I did, I'd be doing it right now.

Traitors first.

If the kikes pull the rug from under the economy there goes their last lifeline. Can't exactly give 'em billions for defense every year with the worst depression ever. I have to think Trump won't bail Wall Street out. And all their economists, college professors, TV talking heads, etc, lose all credibility. No funding for anything, like demographic replacement, the (((arts))), and so on. A lot of people would lose their useless non-productive pozzed jobs. Popular goodwill for them would be non-existent. So they desperately have to keep it afloat, I hope it collapses soon. If they don't do it before 2020 we win, if they wait longer we win too.

Spics from Yakima and Moses Lake have been flowing in for the past 4 years thanks to how cheap it is to live here. Just 8 years ago we had a huge boon of slavic migrants and unfortunately that stopped. Out in the valley as more and more boomers die off with no children to pass there homes down to are left and bought up by pacific islanders from Seattle, you think niggers are dumb? just strike up a conversation with them. I recently moved down to Idaho, and keep telling others up in Spokane that it's filled with racists and skinheads so they don't bring there cancer here. It works, please keep this meme going over there. though the cali tumor known as Sandpoint isn't helping, buy land while you still can out here as prices keep going up.

As to your shitskin problem find a different neighborhood. lower Hillyard is full of crackheads, division is the same just with more blacks. Your best bet is going to be the valley or get out to idaho, Godspeed

Protip show the soles of your feet to the pajeets and indonesians. it's an insult

probably. depends on if they can control the rate it fails. They may just try to rob us blind, sell everything they can to foreigners, and bail out.

to be fair, they didn't have waco ruby ridge okc 911 patriot act surveillance etc etc to show them where the country was heading. many things have stayed the same but… a lot of things have changed
neither did Iraq and we'd been shitting on them since GW1, why they chose balkans instead at that time I don't know but it was all the same to them. It's not like the normies had a clue what was going on, the news was on par with the coverage of syria nowadays.
Not until their own side loses. They are spys and traitors.

There's nothing wrong with your parallel society thing but that's why they won't allow it while they have strength or secret police
>the alt-right is the best parallel-parallel society in America
absolutely not, there are many churches, communities, rural places with less effective gov, informal groups, etc. that do more.

If that, I used to work with a lot of Mexicans and they said if they get pulled over by police and they just pretend to not speak English and have no license they usually are just let go and ignored.

US immigration population hits record 60 million, 1-of-5 in nation
A huge boom in immigration, legal and illegal, over the past 16 years has jumped the immigrant population to over 43 million in the United States, according to a new report.

Full story

What do you think /pol ? Does it make sense? hahaha *tears*.Just at current rates and it's third world in ten years.


Ive lived in fresno california all my life. Beaners arent so bad. They are sort of noisy (they park outside someones house and honk instead of knocking on the door) and a lot of them dont speak english, but mostly they dont cause problems.

Beaners outnumber blacks 5 to 1 and ive still had more problems with blacks than mexicans. Whites are a minority here to put things in perspective.

Young beaners are almost always aggressive as fuck in a retarded macho manner and have literally no tact in personal interactions. Even moreso in Cali than in other places (I'm in Texas now, the beaners are more subdued here but still a problem, I'm from the midwest where beaners only became a problem during Bush43.

Fuck beaners, fuck YOU

Oh and before you say I don't know cali beaners. I was enlisted and stationed in Cali 2002-2004 and know full well.

With whites at less than 60% it's a lot higher than 60 million. Even a lot of those whites are low class immigrants.

(1) doesn’t imply shitpost, some people don’t spend their lives posting.
You are the defeatist if you think 60 million wetbacks is impossible to remove.


Can you imagine the dire situation when a source of future generations is sacrificed to gain a few kills?
I hope we never get near such s point as a people (whites).

Sweden is a paradise compares to this.